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Culinary Terminology and Procedures


Assignment 3 –

Chapter 2
1. What does the term flow food mean?
is the handling or preparation. of food ingredients or products through
the food establishment and. service to a customer.
2. What does the term critical control point mean?
This practical program identifies possible danger points and sets up procedures for
corrective action.
3. What are the seven steps of the HACCP system?
1. Assess hazards.
2. Identify critical control points (CCPs).
3. Set up standards or limits for CCPs.
4. Set up procedures for monitoring CCPs.
5. Establish corrective actions.
6. Set up a recordkeeping system.
7. Verify the system is working.
4. How often should you wash your hands when working on food?
Wash hands before handling food and after handling raw foods

Chapter 3

1. What equipment is used to measure most recipe ingredients?

Portion scales
2. What knife is the most often used in the professional kitchen?
French knife or chef’s knife

Food danger zone - Bacteria grow best at warm temperatures. Temperatures between 41°F and
135°F promote the growth of disease-causing bacteria.
Cross contamination - the process by which bacteria or other microorganisms are
unintentionally transferred from one substance or object to another, with harmful effect.

Minimum internal cooking temperature - The lowest temperature to which a food item must
be heated and at which it must be held for a given time in order to be considered safe.

Mandoline - A slicer with several blades that allow for various cuts and thicknesses of fruits and

Pastry brush - is a cooking utensil used to spread butter, oil or glaze on food. 

Food mill - A tool with a hand-turned blade that forces foods through a perforated disk.
Interchangeable disks produce varying degrees of coarseness or fineness. Used for puréeing

China cap - Used when great clarity or smoothness is required in a liquid

Oyster knife - A short, rigid, blunt knife with a dull edge. Used for opening oysters.

Steel - is designed to straighten the edge of the knife's blade to maintain its sharpness,

Name the following equipment:

1. Cutting board
2. Knife set
3. Measuring spoons
4. Mortar and Pestle
5. Microwave
6. Mixing bowl
7. Portable induction cooktop
8. pressure cooker
9. Swiss-style vegetable peeler and shears

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