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1) When two entirely different organism lives

together and form a kind of partnership/ relationship

So When: -
If only one of them gets benefits and other partner
gets nothing (no benefit, no harm) is called
If both the partners get benefit (Nobody gets harm)
is called ________
If one partner gets benefit, other partner gets harm
is called _______

2) Functions of teeth:
I. Biting of pieces of food _____
ii. Biting and tearing food _____
iii: Tearing and grinding food ______
iv. Chewing and grinding food ________

3) ________ is a soft, sticky film that builds up on your

teeth and contains millions of
4) Hardest substance in the body ________
5} name the parasites which spreads these diseases
Absorbs host’s digested food -
Suck blood and Spread typhus germs and some
tapeworm eggs -
6) Which plants have no roots but suckers which suck
food from nettle plant? Dodder/Nettle
7) Which plants have green leaves with chlorophyll to
make food by photosynthesis.? Dodder/Nettle
8) _________is a body fluid that transports oxygen (O 2
) and nutrients to the cells
and carries away Carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) and other
waste products.
9) __________ are tiny blood cells released into the
blood from the bone marrow that involves in blood
10) _______makes red blood cells red and which
enables them to carry oxygen
11) Digestion takes place in a tube called ______
12)________ is the movement of digested food
through the gut wall into the bloodstream.
13) Blood transports this food to the cells where it is
14)___________ produce saliva which moistens and
digest starch.
15) Respiratory organs exchange carbon dioxide gas for
oxygen gas a process called _______
16) Leeches and ______ have teeth which tear through
17) _______ lives in their host’s intestine.
18) A tapeworm has no legs or _______
19) Dodder seeds sprout ________
20) Help prevent nose and throat infections : vitamin
21) Release energy from food: Vitamin _______
22) Provide materials for growth and repair: _______
23) Provide 39 kj of energy per gram: ________
24) The body’s main source of energy: ______
25) Found in bones: ______

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