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DATE : 2021


Monday The students will be Assembly/ music and movement
06.55-07.10 able to move their *teacher ask the students to do assembly
body following on the
music *teacher ask the students to dance following the music
*teacher ask the students to sing with music instrument
*teacher ask the students to play with music instument
07.10 – 07.15 The students will be Opening: *Teacher asks to the students to mention about day, date, month and
Circle Time, Pray, able to mention day, *teacher ask the student to pray and sing good morning year
day, and date. date, month and year *teacher ask the student to mention their friends with good morning T : Now mam want to asks all of you, do you know what is it today?
T : good morning mam floren, say! S : Senin…
S : good morning mam floren T : Good… Senin in English is….
T : good morning to hugo, say! S : Monday…
S : good morning hugo T : Good…. Now, what date is it today? If yesterday was 17 today is…
*Teacher ask to the student about their activity on last weekend S : 18
T : ok kids, what do you do on Sunday? T : Good.. 18 in English is…
S : i go to mall mam.. S : Eighteen
T : wow thats nice aurel... what about the other? T : What month is it now? This month is the first month of the year
S : i go to the safari park mam.. S : January…
T : wow, you go with mom and dad? T : Good, What year is it now?
S : yes, i go with mom and dad.. S : 2021..
T : what do you like to see? T : 2021 in English is…
S : I like elephant... S : Two thousand and twenty one
*Teacher asks the students about their feelings T : Ok now lets sing “Day song” and “the name of the month”
Teacher : Now, Are you happy to day? Are you sad? Are you scared? Senin selasa rabu kamis jumat sabtu minggu itu nama-nama hari
Students : I am sad Hari senin Monday, hari selasa Tuesday
Teacher : what makes you sad? (The students tell why he/she is sad?) Hari rabu Wednesday, hari kamis Thursday
Students : I am happy Jumat its Friday, sabtu Saturday
Teacher : what makes you happy? (the students tell why he/she is Sunday adalah hari minggu
– continue to discuss about scared feeling. January February March April May and June
July August September October November Desember

07.55-08.00 SOP
08.00 – 09.00 The students will be Activity 1 :
Art n craft able to make: Opening:
1. Pineapple art craft *Teacher explains about the materials
*Teacher explains about how to make pineapple art craft
T: Okay students, today we will make pineapple. The materials are :
1. pineapple printed pattern
T: What is it ?
S: kertas, Ma’am
T: this is pineapple printed pattern. Say together, please!
S: pineapple printed pattern...

2. Make strawberry art 2. pineapple crown printed pattern

craft T: what is it?
S: daun mam...
T: this is pineapple crown printed pattern, say together please!
S : pineapple crown printed pattern

3. pineapple flash printed pattern

T: what is it?
S: kertas ma’am..
3. Motoric : cut and T : this is pineapple flash printed pattern , say together please!
paste apple picture S : pineapple flash printed pattern

4. glue
T : what is it?
S : lem
T : good, lem is glue, say together please!
S : glue

5. Scissors
Now, you know about the materials students, who wants to make pineapple?
S: Me, ma’am
Main :
Teacher explains how to make pineapple
T: okay, first you have to take pineapple flash printed pattern and cut one by one. roll the cut pineapple flash printed pattern into a circle. take
pineapple printed pattern cut with scissors. glue all roll on the pineapple printed pattern. take pineapple crown printed pattern cut follow the pattern
glue the first part of the pineapple crown printed pattern with the second part of the pineapple crown printed pattern. and glue the pineapple crown
printed pattern to the pineapple flash printed pattern. Can you do it?
S: Yes, I can
Closure :
Students make pineapple one by one

Activity 2 :
Teacher explains about the materials
Teacher explains about how to make strawberry
T: Okay students , today we will make strawberry. The materials are :

1. asturo paper
T: What is it ?
S: kertas, Ma’am
T: kertas asturo is asturo paper. Say together, please!
S: Aturo paper

2. Glue
T: what is it?
S: glue
T: very good

3. Scissor
T: what is it?
S: gunting mam..
T: very good. Gunting is, Scissor, say together, please!
S :Scissor.
4. Marker
T : Now, you know about the materials students, who wants to make house?
S: Me, ma’am
Main :
Teacher explains how to make strawberry
T: okay, first you have to take the red asturo paper, cut it into 2 equal pieces. fold it in half. make a heart shape and cut it according to the pattern.
glue part 1 with another. take green asturo paper, draw a calyx shape and cut it out and stick it on the strawberry flash. take marker make dot that
resemble the seeds of as strawberry. Can you do it?
S: Yes, I can

Closure :
Students make strawberry one by one

Activity 3 :
Teacher : kids, today we have to cut and paste apple picture
ma’am will explain first, listen carefully !
first : you have to color the picture
second : cut the picture. how to cut the picture? take the scissors and hold correctly like this (teacher gives example). apply on the picture and follow
the line (teacher gives example)
please, use scissors carefully ! do not play with this !
can you do it ?
students : yes, I can

Teacher asks the students to color and cut the strawberry picture by themselves.
teacher asks the students to take the picture one by one. Then, the students have to choose the crayon to color the picture. next, they have to cut the
colored picture. Last, they have to paste the cut picture in the book.

Teacher asks the students to tidy up and throw the paper rubbish in the dustbin

09.00-09.25 Rest
Teacher asks the students to wash hands, pray
Teacher asks the students to take their food and take a seat
 Pengarahan 1 arah, anak-anak hanya mendengarkan bukan tanya jawab
 Apa yang dibicarakan guru bisa berubah tergantung situasi dan kondisi.
 Guru harus berkeliling melihat makanan yang dibawa anak-anak, memberi pengarahan :
-apakah mereka sudah membawa makanan yang balance nutrisinya?
-memberi pujian pada anak yang membawa sayur, telur dan ikan
-ingatkan anak-anak bahwa : nasi, roti, mie mengandung karbohidrat.Nasi, roti dan mie semuanya memberi kita energi jadi,Karbohidrat memberi
kita energi untuk tubuh kita bergerak.
-sayur dan buah mengandung vitamin untuk mata, untuk kulit. Siapa yang suka makan sayur? Siapa yang suka makan buah?
-lihat! Adi membawa ayam goreng. Ayam goreng mengandung protein. Budi membawa telur. Telur juga mengandung protein. Mala membawa
ikan. Ikan juga mengandung protein. Jadi, untuk apa protein? Protein penting untuk membangun tulang dan sel-sel tubuh, supaya kamu bisa
tumbuh besar dan tinggi. Juga protein membantu memperbaiki bagian-bagian tubuh.kalau punya luka, bisa cepat sembuh.
* Guru mengingatkan anak untuk tidy up sendiri, menaruh alat makannya kembali pada tasnya
* Guru mengingatkan untuk membuang sampah pada tempatnya.
T : already finished eating?
S : yes mam..
T : oke now look around you, can you see a rubbish?
S : yes mam, there is a lot under the table..
T : nah.. now after eating don’t forget to throw the rubbish into the dustbin, can you do it?
S : yes i can..
09.20-09.35 Refleksi
09.35-09.40 Closing
Tuesday The students will be Teacher divides the students into 2 groups :
06.55 – 07.15 able to improve their 1. Play in the inside play ground (tunnel, swing, slide, ballpoll)
physical skill
Playground/freeplay 2. Play cycling and car at the backyard, sandplay
07.15-07.25 Wash hands and drink
07.25 – 07.30 The students will be Opening :
Circle time able to mention day, *Teacher asks to the students to pray and sing good morning song
date, month and year *Teacher asks the students about weather
Teacher : look outside the window! What can you see in the sky?
Students : sun, maam
Teacher : so, what weather is it ?
Students : sunny day
(change if the weather is rainy/cloudy)
*teacher asks to students about how to read a good one
T : well now the night will ask you. does anyone know how to read a good one?
S : not in the dark room ma'am ..
T : good .. and what about the distance when we read?
S : can't be too close ma'am ..
T : yeah right, when we read a book, don't read in a dark room, keep your distance when reading don't be too close. and don't read while lying down.
Can you do it?
S : yes I can,,
*Teacher asks to the students to mention about day, date, month and year :
T: What day is it today?
S: Selasa
T: Good…. Selasa in English is….
S: Tuesday
T: What date is today?
T: in English is……
T: What month is now?
S: Juli
T: Juli in English is July. Say together!
S: July
T: What year is it now?
S: 2021
T: 2021 in English is
S: Two thousands and twenty one
T : Ok now lets sing “Day song” and “the name of the month”
Senin selasa rabu kamis jumat sabtu minggu itu nama-nama hari
Hari senin Monday, hari selasa Tuesday
Hari rabu Wednesday, hari kamis Thursday
Jumat its Friday, sabtu Saturday
Sunday adalah hari minggu

January February March April May and June

July August September October November Desember

08.05-08.10 SOP
08.10-09.10 The students will be Activity 1 :
Art n craft able to make: Opening:
*Teacher explains about the materials
1. Pineapple art craft
*Teacher explains about how to make pineapple art craft
T: Okay students, today we will make pineapple. The materials are :
1. pineapple printed pattern
T: What is it ?
S: kertas, Ma’am
T: this is pineapple printed pattern. Say together, please!
S: pineapple printed pattern...

2. pineapple crown printed pattern

T: what is it?
2. Make strawberry art
craft S: daun mam...
T: this is pineapple crown printed pattern, say together please!
S : pineapple crown printed pattern

3. pineapple flash printed pattern

T: what is it?
S: kertas ma’am..
T : this is pineapple flash printed pattern , say together please!
S : pineapple flash printed pattern
3. Motoric : cut and
paste apple picture
4. glue
T : what is it?
S : lem
T : good, lem is glue, say together please!
S : glue

5. Scissors
Now, you know about the materials students, who wants to make pineapple?
S: Me, ma’am
Main :
Teacher explains how to make pineapple
T: okay, first you have to take pineapple flash printed pattern and cut one by one. roll the cut pineapple flash printed pattern into a circle. take
pineapple printed pattern cut with scissors. glue all roll on the pineapple printed pattern. take pineapple crown printed pattern cut follow the pattern
glue the first part of the pineapple crown printed pattern with the second part of the pineapple crown printed pattern. and glue the pineapple crown
printed pattern to the pineapple flash printed pattern. Can you do it?
S: Yes, I can
Closure :
Students make pineapple one by one
Activity 2 :
Teacher explains about the materials
Teacher explains about how to make strawberry
T: Okay students , today we will make strawberry. The materials are :

1. asturo paper
T: What is it ?
S: kertas, Ma’am
T: kertas asturo is asturo paper. Say together, please!
S: Aturo paper

2. Glue
T: what is it?
S: glue
T: very good

3. Scissor
T: what is it?
S: gunting mam..
T: very good. Gunting is, Scissor, say together, please!
S :Scissor.

1. Marker

T : Now, you know about the materials students, who wants to make house?
S: Me, ma’am
Main :
Teacher explains how to make strawberry
T: okay, first you have to take the red asturo paper, cut it into 2 equal pieces. fold it in half. make a heart shape and cut it according to the pattern.
glue part 1 with another. take green asturo paper, draw a calyx shape and cut it out and stick it on the strawberry flash. take marker make dot that
resemble the seeds of as strawberry. Can you do it?
S: Yes, I can

Closure :
Students make strawberry one by one
Activity 3 :
Teacher : kids, today we have to cut and paste apple picture
ma’am will explain first, listen carefully !
first : you have to color the picture
second : cut the picture. how to cut the picture? take the scissors and hold correctly like this (teacher gives example). apply on the picture and follow
the line (teacher gives example)
please, use scissors carefully ! do not play with this !
can you do it ?
students : yes, I can
Teacher asks the students to color and cut the strawberry picture by themselves.
teacher asks the students to take the picture one by one. Then, the students have to choose the crayon to color the picture. next, they have to cut the
colored picture. Last, they have to paste the cut picture in the book.

Teacher asks the students to tidy up and throw the paper rubbish in the dustbin

09.10-09.30 Rest
Teacher asks the students to wash hands, pray
Teacher asks the students to take their food and take a seat
 Pengarahan 1 arah, anak-anak hanya mendengarkan bukan tanya jawab
 Apa yang dibicarakan guru bisa berubah tergantung situasi dan kondisi.
 Guru harus berkeliling melihat makanan yang dibawa anak-anak, memberi pengarahan :
-apakah mereka sudah membawa makanan yang balance nutrisinya?
-memberi pujian pada anak yang membawa sayur, telur dan ikan
-ingatkan anak-anak bahwa : nasi, roti, mie mengandung karbohidrat.Nasi, roti dan mie semuanya memberi kita energi jadi,Karbohidrat memberi
kita energi untuk tubuh kita bergerak.
-sayur dan buah mengandung vitamin untuk mata, untuk kulit. Siapa yang suka makan sayur? Siapa yang suka makan buah?
-lihat! Adi membawa ayam goreng. Ayam goreng mengandung protein. Budi membawa telur. Telur juga mengandung protein. Mala membawa
ikan. Ikan juga mengandung protein. Jadi, untuk apa protein? Protein penting untuk membangun tulang dan sel-sel tubuh, supaya kamu bisa
tumbuh besar dan tinggi. Juga protein membantu memperbaiki bagian-bagian tubuh.kalau punya luka, bisa cepat sembuh.
* Guru mengingatkan anak untuk tidy up sendiri, menaruh alat makannya kembali pada tasnya
* Guru mengingatkan untuk membuang sampah pada tempatnya.
T : already finished eating?
S : yes mam..
T : oke now look around you, can you see a rubbish?
S : yes mam, there is a lot under the table..
T : nah.. now after eating don’t forget to throw the rubbish into the dustbin, can you do it?
S : yes I can…
09.30-09.40 Refleksi and closing
Wednesday The students will be Opening:
06.55 – 07.15 able to : -Teacher asks the students to do warming up
1. Pass the ball T : okey, now raise up your hand, say up....up...
Motorik kasar
between the legs Then bend your body, touch your toes, and touch the ground, and say down.... down....
(group games) Put your hand on your hip and turn your body to the left,,, left....
2. Run moving the
Now turn your body to the right, and say.... right,,,right...
Put your hand in front of your chest and pull your hand, and open your hand....
3. Crawl past the Are you tired?
obtacles S: yes, I can....
T: okey, now let’s sing together....

Head, shoulder knees and toes, knees and toes.....

Head, shoulder knees and toes, knees and toes.....
And eyes, and ear and mouth and nose.....
Head, shoulder knees and toes, knees and toes.....

Put your right hand on your head,

Put your left hand on your shoulder
Put your both hands on your hip. And you shake it all about
And you do the hockey pockey and you turn around
Jump.... jump.... on the spot...
Now can you fly like aeroplane?
Fly.. fly.. fly high... up to the sky and count 1-10
Now turn to the left... count 1-10, turn to the right and count 1-10

Main :
Activity 1
Teacher asks the students to Pass the ball between the legs
Teacher : first, you have to line up according to groups. And then you have to pass the ball to your friend by passing it between the legs. Pass the
ball one by one. Can you do it ?
Students : yes, I can

Activity 2
Teacher asks the students to Run moving the pencil
Teacher : the second, you have to line up according to the group, put a great distance. Take a pencil and move it to another place. move them one by
one . can you do it?
Students : yes, I can

Activity 3
Teacher asks the students to Crawl through the obtacles
Teacher : third, you have to crawl through the obtacles. Do it take turn, one by one, can you do it?
Students : yes, I can

Closure :
Cooling down
Teacher asks the students to stand on a circle, then asks them to follow the teacher’s instruction….straight your hands…shake them slowly….
Straight your by one..then, shake them slowly…..
Take a deep breath…..blow
Back to class
07.15-07.25 The students will be Opening:
Circle time able to mention day, *Teacher asks to the students to sing good morning song
date, month and year *Teacher reminds students to take a bath twice a day, wash their hair, brush their teeth, cut nails, etc.
Teacher : do you take a bath today?
Students : yes, I take a bath today
Teacher : do you brush teeth today? ?
Students : yes, i brush teeth today
Teacher : do you wash hair three times a week?
Teacher : yes, I wash hair three times a week
Teacher : do you cut nails once a week ?
Students : yes, I cut nails once a week
Okay, today is the time to check your body
Teacher : first, maam will check your teeth. If you already brush teeth, please say hiiii....
Students : hiiiiii ....
Teacher : is your breath smell good?
Students : yes, maam
Teacher : okay, second maam will check your hair
Maam will smell your hair one by one (teacher smells the student’s hair while saying “ smell good” to students that already wash hair or “smell bad”
to the students that are not wash hair.
Teacher : the last, maam will check your nails. Put your hands on the carpet, please!
The students put their hands on the carpet and the teacher checks while drawing smile emoticon for short nails and bad sad emoticon on the long
*Teacher asks to the students to mention about day, date, month and year
T : Now mam want to asks all of you, do you know what is it today?
S : Rabu…
T : Good… Rabu in English is….
S : Wednesday…
T : Good…. Now, what date is it today? If yesterday was 19 today is…
S : 20
T : Good.. 20 in English is…
S : Twenty
T : What month is it now? This month is the first month of the year
S : January…
T : Good, What year is it now?
S : 2021..
T : 2021 in English is…
S : Two thousand and twenty one
T : Ok now lets sing “Day song”and “the name of the month”
Senin selasa rabu kamis jumat sabtu minggu itu nama-nama hari
Hari senin Monday, hari selasa Tuesday
Hari rabu Wednesday, hari kamis Thursday
Jumat its Friday, sabtu Saturday
Sunday adalah hari minggu

January February March April May and June

July August September October November Desember


Review konsep
Recalling LKS
Fun Activity Meals together :
08.10-08.50 1. Meals together *Teacher asks the students to prepare for the tableware (spoon, bowl, plastic cup)
Activity A *Teacher asks the students to serve them selves (take the food, take the spoon/fork and take a sit)
The students will be
Teacher tell to students about healthy food, the recommended size of drinking water in one day, how to eat
able to prepare for the
well, the vitamins contained in food, the function of these vitamins.
tableware,also their
*Teacher asks the students to tidy up after eating
own food and drink
* Teacher asks the students to wash bowl, plate, and utensils
2. English
Conversation Main
Teacher :this week we are going to learn about bird. What is bird ?
Students :unggas
Teacher : good. unggas in English is…
Students :bird
Teacher explains about kinds of bird
Teacher : ma’am brings the pictures of bird. Let’s mention it one by one !

T: this animals has two legs, peak and wing. And the sound is cluck...cluck..cluck.... what is this?
S: this is hen..
T: very good... this is hen. Hen is bird, say together…
S: this is hen. Hen is bird bird
T: this animals has two legs, peak and wing. And the sound is cuit... cuit.... cuit........ what is this?
S: this is love bird..
T: very good... this is lovebird. lovebird is bird, say together…
S: this is lovebird. lovebird is bird
T: this animals has two legs, peak and wing. And the sound is quack...quack..quack.... what is this?
S: this is duck..
T: very good... this is duck. duck is bird, say together…
S: this is duck. duck is bird

4. swan
T: this animals has two legs, peak and wing. And the sound is nguaak..nguak....... what is this?
S: this is swan..
T: very good... this is swan. Swan is bird, say together…
S: this is swan. Swan is bird

T: this animals has two legs, peak and wing. And it has beautiful feather .... what is this?
S: this is peacock..
T: very good... this is peacock. Peacock is bird, say together…
S: this is peacock. Peacock is bird

T: this animals has two legs, peak and wing.
S: this isturkey..
T: very good... this is turkey. turkey is bird, say together…
S: this is turkey. turkey is bird

T: this animal can repeat our words and can fly
S: this is parrot
T: very good… this is parrot. parrot is bird, say together…
S: this is parrot. parrot is bird

T:this animal has two legs, tail and can fly. What is this ?
S: this is pigeon
T: very good. this is pigeon. pigeon is bird
S: this is pigeon. pigeon is bird

T:this animal has tail,has two legs and the sound is crow…what animal is it?
S: this is cock
T:very good… this is cock. cock is bird, say together…
S: this is cock. cock is bird

Closure :song
The teacher asks the students to sing a song

This is parrot

This is peacock

This is hen 3x

These are kinds of bird

(continue cock, lovebird, pigeon)

08.10-09.10 Waterplay, sandplay, teacher divides the students into 3 groups :

Activity B cycling 1. Waterplay
Teacher asks the students to play in the pool, they can play swimming, sink and float
2. sandplay
sandplay group will be wait their turn to waterplay. So, they have to play with sand
3. cycling
some of them will ride the tricycle for waiting their turn to waterplay. They can ride around the backyard happily.
Activity C & D
08.30-09.25 The students will be
1. English able to kinds of fruit Main
conversation Teacher :this week we are going to learn about bird. What is bird ?
Students :unggas
Teacher : good. unggas in English is…
Students :bird
Teacher explains about kinds of bird
Teacher : ma’am brings the pictures of bird. Let’s mention it one by one !

T: this animals has two legs, peak and wing. And the sound is cluck...cluck..cluck.... what is this?
S: this is hen..
T: very good... this is hen. Hen is bird, say together…
S: this is hen. Hen is bird bird
T: this animals has two legs, peak and wing. And the sound is cuit... cuit.... cuit........ what is this?
S: this is love bird..
T: very good... this is lovebird. lovebird is bird, say together…
S: this is lovebird. lovebird is bird
T: this animals has two legs, peak and wing. And the sound is quack...quack..quack.... what is this?
S: this is duck..
T: very good... this is duck. duck is bird, say together…
S: this is duck. duck is bird

4. swan
T: this animals has two legs, peak and wing. And the sound is nguaak..nguak....... what is this?
S: this is swan..
T: very good... this is swan. Swan is bird, say together…
S: this is swan. Swan is bird

T: this animals has two legs, peak and wing. And it has beautiful feather .... what is this?
S: this is peacock..
T: very good... this is peacock. Peacock is bird, say together…
S: this is peacock. Peacock is bird

T: this animals has two legs, peak and wing.
S: this isturkey..
T: very good... this is turkey. turkey is bird, say together…
S: this is turkey. turkey is bird

T: this animal can repeat our words and can fly
S: this is parrot
T: very good… this is parrot. parrot is bird, say together…
S: this is parrot. parrot is bird

T:this animal has two legs, tail and can fly. What is this ?
S: this is pigeon
T: very good. this is pigeon. pigeon is bird
S: this is pigeon. pigeon is bird

T:this animal has tail,has two legs and the sound is crow…what animal is it?
S: this is cock
T:very good… this is cock. cock is bird, say together…
S: this is cock. cock is bird

Closure :song
The teacher asks the students to sing a song

This is parrot

This is peacock

This is hen 3x

These are kinds of bird

(continue cock, lovebird, pigeon)

2. Story telling T: today ma’am will tell a story. Who wants to listen?
about health S: me ma’am...
and moral T: look ! there is a 2 chlidrens their names lucas and yuqi.
one day during a break Lucas and Yuqi eating snacks in the park.
lucas brings watermelons, banana, and apples.
Yuqi only bring the cake
T : now, answer this question.. who is two childrens in the story?
S : Lucas and yuqi mam...
T : what they do?
S : eating snacks in the park
T : good.. and who brings watermelons, banana, and apples?
S : lucas ma’am
T : and... who brings the cake?
S : yuqi mam..
After that yuqi ask lucas to share the fruit that he bring
But Lucas didn't want to, and Lucas say a bad word to yuqi because she only bring cake.
"hahahaha you only bring a cake ???"
"yes lucas .. may I ask for your fruit"
"no .. buy yourself there ... I will not give my fruit"
Then the teacher saw Lucas who was bad at Mark. The teacher said "lucas .. don't be like that, you have to share with your friends, don't say bad
things to your friends"
finally lucas give the fruit that he bring to Yuqi, and they finished the food until the break was over.
T : who is say bad word for yuqi?
S : lucas ma’am..
T : and who is tell lucas to share the fruits?
S : the teacher mam..
T : good.. what did she tell?
S : you have to share with your friends, don't say bad things to your friends..
3. Life skill Main
Teacher explains about material today
T: today we are going to practice clean the classroom. Clean the table, loker and throw the rubbish into the dust bin. Can you do it?
S: yes, I can....

Closure :
Teacher asks the students to practice cleaning up the classroom.

09.30-09.40 Refleksi and Closing

Thursday, T: Hari ini mam akan bercerita, judulnya apakah wortel sayuran atau buah? Ada yang ingin mendengarnya?
06.55-07,15 S : me mam...
T : good.. sekarang dengarkan cerita mam yaa..
Story telling

Wortel sedang bingung memikirkan dirinya sendiri. Ya! Ia bingung, dirinya termasuk buah atau sayuran.
“Jenis apakah aku ini? Ada orang-orang yang menganggapku buah, dan ada yang menganggapku sayur,” keluh Wortel.
“Coba kau tanyakan pada Alpukat yang bijak. Mungkin ia tahu, jenis apakah kau ini,” celetuk Bengkuang.
T : mam mau bertanya, buah apa saja yang ada di cerita mam?
S : wortel, alpukat dan bengkuang mam..
T : good.. siapa buah yang bijak?
S : alpukat mam..
T : good.. sekarang dengarkan kelanjutan cerita ma’am
Wortel lalu menemui buah Alpukat. “Kenapa kamu terlihat sangat sedih, Wortel?” tanya Alpukat saat melihat wajah Wortel yang muram.
Wortel pun menceritakan masalahnya. Ia ingin tahu, jenis apakah dirinya. agar dirinya bisa berkumpul dengan sesama jenisnya. Mendengar hal itu,
Alpukat tersenyum.
T : mengapa wortel terlihat sedih dan kebingungan?
S : karena wortel tidak tahu dirinya sayur apa buah mam..
T : good.. dengarkan kelanjutan ceritanya..
“Katamu ada yang menyebutmu sayuran dan ada yang menyebutmu buah. Bukankah itu istimewa? Kamu bisa menjadi sayur dan buah. Kamu bisa
berkumpul dengan jenis manapun. Harusnya kamu senang dengan hal itu.” ujar Alpukat.
Wortel berpikir sejenak. Benar juga apa yang dikatakan Alpukat. Barulah wortel tersadar. Kebingungan selama ini hanya karena ia kurang bersyukur.
“Terima kasih Alpukat. Kamu memang bijak. Sekarang aku menyadari kesalahanku.” Kata Wortel.
“Lagi pula, teman buah dan sayur juga menerimamu dengan baik, bukan.” Tanya Alpukat.
“Iya, mereka memang sangat baik.” Balas Wortel.
Sejak saat itu, Wortel tidak lagi menanyakan jenis apakah dirinya. Ia bahagia bisa menjadi buah dan sayur.
T : apa yang di katakan alpukat pada wortel?
S : menjadi wortel itu istimewa mam.. karena bisa menjadi sayuran dan bisa menjadi buah-buahan
T : good,, lalu apa wortel bisa berteman dengan jenis apa saja?
S : bisa berteman dengan jenis apapun mam, buah bisa sayuran pun bisa..
T : good.. apa yang kita dapat simpulkan dari cerita ma’am tadi?
S : bersyukur ma’am dengan apa yang kita miliki, mau berteman dengan siapa saja tanpa memandang suku, agama maupun ras..
T : yaa benar, good job
07.15-07.20 The students will be Opening :
Circle time able to mention day, *Teacher asks to the students to pray and sing good morning song
date , month, year *teacher ask the student to mention their friends with good morning
T : good morning mam floren, say!
S : good morning mam floren
T : good morning to hugo, say!
S : good morning hugo
*Teacher ask to the students about absence
T : ok kids.. I will ask you, who is not coming today?
S : bryan mam..
T : yes bryan.. anything else?
S : kenzo mam...
T : yes truee... today bryan and kenzo are not coming to school, because they are sick. I hope you can give them spirit so they can come back to
school, can you do it?
S : yes.. I can..

*teacher asks to students about how to read a good one

T : well now the night will ask you. does anyone know how to read a good one?
S : not in the dark room ma'am ..
T : good .. and what about the distance when we read?
S : can't be too close ma'am ..
T : yeah right, when we read a book, don't read in a dark room, keep your distance when reading don't be too close. and don't read while lying down.
Can you do it?
S : yes I can,,

*Teacher asks to the students to mention about day, date, month and year :
T: What day is it today?
S: Kamis
T: Good…. Kamis in English is….
S: Thursday
T: What date is today?
T: in English is……
S: thirty
T: What month is now?
S: Juli
T: Juli in English is July. Say together!
S: July
T: What year is it now?
S: 2021
T: 2021 in English is
S: Two thousands and twenty one
T : Ok now lets sing “Day song” and “the name of the month”
Senin selasa rabu kamis jumat sabtu minggu itu nama-nama hari
Hari senin Monday, hari selasa Tuesday
Hari rabu Wednesday, hari kamis Thursday
Jumat its Friday, sabtu Saturday
Sunday adalah hari minggu

January February March April May and June

July August September October November Desember


Review konsep math
07.40-08.10 The students will be
English able to mention the Main
Conversation parts of house Teacher :this week we are going to learn about bird. What is bird ?
Students :unggas
Teacher : good. unggas in English is…
Students :bird
Teacher explains about kinds of bird
Teacher : ma’am brings the pictures of bird. Let’s mention it one by one !

T: this animals has two legs, peak and wing. And the sound is cluck...cluck..cluck.... what is this?
S: this is hen..
T: very good... this is hen. Hen is bird, say together…
S: this is hen. Hen is bird bird
T: this animals has two legs, peak and wing. And the sound is cuit... cuit.... cuit........ what is this?
S: this is love bird..
T: very good... this is lovebird. lovebird is bird, say together…
S: this is lovebird. lovebird is bird
T: this animals has two legs, peak and wing. And the sound is quack...quack..quack.... what is this?
S: this is duck..
T: very good... this is duck. duck is bird, say together…
S: this is duck. duck is bird

4. swan
T: this animals has two legs, peak and wing. And the sound is nguaak..nguak....... what is this?
S: this is swan..
T: very good... this is swan. Swan is bird, say together…
S: this is swan. Swan is bird

T: this animals has two legs, peak and wing. And it has beautiful feather .... what is this?
S: this is peacock..
T: very good... this is peacock. Peacock is bird, say together…
S: this is peacock. Peacock is bird

T: this animals has two legs, peak and wing.
S: this isturkey..
T: very good... this is turkey. turkey is bird, say together…
S: this is turkey. turkey is bird

T: this animal can repeat our words and can fly
S: this is parrot
T: very good… this is parrot. parrot is bird, say together…
S: this is parrot. parrot is bird

T:this animal has two legs, tail and can fly. What is this ?
S: this is pigeon
T: very good. this is pigeon. pigeon is bird
S: this is pigeon. pigeon is bird
T:this animal has tail,has two legs and the sound is crow…what animal is it?
S: this is cock
T:very good… this is cock. cock is bird, say together…
S: this is cock. cock is bird

Closure :song
The teacher asks the students to sing a song

This is parrot

This is peacock

This is hen 3x

These are kinds of bird

(continue cock, lovebird, pigeon)

08.10-08.30 Rest
Teacher asks the students to wash hands, pray
Teacher asks the students to take their food and take a seat
 Pengarahan 1 arah, anak-anak hanya mendengarkan bukan tanya jawab
 Apa yang dibicarakan guru bisa berubah tergantung situasi dan kondisi.
 Guru harus berkeliling melihat makanan yang dibawa anak-anak, memberi pengarahan :
-apakah mereka sudah membawa makanan yang balance nutrisinya?
-memberi pujian pada anak yang membawa sayur, telur dan ikan
-ingatkan anak-anak bahwa : nasi, roti, mie mengandung karbohidrat.Nasi, roti dan mie semuanya memberi kita energi jadi,Karbohidrat memberi
kita energi untuk tubuh kita bergerak.
-sayur dan buah mengandung vitamin untuk mata, untuk kulit. Siapa yang suka makan sayur? Siapa yang suka makan buah?
-lihat! Adi membawa ayam goreng. Ayam goreng mengandung protein. Budi membawa telur. Telur juga mengandung protein. Mala membawa
ikan. Ikan juga mengandung protein. Jadi, untuk apa protein? Protein penting untuk membangun tulang dan sel-sel tubuh, supaya kamu bisa
tumbuh besar dan tinggi. Juga protein membantu memperbaiki bagian-bagian tubuh.kalau punya luka, bisa cepat sembuh.
* Guru mengingatkan anak untuk tidy up sendiri, menaruh alat makannya kembali pada tasnya
* Guru mengingatkan untuk membuang sampah pada tempatnya.
T : already finished eating?
S : yes mam..
T : oke now look around you, can you see a rubbish?
S : yes mam, there is a lot under the table..
T : nah.. now after eating don’t forget to throw the rubbish into the dustbin, can you do it?
S : yes i can..

08.30 – 09.30 The students will be OPENING

Science able to learn about part T: okay students today we will study about characteristics of birds. What is characteristics ?
of fruits S: ciri-ciri
T: great, ciri-ciri is characteristics. Say together, please!
S: characteristic.
T: Before we study about characteristic ofbirds let’s mention one by one about birds

1. Chicken
T: what is this?
S: chicken
T: great. Chicken is birds. Say together, please!
S: chicken is birds
2. Love Bird
T: What is this?
S: bird
T: bird is birds. Say together, please!
S: bird is birds

3. Duck
T: What is this ?
S: duck
T: duck is birds. Say together, please!
S: duck is birds

4. Swan
T: What is this ?
S: swan
T: swan is bird. Say together, please!
S: swan is bird

5. Peacock
T: What is this ?
S: peacock
T: peacock is birds. Say together, please!
S: peacock is birds

6. Flamingo
T: What is this ?
S: flamingo
T: great. Flamingo is birds. Say together, please!
S: flamingo is birds

7. Turkey
T: What is this?
S: turkey
T: great. Turkey is birds. Say together, please!
S: turkey is birds

Teacher explains about bird
T: great, look at the chicken! What does the chicken have ?
S: chicken has beak
T: great, how many beaks?
S: one ma’am
T: great, how about legs? How many legs does it have?
S: two ma’am
T: great, chicken has two legs. Say together !
S: chicken has two legs
T: good. can the chicken lay eggs?
S: yes it can
T: chicken lays eggs. Say together !
S: chicken lays eggs

(teacher continues to love bird, turkey and etc)

T: so , the characteristic of birds are:

S: bird has beak
T: great, bird also has…..
S: bird has 2 legs.
T: good, bird has ….
S: bird has 2 wings
T: bird lays …..
S: bird lays eggs
T: great

Messy corner
The teacher brings cat and bird into the class then explain their characteristics to the students
The teacher asks the students to classify between mammals and birds.
The students must put the flashcards into the correct places
T: class, today we’ll classify which ones are mammals and birds. Did you still remember, what is mammals?
S: mamalia, mam
T: can you mention what does mammal have?
S: mammals have 2 ears, 4 legs and 1 tail, ma’am
T: good. Beside that, what does mammal do?
S: give birth
T: good. Mammal give birth. What else?
S: mammal give milk, ma’am
T: good. How about birds, what does bird have?
S: 2 legs, 1 peak, 2 wings
T: good. What does bird do for us?
S: lays eggs, ma’am
T: good. Listen! Today, we’ll play a game. Who want to play a game?
S: me, ma’am
T: good. I have some pictures about mammals and birds in front of the class. You must take one flash cards then put the flash cards into the
correct place. For example if ma’am takes cow, where should I put this flash card, put into bird box?
S: no…ma’am
T: put into the mammals box?
S: yes….
T: good. Can you do it?
S: yes, I can

Teacher asks the students to do worksheet
09.30-09.40 Refleksi and closing
06.55-07.25 Agama
07.25-07.55 Mandarin

07.55-08.25 The students will be OPENING

English Lesson able to learn about “a” Teacher explains about material today ( what is this ? )
and “an”
T: today we are going to learn about question. question is pertanyaan. pertanyaan is..
S: question...
T: good.

T: ma’am will explain how to make question. if you want to asks about something. you have to say “what is this?”, say together...
S: what is this?
T: good. and if you want to answer, say “this is.....”
S: this is....
T: good. ok now let’s practice it by asking about birds
what is this?
This is chicken

Love Bird
What is this?
This is bird

What is this ?
This is duck

What is this ?
This is swan

What is this ?
This is peacock
What is this ?
This is flamingo

What is this?
This is turkey

Teacher asks the students to do worksheet
08.25-08.45 Rest


Review konsep
09.05-09.35 IMLA

09.35-09.40 Closing

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