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Design problem

Due to the high starting torque, DC motors are widely used in actuator mechanism. It directly
provides rotary motion and, coupled with wheels or drums and cables, can provide translational
motion. Equivalent circuit of the DC motor is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1 DC motor Equivalent circuit

Input of the system is the voltage source V applied to the motor's armature, while the output is
the angular displacement of the shaft . The rotor and shaft are assumed to be rigid and the
friction torque is proportional to angular velocity. The Block diagram of the open-loop system
is shown in Figure 2

Figure 2 Open-loop diagram

Where V(s): Inut voltage
s: Angular displacement
G(s): Transfer function of the motor

This project requires to design a closed loop control system as shown in the block diagram in
Figure 3 which can meet the following time domain specifications given in Table -1

Figure 3 Closed-loop diagram

Table -1 Time domain specifications.

Step response characteristics Design values
Settling time less than 2 seconds
Overshoot less than 5% less
Steady-state error than 1%
Motor specifications are given in Table 2.

Table 2: DC Motor parameters

Parameter Description Value and Unites
J moment of inertia of the rotor 0.01 kg.m2

b motor viscous friction constant 0.1 N.m.s

Ke electromotive force constant 0.01 V/rad/sec

Kt motor torque constant 0.01 N.m/Amp

R electric resistance 1

L electric inductance 0.5 H

The Project report should include the solutions of the following questions but not limited to:
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In this project we have developed a Simulink model of dc motor by using the PID controller. We
have two models in this project in first figure we are given a motor connected in series with
inductor and resister for finding the transfer function we have applied kirchoff voltage law on the
circuit after that we have got the transfer function .In this project we have used P,PI and PID
controllers and we have tuned them by using PID tuner
Derive the transfer function of the system shown in figure

A transfer function of control system is a mathematical function which theoretically model the
device output over every input
We know that transfer function is output over input
θ ( s )=G( s)V ( s)
θ ( s ) is a output response
V (s) is an input response
tansfer function=
V (s )
G ( s )=
θ ( s)
Plot the impulse response of the system
We put transfer function in MATLAB and use the impulse function of MATLAB for plotting the
impulse response of function
G ( s )=
s +1
sys = tf(3,[1 2]);
impulse (sys)

impulse graph:
Plot the unit step response of the system
We put transfer function in MATLAB and use the step function of MATLAB for plotting the
step response of a function in MATLAB
sys = tf(3,[1 2]);
step (sys);

step response:
Draw the pole zero plot of the system. Justify the stability of the system
We put transfer function in MATLAB and use the pzmap function of MATLAB for finding the
poles and zeros in MATLAB
sys = tf(3,[1 2]);


a discrete-time system is stable only if all of it's poles lie inside the unit circle When you
discretize a stable continuous-time system with a sampling rate that preserves the stability then
the entire left-half-plane is mapped in the interior of the unit circle.


Calculate the damping ratio, and natural frequency for open loop system
For finding the damping ratio of a function in MATLAB we use the function of MATLAB called
damp it shows all the values in output
sys = tf(3,[1,2]);


Pole Damping Frequency Time Constant

(rad/seconds) (seconds)

-2.00e+00 1.00e+00 2.00e+00 5.00e-01

Draw the Bode Plot diagram for the open loop system. Obtain the Gain Margin (GM) and Phase
Margin (PM) .
For plotting the bode plot in which margin is notified we use MATLAB command margin it will
plot graph with margin mentioned in graph
sys = tf(3,[1,2]);

Bode plot with margin:

Use MATLAB code to draw the Nyquist diagram for the open loop system.
By using MATLAB the function of MATLAB Nyquist we can plot the Nyquist diagram of a
transfer function
sys = tf(3,[1,2]);

Nyquist diagram:

With reference to Figure 3.

Derive the transfer function of the system closed loop system.

A transfer function of control system is a mathematical function which theoretically model the
device output over every input
We know that transfer function is output over input

C (s)
G ( s )=
D(s )
V (s)
H ( s )=
C ( s)
D ( s )=R ( s ) ± v ( s )
G ( s )=C ( s ) D ( s )
C (s)=G ( s )(R ( s ) ± v ( s ))
C ( s ) ( 1 ±V ( s ) H ( s ) ) =G ( s ) R ( s )
C( s) G( s)
R( s) (1 ±G( s)V (s ))

C( s) G( s) C ( s) G( s)
= , =
R( s) (1+G(s)V (s)) R( s) (1−G( s) V ( s))
The transfer function will be
3 2
s + 12 s +20.02 s

Obtain the step response of the system with time domain parameters overshoot, settling time,
peak time, and the steady-state error shown Figure 3 for the following scenarios
P-controller Proportional constant (Kp) = 50
We will use the p controller block from the Simulink library for the measurement of overshoot
and other parameters we will use the scope as shown in the figure
Obtain the step response of the system with time domain parameters overshoot, settling time,
peak time, and the steady-state error shown Figure 3 for the following scenarios
P-controller Proportional constant (Kp) = 100,
We will use the p controller block from the Simulink library for the measurement of overshoot
and other parameters we will use the scope as shown in the figure
Obtain the step response of the system with time domain parameters overshoot, settling time,
peak time, and the steady-state error shown Figure 3 for the following scenarios
P-controller Proportional constant (Kp) = 150,
We will use the p controller block from the Simulink library for the measurement of overshoot
and other parameters we will use the scope as shown in the figure
Obtain the step response of the system with time domain parameters overshoot, settling time,
peak time, and the steady-state error shown Figure 3 for the following scenarios

PI controller Kp = 75 and Ki = 1
We will use the PI controller block from the Simulink library for the measurement of overshoot
and other parameters we will use the scope as shown in the figure

Obtain the step response of the system with time domain parameters overshoot, settling time,
peak time, and the steady-state error shown Figure 3 for the following scenarios

PI controller Kp = 75 and Ki = 100

We will use the PI controller block from the Simulink library for the measurement of overshoot
and other parameters we will use the scope as shown in the figure


Discuss your results

we have used P controller in first 3 parts by using 3 different proportionality constant after that
we used PI controller by using 2 different Ki constants the results of P and PI controller are
almost same P controller can stabiliaze first order unstable process and we use PI controller to
avoid large disturbance and noice in this signal the large noice was not present so the results are
almost same

By incorporating a derivative constant in the PID controller with following cases
Kp = 75, Ki = 200, Kd = 1
We will use PID controller in this part

By incorporating a derivative constant in the PID controller with following cases

Kp = 75, Ki = 200, Kd = 5
By incorporating a derivative constant in the PID controller with following cases

Kp = 75, Ki = 200, Kd = 10

Develop a Simulink model outlining all the elements of the block diagram in Figure (2) for the
unstable second order control system). Use the Simulink block PID from Matlab/Simulink
library as a controller. Obtain the time reponse of the system with time domain specifciations in
the Table -1
We will use PID tuner for tuning the controller the output of the graph is shown in the figure

Discuss the effect of each of the PID parameters on the dynamics of a closed-loop system and
demonstrate how to use a PID controller to improve a system's performance
The effect of each PID parameters are studied on the dynamics of a closed loop system along
with its conditions and certain advantages.
This component takes the error (difference between setpoint and output), and generating a
corrective response that is a constant multiplied by the error, this proportional
constant P represents the amplification of the response of the controller with error, as P
increases, the system becomes more sensitive to error and responds faster, but might generate
The integral component sums the error over time, the result, is that this component is sensitive to
very small differences between the setpoint and output of the system, correcting the error in
steady state and driving it to 0.
The coefficient ti represents the speed that the controller takes to corrects the error from 100% to
0, the greater the value of ti, the more time it takes to reach 0 error, but as ti gets smaller and
closer to 0, the Integral component might saturate, and there will be no compensation (integral

The derivative component takes the speed at which the error increases, it responds to the rate of
change of the error, correcting according to the td constant, if td increases, the system responds
strongly to increase of rate in t
After obtaining the results by using PI,P and PID tuners we have used different parameters we
can see in the graph if we change the parameters the the graph become more and less damped in
last part we have used the PID tuner for obtaining the graph of output

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