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Research Office


PART I: RESEARCH PROPOSAL (To be filled out by student)

I. Research Topic 1 and Title

II. Proposal Abstract (50-100 words)

(What do you intend to do? Briefly discuss the problem statement, general and specific objectives,
methodology and expected output.)

Copy and Paste the Youtube link of your video proposal abstract for your title

III. Introduction (Parts not applicable may be deleted but at minimum should contain the significance and
objectives of the study)

Background of the study/Review of Related Literature (Include only those directly related to the proposed study. 3
pages minimum)
Significance of the Study (200 words maximum)
Objectives (200 words maximum)
Assumptions, Scope and Limitations, Definition of Terms (1 page maximum)

Background of the Study

 Trends

 Issues

 Claims (Other researchers output or solution)

 Gaps (existing problems that were not resolved yet by other researchers)

Significance of the Study


I. Research Topic 2 and Title

II. Proposal Abstract (50-100 words)

(What do you intend to do? Briefly discuss the problem statement, general and specific objectives,
methodology and expected output.)

Copy and Paste the Youtube link of your video proposal abstract for your title

III. Introduction (Parts not applicable may be deleted but at minimum should contain the significance and
objectives of the study)

Background of the study/Review of Related Literature (Include only those directly related to the proposed study. 3
pages minimum)
Significance of the Study (200 words maximum)
Objectives (200 words maximum)
Assumptions, Scope and Limitations, Definition of Terms (1 page maximum)

Background of the Study

 Trends

 Issues

 Claims (Other researchers output or solution)

 Gaps (existing problems that were not resolved yet by other researchers)

Significance of the Study


I. Research Topic 3 and Title

II. Video Proposal Abstract (50-100 words)

(What do you intend to do? Briefly discuss the problem statement, general and specific objectives,
methodology and expected output.)

Copy and Paste the Youtube link of your video proposal abstract for your title

III. Introduction (Parts not applicable may be deleted but at minimum should contain the significance and
objectives of the study)

Background of the study/Review of Related Literature (Include only those directly related to the proposed study. 3
pages minimum)
Significance of the Study (200 words maximum)
Objectives (200 words maximum)
Assumptions, Scope and Limitations, Definition of Terms (1 page maximum)

Background of the Study

 Trends

 Issues

 Claims (Other researchers output or solution)

 Gaps (existing problems that were not resolved yet by other researchers)

Significance of the Study


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