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Madlien Moshi

Class of 2022

Madlien Moshi is a girl who is fifteen year old . Her

friends & family call her Madline or madeleine. She was
born in Amman, Jordon in her hospital named Jordon Italian
hospital .Right now She is living in El Cajon in San
Diego.Madlien has 3 brothers & 2 sister and her dad and
mom grown up in Baghdad ,Iraq . Madlien goes to Madison
High School and she is involved in Jr.Nad.She really likes
chatting & joking with her friends . Also she like Math ,Art
,English and likes to hangout ,watch movies for fun.Her
Dream is to want to become a Makeup Artist ,Artist ,Fashion
photoshoot and model . She is good girl.
Auschwitz Concentration Camp

​Auschwitz Camp started in spring in 1940. It is located in South Poland

Auschwitz the largest Nazi conentration and death camp. Nazi camp officers
deport jews to Aushwitz camp ,plus there are Different people like Polish
,black ,spaniards and even gay .11million people died or were killed at
Auschwitz by abuse , starvation and gas chambers .Jose mengele is german
physician ,do inhume medical Experimentation to child prisoners.For
example, he injected serum in a dozen kid eyes. Aushswitz camp officers
abandoned camp until Russian army found them .

Pompeii is a city in Roma ,Italy. In August 24th ,79 A.D first vesuvius volcano
started smoking up at the sky. The smoke goes down to town into darkness
fogging.Villagers lived in campania They already knew they are nearby
volcano.About 2,000 pompeii but more 16,000 people had died over volcano
ashes. Town of herculaneum were abandoned for many centuries.

John Wanye Grey is American Serial Killer, rapist and

murdering at least 33 young male victims. Gavy was called
killer clown ,his habit is to dress up as a clown & make up.
Growing up he struggle abusive childhood and his
homosexuaily.Grey hid dead bodies at his home and other
more bodies hid in river.John Wanye Gacy died by lethal
injection in the prison.

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