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Sebastian Andrew Lugo

The boy's full name is Sebastian Andrew Lugo. He is 16 to
17 soon, he was born in USD Hospital in San Diego, California.
He attend James Madison High School and for fun he likes to
watch movies and go to the pool. He thinks he wants to be when
he grows up he wants to go to college and he wants to make up.
Some things he likes to do party clubs with his friends.
Battle of the Somme

The Battle of the Somme, July 1 and November 1,1916. The

largest battle of the first world war because the war was in
France. The Somme in 1916 was the first ​offensive of ​World War I
for the British. Allies and Central Powers would lose more than
1.5 million men. French attack at the Somme. The French and
British committed offensive on December 1915. The allies agreed
upon a strategy of combined offensive the central powers in 1916.
The somme offensive support on the northern flank by the Fourth
Army of the British Expeditionary Force (BEF). The Grrman Army
began the Battle of Verdun on the meuse February 1916. The
British troops on the somme.
Marie Laveau
1801 - 1881
The real story of Marie Laveau. Where she born is New
Orleans. She is really evil and mystical. She has a nickname
“Voodoo Queen”. People visit her house because they want to
see her voodoo. That’s really dangerous. People do see Marie
then people can die. Also people can see a ghost or a doll. Marie
laveau make people anxiety and fear. She have idea adopt
Boudica was ​Celtic queen. Where she born is
Camulodunum. She has two daughters. She is flogged and her
daughters is raped. She and Prasutagus are married at the age of
18. They are become king and queen. Prasutagus continue in
power forced ally of the Empire. He is dead. ​Boudica and ​her
daughters killed themselves by poison. ​Boudica kill herself.

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