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Instituto Comercial Loreto

Casa Blanca

Match each sentence with the correct tag question.

1. Tigers don’t hunt at night, a. did he?
2. Accidents injure many people, b. isn’t there?
3. Ron didn’t start smoking, c. are we?
4. There is safety information on the label, d. don’ they?
5. She’s at risk for a heart attack, e. do they?
6. We aren’t in an earthquake zone, f. isn’t she?

Add tag questions to these sentences

1. Some kinds of fish are poisonous, _______________?
2. We don’t have dangerous weather here, __________?
3. There isn’t any danger in this classroom, _________?
4. There aren’t any dangerous animals in cities, ______?
5. The exits are clearly market in this building, ________?

6. They don’t allow toxic substances in food, ___________?

A zebra lionfish
Listen to the conversation. Why is Ruthie worried?
Ruthie: You know, I really don’t like driving. It scares me to death.
Dan: Really? Why is that?
Ruthie: Well, It’s dangerous, isn’t it? Just think of all the people who are killed in their cars every year!
Dan: That’s true. But there’s a lot you can do to stay safe.
Ruthie: like what?
Dan: for one thing, you should stop texting or talking on your cell phone when you drive. That causes
a lot of accidents.
Ruthie: I suppose you’re right.
Dan: And you could keep enough distance from other cars.
Ruthie: that’s not a bad idea.

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