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Finned Surfaces

Name:Mohamed Hassan Soliman


Dr.Mohamed Hassan
Contents :


2- Fin efficiency and extended surfaces efficiency

3- Heat transfer and flow friction characteristics

1- Introduction :
Fins are surfaces that stretch from a thing to increase the rate of heat
transfer to or from the environment by continuing to increase convection
in the study of heat transfer. The amount of heat transferred by an object
is determined by its conduction, convection, or radiation. By increasing
the temperature gradient between the object and its surroundings, the
convection heat transfer coefficient increases. Alternatively, increasing
the surface area of the object increases heat transfer. Changing the first
two options is not always feasible or cost-effective. As a result, adding a
fin to an object increases its surface area and can sometimes be a cost-
effective solution to heat transfer problems.
Extrusion, casting, skiving, or milling are the methods used to create
one-piece finned heat sinks.
while we can use it in some daily things as in radiator car , computers
and heat exchangers in power plant, They're also used in cutting-edge
technology like hydrogen fuel cells. Nature has also made use of the
phenomenon of fins. Jackrabbit and fennec fox ears function as fins,
releasing heat from the blood that flows through them.
2- Fin efficiency and extended surfaces efficiency :
In heat transfer applications, extended (fumed) surfaces are commonly
used. In such systems, heat is transferred by conduction from the base
surface along the fin, followed by convective heat transfer from the fin
into the surrounding fluid. If the fin's substance has a very good thermal
conductivity The surface of the finned surface will then be nearly
uniformly heated, and heat release from the finned surface will be
governed solely by heat transport phenomena between the
surface and the surrounding fluid . However, for practical systems,
conduction in the fins is important, and the fins may be less
effective in heat transfer than those with extremely high
conductivity. The ratio of the heat-transfer rate from a given fin
system to that which would happen if the fin had limitless thermal
conductivity is defined as fin efficiency.
3- Heat transfer and flow friction characteristics :
The association for heat transfer and flow friction characteristics of fins
is the foundation for heat exchanger optimization, and developing
generally reliable formulas is critical. Fluent is used to conduct
numerical simulations to investigate the hydrodynamics and heat
transfer characteristics of offset strip fins. The fluid constitutive model
under various Reynolds numbers is calculated based on the estimation
effects of observational correlations in order to ensure the prediction
reliability and precision of offset strip fins. The numerical simulation
and the Manglik & Bergles correlation agree well, proving the
usefulness and efficiency of the numerical simulation process. Since the
standard analytical formula cannot cover the general requirements of
Chinese domestic offset strip fins, Based on the numerical simulation
findings and the industry standard (Aluminum plate-fin heat exchanger
NB/T 47006-2009), the similarity of flow and heat transfer
characteristics is improved. A new relational expression for offset strip
fins is introduced by combining the Manglik & Bergles equation with
the ALEX equation.
4-References :
1- Heat Exchanger Design Handbook Multimedia Edition
ISBN: 978-1-56700-423-6

2-  Lienhard, John H. IV; Lienhard, John H. V. (2019). A Heat

Transfer Textbook (5th ed.). Mineola, NY: Dover Pub.
3- "Radiator Fin Machine or Machinery". FinTool International.
Retrieved 2006-09-18.
4 - Chai, H. C. (1988) A simple pressure drop correlation equation
for low-finned tube crossflow heat exchangers. Int. Commun.
Heat Mass Transfer. 15: 95–101. DOI: 10.1016/0735-

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