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Become an Algebra Expert:

Quadratic Equations

Quadratic Equations
Algebra focuses on the rules regarding the operations and relations of
constructions and concepts that are arise from them. Algebra covers polynomials,
terms, equations, and algebraic structures. Along with geometry, topology,
fractions, and number theory, algebra is one of the main branches of pure
mathematics. Quadratic equation is a part of algebra and here’s a look at quadratic
formula, geometry, quadratic factorization, and applications.

Quadratic Equation Overview

The concept of quadratic equation is a second degree polynomial equation. The

general form of a quadratic equation is:

In this equation, x represents a variable whereas a, b, and c are constants
with a not equal to 0. If the value of a is 0, the equation will become a linear
equation. To elaborate the equation more, a is the quadratic coefficient, b is the
linear coefficient, and c is the constant or free term. The term comes from the Latin
word quadratus meaning square. The methods for solving these equations include
factoring, graphing, Newton’s method, and most commonly, the quadratic formula.

Quadratic Equation ( An

excellent overview of quadratic equations.
Solving Quadratic Equations
( Discusses how to solve
quadratic equations.
tut17_quad.htm): The tutorial shows how to solve quadratic equations.
More on Quadratic Equations (
page=28): Provides general information about quadratic equations.
Solver (
5.html): Explains how to solve quadratic equations.
Equations & Functions (
centre/pdf/math/MA7_30_Quadratic_Equations_and_Functions.pdf): A look at
quadratic equations and functions.
Quadratic, Cubic, and Quartic (
centre/pdf/math/MA7_30_Quadratic_Equations_and_Functions.pdf): Some
historical background on these types of equations.
Lesson ( An online
lesson on quadratic equations.

Quadratic Formula

Quadratic formula is a method used to solve a quadratic equation. This formula is

the most commonly used method to solve the equation. There are two solutions
for a quadratic equation, which have real or complex coefficients. This method is
called roots. There is a catch here in that these two solutions sail on two boats. That
means they may or may not be real and may or may not be distinct.

Roots of a quadratic formula are given by:

and ± indicate both


These equations give the solutions for the quadratic equation.

In the quadratic equation above, b2-4ac is called the discriminant. The name is

given so because this particular entity has the capability to discriminate between
the possible types of answers, which include:

If b2-4ac is positive, the result is two real solutions.

If it is a 0, the result is one real solution, with both the answers being same.

If it is negative, the result is a complex solution.

Roots of a Cubic
Provides the formula for the roots of a cubic.
Proof (
Watch this video to learn the proof for the quadratic formula.
Theory (
Explains how the roots of a quadratic equation can be derived from the
quadratic formula.
The Formula
A great description of the quadratic formula.
Quadratic Formula ( Provides a
description, simulation, and assessment questions.
Solving Equations
( The
tutorial shows how to solve equations with the quadratic formula.
Offers examples and practice problems.

Geometry is the branch of pure mathematics which deals with the questions of
shapes, size, relative positions of figures, and properties of space. The word came
from two Greek words: geo meaning earth and metri meaning measurement. This
particular branch of mathematics is considered to be the oldest mathematical
sciences. There is a concept of geometry in algebra which is called Algebraic
Geometry. This field is the embodiment of the Cartesian geometry of co-ordinates.
If you take the above quadratic equation, the solutions of the same are also the
roots of the quadratic function. This can be shown as follows:

As both the quadratic equation and the function depict the values of x, then it can
be formulated as:

Likewise in case of the discriminant, if the value is positive, the graph touches the
x-axis at two points. If it’s zero, then the touch point will be one, whereas if the
result is negative, then the graph will not touch the x-axis.

High Order Panel Method

( A look at
quadratic geometry and quadratic basis function.
Quadratic Equation (https://up-
quation_with_dynamic_geometry_software): Discusses how to sketch quadratic
equation with dynamic geometry software.
Quadratic Programming
Provides information on the geometry of quadratic programming.
Linear Algebra
pdf): Discusses the geometry of quadratic equations and linear algebra.
Analytic Geometry
( A
discourse on the teaching of analytic geometry in relation to Decartes and the
quadratic equation.
Algebraic Geometry
Comprehensive notes for a class in algebraic geometry.
More on Algebraic Geometry
( A
study on algebraic geometry and its applications.
Basic Geometry
g_tut33_geom.htm): A tutorial on algebra for basic geometry.

Quadratic Factorization

Let’s now see how factoring is used for quadratic equations. Let’s use the usual
quadratic equation i.e. the above equation for this purpose. In this method, the
easiest and simplest way to do factorization is to find the common factors. Let’s
take a look into a live example.

Let’s say  is the factor for the quadratic ax2+bx+c=0 but the condition here is that r
should only be the root of the quadratic equation ax2+bx+c=0. From the quadratic
formula, it follows that:

If there is a special case i.e. b2-4ac, in which there is only one distinct root for the
quadratic, the quadratic polynomial can then be factored as

Quadratic Factorization
( Shows
factorization by common factors removal, perfect square factorization,and more.
Solutions ( The
lesson describes how to solve quadratic equations by factorization.
tm): Provides information on the factorization of quadratic trinomials.
factorization.pdf): Learn how to solve quadratic equations by factoring.
Residues (
05730-0/S0002-9904-1933-05730-0.pdf): A look at quadratic residues in
quadratics.html): The tutorial explains how to solve quadratic equations through
Shows how to factor a quadratic trinomial by grouping.
Quadratic Fields
Provides information on quadratic field factorization.


The quadratic equation can be applied widely. If there is an equation with the
variable x having a certain higher degree, the equation can be solved by bringing
the equation into the quadratic form. The problem can be easily solved by bringing
down the degree of the variable x. The quadratic equation finds its use and
applicability in computing the trajectories of projectile motion, electronic amplifier
design, architecture, engineering, among many other applications.

Highlights the uses of quadratic equations in the real world.
ons.pdf): A good test on the use of quadratic equations in some real life
Verbal Problems
%20Equations.htm): A strategy to help students solve verbal problems related to
quadratic equations.
_Quadratic.html): Provides examples of problems on applications of quadratic
Applications of Quadratic Equations
0-%20Quadratic%20Applications.pdf): Discusses quadratic equations and the
More Applications
( Explains
how quadratic equations can be applied to various problems.
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