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The Battle of Agrarian Reformists against COVID-19

In a glimpse of an eye,
Humanity commences to cry
Like living in an open desert
Yearning for help from the expert
As pandemic halts planet’s revolution
Nation’s striving to recover from devastation.

Quarantine protocols and border restriction
Hamper agricultural production
Separation from society, in trying to save humanity
Impede farmers’ thrive towards economic opportunity
Tillers cry out for families welfare
Knocking out hearts if farmers’ helper

Countering these unprecedented times
Agrarian reformists prepare for its highest climb
Drive to heal as one heightened
Amelioration and Support Programs were conducted
Continuous distribution of lands has been realized
Conveyance of livelihood support been stabilized.

While humans suffer from imposed limitations
Mother Earth tacitly breaks lifelong inhibition
Starting to heal from penetrating wounds
Enhancing humanity’s marvelous home
COVID-19 turn the world upside down
Teaching people to recalibrate and transforming to survive.

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