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CHI SQUARE Independence of Test

Count - Product line Product line

Gender Electronic accessories Fashion accessories Food and beverages
Female 44 45 43
Male 42 40 43
Total Result 86 85 86

Row Labels Electronic accessories Fashion accessories Food and beverages

Female 44 45 43
Male 42 40 43
Grand Total 86 85 86

H0: Type of Product and Gender are independent

H1: Type of Product and Gender are not independent

Row Labels Electronic accessories Fashion accessories Food and beverages

Female 42.2244488977956 41.7334669338677 42.2244488977956
Male 43.7755511022044 43.2665330661323 43.7755511022044
Grand Total 86 85 86

Gender Product Oi Ei
Female Electronic accessories 44 42.22
Female Fashion accessories 45 41.73
Female Food and beverages 43 42.22
Female Health and beauty 36 37.81
Female Home and lifestyle 35 39.77
Female Sports and travel 42 41.24
Male Electronic accessories 42 43.78
Male Fashion accessories 40 43.27
Male Food and beverages 43 43.78
Male Health and beauty 41 39.19
Male Home and lifestyle 46 41.23
Male Sports and travel 42 42.76
499 499

CHI-SQUARE T Statistic 1.997

DF 5
Significance Level 0.05%

P-Value Approach 0.849496813032591


Since P value > 0.05 we do not reject null hypothesis, so we can conclude that both events are independent of each other
Health and beauty Home and lifestyle Sports and travel Total Result
36 35 42 245
41 46 42 254
77 81 84 499

Health and beauty Home and lifestyle Sports and travel Grand Total
36 35 42 245
41 46 42 254
77 81 84 499

Health and beauty Home and lifestyle Sports and travel Grand Total
37.8056112224449 39.7695390781563 41.2424849699399 245
39.1943887775551 41.2304609218437 42.7575150300601 254
77 81 84 499

nts are independent of each other
Food Type Vegetarian Non-Vegetarian Low Caloric Diabetic H0: The observed data fits the theore
Number of 190 185 90 35 H1: The observed data does not fit th
Oi Ei
Food Type Number of Passengers % proportion chi-sq (p-value) 0.059898
Vegetarian 190 175 0.35 Since p>0.05, do not reject H0
Non-Vegeta 185 200 0.4 Result: The observed proportion is fitting to the expec
Low Calori 90 100 0.2
Diabetic 35 25 0.05
Total 500 500

Oi Ei (Oi-Ei)^2/Ei
Number of Passengers
190 175 1.2857142857
185 200 1.125
90 100 1
35 25 4
500 500 7.4107142857
df 3
p-value 0.0598975142
bserved data fits the theoretical data
bserved data does not fit the theoretival data

portion is fitting to the expected percentages

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