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Which of the following statements about unit testing is/are true

I. When all unit tests succeed, you can have high confidence your code is solid.

II. If a unit test fails, you don?t proceed until the code is fixed and the test succeeds.

III. Unit testing can help developer find problems early in the development cycle

Mark for Review

(1) Points

I only

I and II only

II and III only (*)

I, II, and III

None of these

2. Which of the following statements about arrays and ArrayLists in Java are true?

I. An Array has a fixed length.

II. An Array can grow and shrink dynamically as required.

III. An ArrayList can store multiple object types.

IV. In an ArrayList you need to know the length and the current number of elements stored.

Mark for Review

(1) Points

I and III only (*)

II and IV only

I, II, and III only

I, II, III and IV

None of these

3. Which of the following statements about inheritance is false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

A subclass inherits all the members (fields, methods, and nested classes) from its superclass.

Inheritance allows you to reuse the fields and methods of the super class without having to write them yourself.

Inheritance allows you to minimize the amount of duplicate code in an application by sharing common code among
several subclasses.

Through inheritance, a parent class is a more specialized form of the child class. (*)

4. In the relationship between two objects, the class that is being inherited from is called the maxi-class. True or false?
Mark for Review

(1) Points

False (*)

5. Which of the following is not a good technique to follow when reading code written by others? Mark for Review

(1) Points

Find the author of the code and ask him how it works. (*)

Learn the high level structure and starting point, and then figure out how it branches.

Build and run the code.

Perform testing.

Understand the constructs.

6. Examine the following code snippet. What is this an example of?

public class Car extends Vehicle {

public Car() {


} Mark for Review

(1) Points



Inheritance (*)

7. Which two statements are access modifier keywords in Java?(Choose Two) Mark for Review

(1) Points

(Choose all correct answers)

protected (*)


public (*)


8. Which statements are true?(Choose Three) Mark for Review

(1) Points

(Choose all correct answers)

In a constructor, you can call a superclass constructor. (*)

You can declare more than one constructor in a class declaration. (*)

Since a constructor can not return any value, it should be declared as void.

A constructor can not be overloaded.

You can use access modifiers to control which other classes can call the constructor. (*)

9. You declare a method:

public void act(Student s){}

Which of following arguments can be passed into the method? (Choose Two) Mark for Review

(1) Points

(Choose all correct answers)

Type of Object class

Type of Student class (*)

Type of the subclass of Student (*)

10. What is the output from the following code snippet?

public static void main(String[] args){

List li=new ArrayList();




public static void print(List list) {

for (Number n : list)

System.out.print(n + " ");

} Mark for Review

(1) Points

The code will not compile.

1 2 (*)

11. Examine the code below. Which statement about this code is true?

1.class Shape { }

2.class Circle extends Shape { }

3.class Rectangle extends Shape { }

4.class Node { }

5.public class Test{

6.public static void main(String[] args){

7.Node nc = new Node<>();

8.Node ns = nc;

} Mark for Review

(1) Points

The code compiles.

An error at line 8 causes compilation to fail. (*)

An error at line 7 causes compilation to fail.

An error at line 4 causes compilation to fail.

12. The following code will compile.

True or False?

class Node implements Comparable{

public int compareTo(T obj){return 1;}

class Test{

public static void main(String[] args){

Node nc=new Node<>();

Comparable com=nc;

Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)


13. Which of the following correctly initializes an object named cell of the class Telephones whose generic type is
Cellular? Mark for Review

(1) Points
Telephones cell = new Telephones(Cellular c);

Telephones(Cellular) cell = new Telephones(Cellular);

Telephones<> cell = new Telephones<>(Cellular c);

Telephones <Cellular> cell = new Telephones <Cellular>(); (*)

None of the these.

14. A HashMap can only store String types.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points


False (*)

15. Nodes are components of LinkedLists, and they identify where the next and previous nodes are.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points
True (*)


16. Implementing the Comparable interface in your class allows you to define its sort order.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)


17. A HashMap can store duplicates.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points


False (*)
18. Stacks are identical to Queues.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points


False (*)

19. Which of the following correctly defines a queue? Mark for Review

(1) Points

Something that enables you to create a generic class without specifying a type between angle brackets <>.

It is a keyword in Java that restrict the use of the code to local users only.

A list of elements with a first in last out order.

A list of elements with a first in first out order. (*)

20. Where you enqueue an element in the list? Mark for Review

(1) Points

removes it from the front of the list

adds it to the start of the list

adds it to the end of the list (*)

removes it from the end of the list

21. Which of the following describes a deque. Mark for Review

(1) Points

It is pronounced "deck" for short.

It implements a stack.

Allows for insertion or deletion of elements from the first element added or the last one.
All of the above. (*)

22. Which sort algorithm was used to sort the char array {'M', 'S', 'A', 'T', 'H'}?

The steps are shown below:

{'M', 'S', 'A', 'T', 'H'}

{'M', 'A', 'S', 'T', 'H'}

{'A', 'M', 'S', 'T', 'H'}

{'A', 'M', 'S', 'H', 'T'}

{'A', 'M', 'H', 'S', 'T'}

{'A', 'H', 'M', 'S', 'T'} Mark for Review

(1) Points

Sequential Search

Bubble Sort (*)

Selection Sort

Binary Search

Merge Sort
23. Big-O Notation is used in Computer Science to describe the performance of Sorts and Searches on arrays. True or
false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)


24. Why might a sequential search be inefficient? Mark for Review

(1) Points

It utilizes the "divide and conquer" method, which makes the algorithm more error prone.

It requires incrementing through the entire array in the worst case, which is inefficient on large data sets. (*)

It involves looping through the array multiple times before finding the value, which is inefficient on large data sets.

It is never inefficient.
25. Which of the following sorting algorithms utilizes a "divide and conquer" technique to sort arrays with optimal
speed? Mark for Review

(1) Points

Sequential Search

Merge Sort (*)

Selection Sort

Binary Search

All of the above

26. Why might a sequential search be inefficient? Mark for Review

(1) Points

It utilizes the "divide and conquer" method, which makes the algorithm more error prone.

It requires incrementing through the entire array in the worst case, which is inefficient on large data sets. (*)

It involves looping through the array multiple times before finding the value, which is inefficient on large data sets.

It is never inefficient.
27. A sequential search is an iteration through the array that stops at the index where the desired element is found.
True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)


28. Bubble Sort is a sorting algorithm that involves swapping the smallest value into the first index, finding the next
smallest value and swapping it into the next index and so on until the array is sorted.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points


False (*)
29. Which of the following is the correct lexicographical order for the conents of the following int array?

{17, 1, 1, 83, 50, 28, 29, 3, 71, 22} Mark for Review

(1) Points

{1, 1, 17, 22, 28, 29, 3, 50, 71, 83} (*)

{1, 1, 3, 17, 22, 28, 29, 50, 71, 83}

{1, 2, 7, 0, 9, 5, 6, 4, 8, 3}

{71, 1, 3, 28,29, 50, 22, 83, 1, 17}

{83, 71, 50, 29, 28, 22, 17, 3, 1, 1}

30. Which of the following statements can be compiled?(Choose Three) Mark for Review

(1) Points

(Choose all correct answers)

List<Object> list = new ArrayList<String>();

List<?> list = new ArrayList<String>(); (*)

List list = new ArrayList<String>(); (*)

List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); (*)

31. Which code inserted into the code below guarantees that the program will output [1,2]?

import java.util.*;

public class Example{

public static void main(String[] args){

//insert code here




} Mark for Review

(1) Points

Set set = new SortedSet();

Set set = new HashSet();

Set set = new TreeSet(); (*)

List set = new SortedList();

Set set = new LinkedHashSet();

32. Sets may contain duplicates.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points


False (*)

33. ArrayList and Arrays both require you to define their size before use.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points


False (*)
34. A HashSet is a set that is similar to an ArrayList. A HashSet does not have any specific ordering.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)


35. Which interface forms the root of the collections hierarchy? Mark for Review

(1) Points




java.util.Collection (*)
6. Unit testing is the phase in software testing in which individual software modules are combined and tested as a
whole. True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points


False (*)

7. What do Arrays and ArrayLists have in common?

I. They both store data.

II. They can both be traversed in loops.

III. They both can be dynamically re-sized during execution of a program.

Mark for Review

(1) Points

I only

II only

I and II only (*)

I, II and III only

None of these
8.Which of the following are important to your survival as a programmer? Mark for Review

(1) Points

Being good at reading code.

Looking for opportunities to read code.

Being good at testing.

All of these. (*)

9. Reading great code is just as important for a programmer as reading great books is for a writer. True or false? Mark
for Review

(1) Points

True (*)

10. The instanceof operator allows you to determine the type of an object.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)


36. The following code is valid when working with the Collection Interface.

Collection collection = new Collection()d;

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points


False (*)
37. Which one of the following statements is true? Mark for Review

(1) Points

A Java program can only contain one super class

A class is a template that defines the features of an object (*)

A class is a Java primitive

A class is an intance of an object

38. An interfaces can declare public constants.

True or False? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)

39. Immutable classes do allow instance variables to be changed by overriding methods.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points


False (*)

40. In general, classes can be made immutable by placing a final key word before the class keyword.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points


True (*)

41. Immutable classes can be subclassed.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

False (*)

42. The state of an object differentiates it from other objects of the same class.

True or False? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)


43. A method with default access can be subclassed.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points


False (*)
44. You can always upcast a subclass to an interface provided you don't need to access any members of the concrete

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)


45. Virtual method invocation occurs: Mark for Review

(1) Points

When the method of a subclass is used on a superclass reference. (*)

When the method of a superclass is used on a superclass reference.

When the method of a subclass is used on a subclass reference.

Not part of polymorphism.

46. The instanceof operator works with class instances and primitive data types.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points


False (*)

47. Upward casting an object instance means you can't access subclass specific methods.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)

48. Which two of the following statements are true? (Choose Two) Mark for Review

(1) Points

(Choose all correct answers)

An abstract class can create subclass and be constructed.

An abstract class must be difined by using the abstract keyword. (*)

An abstract class must contain abstrct method.

An abstract class can define constructor. (*)

49. Java provides virtual method invocation as a feature and it doesn't require specialized coding.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)

50. The instanceof operator is a boolean comparison operator.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)


6. Unit testing is the phase in software testing in which individual software modules are combined and tested as a
whole. True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points


False (*)
7. What do Arrays and ArrayLists have in common?

I. They both store data.

II. They can both be traversed in loops.

III. They both can be dynamically re-sized during execution of a program.

Mark for Review

(1) Points

I only

II only

I and II only (*)

I, II and III only

None of these

8. Which of the following are important to your survival as a programmer? Mark for Review

(1) Points

Being good at reading code.

Looking for opportunities to read code.

Being good at testing.

All of these. (*)

9. Reading great code is just as important for a programmer as reading great books is for a writer. True or false? Mark
for Review

(1) Points

True (*)


10. The instanceof operator allows you to determine the type of an object.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)

11. The instanceof operator is a boolean comparison operator.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)


12. Java provides virtual method invocation as a feature and it doesn't require specialized coding.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)


13. The instanceof operator works with class instances and primitive data types.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points


False (*)

14. What is the result of the following code snippet??

1. abstract class AbstractBankAccount {

2. abstract int getBalance ();

3. )

4. public class CreditAccount extends AbstractBankAccount{

5. private int balance;

6. private int getBalance (){

7. return balance;

8. }

9.} Mark for Review

(1) Points

An error at line 6 causes compilation to fail. (*)

Compilation is successful.

An error at line 2 causes compilation to fail.

An error at line 4 causes compilation to fail.

15. Virtual method invocation occurs when you try to call a superclass method.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points


False (*)

16. Virtual method invocation occurs: Mark for Review

(1) Points

When the method of a superclass is used on a superclass reference.

When the method of a subclass is used on a subclass reference.

Not part of polymorphism.

When the method of a subclass is used on a superclass reference. (*)

17. Which of the following describes a deque. Mark for Review

(1) Points

It is pronounced "deck" for short

It implements a stack.

Allows for insertion or deletion of elements from the first element added or the last one.

All of the above. (*)

18. Why can a LinkedList be considered a stack and a queue?(Choose Three) Mark for Review

(1) Points

(Choose all correct answers)

Because you can remove elements from the end of it. (*)
Because you can remove elements from the beginning of it. (*)

Because you can not add element to the beginning of it.

Because you can add elements to the end of it. (*)

19. A LinkedList is a type of Stack.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)


20. Stacks are identical to Queues.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

False (*)

21. Which of the following is a list of elements that have a first in last out ordering. Mark for Review

(1) Points


Stacks (*)



22. Which of the following correctly defines a queue? Mark for Review

(1) Points

A list of elements with a first in first out order. (*)

Something that enables you to create a generic class without specifying a type between angle brackets <>.

A list of elements with a first in last out order.

It is a keyword in Java that restrict the use of the code to local users only.

23. Which scenario best describes a queue? Mark for Review

(1) Points

A pile of pancakes with which you add some to the top and remove them one by one from the top to the bottom.

A row of books that you can take out of only the middle of the books first and work your way outward toward either

A line at the grocery store where the first person in the line is the first person to leave. (*)

All of the above describe a queue.

24. What are maps that link a Key to a Value? Mark for Review

(1) Points

HashMaps (*)



25. The local petting zoo is writing a program to be able to collect group animals according to species to better keep
track of what animals they have.

Which of the following correctly defines a collection that may create these types of groupings for each species at the
zoo? Mark for Review

(1) Points

public class

animalCollection {...}(*) (*)

public class

animalCollection(AnimalType T) {...}

public class

animalCollection {...}

public class

animalCollection(animalType) {...}

None of the these.

26. Enumerations (enums) are useful for storing data : Mark for Review

(1) Points

You cannot store data in an enum.

When the class is a subclass of Object.

When you know all of the possibilities of the class (*)

When the class is constantly changing

27. Generic methods are required to be declared as static.

True or False? Mark for Review

(1) Points


False (*)
28. < ? > is an example of a bounded generic wildcard.

True or False? Mark for Review

(1) Points


False (*)

29. Selection sort is a sorting algorithm that involves finding the minimum value in the list, swapping it with the value
in the first position, and repeating these steps for the remainder of the list.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)


30. Which of the following best describes lexicographical order? Mark for Review

(1) Points
A simple sorting algorithm that is inefficient on large arrays.

An order based on the ASCII value of characters. (*)

A complex sorting algorithm that is efficient on large arrays.

The order of indicies after an array has been sorted.

31. Which of the following sorting algorithms utilizes a "divide and conquer" technique to sort arrays with optimal
speed? Mark for Review

(1) Points

Sequential Search

Merge Sort (*)

Selection Sort

Binary Search

All of the above

32. Why might a sequential search be inefficient? Mark for Review

(1) Points

It utilizes the "divide and conquer" method, which makes the algorithm more error prone.

It requires incrementing through the entire array in the worst case, which is inefficient on large data sets. (*)

It involves looping through the array multiple times before finding the value, which is inefficient on large data sets.

It is never inefficient.

33. Bubble Sort is a sorting algorithm that involves swapping the smallest value into the first index, finding the next
smallest value and swapping it into the next index and so on until the array is sorted.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points


False (*)
34. Why might a sequential search be inefficient? Mark for Review

(1) Points

It utilizes the "divide and conquer" method, which makes the algorithm more error prone.

It requires incrementing through the entire array in the worst case, which is inefficient on large data sets. (*)

It involves looping through the array multiple times before finding the value, which is inefficient on large data sets.

It is never inefficient.

35.Of the options below, what is the fastest run-time? Mark for Review

(1) Points


log(n) (*)

36. Which sort algorithm was used to sort the char array {'M', 'S', 'A', 'T', 'H'}?

The steps are shown below:

{'M', 'S', 'A', 'T', 'H'}

{'M', 'A', 'S', 'T', 'H'}

{'A', 'M', 'S', 'T', 'H'}

{'A', 'M', 'S', 'H', 'T'}

{'A', 'M', 'H', 'S', 'T'}

{'A', 'H', 'M', 'S', 'T'} Mark for Review

(1) Points

Binary Search

Selection Sort

Merge Sort

Sequential Search

Bubble Sort (*)

37. In general, classes can be made immutable by placing a final key word before the class keyword.
True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points


True (*)

38. You can only implement one interface in a class.

True or False? Mark for Review

(1) Points


False (*)

39. Classes define and implement what? Mark for Review

(1) Points

All method definitions without any implementations

Constants and all methods with implementations

All methods with implementations

Some methods with implementations

Variables and methods (*)

40. Immutable classes can be subclassed.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points


False (*)

41. Modeling classes for a business problem requires understanding of the business not Java. True or false? Mark for

(1) Points

False (*)

42. A method with default access can be subclassed.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points


False (*)

43. Which two statements are equivalent to line 2?

(Choose Two) 1. public interface Account{

2. int accountID=100;

3. } Mark for Review

(1) Points

(Choose all correct answers)

static int accountID=100; (*)

private int accountID=100;

protected int accountID=100;

Abstract int accountID=100;

Final int accountID=100; (*)

44. What is a set? Mark for Review

(1) Points

A collection of elements that contains duplicates.

A collection of elements that does not contain duplicates. (*)

Something that enables you to create a generic class without specifying a type between angle brackets <>.

A keyword in Java that initializes an ArrayList.

45. Which of the following statements can be compiled?(Choose Three) Mark for Review

(1) Points
(Choose all correct answers)

List<Object> list = new ArrayList<String>();

List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); (*)

List list = new ArrayList<String>(); (*)

List<?> list = new ArrayList<String>(); (*)

6. Choose the best definiton for a collection. Mark for Review

(1) Points

It is an interface in the java.util package that is used to define a group of objects. (*)

It enables you to create a generic class without specifying a type between angle brackets <>.

It is a special type of class that is associated with one or more non-specified Java type.

It is a subclass of List.
47. Sets may contain duplicates.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points


False (*)

48. Which is the correct way to initialize a HashSet? Mark for Review

(1) Points

ClassMates = public class


classMates = new HashSet[String]();

HashSet classMates =

new HashSet(); (*)

String classMates = new

49. Which interface forms the root of the collections hierarchy? Mark for Review

(1) Points


java.util.Collection (*)



50. What is the result from the following code snippet?

interface Shape {}

class Circle implements Shape{}

class Rectangle implements Shape{}

public class Test{

public static void main(String[] args) {

List ls= new ArrayList<Shape>();//line 1

ls.add(new Circle());

ls.add(new Rectangle());// line 2

ls.add(new Integer(1));// line 3

System.out.println(ls.size());// line 4

} Mark for Review

(1) Points

3 (*)

Compilation error at line 1

Compilation error at line 4

Compilation error at line 2

Compilation error at line 3

1. Which statement is true when run the following statement?

1. String str = null;

2. if ((str != null) && (str.length() > 1)) {

3. System.out.println("great that number 1");

4. } else if ((str != null) & (str.length() < 2)) {

5. System.out.println("less than number 2");

6. } Mark for Review

(1) Points

The code compiles and will throw an exception at line 4. (*)

The code compiles and will throw an exception at line 5

The code does not compile.

The code compiles and will throw an exception at line 3.

The code compiles and will throw an exception at line 2.

2. A class can be extended by more than one class. True or False? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)


3. Which two statements are access modifier keywords in Java?(Choose Two) Mark for Review

(1) Points

(Choose all correct answers)

public (*)

protected (*)



4. Unit testing can help you isolate problem quickly. True or False? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)


5. Which statement is true for the class java.util.ArrayList? Mark for Review

(1) Points

The elements in the collection are ordered. (*)

The elements in the collection are accessed using key.

The elements in the collection are synchronized.

The elements in the collection are immutable.

6. The main purpose of unit testing is to verify that an individual unit (a class, in Java) is working correctly before it is
combined with other components in the system. True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)


7. Which of the following statements about arrays and ArrayLists in Java are true?

I. An Array has a fixed length.

II. An Array can grow and shrink dynamically as required.

III. An ArrayList can store multiple object types.

IV. In an ArrayList you need to know the length and the current number of elements stored.

Mark for Review

(1) Points
I and III only (*)

II and IV only

I, II, and III only

I, II, III and IV

None of these

8. When an object is able to pass on its state and behaviors to its children, this is called: Mark for Review

(1) Points




Inheritance (*)
9. Which of the following are important to your survival as a programmer? Mark for Review

(1) Points

Being good at reading code.

Looking for opportunities to read code.

Being good at testing.

All of these. (*)

10. Which of the following best describes lexicographical order? Mark for Review

(1) Points

A complex sorting algorithm that is efficient on large arrays.

An order based on the ASCII value of characters. (*)

The order of indicies after an array has been sorted.

A simple sorting algorithm that is inefficient on large arrays.

11. Of the options below, what is the fastest run-time? Mark for Review

(1) Points


log(n) (*)


12. Selection sort is a sorting algorithm that involves finding the minimum value in the list, swapping it with the value
in the first position, and repeating these steps for the remainder of the list.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)

13. A sequential search is an iteration through the array that stops at the index where the desired element is found.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)


14. Bubble Sort is a sorting algorithm that involves swapping the smallest value into the first index, finding the next
smallest value and swapping it into the next index and so on until the array is sorted.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points


False (*)
15. Which of the following is the correct lexicographical order for the conents of the following int array?

{17, 1, 1, 83, 50, 28, 29, 3, 71, 22} Mark for Review

(1) Points

{1, 1, 3, 17, 22, 28, 29, 50, 71, 83}

{1, 2, 7, 0, 9, 5, 6, 4, 8, 3}

{83, 71, 50, 29, 28, 22, 17, 3, 1, 1}

{71, 1, 3, 28,29, 50, 22, 83, 1, 17}

{1, 1, 17, 22, 28, 29, 3, 50, 71, 83} (*)

16. Why might a sequential search be inefficient? Mark for Review

(1) Points

It utilizes the "divide and conquer" method, which makes the algorithm more error prone.

It requires incrementing through the entire array in the worst case, which is inefficient on large data sets. (*)
It involves looping through the array multiple times before finding the value, which is inefficient on large data sets.

It is never inefficient.

17. A sequential search is an iteration through the array that stops at the index where the desired element is found.
True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)


18. In general, classes can be made immutable by placing a final key word before the class keyword.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)

19. Immutable classes can be subclassed.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points


False (*)

20. Classes define and implement what? Mark for Review

(1) Points

Some methods with implementations

All methods with implementations

All method definitions without any implementations

Variables and methods (*)

Constants and all methods with implementations

21. Interfaces define what? Mark for Review

(1) Points

Constants and all methods with implementations

Variables and methods

Some methods with implementations

All method definitions without any implementations (*)

All methods with implementations

22. Making a class immutable means: Mark for Review

(1) Points

That it cannot be extended. (*)

To create an instance of the class.

To create a sub class from a parent class

That it is directly subclassed from the Object class

23. Modeling classes for a business problem requires understanding of the business not Java. True or false? Mark for

(1) Points


False (*)

24. Modeling business problems requires understanding the interaction between interfaces, abstract and concrete
classes, subclasses, and enum classes. Mark for Review

(1) Points
True (*)


25. Which method will force a subclass to implement it? Mark for Review

(1) Points

Public native double act();

Abstract public void act(); (*)

Protected void act(String name){}

Static void act(String name) {}

Public double act();

26. Virtual method invocation occurs when you try to call a superclass method.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

False (*)

27. Virtual method invocation must be defined with the instanceof operator.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points


False (*)

28. A upward cast means all instance variables of the subclass are permanently lost to the instance.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points


False (*)
29. Calling a subclass method by referring to a superclass works because you have access to all specialized methods
through virtual method invocation.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points


False (*)

30. Which line contains an compilation error?

interface Shape {}

interface InnerShape extends Shape{}

class Circle implements Shape{ }

class InnerCircle extends Circle{}

class Rectangle implements Shape{}

public class Tester {

public static void main(String[] args) {

Circle c= new Circle();

InnerCircle ic = new InnerCircle();

Rectangle rect = new Rectangle();

System.out.print(c instanceof InnerCircle); //Line 1

System.out.print(ic instanceof Circle); //Line 2

System.out.print(rect instanceof InnerCircle); //Line 3

System.out.print(rect instanceof Shape); //Line 4

} Mark for Review

(1) Points

Line 1

Line 3 (*)

Line 4

Line 2

31. Which two of the following statements are true? (Choose Two) Mark for Review

(1) Points

(Choose all correct answers)

An abstract class must be difined by using the abstract keyword. (*)

An abstract class can define constructor. (*)

An abstract class must contain abstrct method.

An abstract class can create subclass and be constructed.

32. Which interface forms the root of the collections hierarchy? Mark for Review

(1) Points

java.util.Collection (*)




33. Which of the following correctly adds "Cabbage" to the ArrayList vegetables? Mark for Review

(1) Points
vegetables[0] = "Cabbage";

vegetables += "Cabbage";

vegetables.add("Cabbage"); (*)


34. What is the result from the following code snippet?

interface Shape {}

class Circle implements Shape{}

class Rectangle implements Shape{}

public class Test{

public static void main(String[] args) {

List ls= new ArrayList<Shape>();//line 1

ls.add(new Circle());

ls.add(new Rectangle());// line 2

ls.add(new Integer(1));// line 3

System.out.println(ls.size());// line 4

} Mark for Review

(1) Points
Compilation error at line 4

Compilation error at line 1

Compilation error at line 2

3 (*)

Compilation error at line 3

35. What is the output from the following code snippet?

Integer[] ar = {1, 2, 1, 3};

Set<Integer> set = new TreeSet<Integer>(Arrays.asList(ar));


for (Integer element : set) {


} Mark for Review

(1) Points

1234 (*)



36. Which of the following statements can be compiled?(Choose Three) Mark for Review

(1) Points

(Choose all correct answers)

List<?> list = new ArrayList<String>(); (*)

List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); (*)

List<Object> list = new ArrayList<String>();

List list = new ArrayList<String>(); (*)

37. A HashSet is a set that is similar to an ArrayList. A HashSet does not have any specific ordering.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points
True (*)


38. Which class is an ordered collection that may contain duplicates? Mark for Review

(1) Points




list (*)

39. A generic class is a type of class that associates one or more non-specific Java types with it.

True or False? Mark for Review

(1) Points
True (*)


40. Generic methods can only belong to generic classes.

True or False? Mark for Review

(1) Points


False (*)

41. What is the output from the following code snippet?

public static void main(String[] args){

List li=new ArrayList();




public static void print(List list) {

for (Number n : list)

System.out.print(n + " ");

} Mark for Review

(1) Points

The code will not compile.

1 2 (*)

42. An example of an upper bounded wildcard is. Mark for Review

(1) Points

ArrayList<? super Animal>



ArrayList<? extends Animal> (*)

43. Implementing the Comparable interface in your class allows you to define its sort order.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)


44. A LinkedList is a list of elements that is dynamically stored.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)

45. Why can a LinkedList be considered a stack and a queue?(Choose Three) Mark for Review

(1) Points

(Choose all correct answers)

Because you can not add element to the beginning of it.

Because you can remove elements from the end of it. (*)

Because you can add elements to the end of it. (*)

Because you can remove elements from the beginning of it. (*)

46. The Comparable interface includes a method called compareTo.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)

47. Which of the following methods adds a Key-Value map to a HashMap? Mark for Review

(1) Points

remove(Key, Value)

get(Key, Value)

put(Key, Value) (*)

add(Key, Value)

48. Which scenario best describes a queue? Mark for Review

(1) Points

A pile of pancakes with which you add some to the top and remove them one by one from the top to the bottom.

A row of books that you can take out of only the middle of the books first and work your way outward toward either

A line at the grocery store where the first person in the line is the first person to leave. (*)

All of the above describe a queue.

49. A LinkedList is a type of Stack.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)


50. Which of the following describes a deque. Mark for Review

(1) Points

It is pronounced "deck" for short.

It implements a stack.

Allows for insertion or deletion of elements from the first element added or the last one.

All of the above. (*)

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1 komentar:

Редич Олександр Володимирович1 April 2020 05.08

interface Shape {}

interface InnerShape extends Shape{}

class Circle implements Shape{ }

class InnerCircle extends Circle{}

class Rectangle implements Shape{}

public class Tester {

public static void main(String[] args) {

Circle c= new Circle();

InnerCircle ic = new InnerCircle();

Rectangle rect = new Rectangle();

System.out.print(c instanceof InnerCircle); //Line 1

System.out.print(ic instanceof Circle); //Line 2

System.out.print(rect instanceof InnerCircle); //Line 3

System.out.print(rect instanceof Shape); //Line 4


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Tema Sederhan

java programming

Section 1

(Answer all questions in this section)

10. The function of Garbage Collection in Java is: Mark for Review

(1) Points

The JVM uses GC to clear the program output.

The JVM GC deletes all unused Java files on the system.

Memory occupied by objects with no reference is automatically reclaimed for reuse. (*)

As a Java programmer, we have to call the GC function specifically in order to manage the Java Memory.

1. Which of the following statements is NOT true of the Java programming language? Mark for Review
(1) Points

All source code is written in plain text files with the extension .java.

Java source code files are compiled into .class files by the javac command.

The javac command can be used to run a Java application. (*)

A .class file contains platform independent bytecode.

Correct Correct

2. Which of the following statements describe the Java programming language? Mark for Review

(1) Points

Java is a high-level programming language.

The Java programming language includes a garbage collection feature.

Java is an object oriented programming language.

All of the above (*)

Correct Correct

3. Given the java snippet below:

public class Foo{

int x;

public void testFoo(){

int y=100;

Which of the following statements is TRUE? Mark for Review

(1) Points

Compile error, as the variable x is not initialized.

Variable x resides in the stack area, and variable y resides in the heap of the JVM.

Variable x resides in the heap area, and variable y resides in the stack of the JVM (*)

Variable x stays in the heap area, and variable y resides in the method area of the JVM.
Correct Correct

4. Which of the following converts a human-readable file into a platform-independent code file in Java? Mark for

(1) Points



javac command (*)

java command

Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to Section 1 Lesson 1.

5. Java allows the same Java program to be executed on multiple operating systems. Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)

Correct Correct

6. Which of the following statements describe Java technology? Mark for Review

(1) Points

It is a programming language.

It is a development environment.

It is a deployment environment.

All of the above (*)

Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to Section 1 Lesson 1.

7. During runtime, the Java platform loads classes dynamically as required. Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)

Correct Correct

8. One of the primary goals of the Java platform is to provide an interpreted, just-in-time run time environment. Mark
for Review

(1) Points

True (*)


Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to Section 1 Lesson 1.

9. Given the following output from the Minor GC:

[GC [DefNew: 4032K->64K(4032K), 0.0429742 secs] 9350K->7748K(32704K), 0.0431096 secs]

Which of the following statements is TRUE? Mark for Review

(1) Points

Entire heap is 9350k.

Young Generation usage decreased by 3968k. (*)

The pause time spent in Young Generation is 0.0431096

The size of Eden space is 4032k.

Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to Section 1 Lesson 2.

10. Given the following code snippet:

String str = new String("Hello");

The "Hello" String literal will be located in which memory area in the JVM during runtime? Mark for Review

(1) Points

In the Heap area of the run-time data area in the JVM.

In the Method area of the run-time data area in the JVM.

In the Stack area of the run-time data area in the JVM.

In the constant pool area of the run-time data area in the JVM. (*)
Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to Section 1 Lesson 2.

11. Given the following code snippet:

String str = new String("Hello");

The str variable will be located in which memory area in the JVM during runtime? Mark for Review

(1) Points

str will stay in the heap area of the run-time data area in the JVM.

str will stay in the method area of the run-time data area in the JVM.

str will stay in the stack area of the run-time data area in the JVM. (*)

str will stay in the heap area of the constant pool run-time data area in the JVM.

Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to Section 1 Lesson 2.

12. In which area of heap memory are newly created objects stored? Mark for Review

(1) Points

Survivor Space 0
Survivor Space 1

Eden (*)


Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to Section 1 Lesson 2.

13. Which of the following allows the programmer to destroy an object referenced by x? Mark for Review

(1) Points




Only the garbage collection system can destroy an object. (*)

Correct Correct
14. Which of following statements describes Parallel and Serial Garbage collection? Mark for Review

(1) Points

A Serial garbage collector uses multiple threads to manage heap space.

A Parallel garbage collector uses multiple threads to manage heap space. (*)

A Parallel garbage collector uses multiple threads to manage stack space.

A Serial garbage collector uses multiple threads to manage stack space.

Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to Section 1 Lesson 2.

15. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE for the JVM heap? Mark for Review

(1) Points

Java Developer can explicitly allocate and deallocate the Heap Memory. (*)

The Heap can be managed by the Garbage Collector.

The Heap can be shared among all Java threads.

Class instance and arrays are allocated in the Heap Memory.

Correct Correct

1. Given the java snippet below:

public class Foo{

int x;

public void testFoo(){

int y=100;

Which of the following statements is TRUE? Mark for Review

(1) Points

Compile error, as the variable x is not initialized.

Variable x resides in the stack area, and variable y resides in the heap of the JVM.

Variable x resides in the heap area, and variable y resides in the stack of the JVM (*)

Variable x stays in the heap area, and variable y resides in the method area of the JVM.
Correct Correct

2. Which of the following statements describe the Java programming language? Mark for Review

(1) Points

Java is a high-level programming language.

The Java programming language includes a garbage collection feature.

Java is an object oriented programming language.

All of the above (*)

Correct Correct

3. During runtime, the Java platform loads classes dynamically as required. Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)

Correct Correct

4. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE about the JVM? Mark for Review

(1) Points

The JVM is a virtual Machine that acts as an intermediary layer between the Java Application and the Native Operating

The JVM reads byte code from the class file, and generates machine code.

The JVM does not understand the Java language specification.

The JVM reads Java source code, and then translates it into byte code. (*)

Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to Section 1 Lesson 1.

5. Where does an object of a class get stored? Mark for Review

(1) Points

Stack area
Method area

In the file

In the database

Heap area (*)

6. Java allows the same Java program to be executed on multiple operating systems. Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)


Correct Correct

7. Which of the following converts a human-readable file into a platform-independent code file in Java? Mark for

(1) Points


javac command (*)

java command

Correct Correct

8. One of the primary goals of the Java platform is to provide an interpreted, just-in-time run time environment. Mark
for Review

(1) Points

True (*)


Correct Correct

9. Which of following statements describes Parallel and Serial Garbage collection? Mark for Review

(1) Points
A Serial garbage collector uses multiple threads to manage heap space.

A Parallel garbage collector uses multiple threads to manage heap space. (*)

A Parallel garbage collector uses multiple threads to manage stack space.

A Serial garbage collector uses multiple threads to manage stack space.

Correct Correct

10. Given the following output from the Minor GC:

[GC [DefNew: 4032K->64K(4032K), 0.0429742 secs] 9350K->7748K(32704K), 0.0431096 secs]

Which of the following statements is TRUE? Mark for Review

(1) Points

Entire heap is 9350k.

Young Generation usage decreased by 3968k. (*)

The pause time spent in Young Generation is 0.0431096

The size of Eden space is 4032k.

Correct Correct

11. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE for the JVM heap? Mark for Review

(1) Points

Java Developer can explicitly allocate and deallocate the Heap Memory. (*)

The Heap can be managed by the Garbage Collector.

The Heap can be shared among all Java threads.

Class instance and arrays are allocated in the Heap Memory.

Correct Correct

12. Given the following code snippet:

String str = new String("Hello");

The "Hello" String literal will be located in which memory area in the JVM during runtime? Mark for Review

(1) Points
In the Heap area of the run-time data area in the JVM.

In the Method area of the run-time data area in the JVM.

In the Stack area of the run-time data area in the JVM.

In the constant pool area of the run-time data area in the JVM. (*)

Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to Section 1 Lesson 2.

13. Given the following output from the Minor GC:

[GC [DefNew: 4032K->64K(4032K), 0.0429742 secs] 9350K->7748K(32704K), 0.0431096 secs]

What estimated percentage of the Java objects will be promoted from Young space to Tenured space? Mark for Review

(1) Points



0.6 (*)


Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to Section 1 Lesson 2.

14. Which of the following allows the programmer to destroy an object referenced by x? Mark for Review

(1) Points




Only the garbage collection system can destroy an object. (*)

Correct Correct

15. Given the following code snippet:

String str = new String("Hello");

The str variable will be located in which memory area in the JVM during runtime? Mark for Review

(1) Points

str will stay in the heap area of the run-time data area in the JVM.

str will stay in the method area of the run-time data area in the JVM.

str will stay in the stack area of the run-time data area in the JVM. (*)

str will stay in the heap area of the constant pool run-time data area in the JVM.

Correct Correct

Section 2

(Answer all questions in this section)

1. Which of the following commands allows a developer to see the effects of a running java application on memory and
CPU? Mark for Review

(1) Points


jvisualvm (*)


Correct Correct

2. HotSpot has an HSDIS plugin to allow disassembly of code. Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)


Correct Correct

3. Which of the following commands is used to launch a java program? Mark for Review

(1) Points


java (*)


Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to Section 2 Lesson 1.

4. Before we can use the jsat tool we first have to use the jps tool to obtain JVM process id numbers. Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)


Correct Correct

5. Given the following information in the jdb tool, jdb paused at line 11:

9 public static void method1(){

10 x=100;

11 }
public static void method1();


0: bipush 100

2: putstatic #7 //Field x:I

5: return

Which statement is true?

Step completed: "thread-main", Example.method1(), line=11 bci=5

Mark for Review

(1) Points

The line=11 means the jdb executed line 11 bytecode in the method1 method.

The bci=5 means the jdb executed the last bytecode instruction in the method1 method. (*)

The bci=5 means the jdb executed 5 lines of the source code.

From the bytecode, we can assume the Variable x is an instance variable.

Correct Correct

6. The javac command can be used to display native code in Java Mark for Review

(1) Points

False (*)

Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to Section 2 Lesson 1.

7. The jsat tool can be used to monitor garbage collection information. Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)


3. Which of the following structures are contained in a Java class file? Mark for Review

(1) Points



All of the above (*)

The bytecode for a Java method is located in which structure in the Java class file? Mark for Review

(1) Points



method_info (*)


Which structure in the Java class file contains the line number information for the original source file? Mark for Review

(1) Points

method_info (*)




Which of the following commands can be used to translate Java source code into bytecode? Mark for Review

(1) Points

javac (*)



Correct Correct

8. Which of the following commands can be used to monitor the Java Virtual Machine statistics? Mark for Review

(1) Points

jstat (*)



Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to Section 2 Lesson 1.

9. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE for the jdb command? Mark for Review

(1) Points

jdb can display the source code.

jdb can set the break pont for the program.

jdb can dump the stack of the current thread.

jdb can track the GC activity of the program. (*)

Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to Section 2 Lesson 1.

10. The class file contains the definition it inherits from the superclass. Mark for Review

(1) Points

False (*)

Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to Section 2 Lesson 2.

11. Given the following instance variable:

public void foo(){

int i=888888;

Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE? Mark for Review

(1) Points

The variable i is a local variable.

The 888888 is an integer literal. After compile, the number will stay in the constant pool.

The variable i and the literal 888888 are stored in the method_info. (*)

The field descriptor for the variable i is I.

Correct Correct

12. The attributes_count item indicates how many attributes are contained within a method. Mark for Review
(1) Points

True (*)


10. Like in the Java source code file, one Java class file can contain multiple class definitions. Mark for Review

(1) Points


False (*)

Correct Correct

13. Given the following declaration of the method test:

public static void test(String s, int i);

Which of the following is the descriptor of the test method in the class file? Mark for Review

(1) Points


(Ljava/lang/String;I)V (*)


Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to Section 2 Lesson 2.

14. Given the following class structure:

public class Shape{

void foo(){}

public class Circle extends Shape{

void draw(){}

Which of the following statements is TRUE? Mark for Review

(1) Points

The foo method definition appears in the Circle class.

The Circle class contains both the foo and draw method definitions.

The foo method definition is only contained in the Shape class. (*)
If a Circle object is instantiated, the constructor of Circle will call the constructor of Shape.

Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to Section 2 Lesson 2.

15. In a valid Java class file, the magic number is always: Mark for Review

(1) Points





Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to Section 2 Lesson 2.

Section 3

(Answer all questions in this section)

1. opcode invokespecial is used to invoke an instance initialization method. Mark for Review

(1) Points
True (*)


Correct Correct

2. Bytecode is an intermediate representation of a program, somewhere between source code and machine code.
Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)


Correct Correct

3. To inspect bytecode, which option is used with the javap command to disassemble the class file? Mark for Review

(1) Points


-c (*)


Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 1.

4. Choose which opcode is used to load an int from the local variable to the operand stack. Mark for Review

(1) Points


iload (*)



Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 1.

5. Java bytecode is generated by the javac command. Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)


Correct Correct

6. Choose which opcode is used to push an int constant 5 onto the operand stack. Mark for Review

(1) Points

iconst_5 (*)




Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 1.

7. .class files are loaded into memory all at once, when a Java application is launched. Mark for Review

(1) Points


False (*)

Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 2.

8. The Java developer can define a number of additional or custom classloaders. Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)


Correct Correct
9. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE for the Class.forName("HelloClass") method? (Choose three)

public class Foo{

public void test(){


Mark for Review

(1) Points

(Choose all correct answers)

The forName() method does not initialize the HelloClass. (*)

The forName() method returns the Class object associated with the HelloClass.

The forName() method does not load the HelloClas class into the Java Runtime. (*)

In this example, the Class.forName("HelloClass") will use the ClassLoader which loads the Foo class.

The forName method will instantiate a HelloClass object. (*)

Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 2.

10. The process of linking involves which of the following processes? Mark for Review

(1) Points




All of the above (*)

Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 2.

11. In the ClassLoader hierarchy, which of the following is the only class loader that does NOT have a parent? Mark for

(1) Points

custom class loader

application class loader

bootstrap class loader (*)

extension class loader

Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 2.

12. Which of the following exceptions is thrown by the loadClass() method of ClassLoader class? Mark for Review

(1) Points




ClassNotFoundException (*)

Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 2.

13. The same class cannot be loaded by the JVM more than one time. Mark for Review

(1) Points
True (*)


Correct Correct

14. Which of the following from ClassLoader will load the rt.jar, the Java core clsses which are present in the java.*
package? Mark for Review

(1) Points

Extension Class Loader

Custom Class Loader

Bootstrap Class Loader (*)

Application Class Loader

Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 2.

15. The System or Application ClassLoader loads Java classes from the System Classpath. This classpath is set by the
CLASSPATH environment variable. Mark for Review

(1) Points


False (*)

Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 2.

Section 4

(Answer all questions in this section)

1. What is the output from the following code?

String s= "a,b,c";

Scanner sc = new Scanner (s);

while (sc.hasNext())

System.out.print ( +" "); Mark for Review

(1) Points


a,b,c (*)


Correct Correct

2. You declare a method:

public void act(Student s){}

Which of following arguments can be passed into the method? (Choose Two) Mark for Review

(1) Points

(Choose all correct answers)

Type of Object class


Type of Student class (*)

Type of the subclass of Student (*)

Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to Section 4 Lesson 1.

3. Which three are valid declarations for a float value? (Choose Three) Mark for Review

(1) Points

(Choose all correct answers)

float f = -1; (*)

float f = 2.0f; (*)

float f = 3.0L;

float f = 0x345; (*)

float f = 1.0;

Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to Section 4 Lesson 1.

4. Which two statements prevent a method from being overriden? (Choose Two) Mark for Review

(1) Points

(Choose all correct answers)

Void final act() {}

Final abstract void act() {}

Static final void act() {} (*)

Final void act() {} (*)

Static void act() {}

6. Which of the following operators are relational operators?(Choose Two) Mark for Review

(1) Points

(Choose all correct answers)


"!=" (*)

">=" (*)

Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to Section 4 Lesson 1.

7. Which of the following operators are logic operators?(Choose Two) Mark for Review

(1) Points

(Choose all correct answers)

&& (*)



! (*)

9. What is the output from the following code snippet?

int i=0, j=0;


System.out.println("i=" + i + " " + "j=" + j); Mark for Review

(1) Points

The code will compile and print "i=1 j=0" (*)

The code will compile and print "i=1 j=1"

The code will not compile.

The code will compile and print "i=1 j=1"

The code will compile and print "i=0 j=0"

2. Which statement is a syntactically correct way to declare an Array? Mark for Review

(1) Points

int i[1];

int[5] id={1,2,3,4,5};

int i[1] id;

int id[]; (*)

Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to Section 4 Lesson 1.

3. Using the code below, what will be the output if a Student object is instantiated?

public class Student

public Student()




} Mark for Review

(1) Points

The code will not compile. (*)


Correct Correct

4. What is the final value of result from the following code snippet?

int i = 1;

int [] id = new int [3];

int result = id [i];

result = result + i; Mark for Review

(1) Points

The code will compile, result has the value of 0

The code will compile, result has the value of 2

The code will not compile, result has the value of 2

The code will compile, result has the value of 1 (*)

An exception is thrown.

Correct Correct
5. What is the output from the following code?


for (int i=0; i < l0; i++){




} Mark for Review

(1) Points


i=012 (*)



Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to Section 4 Lesson 1.

6. Examine the following Classes:

Student and TestStudent

What is the output from the println statement in TestStudent?

public class Student {

private int studentId = 0;

public Student(){


public static int getStudentId(){

return studentId;

public class TestStudent {

public static void main(String[] args) {

Student s1 = new Student();

Student s2 = new Student();

Student s3 = new Student();


} Mark for Review

(1) Points

TestStudent will throw an exception

No output. Compilation of TestStudent fails (*)

Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to Section 4 Lesson 1.

7. Which of following relationships does not use inheritance? Mark for Review

(1) Points

Car and Tire (*)

People and Student

Bank card and Credit Card

Animal and Cat

Correct Correct

8. Which statements are true?(Choose Three) Mark for Review

(1) Points

(Choose all correct answers)

Since a constructor can not return any value, it should be declared as void.
You can use access modifiers to control which other classes can call the constructor. (*)

You can declare more than one constructor in a class declaration. (*)

A constructor can not be overloaded.

In a constructor, you can call a superclass constructor. (*)

Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to Section 4 Lesson 1.

9. What is the output from the following code snippet?

int i=0,j=0;



System.out.println("i=" + i + " " + "j=" + j); Mark for Review

(1) Points

The code will compile and print "i=1 j=2"

The code will compile and print "i=2 j=2"

The code does not compile.

The code will compile and print "i=1 j=1"

The code will compile and print "i=2 j=1" (*)

Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to Section 4 Lesson 1.

10. Which two statements best describe data encapsulation? (Choose Two) Mark for Review

(1) Points

(Choose all correct answers)

The access modifier to member data is private. (*)

Member data can be modified directly.

Methods provide for access and modification of data. (*)

The access modifier for methods is protected.

Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to Section 4 Lesson 1.

11. What is the output from the following code?

int x=0;

int y=5;





System.out.println(x + " " + y); Mark for Review

(1) Points


3 2 (*)



Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to Section 4 Lesson 1.

12. The following code can be compiled, True/False?

byte b = 1;

b = b + 1; Mark for Review

(1) Points


False (*)

Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to Section 4 Lesson 1.

13. What is the output from the following code snippet?

int[] myarray={1,2,3,4,5};

int sum=0;

for (int x : myarray)


System.out.println("sum= " + sum); Mark for Review

(1) Points


The code will not compile.

15 (*)

Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to Section 4 Lesson 1.

14. Which of following statments are true when you create a object from class Object at runtime as seen below.
(Choose Three)

java.lang.Object obj = new java.lang.Object(); Mark for Review

(1) Points

(Choose all correct answers)

Memory is allocated for a new object, if available. (*)

Reference obj can be reassigned to any other type of object. (*)

This Object instance will not be created because you never defined class Object.

A new instance of class Object is created. (*)

Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to Section 4 Lesson 1.

15. What is the output from the following code snippet?

public class Test {

public static void main(String[] args) {

System.out.println(1 + 2 + "java" + 3);

} Mark for Review

(1) Points

The code does not compile.

The code will compile and print "12java3"

The code will compile and print "6java"

The code will compile and print "3java3" (*)

The code will compile and print "java3"

Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to Section 4 Lesson 1.

1. Which of following relationships does not use inheritance? Mark for Review

(1) Points

People and Student

Animal and Cat

Bank card and Credit Card

Car and Tire (*)

Correct Correct

2. What is the output from the following code?

int x=0;

int y=5;





System.out.println(x + " " + y); Mark for Review

(1) Points

3 2 (*)



Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to Section 4 Lesson 1.

3. Which statement is incorrect regarding a constructor? Mark for Review

(1) Points

When no constructor is defined in the class, the compiler will create a default constructor.

The default constructor initializes the instance variables.

A constructor can not return value, it must be declared as void. (*)

The default constructor is the no-parameter constructor.

Correct Correct

4. What is the output from the following code snippet?

for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {

if (i == 3) {


System.out.print(i); Mark for Review

(1) Points

The code will compile and print "123"

The code does not compile.

The code will compile and print "0123"

The code will compile and print "012" (*)

Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to Section 4 Lesson 1.

5. A class can be extended by more than one class. True or False? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)


Correct Correct
6. What is the output from the following code snippet?

String str1 = "java";

char[] c = {'j', 'a', 'v', 'a'};


System.out.println(t == c); Mark for Review

(1) Points

The code will compile and print "true true"

The code will compile and print "false, true"

The code does not compile. (*)

The code will compile and print "false,false"

The code will compile and print "true, false"

Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to Section 4 Lesson 1.

7. What is the output from the following code snippet?

int i=0,j=0;


System.out.println("i=" + i + " " + "j=" + j); Mark for Review

(1) Points

The code will compile and print "i=2 j=2"

The code will compile and print "i=2 j=1" (*)

The code will compile and print "i=1 j=2"

The code does not compile.

The code will compile and print "i=1 j=1"

Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to Section 4 Lesson 1.

8. Which combination of the following overload the Student constructor?(Choose Two) Mark for Review

(1) Points

(Choose all correct answers)

public Object Student(int x,int y){}

public Student(){} (*)

protected int Student(){}

public void Student(int x, int y){}

public Student(int x,int y){} (*)

Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to Section 4 Lesson 1.

9. Which two statements are access modifier keywords in Java?(Choose Two) Mark for Review

(1) Points

(Choose all correct answers)



protected (*)
public (*)

Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to Section 4 Lesson 1.

10. What is the output from the following code snippet?

String str1 = "java";

String str2 = "java";

System.out.println(str1.equals(str2) + "," + str1.equals(new String("hello"))); Mark for Review

(1) Points

The code will not compile.

The code will compile and print "true, false" (*)

The code will compile and print "false, true"

The code will compile and print "false, false"

The code will compile and print "true, true"

Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to Section 4 Lesson 1.

11. When you instantiate a subclass, the superclass constructor will be also invoked. True or False? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)


Correct Correct

12. Which statements are true?(Choose Three) Mark for Review

(1) Points

(Choose all correct answers)

You can use access modifiers to control which other classes can call the constructor. (*)

Since a constructor can not return any value, it should be declared as void.

You can declare more than one constructor in a class declaration. (*)

A constructor can not be overloaded.

In a constructor, you can call a superclass constructor. (*)

Correct Correct

13. Which ofthe following declarations are wrong?(Choose Three) Mark for Review

(1) Points

(Choose all correct answers)

abstract final class Hello{} (*)

public abstract class Student{}

protected private int id; (*)

abstract private void act(){} (*)

Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to Section 4 Lesson 1.

14. Which statement is true when run the following statement?

1. String str = null;

2. if ((str != null) && (str.length() > 1)) {

3. System.out.println("great that number 1");

4. } else if ((str != null) & (str.length() < 2)) {

5. System.out.println("less than number 2");

6. } Mark for Review

(1) Points

The code compiles and will throw an exception at line 2.

The code compiles and will throw an exception at line 3.

The code compiles and will throw an exception at line 4. (*)

The code compiles and will throw an exception at line 5

The code does not compile.

Correct Correct

15. What is the output from the following code snippet?

int x = 1;

int y;

while(++x < 5)

System.out.println(y); Mark for Review

(1) Points

The code will not compile. (*)

Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to Section 4 Lesson 1.

Section 5

(Answer all questions in this section)

1. Immutable classes do allow instance variables to be changed by overriding methods.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

False (*)

Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to Section 5 Lesson 2.

2. An interface can implement methods.

True or False? Mark for Review

(1) Points


False (*)

Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to Section 5 Lesson 2.

3. Immutable classes can be subclassed.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points


False (*)
Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to Section 5 Lesson 2.

4. Unit testing can help you isolate problem quickly. True or False? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)


Correct Correct

5. The main purpose of unit testing is to verify that an individual unit (a class, in Java) is working correctly before it is
combined with other components in the system. True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)


Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to Section 5 Lesson 4

6. Which statement is true for the class java.util.ArrayList? Mark for Review

(1) Points

The elements in the collection are accessed using key.

The elements in the collection are ordered. (*)

The elements in the collection are immutable.

The elements in the collection are synchronized.

Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to Section 5 Lesson 4.

7. Which of the following is the correct way to throw cumstom ServerException? Mark for Review

(1) Points

throw ServerException

throws ServerException

throw new ServerException() (*)

raise ServerException

Correct Correct

8. What symbol(s) is used to separate multiple exceptions in one catch statement? Mark for Review

(1) Points

A single vertical bar | (*)


(==) (equals equals)

None, multiple exceptions can't be handled in one catch statement.

Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to Section 5 Lesson 3.

9. What is the output from the following code snippet?

class Shape{

public void paint(){System.out.print("Shape");}

class Circle extends Shape{

public void paint() throws Exception{

System.out.print("Circle ");

throw new Exception();

public static void main(String[] args){

try{new Circle().paint();}

catch(Exception e){System.out.println("Exception");

} Mark for Review

(1) Points





Compile fails (*)

Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to Section 5 Lesson 3.

10. Assertions are boolean statements to test and debug your programs.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)


Correct Correct

11. Which three types of objects can be thrown using a throw statement? (Choose Three) Mark for Review

(1) Points

(Choose all correct answers)

Error (*)


Exception (*)

Throwable (*)

Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to Section 5 Lesson 3.

12. The instanceof operator can find subclass objects when they are passed to method which declare a superclass type

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)


Correct Correct

13. The instanceof operator allows you to determine the type of an object.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)

Correct Correct

14. Which one of the following would allow you to define the abstract class Animal. Mark for Review

(1) Points

public abstract Animal {}

public Animal{}

public abstract Animal extends class{}

public abstract class Animal{} (*)

Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to Section 5 Lesson 1.

15. An abstract class can implement its methods.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)

1. Immutable classes can be subclassed.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points


False (*)

Correct Correct

2. Which one of the following would allow you to define an interface for Animal? Mark for Review

(1) Points

public class Animal {}

public Animal extends Interface {}

public class Animal implements Interface {}

public interface Animal {} (*)

Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to Section 5 Lesson 2.

3. Immutable classes do allow instance variables to be changed by overriding methods.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points


False (*)

Correct Correct

4. The instanceof operator can find subclass objects when they are passed to method which declare a superclass type

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)

Correct Correct

5. Which method will force a subclass to implement it? Mark for Review

(1) Points

Abstract public void act(); (*)

Public double act();

Protected void act(String name){}

Static void act(String name) {}

Public native double act();

Correct Correct

Section 5

(Answer all questions in this section)

1. What do Arrays and ArrayLists have in common?

I. They both store data.

II. They can both be traversed in loops.

III. They both can be dynamically re-sized during execution of a program.

Mark for Review

(1) Points

I only

II only

I and II only (*)

I, II and III only

None of these

Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to Section 5 Lesson 4.

2. Reading great code is just as important for a programmer as reading great books is for a writer. True or false? Mark
for Review

(1) Points

True (*)

Correct Correct

3. Unit testing can help you isolate problem quickly. True or False? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)


Correct Correct

4. What is the result from creating the following try-catch block?

1.try {

2.} catch (Exception e) {

3.} catch (ArithmeticException a) {

4.} Mark for Review

(1) Points

Compile fails at Line 3 (*)

Compile fails at Line 2

The code compiles

Compile fails at Line 1

Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to Section 5 Lesson 3.

5. What is one step you must do to create your own exception? Mark for Review

(1) Points

Create a new class that implements Exception.

Create a new class that extends Exception. (*)

Exceptions cannot be created. They are only built in to Java.

Declare the primitive data type Exception.

Correct Correct

. Which statement added at line one allows the code to compile and run?

//line one

public class Test (

public static void main (String[] args) { out = new

(new (System.out), true);


} Mark for Review

(1) Points

No statement is needed. (*)




Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to Section 5 Lesson 3.

7. This is correct syntax for catching an exception:

try(inputStream = "missingfile.txt");

catch(exception e);

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points


False (*)

Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to Section 5 Lesson 3.

8. What is exception handling? Mark for Review

(1) Points

If your program exits before you expect it to.

When a file fails to open.

An error that occurs against the flow of your program.

A consistent way of handling various errors. (*)

Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to Section 5 Lesson 3.

9. Virtual method invocation requires that the superclass method is defined as which of the following? Mark for

(1) Points

A private final method.

A default final method.

A public final method.

A public static method.

A public method. (*)

Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to Section 5 Lesson 1.

10. An abstract class can implement its methods.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)


Correct Correct

11. Which line contains an compilation error?

interface Shape {}

interface InnerShape extends Shape{}

class Circle implements Shape{ }

class InnerCircle extends Circle{}

class Rectangle implements Shape{}

public class Tester {

public static void main(String[] args) {

Circle c= new Circle();

InnerCircle ic = new InnerCircle();

Rectangle rect = new Rectangle();

System.out.print(c instanceof InnerCircle); //Line 1

System.out.print(ic instanceof Circle); //Line 2

System.out.print(rect instanceof InnerCircle); //Line 3

System.out.print(rect instanceof Shape); //Line 4

} Mark for Review

(1) Points

Line 2

Line 3 (*)

Line 4

Line 1

Correct Correct

12. An abstract class can be instantiated.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points


False (*)
Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to Section 5 Lesson 1.

13. In general, classes can be made immutable by placing a final key word before the class keyword.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points


True (*)

Correct Correct

14. The state of an object differentiates it from other objects of the same class.

True or False? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)

Correct Correct

15. Which one of the following would allow you to define an interface for Animal? Mark for Review

(1) Points

public interface Animal {} (*)

public class Animal implements Interface {}

public class Animal {}

public Animal extends Interface {}

Correct Correct

ection 5

(Answer all questions in this section)

1. What is exception handling? Mark for Review

(1) Points

If your program exits before you expect it to.

A consistent way of handling various errors. (*)

When a file fails to open.

An error that occurs against the flow of your program.

Correct Correct

2. Which statements are true when you compile and run this code.(Choose Two)

1. public class Test{

2. public static String sayHello(String name) throws Exception{

3. if(name == null) throw new Exception();

4. return "Hello " + name;

5. }

6. public static void main(String[] args){

7. sayHello("Java");

8. }

9. } Mark for Review

(1) Points

(Choose all correct answers)

can not create Exception object in the Test Class.

The class Test compiles if line 6 contains a throws statement. public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{ (*)

The class Test compiles if line 7 is enclosed in a try-catch block. try{ sayHello("Java"); }catch(Exception e){} (*)

Compilation succeeds

Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to Section 5 Lesson 3.

3. Assertions are optional ways to catch logic errors in code.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)


Correct Correct

4. Assertions are boolean statements to test and debug your programs.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points
True (*)


Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to Section 5 Lesson 3.

5. What is the output from the following code snippet?

public static void main(String[] args){


String[] s=null;



}catch(Exception e) {


}catch(NullPointerException e){


} Mark for Review

(1) Points


Compile fails (*)



Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to Section 5 Lesson 3.

6. A upward cast means all instance variables of the subclass are permanently lost to the instance.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points


False (*)

Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to Section 5 Lesson 1.

7. The instanceof operator can find subclass objects when they are passed to method which declare a superclass type

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)

Correct Correct

8. A downward cast of a superclass to subclass allows you to access a subclass specialized method call.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)


Correct Correct

9. You can't downcast an object explicitly because you must use virtual method invocation.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points


False (*)
Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to Section 5 Lesson 1.

10. Unit testing can help you isolate problem quickly. True or False? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)


Correct Correct

11. Which of the following statements about arrays and ArrayLists in Java are true?

I. An Array has a fixed length.

II. An Array can grow and shrink dynamically as required.

III. An ArrayList can store multiple object types.

IV. In an ArrayList you need to know the length and the current number of elements stored.

Mark for Review

(1) Points

I and III only (*)

II and IV only
I, II, and III only

I, II, III and IV

None of these

Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to Section 5 Lesson 4.

12. Which statement is true for the class java.util.ArrayList? Mark for Review

(1) Points

The elements in the collection are synchronized.

The elements in the collection are accessed using key.

The elements in the collection are ordered. (*)

The elements in the collection are immutable.

Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to Section 5 Lesson 4.

13. A method with default access can be subclassed.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points


False (*)

Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to Section 5 Lesson 2.

14. Which two statements are equivalent to line 2?

(Choose Two)

1. public interface Account{

2. int accountID=100;

3. } Mark for Review

(1) Points

(Choose all correct answers)

static int accountID=100; (*)

private int accountID=100;

Final int accountID=100; (*)

Abstract int accountID=100;

protected int accountID=100;

Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to Section 5 Lesson 2.

15. Classes define and implement what? Mark for Review

(1) Points

All methods with implementations

Variables and methods (*)

Some methods with implementations

All method definitions without any implementations

Constants and all methods with implementations

1. Virtual method invocation must be defined with the instanceof operator.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points


False (*)

Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to Section 5 Lesson 1.

2. An abstract class can implement its methods.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)


Correct Correct

3. You can't downcast an object explicitly because you must use virtual method invocation.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

False (*)

Correct Correct

4. Which method will force a subclass to implement it? Mark for Review

(1) Points

Abstract public void act(); (*)

Protected void act(String name){}

Public double act();

Static void act(String name) {}

Public native double act();

Correct Correct
5. Methods can not throw exceptions.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points


False (*)

Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to Section 5 Lesson 3.

6. In what order do multiple catch statements execute? Mark for Review

(1) Points

The order they are declared in ( most specific first). (*)

They all execute at the same time.

The order they are declared in (most general first).

None of them execute since you cannot have multiple catch statements.
Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to Section 5 Lesson 3.

7. Which statements are true when you compile and run this code.(Choose Two)

1. public class Test{

2. public static String sayHello(String name) throws Exception{

3. if(name == null) throw new Exception();

4. return "Hello " + name;

5. }

6. public static void main(String[] args){

7. sayHello("Java");

8. }

9. } Mark for Review

(1) Points

(Choose all correct answers)

can not create Exception object in the Test Class.

Compilation succeeds

The class Test compiles if line 6 contains a throws statement. public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{ (*)

The class Test compiles if line 7 is enclosed in a try-catch block. try{ sayHello("Java"); }catch(Exception e){} (*)
Correct Correct

8. This is correct syntax for catching an exception:

try(inputStream = "missingfile.txt");

catch(exception e);

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points


False (*)

Correct Correct

9. Multiple exceptions can be caught in one catch statement.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)

Correct Correct

10. You can only implement one interface in a class.

True or False? Mark for Review

(1) Points


False (*)

Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to Section 5 Lesson 2.

11. Immutable classes can be subclassed.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points


False (*)

Correct Correct
12. Which one of the following would allow you to define an interface for Animal? Mark for Review

(1) Points

public class Animal {}

public Animal extends Interface {}

public class Animal implements Interface {}

public interface Animal {} (*)

Correct Correct

13. Which of the following statements is false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

An ArrayList has a fixed length. (*)

An ArrayList can store multiple object types.

An ArrayList can grow and shrink dynamically as required.

In an Array you need to know the length and the current number of elements stored.

Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to Section 5 Lesson 4.

Test: Java Programming Midterm Exam

Review your answers, feedback, and question scores below. An asterisk (*) indicates a correct answer.

Section 1

(Answer all questions in this section)

1. The function of Garbage Collection in Java is: Mark for Review

(1) Points

The JVM uses GC to clear the program output.

The JVM GC deletes all unused Java files on the system.

Memory occupied by objects with no reference is automatically reclaimed for reuse. (*)

As a Java programmer, we have to call the GC function specifically in order to manage the Java Memory.
Correct Correct

2. Which of the following allows the programmer to destroy an object referenced by x? Mark for Review

(1) Points




Only the garbage collection system can destroy an object. (*)

Correct Correct

3. Given the following output from the Minor GC:

[PSYoungGen: 9200K->1008K(9216K)] 9980K->3251K(19456K), 0.0045753 secs] [Times:user=0.03 sys=0.03, real=0.00


Which of the following statements is TRUE? Mark for Review

(1) Points

The pause time spent in GC is 0.03.

The size of the entire heap is 19456k (*)

This is a major garbage collection process.

The size of the tenured space is 19456k.

Correct Correct

4. Java allows the same Java program to be executed on multiple operating systems. Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)


Correct Correct

5. Which of the following statements describe the Java programming language? Mark for Review

(1) Points
Java is a high-level programming language.

The Java programming language includes a garbage collection feature.

Java is an object oriented programming language.

All of the above (*)

Correct Correct

Page 1 of 10 Next Summary

Test: Java Programming Midterm Exam

Review your answers, feedback, and question scores below. An asterisk (*) indicates a correct answer.

Section 1

(Answer all questions in this section)

6. Given the java snippet below:

public class Foo{

int x;

public void testFoo(){

int y=100;

Which of the following statements is TRUE? Mark for Review

(1) Points

Compile error, as the variable x is not initialized.

Variable x resides in the stack area, and variable y resides in the heap of the JVM.

Variable x resides in the heap area, and variable y resides in the stack of the JVM (*)

Variable x stays in the heap area, and variable y resides in the method area of the JVM.

Correct Correct

Section 2

(Answer all questions in this section)

7. The javac command can be used to display native code in Java Mark for Review

(1) Points

False (*)

Correct Correct

8. Which of the following commands can be used to translate Java source code into bytecode? Mark for Review

(1) Points


javac (*)



Correct Correct

9. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE for the jdb command? Mark for Review

(1) Points
jdb can display the source code.

jdb can set the break pont for the program.

jdb can dump the stack of the current thread.

jdb can track the GC activity of the program. (*)

Correct Correct

10. Like in the Java source code file, one Java class file can contain multiple class definitions. Mark for Review

(1) Points


False (*)

Correct Correct
Previous Page 2 of 10 Next Summary

Test: Java Programming Midterm Exam

Review your answers, feedback, and question scores below. An asterisk (*) indicates a correct answer.

Section 2

(Answer all questions in this section)

11. Which structure in the Java class file contains the line number information for the original source file? Mark for

(1) Points

method_info (*)




Correct Correct

12. The attributes_count item indicates how many attributes are contained within a method. Mark for Review

(1) Points
True (*)


Correct Correct

Section 3

(Answer all questions in this section)

13. Which of the following opcode instructions would add 2 integer variables? Mark for Review

(1) Points



iadd (*)
Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 1.

14. Choose which opcode is used to push an int constant 5 onto the operand stack. Mark for Review

(1) Points

iconst_5 (*)





Correct Correct

15. opcode invokespecial is used to invoke an instance initialization method. Mark for Review

(1) Points
True (*)


16. Which of the following is NOT a java class loader? Mark for Review

(1) Points

verification class loader (*)

application class loader

bootstrap class loader

extension class loader

Correct Correct

17. The Java developer can define a number of additional or custom classloaders. Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)

Correct Correct

18. Which of the following exceptions is thrown by the loadClass() method of ClassLoader class? Mark for Review

(1) Points




ClassNotFoundException (*)

Correct Correct

Section 4

(Answer all questions in this section)

19. Which three are valid declarations for a float value? (Choose Three) Mark for Review
(1) Points

(Choose all correct answers)

float f = -1; (*)

float f = 0x345; (*)

float f = 3.0L;

float f = 2.0f; (*)

float f = 1.0;

Correct Correct

20. What is the final value of result from the following code snippet?

int i = 1;

int [] id = new int [3];

int result = id [i];

result = result + i; Mark for Review

(1) Points
The code will compile, result has the value of 0

The code will compile, result has the value of 1 (*)

The code will not compile, result has the value of 2

The code will compile, result has the value of 2

An exception is thrown.

Correct Correct

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Test: Java Programming Midterm Exam

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Section 4

(Answer all questions in this section)

21. What is the output from the following code snippet?

String str1= "java";

String str2=new String("java");

System.out.println( str1==str2 );

System.out.println( str1==str2.intern() );

Mark for Review

(1) Points

The code does not compile.

The code will compile and print "true false"

The code will compile and print "false true" (*)

The code will compile and print "false false"

The code will compile and print "true true"

Correct Correct

22. What is the output from the following code snippet?

int[] myarray={1,2,3,4,5};

int sum=0;

for (int x : myarray)


System.out.println("sum= " + sum); Mark for Review

(1) Points

The code will not compile.


15 (*)


Correct Correct

23. Examine the following Classes:

Student and TestStudent

What is the output from the println statement in TestStudent?

public class Student {

private int studentId = 0;

public Student(){


public static int getStudentId(){

return studentId;


public class TestStudent {

public static void main(String[] args) {

Student s1 = new Student();

Student s2 = new Student();

Student s3 = new Student();


} Mark for Review

(1) Points

No output. Compilation of TestStudent fails (*)

TestStudent will throw an exception

Correct Correct

24. Which ofthe following declarations are wrong?(Choose Three) Mark for Review

(1) Points
(Choose all correct answers)

abstract private void act(){} (*)

public abstract class Student{}

protected private int id; (*)

abstract final class Hello{} (*)

Correct Correct

25. Which of the following types are primitive data types? (Choose Two) Mark for Review

(1) Points

(Choose all correct answers)


boolean (*)

double (*)

Correct Correct

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Test: Java Programming Midterm Exam

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Section 5

(Answer all questions in this section)

26. Immutable classes do allow instance variables to be changed by overriding methods.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points


False (*)

Correct Correct
27. You can only implement one interface in a class.

True or False? Mark for Review

(1) Points


False (*)

Correct Correct

28. Interfaces define what? Mark for Review

(1) Points

Constants and all methods with implementations

Some methods with implementations

All method definitions without any implementations (*)

All methods with implementations

Variables and methods

Correct Correct

29. Modeling classes for a business problem requires understanding of the business not Java. True or false? Mark for

(1) Points


False (*)

Correct Correct

30. Classes define and implement what? Mark for Review

(1) Points

Some methods with implementations

Constants and all methods with implementations

All methods with implementations

All method definitions without any implementations

Variables and methods (*)

Correct Correct

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Test: Java Programming Midterm Exam

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Section 5

(Answer all questions in this section)

31. An interface can implement methods.

True or False? Mark for Review

(1) Points

False (*)

Correct Correct

32. When line 10 is executed, which method will be called?

1 class Account {

2 public void deposit(int amt, int amt1) { }

3 public void deposit(int amt){ }


5 public class CreditAccount extends Account {

6 public void deposit() { }

7 public void deposit(int amt) {}

8 public static void main(String args[]){

9 Account account = new CreditAccount();

10 account.deposit(10);

11 }

12 } Mark for Review

(1) Points

line 7 (*)

line 2

line 3
line 6

Correct Correct

33. You can always upcast a subclass to an interface provided you don't need to access any members of the concrete

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)


Correct Correct

34. Which two of the following statements are true? (Choose Two) Mark for Review

(1) Points

(Choose all correct answers)

An abstract class must contain abstrct method.

An abstract class can define constructor. (*)

An abstract class can create subclass and be constructed.

An abstract class must be difined by using the abstract keyword. (*)

Correct Correct

35. An abstract class can implement its methods.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)


Correct Correct

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Test: Java Programming Midterm Exam

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Section 5

(Answer all questions in this section)

36. Virtual method invocation must be defined with the instanceof operator.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points


False (*)

Correct Correct

37. You can't downcast an object explicitly because you must use virtual method invocation.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points


False (*)
Correct Correct

38. Which of the following is the correct way to throw cumstom ServerException? Mark for Review

(1) Points

throw ServerException

throws ServerException

throw new ServerException() (*)

raise ServerException

Correct Correct

39. When will a finally statement be executed? Mark for Review

(1) Points

Always; no matter if an exception is thrown or not. (*)

Only if an exception is not thrown.

Never; it is there for visual purposes.

Only if multiple exceptions are caught and thrown.

Only if an exception is thrown.

Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to Section 5 Lesson 3.

40. What is the output from the following code snippet?

public static void main(String[] args){


String[] s=null;



}catch(Exception e) {


}catch(NullPointerException e){


} Mark for Review

(1) Points


Compile fails (*)


Correct Correct

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Test: Java Programming Midterm Exam

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Section 5

(Answer all questions in this section)

41. Which statements are true when you compile and run this code.(Choose Two)

1. public class Test{

2. public static String sayHello(String name) throws Exception{

3. if(name == null) throw new Exception();

4. return "Hello " + name;

5. }

6. public static void main(String[] args){

7. sayHello("Java");

8. }

9. } Mark for Review

(1) Points

(Choose all correct answers)

The class Test compiles if line 7 is enclosed in a try-catch block. try{ sayHello("Java"); }catch(Exception e){} (*)

Compilation succeeds

can not create Exception object in the Test Class.

The class Test compiles if line 6 contains a throws statement. public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{ (*)

Correct Correct

42. The finally clause only executes when an exception is not caught and thrown.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

False (*)

Correct Correct

43. In what order do multiple catch statements execute? Mark for Review

(1) Points

The order they are declared in ( most specific first). (*)

They all execute at the same time.

The order they are declared in (most general first).

None of them execute since you cannot have multiple catch statements.

Correct Correct

44. Methods can not throw exceptions.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

False (*)

Correct Correct

45. What do Arrays and ArrayLists have in common?

I. They both store data.

II. They can both be traversed in loops.

III. They both can be dynamically re-sized during execution of a program.

Mark for Review

(1) Points

I only

II only

I and II only (*)

I, II and III only

None of these
Correct Correct

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Test: Java Programming Midterm Exam

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Section 5

(Answer all questions in this section)

46. The main purpose of unit testing is to verify that an individual unit (a class, in Java) is working correctly before it is
combined with other components in the system. True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)


Correct Correct

47. Why is it helpful for new programmers to read pre-written code?(Choose Two) Mark for Review

(1) Points
(Choose all correct answers)

It is not helpful to read code written by other programmers.

Learn new programming techniques. (*)

Understand code written by other programmers. (*)

Meet new programmers.

Correct Correct

48. Which of the following statements is false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

An ArrayList has a fixed length. (*)

An ArrayList can store multiple object types.

In an Array you need to know the length and the current number of elements stored.
An ArrayList can grow and shrink dynamically as required.

Correct Correct

49. Which of the following statements about unit testing is/are true

I. When all unit tests succeed, you can have high confidence your code is solid.

II. If a unit test fails, you don メ t proceed until the code is fixed and the test succeeds.

III. Unit testing can help developer find problems early in the development cycle

Mark for Review

(1) Points

I only

I and II only

II and III only (*)

I, II, and III

None of these
Correct Correct

50. Which of the following statements about arrays and ArrayLists in Java are true?

I. An Array has a fixed length.

II. An Array can grow and shrink dynamically as required.

III. An ArrayList can store multiple object types.

IV. In an ArrayList you need to know the length and the current number of elements stored.

Mark for Review

(1) Points

I and III only (*)

II and IV only

I, II, and III only

I, II, III and IV

None of these

14. Why is it helpful for new programmers to read pre-written code?(Choose Two) Mark for Review

(1) Points

(Choose all correct answers)

Learn new programming techniques. (*)

Meet new programmers.

Understand code written by other programmers. (*)

It is not helpful to read code written by other programmers.

Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to Section 5 Lesson 4.

15. Which of the following statements about inheritance is false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

A subclass inherits all the members (fields, methods, and nested classes) from its superclass.

Inheritance allows you to reuse the fields and methods of the super class without having to write them yourself.

Inheritance allows you to minimize the amount of duplicate code in an application by sharing common code among
several subclasses.

Through inheritance, a parent class is a more specialized form of the child class. (*)
Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to Section 5 Lesson 4.

Section 6

(Answer all questions in this section)

1. A LinkedList is a type of Stack.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)


Correct Correct

2. Which of the following is a list of elements that have a first in last out ordering. Mark for Review

(1) Points



Stacks (*)

Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to Section 6 Lesson 3.

3. A HashMap can only store String types.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points


False (*)

Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to Section 6 Lesson 3.

4. Which of the following correctly defines a queue? Mark for Review

(1) Points

A list of elements with a first in last out order.

A list of elements with a first in first out order. (*)

It is a keyword in Java that restrict the use of the code to local users only.

Something that enables you to create a generic class without specifying a type between angle brackets <>.

Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to Section 6 Lesson 3.

5. Which line contains an compilation error?

interface Shape {}

class Circle implements Shape{}

public class Test{

public static void main(String[] args) {

List ls = new ArrayList(); // Line 1

List lc = new ArrayList(); // Line 2

Circle c = new Circle();

ls.add(c); // Line 3

lc.add(c); // Line 4

} Mark for Review

(1) Points

Line 2
Line 4

Line 1

Line 3 (*)

Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to Section 6 Lesson 2.

6. Which class is an ordered collection that may contain duplicates? Mark for Review

(1) Points

list (*)




Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to Section 6 Lesson 2.

7. The following code is valid when working with the Collection Interface.
Collection collection = new Collection()d;

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points


False (*)

Correct Correct

8. What is the output from the following code snippet?

public static void main(String[] args){

List li=new ArrayList();




public static void print(List list) {

for (Number n : list)

System.out.print(n + " ");

} Mark for Review

(1) Points

The code will not compile.

1 2 (*)

Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to Section 6 Lesson 1.

9. < ? extends Animal > is an example of a bounded generic wildcard.

True or False? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)


Correct Correct

10. What is the correct definition of Enumeration (or enum)? Mark for Review

(1) Points
Code that initializes an ArrayList

A list of elements that is dynamically stored.

A bounded generic class

A keyword that specifies a class whose objects are defined inside the class. (*)

Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to Section 6 Lesson 1.

11. Which of the following would initialize a generic class "Cell" using a String type?

I. Cell cell = new Cell(); .

II. Cell cell = new Cell(); .

III. Cell cell = new String;

Mark for Review

(1) Points

I and II (*)

II only

II and III
I only

III only

Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to Section 6 Lesson 1.

12. Why might a sequential search be inefficient? Mark for Review

(1) Points

It utilizes the "divide and conquer" method, which makes the algorithm more error prone.

It requires incrementing through the entire array in the worst case, which is inefficient on large data sets. (*)

It involves looping through the array multiple times before finding the value, which is inefficient on large data sets.

It is never inefficient.

Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to Section 6 Lesson 4.

13. Which of the following sorting algorithms utilizes a "divide and conquer" technique to sort arrays with optimal
speed? Mark for Review

(1) Points

Sequential Search

Merge Sort (*)

Selection Sort

Binary Search

All of the above

Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to Section 6 Lesson 4.

14. Bubble Sort is a sorting algorithm that involves swapping the smallest value into the first index, finding the next
smallest value and swapping it into the next index and so on until the array is sorted.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

False (*)

Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to Section 6 Lesson 4.

15. A sequential search is an iteration through the array that stops at the index where the desired element is found.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)


Correct Correct

Section 6

(Answer all questions in this section)

1. Which line contains an compilation error?

interface Shape {}

class Circle implements Shape{}

public class Test{

public static void main(String[] args) {

List ls = new ArrayList(); // Line 1

List lc = new ArrayList(); // Line 2

Circle c = new Circle();

ls.add(c); // Line 3

lc.add(c); // Line 4

} Mark for Review

(1) Points

Line 3 (*)

Line 4

Line 1

Line 2

Correct Correct

2. Which of these could be a set? Why? Mark for Review

(1) Points

{1, 1, 2, 22, 305, 26} because a set may contain duplicates and all its elements are of the same type.
{"Apple", 1, "Carrot", 2} because it records the index of the elements with following integers.

{1, 2, 5, 178, 259} because it contains no duplicates and all its elements are of the same type. (*)

All of the above are sets because they are collections that can be made to fit any of the choices.

Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to Section 6 Lesson 2.

3. Which code inserted into the code below guarantees that the program will output [1,2]?

import java.util.*;

public class Example{

public static void main(String[] args){

//insert code here




} Mark for Review

(1) Points

Set set = new SortedSet();

Set set = new TreeSet(); (*)

Set set = new LinkedHashSet();

Set set = new HashSet();

List set = new SortedList();

Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to Section 6 Lesson 2.

4. Big-O Notation is used in Computer Science to describe the performance of Sorts and Searches on arrays. True or
false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)


Correct Correct

5. Selection sort is efficient for large arrays.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

False (*)

Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to Section 6 Lesson 4.

6. Which of the following sorting algorithms utilizes a "divide and conquer" technique to sort arrays with optimal speed?
Mark for Review

(1) Points

Sequential Search

Merge Sort (*)

Selection Sort

Binary Search

All of the above

Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to Section 6 Lesson 4.

7. A sequential search is an iteration through the array that stops at the index where the desired element is found.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)


Correct Correct

8. Enumerations (enums) are useful for storing data : Mark for Review

(1) Points

When you know all of the possibilities of the class (*)

When the class is constantly changing

When the class is a subclass of Object.

You cannot store data in an enum.

Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to Section 6 Lesson 1.

9. A generic class increases the risk of runtime class conversion exceptions.

True or False? Mark for Review

(1) Points


False (*)

Correct Correct

10. Generic methods are required to be declared as static.

True or False? Mark for Review

(1) Points


False (*)
Correct Correct

11. The following code will compile.

True or False?

class Node implements Comparable{

public int compareTo(T obj){return 1;}

class Test{

public static void main(String[] args){

Node nc=new Node<>();

Comparable com=nc;

Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)


Correct Correct

12. Which scenario best describes a stack? Mark for Review

(1) Points
A pile of pancakes with which you add some to the top and remove them one by one from the top to the bottom. (*)

A row of books that you can take out of only the middle of the books first and work your way outward toward either

A line at the grocery store where the first person in the line is the first person to leave.

All of the above describe a stack.

Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to Section 6 Lesson 3.

13. Where you enqueue an element in the list? Mark for Review

(1) Points

adds it to the end of the list (*)

adds it to the start of the list

removes it from the front of the list

removes it from the end of the list

Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to Section 6 Lesson 3.

14. A LinkedList is a type of Stack.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)


Correct Correct

15. A LinkedList is a list of elements that is dynamically stored.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)

Correct Correct

1. All classes can by subclassed. Mark for Review

(1) Points


False (*)

5. What is special about including a resource in a try statement?(Choose Two) Mark for Review

(1) Points

(Choose all correct answers)

The resources will auto-close. (*)

An error will be thrown if the resources does not open. (*)

The program will fail if the resource does not open

6. Why should you not use assertions to check parameters? Mark for Review

(1) Points

Assertions can be disabled at run time which may cause unexpected results in your assertions. (*)
Not all methods have parameters, therefore assertions should never be used on parameters.

It is hard to assume expected values for parameters.

Assertions do not work on parameters

15. When an object is able to pass on its state and behaviors to its children, this is called: Mark for Review

(1) Points

Inheritance (*)




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UnknownDecember 21, 2018 at 5:41 AM

Section 6

(Answer all questions in this section)

1. An example of an upper bounded wildcard is.

ArrayList (*)




2.Enumerations (enums) are useful for storing data :

When the class is constantly changing

When you know all of the possibilities of the class (*)

When the class is a subclass of Object.

You cannot store data in an enum.

3. When would an enum (or enumeration) be used?

When you already know all the possibilities for objects of that class. (*)

When you wish to remove data from memory.

When you wish to initialize a HashSet.

When you want to be able to create any number of objects of that class.

4. Enumerations (enums) must be declared in their own class.


False (*)
5.Bubble Sort is a sorting algorithm that involves swapping the smallest value into the first index, finding the next
smallest value and swapping it into the next index and so on until the array is sorted.


False (*)

6.Which of the following best describes lexicographical order?

An order based on the ASCII value of characters. (*)

The order of indicies after an array has been sorted.

A simple sorting algorithm that is inefficient on large arrays.

A complex sorting algorithm that is efficient on large arrays.

7.Big-O Notation is used in Computer Science to describe the performance of Sorts and Searches on arrays. True or

True (*)


8. Which of the following sorting algorithms utilizes a "divide and conquer" technique to sort arrays with optimal speed?

Sequential Search

Merge Sort (*)

Selection Sort

Binary Search

All of the above

9.Which of the following correctly adds "Cabbage" to the ArrayList vegetables?

vegetables[0] = "Cabbage";

vegetables += "Cabbage";


vegetables.add("Cabbage"); (*)

10.Which interface forms the root of the collections hierarchy?



java.util.Collection (*)

11. What is a set?

A collection of elements that does not contain duplicates. (*)

A keyword in Java that initializes an ArrayList.

Something that enables you to create a generic class without specifying a type between angle brackets <>.

A collection of elements that contains duplicates.

12. To allow our classes to have a natural order we could implement the Comparable interface.

True or false?

True (*)

13.Which of the following is a list of elements that have a first in last out ordering.

Stacks (*)




14.Why can a LinkedList be considered a stack and a queue?(Choose Three)

Because you can add elements to the end of it. (*)

Because you can not add element to the beginning of it.

Because you can remove elements from the end of it. (*)

Because you can remove elements from the beginning of it. (*)

15.Which scenario best describes a stack?

A pile of pancakes with which you add some to the top and remove them one by one from the top to the bottom. (*)

A row of books that you can take out of only the middle of the books first and work your way outward toward either

A line at the grocery store where the first person in the line is the first person to leave.

All of the above describe a stack.



UnknownDecember 21, 2018 at 5:55 AM

16. A generic class is a type of class that associates one or more non-specific Java types with it.
True or False?

True (*)


17.The local petting zoo is writing a program to be able to collect group animals according to species to better keep track
of what animals they have.

Which of the following correctly defines a collection that may create these types of groupings for each species at the

public class

animalCollection {ナ} (*)

public class

animalCollection(AnimalType T) {ナ}

public class

animalCollection {ナ}

public class

animalCollection(animalType) {ナ}

None of the these.

18.What is the result from the following code snippet?

public static void main(String[] args) {

List list1 = new ArrayList();

list1.add(new Gum());

List list2 = list1;

list2.add(new Integer(9));


The code will not compile.

an exception will be thrown at runtime

2 (*)

19.The Comparable interface defines the compareTo method.

True or false?

True (*)


20.Which statements, inserted it at line 2, will ensure that the code snippet will compile successfully.(Choose Two):
1.public static void main (String[]args) {

2,//insert code here

3. s.put ("StudentID", 123);


(Choose all correct answers)

Map s= new SortedMap();

SortedMap s= new TreeMap(); (*)

ArrayList s= new ArrayList();

HashMap s= new HashMap(); (*)

21.Which is the correct way to initialize a HashSet?

HashSet classMates =

new HashSet(); (*)

ClassMates = public class

String classMates = new


classMates = new HashSet[String]();

22.Choose the best definiton for a collection.

It enables you to create a generic class without specifying a type between angle brackets <>.

It is an interface in the java.util package that is used to define a group of objects. (*)

It is a special type of class that is associated with one or more non-specified Java type.

It is a subclass of List.

23.Which of the following is a sorting algorithm that involves repeatedly incrementing through the array and swapping 2
adjacent values if they are in the wrong order until all elements are in the correct order?

Merge Sort
Bubble Sort (*)

Binary Search

Sequential Search

Selection Sort


UnknownDecember 21, 2018 at 6:38 AM

Section 7

(Answer all questions in this section)

1. What is the correct explanation of when this code will return true?

return str.matches(".*[0-9]{6}.*"); Mark for Review

(1) Points

Any time that str contains two dots.

Any time that str contains a sequence of 6 digits. (*)

Any time that str has between zero and nine characters followed by a 6.
Any time str contains a 6.


Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 2.

2. Which of the following methods for the String class take a regular expression as a parameter and returns true if the
string matches the expression? Mark for Review

(1) Points

compareTo(String regex)

equals(String regex)

matches(String regex) (*)

equalsIgnoreCase(String regex)

Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 2.

3. What is the function of the asterisk (*) in regular expressions? Mark for Review
(1) Points

Indicates that the preceding character may occur 0 or 1 times in a proper match.

Indicates that the preceding character may occur 0 or more times in a proper match. (*)

The asterisk has no function in regular expressions.

Indicates that the preceding character may occur 1 or more times in a proper match.

Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 2.

4. Which of the following correctly defines Matcher? Mark for Review

(1) Points

A regular expression symbol that represents any character.

A method of dividing a string into a set of sub-strings.

A class in the java.util.regex package that stores the format of a regular expression.

A class in the java.util.regex package that stores the matches between a pattern and a string. (*)

5. Matcher has a find method that checks if the specified pattern exists as a sub-string of the string being matched.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)



6. Which of the following correctly defines Pattern? Mark for Review

(1) Points

A regular expression symbol that represents any character.

A method of dividing a string into a set of sub-strings.

A class in the java.util.regex package that stores the format of a regular expression. (*)

A class in the java.util.regex package that stores matches.

Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 2.

7. Which of the following correctly initializes a Matcher m for Pattern p and String str? Mark for Review

(1) Points

Matcher m = new Matcher();

Matcher m = str.matcher(p);

Matcher m = new Matcher(p,str);

Matcher m = p.matcher(str); (*)

Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 2.

8. A linear recursion requires the method to call which direction? Mark for Review

(1) Points


Backward (*)
Both forward and backward

None of the above

Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 3.

9. Which case does a recursive method call last? Mark for Review

(1) Points

Recursive Case

Convergence Case

Basic Case

Base Case (*)

None of the above

10. A non-linear recursive method is less expensive than a linear recursive method. True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points


False (*)




UnknownDecember 21, 2018 at 6:40 AM

11. A non-linear recursive method calls how many copies of itself in the recursive case? Mark for Review

(1) Points

2 or more (*)

12. Using the FOR loop method of incrementing through a String is beneficial if you desire to: (Choose all that apply)
Mark for Review

(1) Points

(Choose all correct answers)

Parse the String. (*)

Read the String backwards (from last element to first element). (*)

Search for a specific character or String inside of the String. (*)

You don't use a FOR loop with Strings

Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 1.

13. Split is a method for Strings that parses a string by a specified character, or, if unspecified, by spaces, and returns the
parsed elements in an array of Strings.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

False (*)


14. Which of the following correctly initializes a StringBuilder? Mark for Review

(1) Points

StringBuilder sb = "This is my String Builder";

StringBuilder sb = StringBuilder(500);

StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); (*)

None of the above.

Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 1.

15. Which of the following are true about the method split? Mark for Review

(1) Points

(Choose all correct answers)

It returns an array of strings. (*)

It can be used with a string as a parameter. (*)

It's default, with no specified parameter, is parsing by spaces.

It can be used with a regular expression as a prameter. (*)

Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 1.

1. Matcher has a find method that checks if the specified pattern exists as a sub-string of the string being matched.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)


Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 2.

2. Which of the following methods for the String class take a regular expression as a parameter and returns true if the
string matches the expression? Mark for Review

(1) Points
compareTo(String regex)

matches(String regex) (*)

equals(String regex)

equalsIgnoreCase(String regex)

Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 2.


UnknownDecember 21, 2018 at 6:41 AM

3. Which of the following does not correctly match the regular expression symbol to its proper function? Mark for

(1) Points

"{x}" means there must be x occurrences of the preceding character in the string to be a match.

"?" means there may be zero or one occurrences of the preceding character in the string to be a match.

"+" means there may be zero or more occurrences of the preceding character in the string to be a match. (*)
"{x,}" means there may be x or more occurrences of the preceeding character in the string to be a match.

"{x,y}" means there may be between x and y occurrences of the preceding character in the string to be a match.

Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 2.

4. Consider designing a program that organizes your contacts alphabetically by last name, then by first name. Oddly, all
of your contacts' first and last names are exactly five letters long.

Which of the following segments of code establishes a Pattern namePattern with a group for the first name and a group
for the last name considering that the string contactsName is always in the format lastName_firstName? Mark for

(1) Points

Pattern namePattern = Pattern.compile("(.{5})_(.{5})"); (*)

Pattern namePattern = Pattern.compile("first_last");

Pattern namePattern = new Pattern(last{5},first{5});

Pattern namePattern = new Pattern();

None of the above.

Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 2.

5. The following code correctly initializes a pattern with the regular expression "[0-9]{2}/[0-9]{2}/[0-9]{2}".

Pattern dateP = Pattern.compile("[0-9]{2}/[0-9]{2}/[0-9]{2}");

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)


Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 2.

6. In a regular expression, {x} and {x,} represent the same thing, that the preceding character may occur x or more times
to create a match.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points


False (*)

7. What is the correct explanation of when this code will return true?

return str.matches(".*[0-9]{6}.*"); Mark for Review

(1) Points

Any time that str contains two dots.

Any time that str contains a sequence of 6 digits. (*)

Any time that str has between zero and nine characters followed by a 6.

Any time str contains a 6.


Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 2.

8. Using the FOR loop method of incrementing through a String is beneficial if you desire to: (Choose all that apply) Mark
for Review

(1) Points

(Choose all correct answers)

Search for a specific character or String inside of the String. (*)

Parse the String. (*)

You don't use a FOR loop with Strings

Read the String backwards (from last element to first element). (*)

Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 1.

9. Which of the following are true about the method split? Mark for Review

(1) Points

(Choose all correct answers)

It's default, with no specified parameter, is parsing by spaces.

It can be used with a regular expression as a prameter. (*)

It can be used with a string as a parameter. (*)

It returns an array of strings. (*)

Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 1.

10. Identify the method, of those listed below, that is not available to both StringBuilders and Strings? Mark for Review

(1) Points


indexOf(String str)

charAt(int index)

delete(int start, int end) (*)

Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 1.


UnknownDecember 21, 2018 at 6:41 AM

11. Which of the following methods are specific to StringBuilders? Mark for Review

(1) Points




All of the above. (*)

Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 1.

12. A non-linear recursive method can call how many copies of itself? Mark for Review

(1) Points

2 or more (*)


13. The base case condition can work with a constant or variable. True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)


Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 3.

14. Forward thinking helps when creating linear recursive methods. True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points


False (*)


15. A linear recursive method directly calls how many copies of itself in the recursive case? Mark for Review

(1) Points

1 (*)

2 or more

Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 3.

1. Which of the following correctly initializes a Matcher m for Pattern p and String str? Mark for Review

(1) Points

Matcher m = str.matcher(p);

Matcher m = p.matcher(str); (*)

Matcher m = new Matcher(p,str);

Matcher m = new Matcher();

Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 2.

2. What is the correct explanation of when this code will return true?

return str.matches(".*[0-9]{6}.*"); Mark for Review

(1) Points

Any time that str contains two dots.

Any time that str contains a sequence of 6 digits. (*)

Any time that str has between zero and nine characters followed by a 6.

Any time str contains a 6.


Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 2.

3. Your teacher asks you to write a segment of code that returns true if String str contains zero or one character(s) and
false otherwise. Which of the following code segments completes this task? Mark for Review

(1) Points

(Choose all correct answers)

return str.contains(".");

if( str.length() == 0 || str.length() == 1)

{ return true;}

return false; (*)

return str.matches(".?"); (*)

return str.matches("[a-z]*");

Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 2.

4. In a regular expression, {x} and {x,} represent the same thing, that the preceding character may occur x or more times
to create a match.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points


False (*)


5. Consider designing a program that organizes your contacts alphabetically by last name, then by first name. Oddly, all
of your contacts' first and last names are exactly five letters long.
Which of the following segments of code establishes a Pattern namePattern with a group for the first name and a group
for the last name considering that the string contactsName is always in the format lastName_firstName? Mark for

(1) Points

Pattern namePattern = Pattern.compile("(.{5})_(.{5})"); (*)

Pattern namePattern = Pattern.compile("first_last");

Pattern namePattern = new Pattern(last{5},first{5});

Pattern namePattern = new Pattern();

None of the above.

Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 2.


UnknownDecember 21, 2018 at 6:42 AM

6. The following code correctly initializes a pattern with the regular expression "[0-9]{2}/[0-9]{2}/[0-9]{2}".

Pattern dateP = Pattern.compile("[0-9]{2}/[0-9]{2}/[0-9]{2}");

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points
True (*)


Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 2.

7. Matcher has a find method that checks if the specified pattern exists as a sub-string of the string being matched.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)


Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 2.

8. A non-linear recursive method is less expensive than a linear recursive method. True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

False (*)


9. Which case handles the last recursive call? Mark for Review

(1) Points

The primary case

The base case (*)

The convergence case

The recursive case

The secondary case

Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 3.

10. A non-linear recursive method is less expensive than a linear recursive method. True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

False (*)

Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 3.

11. A linear recursive method directly calls how many copies of itself in the recursive case? Mark for Review

(1) Points

1 (*)

2 or more

Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 3.

12. Which of the following are true about the method split? Mark for Review

(1) Points

(Choose all correct answers)

It can be used with a string as a parameter. (*)

It's default, with no specified parameter, is parsing by spaces.

It can be used with a regular expression as a prameter. (*)

It returns an array of strings. (*)

Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 1.


UnknownDecember 21, 2018 at 6:44 AM

13. Using the FOR loop method of incrementing through a String is beneficial if you desire to: (Choose all that apply)
Mark for Review

(1) Points

(Choose all correct answers)

Read the String backwards (from last element to first element). (*)

Search for a specific character or String inside of the String. (*)

You don't use a FOR loop with Strings

Parse the String. (*)

Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 1.

14. Which of the following correctly initializes a StringBuilder? Mark for Review

(1) Points

StringBuilder sb = "This is my String Builder";

StringBuilder sb = StringBuilder(500);

StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); (*)

None of the above.

Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 1.

15. Which of the following are true about parsing a String? Mark for Review

(1) Points

(Choose all correct answers)

It is not possible to parse a string using regular expressions.

It is a way of dividing a string into a set of sub-strings. (*)

It is possible to use a for loop to parse a string. (*)

It is possible to use the String.split() method to parse a string. (*)

Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 1.

1. Which of the following correctly defines a StringBuilder? Mark for Review

(1) Points

A class that represents a string-like object. (*)

There is no such thing as a StringBuilder in Java.

A method that adds characters to a string.

A class inside the java.util.regex package.

Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 1.

2. Using the FOR loop method of incrementing through a String is beneficial if you desire to: (Choose all that apply) Mark
for Review

(1) Points

(Choose all correct answers)

Search for a specific character or String inside of the String. (*)

Parse the String. (*)

Read the String backwards (from last element to first element). (*)

You don't use a FOR loop with Strings

Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 1.

3. What class is the split() method a member of? Mark for Review

(1) Points


String (*)



4. Split is a method for Strings that parses a string by a specified character, or, if unspecified, by spaces, and returns the
parsed elements in an array of Strings.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points


False (*)


5. Your teacher asks you to write a segment of code that returns true if String str contains zero or one character(s) and
false otherwise. Which of the following code segments completes this task? Mark for Review

(1) Points

(Choose all correct answers)

return str.matches("[a-z]*");
if( str.length() == 0 || str.length() == 1)

{ return true;}

return false; (*)

return str.contains(".");

return str.matches(".?"); (*)

Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 2.



UnknownDecember 21, 2018 at 6:44 AM

6. Consider designing a program that organizes your contacts alphabetically by last name, then by first name. Oddly, all
of your contacts' first and last names are exactly five letters long.

Which of the following segments of code establishes a Pattern namePattern with a group for the first name and a group
for the last name considering that the string contactsName is always in the format lastName_firstName? Mark for

(1) Points

Pattern namePattern = Pattern.compile("(.{5})_(.{5})"); (*)

Pattern namePattern = Pattern.compile("first_last");

Pattern namePattern = new Pattern(last{5},first{5});

Pattern namePattern = new Pattern();

None of the above.

Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 2.

7. What does the dot (.) represent in regular expressions? Mark for Review

(1) Points

An indication for one or more occurrences of the preceding character.

A match for any character. (*)

A range specified between brackets that allows variability of a character.

Nothing, it is merely a dot.

Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 2.

8. One benefit to using groups with regular expressions is that you can segment a matching string and recall the
segments (or groups) later in your program.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)


Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 2.

9. A regular expression is a character or a sequence of characters that represent a string or multiple strings.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)


Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 2.

10. Consider that you are writing a program for analyzing feedback on the video game you have developed. You have
completed everything except the segment of code that checks that the user's input, String userI, is a valid rating. Note
that a valid rating is a single digit between 1 and 5 inclusive. Which of the following segments of code returns true if the
user's input is a valid rating? Mark for Review
(1) Points

(Choose all correct answers)

return userI.matches("[1-5]"); (*)

return userI.matches("{1-5}");

return userI.matches("[1-5]{1}"); (*)

return userI.matches("[1-5].*");

Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 2.

11. Which of the following correctly defines a repetition operator? Mark for Review

(1) Points

A symbol that represents any character in regular expressions.

A method that returns the number of occurrences of the specified character.

Any symbol in regular expressions that indicates the number of occurrences a specified character appears in a matching
string. (*)
None of the above.

Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 2.

12. A non-linear recursive method is less expensive than a linear recursive method. True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points


False (*)

Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 3.

13. Forward thinking helps when creating linear recursive methods. True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points


False (*)

14. A linear recursive method can call how many copies of itself? Mark for Review

(1) Points

1 (*)

2 or more


Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 3.

15. Which case does a recursive method call last? Mark for Review

(1) Points

Recursive Case

Convergence Case

Basic Case

Base Case (*)

None of the above

Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 3.


UnknownDecember 21, 2018 at 7:02 AM

Section 8

(Answer all questions in this section)

1. Which of the following is an attribute of a three tier architecture application? Mark for Review

(1) Points

an application of that has a client and server only

a complex application that includes a client, a server and database (*)

an application of that runs on a single computer

None of the above

Incorrect. Refer to Section4 Lesson 1.

2. Java Web Start is used to deploy java applications.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)


Incorrect. Refer to Section 4 Lesson 1.

3. The method for connecting a Java application to a database is by using: Mark for Review

(1) Points

jar files


JDBC (*)

Java Web Start

None of the above

Incorrect. Refer to Section 4 Lesson 1.

4. Which of the following is not a reason to use a Java package? Mark for Review

(1) Points

It is a way to organize files when a project consists of multiple modules.

It is a way to help resolve naming conflicts when different packages have classes with the same names.

It is a way to protect data from being used by the non-authorized classes.

It is a way to allow programmers to receive packets of information from databases. (*)

None of the above

Incorrect. Refer to Section4 Lesson 1.

5. To deploy java applications you may use Java Web Start.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points
True (*)



6. How would you make an instance of Car in a class that didn't import the vehicle package below?

Mark for Review

(1) Points

Car c = new Car();

vehicle.Car c=new Car();

vehicle.Car c=new vehicle.Car(); (*)

vehicle.Car c=new vehicle();

None of the above

7. How would you make an instance of Car in a class that did import the vehicle package below?

Mark for Review

(1) Points

Car c = new Car(); (*)

vehicle.Car c=new Car();

vehicle.Car c=new vehicle.Car();

vehicle.Car c=new vehicle();

None of the above

Incorrect. Refer to Section 4 Lesson 1.

8. Which of the following is an attribute of a two tier architecture application? Mark for Review

(1) Points

An application of that has a client and server only. (*)

A complex application that includes a client, a server and database.

An application of that runs on a single computer.

None of the above.

Incorrect. Refer to Section 4 Lesson 1.

9. Which of the following are files that must be uploaded to a web server to deploy a java application/applet? Mark for

(1) Points

(Choose all correct answers)

jar files (*)

JNLP files (*)

html files (*)

.java files

None of the above

Incorrect. Refer to Section 4 Lesson 1.

10. If a class is in a package, the system's CLASSPATH must be altered to access the class.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points


False (*)


11. An example of two tier architecture would be a client application working with a server application.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)


Incorrect. Refer to Section4 Lesson 1.

12. The method for connecting a java application to a database is JNLP.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points


False (*)


13. If a programmer uses the line import com.test.*, there is no need to import com.test.code.*

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points


False (*)



UnknownDecember 21, 2018 at 7:03 AM

14. Which of the following files are not required to be uploaded to a web server to deploy a java application/applet?
Mark for Review

(1) Points

jar files
JNLP files

html files

.java files (*)

None of the above

Incorrect. Refer to Section4 Lesson 1.

15. What option do you choose from the File menu in Eclipse to start the process of creating a runnable JAR file? Mark
for Review

(1) Points


Export (*)

Switch Workspace

Incorrect. Refer to Section 4 Lesson 1.

1. Java Web Start is used to deploy java applications.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)


Incorrect. Refer to Section 4 Lesson 1.

2. If a programmer uses the line import com.test.*, there is no need to import com.test.code.*

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points


False (*)


3. A jar file is built on the ZIP file format and is used to deploy java applets.
True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)



4. To deploy java applications you may use Java Web Start.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)


Incorrect. Refer to Section4 Lesson 1.

5. An example of two tier architecture would be a client application working with a server application.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points
True (*)


Incorrect. Refer to Section4 Lesson 1.

6. Which of the following is not a reason to use a Java package? Mark for Review

(1) Points

It is a way to organize files when a project consists of multiple modules.

It is a way to help resolve naming conflicts when different packages have classes with the same names.

It is a way to protect data from being used by the non-authorized classes.

It is a way to allow programmers to receive packets of information from databases. (*)

None of the above


7. What option do you choose from the File menu in Eclipse to start the process of creating a runnable JAR file? Mark for
(1) Points



Switch Workspace

Export (*)

Incorrect. Refer to Section 4 Lesson 1.

8. How would you make an instance of Car in a class that did import the vehicle package below?

Mark for Review

(1) Points

Car c = new Car(); (*)

vehicle.Car c=new Car();

vehicle.Car c=new vehicle.Car();

vehicle.Car c=new vehicle();

None of the above

Incorrect. Refer to Section 4 Lesson 1.

9. Which of the following is an attribute of a three tier architecture application? Mark for Review

(1) Points

an application of that has a client and server only

a complex application that includes a client, a server and database (*)

an application of that runs on a single computer

None of the above


10. The method for connecting a java application to a database is JNLP.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

False (*)

UnknownDecember 21, 2018 at 7:04 AM

11. Which of the following are files that must be uploaded to a web server to deploy a java application/applet? Mark for

(1) Points

(Choose all correct answers)

jar files (*)

JNLP files (*)

html files (*)

.java files

None of the above

Incorrect. Refer to Section 4 Lesson 1.

12. How would you make an instance of Car in a class that didn't import the vehicle package below?

Mark for Review

(1) Points

Car c = new Car();

vehicle.Car c=new Car();

vehicle.Car c=new vehicle.Car(); (*)

vehicle.Car c=new vehicle();

None of the above

Incorrect. Refer to Section4 Lesson 1.

13. If a class is in a package, the system's CLASSPATH must be altered to access the class.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

False (*)


14. Which of the following is an attribute of a two tier architecture application? Mark for Review

(1) Points

An application of that has a client and server only. (*)

A complex application that includes a client, a server and database.

An application of that runs on a single computer.

None of the above.

Incorrect. Refer to Section 4 Lesson 1.

15. The method for connecting a Java application to a database is by using: Mark for Review

(1) Points

jar files

JDBC (*)

Java Web Start

None of the above


1. A jar file is built on the ZIP file format and is used to deploy java applets.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)


Incorrect. Refer to Section4 Lesson 1.

2. An example of two tier architecture would be a client application working with a server application.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points
True (*)


Incorrect. Refer to Section4 Lesson 1.

3. Which of the following is an attribute of a two tier architecture application? Mark for Review

(1) Points

An application of that has a client and server only. (*)

A complex application that includes a client, a server and database.

An application of that runs on a single computer.

None of the above.


4. Which of the following are files that must be uploaded to a web server to deploy a java application/applet? Mark for

(1) Points
(Choose all correct answers)

jar files (*)

JNLP files (*)

html files (*)

.java files

None of the above

Incorrect. Refer to Section 4 Lesson 1.

5. How would you make an instance of Car in a class that didn't import the vehicle package below?

Mark for Review

(1) Points

Car c = new Car();

vehicle.Car c=new Car();

vehicle.Car c=new vehicle.Car(); (*)

vehicle.Car c=new vehicle();

None of the above


6. Which of the following is an attribute of a three tier architecture application? Mark for Review

(1) Points

an application of that has a client and server only

a complex application that includes a client, a server and database (*)

an application of that runs on a single computer

None of the above

Incorrect. Refer to Section4 Lesson 1.

7. The method for connecting a Java application to a database is by using: Mark for Review
(1) Points

jar files


JDBC (*)

Java Web Start

None of the above


8. If a class is in a package, the system's CLASSPATH must be altered to access the class.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points


False (*)

UnknownDecember 21, 2018 at 7:04 AM

9. Which of the following files are not required to be uploaded to a web server to deploy a java application/applet? Mark
for Review

(1) Points

jar files

JNLP files

html files

.java files (*)

None of the above


10. If a programmer uses the line import com.test.*, there is no need to import com.test.code.*

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

False (*)


11. What option do you choose from the File menu in Eclipse to start the process of creating a runnable JAR file? Mark
for Review

(1) Points

Switch Workspace



Export (*)

Incorrect. Refer to Section 4 Lesson 1.

12. Java Web Start is used to deploy java applications.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points
True (*)



13. Which of the following is not a reason to use a Java package? Mark for Review

(1) Points

It is a way to organize files when a project consists of multiple modules.

It is a way to help resolve naming conflicts when different packages have classes with the same names.

It is a way to protect data from being used by the non-authorized classes.

It is a way to allow programmers to receive packets of information from databases. (*)

None of the above

Incorrect. Refer to Section4 Lesson 1.

14. To deploy java applications you may use Java Web Start.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)



15. How would you make an instance of Car in a class that did import the vehicle package below?

Mark for Review

(1) Points

Car c = new Car(); (*)

vehicle.Car c=new Car();

vehicle.Car c=new vehicle.Car();

vehicle.Car c=new vehicle();

None of the above

11. The BufferedInputStream is a direct subclass of what other class? Mark for Review

(1) Points


FilterInputStream (*)




[Correct] Correct

12.The Files class provides a instance method that creates a new BufferedReader.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)

[Correct] Correct

13.The BufferedOutputStream is a direct subclass of what other class? Mark for Review

(1) Points



FilterOutputStream (*)



[Correct] Correct
14.Which of the following static methods is not provided by the Files class to check file properties or duplication? Mark
for Review

(1) Points

Files.isWritable(Path p);

Files.isReadable(Path p);

Files.isArchived(Path p); (*)

Files.isHidden(Path p);

[Correct] Correct

15.The Paths class provides a static get() method to find a valid Path.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)

[Correct] Correct


UnknownDecember 21, 2018 at 7:20 AM

Section 9

(Answer all questions in this section)

1. Which of the following can fill in the //INSERT HERE correctly? (Choose Two)

ResultSet rset = stmt.executeQuery(sqlQuery);



Mark for Review

(1) Points

(Choose all correct answers)

Object s = rs.getObject(1); (*)

String s = rs.getString(1);

String s = rs.getObject(0);
String s = rs.getString(0);

2. JDBC has a type system that can control the conversion between Oracle database types and Java types. Mark for

(1) Points

True (*)


3. From JDBC, how would you execute DML statements (i.e. insert, delete, update) in the database? Mark for Review

(1) Points

By making use of the execute(...) statement from DataStatement Object

By invoking the executeDelete(...), executeUpdate(...) methods of the DataStatement

By invoking the execute(...) or executeUpdate(...) method of a JDBC Statement object or sub-interface object (*)
By invoking the DeleteStatement or UpdateStatement JDBC object

4. Which type of Statement can execute parameterized queries? Mark for Review

(1) Points


CallableStatement and ParameterizedStatement

PreparedStatement (*)

All of the above

5. Which of the following is the correct statement be inserted at //INSERT CODE location that calls the database-stored
procedure sayHello?

class Test{

public static void main(String[] args) {

try {
Connection conn = getConnection();


cstat.setString(1, "Hello");

cstat.registerOutParameter(2, Types.NUMERIC);

cstat.setInt(2, 10);

catch(SQLException e){}

Mark for Review

(1) Points

CallableStatement cstat = con.prepareCall("{sayHello(?, ?)}");

CallableStatement cstat = con.prepareCall("{call procedure_sayHello (?, ?)}");

CallableStatement cstat = con.prepareCall("{call sayHello}");

CallableStatement cstat = con.prepareCall("sayHello(?, ?)");

CallableStatement cstat = con.prepareCall("{call sayHello(?, ?)}"); (*)

6. Suppose that you have a table EMPLOYEES with three rows. The first_name in those rows are A, B, and C. What does
the following output?

String sql = "select first_name from Employees order by first_name desc";

Statement stmt=conn.createStatement = (ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE,ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY);

ResultSet rset= stmt.executeQuery(sql);



Mark for Review

(1) Points

B (*)

The code does not compile.

A SQLException is thrown.

7. Which symbol is used as a placeholder to pass parameters to a PreparedStatement or CallableStatement? Mark for

(1) Points

? (*)

8. Which of the following methods will move the cursor, returning a Boolean value from the ResultSet Object? Mark for

(1) Points

(Choose all correct answers)

beforeFirst() (*)




9. Which of the following is the correct order to close the database object? Mark for Review

(1) Points

ResultSet, Statement, Connection (*)

Connection, Statement, ResultSet

Statement, Connection, ResultSet

ResultSet, Connection, Statement

Statement,ᅠ ResultSet,ᅠ Connection

10. Which of the following classes or interfaces are included in the database vendor driver library? (Choose two) Mark
for Review
(1) Points

(Choose all correct answers)

Statement interface implementation (*)



Javax.sql.DataSource implementation (*)

Java.sql.DriverManager implementation



UnknownDecember 21, 2018 at 7:20 AM

11. Which of the following is NOT a JDBC interface used to execute SLQ statements? Mark for Review

(1) Points
Statement Interface

PreparedStatement Interface

PrePreparedStatement Interface (*)

CallableStatement Interface

12. You must explicitly close ResultSet and Statement objects once they are no longer in use. Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)


13.How many categories of JDBC drivers are there? Mark for Review

(1) Points


4 (*)

14.What type of JDBC driver will convert the database invocation directly into network protocol? Mark for Review

(1) Points

Type 1 driver

Type 2 driver

Type 3 driver

Type 4 driver (*)

15.To execute a stored SQL procedure, which JDBC interface should be used? Mark for Review

(1) Points
Statement Interface

PreparedStatement Interface

PrePreparedStatement Interface

CallableStatement Interface (*)

UnknownDecember 21, 2018 at 7:32 AM

1. Which of the following can fill in the //INSERT HERE correctly? (Choose Two)

ResultSet rset = stmt.executeQuery(sqlQuery);



Mark for Review

(1) Points

(Choose all correct answers)

Object s = rs.getObject(1); (*)

String s = rs.getString(1);
String s = rs.getObject(0);

String s = rs.getString(0);

2. Suppose that you have a table EMPLOYEES with three rows. The first_name in those rows are A, B, and C. What does
the following output?

String sql = "select first_name from Employees order by first_name desc";

Statement stmt=conn.createStatement = (ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE,ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY);

ResultSet rset= stmt.executeQuery(sql);



Mark for Review

(1) Points

B (*)

The code does not compile.

A SQLException is thrown.

3. Which type of Statement can execute parameterized queries? Mark for Review

(1) Points


CallableStatement and ParameterizedStatement

PreparedStatement (*)

All of the above

4. Which the following statements is NOT TRUE about DataSource? Mark for Review

(1) Points

DataSource can be implemented as a pool of connections.

DataSource can participate in the Distributed transaction.

DataSource can manage a set of JDBC Drivers registered in the system. (*)

DataSource will typically be registered with a naming service.

5. JDBC has a type system that can control the conversion between Oracle database types and Java types. Mark for

(1) Points

True (*)


6. Which of the following methods will move the cursor, returning a Boolean value from the ResultSet Object? Mark for

(1) Points

(Choose all correct answers)

beforeFirst() (*)




7. Which symbol is used as a placeholder to pass parameters to a PreparedStatement or CallableStatement? Mark for

(1) Points

? (*)

8. From JDBC, how would you execute DML statements (i.e. insert, delete, update) in the database? Mark for Review

(1) Points

By making use of the execute(...) statement from DataStatement Object

By invoking the executeDelete(...), executeUpdate(...) methods of the DataStatement

By invoking the execute(...) or executeUpdate(...) method of a JDBC Statement object or sub-interface object (*)

By invoking the DeleteStatement or UpdateStatement JDBC object

9. Which of the following is a valid JDBC URL? Mark for Review

(1) Points


jdbc:oracle:thin:dfot/dfot@localhost:1521:xe (*)


UnknownDecember 21, 2018 at 7:32 AM

10. To execute a stored SQL procedure, which JDBC interface should be used? Mark for Review

(1) Points

Statement Interface

PreparedStatement Interface

PrePreparedStatement Interface

CallableStatement Interface (*)

11. Which of the following is the correct order to close the database object? Mark for Review

(1) Points
ResultSet, Statement, Connection (*)

Connection, Statement, ResultSet

Statement, Connection, ResultSet

ResultSet, Connection, Statement

Statement,ᅠ ResultSet,ᅠ Connection

12. The java.sql.DriverManager class will typically be registered with a naming service based on the Java Naming
Directory (JNDI) API. Mark for Review

(1) Points


False (*)

13. How many categories of JDBC drivers are there? Mark for Review
(1) Points

4 (*)

14. Given the following code, assume there are rows of data in the table EMP. What is the result?

1 Connection conn - new Connection(URL);

2 Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();

3 ResultSet result - stmt.executeQuery("select count(*) from EMP");

4 if({

5 System.out.println(rs.getInt(1));

6 } Mark for Review

(1) Points

Compiler error on line 2

Runtime error on line 3

Compiler error on line 1 (*)

15.You must explicitly close ResultSet and Statement objects once they are no longer in use. Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)



UnknownDecember 21, 2018 at 8:14 AM

Java Programming Final Exam

1.A sequential search is an iteration through the array that stops at the index where the desired element is found.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points
True (*)


2.Bubble Sort is a sorting algorithm that involves swapping the smallest value into the first index, finding the next
smallest value and swapping it into the next index and so on until the array is sorted.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points


False (*)

3.Why might a sequential search be inefficient? Mark for Review

(1) Points

It utilizes the "divide and conquer" method, which makes the algorithm more error prone.
It requires incrementing through the entire array in the worst case, which is inefficient on large data sets. (*)

It involves looping through the array multiple times before finding the value, which is inefficient on large data sets.

It is never inefficient.

4.Which of the following is a sorting algorithm that involves repeatedly incrementing through the array and swapping 2
adjacent values if they are in the wrong order until all elements are in the correct order? Mark for Review

(1) Points

Sequential Search

Merge Sort

Bubble Sort (*)

Binary Search

Selection Sort
5.Binary searches can be performed on sorted and unsorted data.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points


False (*)

6. Why might a sequential search be inefficient? Mark for Review

(1) Points

It utilizes the "divide and conquer" method, which makes the algorithm more error prone.

It requires incrementing through the entire array in the worst case, which is inefficient on large data sets. (*)

It involves looping through the array multiple times before finding the value, which is inefficient on large data sets.

It is never inefficient.
7.Big-O Notation is used in Computer Science to describe the performance of Sorts and Searches on arrays. True or
false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)


8.Stacks are identical to Queues.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points


False (*)

9.FIFO stands for: Mark for Review

(1) Points
Fast In Fast Out

Fast Interface Fast Output

First Interface First Output

First In First Out (*)

10.The Comparable interface defines the compareTo method.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)




UnknownDecember 21, 2018 at 8:14 AM

11.The Comparable interface includes a method called compareTo.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points
True (*)


12.A LinkedList is a type of Stack.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)


13.Which of the following is a list of elements that have a first in last out ordering. Mark for Review

(1) Points

Stacks (*)



14.Which class is an ordered collection that may contain duplicates? Mark for Review

(1) Points




list (*)

15.Which of the following correctly adds "Cabbage" to the ArrayList vegetables? Mark for Review

(1) Points

vegetables += "Cabbage";

vegetables[0] = "Cabbage";

vegetables.add("Cabbage"); (*)

16. ArrayList and Arrays both require you to define their size before use.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points


False (*)

17.Which of these could be a set? Why? Mark for Review

(1) Points
{1, 1, 2, 22, 305, 26} because a set may contain duplicates and all its elements are of the same type.

{"Apple", 1, "Carrot", 2} because it records the index of the elements with following integers.

{1, 2, 5, 178, 259} because it contains no duplicates and all its elements are of the same type. (*)

All of the above are sets because they are collections that can be made to fit any of the choices.

18.Which is the correct way to initialize a HashSet? Mark for Review

(1) Points

ClassMates = public class


classMates = new HashSet[String]();

String classMates = new


HashSet classMates =
new HashSet(); (*)

19.An example of an upper bounded wildcard is. Mark for Review

(1) Points




ArrayList (*)

20.Generic methods are required to be declared as static.

True or False? Mark for Review

(1) Points

False (*)

UnknownDecember 21, 2018 at 8:15 AM

21.The following code will compile.

True or False?

class Node implements Comparable{

public int compareTo(T obj){return 1;}

class Test{

public static void main(String[] args){

Node nc=new Node<>();

Comparable com=nc;

Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)


22.< ? extends Animal > would only allow classes or subclasses of Animal to be used.

True or False? Mark for Review

(1) Points
True (*)


23.public static void printArray(T[] array){ナ.

is an example of what? Mark for Review

(1) Points

A concreate method.

A generic method (*)

A generic class

A generic instance

24.What is the result from the following code snippet?

public static void main(String[] args) {

List list1 = new ArrayList();

list1.add(new Gum());

List list2 = list1;

list2.add(new Integer(9));


} Mark for Review

(1) Points

The code will not compile.

2 (*)

an exception will be thrown at runtime

25.Matcher has a find method that checks if the specified pattern exists as a sub-string of the string being matched.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)

26.Square brackets are a representation for any character in regular expressions "[ ]".

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points


False (*)

27.Which of the following correctly defines Pattern? Mark for Review

(1) Points

A regular expression symbol that represents any character.

A class in the java.util.regex package that stores the format of a regular expression. (*)

A class in the java.util.regex package that stores matches.

A method of dividing a string into a set of sub-strings.

28.What does the dot (.) represent in regular expressions? Mark for Review

(1) Points

An indication for one or more occurrences of the preceding character.

A match for any character. (*)

A range specified between brackets that allows variability of a character.

Nothing, it is merely a dot.

29.Which of the following correctly initializes a StringBuilder? Mark for Review

(1) Points

StringBuilder sb = "This is my String Builder";

StringBuilder sb = StringBuilder(500);

StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); (*)

None of the above.

30.What is the result from the following code?

public class Test {

public static void main(String[] args) {

String str = "91204";

str += 23;


} Mark for Review

(1) Points

9120423 (*)


Compile fails.


UnknownDecember 21, 2018 at 8:15 AM

31.Which of the following correctly defines a StringBuilder? Mark for Review

(1) Points

A class inside the java.util.regex package.

There is no such thing as a StringBuilder in Java.

A method that adds characters to a string.

A class that represents a string-like object. (*)

32.The base case condition can work with a constant or variable.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)

33.A non-linear recursive method can call how many copies of itself? Mark for Review

(1) Points

2 or more (*)


34.Consider the following recursive method recur(x, y). What is the value of recur(4, 3)?

public static int recur(int x, int y) {

if (x == 0) {

return y;

return recur(x - 1, x + y);

} Mark for Review

(1) Points


13 (*)

35.A linear recursion requires the method to call which direction? Mark for Review

(1) Points


Backward (*)

Both forward and backward

None of the above

36.If a programmer uses the line

import com.test.*,

there is no need to use

import com.test.code.*

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points


False (*)

37.An example of two tier architecture would be a client application working with a server application.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)


38.The method for connecting a java application to a database is JNLP.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

False (*)

39.Prior to Java 7, you write to a file with a call to the BufferedWriter class's write() method.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)


40.The java.nio.file package has improved exception handling.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)

UnknownDecember 21, 2018 at 8:15 AM

41.The is what type of stream? Mark for Review

(1) Points

A BufferedReader stream

A Reader stream

A BufferedWriter stream

A PrintStream

An InputStream (*)

42.An ObjectInputStream lets you read a serialized object.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)

43.To execute a stored SQL procedure, which JDBC interface should be used? Mark for Review

(1) Points

Statement Interface

PreparedStatement Interface

PrePreparedStatement Interface

CallableStatement Interface (*)

44.Which of the following classes or interfaces are included in the database vendor driver library? (Choose two) Mark for

(1) Points

(Choose all correct answers)

Statement interface implementation (*)



Javax.sql.DataSource implementation (*)

Java.sql.DriverManager implementation

45.How many categories of JDBC drivers are there? Mark for Review

(1) Points

4 (*)
46.Given the following code, assume there are rows of data in the table EMP. What is the result?

1 Connection conn - new Connection(URL);

2 Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();

3 ResultSet result - stmt.executeQuery("select count(*) from EMP");

4 if({

5 System.out.println(rs.getInt(1));

6 } Mark for Review

(1) Points

Compiler error on line 2

Runtime error on line 3

Compiler error on line 1 (*)

47.Suppose that you have a table EMPLOYEES with three rows. The first_name in those rows are A, B, and C. What does
the following output?
String sql = "select first_name from Employees order by first_name desc";

Statement stmt=conn.createStatement = (ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE,ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY);

ResultSet rset= stmt.executeQuery(sql);



Mark for Review

(1) Points

B (*)

The code does not compile.

A SQLException is thrown.

48.From JDBC, how would you execute DML statements (i.e. insert, delete, update) in the database? Mark for Review

(1) Points

By making use of the execute(...) statement from DataStatement Object

By invoking the executeDelete(...), executeUpdate(...) methods of the DataStatement

By invoking the execute(...) or executeUpdate(...) method of a JDBC Statement object or sub-interface object (*)

By invoking the DeleteStatement or UpdateStatement JDBC object

49.Which symbol is used as a placeholder to pass parameters to a PreparedStatement or CallableStatement? Mark for

(1) Points

? (*)

50.JDBC has a type system that can control the conversion between Oracle database types and Java types. Mark for

(1) Points

True (*)



UnknownDecember 21, 2018 at 10:35 AM

11.Bytecode contains different opcodes for every type of loop written in source code.


False (*)



UnknownDecember 21, 2018 at 10:39 AM

3.Class Object is the root of the Java class hierarchy. True or False?

True (*)

UnknownDecember 21, 2018 at 10:45 AM

5. When do you use try-catch statements?

If you want to switch different values for a certain variable.

When you want to handle an exception. (*)

When you want to exit your code before an exception is caught.

Every time you would like to assign a new value to a variable that is being asserted.

7.The instanceof operator enables to discover the type of object it was invoked upon.

True or false?

True (*)


8.Java provides virtual method invocation as a feature and it doesn't require specialized coding.

True or false?
True (*)


13.Making a class immutable means:

That it is directly subclassed from the Object class

To create an instance of the class.

To create a sub class from a parent class

That it cannot be extended. (*)

15.Which one of the following statements is true?

A Java program can only contain one super class

A class is an intance of an object

A class is a Java primitive

A class is a template that defines the features of an object (*)

UnknownDecember 21, 2018 at 8:19 PM

17.Choose which opcode is used to fetch a field from object.





getfield (*)

26.Arrays have built-in operations including add, clear, contains, get and remove. True or false?


False (*)
27.In the relationship between two objects, the class that is being inherited from is called the maxi-class. True or false?


False (*)

30. Which of the following is not a good technique to follow when reading code written by others?

Perform testing.

Build and run the code.

Find the author of the code and ask him how it works. (*)

Understand the constructs.

Learn the high level structure and starting point, and then figure out how it branches.
31. Which of the following are important to your survival as a programmer?

Being good at reading code.

Looking for opportunities to read code.

Being good at testing.

All of these. (*)

36.When are control flow invariants used?

To test compilation errors in your code.

To test specific variable values of your code.

To test the correct flow of your code. (*)

To test run time errors in code.

44.The instanceof operator works with class instances and primitive data types.
True or false?


False (*)

49.An interfaces can declare public constants.

True or False?

True (*)


UnknownDecember 21, 2018 at 8:26 PM

4.Generic methods can only belong to generic classes.

True or False?


False (*)

8.Which sort algorithm was used to sort the char array {'M', 'S', 'A', 'T', 'H'}?

The steps are shown below:

{'M', 'S', 'A', 'T', 'H'}

{'M', 'A', 'S', 'T', 'H'}

{'A', 'M', 'S', 'T', 'H'}

{'A', 'M', 'S', 'H', 'T'}

{'A', 'M', 'H', 'S', 'T'}

{'A', 'H', 'M', 'S', 'T'}

Sequential Search

Binary Search

Merge Sort

Bubble Sort (*)

Selection Sort

9.Which of the following describes a deque.

It is pronounced "deck" for short.

It implements a stack.
Allows for insertion or deletion of elements from the first element added or the last one.

All of the above. (*)

13. A collection is an interface in the Java API.

True or false?

True (*)


14.Sets may contain duplicates.

True or false?


False (*)

UnknownDecember 21, 2018 at 8:32 PM

1. Which of the following methods are StringBuilder methods?





All of the above. (*)

2. Which of the following correctly defines a StringBuilder?

A method that adds characters to a string.

There is no such thing as a StringBuilder in Java.

A class that represents a string-like object. (*)

A class inside the java.util.regex package.

3. Using the FOR loop method of incrementing through a String is beneficial if you desire to: (Choose Three)

(Choose all correct answers)

Parse the String. (*)

Read the String backwards (from last element to first element). (*)

Search for a specific character or String inside of the String. (*)

You don't use a FOR loop with Strings

4. Which of the following methods can be used to replace a segment in a string with a new string?

remove(String oldString, String newString)

replaceAll(String oldString, String newString) (*)

replaceAll(String newString)
substring(int start, int end, String newString)

None of the above. There is no replaceAll(String newString) method with one argument.

9. Consider that you are making a calendar and decide to write a segment of code that returns true if the string month is
April, May, June, or July. Which code segment correctly implements use of regular expressions to complete this task?

return month.matches("April|May|June|July"); (*)

return month.substring(0,3);

return month.equals("April, May, June, July");

return month.matches("April"|"May"|"June"|"July");

return month.compareTo("April, May, June, July");


UnknownDecember 21, 2018 at 8:37 PM

1. Which of the following is an absolute Windows path?


C:\Users\UserName\data (*)




2. The way that you read from a file has changed since the introduction of Java 7.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)


3. Java 7 requires you create an instance of java.nio.file.File class.

True or false?


False (*)

4. The new Paths class lets you resolve .. (double dot) path notation.

True or false?

True (*)


5. An absolute path always starts from the drive letter or mount point.

True (*)



UnknownDecember 21, 2018 at 8:38 PM

6. Which of the following are files that must be uploaded to a web server to deploy a Java application/applet?(Choose

(Choose all correct answers)

jar files (*)

JNLP files (*)

html files (*)

.java files

None of the above

7. A jar file is built on the ZIP file format and is used to deploy java applets.

True or false?
True (*)


8. Java Web Start is used to deploy Java applications.

True or false?

True (*)


9. If a programmer uses the line

import com.test.*,

there is no need to use

import com.test.code.*

True or false?


False (*)
10. Which of the following files are not required to be uploaded to a web server to deploy a JWS java

jar files

JNLP files

html files

.java files (*)

None of the above

UnknownDecember 21, 2018 at 8:39 PM

11. The System.out is what type of stream?

A BufferedReader stream

A Reader stream
A BufferedWriter stream

An OutputStream

A PrintStream (*)

12. You can read input by character or line.

True or false?

True (*)


13. Which of the following static methods is not provided by the Files class to check file properties or duplication?

Files.isReadable(Path p);
Files.isArchived(Path p); (*)

Files.isHidden(Path p);

Files.isWritable(Path p);

14. The read() method of class lets you read a character at a time.

True or false?

True (*)


15. File permissions are the same across all of the different operating systems.


False (*)

UnknownDecember 21, 2018 at 8:49 PM

5. The import keyword allows you to access classes of the package without package Fully Qualified Name.

True or false?

True (*)


10. The Files class lets you check for file properties.

True or false?

True (*)


11. The new Paths class lets you resolve .. (double dot) path notation.

True or false?

True (*)

12. Which of the following is an absolute Windows path



C:\Users\UserName\data (*)


13. The Files class can perform which of the following functions?

Works with absolute paths

Navigates the file system

Works across disk volumes

Works with relative paths

Creates files (*)

14. The normalize() method removes redundant name elements from a qualified path.

True or false?

True (*)


15. Prior to Java 7, you write to a file with a call to the BufferedWriter class's write() method.

True or false?

True (*)


UnknownDecember 21, 2018 at 8:56 PM

5. Given the following code, assume there are rows of data in the table EMP. What is the result?

1 Connection conn - new Connection(URL);

2 Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();

3 ResultSet result - stmt.executeQuery("select count(*) from EMP");

4 if({

5 System.out.println(rs.getInt(1));


Compiler error on line 2

Runtime error on line 3

Compiler error on line 1 (*)

13. Which JDBC interface can be used to access information such as database URL, username and table names?

Statement Interface
PreparedStatement Interface

DatabaseMetaData Interface (*)

CallableStatement Interface


UnknownDecember 21, 2018 at 9:14 PM

1. Which of the following statements can be compiled?(Choose Three) Mark for Review

(1) Points

(Choose all correct answers)

List list = new ArrayList();

List list = new ArrayList(); (*)

List list = new ArrayList(); (*)

List list = new ArrayList(); (*)

[Correct] Correct
2. Which line contains an compilation error?

interface Shape {}

class Circle implements Shape{}

public class Test{

public static void main(String[] args) {

List ls = new ArrayList(); // Line 1

List lc = new ArrayList(); // Line 2

Circle c = new Circle();

ls.add(c); // Line 3

lc.add(c); // Line 4

} Mark for Review

(1) Points

Line 4

Line 1

Line 2

Line 3 (*)
[Correct] Correct

3. Which of these could be a set? Why? Mark for Review

(1) Points

{1, 1, 2, 22, 305, 26} because a set may contain duplicates and all its elements are of the same type.

{"Apple", 1, "Carrot", 2} because it records the index of the elements with following integers.

{1, 2, 5, 178, 259} because it contains no duplicates and all its elements are of the same type. (*)

All of the above are sets because they are collections that can be made to fit any of the choices.

[Correct] Correct

4. Sets may contain duplicates.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points


False (*)
[Correct] Correct

5. Which interface forms the root of the collections hierarchy? Mark for Review

(1) Points


java.util.Collection (*)





UnknownDecember 21, 2018 at 9:15 PM

6. Stacks are identical to Queues.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

False (*)

[Correct] Correct

7. Which scenario best describes a queue? Mark for Review

(1) Points

A pile of pancakes with which you add some to the top and remove them one by one from the top to the bottom.

A row of books that you can take out of only the middle of the books first and work your way outward toward either

A line at the grocery store where the first person in the line is the first person to leave. (*)

All of the above describe a queue.

[Correct] Correct

8. The Comparable interface defines the compareTo method.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points
True (*)


[Correct] Correct

9. Where you enqueue an element in the list? Mark for Review

(1) Points

removes it from the end of the list

removes it from the front of the list

adds it to the start of the list

adds it to the end of the list (*)

[Correct] Correct
10. What are maps that link a Key to a Value? Mark for Review

(1) Points



HashMaps (*)


UnknownDecember 21, 2018 at 9:15 PM

11. Nodes are components of LinkedLists, and they identify where the next and previous nodes are.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)


[Correct] Correct
12. Which sort algorithm was used to sort the char array {'M', 'S', 'A', 'T', 'H'}?

The steps are shown below:

{'M', 'S', 'A', 'T', 'H'}

{'M', 'A', 'S', 'T', 'H'}

{'A', 'M', 'S', 'T', 'H'}

{'A', 'M', 'S', 'H', 'T'}

{'A', 'M', 'H', 'S', 'T'}

{'A', 'H', 'M', 'S', 'T'} Mark for Review

(1) Points

Binary Search

Merge Sort

Sequential Search

Bubble Sort (*)

Selection Sort

[Correct] Correct

13. Why might a sequential search be inefficient? Mark for Review

(1) Points

It utilizes the "divide and conquer" method, which makes the algorithm more error prone.

It requires incrementing through the entire array in the worst case, which is inefficient on large data sets. (*)

It involves looping through the array multiple times before finding the value, which is inefficient on large data sets.

It is never inefficient.

[Correct] Correct

14. Which of the following is a sorting algorithm that involves repeatedly incrementing through the array and swapping
2 adjacent values if they are in the wrong order until all elements are in the correct order? Mark for Review

(1) Points

Merge Sort

Binary Search

Selection Sort
Sequential Search

Bubble Sort (*)

[Correct] Correct

15. Which of the following is the correct lexicographical order for the conents of the following int array?

{17, 1, 1, 83, 50, 28, 29, 3, 71, 22} Mark for Review

(1) Points

{1, 2, 7, 0, 9, 5, 6, 4, 8, 3}

{71, 1, 3, 28,29, 50, 22, 83, 1, 17}

{1, 1, 3, 17, 22, 28, 29, 50, 71, 83}

{1, 1, 17, 22, 28, 29, 3, 50, 71, 83} (*)

{83, 71, 50, 29, 28, 22, 17, 3, 1, 1}

UnknownDecember 21, 2018 at 9:15 PM

16. Which of the following best describes lexicographical order? Mark for Review

(1) Points

A simple sorting algorithm that is inefficient on large arrays.

The order of indicies after an array has been sorted.

An order based on the ASCII value of characters. (*)

A complex sorting algorithm that is efficient on large arrays.

[Correct] Correct

17. Which of the following best describes lexicographical order? Mark for Review

(1) Points

The order of indicies after an array has been sorted.

A complex sorting algorithm that is efficient on large arrays.

An order based on the ASCII value of characters. (*)

A simple sorting algorithm that is inefficient on large arrays.

[Correct] Correct

18. Why might a sequential search be inefficient? Mark for Review

(1) Points

It utilizes the "divide and conquer" method, which makes the algorithm more error prone.

It requires incrementing through the entire array in the worst case, which is inefficient on large data sets. (*)

It involves looping through the array multiple times before finding the value, which is inefficient on large data sets.

It is never inefficient.

[Correct] Correct

19. public static void printArray(T[] array){ナ.

is an example of what? Mark for Review

(1) Points
A generic instance

A concreate method.

A generic method (*)

A generic class

[Correct] Correct

20. A generic class is a type of class that associates one or more non-specific Java types with it.

True or False? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)


UnknownDecember 21, 2018 at 9:15 PM

21. Which of the following would initialize a generic class "Cell" using a String type?

I. Cell cell = new Cell(); .

II. Cell cell = new Cell(); .

III. Cell cell = new String;

Mark for Review

(1) Points

III only

I only

I and II (*)

II only

II and III

[Correct] Correct

22. The local petting zoo is writing a program to be able to collect group animals according to species to better keep
track of what animals they have.

Which of the following correctly defines a collection that may create these types of groupings for each species at the
zoo? Mark for Review

(1) Points

public class
animalCollection {ナ} (*)

public class

animalCollection(AnimalType T) {ナ}

public class

animalCollection {ナ}

public class

animalCollection(animalType) {ナ}

None of the these.

[Incorrect] Incorrect. Refer to Section 6 Lesson 1.

23. What is the output from the following code snippet?

public static void main(String[] args){

List li=new ArrayList();




public static void print(List list) {

for (Number n : list)

System.out.print(n + " ");

} Mark for Review

(1) Points

1 2 (*)

The code will not compile.

[Correct] Correct

24. What is the result from the following code snippet?

public static void main(String[] args) {

List list1 = new ArrayList();

list1.add(new Gum());

List list2 = list1;

list2.add(new Integer(9));


} Mark for Review

(1) Points
2 (*)

an exception will be thrown at runtime

The code will not compile.

[Correct] Correct

Section 7

(Answer all questions in this section)

25. The following code correctly initializes a pattern with the regular expression "[0-9]{2}/[0-9]{2}/[0-9]{2}".

Pattern dateP = Pattern.compile("[0-9]{2}/[0-9]{2}/[0-9]{2}");

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)

UnknownDecember 21, 2018 at 9:16 PM

26. One benefit to using groups with regular expressions is that you can segment a matching string and recall the
segments (or groups) later in your program.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)


[Correct] Correct

27. What is the function of the asterisk (*) in regular expressions? Mark for Review

(1) Points

Indicates that the preceding character may occur 1 or more times in a proper match.

Indicates that the preceding character may occur 0 or more times in a proper match. (*)

The asterisk has no function in regular expressions.

Indicates that the preceding character may occur 0 or 1 times in a proper match.

[Correct] Correct

28. What does the dot (.) represent in regular expressions? Mark for Review

(1) Points

An indication for one or more occurrences of the preceding character.

A match for any character. (*)

A range specified between brackets that allows variability of a character.

Nothing, it is merely a dot.

[Correct] Correct

29. Which of the following are true about parsing a String?(Choose Three) Mark for Review

(1) Points
(Choose all correct answers)

It is a way of dividing a string into a set of sub-strings. (*)

It is not possible to parse a string using regular expressions.

It is possible to use a for loop to parse a string. (*)

It is possible to use the String.split() method to parse a string. (*)

[Correct] Correct

30. Which of the following methods can be used to replace a segment in a string with a new string? Mark for Review

(1) Points

remove(String oldString, String newString)

replaceAll(String oldString, String newString) (*)

replaceAll(String newString)
substring(int start, int end, String newString)

None of the above. There is no replaceAll(String newString) method with one argument.

UnknownDecember 21, 2018 at 9:16 PM

31. Which of the following correctly initializes a StringBuilder? Mark for Review

(1) Points

StringBuilder sb = "This is my String Builder";

StringBuilder sb = StringBuilder(500);

StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); (*)

None of the above.

[Correct] Correct

32. Which case handles the last recursive call? Mark for Review

(1) Points

The convergence case

The primary case

The base case (*)

The recursive case

The secondary case

[Correct] Correct

33. Which two statements can create an instance of an array? (Choose Two) Mark for Review

(1) Points

(Choose all correct answers)

int[] ia = new int [5]; (*)

Object oa = new double[5]; (*)

char[] ca = "java";
int ia[][] = (1,2,3) (4,5,6);

double da = new double [5];

[Correct] Correct

34. The base case condition can work with a constant or variable.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)


[Correct] Correct

35. Forward thinking helps when creating linear recursive methods.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

False (*)

UnknownDecember 21, 2018 at 9:16 PM

36. Which of the following are files that must be uploaded to a web server to deploy a Java application/applet?(Choose
Three) Mark for Review

(1) Points

(Choose all correct answers)

jar files (*)

JNLP files (*)

html files (*)

.java files

None of the above

[Correct] Correct
37. To deploy java applications you may use Java Web Start.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)


[Correct] Correct

38. Which of the following files are not required to be uploaded to a web server to deploy a JWS java
application/applet? Mark for Review

(1) Points

jar files

JNLP files

html files

.java files (*)

None of the above

[Correct] Correct

39. Which statement determine that "java" is a directory? Mark for Review

(1) Points

Boolean isDir=(new Directory("java")).exists(); (*)

Boolean isDir=Directory.exists ("java");

Boolean isDir=(new File("java")).isDir();

Boolean isDir=(new File("java")).isDirectory();

[Correct] Correct

40. You can read input by character or line.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points
True (*)


UnknownDecember 21, 2018 at 9:16 PM

41. The java.nio.file package has improved exception handling.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)


[Correct] Correct

42. Which of these construct a DataInputStream instance? Mark for Review

(1) Points

New dataInputStream(new FileInputStream("java.txt")); (*)

New dataInputStream(new file("java.txt"));

New dataInputStream(new InputStream("java.txt"));

New dataInputStream("java.txt");

New dataInputStream(new writer("java.txt"));

[Correct] Correct

Section 9

(Answer all questions in this section)

43. Suppose that you have a table EMPLOYEES with three rows. The first_name in those rows are A, B, and C. What does
the following output?

String sql = "select first_name from Employees order by first_name desc";

Statement stmt=conn.createStatement = (ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE,ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY);

ResultSet rset= stmt.executeQuery(sql);



Mark for Review

(1) Points

B (*)

The code does not compile.

A SQLException is thrown.

[Correct] Correct

44. Which type of Statement can execute parameterized queries? Mark for Review

(1) Points


CallableStatement and ParameterizedStatement

PreparedStatement (*)

All of the above

[Correct] Correct

45. Which of the following is the correct statement be inserted at //INSERT CODE location that calls the database-stored
procedure sayHello?

class Test{

public static void main(String[] args) {

try {

Connection conn = getConnection();


cstat.setString(1, "Hello");

cstat.registerOutParameter(2, Types.NUMERIC);

cstat.setInt(2, 10);

catch(SQLException e){}

Mark for Review

(1) Points

CallableStatement cstat = con.prepareCall("{sayHello(?, ?)}");

CallableStatement cstat = con.prepareCall("{call procedure_sayHello (?, ?)}");

CallableStatement cstat = con.prepareCall("{call sayHello}");

CallableStatement cstat = con.prepareCall("sayHello(?, ?)");

CallableStatement cstat = con.prepareCall("{call sayHello(?, ?)}"); (*)

UnknownDecember 21, 2018 at 9:17 PM

46. Which symbol is used as a placeholder to pass parameters to a PreparedStatement or CallableStatement? Mark for

(1) Points

? (*)

[Correct] Correct

47. How many categories of JDBC drivers are there? Mark for Review

(1) Points

4 (*)

[Correct] Correct

48. What type of JDBC driver will convert the database invocation directly into network protocol? Mark for Review

(1) Points

Type 1 driver

Type 2 driver

Type 3 driver

Type 4 driver (*)

[Correct] Correct

49. Which of the following is NOT a JDBC interface used to execute SLQ statements? Mark for Review

(1) Points

Statement Interface

PreparedStatement Interface

PrePreparedStatement Interface (*)

CallableStatement Interface

[Correct] Correct

50. You must explicitly close ResultSet and Statement objects once they are no longer in use. Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)


agustiawanApril 14, 2019 at 12:29 PM

What is the output from the following code snippet?

boolean status=false;

int i=1;

if( (++i>1) && (status=true))


if( (++i>3) || (status=false))


System.out .println (i); Mark for Review

(1) Points

5 (*)



agustiawanApril 14, 2019 at 12:42 PM

Virtual method invocation occurs: Mark for Review

(1) Points

When the method of a superclass is used on a superclass reference.

When the method of a subclass is used on a subclass reference.

Not part of polymorphism.

When the method of a subclass is used on a superclass reference. (*)

Correct Correct


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UnknownDecember 7, 2019 at 7:23 PM

Which of the following methods will move the cursor, returning a Boolean value from the ResultSet Object?

beforeFirst() (*)





previous() (*)


UnknownDecember 7, 2019 at 9:02 PM

What is the output from the following code snippet?

Integer[] ar = {1, 2, 1, 3};

Set set = new TreeSet(Arrays.asList(ar));


for (Integer element : set) {





1234 (*)


UnknownDecember 7, 2019 at 9:03 PM

What is the output from the following code snippet?

TreeSett=new TreeSet();

if (t.add("one"))

if (t.add("two"))

if (t.add ("three"))


for (String s : t)

System.out.print (s);


The code does not compiles.


fouronethreetwo (*)


UnknownDecember 7, 2019 at 9:24 PM

Unit testing is the phase in software testing in which individual software modules are combined and tested as a whole.
True or false?


False (*)

UnknownDecember 7, 2019 at 9:25 PM

What is the result from the following code snippet?

interface Shape {}

class Circle implements Shape{}

class Rectangle implements Shape{}

public class Test{

public static void main(String[] args) {

List ls= new ArrayList();//line 1

ls.add(new Circle());

ls.add(new Rectangle());// line 2

ls.add(new Integer(1));// line 3

System.out.println(ls.size());// line 4

Compilation error at line 3

3 (*)

Compilation error at line 2

Compilation error at line 4

Compilation error at line 1


UnknownDecember 7, 2019 at 9:26 PM

Examine the code below. Which statement about this code is true?

1.class Shape { }

2.class Circle extends Shape { }

3.class Rectangle extends Shape { }

4.class Node { }
5.public class Test{

6.public static void main(String[] args){

7.Node nc = new Node<>();

8.Node ns = nc;

An error at line 7 causes compilation to fail.

An error at line 8 causes compilation to fail. (*)

The code compiles.

An error at line 4 causes compilation to fail.


UnknownDecember 7, 2019 at 9:34 PM

Which of the following is a valid JDBC URL?



jdbc:oracle:thin:dfot/dfot@localhost:1521/xepdb1 (*)



UnknownDecember 7, 2019 at 10:07 PM

What is the definition of a logic error?

Something that causes your computer to crash.

Computer malfunction that makes your code run incorrectly.

Bugs in code that make your program run different than expected (*)

Wrong syntax that will be caught at compile time.


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AchmadzOctober 12, 2020 at 3:23 AM

6. Modeling business problems requires understanding the interaction between interfaces, abstract and concrete
classes, subclasses, and enum classes.

Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)



AchmadzOctober 14, 2020 at 11:21 PM

6. The following code can be compiled, True/False?

byte b = 1 + 1;

Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)


UnknownNovember 16, 2020 at 1:20 PM

14. A base case can handle nested conditions.

True or false?

True (*)



UnknownNovember 16, 2020 at 1:49 PM

Wildcards in generics allows us greater control on the types that can be used.

True or False?

True (*)



AnonymousDecember 12, 2020 at 6:22 AM

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UnknownDecember 25, 2020 at 2:51 AM

When you delete files, directories, or links with the delete(Path p) method which of the following exceptions can occur
(Choose all that apply).

Mark for Review

(1) Points




No exception is thrown




UnknownDecember 25, 2020 at 3:07 AM

The package has problems with no support for symbolic links.

True or false?

Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)



UnknownDecember 25, 2020 at 3:08 AM

47. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE for the Class.forName("HelloClass") method? (Choose three)

public class Foo{

public void test(){


Mark for Review

(1) Points
The forName() method does not initialize the HelloClass.


The forName() method returns the Class object associated with the HelloClass.

The forName() method does not load the HelloClas class into the Java Runtime.


In this example, the Class.forName("HelloClass") will use the ClassLoader which loads the Foo class.

The forName method will instantiate a HelloClass object.



UnknownDecember 25, 2020 at 3:39 AM

Which is the correct way to initialize a HashSet?

Mark for Review

(1) Points

classMates = new HashSet[String]();

ClassMates = public class


String classMates = new


HashSet classMates =

new HashSet>(); (*)


UnknownDecember 25, 2020 at 3:39 AM

Using the FOR loop method of incrementing through a String is beneficial if you desire to: (Choose Three)

Mark for Review

(1) Points

Read the String backwards (from last element to first element).


Parse the String.


Search for a specific character or String inside of the String.


You don't use a FOR loop with Strings


UdinDecember 30, 2020 at 6:35 PM

Thanks.. Bro.



UnknownJanuary 20, 2021 at 2:04 AM

Which of the following is NOT TRUE about Java?

Mark for Review

(1) Points

The JVM offers a secure environment to run a Java application

Bytecode is not portable, and needs to be compiled again in order to run on a different platform. (*)

The JVM can interpret bytecode.

Once Java source code is compiled, it converts to bytecode.

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UnknownJune 11, 2021 at 9:19 PM

Selection sort is a sorting algorithm that involves finding the minimum value in the list, swapping it with the value in the
first position, and repeating these steps for the remainder of the list.

True (*)



IDmitryJune 15, 2021 at 11:22 AM

A serialized class implements which interface?

Serializable (*)






IDmitryJune 15, 2021 at 11:34 AM

A serialized class implements which interface?

Serializable (*)





AdministradorJune 17, 2021 at 4:22 AM

38. Which of the following methods adds a Key-Value map to a HashMap?

add(Key, Value)

put(Key, Value) (*)

remove(Key, Value)

get(Key, Value)


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AdministradorJune 29, 2021 at 3:55 PM

When you import a package, subpackages will not be imported.

True or false?

True (*)



Section 3 - Quiz 2 L4-L6

(Answer all questions in this section)

1. In what order do multiple catch statements execute? Mark for Review

(1) Points

The order they are declared in ( most specific first). (*)

They all execute at the same time.

The order they are declared in (most general first).

None of them execute since you cannot have multiple catch statements.

2. When do errors occur in code? Mark for Review

(1) Points

(Choose all correct answers)

When files are not found or are unreadable. (*)

When hardware issues occur (e.g., not enough memory). (*)

When an exception is thrown (*)

When there is an error in your logic. (*)

Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 6.

3. When is the proper time to use exceptions? Mark for Review

(1) Points

When you want to print statements to the screen.

When you want to efficiently and reliably debug your program. (*)

If you purposefully put errors in your code you wish to handle.

Every time a new method is called.


4. Assertions are boolean statements to test and debug your programs.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)


Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 6.

5. Assertions are optional ways to catch logic errors in code.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)


6. Methods can not throw exceptions.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points


False (*)


7. Is this the correct syntax for catching an exception?

try(inputStream = "missingfile.txt"); catch(exception e);

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points


False (*)

8. The BufferedOutputStream is a direct subclass of what other class? Mark for Review

(1) Points



FilterOutputStream (*)



Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 5.

9. The read() method lets you read a character at a time. True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)

Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 5.

10. A serialized class implements which interface? Mark for Review

(1) Points



Serializable (*)



Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 5.

11. The Files class lets you check for file properties. True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)

Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 5.

12. Which of the following is an absolute Windows path? Mark for Review

(1) Points




C:\Users\UserName\data (*)

Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 4.

13. The java.nio.file package has improved exception handling.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points
True (*)


Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 4.

14. Java 7 requires you create an instance of class. True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points


False (*)


15. The package has problems with missing operations, like copy, move, and such.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)


1. The normalize() method removes extraneous elements from a qualified path. True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)


Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 4.

2. Prior to Java 7, you write to a file with a call to the BufferedWriter class's write() method. True or false? Mark for

(1) Points

True (*)


Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 4.

3. The Files class performs which of the following? Mark for Review

(1) Points
Works with absolute paths

Navigates the file system

Creates files (*)

Works with relative paths

Works across disk volumes

Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 4.

4. The new Paths class lets you resolve .. (double dot) path notation. True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)


Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 4.

5. What is one step you must do to create your own exception? Mark for Review

(1) Points

Declare the primitive data type Exception.

Create a new class that implements Exception.

Create a new class that extends Exception. (*)

Exceptions cannot be created. They are only built in to Java.


6. Assertions are boolean statements to test and debug your programs.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)


Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 6.

7. Is this the correct syntax for catching an exception?

try(inputStream = "missingfile.txt"); catch(exception e);

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points


False (*)


8. Assertions are optional ways to catch logic errors in code.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)



9. What is special about including a resource in a try statement? Mark for Review

(1) Points
(Choose all correct answers)

The resources will auto-close. (*)

The program will fail if the resource does not open.

An error will be thrown if the resources does not open. (*)

Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 6.

10. When do you use try-catch statements? Mark for Review

(1) Points

Every time you would like to assign a new value to a variable that is being asserted.

If you want to switch different values for a certain variable.

When you want to exit your code before an exception is caught.

When you want to handle an exception. (*)

Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 6.

11. When should you not use assertions? Mark for Review

(1) Points

(Choose all correct answers)

When you want your program to execute efficiently.

When you believe you have no bugs in your code.

When you want to check the values of parameters. (*)

When you call methods that may cause side effects in your assertion check. (*)

Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 6.

12. File permissions are the same across all of the different operating systems. Mark for Review

(1) Points


False (*)
Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 5.

13. When you delete files, directories, or links with the delete(Path p) method which of the following exceptions can
occur (Choose all that apply). Mark for Review

(1) Points

(Choose all correct answers)

NoSuchFileException (*)

DirectoryNotEmptyException (*)

No exception is thrown

IOException (*)

Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 5.

14. The System.out is what type of stream? Mark for Review

(1) Points

A PrintStream (*)
A BufferedWriter stream

An OutputStream

A Reader stream

A BufferedReader stream

Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 5.

15. The read() method lets you read a character at a time. True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)



1. The finally clause only executes when an exception is not caught and thrown.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

False (*)


2. What is one step you must do to create your own exception? Mark for Review

(1) Points

Create a new class that extends Exception. (*)

Create a new class that implements Exception.

Exceptions cannot be created. They are only built in to Java.

Declare the primitive data type Exception.

Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 6.

3. When do errors occur in code? Mark for Review

(1) Points
(Choose all correct answers)

When there is an error in your logic. (*)

When an exception is thrown (*)

When hardware issues occur (e.g., not enough memory). (*)

When files are not found or are unreadable. (*)

Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 6.

4. Assertions are optional ways to catch logic errors in code.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)


Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 6.

5. When do you use try-catch statements? Mark for Review

(1) Points

When you want to exit your code before an exception is caught.

When you want to handle an exception. (*)

Every time you would like to assign a new value to a variable that is being asserted.

If you want to switch different values for a certain variable.

Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 6.

6. Why should you not use assertions to check parameters? Mark for Review

(1) Points

Not all methods have parameters, therefore assertions should never be used on parameters.

Assertions can be disabled at run time which may cause unexpected results in your assertions. (*)

Assertions do not work on parameters.

It is hard to assume expected values for parameters.

Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 6.

7. Multiple catch statements can be used for a single try statement.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)


Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 6.

8. An ObjectInputStream lets you read a serialized object. True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points


False (*)

9. File permissions are the same across all of the different operating systems. Mark for Review

(1) Points


False (*)

Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 5.

10. The Files class lets you check for file properties. True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)


Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 5.

11. The is what type of stream? Mark for Review

(1) Points

A Reader stream
An InputStream (*)

A PrintStream

A BufferedWriter stream

A BufferedReader stream

Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 5.

12. The normalize() method removes extraneous elements from a qualified path. True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)


Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 4.

13. The new Paths class lets you resolve .. (double dot) path notation. True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points
True (*)


Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 4.

14. The java.nio.file package has improved exception handling.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)


Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 4.

15. An absolute path always starts from the drive letter or mount point. Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)

Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 4.

What two packages are available in Java to allow you to transfer data? Mark for Review

(1) Points

(Choose all correct answers)

java.nio.file package (*)

java.output.package package (*)


Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 4.

7. What is the definition of a logic error? Mark for Review

(1) Points

Bugs in code that make your program run different than expected (*)
Something that causes your computer to crash.

Wrong syntax that will be caught at compile time.

Computer malfunction that makes your code run incorrectly.

Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 6.

12. The BufferedInputStream is a direct subclass of what other class? Mark for Review

(1) Points


FilterInputStream (*)




Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 5.

1. Java 7 requires you create an instance of class. True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points


False (*)


2. Which of the following is an absolute Windows path? Mark for Review

(1) Points




C:\Users\UserName\data (*)

3. The java.nio.file package has improved exception handling.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)



4. The way that you read from a file has changed since the introduction of Java 7. Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)



5. What is the definition of a logic error? Mark for Review

(1) Points
Computer malfunction that makes your code run incorrectly.

Wrong syntax that will be caught at compile time.

Something that causes your computer to crash.

Bugs in code that make your program run different than expected (*)


6. Is this the correct syntax for catching an exception?

try(inputStream = "missingfile.txt"); catch(exception e);

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points


False (*)


7. Why should you not use assertions to check parameters? Mark for Review
(1) Points

Assertions can be disabled at run time which may cause unexpected results in your assertions. (*)

Not all methods have parameters, therefore assertions should never be used on parameters.

It is hard to assume expected values for parameters.

Assertions do not work on parameters.


8. Multiple exceptions can be caught in one catch statement.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)


9. When do errors occur in code? Mark for Review

(1) Points

(Choose all correct answers)

When files are not found or are unreadable. (*)

When an exception is thrown (*)

When there is an error in your logic. (*)

When hardware issues occur (e.g., not enough memory). (*)


10. When do you use try-catch statements? Mark for Review

(1) Points

When you want to exit your code before an exception is caught.

When you want to handle an exception. (*)

Every time you would like to assign a new value to a variable that is being asserted.
If you want to switch different values for a certain variable.


11. Multiple catch statements can be used for a single try statement.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)



12. When you delete files, directories, or links with the delete(Path p) method which of the following exceptions can
occur (Choose all that apply). Mark for Review

(1) Points

(Choose all correct answers)

NoSuchFileException (*)

No exception is thrown
DirectoryNotEmptyException (*)

IOException (*)

Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 5.

13. Which of the following static methods is not provided by the Files class to check file properties or duplication?
Mark for Review

(1) Points

Files.isWritable(Path p);

Files.isArchived(Path p); (*)

Files.isReadable(Path p);

Files.isHidden(Path p);


14. A serialized class implements which interface? Mark for Review

(1) Points




Serializable (*)



15. The System.out is what type of stream? Mark for Review

(1) Points

An OutputStream

A BufferedReader stream

A BufferedWriter stream
A PrintStream (*)

A Reader stream


Section 3 - Quiz 2 L4-L6

(Answer all questions in this section)

1. In what order do multiple catch statements execute? Mark for Review

(1) Points

The order they are declared in ( most specific first). (*)

They all execute at the same time.

The order they are declared in (most general first).

None of them execute since you cannot have multiple catch statements.


2. When do errors occur in code? Mark for Review

(1) Points

(Choose all correct answers)

When files are not found or are unreadable. (*)

When hardware issues occur (e.g., not enough memory). (*)

When an exception is thrown (*)

When there is an error in your logic. (*)

Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 6.

3. When is the proper time to use exceptions? Mark for Review

(1) Points

When you want to print statements to the screen.

When you want to efficiently and reliably debug your program. (*)

If you purposefully put errors in your code you wish to handle.

Every time a new method is called.


4. Assertions are boolean statements to test and debug your programs.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)


Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 6.

5. Assertions are optional ways to catch logic errors in code.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)


6. Methods can not throw exceptions.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points


False (*)


7. Is this the correct syntax for catching an exception?

try(inputStream = "missingfile.txt"); catch(exception e);

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points


False (*)


8. The BufferedOutputStream is a direct subclass of what other class? Mark for Review
(1) Points



FilterOutputStream (*)



Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 5.

9. The read() method lets you read a character at a time. True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)


Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 5.

10. A serialized class implements which interface? Mark for Review

(1) Points



Serializable (*)



Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 5.

11. The Files class lets you check for file properties. True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)

Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 5.

12. Which of the following is an absolute Windows path? Mark for Review

(1) Points




C:\Users\UserName\data (*)

Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 4.

13. The java.nio.file package has improved exception handling.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)

Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 4.

14. Java 7 requires you create an instance of class. True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points


False (*)


15. The package has problems with missing operations, like copy, move, and such.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)


1. The normalize() method removes extraneous elements from a qualified path. True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)


Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 4.

2. Prior to Java 7, you write to a file with a call to the BufferedWriter class's write() method. True or false? Mark for

(1) Points

True (*)


Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 4.

3. The Files class performs which of the following? Mark for Review

(1) Points
Works with absolute paths

Navigates the file system

Creates files (*)

Works with relative paths

Works across disk volumes

Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 4.

4. The new Paths class lets you resolve .. (double dot) path notation. True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)


Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 4.

5. What is one step you must do to create your own exception? Mark for Review

(1) Points

Declare the primitive data type Exception.

Create a new class that implements Exception.

Create a new class that extends Exception. (*)

Exceptions cannot be created. They are only built in to Java.


6. Assertions are boolean statements to test and debug your programs.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)


Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 6.

7. Is this the correct syntax for catching an exception?

try(inputStream = "missingfile.txt"); catch(exception e);

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points


False (*)


8. Assertions are optional ways to catch logic errors in code.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)



9. What is special about including a resource in a try statement? Mark for Review

(1) Points
(Choose all correct answers)

The resources will auto-close. (*)

The program will fail if the resource does not open.

An error will be thrown if the resources does not open. (*)

Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 6.

10. When do you use try-catch statements? Mark for Review

(1) Points

Every time you would like to assign a new value to a variable that is being asserted.

If you want to switch different values for a certain variable.

When you want to exit your code before an exception is caught.

When you want to handle an exception. (*)

Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 6.

11. When should you not use assertions? Mark for Review

(1) Points

(Choose all correct answers)

When you want your program to execute efficiently.

When you believe you have no bugs in your code.

When you want to check the values of parameters. (*)

When you call methods that may cause side effects in your assertion check. (*)

Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 6.

12. File permissions are the same across all of the different operating systems. Mark for Review

(1) Points


False (*)
Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 5.

13. When you delete files, directories, or links with the delete(Path p) method which of the following exceptions can
occur (Choose all that apply). Mark for Review

(1) Points

(Choose all correct answers)

NoSuchFileException (*)

DirectoryNotEmptyException (*)

No exception is thrown

IOException (*)

Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 5.

14. The System.out is what type of stream? Mark for Review

(1) Points

A PrintStream (*)
A BufferedWriter stream

An OutputStream

A Reader stream

A BufferedReader stream

Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 5.

15. The read() method lets you read a character at a time. True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)



1. The finally clause only executes when an exception is not caught and thrown.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

False (*)


2. What is one step you must do to create your own exception? Mark for Review

(1) Points

Create a new class that extends Exception. (*)

Create a new class that implements Exception.

Exceptions cannot be created. They are only built in to Java.

Declare the primitive data type Exception.

Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 6.

3. When do errors occur in code? Mark for Review

(1) Points

(Choose all correct answers)

When there is an error in your logic. (*)

When an exception is thrown (*)

When hardware issues occur (e.g., not enough memory). (*)

When files are not found or are unreadable. (*)

Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 6.

4. Assertions are optional ways to catch logic errors in code.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)


Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 6.

5. When do you use try-catch statements? Mark for Review

(1) Points

When you want to exit your code before an exception is caught.

When you want to handle an exception. (*)

Every time you would like to assign a new value to a variable that is being asserted.

If you want to switch different values for a certain variable.

Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 6.

6. Why should you not use assertions to check parameters? Mark for Review

(1) Points

Not all methods have parameters, therefore assertions should never be used on parameters.

Assertions can be disabled at run time which may cause unexpected results in your assertions. (*)

Assertions do not work on parameters.

It is hard to assume expected values for parameters.

Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 6.

7. Multiple catch statements can be used for a single try statement.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)


Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 6.

8. An ObjectInputStream lets you read a serialized object. True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points


False (*)


9. File permissions are the same across all of the different operating systems. Mark for Review
(1) Points


False (*)

Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 5.

10. The Files class lets you check for file properties. True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)


Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 5.

11. The is what type of stream? Mark for Review

(1) Points

A Reader stream

An InputStream (*)
A PrintStream

A BufferedWriter stream

A BufferedReader stream

Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 5.

12. The normalize() method removes extraneous elements from a qualified path. True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)


Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 4.

13. The new Paths class lets you resolve .. (double dot) path notation. True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)

Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 4.

14. The java.nio.file package has improved exception handling.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)


Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 4.

15. An absolute path always starts from the drive letter or mount point. Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)

Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 4.

What two packages are available in Java to allow you to transfer data? Mark for Review

(1) Points

(Choose all correct answers)

java.nio.file package (*)

java.output.package package (*)


Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 4.

7. What is the definition of a logic error? Mark for Review

(1) Points

Bugs in code that make your program run different than expected (*)

Something that causes your computer to crash.

Wrong syntax that will be caught at compile time.

Computer malfunction that makes your code run incorrectly.

Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 6.

12. The BufferedInputStream is a direct subclass of what other class? Mark for Review

(1) Points


FilterInputStream (*)




Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 5.

1. Java 7 requires you create an instance of class. True or false? Mark for Review
(1) Points


False (*)


2. Which of the following is an absolute Windows path? Mark for Review

(1) Points




C:\Users\UserName\data (*)

3. The java.nio.file package has improved exception handling.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)



4. The way that you read from a file has changed since the introduction of Java 7. Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)



5. What is the definition of a logic error? Mark for Review

(1) Points
Computer malfunction that makes your code run incorrectly.

Wrong syntax that will be caught at compile time.

Something that causes your computer to crash.

Bugs in code that make your program run different than expected (*)


6. Is this the correct syntax for catching an exception?

try(inputStream = "missingfile.txt"); catch(exception e);

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points


False (*)


7. Why should you not use assertions to check parameters? Mark for Review

(1) Points
Assertions can be disabled at run time which may cause unexpected results in your assertions. (*)

Not all methods have parameters, therefore assertions should never be used on parameters.

It is hard to assume expected values for parameters.

Assertions do not work on parameters.


8. Multiple exceptions can be caught in one catch statement.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)



9. When do errors occur in code? Mark for Review

(1) Points

(Choose all correct answers)

When files are not found or are unreadable. (*)

When an exception is thrown (*)

When there is an error in your logic. (*)

When hardware issues occur (e.g., not enough memory). (*)


10. When do you use try-catch statements? Mark for Review

(1) Points

When you want to exit your code before an exception is caught.

When you want to handle an exception. (*)

Every time you would like to assign a new value to a variable that is being asserted.
If you want to switch different values for a certain variable.


11. Multiple catch statements can be used for a single try statement.

True or false? Mark for Review

(1) Points

True (*)



12. When you delete files, directories, or links with the delete(Path p) method which of the following exceptions can
occur (Choose all that apply). Mark for Review

(1) Points

(Choose all correct answers)

NoSuchFileException (*)

No exception is thrown
DirectoryNotEmptyException (*)

IOException (*)

Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 5.

13. Which of the following static methods is not provided by the Files class to check file properties or duplication?
Mark for Review

(1) Points

Files.isWritable(Path p);

Files.isArchived(Path p); (*)

Files.isReadable(Path p);

Files.isHidden(Path p);


14. A serialized class implements which interface? Mark for Review

(1) Points



Serializable (*)



15. The System.out is what type of stream? Mark for Review

(1) Points

An OutputStream

A BufferedReader stream

A BufferedWriter stream
A PrintStream (*)

A Reader stream


 Examine the code below.  Which statement about this code is true?

1. class Shape { }
2. class Circle extends Shape { }
3. class Rectangle extends Shape { }
4. class Node <T> { }
5. public class Test{
6. public static void main(String[] args){
7. Node <Circle>nc = new Node<>();
8. Node <Shape>  ns = nc;
Marcar para Revisión

(1) Puntos
An error at line 4 causes compilation to fail.
The code compiles.
An error at line 8 causes compilation to fail.
An error at line 7 causes compilation to fail.

What is the output from the following code snippet?

int i=0,j=0;
System.out.println("i=" + i + " " + "j=" + j);
(1/1) Puntos
The code will compile and print "i=1 j=1"
The code does not compile.
The code will compile and print "i=2 j=1" (*)
The code will compile and print "i=2 j=2"
The code will compile and print "i=1 j=2"

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