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“My Vision in Life”

Vision for me is like what makes me better and being able to change my life
because if I find motivation to do it then I will be able to change my life and life’s
vision defines what I want to be, what I want to be known for and the set of my
experiences and my accomplishments I aim for. For me the importance of my vision
is it helps me define my goals in nursing and it motivates me because I have the
responsibility to do. The core values that will help me to achieve my vision in life is
having faith in God because having faith is having trust. I have to trust with my
entire being that God has always got my back that he will help me and take care of
me. He knows what’s best, but to truly embrace what he has planned for me and to
have respect because I believe that respect doesn't have to come naturally it is
something you learn and it is about being honest, reliable and trustworthy this will
help me to achieve my vision in life without stepping on someone’s toes. Lastly but
not the least is being responsible because each step I take towards being responsible
and productive helps to raise my self-esteem and the relationships with my friends,
my family and the people around me. These core values can help me in my vision in
life to become a nurse someday.

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