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Research Proposal on

The portrayal of women in advertisement

Submitted By

Farheen Ujjan (2K20-MMC-66)


Department of Media &Communication Studies

Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Sindh,




Women are unprotected explicitly to the advertiser, and the use of images of people, as a sign,
and the comparatively helpless due to the male dominance in the society. The primary objective
of this Research is to understand people's perception of the open sexuality and objectivization of
women in advertising over a period of 100 years and explain the content and current trends in
advertising and prior studies and to notice the characteristics of the model in the advertisement.

Keywords: Sexuality, Objectifying, Advertising trends, dominance

Table of Contents



1.0 Introduction 01

1.1 Problem Statement 02

1.2 Research Questions 03

1.3 Research Objectives 04


2.0 Study of Literature 05


3.0 Explain Methodology, i.e. Quantitative or Qualitative 06

3.1 Procedure 07

3.2 Expected Result 08

3.3 References 09

Advertising is an essential tool for the kind of impact on the customers' minds these days.
Advertising is a marketing tool used in marketing as a means of communication between a
person who sells and the one who purchases.
Marketing is frequently characterized for you as a consumer competition. However, what is the
main objective in today's contemporary environmental business to attract consumers?? degree
you lower yourself to the check out these temporary hobb ies. Or, is it morally right that women
denigrate and sexual objects embody them to call for a second look at advertising? Even though
many people didn't see it and despise even the sex appeal, it has expanded in advertising. In the
literature, she revealed that, in the end, this is for explicit pictures.
Only a mass of frustration and unfavourable brand name impression will occur. As can be
observed, they have several established brands throughout a period, like Nissan and Hagen Daaz.
It was proven to be useless in attaining negative publicity, the symbol of the woman as a sex

Problem Statement:

Women are portrayed as housewives, servants, and attractive topics in advertising.The women's
bodies and women's sexuality may make products sell, and the more sensational
material.Women are idealized in the media and what they look like;they don't know what they
are doing, and it should always be beautiful.

Men look at a direct advertisement message (for example, buy this cream), but women evaluate
the primary message and take multiple pictures of the news together to intuition and understand
the inner significance of the message (for example, "Buy this cream and you'll be able to use it)
and you'll be able to.get fair skin within five days").

The negative influence of gender stereotypes on young women and girls is gradually becoming
more precise, and it's just getting more and more innovations that will always connect us to our
shared environment.

Research Questions:

• How do Pakistani youngsters observe the appearance of females in advertisements?

• How does this representation compare to the values of women in Pakistan?

• What are the geographical effects of advertisements?

• How do Pakistani people understand work and family life and the characteristics of women in
gender advertisements?

Research Objectives:
 Conceptual knowledge about the role of women as sexually attractive ads, and to
understand the perception of the consumer on those ads.
 Gain a more profound knowledge of women's status in the 90's to.the present day.
 The primary purpose of this study is to provide accurate and validated data on the status
of women in advertising, and that of the society, so often so that it can be used as a basis
for the development of policies at the national level and different actors use it to ensure
appropriate respect for the women and the reduction of nudity in advertising.

The specific objectives of the study:

 Trip to the frequency of the different roles of women in Pakistani advertisement.

 To determine whether women have been represented in several positions in the world of
 Find out the status of women in advertising.

 Identify the various types of support, guidance, regulations, and any changes that need to
be improved to portray the women in the world of advertising properly.


1 Elliott, Benfield and Barlow (1995) have examined open female sexuality in ad.

The present study explores.the difference in response to men and women.extreme sex, with 25
women and 20 men, and made with the help of a snowball sampling of Eight interviews with the
group's support.

Although it is clear that the objective of humanity is not powerful enough to be used as a
fantastic design concept, the study argues. The report presents several problems, particularly for
women, that must be addressed.We have regard toat the site. Research the highlights of the
difference between men and in the women's minds and the change of the process from the new
generation's sense to the next.

The study found that open sexuality can be employed given that men and women are equally
involved and, in particular, that the consumer is qualified as art.
Blai, Stephenson, Hill and Green (2006) performed a study to examine if the use of sex in
advertising is ethical or not.
Although this film is well recognized to capture the viewer's attention, it turns into the focus for
the models in the commercial and no brand recognition. The study was also establishedthat a
growing trend is for men to be more frequently used as a sexual objects.
They look at ads and press releases that are incredibly genuine and more inside than their
husbands. The article also recognizes that it is waiting for the print ads that show strong
sexuality, resulting in much less favourable advertising than the brand, and purchase intent, so
many ads, which include a lot of sexual attraction, are involved. Sexual objectification is in the
beholder's eye so that the aim of effective advertising will be complicated.

A study on fifty years of advertising imagery was carried out by Mager & Helgeson (2011).
Some.of the changes The perspectives of the world, Portraits, Along Durability Texture to the

max. The scientists, in their study of attempts to represent the trend in the direction of the
objective, the role of representations women have tried to get the judge to the silent
Consideration in 50 years of age of the distortion of social changes in the USA. The paper
proposes that a greater objectification in the promotion of women and men can perhaps be tied to
the increased interest in American culture and quantity during the previous fifty years.

In the first place, the story will evaluate print advertising and its unconscious influence on our
society. Usage a research methodology is called a semiotic analysis of content Hoffman
emphasizes that could be mistaken for the much more subtle references to the cultural status,
Sexual and Sexuality.

The study also indicated that women and men are more on the move detachment of the magazine
ads, and it was found that the positioning is focused on the model's body, as a focused as an
intrinsic component of the ad and body on the body of the model.

The I Jastels-ISSN: 2454-356X volume. Three was employed for the research methodologies.
Issue.1, January.2017, International Journal of Advanced Science Technologies.
The primary purpose was to fascinate the publicity more carefully.
Huang & Lowry (2012) conducted a study in the Chinese magazine advertising on the analysis
of aad: A research of sex, the race and the differences in the article demonstrates that women are
more likely than males to be represented at different levels in the ad, as in addition to This
phenomenon is more likely to include western models than Chinese.

The character of women as sex objects employing qualitative research approaches such as
literature review and an ad analysis is explained in this Research.


 University going students.

 People who don't work or part-time employees.
 Teachers from different universities.
 People who are working in media.
 Questionnaires. (open and closed)

The questionnaire will cover the following information:

• Socio-cultural and analytical characteristics.

• Parents perspective towards advertisements.
• Level of sexism and nudity in advertisements based on present culture.
• Their wish for the portrayal of women in advertisements.
• Views of Pakistani youngsters on the sexual portrayal of women in advertisement.

The expected results of the study or research are that women are used in ads as an attraction tool
to the product and to increase the sell of a product.

The study also allows seeing.these ads are aimed mainly at.the younger group, which is a larger
and more open-minded perspective.

Here you will find ideas for the advertiser and researchers who have limited advertising while
considering the social attitudes of the moment. In addition, sexual stereotypes are a significant
problem concerning the portrayal of women in advertising and nudity in the representation of

Advertisers are using the people's appearance as a symbol and the relatively powerless due to the
male dominance in the modern world.

In conclusion, it is expected that result of this research will be according to viewers choice that
what kind of advertisements they want to watch and their views about it.


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