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The Collected Courses of the Academy of European Law

Series Editors: Professor Philip Alston,

New York University School of Law;
Professor Gráinne de Búrca, European
University Institute, Florence; and
Professor Bruno de Witte,
European University Institute,
Assistant Editor: Barbara Ciomei, European University
Institute, Florence

Human Rights in Criminal Proceedings
The Collected Courses of the Academy of European Law
Edited by Professor Philip Alston, Professor Gráinne de Búrca,
and Professor Bruno de Witte
This series brings together the collected courses of the
Academy of European Law in Florence. The Academy’s mission is to
produce scholarly analyses which are at the cutting edge of the two
fields in which it works: European Union law and human rights law.
A ‘general course’ is given each year in each field, by a
distinguished scholar and/or practitioner, who either examines the
field as a whole through a particular thematic, conceptual or
philosophical lens, or who looks at a particular theme in the context
of the overall body of law in the field. The Academy also publishes
each year a volume of collected essays with a specific theme in each
of the two fields.
Human Rights in Criminal


with the assistance of

Sarah J. Summers

Academy of European Law

European University Institute

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# S. Trechsel, 2005
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British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Trechsel, Stefan.
Human rights in criminal proceedings / Stefan Trechsel.
p. cm. — (Collected courses of the Academy of European Law)
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-19-829936-2 (hardcover : alk. paper) 1. Due process of law—European Union
countries. 2. Fair trial—European Union countries. 3. Criminal procedure—European
Union countries. I. Title. II. Series.
KJE9485.T74 2005
345.24 0 056—dc22
Typeset by Newgen Imaging Systems (P) Ltd., Chennai, India
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To the memory of the European Commission of Human Rights
This book has taken several years to write, years during which quite a number of
people have assisted me in various ways, by collecting material, by assisting in
technical matters, by discussing issues, by correcting my language, and not the
least by their encouragement. First of all, my gratitude goes to Philip Alston for
his irresistible friendly pressure and encouragement. Then I would like to thank
the members of my staff at Zurich University Law School: Rechtsanwältin
Dr iur. Regula Schlauri, lic. iur. Kerstin Ziltner, lic. iur. Bruno Stoeckli, lic. iur.
Juerg Keim, Fürsprecher Sararard Arquint, and Jacqueline Bollmann. Tahnissa
Means at SLU was a great help in correcting the text. For their patience and
support I have to thank OUP, and in particular Dr Gwen Booth. The book was
finalized at the Hotel Monteconero near Ancona, and I have to thank Patrizia,
Sabrina, and Sara for their assistance and for letting me monopolize the hotel’s
Internet access. And the most valuable help by far was that of Sarah J. Summers,
LL B, who has not only done the linguistic corrections of which I needed much
more than I, in my vanity, had anticipated but who also contributed her
knowledge of the Scottish, and the common law, who was a critical observer,
and a devoted, even enthusiastic, help. Finally, for encouragement and patience,
I want to thank my wife Franca whom, for many months, I have reduced to a
functional widow, but who nevertheless gave her unwavering and continual
support to this project. Thank you also to all those I have not mentioned!

S. Trechsel
Summary Table of Contents
Acknowledgements vii
Table of Cases xxxv
List of Abbreviations cvii

Part One—Introduction

1. About this Book 3

2. The Scope of Application of the Right to a Fair Trial in
Criminal Matters 13

Part Two—The General Fair Trial Guarantees

3. The Right to an Independent and Impartial Tribunal 45

4. The General Right to a Fair Trial 81
5. The Right to a Public Hearing 117
6. The Right to be Tried Within a Reasonable Time 134

Part Three—The Specific Rights of the Defence

7. The Right to be Presumed Innocent 153

8. The Right to be Informed of the Accusation 192
9. Adequate Time and Facilities 208
10. The Right to Defend Oneself and to Have
the Assistance of Counsel 242
11. The Right to Test Witness Evidence 291
12. The Right to the Free Assistance of an Interpreter 327
13. The Privilege Against Self-incrimination 340
14. The Right to Appeal 360
15. The Right to Compensation for Wrongful Conviction 372
16. The Protection Against Double Jeopardy 381

Part Four—Measures of Coercion

17. Liberty and Security of Person: The Rules on Imprisonment 405

18. The Rights Guaranteed to all Persons Deprived of
their Liberty 455
x Summary Table of Contents

19. The Special Rights of Persons Detained on Remand 502

20. Other Fundamental Rights Affected by Criminal
Proceedings 534

Select Bibliography 562

Index 582
Acknowledgements vii
Tables of Cases xxxv
I. Judgments and Decisions of the European Court of
Human Rights xxxv
II. Decisions of the European Commission of Human
Rights—Alphabetical lxxiv
III. Decisions of the European Commission of Human
Rights—Numerical lxxxviii
IV. Article 31 Reports of the European Commission on
Human Rights—Alphabetical xcix
V. Decisions and Views of the Human Rights Committee
under Article 28 of the International Covenant on Civil
and Political Rights (ICCPR) cii
VI. Judgments of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights cv
VII. Decisions of the Inter-American Commission on
Human Rights cvi
List of Abbreviations cvii

Part One—Introduction

Chapter 1. About this Book

I. The Subject 3
A. Definitions 3
1. ‘Human Rights’ 3
2. Criminal Proceedings 5
3. Limitations, Exclusions 5
(a) The Procedures for the Implementation
of Human Rights 5
(b) The International Criminal Court(s) 6
(c) Criminal Proceedings against Children
and Juveniles 6
(d) Domestic Case-law 6
B. The Importance of the Subject 6
II. The Perspectives 8
A. The Geographical Perspective 9
B. The Legal Perspective 9
xii Contents

C. The ‘Political’ Perspective 10

D. The ‘Scientific’ Perspective 11
III. The Structure of the Book 12

Chapter 2. The Scope of Application of the Right

to a Fair Trial in Criminal Matters
I. Introduction 13
A. The Texts 13
B. Three Aspects Concerning the Scope of the Provision 13
II. The Notion of ‘Criminal’ 14
A. General Observations 14
B. The Autonomous Notion of the Term ‘Criminal Charge’ 14
C. The Three Criteria First Established in Engel 16
D. The Substance of the Three Criteria 18
1. The Classification of the Offence under National Law 18
2. The Nature of the Offence 19
(a) Not to be Confused with the Nature of Proceedings 19
(b) General Considerations 19
(c) The Nature of Disciplinary Charges 20
(d) Offences of a ‘Mixed Character’ 21
3. The Nature and Degree of Severity of the Sanction Incurred 22
(a) Deprivation of Liberty 22
(b) Pecuniary Sanctions 23
(c) Other Sanctions 25
(d) Actual, Probable, or Possible Severity of the Sanction? 26
4. The Scope of the Sanction 26
5. The Relationship Between the Different Criteria 27
E. Disciplinary Matters as ‘Civil Rights and Obligations’ 28
F. Critical Appraisal of the Case-law of the Court 29
III. The Notion of ‘Charge’ 31
A. General Observations 31
B. The Term ‘Charge’ as an Autonomous Notion 32
C. Procedural Steps to which Article 6 Applies 32
D. Procedural Steps to which Article 6 Does Not Apply 33
1. Habeus Corpus Proceedings 33
2. Confiscation Orders 34
3. Immediate Confiscation of a Driving Licence 35
4. Proceedings in Relation to a Retrial 36
5. Extradition Proceedings 36
6. Proceedings for Challenging the Impartiality of a Judge 36
IV. Rights of the Victim 36
Contents xiii

A. The Starting Point 36

B. Inconsistencies 37
C. The Case-law Prior to Perez v. France 38
D. The Judgment in Perez v. France 40
E. A Critical Appraisal 41

Part Two—The General Fair Trial Guarantees

Chapter 3. The Right to an Independent and Impartial Tribunal

I. Introduction 45
A. The Texts 45
B. The Origins of the Guarantee 45
C. The Importance of the Right to an Independent and
Impartial Tribunal 46
D. The Definition of ‘Tribunal’ 47
E. The References to a Judge, a Tribunal, or a Court in the
Convention 48
F. The Relationship Between the Requirements of
‘Independence’, ‘Impartiality’, and ‘Established by Law’ 49
II. A Tribunal Established by Law 50
III. Independence 53
A. The Manner of Appointment 54
B. The Term of Office 55
C. Safeguards Against Outside Pressure 55
D. The Appearance of Independence 56
E. Additional Aspects of Independence 57
1. The Authority of the Judgment 57
2. The Autonomy of the Tribunal 58
3. Civil Servants as Members of a Tribunal 59
4. Military Judges Sitting in an Ordinary Court 60
IV. Impartiality 61
A. Definition 61
B. The Objective and the Subjective Approach 61
C. Lack of Impartiality Because of Personal Bias 63
D. Lack of Impartiality Under the Objective Test 66
1. Lack of Impartiality Due to Prior Involvement of
the Judge in the Same Case 66
(a) As a Prosecutor 66
(b) As a Member of the Police 68
(c) As an Investigator 69
xiv Contents

(d) As Member of a Body Responsible for Preparing

the Indictment 72
(e) Having Taken One or More Decisions Regarding
the Defendant’s Detention 74
(f) As a Judge on the Merits 75
(g) As a Member of the Conseil d’Etat which had Given
an Opinion on the Regulations at Issue 76
(h) In a Combination of Multiple Functions 77
(i) Conclusion 78
2. Lack of Impartiality Due to an Affiliation to One
of the Parties 78
3. Procedural Issues 79
V. Conclusion 80

Chapter 4. The General Right to a Fair Trial

I. Introduction 81
A. The Texts 81
B. The Origins 81
C. Importance and Purpose 82
D. The Scope of the Right to a Fair Trial 84
E. The Relationship Between the General Rule and the
Specific Rights: Evaluation of the
Proceedings ‘As a Whole’ 86
II. The Right to Adversarial Proceedings 89
A. The Principle and its Meaning 89
B. The Definition 90
C. The Characteristics of the Guarantee 90
D. The Case-law 91
1. Submissions of the Procurator General to
Supreme Jurisdictions 91
2. The Duty to Disclose Evidence 92
(a) Material Withheld by the Prosecuting Authority 92
(b) Duty of the Court to Disclose 94
III. The Principle of Equality of Arms 94
A. The Principle 94
B. The Definition 96
C. Aspects of Equality 97
1. The Relativity of Equality 97
2. The Importance of the Presence of the Prosecution
at the Hearing 98
3. The Abstract Value of Equality 98
D. The Case-law 99
1. The Presence of a Prosecutor at the Deliberations
of the Court 99
Contents xv

2. Privileged Information for the Prosecution 100

(a) Failure to Inform the Appellant of the Date
of the Hearing before the French cour de cassation 101
(b) Communication of the Rapporteur’s Draft to
the Prosecution, but Not to the Defence 102
IV. The Right to a Reasoned Judgment 102
A. The Meaning and Function of the Right to
a Reasoned Judgment 102
1. Reasons of a Functional Orientation 103
2. Reasons of Legal Theory 103
3. Reasons of Acceptability 104
4. Reasons of Transparency 104
5. The Right to a Reasoned Decision as an Aspect
of the Right to be Heard 104
B. The Standards of the Reasoning 106
C. Limits to the Requirement that Reasons be Given 107
1. The Jury Trial 107
2. Appeal Judgments 108
D. The Case-law 108
V. Other Aspects of Fairness 110
A. Nullum Judicium Sine Lege 110
B. Entrapment 111
C. Compulsion to Accept a ‘Settlement’ 113
D. Interference by a Non-judicial Authority 114
E. Miscellaneous Elements of Unfairness 114
1. Legal Certainty 114
2. Respect for Judgments 115
3. Pro Memoria 116

Chapter 5. The Right to a Public Hearing

I. Introduction 117
A. The Texts 117
B. The Origins of the Guarantee 119
C. The Purpose of the Guarantee of a Public Trial 119
1. The Case-law 119
2. Weakness of the Court’s View 121
3. Individual Right or Institutional Guarantee? 121
4. The Obligation to Pronounce the Judgment Publicly 124
D. The Possibility of Waiving the Right to a Public Trial 124
E. A Right to a Closed Hearing? 125
II. The Substance of the Right to a Public Hearing 126
xvi Contents

A. Immediate Publicity 126

B. The Role of the Media 128
C. The Substance of the Public Hearing 128
III. Limitations and Exceptions 129
A. Implied Limitations? 129
B. The Limitations Set Out in the Text 130
C. Appeal Proceedings 131
D. Cases Where Violations Were Found 131
IV. ‘Judgment Shall be Pronounced Publicly’ 131

Chapter 6. The Right to be Tried Within a Reasonable Time

I. Introduction 134
A. The Texts 134
B. The Origins of the Guarantee 135
C. The Purpose of the Guarantee 135
D. Length of Proceedings and Length of Detention on Remand 136
E. The Points to be Discussed 137
II. The Beginning of the Relevant Period 137
A. The ‘Autonomous’ Interpretation of the Term ‘Charged’ 137
B. The General Rule 138
C. Proceedings Commenced Before the Entry into Force
of the Convention 140
III. The End of the Relevant Period 140
IV. The Assessment of the Period 141
A. The General Rule 141
B. The Conduct of the Applicant (and/or Counsel) 142
C. The Importance of the Proceedings for the Accused 144
D. The Complexity of the Case 144
E. The Conduct of the Domestic Authorities 146
1. The Principle 146
2. Ineffective Justifications 147
3. Effective Justifications 148
V. Compensation for the Excessive Length of Proceedings 148

Part Three—The Specific Rights of the Defence

Chapter 7. The Right to be Presumed Innocent

I. Introduction 153
A. The Texts 153
B. The Origins of the Guarantee 153
Contents xvii

C. General Characteristics of the Guarantee and some

Basic Definitions 154
1. ‘Charged with a Criminal Offence’ 155
2. ‘Presumed’ 156
3. ‘Innocent’ 156
(a) Nullum Crimen Sine Culpa? The Issue of Mens Rea 157
(b) ‘Innocent’ or ‘Not Liable to be Punished’? 159
4. ‘Proved’ Guilty 161
5. Proved Guilty ‘According to Law’ 162
D. The Two Distinct Aspects of the Presumption
of Innocence 163
E. The Relationship Between the Presumption of
Innocence and Other Aspects of the Right to
a Fair Trial 164
1. The Presumption of Innocence and the Impartiality
of the Judge 164
2. The Presumption of Innocence and the Right to
a Fair Trial 165
3. The Presumption of Innocence and the Right to be
Informed of the Charge 165
4. The Presumption of Innocence and the Privilege
against Self-incrimination 166
5. The Presumption of Innocence in Civil Proceedings 166
F. The Specific Problems Arising with the Guarantee 166
II. The ‘Outcome-related’ Aspects of the Guarantee 167
A. The Burden of Proof 167
1. The Burden of Proof in the Proceedings 167
2. Reversal of the Burden of Proof by Legislation 168
(a) Legal Presumptions to the Detriment of the Accused 168
(i) Salabiaku and Similar Judgments 168
(ii) Assessment 170
(b) Criminal Liability for the Conduct of Others
(Vicarious Liability) 171
(c) Prosecution of Legal Persons 171
3. Problems Related to Sentencing 172
4. The Revocation of a Suspended Sentence 173
B. The Evaluation of the Evidence 174
1. General Observations: The ‘Fourth-instance’ Issue 174
2. The Issue of Bias 174
(a) Judicial Bias 174
(b) Bias of Other Participants in the Proceedings 175
(i) The Prosecuting Authority 175
xviii Contents

(ii) The Expert 175

(c) The Media 177
3. No Right of Access to Court in Order to Establish
One’s Innocence 178
III. The ‘Reputation-related’ Aspects of the Guarantee 178
A. Introduction 178
B. Statements During the Pre-trial Phase of the Proceedings 178
C. Measures of Coercion, in Particular Detention on Remand 179
1. The Principle 179
2. The Limits 180
(a) General Aspects 180
(b) The Nature of Detention on Remand 181
D. Violation of the Presumption of Innocence in Cases
where the Proceedings have Ended in Some Way Other
than by Conviction and Sentence 182
1. The Effect of an Acquittal on the Presumption
of Innocence 182
2. The Effect of a Procedural Termination of Criminal
Proceedings on the Presumption of Innocence 185
(a) Order to Pay Costs and Compensation to the Plaintiff 186
(b) The Refusal of Compensation 187
(c) The Affirmation of Continuing Suspicion 188
3. Statements Unrelated to Criminal Proceedings 188
E. Assessment 189

Chapter 8. The Right to be Informed of the Accusation

I. Introduction 192
A. The Texts 192
B. The Origins of the Guarantee 192
C. The Purpose of the Guarantee 193
1. The Functional Approach 193
2. The Absolutist Approach 193
3. The Case-law 194
4. Assessment 194
D. Two Aspects of the Guarantee 195
E. The Structure of the Guarantee 195
II. Elements of Substance 196
A. The Term ‘Charge’/‘Accusation’ 196
1. The Case-law 196
2. The Opinions of Legal Scholars 198
3. Assessment 199
B. ‘Nature and Cause’ and ‘Detail’ 200
Contents xix

1. With Regard to the Facts 201

2. With Regard to the Law 201
C. A Right ‘To Be Informed’ 203
III. Elements of Form 205
A. Must the Information be Given in Writing? 205
B. The Language 206
C. ‘Promptly’ 206

Chapter 9. Adequate Time and Facilities

I. Introduction 208
A. The Texts 208
B. The Origins of the Guarantee 208
C. The Purpose and Importance of the Guarantee 209
D. The Relative Character of the Guarantee 211
1. The General Relativity 211
2. The Specific Relativity 213
3. The Diligence Required from the Defence 214
II. The Right to Adequate Time 215
A. The Purpose of the Guarantee 215
B. The Relation of the Guarantee to the Other
Rights of the Defence 216
1. The Relationship of Article 6 x 1, the
Right to Trial ‘Within a Reasonable Time’ 216
2. The Relationship to the Principle of ‘Equality of Arms’ 216
3. The Relationship to Article 6 x 3(a) 217
4. The Relationship to Article 6 x 3(c) 218
C. What Constitutes ‘Adequate Time’? 218
1. The Relevant Period 218
2. The Assessment of What is ‘Adequate’ 220
3. Proposals 221
4. Accelerated Proceedings 221
III. The Right to Adequate Facilities 222
A. Access to the File 222
1. General Observations 222
2. Four Aspects of Access to the File 223
(a) Access to the File Under the Continental System 224
(b) Discovery Under the Common-law System 224
(c) Discovery of ‘Hidden Material’ 225
(d) Investigation by the Defence 227
3. The Modalities of Discovery and Access to the File 228
(a) The Object 228
(b) Who has Access to the File? 230
xx Contents

(c) When does the Right of Access Arise? 231

(d) Various Issues 235
B. Other Facilities 236
1. Access to Legal Materials 236
2. A Reasoned Judgment 236
3. Notification of Consular Rights 237
4. Access to Medical Examination 237
5. The Right to a Hearing 238
C. Exceptions 238

Chapter 10. The Right to Defend Oneself and to Have the

Assistance of Counsel
I. Introduction 242
A. The Texts 242
B. The Origins of the Guarantee 243
C. The Structure of Article 6 x 3(c) of the ECHR 243
1. The Purpose of the Right to a Defence 244
(a) The Technical Aspect 245
(b) The Psychological Aspect 245
(c) The Humanitarian Aspect 246
(d) The Structural Aspect of the Right to a Defence 247
2. The Absolute Character of the Right to a Defence 247
(a) A Right without Any Restrictions? 247
(b) No Derogation in Times of War? 248
(c) Is a Violation Possible in the Absence of Prejudice? 248
(d) Is a Violation Possible if the Accused was Finally
Acquitted? 248
3. The Scope of the Application of the Right to a Defence 249
(a) The Right to Legal Assistance Outside Criminal
Proceedings 249
(i) The Right to Legal Assistance in Proceedings on
‘Civil Rights and Obligations’ 249
(ii) The Right to Legal Assistance in Habeas
Corpus Proceedings 249
(b) The Right to Legal Assistance During Different
Phases of the Proceedings 250
(i) Before the Trial 250
(ii) Proceedings on Appeal 251
II. The Right to Defend Oneself 251
A. The Right of the Accused to Act in His or Her Defence 251
1. The General Rule 251
2. The Right to be Present at the Hearing 252
(a) The General Principle 252
(b) Exceptions for Disciplinary Reasons 253
Contents xxi

(c) Trial In Absentia 253

(i) Possibility of a Retrial 254
(ii) Conditions for a Trial In Absentia Without the
Possibility of a Retrial 255
(iii) Waiver and its Limitations 255
(d) The Right to be Present at a Hearing on Appeal 257
(i) Whether there was a Full Hearing at
First Instance 257
(ii) Whether there is a Full Re-examination
of the Case 257
(iii) What was at Stake for the Applicant 258
(iv) Whether there was a Risk of Reformatio in Peius 258
(v) Whether the Prosecutor Attended the Hearing 258
(vi) Whether the Appeal is Limited to Questions
of Law 258
(vii) Whether the Accused was Given a New Sentence 259
(viii) Leave-to-Appeal Proceedings 260
(ix) The Obligation on the Defence to Act
Diligently 260
3. The Limitation to Lawful Defence Activities 261
4. Formalities Must be Respected 262
B. The Right of the Accused to ‘Defend Himself in Person’ 263
III. The Right to the Assistance of Counsel of One’s
Own Choosing 266
A. A ‘Practically Absolute’ Right 266
B. Limitations as to the Persons Eligible as Counsel 267
C. Limitations as to the Number of Counsel 268
D. Confiscation of Assets and the Right to Counsel of
the Accused’s Choosing 269
IV. The Right to Legal Aid 270
A. The Economic Prerequisite 271
B. The Interests of Justice 272
1. The Seriousness of the Offence and the Severity
of the Punishment 273
2. The Complexity of the Case 275
3. The Particularities of the Proceeding 275
4. The Particularities of the Accused 276
C. The Choice of the Lawyer 276
D. ‘Free’ 277
V. The Right to Contact with Counsel 278
A. The Principle 278
B. Exceptions 281
C. The Right to Contact with Counsel During the Police
Investigations 282
xxii Contents

VI. The Right to the Effective Assistance of Counsel 286

A. The Quality of the Defence 286
B. Effective Assistance During Pre-trial Proceedings 288

Chapter 11. The Right to Test Witness Evidence

I. Introduction 291
A. The Texts 291
B. The Origins of the Guarantee 292
C. The Purpose of the Guarantee 292
D. The Character of the Guarantee 293
1. The Proximity to the Establishment of the Facts 293
2. The Relative Character of the Guarantee 294
(a) The Issue In Abstracto 294
(b) The Court’s Jurisprudence 295
(c) The Relevance of the Statement as Evidence 296
(d) Assessment 297
(e) The Possibility of Waiver: Requirements of Diligence 298
E. The Model of Full Compliance with the Guarantee 299
F. The Problems Arising with the Guarantee 300
II. Defining the Term ‘Witness’ 300
A. The Autonomous Notion of ‘Witness’ 301
B. The Classical Notion of Witness 302
C. Parties as Witnesses 302
D. Informants as Witnesses 302
E. Expert Witnesses 303
F. Application of Article 6 x 3(d) to Evidence Other than
that of Witnesses 304
III. The Right to Question Witnesses at Different Stages
of the Proceedings 305
A. At the Trial 305
B. During Pre-trial Proceedings 306
1. The Witness is Only Questioned During the Investigation 307
2. The Right to Question a Witness During Pre-trial
Proceedings 308
C. In Appeal Proceedings 309
IV. The Exercise of the Right 309
A. Who is Entitled to Exercise the Right to Question Witnesses? 309
1. Counsel and the Accused 309
2. The Accused Alone 310
3. Counsel Alone 310
B. How is the Right to be Exercised? 311
Contents xxiii

V. Limitations of the Right to Test Witness Evidence 312

A. General Observations 312
B. Typical Situations Justifying Exceptions 314
1. Absent Witnesses 314
2. The ‘Precious’ Witness 315
3. The Intimidated Witness 316
(a) The Justification for Anonymity 317
(b) The Methods for Counterbalancing Anonymity 318
4. The Vulnerable Witness 320
C. Hearsay Evidence 322
VI. The Right to Call Witnesses 322
A. The Particularities of this Right 323
B. The Discretion of the Presiding Judge 324
C. The Reluctance of the Strasbourg Court 324
D. The Further Development of the Case-law 325
VII. The Equality-of-arms Aspect 326

Chapter 12. The Right to the Free Assistance of an Interpreter

I. Introduction 327
A. The Texts 327
B. The Origins of the Guarantee 327
C. The Purpose of Article 6 x 3(e) 328
1. The Character and Purpose of the Right to an Interpreter 328
2. The Meaning and Purpose of the Right to the Free
Assistance of an Interpreter 330
D. The ‘Relative’ and the ‘Absolute’ Character of the Guarantee 331
E. The Relationship of Article 6 x 3(e) to
other Rights of the Defence 332
1. The Relationship to Article 5 x 2 and
Article 6 x 3(a) 332
2. The Relationship to Article 6 x 3(c) 332
3. The Relationship to Article 6 x 3(d) 333
II. The Need for Interpretation 334
A. The Lack of Linguistic Proficiency 334
B. The Lack of Acoustic Abilities 335
III. The Modalities of the Right to an Interpreter 336
A. The Application at Various Stages of the Proceedings 336
B. The Application Ratione Materiae: The Objects
of Interpretation and Translation 336
1. Interpretation at the Trial 336
2. Interpretation During the Pre-trial Proceedings 337
xxiv Contents

3. Translation of Documents 338

4. Communication with Counsel 338
C. The Qualifications of the Interpreter 339

Chapter 13. The Privilege Against Self-incrimination

I. Introduction 340
A. The Texts 340
B. Terminology 341
C. The Origins of the ‘Privilege’ 341
D. The Character of the Guarantee 342
1. Right to Silence and the Privilege
Against Self-incrimination 342
2. Right to Silence and Freedom of Expression 342
3. Absolute or Relative Right? 343
4. Direct and Indirect Effects of the Guarantee 346
5. The Rationale of the Guarantee 347
(a) The Starting Point 347
(b) The Link to Outcome-related Justice 347
(c) The Presumption of Innocence 348
(d) Respecting the Will of the Accused 348
6. The Scope of the Guarantee 349
(a) Application Ratione Materiae 349
(b) Application Ratione Personae 349
II. The Direct Effect of the Privilege 350
A. The Right to Remain Silent 350
1. Protection Against Immediate Physical Pressure 350
2. Protection Against the Use of Deception 350
3. A Right to be Warned? 352
B. The Right Not to Hand Over Documents 353
1. The Judgment in Funke v. France 353
C. Exceptions 354
1. Non-testimonial Contributions 354
2. Disclosure of One’s Identity 354
III. The Indirect Effect of the Privilege 355
A. Introduction 355
B. Adverse Inferences from Silence 356
1. John Murray v. United Kingdom 356
2. The Case-law after John Murray 358
3. Assessment 359
Contents xxv

Chapter 14. The Right to Appeal

I. Introduction 360
A. The Texts 360
B. The Origins 360
C. The Purpose of the Right to Appeal 362
II. The Prerequisites for the Right to Appeal 363
A. The Term ‘Criminal Offence’ in the Right to Appeal 363
B. The Notion of ‘Conviction’ in the Right to Appeal 364
C. Conviction by a Tribunal 365
III. The Review 365
A. The Discretion Left to the Contracting States 365
B. The ‘Higher Tribunal’ 368
IV. The Exceptions 368
A. Petty Offences 368
B. The Highest Court Sitting at First Instance 370
C. Conviction on Appeal after Acquittal 371

Chapter 15. The Right to Compensation for Wrongful Conviction

I. The Texts 372
II. The Origins of the Guarantee 373
III. The Purpose and Significance of the Guarantee 374
IV. The Prerequisites of the Right to Compensation
for Wrongful Conviction 375
A. Convicted of a Criminal Offence 375
B. A Conviction 375
C. The Conviction Must Have Been Final 375
D. The Punishment 376
E. The Execution of the Sentence 376
F. The Decision to Convict Must Have Been Set Aside 377
G. The Reversal Must be Based on New Facts 377
H. No Responsibility for Non-disclosure 378
I. The Establishment of Innocence 378
V. The Right to Compensation 379
A. The Substance of the Compensation 379
B. The Beneficiary of the Right to Compensation 379
C. According to the Law (or the Practice)
of the State Concerned 380
xxvi Contents

Chapter 16. The Protection Against Double Jeopardy

I. Introduction 381
A. The Texts 381
B. The Origins of the Guarantee 382
II. The Aim and Purpose of the Guarantee 383
III. Ne Bis In Idem as an Element of the Right to a Fair Trial? 384
IV. The Scope of Application of the Guarantee 385
A. Territorial Application 385
B. The Scope of Application ratione materiae 387
V. The First Trial 388
A. Acquittal or Conviction 388
B. The ‘Final Character’ of the Decision 389
C. ‘In Accordance with the Law and
Penal Procedure of that State’ 390
VI. The Second Trial 391
VII. Identical Offences 391
A. An Identical Aim 392
B. Same Person 392
C. Same Conduct 392
1. ‘Natural’ and ‘Legal’ Unity of Conduct 393
2. Conduct or Result? 393
D. The Same Offence 394
E. Is the Court’s Case-law Consistent? 394
1. Gradinger and Oliveira 394
2. Consolidation of the Case-law 396
3. Understanding Criminal Law 396
4. Evaluation 397
5. Proposal 398
VIII. ‘Punished Again’ 399
IX. The Exceptions 400
A. New Facts 401
B. Procedural Defects 401
X. Absolute Character 402
Contents xxvii

Part Four—Measures of Coercion

Chapter 17. Liberty and Security of Person:

The Rules on Imprisonment
I. Introduction 405
A. General Observations 405
1. The Texts 405
2. The Importance of Personal Liberty in
Criminal Proceedings 407
3. The Scope of the Present Chapter 408
4. The Construction of the Guarantee 408
B. The Right Guaranteed 408
1. The Notion of Personal Liberty 408
2. The Notion of Security of Person 409
C. The Interference: Arrest and Detention 412
1. The Definition 412
2. Space 413
3. Coercion and Waiver 414
4. Time 416
5. Relativity of the Notion of Deprivation of Liberty 417
II. The Exceptions to Liberty of Person 419
A. General Aspects 419
1. The Structure of the Second Sentence of Paragraph 1 419
2. The Requirement of Lawfulness 420
(a) The Meaning of ‘Law’ in the Convention 420
(b) The Various Elements of ‘Lawfulness’ in Article 5 x 1 420
(c) The Degree of Scrutiny Exercised by the Court 421
B. Detention on Remand: Article 5 x 1(c) 423
1. Reasonable Suspicion 423
(a) The Object of the Suspicion 425
(b) The Suspicion of Having Committed an Offence 426
(c) When it is ‘Reasonably Considered Necessary
to Prevent [a Person] Committing an Offence’ 427
(d) When it is Reasonably Considered Necessary
to Prevent a Person from Fleeing after Having
Committed an Offence 428
2. The Purpose of Bringing the Person Concerned
‘Before the Competent Legal Authority’ 428
3. Specific Aspects of Lawfulness of Detention on Remand 429
(a) Insufficient Certainty of the Law 429
(b) Male Captus Bene Iudicatus? 431
(c) Delayed Release 433
xxviii Contents

4. Necessity 434
C. Detention after Conviction: Article 5 x 1(a) 436
1. General Characteristics 436
2. Conviction 436
(a) Definition 436
(b) Guilt 437
(c) Final Judgment 437
(d) Material Justification 437
(e) Compliance with Article 6 439
3. Competent Court 440
4. The Link Between Conviction and Detention: ‘After’ 440
5. The Duration of Imprisonment 443
D. Detention for Non-compliance with a Court Order
or to Secure the Fulfilment of a Legal Obligation:
Article 5 x 1(b) 443
1. Detention for ‘Non-compliance with the
Lawful Order of a Court’ 443
2. Detention ‘in Order to Secure the Fulfilment
of any Obligation Prescribed by Law’ 444
E. Detention of a Minor: Article 5 x 1(d) 445
1. ‘Minor’ 445
2. The Educational Purpose 445
3. Detention of a Minor on Remand 446
4. The Implementation of Deprivation
of Liberty of a Minor 446
F. Detention for the Prevention of the Spreading of
Contagious Diseases and of the Socially Maladjusted:
Article 5 x 1(e) 447
1. Detention for the Prevention of the Spreading
of Infectious Diseases 447
2. Persons of Unsound Mind 448
(a) General Observations 448
(b) The Three Prerequisites 448
(c) The Evidence for Mental Illness 448
(d) The Element of Danger 449
(e) The Element of Continuation 450
3. The Place of Detention 450
4. Addicts 450
5. Vagrants 451
G. Detention to Prevent an Unauthorized Entry or
with a View to Deportation or Extradition 451
1. Detention to Prevent Unauthorized Entry 451
Contents xxix

2. Arrest or Detention with a View to Deportation

or Extradition 452
(a) The Formal Character of the Exception 452
(b) Limitations to the Length of Detention
under Sub-paragraph (f ) 453

Chapter 18. The Rights Guaranteed to all Persons

Deprived of their Liberty
I. The Right to be Informed of the Reasons for the Arrest 455
A. Introduction 455
1. The Texts 455
2. The Purpose of the Guarantee 456
3. The Characterization of the Right
by the European Court 456
B. The Elements of the Right to Information 457
1. The Scope of the Right to be Informed of the
Reasons for the Arrest 457
2. The Nature of the Information to be Conveyed 457
3. The Addressee of the Information 459
4. The Time Element 459
5. The Form of the Information 460
II. The Right to Habeus Corpus Proceedings 462
A. Introduction 462
1. The Texts 462
2. The Origin and Purpose of the Right 462
(a) The Origin of the Right to Habeus Corpus Proceedings 462
(b) The Purpose of the Guarantee 463
3. The Issues to be Discussed 464
B. The Scope of the Right to Take Habeas Corpus Proceedings 464
1. The Autonomous Character of the Guarantee 465
2. The Condition of Being Deprived of One’s Liberty 466
3. The Scope of Application in Time 466
(a) Immediate Applicability 466
(b) Release Pending Habeas Corpus Proceedings 467
4. Habeas Corpus where the Detention was Ordered
by a Court 468
(a) The ‘Doctrine of Incorporation’ 468
(b) A Further Development 470
5. The Exceptions to the Incorporation Doctrine 470
(a) Confinement Linked to ‘Unsoundness of Mind’ 470
(b) Detention of Dangerous Convicts 471
(c) Sentences against Juvenile Offenders 474
(d) Detention for Non-payment of a Fine 475
xxx Contents

C. The Scope of Judicial Control under x 4 475

1. General Observations 475
2. Ineffective Remedies 476
3. Issues of National Security 478
D. Procedural Requirements 478
1. Introduction 478
2. The Right to Access to a Court 479
(a) Independence and Impartiality 479
(b) The Power to Release 481
3. The Procedural Rights 482
(a) The Right to an Oral Hearing 482
(b) Equality of Arms and Adversarial Proceedings 484
(c) The Right of Access to the File 484
(d) The Right to Legal Assistance 486
(i) General Rules Concerning Access to Counsel 486
(ii) The Right to Legal-Aid Counsel 486
(e) A Presumption Pro Libertate? 487
(f) A Right to Appeal? 489
(g) A Right to Submit Multiple Applications 489
4. The Requirement of Speediness 491
(a) Issues Related to the Time Element 491
(b) An Illustration taken from the Case-law 494
(c) Plurality of Remedies 494
III. The Right to Compensation 495
A. Introduction 495
1. The Texts 495
2. The Origins of the Guarantee 496
3. The Characteristics of the Right 496
B. The Prerequisites of Compensation 497
1. Detention which is ‘Unlawful’/‘in Contravention’
of paragraphs 1–4 of Article 5 497
(a) In General 497
(b) Problems Occurring where the Convention is
Not Yet in Force 498
(c) Procedural Problems 498
2. Damage 499
C. The Amount of Compensation 500

Chapter 19. The Special Rights of Persons Detained on Remand

I. Introduction 502
A. The Texts 502
Contents xxxi

B. The Justification of Special Safeguards for those

Detained on Remand 503
C. Other Safeguards 504
II. The Right to be Brought before a Judge 505
A. The Purpose and Character of the Right 505
B. The Judge or ‘Other Officer Authorised by Law
to Exercise Judicial Power’ 507
1. The Independence and Impartiality of the Authority 507
2. The Power to Order Release 510
C. ‘Promptly’/‘Aussitôt’ 511
1. The Period to be Considered 511
2. The Time Limit 512
D. The Procedure Before the Judge 514
1. The Need for an Oral Hearing 514
2. The Need for Previous Information 514
3. The Right to be Assisted by Counsel 514
4. The Right to a Reasoned Decision 515
E. The (Ir)Relevance of Situations of Emergency 515
III. The Limitation in Time of Detention on Remand 516
A. General Remarks 516
B. The Period to be Assessed 518
1. The Beginning of the Period 518
2. The End of the Period 519
3. Interruption of the Period 521
C. Criteria of Reasonableness 521
1. ‘Relevant’ and ‘Sufficient’ Grounds for the
Continuing Detention 523
(a) Danger of Absconding 524
(b) Risk of Tampering with Evidence and
Suborning Witnesses 525
(c) The Risk of Collusion 526
(d) The Risk of Reoffending 526
(e) Protection of Public Order 527
(f) The Need to Protect the Applicant 527
2. Grounds which are not Relevant or Sufficient to
Justify the Continued Detention 527
(a) The Seriousness of the Alleged Offence 527
(b) The Requirements of the Inquiry 528
3. ‘Special Diligence’ and the Conduct of the Proceedings 528
IV. Release on Bail 532
V. Possibility of Redress 533
xxxii Contents

Chapter 20. Other Fundamental Rights Affected by

Criminal Proceedings
I. Introduction 534
A. The Issues Dealt with in this Chapter 534
B. The General Approach 534
II. Interference with the Right to Respect
for Private Life: General Observations 535
A. The Basic Structure of the Protection of Private Life 535
1. The Texts 535
2. The Elements of the Protection of Private Life 536
B. The Elements Common to the Protection
of Various Aspects of Private Life 537
1. The Requirement of Lawfulness 537
2. The Legitimate Aim 539
3. Necessary in a Democratic Society 540
III. Surveillance and Interception of Communications 540
A. Introduction 540
B. Interception of Written Correspondence 542
1. The Case-law 542
2. Principles Concerning Prisoners’ Correspondence 543
IV. Technical Surveillance 545
A. The Scope of Private Life in this Context 545
B. The Interference 546
C. Special Requirements for the Legal Basis 549
D. The Scope of the Interference 550
E. ‘Necessary in a Democratic Society’ 550
F. Subsequent Notification 551
V. Storage of Data 552
A. Applicability of the Right to Respect for Private Life 553
B. The Interference 554
C. The Justification of the Interference 554
1. The Legal Basis 554
2. The Aim of the Interference 555
3. Necessary in a Democratic Society 555
VI. Undercover Agents 555
VII. Search and Seizure: Interference with the Home 556
A. The Interference with the Right to Respect for the ‘Home’ 557
B. The Legal Basis 557
C. The Aim of the Interference 558
Contents xxxiii

D. Necessary in a Democratic Society 558

VIII. The Protection of Property 559
A. The Texts 559
B. Introduction 560
C. Confiscation 560

Select Bibliography 562

Index 582
Tables of Cases



A v. France, 23 Nov. 1993, Series A no. 277-B, (1994) 20

Rev. trim. dr. h 575 ............................................................... 542, 548, 549
AB v. Slovakia, no. 41784/98, 4 Mar. 2003 ...........................................82, 97
APBP v. France ............................................................................. 87, 98, 100
AM v. Italy, no. 37019/97,
ECHR 1999-IX ............................................ 297, 305, 307, 308, 311, 312
AP, MP and TP v. Switzerland, 29 Aug. 1997, Reports
1997-V, 1477, (1998) 26 EHRR 541 ............................. 16, 171, 190, 490
Abdoellah v. Netherlands, 25 Nov. 1992, Series A
no. 248-A, (1993) 1 ÖIM-Newsletter 14............................... 144, 146, 147
Acquaviva v. France, 21 Nov. 1995, Series A no. 333-A,
(2001) 32 EHRR 7 ................................................................................... 39
Adolf v. Austria, 26 Mar. 1982, Series A no. 49, (1982)
4 EHRR 313; 1982 EuGRZ 297; (1982) 3/1-4
HRLJ 260.......................................................................... 82, 83, 159, 160
Adoud and Bosoni v. France, nos. 35327/97 and 34595/97,
27 Feb. 2001 ............................................................................................. 92
Aerts v. Belgium, 30 July 1998, Reports 1998-V, 1939,
(2000) 29 EHRR 50; (1998) 4 ÖIM-Newsletter 140 ............................. 413
Ahmet Ó´zkan and others v. Turkey, 21689/93, 6 Apr. 2004 ....................... 53
Airey v. Ireland, 9 Sept. 1979, Series A no. 32, (1979-80)
2 EHRR 305; 1979 EuGRZ 626 ............................................. 38, 249, 364
Aı̈t-Mouhoub v. France, 28 Oct. 1998, Reports 1998-VIII,
2314, (2000) 30 EHRR 352 ..................................................................... 39
Akdivar and others v. Turkey, 16 Sept. 1996, Reports 1996-IV,
1192, (1997) 23 EHRR 143; (1997) 19/5-8 HRLJ 203......................... 544
Aksac v. Turkey, no. 41956/98, 15 July 2004 .............................................. 60
Aksoy v. Turkey, 18 Dec. 1996, Reports 1996-VI, 2260, (1997)
23 EHRR 553; (1997) 19/5-8 HRLJ 221............ 238, 491, 505, 513, 516
Albert and Le Compte v. Belgium, 10 Feb. 1983, Series A no. 58,
(1983) 5 EHRR 533; 1983 EuGRZ 190; (1984) 5/2-4
HRLJ 219........................................... 29, 42, 58, 76, 125, 129, 131, 172,
207, 220, 256
Alfatlı v. Turkey, no. 32984/96, 30 Oct. 2003.................................... 60, 137
xxxvi Tables of Cases

Alimena v. Italy, 19 Feb. 1991, Series A no. 195-D, (1991)

12/4 HRLJ 162 ....................................................................................... 259
Allan v. United Kingdom, no. 48539/99,
ECHR 2002-IX, (2003) 36 EHRR 12; (2002)
6 ÖIM-Newsletter 254 ......................................... 347, 350, 351, 546, 549
Allenet de Ribemont v. France, 10 Feb. 1995, Series A no. 308,
(1995) 20 EHRR 557; (1995) 24 Rev. trim. dr. h. 657;
(1996) 5 ÖIM-Newsletter 129 ................................56, 163, 164, 189, 190
Al-Nashif v. Bulgaria, no. 50963/99, 20 June 2002, (2003)
36 EHRR 37; (2002) 3 ÖIM-Newsletter 108......................................... 478
Altay v. Turkey, no. 22279/93, 22 May 2001 ............................................ 513
Amann v. Switzerland, no. 27798/95, ECHR 2000-II, 245 (2000)
30 EHRR 843; (2000) 21/4-7 HRLJ 221................................ 51, 553, 554
Amuur v. France, 25 June 1996, Report 1996-III, 826, (1996)
22 EHRR 533; 1996 EuGRZ 577; (1997) 32 Rev. trim.
dr. h. 655.............................................................. 412, 413, 416, 451, 533
Anderson v. United Kingdom (dec.), no. 44958/98,
5 Oct. 1999, unreported............................................................................ 83
Andrea Corsi v. Italy, no. 42210/98, 4 July 2002.............................. 137, 146
Ankerl v. Switzerland, 23 Oct. 1996, Reports 1996-V, 1553,
(2001) 32 EHRR 1; (1997) 1 ÖIM-Newsletter 12 .............................96, 97
Annoni di Gussola and others v. France, nos. 31819/96 and
33293/96, ECHR 2000-XI, 373 ............................................................. 106
Antoine v. United Kingdom (dec.), no. 62960/00, 13 May 2003,
unreported ................................................................................................. 22
Apeh Uldozotteinek Szovetsege v. Hungary, no. 32367/96,
ECHR 2000-X, 361 (2002) 34 EHRR 34; (2000)
5 ÖIM-Newsletter 197 .............................................................................. 97
Aquilina v. Malta, no. 25642/94, ECHR 1999-III, 225,
(1999) 3 ÖIM-Newsletter 93 ................................................. 505, 507, 511
Armstrong v. United Kingdom, no. 48521/99, 16 July 2002,
(2003) 36 EHRR 30 ............................................................................... 549
Artico v. Italy, 13 May 1980, Series A no. 37,
(1981) 3 EHRR 1; 1980 EuGRZ 662 .....................77, 82, 147, 194, 195,
231, 234, 248, 270, 273,
274, 286, 287, 297, 301, 310, 314, 477, 500
Artner v. Austria, 28 Aug. 1992, Series A no. 242-A, 1992 EuGRZ 476;
(1992) 13/11–12 HRLJ 461; (1992) 5 ÖIM-Newsletter 22 .......... 296, 297
Arvelakis v. Greece, no. 41354/98, 12 Apr. 2001 ............. 147, 148, 300, 314
Asan Rushiti v. Austria, no. 28389/95, 21 Mar. 2000,
(2001) 33 EHRR 56 ...................................................................... 156, 182
Asch v. Austria, 26 Apr. 1991, Series A no. 203,
(1993) 15 EHRR 597; 1992 EuGRZ 474; (1991)
12/5 HRLJ 203 ............................. 87, 292, 295, 296, 297, 300, 305, 313
Tables of Cases xxxvii

Ashingdane v. United Kingdom, 28 May 1985, Series A no. 93,

(1985) 7 EHRR 528 ...................413, 418, 419, 420, 421, 422, 450, 476
Assanidze v. Georgia, no. 71503/01, 8 Apr. 2004,
2004 EuGRZ 268 ............................................ 33, 57, 103, 116, 434, 482
Assenov v. Bulgaria, 28 Oct. 1998, Reports 1998-III,
326, (1999) 28 EHRR 652; (1999)
38 Rev. trim. dr. h. 383 ....... 42, 414, 483, 488, 509, 510, 514, 526, 530
Atlan v. United Kingdom, no. 36533/97, 19 June 2001,
(2002) 34 EHHR 33........................................ 87, 93, 224, 225, 239, 240
Averill v. United Kingdom, no. 36408/97, ECHR 2000-VI, 203,
(2001) 31 EHRR 36 ..................................................... 284, 347, 348, 358
Axen v. Germany, 8 Dec. 1983, Series A no. 72, (1984) 6
EHRR 195; 1985 EuGRZ 225; (1984) 5/2-4 HRLJ 277...... 118, 120, 132
Ayse Tepe v. Turkey, no. 29422/95, 22 July 2003 ..................................... 513

B v. Austria, 28 Mar. 1990, Series A no. 175, (1991)

13 EHRR 20 ............. 141, 146, 147, 437, 440, 468, 516, 519, 520, 530
B v. United Kingdom, 8 July 1987, Series A no. 121........................ 130, 132
B and P v. United Kingdom, nos. 36337 and 35974/97
24 Apr. 2001 .................................................................................. 130, 132
Baars v. Netherlands, no. 44320/98,
28 Oct. 2003 ........................................................ 182, 185, 186, 187, 188
Babjak and others v. Slovakia (dec.), no. 73693/01,
30 Mar. 2004, unreported ....................................................................... 189
Baggetta v. Italy, 25 Jun. 1987, Series A no. 119 ....................................... 147
Baranowski v. Poland, no. 28358, ECHR 2000-III, 241........... 430, 466, 492
Barattelli v. Italy, no. 38576/97, 4 July 2000 ............................................. 146
Barberà, Messegué and Jabardo v. Spain, 6 Dec. 1988,
Series A no. 146, (1989) 11 EHRR 360; (1988) 9/2-3
HRLJ 267...................................... 86, 129, 165, 223, 252, 296, 298, 305
Barfod v. Denmark, 22 Feb. 1998, Series A no. 149 .................................... 63
Barfuss v. Czech Republic, no. 35848/97, 31 Jul. 2000,
(2002) 34 EHRR 37 ..................................................... 143, 525, 528, 531
Başkaya and Okçuoǧlu v. Turkey, Nos. 23536/94 and
24408/94, ECHR 1999-IV, 261, (2001) 31 EHRR 10 ......................50, 60
Bati and others v. Turkey, 33097/96 and 57834/00, 3 June 2004 ............. 531
Beaumartin v. France, 24 Nov. 1994, Series A no. 296-B, (1995)
19 EHRR 485; (1994) 6 ÖIM-Newsletter 327...................................47, 58
Beck v. Norway, no. 26390/95, 26 June 2001............................................ 148
Beckles v. United Kingdom no. 44652/98, 8 Oct. 2002 ............................ 359
Beer v. Austria, no. 30428/96, 6 Feb. 2001, (2001) 1
ÖIM-Newsletter 25 ................................................................................... 97
Beladina v. France, no. 49627/99, 30 Sept. 2003 ....................................... 145
Belchev v. Bulgaria, no. 39270 8 Apr. 2004 ............................................... 531
xxxviii Tables of Cases

Belgian Linguistics case, 23 Jul. 1968, Series A no. 6 ................................. 363

Belilos v. Switzerland, 29 Apr. 1988, Series A no. 132,
(1998) 10 EHRR 466; 1989 EuGRZ 21 ............... 47, 48, 56, 58, 62, 331
Beljanski v. France, no. 44070/98, 7 Feb. 2002 ................................ 144, 146
Belziuk v. Poland, 25 Mar. 1998, Reports 1998-II, 558,
(2000) 30 EHRR 614; (1998) 2 ÖIM-Newsletter 71 ....... 82, 85, 252, 257
Ben Yaacoub v. Belgium, 27 Nov. 1987, Series A no. 127-A,
(1991) 13 EHRR 418 .................................................................. 72, 73, 75
Bendenoun v. France, 24 Feb. 1994, Series A no. 284,
(1994) 18 EHRR 54; (1995) 23 Rev. trim. dr. h. 423;
(1994) 2 ÖIM-Newsletter 82 .......................................... 17, 18, 26, 28, 29
Benham v. United Kingdom, 10 June 1996, Reports 1996-III,
738, (1996) 22 EHRR 293; (1996)
4 ÖIM-Newsletter 109 ............. 18, 19, 26, 273, 274, 275, 429, 438, 497
Benjamin and Wilson v. United Kingdom, no. 28212/95,
26 Sept. 2002, (2003) 36 EHRR 1 ................................................ 481, 482
Benthem v. Netherlands, 23 Oct. 1985, Series A no. 97,
(1986) 8 EHRR 1; 1986 EuGRZ 299 ......................47, 57, 115, 379, 383
Berger v. France, 48221/99, ECHR 2002-X, 13......................................... 102
Berktay v. Turkey, no. 22493/93, 1 Mar. 2001......................... 414, 424, 425
Bernard v. France, 23 Apr. 1998, Reports 1998-II, 867,
(2000) 30 EHRR 808 .................................................................... 163, 176
Bertin-Mourot v. France, no. 36343/97, 2 Aug. 2000................................ 139
Bezicheri v. Italy, 25 Oct. 1989, Series A no. 164, (1990) 12 EHRR
210; (1990) 2 Rev. trim. dr. h. 165 .............................. 466, 480, 489, 494
Biba v. Greece, no. 33170/96, 26 Sept. 2000 ............................................. 276
Binbir v. Turkey, no. 29913/96, 7 Feb. 2002............................................. 146
Birutis and others v. Lithuania, nos. 47698/99 and
48115/99, 28 Mar. 2002.............................. 297, 305, 307, 317, 318, 320
Bizzotto v. Greece, 15 Nov. 1996, Reports 1996-V, 1724 ......................... 437
Boddaert v. Belgium, 12 Oct. 1992, Series A no. 235-D, (1993)
16 EHRR 242; (1992) 6 ÖIM-Newsletter 31......................................... 145
Böhmer v. Germany, no. 37568/97, 3 Oct. 2002, (2004) 38
EHRR 19; (2002) 5 ÖIM-Newsletter 201 ........... 163, 164, 173, 177, 188
Boldrin v. Italy, no. 41863/98, 4 July 2002................................................ 146
Boner v. United Kingdom, 28 Oct. 1994, Series A no. 300-B,
(1995) 19 EHRR 246; (1994) 6 ÖIM-Newsletter 334 .......... 274, 275, 276
Bönisch v. Austria, 6 May 1985, Series A no. 92,
(1987) 9 EHRR 191; 1986 EuGRZ 127;
(1986) Rev. trim. dr. h. 127.................. 97, 165, 176, 235, 292, 303, 304
Borgers v. Belgium, 30 Oct. 1991, Series A no. 214-B, (1993)
15 EHRR 92; 1991 EuGRZ 519; (1992) 10 Rev. trim. dr. h.
201; (1991) 12/8-9 HRLJ 316 ...................................... 58, 63, 67, 90, 100
Tables of Cases xxxix

Botta v. Italy, 24 Feb. 1998, Reports 1998-I, 412,

(1998) 26 EHRR 241; (1999) 39 Rev. trim. dr. h. 139;
(1998) 2 ÖIM-Newsletter 66 .................................................................. 335
Botten v. Norway, 19 Feb. 1996,
Reports 1996-I, 126, (2001) 32 EHRR 3; (1996)
3 ÖIM-Newsletter 80 ........................................... 129, 258, 259, 260, 371
Bouamar v. Belgium, 29 Feb. 1998, Series A no. 129,
(1989) 11 EHRR 1 ..................................... 250, 420, 421, 422, 428, 429,
438, 444, 446, 465, 466, 475,
480, 482, 487, 494, 495
Bouchet v. France, no. 33591/96, 20 Mar. 2001....................... 497, 527, 531
Bozano v. France, 18 Dec. 1996, Series A no. 111,
(1987) 9 EHRR 297; 1987 EuGRZ 101 ..................... 410, 413, 420, 421,
422, 440, 452, 453
Brand v. Netherlands, no. 49902/99, 11 May 2004 ................................... 413
Brandstetter v. Austria, 28 Aug. 1991, Series A no. 211,
(1993) 15 EHRR 378, 1992 EuGRZ 190; (1991) 12/8-9
HRLJ 316; (1991) 1 ÖIM-Newsletter 13 .................. 85, 90, 91, 100, 235,
261, 262, 298, 303, 304
Brannigan and McBride v. United Kingdom, 26 May 1993,
Series A no. 258-B, (1994) 17 EHRR 539; (1993) 14/5-6 HRLJ
183; (1993) 4 ÖIM-Newsletter 22 ................................................. 514, 516
Brennan v. United Kingdom, no. 39846/98, ECHR 2001-X, 211
(2002) 34 EHRR 18 ...................................................................... 210, 285
Bricmont v. Belgium, 7 July 1989, Series A no. 158,
(1990) 12 EHRR 217 .................................. 103, 210, 215, 235, 324, 325
Brincat v. Italy, 26 Nov. 1992, Series A no. 249-A,
(1993) 16 EHRR 591; 1993 EuGRZ 389 ............................. 509, 510, 513
British-American Tobacco Company Ltd v. Netherlands,
20 Nov. 1995, Series A no. 331, (1996) 21 EHRR 409........................... 76
Brogan and others v. United Kingdom, 29 Nov. 1988,
Series A no. 145-B, (1989) 11 EHRR 117;
(1988) 9/2–3 HRLJ 293...................................... 417, 426, 428, 467, 475,
476, 496, 497, 499, 505, 512,
513, 514, 515
Brozicek v. Italy, 19 Feb. 1989, Series A no. 167,
(1990) 12 EHRR 371 ................................................... 196, 197, 206, 252
Brumarescu v. Romania, no. 28342/95, ECHR 1999-VII, 201,
(2001) 33 EHRR 35; (1999) 6 ÖIM-Newsletter 185 ...................... 57, 115
Buchberger v. Austria, no. 32899/96, 20 Dec. 2001,
(2003) 37 EHRR 13 ................................................................................. 97
Buchholz v. Germany, 6 May 1981, Series A no. 42,
(1981) 3 EHRR 597; 1981 EuGRZ 490 ....................................... 134, 147
xl Tables of Cases

Bulut v. Austria, 22 Feb. 1996, Reports 1996-II, 346,

(1997) 24 EHRR 84; (1996) 28 Rev. trim. dr. h. 627;
(1996) 2 ÖIM-Newsletter 44 ................................. 70, 73, 91, 96, 98, 223
Bunkate v. Netherlands, 26 May 1993, Series A no. 248-B,
(1995) 19 EHRR 477; (1993) 4 ÖIM-Newsletter 21 ............................. 143
Butkevicius v. Lithuania, no. 48297/99, ECHR 2002-II, 349... 179, 430, 475
Büyükdag v. Turkey, no. 28340/95, 21 Dec. 2000 .................................... 165

CG v. United Kingdom, no. 43373/98, 19 Dec. 2001 ................................ 83

CN v. Italy (No 1) ...................................................................................... 413
CP and others v. France, no. 36009/97, 1 Aug. 2000 ................................ 144
CR v. United Kingdom, 22 Nov. 1995, Series A no. 335-C,
(1996) 21 EHRR 363; (1995) 6 ÖIM-Newsletter 223 ........................... 538
Caballero v. United Kingdom, no. 32819/96, ECHR 2000-II,
45, (2000) 30 EHRR 643 ...................................................... 510, 511, 532
Cable and others v. United Kingdom ........................................................... 67
Çakıcı v. Turkey, no. 23657/94, ECHR 1999-IV,
583, (2001) 31 EHRR 5 ........................................................ 248, 504, 505
Calogero Diana v. Italy, 15 Nov. 1996, Reports 1996-V,
1765................................................................................................ 238, 545
Camenzind v. Switzerland, 16 Dec. 1997, Reports 1997-VIII,
2880, (1999) 28 EHRR 458; (1998) 35 Rev. trim. dr. h. 639;
(1998) 1 ÖIM-Newsletter 17 ......................................................... 557, 559
Campbell v. United Kingdom, 25 Mar. 1992, Series A
no. 233, (1993) 15 EHRR 137; (1992) 13/9-10 HRLJ 371;
(1992) 3 ÖIM-Newsletter 11 ................................................... 18, 540, 543
Campbell and Cosans v. United Kingdom, 25 Feb. 1982,
Series A no. 48, (1982) 4 EHRR 293; 1982 EuGRZ 153; (1982)
3/1-4 HRLJ 221 ........................................................................................ 28
Campbell and Fell v. United Kingdom, 28 June 1984,
Series A no. 80, (1985) 7 EHRR 165;
1985 EuGRZ 534; (1986) 6/2-4 HRLJ 255 .................. 15, 16, 18, 21, 22,
23, 26, 28, 29, 48, 56, 59, 126, 127,
129, 130, 131, 202, 204, 209, 210, 220,
237, 238, 279, 280, 281, 282, 418
Can v. Austria (FS), 30 Sept. 1985, Series A no. 96, 1986
EuGRZ 274; (1986) 7/1 HRLJ 106.................................. 33, 87, 231, 246
Cankoçak v. Turkey, nos. 25182/94 and 26956/95, 20 Feb.
2001, (2003) 37 EHRR 27 ..................................................................... 145
Carbone v. Italy, no. 51702/99, 11 Feb. 2001............................................ 146
Cardot v. France, 19 Mar. 1991, Series A no. 200, (1991) 13
EHRR 853; 1992 EuGRZ 437; (1991) 12/4 HRLJ 157 ........................ 299
Caresana v. United Kingdom (dec.), no. 31541/96,
29 Aug. 2000, unreported ....................................................................... 209
Tables of Cases xli

Casadei v. Italy, no. 37249/97, 4 July 2002 ............................................... 146

Castillo Algar v. Spain, 28 Oct. 1998, Reports 1998-VIII,
3103, (2000) 30 EHRR 827 ...................................................... 64, 74, 118
Český v. Czech Republic, no. 33644/96, 6 June 2000............... 525, 529, 531
Čevizović v. Germany, no. 49746/99, 29 July 2004 ................................... 531
Chahal v. United Kingdom, 15 Nov. 1996, Reports 1996-V,
1831, (1997) 23 EHRR 413; (1996)
6 ÖIM-Newsletter 168 .................................................. 475, 476, 478, 481
Chalkley v. United Kingdom, no. 63831/00, 12 June 2003,
(2003) 37 EHRR 30 ...................................................................... 464, 549
Chappell v. United Kingdom, 30 Mar. 1989, Series A no.
152-A, (1990) 12 EHRR 1 ............................................................ 538, 557
Chevrol v. France .......................................................................................... 58
Chichlian and Ekindjian v. France, 29 Nov. 1989, Series A
no. 162-B, (1991) 13 EHRR 553 ........................ 195, 200, 202, 209, 218
Ciacci v. Italy, no. 38878/97, 1 Mar. 2001 ................................................ 142
Çilengir v. Turkey, no. 29912/96, 7 Feb. 2002.......................................... 146
Çiraklar v. Turkey, 28 Oct. 1998, Reports 1998-VII, 3059,
(2001) 32 EHRR 23 ................................................ 47, 50, 54, 56, 60, 61
Ciulla v. Italy, 22 Feb. 1989, Series A no. 148, (1991) 13
EHRR 346...................................400, 407, 426, 427, 428, 444, 445, 496
Clooth v. Belgium, 12 Dec. 1991, Series A no. 225, (1992)
14 EHRR 717; (1992) 12 Rev. trim. dr. h. 513; (1992) 13/3
HRLJ 117............................................................. 519, 522, 525, 526, 530
Coëme and others v. Belgium, nos. 32492/96,
32547/96, 32548/96, and 33210/96,
ECHR 2000-VII, 75 ................ 47, 51, 97, 110, 139, 145, 165, 370, 538
Colozza v. Italy, 12 Feb. 1985, Series A no. 89, (1985) 7
EHRR 516.................................................... 197, 204, 252, 253, 255, 256
Condron v. United Kingdom, 35718/97, ECHR 2000-V, 1, (2001)
31 EHRR 1; (2000) 3 ÖIM-Newsletter 95.................................... 347, 358
Čonka v. Belgium, no. 51564/99, ECHR 2002-I, 93, (2002) 34
EHRR 54; (2003) 53 Rev. trim. dr. h. 177; (2002) 1
ÖIM-Newsletter 22 ................................................................ 457, 468, 476
Contrada v. Italy, 24 Aug. 1998, Reports 1998-V, 2166........... 525, 529, 530
Cooper v. United Kingdom .......................................................................... 68
Corigliano v. Italy, 10 Dec. 1982, Series A no. 57,
(1983) 5 EHRR 334; 1985 EuGRZ 585;
(1982) 3/1-4 HRLJ 322 ............................... 139, 142, 143, 146, 197, 391
Costello-Roberts v. United Kingdom, 25 Mar. 1993, Series A
no. 247-C, (1995) 19 EHRR 112; (1993) 3 ÖIM-Newsletter 21 ............ 28
Coyne v. United Kingdom ............................................................................ 67
Craxi v. Italy, no. 34896/97, 15 Dec. 2002, (2002)
6 ÖIM-Newsletter 272 ................................. 297, 305, 306, 308, 313, 315
xlii Tables of Cases

Crémieux v. France, 25 Feb. 1993, Series A no. 256-B, (1993)

16 EHRR 357 ................................................................................ 558, 559
Crochard and 6 others v. France, nos. 68255/01, 68256/01,
68257/01, 68258/01, 68259/01, 68260/01, and 68261/01,
3 Feb. 2004 ............................................................................................. 102
Croissant v. Germany, 25 Sept. 1992, Series A no. 237-B, (1993)
16 EHRR 13; 1992 EuGRZ 542; (1993) 14/3-4
HRLJ 92; (1992) 6 ÖIM-Newsletter 29 ............................... 264, 265, 267,
277, 278
Cuscani v. United Kingdom, no. 32771/96, 24 Sept. 2002, (2003)
36 EHRR 2; (2002) 5 ÖIM-Newsletter 197........................................... 329
Cyprus v. Turkey, no. 25781/94, ECHR 2001-IV, 1, (2002) 35
EHRR 30; (2001) 22/5-8 HRLJ 217 .............................. 52, 297, 319, 413
Czekalla v. Portugal, no. 38830/97, ECHR 2002-VIII, 63, (2002)
5 ÖIM-Newsletter 209 ................................................................... 289, 290

DG v. Ireland, no. 39474/98, ECHR 2002-III, 361, (2002) 35

EHRR 33; (2002) 3 ÖIM-Newsletter 97 ................................................ 407
DM v. France, no. 41376/98, 27 Jun. 2002............................................... 493
DN v. Switzerland, no. 27154/95, ECHR 2001-III, 1, (2003)
37 EHRR 21; (2001) 2 ÖIM-Newsletter 63.......................... 479, 480, 481
DP v. Poland, No. 34221/96, 20 Jan. 2004 ............................................... 531
Dacewicz v. Poland, no. 34611/97, 2 July 2002......................................... 510
Daktaras v. Lithuania, no. 42095/98, ECHR 2000-X, 489,
(2002) 34 EHRR 60 ............................. 52, 163, 164, 177, 178, 179, 188
Dalkılıç v. Turkey, no. 25756/94, 5 Dec. 2002.......................................... 479
Dallos v. Hungary, no. 29082/95, ECHR 2001-II, 189, (2003) 37
EHRR 22....................................................................... 194, 195, 202, 209
Daud v. Portugal, 21 Apr. 1998, Reports 1998-II, 739,
(2000) 30 EHRR 400 ............................................................................. 289
De Biagi v. San Marino, no. 36451/97, 15 July 2003 ....................... 121, 131
De Blasiis v. Italy, no. 33969/96, 14 Dec. 1999......................................... 143
De Cubber v. Belgium, 26 Oct. 1984, Series A no. 86,
(1985) 7 EHRR 236; 1985 EuGRZ 407 ....................... 61, 62, 64, 69, 70,
71, 76, 77, 82, 194, 480, 509
De Haan v. Netherlands..........................................................................75, 76
De Haes and Gijsels v. Belgium, 24 Dec. 1997, Reports 1997-I,
198, (1998) 25 EHRR 1; (1998) 35 Rev. trim. dr. h. 571;
(1997) 2 ÖIM-Newsletter 50 .................................................................... 97
De Jong, Baljet and Van den Brink v. Netherlands, 22 May
1984, Series A no. 77, (1986) 8 EHRR 20; 1985 EuGRZ 700;
(1986) 7/2-4 HRLJ 321 ...................................... 417, 421, 428, 464, 466,
477, 491, 505, 508, 511, 512, 514
Tables of Cases xliii

De Lorenzo v. Italy (dec.), no. 69264/01, 12 Feb. 2004,

unreported ...................................................................................... 366, 367
De Megere v. Belgium.............................................................................47, 52
De Salvador Torres v. Spain, 24 Oct. 1996, Reports 1996-V,
1577, (1997) 23 EHRR 601 ................................................................... 203
De Wilde, Ooms and Versyp v. Belgium, 18 June 1971,
Series A no. 12, (1979–80) 1
EHRR 373............................................ 48, 124, 249, 414, 422, 440, 451,
465, 468, 469, 479, 482, 494, 497, 518, 538
Debbasch v. France, no. 49392/99, 3 Dec. 2002........................................ 143
Debboub alias Hussein Ali v. France, no. 37786/97,
9 Nov. 1999, (2001) 33 EHRR 54; (1999)
6 ÖIM-Newsletter 195 .................................................. 525, 526, 528, 530
Dede and others v. Turkey, no. 32981/96, 7 May 2002 ............................ 146
Del Federico v. Italy, no. 35991/97, 4 July 2002 ....................................... 146
Delbec v. France.......................................................................................... 493
Delcourt v. Belgium, 17 Jan. 1970, Series A no. 11, (1979-80)
1 EHRR 355 ................. 58, 63, 82, 83, 98, 99, 257, 329, 363, 460, 495
Delta v. France, 19 Dec. 1990, Series A no. 191-A,
(1993) 16 EHRR 574; (1992)
9 Rev. trim. dr. h. 47 ....................87, 165, 296, 297, 301, 305, 314, 315
Demicoli v. Malta, 27 Aug. 1991, Series A no. 210, (1992) 14
EHRR 47; 1991 EuGRZ 475; (1991) 12/8-9 HRLJ 306;
(1991) 1 ÖIM-Newsletter 12 ................................. 18, 26, 47, 48, 53, 165
Demir and others v. Turkey, 23 Sept. 1998, Reports 1998-VI,
2640, (2001) 33 EHRR 43 .................................................... 506, 513, 516
Demir v. Austria, no. 35437/97, 5 Nov. 2002 .................................. 182, 183
Demir v. Turkey, no. 244990/94, 10 July 2001......................................... 506
Demirel v. Turkey, no. 3924/98, 28 Nov. 2003........................ 519, 524, 531
Deperrois v. France (dec.), no. 48203/99,
22 June 2000, unreported .............................................................. 366, 367
Deweer v. Belgium, 27 Feb. 1980, Series A no. 35,
(1979-80) 2 EHRR 439; 1980 EuGRZ 667 .................... 32, 76, 114, 126,
138, 163, 165, 256, 388
Diamantides v. Greece, no. 60821/00, 23 Oct. 2003 ................................. 139
Didier v. France (dec.), no. 58188/00,
ECHR 2000-VII, 433 ............................................................ 365, 366, 368
Diennet v. France, 26 Sept. 1995, Series A 325-A, (1996) 21 EHRR
554; (1995) 5 ÖIM-Newsletter 190 ........................75, 120, 130, 131, 368
Dikme v. Turkey, no. 20869/92, ECHR
2000-VIII, 223 .............................................................. 457, 461, 505, 513
Dinleten v. Turkey, no. 29699/96, 7 Feb. 2002......................................... 146
Djaid v. France, no. 38687/97, 29 Sept. 1999............................................ 146
xliv Tables of Cases

Djavit An v. Turkey, no. 20652/92, ECHR 2003-III, 231........................... 83

Dobbertin v. France, 25 Feb. 1993, Series A no. 256-D,
(1993) 16 EHRR 558; (1993) 2 ÖIM-Newsletter 20 ............ 143, 144, 145
Dombo Beheer v. Netherlands, 27 Oct. 1993,
Series A no. 274, (1994) 18 EHRR 213; (1993)
6 ÖIM-Newsletter 22 ............................................................ 42, 85, 96, 97
Domenichini v. Italy, 15 Nov. 1996, Reports 1996-V,
2195, (2001) 32 EHRR 4 ............................................. 143, 209, 210, 545
Donnelly v. United Kingdom (dec.), no. 43694/89, 12 Dec. 1989,
unreported ...................................................................................... 221, 229
Donsimoni v. France, no. 36754/97, 5 Oct. 1999 ..................................... 141
Doorson v. Netherlands, 26 Mar. 1996, Reports 1996-II,
446, (1996) 22 EHRR 330; (1996)
3 ÖIM-Newsletter 82 .................................... 87, 294, 297, 303, 313, 314,
316, 317, 318, 323
Döry v. Sweden, no. 28394/95, 12 Nov. 2002........................................... 125
Douiyeb v. Netherlands, no. 31464/96, 4 Aug. 1999, (2000)
30 EHRR 790 ........................................................................ 427, 465, 480
Dowsett v. United Kingdom, no. 39482/98, 24 June 2003,
ECHR 2003-VII, 259, (2004) 38 EHRR 41 ......................................92, 93
Drozd and Janousek v. France and Spain,
26 June 1992, Series A no. 240, (1992)
14 EHRR 745; (1994) 17 Rev. trim. dr. h. 87;
(1991) 4 ÖIM-Newsletter 14 ............................... 420, 432, 438, 439, 470
Duclos v. France, 17 Dec. 1996, Reports 1996-VI, 2163, (2001)
32 EHRR 5 ............................................................................................. 134
Dudgeon v. United Kingdom, 22 Oct. 1981, Series A no. 45, (1982)
4 EHRR 149; 1983 EuGRZ 488; (1981) 2/3-4 HRLJ 362.................... 538
Duinhof and Duijf v. Netherlands, 22 May 1984, Series A
no. 79, (1991) 13 EHRR 478 ................................................ 508, 512, 514
Dulaurans v. France, no. 34553/97, 21 Mar. 2000, (2001) 33
EHRR 45.......................................................................................... 89, 106
Duriez-Costes v. France, no. 50638/99, 7 Oct. 2003 .............................90, 92

E v. Norway, 29 Aug. 1990, Series A no. 181-A, (1994) 17

EHRR 30................................................................................ 471, 475, 476
EL, RL and JO-L v. Switzerland, 29 Aug. 1997, Reports 1997-V,
1509, (1997) 5 ÖIM-Newsletter 220 ....................................... 16, 171, 190
Easterbrook v. United Kingdom, no. 48015/99, 12 June
2003, (2003) 37 EHRR 40 ..................................................................... 473
Eckle v. Germany, 15 July 1982, Series A no. 51, (1983)
5 EHRR 1; 1983 EuGRZ 371;
(1982) 3/1-4 HRLJ 303 ............................................... 134, 138, 140, 142,
143, 144, 145, 147, 148
Tables of Cases xlv

Edwards and Lewis v. United Kingdom, nos. 39647/98 and

40461/98, 22 July 2003 ...................................................................97, 113
Edwards v. United Kingdom, 16 Feb. 1992, Series A no.
247-B, (1993) 15 EHRR 417.................................... 92, 93, 225, 226, 304
Egmez v. Cyprus, no. 30873/96, ECHR 2000-XII, 315, (2002)
34 EHRR 29 ................................................................. 432, 461, 491, 506
Ekbatani v. Sweden, 26 May 1988, Series A no. 134, (1991)
13 EHRR 504 ....................................... 98, 120, 131, 252, 257, 258, 495
Elci and others v. Turkey, nos. 23145/93 and 25091/94,
13 Nov. 2003 .......................................................................................... 558
Emmanuello v. Italy (dec.), no. 35791/97,
31 Aug. 1999, unreported .............................................................. 367, 371
Engel and others v. Netherlands, 8 June 1976,
Series A no. 22, (1979-80) 1
EHRR 647; 1976 EuGRZ 221 ......................... 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 22, 28,
31, 32, 34, 76, 97, 121, 172, 266, 267, 292,
309, 324, 325, 409, 413, 415, 418, 436, 439, 444
Englert v. Germany, 25 Aug. 1987, Series A no. 123, (1991)
13 EHRR 392; 1987 EuGRZ 405 ................................ 182, 185, 186, 187
Erdagöz v. Turkey, 22 Oct. 1997, Reports 1997-VI, 2300, (2001)
32 EHRR 19 .......................................................................... 425, 428, 434
Erdem v. Germany (dec.), no. 35791/97,
15 Feb. 2000, unreported............................................................... 180, 220
Erdem v. Germany, no. 38321/97, ECHR 2001-VII, 15, 2001
EuGRZ 391; (2001) 4 ÖIM-Newsletter 144 ......................... 210, 522, 531
Eriksen v. Norway, 27 May 1997, Reports 1997-III, 839, (2000) 29
EHRR 328; (1997) 4 ÖIM-Newsletter 176 ........................... 517, 529, 530
Ernst and others v. Belgium, no. 33400/96, 15 July 2003 ......90, 97, 99, 120
Escoubet v. Belgium, no. 26780/95, ECHR 1999-VII, 37, (2001)
31 EHRR 46; (1999) 6 ÖIM-Newsletter 188...................................35, 387
Ettl and others v. Austria, 23 Apr. 1987, Series A no. 117..................... 55, 59
Ezeh and Connors v. United Kingdom [GC], nos. 39665/98
and 40086/98, 9 Oct. 2003, (2004) 39 EHRR 1; (2003) 5
ÖIM-Newsletter 260 .......................................... 15, 16, 18, 23, 26, 27, 28
Ezelin v. France, 26 Apr. 1991, Series A no. 202, (1992) 14
EHRR 362; (1991) 12/5 HRLJ 185 ....................................................... 410

FCB v. Italy, 28 Aug. 1991, Series A no. 208-B, (1992) 14

EHRR 909; 1992 EuGRZ 539; (1991) 12/10 HRLJ 369;
(1991) 1 ÖIM-Newsletter 14 ......................................................... 252, 255
FR v. Switzerland, no. 37292/97, 28 June 2001........................................... 97
Falcone v. Italy, no. 37263/97, 4 July 2002 ............................................... 146
Farmakopoulos v. Belgium (struck out), 27 Mar. 1992, Series A
no. 235-A, (1993) 16 EHRR 187; 1993 EuGRZ 121............................ 491
xlvi Tables of Cases

Fejde v. Sweden, 29 Oct. 1991, Series A no. 212-C,

(1994) 17 EHRR 14; 1991 EuGRZ 420;
(1991) 12/10 HRLJ 368................................................ 120, 257, 258, 495
Feldmann v. France (dec.), no. 53426/99, 13 Sep. 2001,
unreported ............................................................................................... 367
Ferrantelli and Santangelo v. Italy, 7 Aug. 1996,
Reports 1996-III, 937, (1997) 23 EHRR 288;
(1996) 6 ÖIM-Newsletter 131 ................................65, 296, 297, 302, 315
Fey v. Austria, 24 Feb. 1993, Series A no. 255-A, (1993) 16
EHRR 387; (1993) 2 ÖIM-Newsletter 19 ..........................................70, 71
Filiz and Kalkan v. Turkey, no. 34481/97, 20 June 2002 ................. 513, 515
Findlay v. United Kingdom, 25 Feb. 1997, Reports 1997-I,
263, (1997) 24 EHRR 211; (1997)
2 ÖIM-Newsletter 52 ............................................................ 47, 50, 54, 67
Fischer v. Austria, 26 Apr. 1995, Series A no. 312, (1995)
20 EHRR 349; (1995) 2 ÖIM-Newsletter 87......................................... 129
Fitt v. United Kingdom, no. 29777/96, ECHR 2000-II, 367,
(2000) 30 EHRR 480 ....................................................... 90, 92, 201, 222
Fontaine and Bertin v. France, no. 38410/97 and 40373/98,
8 July 2003..................................................................................... 100, 102
Forcellini v. San Marino, no. 34657/97, 15 July 2003 ...................... 121, 131
Fortum Oil and Gas OY v. Finland (dec.), no. 32559/96,
12 Nov. 2002, unreported...................................................... 364, 365, 366
Foti and others v. Italy, 10 Dec. 1982, Series A no. 56,
(1983) 5 EHRR 313; 1985 EuGRZ 578;
(1982) 3/1-4 HRLJ 335 ......................................................... 139, 142, 148
Foucher v. France, 18 Mar. 1997, Reports 1997-II, 452,
(1998) 25 EHRR 234 ....................................... 90, 91, 97, 209, 212, 215,
222, 223, 230, 260, 261, 265
Fox, Campbell and Hartley v. United Kingdom,
30 Aug. 1990, Series A no. 182,
(1991) 13 EHRR 157 ................................. 417, 422, 424, 445, 456, 457,
458, 459, 460, 461, 478, 496, 497
Franquesa Freixas v. Spain (dec.), no. 53590,
ECHR 2000-XI, 537...................................................................... 246, 276
Franz Fischer v. Austria (dec.), no. 27569/02,
ECHR 2003-VI, 385...................................... 36, 383, 394, 395, 396, 399
Franz Fischer v. Austria, no. 37950/97, 29 May 2001,
(2001) 3 ÖIM-Newsletter 112 ................................................................ 367
Fredin v. Sweden (No. 1), 18 Feb. 1991, Series A no. 192, (1991)
13 EHRR 784; (1991) 12/3 HRLJ 93 ...................................................... 95
Fretté v. France, no. 36515/97, ECHR 2002-I, 345, (2004)
38 EHRR 21 .................................................................................... 97, 102
Tables of Cases xlvii

Frydlender v. France [GC], no. 30979/96, ECHR 2000-VII, 173,

(2001) 31 EHRR 52 ............................................................................... 142
Funke v. France, 25 Feb. 1993, Series A no. 256-A, (1993)
16 EHRR 297 ...................................................... 165, 343, 349, 558, 559

GB v. France, no. 44069/98, ECHR 2001-X, 25, (2002)

35 EHRR 36 ...................................................... 85, 97, 99, 209, 220, 492
GK v. Poland, no. 38816/97,
20 Jan. 2004 ........................................ 140, 142, 144, 483, 484, 531, 545
GK v. United Kingdom, 15 Jun. 2004, no. 34155/96 ................................. 68
Garcia Alva v. Germany, no. 23541/94, 13 Feb. 2001,
(2003) 37 EHRR 12 ................................... 106, 107, 232, 479, 483, 484,
485, 486
Garcia Ruiz v. Spain, no. 30544/96, ECHR 1999-I, 87, (2001)
31 EHRR 22; 1999 EuGRZ 10 ..................................................... 109, 110
Garyfallou AEBE v. Greece, 24 Sept. 1997, Reports 1997-V,
1821, (1999) 28 EHRR 344 ............................................. 24, 26, 134, 139
Gaskin v. United Kingdom, 7 July 1989, Series A no. 160,
(1990) 12 EHRR 36 ............................................................................... 123
Gast and Popp v. Germany, no. 29357/95, ECHR 2000-II, 467,
(2001) 33 EHRR 37 ........................................................................ 32, 141
Gaucher v. France, no. 51406/99, 9 Oct. 2003 ............................................ 92
Gautrin and others v. France, 20 May 1998, Reports 1998-III,
1009, (1999) 28 EHRR 196 ........................................................ 29, 61, 78
Gea Catalán v. Spain, 10 Feb. 1995, Series A no. 309, (1995)
20 EHRR 266 ................................................................................ 195, 203
Gelli v. Italy, no. 37752/97, 19 Oct. 1999 ................................................. 143
Georgiades v. Cyprus, no. 50516/99, 14 May 2002 ................................... 146
Georgiades v. Greece, 29 May 1997, Reports 1997-III,
949, (1997) 4 ÖIM-Newsletter 178 ........................................................ 104
Georgiou v. Greece (dec.), no. 45138/98, 13 Jan. 2000, unreported.......... 374
Gerger v. Turkey, no. 24919/94, 8 July 1999...................................... 50, 442
Giannangeli v. Italy, no. 41094/98, 5 July 2001......................................... 148
Gil Leal Pereira v. Portugal, no. 48956/99, 31 Oct. 2002.......................... 146
Girdauskas v. Lithuania, no. 70661/01, 11 Dec. 2003 ............................... 146
Girolami v. Italy, 19 Feb. 1991, Series A no. 196-E................................... 143
Giulia Manzoni v. Italy, 1 July 1997, Reports 1997-IV, 1184 .......... 414, 434
Göç v. Turkey [GC], no. 36590/97, ECHR 2002-V, 133 ..... 90, 91, 92, 121
Goddi v. Italy, 9 Apr. 1984, Series A no. 76,
(1984) 6 EHRR 457; 1985 EuGRZ 234; (1984)
5/2-4 HRLJ 311 .................................... 87, 218, 231, 255, 266, 270, 286
Goedhart v. Belgium, no. 34989/97, 20 Mar. 2001 ................................... 255
Gökceli v. Turkey, nos. 27215/95 and 36194/97, 4 Mar. 2003........ 163, 179
xlviii Tables of Cases

Göktan v. France, no. 33402/96, ECHR 2002-V, 127, (2003)

37 EHRR 11 ................................................................. 381, 383, 387, 397
Golder v. United Kingdom, 21 Feb. 1975, Series A no. 18,
(1979-80) 1 EHRR 524; 1975 EuGRZ 1991 .......................... 84, 129, 281
Gombert and Gochgarian v. France, nos. 39779/98 and
39781/98, 13 Feb. 2001......................................................... 522, 528, 531
Gonzàlez Doria Duràn de Quiroga v. Spain, no. 59072/00,
28 Oct. 2003 .................................................................................... 47, 145
Goodwin v. United Kingdom, 27 Mar. 1996, Reports 1996-II,
483, (1996) 22 EHRR 123; (1996) 27 Rev. trim. dr. h. 433;
(1996) 17/3-6 HRLJ 111; (1996) 3 ÖIM-Newsletter 83........................ 558
Gordon v. United Kingdom, no. 10213/82 ................................................ 449
Gradinger v. Austria, 23 Oct. 1995, Series A no. 328-C, (1995)
5 ÖIM-Newsletter 195 .................................. 19, 383, 389, 391, 392, 394,
395, 396, 397, 398
Granger v. United Kingdom, 28 Mar. 1990,
Series A no. 174, (1990) 12 EHRR 469; (1991)
7 Rev. trim. dr. h. 369 ...........................................................247, 273, 275
Grauslys v. Lithuania, no. 36743/97, 10 Oct. 2000,
(2002) 34 EHRR 46 .................................... 146, 430, 475, 488, 489, 512
Grauzinis v. Lithuania, no. 37975/97, 10 Oct. 2000, (2002)
35 EHRR 7 ................................................................... 483, 489, 494, 512
Grava v. Italy, no. 43522/98, 10 July 2003 ................................................ 443
Guala v. France (dec.), no. 64117/00, 18 Mar. 2003,
unreported ...................................................................................... 366, 367
Gregory v. United Kingdom .................................................................. 64, 65
Grieves v. United Kingdom........................................................................... 68
Grisez v. Belgium, 26 Sep. 2002 ................................................................. 531
Guérin v. France, 29 July 1998, Reports 1998-V, 1857 ............................. 256
Guerra and others v. Italy, 19 Feb. 1998, Reports 1998-I, 210,
(1998) 26 EHRR 357; 1999 EuGRZ 188; (1998) 19/8-12
HRLJ 351; (1998) 2 ÖIM-Newsletter 59 ............................................... 123
Guisset v. France, no. 33933/96, ECHR 2000-IX, 501,
(2002) 34 EHRR 47 ...................................................................... 120, 131
Gunay and others v. Turkey, no. 31850/96, 27 Sept. 2001 ....................... 513
Gündogan v. Turkey, no. 31877/96, 10 Oct. 2002, (2003)
37 EHRR 23 .......................................................................... 466, 513, 515
Gusinskiy v. Russia, no. 70276/01, 19 May 2004 ............................. 424, 425
Guzzardi v. Italy, 6 Nov. 1980, Series A no. 39,
(1981) 3 EHRR 333; 1983 EuGRZ 633 ............ 400, 412, 413, 414, 426,
427, 428, 436, 444, 447, 451

H v. Belgium, 30 Nov. 1987, Series A no. 127-B, (1988)

10 EHRR 339 ................................................................... 47, 52, 104, 125
Tables of Cases xlix

H v. France, 24 Oct. 1989, Series A no. 162-A, (1990) 12

EHRR 74; (1990) 2 Rev. trim. dr. h. 147 ................................................ 87
HB v. Switzerland, no. 26899/95,
5 Apr. 2001 .......................................................... 392, 457, 461, 480, 509
Hadjianastassiou v. Greece, 16 Dec. 1992, Series A no. 252,
(1993) 16 EHRR 219; 1993 EuGRZ 70; (1993) 1
ÖIM-Newsletter 18 ............................................... 88, 103, 108, 209, 210,
219, 220, 236
Håkansson and Sturesson v. Sweden, 21 Feb. 1990, Series A
no. 171-A, (1991) 13 EHRR 1; 1992 EuGRZ 5 .................................... 125
Halford v. United Kingdom, 25 June, 1997, Reports 1997-III,
1004, (1997) 24 EHRR 523 ................................ 542, 546, 547, 549, 550
Hamanov v. Bulgaria, no. 44062/98, 8 Apr. 2004 ............................ 447, 531
Hamer v. France, 7 Aug. 1996, Reports 1996-III, 1029, (1997)
23 EHRR 1 ............................................................................................... 39
Hammern v. Norway, no. 30287/96, 11 Feb. 2003 ........... 32, 182, 183, 191
Handyside v. United Kingdom, 7 Dec. 1976, Series A
no. 24, (1979-80) 1 EHRR 737; 1977 EuGRZ 38 ....................... 561, 580
Hangl v. Austria (dec.), no. 38716/97, 20 Mar. 2001, unreported............. 387
Hannak v. Austria (dec.), no. 70883/01, 9 July 2002, unreported ............. 367
Harper v. United Kingdom (dec.), no. 33222/96,
14 Sept. 1999, unreported....................................................................... 285
Haser v. Switzerland (dec.), no. 33050/96, 27 Apr. 2000,
unreported ...................................................................................... 366, 367
Hauschildt v. Denmark, 24 May 1989,
Series A no. 154, (1990) 12 EHRR 266; 1993
EuGRZ 122........................................... 62, 63, 64, 74, 75, 229, 509, 519
Heaney and McGuinness v. Ireland, no. 34720/97,
ECHR 2000-XII, (2001) 33 EHRR 12..................................166, 347, 359
Helle v. Finland, 19 Dec. 1997, Reports 1997-VIII,
2911, (1998) 26 EHRR 159 .................................. 88, 106, 107, 108, 110
Helmers v. Sweden, 29 Oct. 1991, Series A no. 212-A, (1993)
15 EHRR 285; 1991 EuGRZ 415; (1992) 11 Rev. trim. dr. h.
389; (1991) 12/10 HRLJ 359 ........................................................ 120, 257
Hennig v. Austria, no. 41444/98, 2 Oct.
2003, unreported ............................................................. 18, 134, 147, 204
Hentrich v. France, 22 Sept. 1994, Series A no. 296-A, (1994)
18 EHRR 440; 1996 EuGRZ 593; (1996) 25 Rev. trim.
dr. h. 91; (1994) 15/8-10 HRLJ 317 ............................................... 97, 165
Herczegfalvy v. Austria, 24 Sept. 1992, Series A no. 244,
(1993) 15 EHRR 437; 1992 EuGRZ 535; (1993)
15 Rev. trim. dr. h. 431; (1993) 14/3–4 HRLJ 84;
(1992) 6 ÖIM-Newsletter 25 .............................. 437, 450, 467, 468, 470,
489, 491, 492, 493, 529, 530, 544
l Tables of Cases

Herz v. Germany, no. 44672/98, 12 June 2003 ....................... 467, 468, 470,
491, 492
Higgins and others v. France, 19 Feb. 1998, Reports 1998-I, 44,
(1999) 27 EHRR 703; (1998)
36 Rev. trim. dr. h. 835 .................................................. 78, 106, 107, 109
Hilden v. Finland (dec.), no. 32523/96, 14 Sept. 1999, unreported .......... 220
Hill v. United Kingdom, no. 19365/02, 27 Apr. 2004 .............................. 474
Hiro Balani v. Spain, 9 Dec. 1994, Series A no. 303-B,
(1995) 19 EHRR 566 ............................................................ 106, 107, 109
Hirst v. United Kingdom, no. 40787/98, 24 July 2001 ............ 473, 489, 490
Holm v. Sweden, 25 Nov. 1993, Series A no. 279-A,
(1994) 18 EHRR 79 ................................................................................. 78
Hood v. United Kingdom, no. 27267/95, ECHR 1999-I,
465, (2000) 29 EHRR 365; 1990 EuGRZ 117; (1999)
2 ÖIM-Newsletter 52 ..................................................................... 500, 508
Hozee v. Netherlands, 22 May 1998,
Reports 1998-III, 1091.................................................... 18, 139, 144, 148
Hristov v. Bulgaria, no. 35436/97, 31 July 2003........................................ 477
Huber v. Switzerland, 23 Oct. 1990, Series A no. 188, 1990
EuGRZ 502.............................................................48, 323, 473, 509, 510
Hubner v. Austria (dec.), no. 34311/96, 31 Aug. 1999,
unreported .............................................................................. 363, 366, 367
Hulki Günes v. Turkey, no. 28490/95, 19 June 2003,
Reports 2003-VII, 187 ................................. 296, 297, 305, 308, 310, 315
Humen v. Poland [GC], no. 26614/95, 15 Oct. 1999, (2001)
31 EHRR 53 ........................................................................................... 142
Hussain v. United Kingdom, 21 Feb. 1996, Reports 1996-I, 252, (1996)
22 EHRR 1; (1996) 3 ÖIM-Newsletter 81................... 376, 441, 474, 481
Hutchison Reid v. United Kingdom, no. 50272/99,
20 Feb. 2003, ECHR 2003-IV, 1, (2003)
37 EHRR 9 .................................................. 413, 479, 488, 489, 493, 494
Huvig v. France, 24 Apr. 1990, Series A no. 176-B, (1990)
12 EHRR 528 ...............................46, 410, 441, 538, 539, 542, 549, 550

IA v. France, 23 Sept. 1998, Reports 1998-VII, 2951, (1998)

5 ÖIM-Newsletter 192 ......................................... 141, 142, 526, 527, 530
IJL, GMR, and AKP v. United Kingdom,
nos. 29522/95, 30056/96 and 30574/96,
ECHR 2000-IX, (2001) 33 EHRR 11................. 85, 90, 92, 93, 139, 165
IH, MeH, RH and MuH v. Austria, no. 42780/98, 23 Oct. 2001,
unreported ............................................................................................... 367
Icolaro v. Italy, no. 45260/99, 26 Apr. 2001 .............................................. 143
Igdeli v. Turkey, no. 29296/95, 20 June 2002 .......................... 466, 513, 515
Tables of Cases li

Ikanga v. France, no. 32675/96, 2 Aug. 2000 ............................................ 143

Ikonomitsios v. Greece, no. 43615/98, 19 Oct. 2000................................. 147
Ilascu v. Moldova and Russia, no. 48787/99, 8 July 2004 ......................... 421
Ilijkov v. Bulgaria, no. 33977/96,
26 July 2001....................... 146, 475, 477, 485, 488, 494, 524, 525, 531
Ilowiecki v. Poland ............................................................................. 493, 531
Imbrioscia v. Switzerland, 24 Nov. 1993, Series A no. 275,
(1994) 17 EHRR 441 ......................................... 129, 234, 260, 267, 283,
288, 289, 307, 309, 486
Immeubles Groupe Kosser v. France, no. 38748/97, 21 Mar. 2002............. 97
Imre v. Hungary, no. 53129/99, 2 Feb. 2003............................................. 531
Incal v. Turkey, 9 June 1998, Reports 1998-IV, 1547, (2000)
29 EHRR 449; (1999) 20/1–3 HRLJ 12 ................ 47, 50, 52, 54, 56, 60,
62, 63, 66, 229
Ireland v. United Kingdom, 18 Jan. 1978, Series A no. 25,
(1979-80) 2 EHRR 25; 1979 EuGRZ 149 ...................... 11, 37, 263, 427,
428, 458, 465, 466, 475, 477, 504, 507, 510, 511
Iribarne Pérez v. France, 24 Oct. 1995, Series A no. 325-C,
(1996) 22 EHRR 153 .................................................................... 470, 471
Isgrò v. Italy, 19 Feb. 1991, Series A no. 194-A, (1991) 12/3
HRLJ 1000.......................................... 296, 301, 302, 305, 309, 310, 315
Iwanczuk v. Poland , no. 25196/94, 15 Nov. 2001, (2004)
38 EHRR 8; (2001) 6 ÖIM-Newsletter 244................. 140, 146, 532, 533

JB v. Switzerland, no. 31827/96, ECHR 2001-III, 435....................... 18, 347

JG v. Poland, No. 3658/97, 6 Apr. 2004 ................................................... 531
JJ v. Netherlands, 27 Mar. 1998, Reports 1998-II, 603, (1999)
28 EHRR 168; (1998) 2 ÖIM-Newsletter 75............. 90, 91, 92, 100, 139
Jabloński v. Poland, no. 33492/96, 21 Dec. 2000,
(2003) 36 EHRR 27; (2001)
1 ÖIM-Newsletter 17 .......................... 137, 144, 492, 516, 519, 523, 531
Jamil v. France, 8 June 1995, Series A no. 317-B, (1996) 21
EHRR 65; (1995) 4 ÖIM-Newsletter 157 .............................................. 387
Jan-Åke Andersson v. Sweden, 25 Feb. 1992, Series A 226-A,
(1993) 15 EHRR 218 ................................................... 120, 257, 258, 495
Janosevic v. Sweden, no. 34619/97, ECHR 2002-VII, 1, (2004)
38 EHRR 22 ...........................................................18, 157, 158, 170, 180
Jasper v. United Kingdom, no. 27052/95, 16 Feb. 2000,
(2000) 30 EHRR 441 ................................................... 85, 92, 93, 98, 222
Je v. Lithuania, no. 34578/97, ECHR 2000-IX, 235, (2002)
35 EHRR 16; (2000) 4 ÖIM-Newsletter 149....................... 414, 427, 429,
430, 475, 489, 494, 505, 512, 519,
524, 525, 527, 531
lii Tables of Cases

John Murray v. United Kingdom, 8 Feb. 1996, Reports 1996-I,

30, (1996) 22 EHRR 29; 1996 EuGRZ 587; (1996) 17/1-2
HRLJ 39; (1996) 2 ÖIM-Newsletter 40 ..... 281, 282, 283, 284, 345, 346,
347, 357–9, 515
Johnson v. United Kingdom, 24 Oct. 1997, Reports 1997-VII,
2391, (1999) 27 EHRR 296; (1997) 6 ÖIM-Newsletter 272........ 341, 488
Johnson v. United Kingdom (dec.), no. 48246, 29 Nov. 1999,
unreported ........................................................................................ 84, 488
Jón Kristinsson v. Iceland (fs), 1 Mar. 1990, Series A no. 171-B,
(1991) 13 EHRR 238 .................................................................. 69, 77, 80
Josef Fischer v. Austria, no. 33382/96, 17 Jan. 2002, (2002) 1
ÖIM-Newsletter 16 ................................................................................... 97
Josef Prinz v. Austria, no. 23867/94, 8 Feb. 2000, (2001) 31
EHRR 12; (2001) 1 ÖIM-Newsletter 28 ....................................... 257, 259

K v. Austria (struck out), 2 June 1993, Series A no. 255-B,

(1993) 4 ÖIM-Newsletter 25 ................................. 29, 125, 343, 349, 433
K-F v. Germany, 27 Nov. 1997, Reports 1997-VII, 2657, (1998)
26 EHRR 390; 1998 EuGRZ 129 ............... 423, 424, 425, 428, 433, 434
Kadem v. Malta, no. 55263/00, 9 Jan. 2003, (2003) 37
EHRR 18........................................................................................ 476, 493
Kadri v. France, no. 41715/98, 27 Mar. 2001............................................ 142
Kadubec v. Slovakia, 2 Sept. 1998, Reports 1998-VI, 2518,
(2001) 33 EHRR 41; (1998) 5 ÖIM-Newsletter 187 ........................ 19, 54
Kalashnikov v. Russia, no. 47095/99, ECHR 2002-VI, 93, (2003)
36 EHRR 34; (2002) 23/8-12 HRLJ 378............ 137, 146, 519, 524, 531
Kamasinski v. Austria, 19 Dec. 1989, Series A no. 168, (1991)
13 EHRR 36 .......................................... 90, 92, 200, 204, 205, 206, 230,
259, 260, 287, 310, 311, 328,
329, 336, 337, 338, 339
Kampanis v. Greece, 13 July 1995, Series A no. 318-B, (1996)
21 EHRR 43 .......................................................................... 478, 483, 489
Kangasluoma v. Finland, no. 48339/99,
20 Jan. 2004 ......................................................... 136, 139, 142, 144, 145
Karakasis v. Greece, no. 38194/97, 17 Oct. 2000, (2003)
36 EHRR 29 ........................................................................................... 104
Karataş v. Turkey, no. 23168/94, ECHR 1999-IV, 41.......................... 50, 60
Kawka v. Poland, no. 25874/94, 9 Jan. 2001, (2001)
1 ÖIM-Newsletter 21 .................................................... 414, 430, 483, 510
Kemmache v. France (Nos. 1 and 2), 27 Nov. 1991, Series A
no. 218, (1992) 14 EHRR 520; (1992) 13/1-2 HRLJ 42;
(1991) 2 ÖIM-Newsletter 15 ....................... 142, 144, 429, 435, 521, 526
Kemmache v. France (No. 3), 24 Nov. 1994, Series A no. 296-C,
(1995) 19 EHRR 349 ......................... 143, 144, 145, 421, 522, 527, 532
Tables of Cases liii

Kerr v. United Kingdom (dec.), no. 63356/00, 23 Sept. 2003,

unreported ................................................................................................. 22
Keus v. Netherlands, 25 Oct. 1990, Series A no. 185-C,
(1991) 13 EHRR 700 ................ 447, 460, 467, 476, 480, 483, 490, 497
Khalfaoui v. France, no. 34791/97, ECHR 1999-IX, (2001)
31 EHRR 42 ........................................................................................... 256
Khan v. United Kingdom, no. 35394/97, ECHR 2000-V, 275,
(2001) 31 EHRR 35; (2000) 21/4-7 HRLJ 241; (2000)
3 ÖIM-Newsletter 99 ................................ 86, 87, 88, 113, 325, 350, 549
Kingsley v. United Kingdom......................................................................... 66
Kitov v. Bulgaria, no. 37104/97, 3 Apr. 2003 ............................................ 142
Kitov v. Denmark (dec.), no. 29759/96, 16 Mar. 1999,
unreported ...................................................................................... 230, 231
Klamecki v. Poland, no. 25415/94, 28 Mar. 2002, (2004)
39 EHRR 7 .................................................. 485, 510, 519, 522, 523, 531
Klass and others v. Germany, 6 Sept. 1978, Series A no. 28,
(1979-80) 2 EHRR 214; 1979
EuGRZ 278........................ 239, 465, 540, 541, 542, 545, 547, 551, 552
Kleyn and others v. Netherlands [GC], nos. 39343/98, 39651/98,
43147/98, and 46664/99, 28 Mar. 2003, ECHR
2003-VI, 61, (2004) 38 EHRR 14............................................................ 76
Koç v. Turkey................................................................................................ 60
Koendjbiharie v. Netherlands, 25 Oct. 1990, Series A no. 28,
(1991) 13 EHRR 437 .................................. 422, 447, 465, 471, 490, 491
Kok v. Netherlands (dec.), no. 43149/98, ECHR 2000-VI, 599................ 313
Kolompar v. Belgium, 24 Sept. 1992, Series A no. 235-C, (1993)
16 EHRR 197; 1993 EuGRZ 118; (1992) 6 ÖIM-Newsletter 27 ......... 465
Komanicky v. Slovakia, no. 32106/96, 4 June 2002..................................... 97
König v. Germany, 28 June 1978, Series A no. 27, (1979-80)
2 EHRR 170; 1978 EuGRZ 406 ..................................................... 29, 134
König v. Slovakia, no. 39753/98, 20 Jan. 2004 ................................. 468, 471
Kopp v. Switzerland, 25 Mar. 1998, Reports 1998-II,
524, (1999) 27 EHRR 91; (1998)
2 ÖIM-Newsletter 73 ........................................... 538, 542, 546, 549, 550
Korellis v. Cyprus, no. 54528/00, 7 Jan. 2003 ............................................. 66
Koster v. Netherlands, 28 Nov. 1991, Series A no. 221, (1992)
14 EHRR 396; (1992) 13/1-2 HRLJ 46................................511, 512, 513
Kostovski v. Netherlands, 20 Nov. 1989, Series A no. 166, (1990)
12 EHRR 140 ............................ 296, 297, 300, 302, 303, 305, 317, 319
Kraska v. Switzerland, 19 Apr. 1993, Series A no. 254-B,
(1994) 18 EHRR 188; (1994) 18 Rev. trim. dr. h. 223;
(1993) 14/7-8 HRLJ 270; (1993) 3 ÖIM-Newsletter 23................. 83, 105
Krčmář and others v. Czech Republic, no. 35376/97,
3 Mar. 2000, (2001) 31 EHRR 41 ....................................... 32, 90, 97, 98
liv Tables of Cases

Kremzow v. Austria, 21 Sept. 1993, Series A no. 268-B, (1994)

17 EHRR 322; 1995 EuGRZ 537; (1993)
5 ÖIM-Newsletter 25 ...................................... 15, 98, 127, 162, 223, 230,
257, 258, 259, 260, 261
Kreps v. Poland, no. 34097/96, 26 July 2001............................ 519, 529, 531
Kress v. France, no. 39594/98, ECHR 2001-VI, 41, (2002)
49 Rev. trim. dr. h. 223; (2001) 22/1–4 HRLJ 103;
(2001) 3 ÖIM-Newsletter 115 ......................................................... 97, 100
Kreuz v. Poland, no. 28249/95, ECHR 2001-VI, 127, (2001)
3 ÖIM-Newsletter 119 ............................................................................ 272
Krombach v. France, no. 29731/96, ECHR 2001-II, 35, (2001)
2 ÖIM-Newsletter 51 .................................................... 255, 366, 367, 368
Kruslin v. France, 24 Apr. 1990, Series A no. 176-A, (1990)
12 EHRR 547; (1990) 11/1-2 HRLJ 156...................... 46, 410, 441, 538,
539, 542, 546, 549, 550
Kudła v. Poland [GC], no. 30210/96, ECHR 2000-XI, 197, (2002) 35
EHRR 11; (2002) 49 Rev. trim. dr. h. 169; (2000) 21/9-12
HRLJ 451; (2000) 6 ÖIM-Newsletter 219 .......... 363, 519, 520, 523, 531
Kuibishev v. Bulgaria (dec.), no. 39271/98, 18 Jan. 2001, unreported....... 204
Kuopila v. Finland, no. 27752/95, 27 Apr. 2000, (2001) 33
EHRR 25............................................................................... 90, 91, 97, 99
Kurt v. Turkey, 25 May 1998, Reports 1998-III, 1152,
(1999) 27 EHRR 373 ............................................................ 504, 505, 544
Kwiatkowska v. Italy (dec.), no. 52868/99, 30 Nov. 2000,
unreported ............................................................................................... 367
Kyprianou v. Cyprus, no. 73797/01, 27 Jan. 2004...................... 66, 163, 167

LR v. France ................................................................................................ 493

Labita v. Italy, no. 26772/95, ECHR 2000-IV, 99, (2001) 45 Rev.
trim. dr. h. 117............................................. 424, 433, 519, 524, 525, 530
Lagerblom v. Sweden, no. 26891/95, 14 Jan. 2003 ........................... 265, 338
Laidin v. France........................................................................................... 493
Lakatos v. Hungary ..................................................................................... 194
Lala v. Netherlands, 22 Sept. 1994, Series A no. 297-A, (1994)
18 EHRR 586; (1994) 15/8-10 HRLJ 342.................................... 255, 256
Lamanna v. Austria, no. 28923/95, 10 July 2001, (2001)
4 ÖIM-Newsletter 147 ......................................... 120, 124, 132, 182, 183
Lambert v. France, 24 Aug. 1998, Reports 1998-V, 2230, (2000)
30 EHRR 346 ............................................................... 540, 542, 550, 551
Lamy v. Belgium, 30 Mar. 1989, Series A no. 151, (1989) 11
EHRR 529........................................... 223, 232, 233, 460, 480, 483, 485
Langborger v. Sweden, 22 June 1989, Series A no. 155,
(1990) 12 EHRR 416 ............................................................................... 78
Tables of Cases lv

Lanz v. Austria, no. 24430/94, 31 Jan. 2002, (2002) 1

ÖIM-Newsletter 19 ............ 90, 97, 98, 99, 100, 209, 210, 279, 480, 489
Laukkanen and Manninen v. Finland, no. 50230/99,
3 Feb. 2004 ............................................................................................... 90
Lauko v. Slovakia, 2 Sept. 1998, Reports 1998-VI, 2492, (2001)
33 EHRR 40; (1998) 5 ÖIM-Newsletter 186.............................. 19, 54, 59
Laumont v. France, no. 43626/98, ECHR 2001-XI, (2003) 36
EHRR 35................................................................................................. 430
Lavents v. Latvia, no. 58442/00, 28 Nov. 2002............... 137, 143, 144, 146,
164, 174, 175, 412, 413, 519, 524, 531
Lawless v. Ireland (No. 1), 14 Nov. 1960, Series A no. 1,
(1979-80) 1 EHRR 1 ............................................................. 427, 428, 507
Lawless v. Ireland (No. 2), 7 Apr. 1961, Series A no. 2,
(1979-80) 1 EHRR 13 ........................................................... 427, 428, 507
Lawless v. Ireland (No. 3), 1 July 1961, Series A no. 3,
(1979-80) 1 EHRR 15 ......................................... 400, 427, 428, 444, 507
Le Compte, Van Leuven and De Meyere v. Belgium, 23 June
1981, Series A no. 43, (1982) 4 EHRR 1; 1981 EuGRZ 551;
(1981) 2/3-4 HRLJ 349 ..................29, 47, 48, 52, 55, 64, 125, 131, 256
Le Petit v. United Kingdom.......................................................................... 68
Leander v. Sweden, 26 Mar. 1987, Series A no. 116, (1987) 9
EHRR 433..................................................................... 123, 553, 554, 555
Ledonne v. Italy (No. 1), no. 35742/97, 12 May 1999 .............................. 143
Ledonne v. Italy (No. 2), no. 38414/97, 12 May 1999 ..................... 143, 148
Lee v. United Kingdom (dec.), no. 53429/99, 26 May 2000,
unreported ................................................................................................. 15
Letellier v. France, 26 June 1991, Series A no. 207, (1992) 14
EHRR 83; (1991) 12/8-9 HRLJ 302 .................. 489, 492, 494, 495, 521,
522, 524, 525, 527, 528, 530
Leutscher v. Netherlands, 26 Mar. 1996, Reports 1996-II,
427, (1997) 24 EHRR 181 ........................................... 182, 185, 186, 187
Lewis v. United Kingdom, no. 1303/02, 25 Nov. 2003, (2004) 39
EHRR 9................................................................................................... 549
Lietzow v. Germany, no. 24479/94,
ECHR 2001-I, 353 ....................................................... 232, 479, 485, 486
Lilly v. France, no. 53892/00, 14 Oct. 2003 .............................................. 102
Lino Carlos Varela Assalino v. Portugal (dec.),
no. 64336/01, 25 Apr. 2002, unreported................................................ 129
Lisiak v. Poland, no. 37443/97, 5 Nov. 2002............................................. 146
Lithgow and others v. United Kingdom........................................................ 54
Lobo Machado v. Portugal, 20 Feb. 1996, Reports 1996-I, 195,
(1996) 2 ÖIM-Newsletter 42 ..................................................... 91, 92, 100
Loewenguth v. France (dec.), no. 53183/99,
ECHR 2000-VI, 565...................................................................... 366, 367
lvi Tables of Cases

López Ostra v. Spain, 9 Dec. 1994, Series A no. 303-C, (1995)

20 EHRR 277; 1995 EuGRZ 530; (1994) 15/11–12 HRLJ 444;
(1995) 1 ÖIM-Newsletter 25 .................................................................. 123
Luberti v. Italy, 23 Feb. 1984, Series A no. 75,
(1984) 6 EHRR 440; 1985 EuGRZ 642;
(1985) 6/2-4 HRLJ 242 ............................................... 421, 422, 437, 448,
449, 450, 465, 467, 471, 489, 491, 494, 495
Lucà v. Italy, no. 33354/96, ECHR 2001-II, 167, (2001)
2 ÖIM-Newsletter 55 ..................294, 297, 301, 302, 305, 306, 308, 315
Lüdi v. Switzerland, 15 June 1992, Series A no. 238,
(1993) 15 EHRR 173; 1992 EuGRZ 300; (1993)
14 Rev. trim. dr. h. 309; (1992) 13/11–12 HRLJ 437;
(1992) 5 ÖIM-Newsletter 17 ....................... 112, 301, 305, 316, 533, 556
Luedicke, Belkacem and Koç v. Germany, 28 Nov. 1978,
Series A no. 29, (1979-80) 2 EHRR 149;
1979 EuGRZ 34 ................................... 87, 329, 331, 336, 337, 338, 461
Lukanov v. Bulgaria, 20 Mar. 1997, Reports 1997-II, 529,
(1997) 2 ÖIM-Newsletter 56 .................................................................. 426
Luksch v. Austria, no. 37075/97, 21 Nov. 2000, unreported ..................... 362
Lundevall v. Sweden, no. 38629/97, 12 Nov. 2002.................................... 126
Lutz v. Germany, 25 Aug. 1987, Series A no. 123,
(1988) 10 EHRR 182; 1987 EuGRZ 399 ....................... 19, 28, 161, 182,
185, 186, 187, 198, 479

M. B. v. Poland, no. 34091/96, 27 Apr. 2004 .......................... 483, 484, 492

McCann and others v. United Kingdom, 27 Sept. 1995,
Series A no. 324, (1996) 21 EHRR 97; (1996) 26 Rev. trim.
dr. h. 229; (1995) 16/7-9 HRLJ 260; (1995)
6 ÖIM-Newsletter 219 ............................................................................ 505
MacGee v. France, no. 46802/99, 7 Jan. 2003 ........................................... 102
McGoff v. Sweden, 26 Oct. 1984, Series A no. 83, (1986) 8
EHRR 246; 1985 EuGRZ 671 ...................................................... 506, 513
McGonnell v. United Kingdom, no. 28488/95, ECHR 2000-II, 107,
(2000) 30 EHRR 289 .................................................................. 50, 54, 76
McMichael v. United Kingdom, 24 Feb. 1995, Series A
no. 307-B, (1995) 20 EHRR 205 ............................................................. 88
Magee v. United Kingdom, no. 28135/95, ECHR 2000-VI, 159, (2001)
31 EHRR 35 ........................................................................................... 284
Magelhães Pereira v. Portugal, no. 44872/98, ECHR 2002-I, 251, (2003)
36 EHRR 49 .................................................................................. 487, 493
Maini v. France, no. 31801/96, 26 Oct. 1999.............................................. 39
Majarič v. Slovenia, no. 28400/95, 8 Feb. 2000 ......................................... 140
Malhous v. Czech Republic, no. 33071/96, 12 July 2001 ................... 59, 125
Tables of Cases lvii

Malige v. France, 23 Sept. 1998, Reports 1998-VII, 2922,

(1999) 28 EHRR 578 .........................................................................25, 33
Malone v. United Kingdom, 2 Aug. 1984, Series A no. 82,
(1985) 7 EHRR 14; 1985 EuGRZ 17;
(1984) 5/2-4 HRLJ 319 .............................. 410, 538, 539, 542, 546, 547,
549, 550, 554
Mamaç and others v. Turkey, nos. 29486/95, 29487/95,
and 29853/96, 20 Apr. 2004.................................................. 285, 467, 479
Mamatkulov and Abdurasulovic v. Turkey, nos. 46827/99 and
46951/99, 6 Feb. 2003, 2003 EuGRZ 704; (2003) 3
ÖIM-Newsletter 133 ................................................................................. 36
Manasson v. Sweden (dec.), no. 41265/98,
8 Apr. 2003, unreported......................................................... 383, 394, 397
Mancini v. Italy, no. 44955/98, ECHR 2001-IX, 109 .............. 415, 418, 434
Mangascia v. Italy, no. 41206/98, 1 Mar. 2001.......................................... 142
Manitu Giama v. Belgium........................................................................... 355
Mansur v. Turkey, 8 June 1995, Series A no. 319-B, (1995) 20
EHRR 535..................................................................... 147, 524, 527, 530
Mariani v. France (dec.), no. 43640/98,
11 Dec. 2003, unreported .............................................................. 366, 367
Martins and Garcı́a Alves v. Portugal, no. 37528/97, 16 Nov. 2000.......... 139
Marziano v. Italy, no. 45313/99, 28 Nov. 2002 ....................... 163, 164, 178,
182, 185, 186, 188
Masson and Van Zon v. Netherlands, 28 Sept. 1995,
Series A no. 327-A, (1996) 22 EHRR 491;
(1995) 5 ÖIM-Newsletter 194 ................................................................ 186
Mattoccia v. Italy, no. 23969/94, ECHR 2000-IX, 89,
(2003) 36 EHRR 47; (2000)
4 ÖIM-Newsletter 146 ................................. 114, 201, 204, 207, 209, 232
Matwiejczuk v. Poland, no. 37641/97, 2 Dec. 2003.......................... 531, 545
Matznetter v. Austria, 10 Nov. 1969, Series A no. 10,
(1979-80) 1 EHRR 198 ............................... 145, 478, 516, 518, 520, 528
Maurer v. Austria, no. 50110/99, 17 Jan. 2002.......................................... 146
Maxwell v. United Kingdom, 28 Nov. 1994, Series A no. 300-C,
(1995) 19 EHRR 97; (1994) 6 ÖIM-Newsletter 335 .................... 273, 275
Mayer v. Austria (dec.), no. 70579/01, 5 Dec. 2002, unreported...... 394, 397
Meftah v. France, no. 32911/96, 26 Apr. 2001 ............................. 90, 92, 262
Megyeri v. Germany, 12 May 1992, Series A no. 237-A, (1993)
15 EHRR 584; 1992 EuGRZ 347; (1992) 13/5–6 HRLJ 206;
(1991) 4 ÖIM-Newsletter 12 ....................... 249, 250, 479, 482, 487, 489
Meilus v. Lithuania, no. 53161/99, 6 Nov. 2003 ....................................... 137
Meischberger v. Austria (dec.), no. 51941/99,
3 Oct. 2002, unreported.......................................................................... 366
lviii Tables of Cases

Melin v. France, 22 June 1993, Series A no. 261-A,

(1994) 17 EHRR 1; (1993)
4 ÖIM-Newsletter 26 ................................................... 101, 209, 210, 214,
234, 246, 261
Mellors v. United Kingdom, no. 57836/00, 17 July 2003, (2004)
38 EHRR 11 ........................................................................................... 144
Menher v. France, no. 60546/00, 3 Feb. 2004 ............................................. 92
Messina v. Italy, 26 Feb. 1993, Series A no. 257-H ................................... 137
Metinoglu v. Turkey, no. 29700/96, 7 Feb. 2002 ...................................... 146
Metzger v. Germany, no. 37591/97, 31 May 2001, 2001
EuGRZ 299.................................................................................... 139, 141
Miailhe v. France , 25 Feb. 1993, Series A no. 256-C, (1993)
16 EHRR 332; (1994) 17 Rev. trim. dr. h. 117 ........................ 84, 86, 559
Miailhe v. France (No. 2), 26 Sept. 1996, Reports 1996-IV,
1319, (1997) 23 EHRR 491 ............................................................ 87, 559
Mianowski v. Poland, no. 42083/98, 16 Dec. 2003 ................................... 545
Michael Edward Cooke v. Austria, no. 25878/94,
8 Feb. 2000, (2001) 31 EHRR 11; (2001)
1 ÖIM-Newsletter 26 ..................................................................... 257, 259
Migon v. Poland, no. 24244/94, 25 June 2002 ......................... 479, 485, 486
Mihov v. Bulgaria, no. 35519/97, 31 July 2003 ......................................... 477
Milasi v. Italy, 25 June 1987, Series A no. 119, (1988) 10
EHRR 333...................................................................................... 147, 148
Mills v. United Kingdom, no. 35685/97, 5 Jun. 2001 ................................. 67
Minelli v. Switzerland, 25 Mar. 1983, Series A no. 62,
(1983) 5 EHRR 554; 1983 EuGRZ 475;
(1983) 4/2 HRLJ 215.......................................... 163, 164, 182, 185, 186,
187, 188, 190
Minjat v. Switzerland, no. 38223/97,
28 Oct. 2003 .......................................................................... 465, 476, 477
Miragall Escolano and others v. Spain, nos. 38366/97,
38688/97, 40777/98, 40843/98, 41015/98, 41400/98,
41446/98, 41404/98, 41487/98, and 41509/98, ECHR
2000-I, 297, (2002) 34 EHRR 24 .......................................................... 106
Mitap and Müftüoğlu v. Turkey, 25 Mar. 1996, Reports
1996-II, 402, (1996) 22 EHRR 209; (1996) 17/11–12
HRLJ 417................................................................60, 139, 140, 142, 144
Monnell and Morris v. United Kingdom,
2 Mar. 1987, Series A no. 115, (1988)
10 EHRR 205 ....................................................... 98, 252, 257, 258, 260,
273, 275, 276, 362, 440, 442, 520
Moore and Gordon v. United Kingdom, nos. 36529/97
and 37393/97, 29 Sep. 1999 ..................................................................... 68
Tables of Cases lix

Moreira de Azevedo v. Portugal, 23 Oct. 1990, Series A no. 189,

(1991) 13 EHRR 721 ........................................................... 38, 39, 40, 82
Morel v. France, no. 34130/96, ECHR 2000-VI, 281, (2001) 33
EHRR 47................................................................................................... 97
Morris v. United Kingdom, no. 38784/97, 26 Feb. 2002 ......................67, 68
Morsink v. Netherlands, no. 48865/99, 11 May 2004 ............................... 413
Mortier v. France, no. 42195/98, 31 July 2001, (2002) 35
EHRR 9................................................................................................... 106
Mõtsnik v. Estonia, no. 50533/99, 29 Apr. 2003 .............................. 143, 144
Mouesca v. France, no. 52189/99, 3 June 2003 ......................................... 145
Mucciacciaro v. Italy, no. 44173/98, 4 July 2002....................................... 146
Müller and others v. Switzerland, 24 May 1988, Series A no. 133,
(1991) 13 EHRR 212; 1988 EuGRZ 543 .............................................. 410
Muller v. France, 17 Mar. 1997,
Reports 1997-II, 374 ..................................................... 525, 526, 529, 530
Mulot v. France (dec.), no. 37211/97, 14 Dec. 1999, unreported.............. 387
Murat Satık and others v. Turkey, nos. 24737/94, 24739/94,
24740/94, 24739/94, and 24741/94, 22 Oct. 2002 .............. 479, 513, 515
Murray v. United Kingdom, 28 Oct. 1994, Series A
no. 300-A, (1995) 19 EHRR 193; (1994) 15/8-10 HRLJ
331; (1994) 6 ÖIM-Newsletter 333 .................... 424, 428, 429, 457, 460,
461, 478, 497, 513, 558, 559
Musiał v. Poland, no. 24557/94, ECHR 1999-II, 155, (2001)
31 EHRR 29; (1999) 2 ÖIM-Newsletter 61.......................... 479, 491, 492

NC v. Italy (No. 1), no. 24952/94, 11 Jan. 2001..................... 414, 424, 426,
435, 487, 499
Nakor v. Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (dec.), no. 68286/01, 24 Oct.
2002, unreported ..................................................................................... 374
Navarra v. France, 23 Nov. 1993, Series A no. 273-B, (1994)
17 EHRR 594 ........................................................................ 489, 494, 495
Nemeth v. Hungary, no. 60037/00, 13 Jan. 2004 ............................. 142, 143
Neumeister v. Austria, 27 June 1968, Series A no. 8, (1979–80)
1 EHRR 91; 1975 EuGRZ 393 .............................. 15, 32, 33, 48, 95, 97,
122, 138, 140, 144, 145, 233, 249, 256, 461, 478, 482,
483, 494, 516, 520, 525, 530, 532
Nideröst-Huber v. Switzerland, 18 Feb. 1997,
Reports 1997-I, 101, (1998) 25 EHRR 709; (1997)
2 ÖIM-Newsletter 46 ...................................................... 90, 91, 92, 97, 98
Niedbała v. Poland, no. 27915/95, 4 July 2000,
(2001) 33 EHRR 48 ...................479, 483, 485, 489, 505, 510, 511, 545
Nielsen v. Denmark, 28 Nov. 1988, Series A no. 144, (1989) 11
EHRR 175...................................................... 86, 163, 206, 368, 415, 458
lx Tables of Cases

Niemietz v. Germany, 16 Dec. 1992, Series A no. 251-B, (1993)

16 EHRR 97; 1993 EuGRZ 65; (1993) 15 Rev. trim. dr. h.
467; (1993) 1 ÖIM-Newsletter 17 ................................................. 557, 558
Nikolov v. Bulgaria, no. 38884/97, 30 Jan. 2003............ 232, 427, 433, 475,
477, 479, 486, 493, 510, 531, 536
Nikolova v. Bulgaria, no. 31195/96, ECHR 1999-II, 203,
(2001) 31 EHRR 3; 1999 EuGRZ 320; (1999)
2 ÖIM-Newsletter 62 ..................232, 475, 477, 479, 485, 488, 489, 524
Ninn-Hansen v. Denmark (dec.), no. 29972/95, ECHR 1999-V, 321 ...... 175
Nölkenbockhoff v. Germany, 25 Aug. 1987, Series A no. 123, (1988)
10 EHRR 163; 1987 EuGRZ 410 ................................ 182, 185, 186, 187
Nortier v. Netherlands, 24 Aug. 1993, Series A no. 267, (1994) 17
EHRR 273; (1994) 19 Rev. trim. dr. h. 429; (1993) 5
ÖIM-Newsletter 19 ............................................................................... 6, 72
Nowicka v. Poland, no. 30218/96, 3 Dec. 2002, (2002)
6 ÖIM-Newsletter 270 ............................................................................ 407
Nuray Sen v. Turkey, no. 41478/98, 17 June 2003 .................. 505, 513, 516
Nuvoli v. Italy, no. 41424/98, 16 May 2002.............................................. 146

O v. Norway, no. 29327/95, ECHR 2003-II, 69 ...................... 182, 183, 191

O’Hara v. United Kingdom, no. 37555/97, ECHR 2001-X, 126,
(2002) 34 EHRR 32; (2001) 5 ÖIM-Newsletter 205 ............ 424, 425, 513
O’Kane v. United Kingdom (dec.), no. 30550/96,
6 July 1999, unreported .......................................................................... 285
Obermeier v. Austria, 28 June 1990, Series A no. 179 ................................. 58
Oberschlick v. Austria, 23 May 1991, Series A no. 204, (1995)
19 EHRR 389; 1991 EuGRZ 216; (1992) 11 Rev. trim.
dr. h. 379; (1991) 12/6-7 HRLJ 238; (1997)
5 ÖIM-Newsletter 213 ............................................................... 49, 75, 124
Öcalan v. Turkey, no. 46221/99, 12 Mar. 2003, (2003) 37 EHRR
10; 2003 EuGRZ 472; (2003)
2 ÖIM-Newsletter 80 ............................... 47, 61, 97, 280, 282, 285, 411,
429, 432, 476, 486, 513, 515
Okçuoğlu v. Turkey, no. 24246/94, 8 July 1999.......................................... 50
Oldham v. United Kingdom, no. 36273/97,
ECHR 2000-X, 1 (2001) 31 EHRR 34 ................................. 473, 489, 490
Oliveira v. Switzerland, 30 July 1998, Reports 1998-V, 1990,
(1999) 28 EHRR 289; (1999) 39 Rev. trim. dr. h. 163;
(1998) 4 ÖIM-Newsletter 142 .............................................. 383, 388, 392,
394, 395, 397, 398
Olsson v. Sweden, 24 Mar. 1988, Series A no. 130, (1989)
11 EHRR 259; (1993) 2 ÖIM-Newsletter 15......................................... 302
Olstowski v. Poland, no. 34052/96, 15 Nov. 2001 ........................... 137, 531
Tables of Cases lxi

Omar v. France, 29 July 1998, Reports 1998-V, 1829, (2000) 29

EHRR 210............................................................................................... 256
Orlandi v. Italy, no. 44943/98, 1 Mar. 2001.............................................. 142
Osman v. United Kingdom, 28 Oct. 1998, Reports 1998-VIII,
3124, (2000) 29 EHRR 245 ................................................................... 412
Ottomani v. France, no. 49857/99, 15 Oct. 2002...................................... 146
Özdemir v. Turkey, no. 59659, 6 Feb. 2003 .............................................. 605
Özertikoglu v. Turkey, no. 48438/99, 22 Jan. 2004..................................... 47
Öztürk v. Germany, 21 Feb. 1984, Series A no. 73,
(1984) 6 EHRR 409; 1985 EuGRZ 62; (1984)
5/2–4 HRLJ 293; (1999) 5 ÖIM-Newsletter 160....................... 15, 18, 19,
24, 26, 27, 28, 47, 160, 170,
190, 198, 283, 331

PB v. France, no. 38781/97, 1 Aug. 2000 ........................ 145, 522, 528, 531
PG and JH v. United Kingdom, no. 44787/98,
ECHR 2001-IX, 195...................................35, 90, 92, 93, 539, 545, 546,
547, 549, 550
PK v. Finland (dec.), no. 37442/97, 9 July 2003 ....................................... 103
PS v. Germany, no. 33900/96, 20 Dec. 2001, (2003) 36
EHRR 61; 2002 EuGRZ 37 .................................................. 297, 305, 321
Pabla Ky v. Finland, no. 47221/99, 22 June 2004 ....................................... 53
Padin Gestoso v. Spain (dec.), no. 39519/98,
ECHR 1999-II, 347 ................................................................................ 119
Padovani v. Italy, 26 Feb. 1993, Series A no. 257-B, (1993) 3
ÖIM-Newsletter 20 .............................................................................77, 80
Pakelli v. Germany, 25 Apr. 1983, Series A no. 64,
(1984) 6 EHRR 1; 1983 EuGRZ 344;
(1984) 5/2-4 HRLJ 242 .............................. 244, 247, 251, 257, 259, 269,
271, 272, 275, 276, 277
Panek v. Poland, no. 38663/97, 8 Jan. 2004 ........... 140, 142, 145, 146, 147
Pantano v. Italy, no. 60851/00, 6 Nov. 2003 ............................................. 531
Pantea v. Romania, no. 33343/96, 3 June 2003, ECHR
2003-VI, 317 ..............................139, 140, 425, 426, 433, 483, 491, 493,
494, 509, 510, 513, 514
Papageorgiou v. Greece, 22 Oct. 1997, Reports 1997-VI, 2277,
(2004) 38 EHRR 30 ...................................................................... 114, 201
Pascazi v. Italy, no. 42287/98, 4 July 2002................................................. 146
Pascolini v. Italy, no. 45019/98, 26 June 2003........................................... 102
Pauger v. Austria, 28 May 1997, Reports 1997-III, 881, (2002)
25 EHRR 105; (1997) 3 ÖIM-Newsletter 95................................ 125, 126
Pauwels v. Belgium, 26 May 1988, Series A no. 135, (1989) 11
EHRR 238...................................................................................... 508, 509
lxii Tables of Cases

Pavletic̀ v. Slovakia, no. 39359/98, 22 June 2004....................................... 531

Peers v. Greece, no. 28524/95, ECHR 2001-III,
275, (2001) 33 EHRR 51; (2001)
3 ÖIM-Newsletter 108 ............................................................................ 181
Pélissier and Sassi v. France [GC], no. 25444/94, ECHR
1999-II, 279, (2000) 30 EHRR 715; 1999 EuGRZ 323;
(1999) 2 ÖIM-Newsletter 66 ........................ 87, 134, 142, 146, 194, 195,
202, 203, 205, 207, 209, 220
Pelladoah v. Netherlands, 22 Sept. 1994, Series A no. 297-B,
(1995) 19 EHRR 81 ...................................................................... 255, 256
Pérez de Rada Cavanilles v. Spain, 28 Oct. 1998, Reports
1998-VIII, 3242 ...................................................................................... 106
Perez v. France, no. 47287/99, 12 Feb. 2004, (2004) 1
ÖIM-Newsletter 23 ...................................................................... 37, 42, 82
Perks and others v. United Kingdom, nos. 25277/94,
25279/94, 25280/94, 25282/94, 25285/94, 28048/95,
28192/95, and 28456/95, 12 Oct. 1999, (2002) 23/5-7
HRLJ 237...................................................................... 273, 274, 275, 497
Perna v. Italy [GC], no. 48898/99, 6 May 2003 ..... 294, 301, 302, 304, 324
Perry v. United Kingdom, no. 63737/00, 17 July 2003 ............ 545, 547, 549
Pesti and Frodl v. Austria (dec.), nos. 27618/95 and 27619/95,
ECHR 2000-I, 417 ................................................................................. 367
Pfarrmeier v. Austria, 23 Oct. 1995, Series A no. 329-C, (1995)
5 ÖIM-Newsletter 195 .............................................................................. 19
Pfeifer and Plankl v. Austria, 25 Feb. 1992, Series A no. 227, (1992)
14 EHRR 692; 1992 EuGRZ 99; (1992) 13/9-10 HRLJ 355;
(1991) 2 ÖIM-Newsletter 13 ...................................... 49, 70, 71, 124, 256
Pham Hoang v. France, 25 Sept. 1992, Series A no. 243, (1993)
16 EHRR 53; 1992 EuGRZ 472; (1993) 14/3-4 HRLJ 95;
(1992) 6 ÖIM-Newsletter 28 ............................... 168, 170, 271, 273, 275
Philis v. Greece (No 2), 27 June 1997, Reports 1997-IV, 1074,
(1998) 25 EHRR 417; 1991 EuGRZ 355 ............................. 141, 142, 264
Phillips v. the United Kingdom, no. 41087/98, 5 July 2001
ECHR 2001-VII, 29 .............................................. 13, 31, 32, 33, 34, 173
Phocas v. France, 23 Apr. 1996, Reports 1996-II, 519, (2001)
32 EHRR 11; (1996) 3 ÖIM-Newsletter 84.................................. 134, 142
Pierre-Bloch v. France, 21 Oct. 1997, Reports 1997-VI, 2206,
(1998) 26 EHRR 202; (1998) 34 Rev. trim. dr. h. 339; (1997)
6 ÖIM-Newsletter 269 ........................................................................24, 25
Piersack v. Belgium, 1 Oct. 1982, Series A no. 53,
(1983) 5 EHRR 169; 1985 EuGRZ 301;
(1983) 4/2 HRLJ 207....................................... 56, 61, 62, 64, 66, 67, 509
Pietiläinen v. Finland, no. 35999/97, 5 Nov. 2002 ................... 142, 146, 148
Tables of Cases lxiii

Pisano v. Italy, no. 36732/97, 27 July 2000,

(2002) 34 EHRR 27 ................................................. 87, 97, 109, 307, 325
Platakou v. Greece, no. 38460/97, ECHR 2001-I, 21.................................. 97
Pobornikoff v. Austria, no. 28501/95, 3 Oct. 2000, (2000)
5 ÖIM-Newsletter 189 ............................................................................ 257
Poitrimol v. France, 23 Nov. 1993, Series A no. 277-A, (1994)
18 EHRR 130; (1995) 24 Rev. trim. dr. h. 615 ........... 247, 255, 256, 367
Ponsetti and Chesnel v. France (dec.), nos. 36855/97
and 41731/98, 14 Sept. 1999, unreported ............................. 394, 396, 397
Popescu v. Romania, no. 38360/97, 25 Nov. 2003 .................................... 115
Portington v. Greece, 23 Sept. 1998,
Reports 1998-VI, 2623......................................... 140, 142, 143, 144, 146
Potop v. Romania, no. 35882/97, 25 Nov. 2003 ....................................... 115
Poulsen v. Denmark (dec.), no. 32092/96, 29 June 2000, unreported ....... 366
Pramstaller v. Austria, 23 Oct. 1995, Series A no. 329-A, (1995)
5 ÖIM-Newsletter 195 .............................................................................. 19
Pretto v. Italy, 8 Dec. 1983, Series A no. 71, (1984) 6 EHRR 182;
1985 EuGRZ 548; (1984) 5/2-4 HRLJ 267 ................. 120, 124, 132, 146
Procola v. Luxembourg, 28 Sept. 1995, Series A no. 326, (1996)
22 EHRR 193; (1996) 26 Rev. trim. dr. h. 271; (1995)
5 ÖIM-Newsletter 193 .............................................................................. 76
Pugliese v. Italy, 19 Feb. 1991, Series A no. 195-C, (1992)
14 EHRR 413 ......................................................................................... 146
Pullar v. United Kingdom, 10 June 1996, Reports 1996-III, 783,
(1996) 22 EHRR 391 ........................................ 62, 63, 78, 229, 301, 302
Punzelt v. Czech Republic, no. 31315/96, 25 Apr. 2000, (2001)
33 EHRR 49 ................................................ 137, 143, 519, 525, 529, 531
Putz v. Austria, 22 Feb. 1996, Reports 1996-I, 312, (2001) 32
EHRR 13; (1997) 31 Rev. trim. dr. h. 493; (1996)
2 ÖIM-Newsletter 46 ...................................................... 17, 19, 20, 23, 24

Quadrelli v. Italy, no. 28168/95, 11 Jan. 2000, (2002)

34 EHRR 8 ............................................................................................... 89
Quaranta v. Switzerland, 24 May 1991, Series A no. 205,
(1991) 12/6-7 HRLJ 249 ............................... 26, 248, 273, 274, 275, 276
Quinn v. France, 22 Mar. 1995, Series A no. 311, (1996) 21
EHRR 529; (1995) 2 ÖIM-Newsletter 91 ............................... 33, 519, 530
Quinn v. Ireland, no. 36887/97, 21 Dec. 2000......................... 166, 347, 359

RD v. Poland, nos. 29692/96 and 34612/97, 18 Feb. 2001,

(2004) 39 EHRR 11 .............................................................. 272, 273, 275
RMD v. Switzerland, 26 Sept. 1997, Reports 1997-VI, 2003,
(1999) 28 EHRR 224 .................................................................... 477, 478
lxiv Tables of Cases

RT v. Switzerland (dec.), no. 31982/96, 30 May 2000, unreported........... 399

Rachdad v. France, no. 71846/01, 13 Nov. 2003...................... 297, 305, 314
Raimondo v. Italy, 22 Feb. 1994, Series A no. 281-A, (1994)
18 EHRR 237; (1994) 2 ÖIM-Newsletter 78.......................... 34, 180, 561
Rakevich v. Russia, no. 58973/00, 28 Oct. 2003........................................ 479
Raninen v. Finland, 16 Dec. 1997, Reports 1997-VIII,
2804, (1998) 26 EHRR 563; (1999) 38
Rev. trim. dr. h. 277; (1998) 1 ÖIM-Newsletter 21 ............................... 459
Ravnsborg v. Sweden, 23 Mar. 1994, Series A no. 283-B, (1994)
18 EHRR 38; (1994) 6 ÖIM-Newsletter 86............ 18, 19, 23, 24, 27, 28
Rehbock v. Slovenia, no. 29462/95, ECHR 2000-XII, 191, (2000)
6 ÖIM-Newsletter 230 ........................................................... 492, 493, 496
Reinhardt and Slimane-Kaı̈d v. France, 31 Mar. 1998, Reports
1998-II, 640, (1999) 28 EHRR 59 ........................... 90, 92, 102, 139, 146
Remli v. France, 23 Apr. 1996, Reports 1996-II, 559 .................................. 64
Richen and Gaucher v. France, nos. 31520/96 and
34359/97, 23 Jan. 2003 ............................................................................ 92
Richet v. France, no. 34947/97, 13 Feb. 2001 ................. 143, 522, 529, 531
Riepan v. Austria, no. 35115/97, ECHR 2000-XII, 1, (2000)
6 ÖIM-Newsletter 223 ........................................................... 120, 127, 306
Rigopoulos v. Spain (dec.), no. 37388/97, 12 Jan. 1999 ............................ 513
Ringeisen v. Austria, 16 July 1971, Series A no. 13, (1979-80)
1 EHRR 455 ........................ 32, 47, 48, 55, 59, 124, 143, 145, 516, 530
Ringvold v. Norway, no. 34964/97,
ECHR 2003-II, 117 ...................................................... 166, 182, 183, 184
Roemen and Schmit v. Luxembourg, no. 51772/99,
25 Feb. 2003, (2003) 2 ÖIM-Newsletter 74.................................. 557, 558
Rotaru v. Romania, no. 28341/95, ECHR 2000-V, 109, (2001) 45
Rev. trim. dr. h. 137; (2000) 21/4-7 HRLJ 231; (2000)
3 ÖIM-Newsletter 96 ................................................ 49, 51, 553, 554, 555
Rowe and Davis v. United Kingdom, no. 28901/95, ECHR
2000-II, 287, (2000) 30 EHRR 1 ................85, 90, 92, 93, 222, 225, 240
Rubinat v. Italy (struck out), 12 Feb. 1985, Series A no. 89,
(1985) 7 EHRR 512 ............................................................................... 197
Ruiz Torija v. Spain, 9 Dec. 1994, Series A no. 303-A, (1995)
19 EHRR 553 ........................................................................ 106, 107, 109
Rushiti v. Austria, no. 28389/95, 21 Mar. 2000, (2001) 33
EHRR 56................................................................................ 132, 182, 183
Rutten v. Netherlands, no. 32605/96, 24 July 2001.................. 490, 492, 494

S v. Switzerland, 28 Nov. 1991, Series A no. 220, (1992) 14

EHRR 670; 1991 EuGRZ 298; (1993) 14 Rev. trim. dr.
no. 295; (1991) 12/11-12 HRLJ 427............................................. 280, 281
Tables of Cases lxv

SBC v. United Kingdom, no. 39360/98, 19 June 2001, (2002)

34 EHRR 21 .......................................................................... 496, 511, 532
SN v. Sweden, no. 34209/96, ECHR 2002-V, 245,
(2004) 39 EHRR 13; (2002)
4 ÖIM-Newsletter 139 ........................................ 292, 296, 298, 299, 301,
305, 307, 308, 312, 313, 320, 321
SW v. United Kingdom, 22 Nov. 1995, Series A no. 335-B,
(1996) 21 EHRR 363; (1996) 27 Rev. trim. dr. h. 459;
(1995) 6 ÖIM-Newsletter 223 ................................................................ 538
Sabeur Ben Ali v. Malta, no. 35892/97, 29 June 2000, (2002)
34 EHRR 26 .................................................................................. 476, 511
Saccomanno v. Italy, no. 36719/97, 12 May 1999 ..................................... 143
Sadak and others v. Turkey, nos. 29900/96, 29901/96,
29902/96 and 29903/96, ECHR 2001-VIII, 267, (2003)
36 EHRR 26 ................................................................. 194, 294, 297, 308
Sadak v. Turkey, nos. 25142/94 and 27099/95,
8 Apr. 2004 ......................................... 195, 202, 209, 220, 298, 305, 315
Şahiner v. Turkey, no. 29279/95, ECHR 2001-IX, 155 ..................... 60, 147
Saı̈di v. France, 20 Sept. 1993, Series A no. 261-C, (1994)
17 EHRR 251 ............................................................... 296, 305, 308, 314
Sailer v. Austria (dec.), no. 38237/97, 6 June 2002, (2002)
3 ÖIM-Newsletter 105 ........................................................... 383, 394, 397
Sainte-Marie v. France, 16 Dec. 1992, Series A no. 253-A,
(1993) 16 EHRR 116; (1993) 1 ÖIM-Newsletter 19 .........................74, 75
Sakık and others v. Turkey, 26 Nov. 1997, Reports 1997-VII,
2609, (1998) 26 EHRR 662 ........................ 467, 479, 496, 499, 513, 515
Salabiaku v. France, 7 Oct. 1988, Series A no. 141-A, (1991)
13 EHRR 379 .............................................. 157, 158, 163, 168, 169, 170
Sałapa v. Poland, no. 35489/97, 19 Dec. 2002 ....... 143, 510, 543, 544, 545
Salomonsson v. Sweden, no. 38978/97, 12 Nov. 2002............................... 125
Sanchez-Reisse v. Switzerland, 21 Oct. 1986,
Series A no. 107, (1987) 9 EHRR 71;
1988 EuGRZ 523 ........................................ 480, 482, 483, 484, 485, 491
Sander v. United Kingdom, no. 34129/96, 9 May 2000 ........................64, 65
Saraiva de Carvalho v. Portugal, 22 Apr. 1994, Series A no.
286-B, (1994) 18 EHRR 534; (1994) 3 ÖIM-Newsletter 180 ................. 73
Sari v. Turkey, no. 19298/92, 10 Apr. 2001 .............................................. 139
Sari v. Turkey and Denmark, no. 21889/93, 8 Nov. 2001, (2003)
36 EHRR 44 .......................................................................... 139, 143, 145
Sarikaya v. Turkey, no. 36115/97, 22 Apr. 2004....................... 285, 467, 479
Saritaç v. Turkey, no. 29702/96, 7 Feb. 2002 ............................................ 146
Saunders v. United Kingdom, 17 Dec. 1996, Reports 1996-VI, 2044,
(1997) 23 EHRR 313 .................................. 166, 342, 344, 345, 347, 349
lxvi Tables of Cases

Sawalha v. Sweden (dec.), no. 64299/01, 13 Jan. 2004, unreported........... 366

Schenk v. Switzerland, 12 July 1988, Series A no. 140, (1991) 13
EHRR 242; 1988 EuGRZ 390 ......................................... 86, 87, 162, 351
Schiesser v. Switzerland, 4 Dec. 1979, Series A no. 34,
(1979-80) 2 EHRR 71; 1980
EuGRZ 202................................... 48, 428, 506, 507, 508, 510, 514, 515
Schmautzer v. Austria, 23 Oct. 1995, Series A no. 328-A,
(1996) 21 EHRR 511 ............................................................................... 19
Schmelzer v. Germany (dec.), no. 45176/99, 21 Dec. 2000, unreported...... 35
Schönenberger and Durmaz v. Switzerland, 20 June 1988, Series A
no. 137, (1989) 11 EHRR 202 ............................................................... 281
Schöps v. Germany, no. 25116/94, ECHR 2001-I, 391............ 232, 479, 485
Schreiber and Boetsch v. France (dec.), no. 58751/00,
11 Dec. 2003, unreported ......................................................................... 36
Schuler-Zgraggen v. Switzerland, 24 June 1993, Series A no. 263,
(1993) 16 EHRR 405; 1996 EuGRZ 604; (1993)
4 ÖIM-Newsletter 30 ............................................................. 123, 129, 260
Schumacher v. Luxembourg, no. 63286/00, 25 Nov. 2003 ........................ 145
Scott v. Spain, 18 Dec. 1996, Reports 1996-VI, 2382, (1997)
24 EHRR 391; (1997) 1 ÖIM-Newsletter 17................................ 517, 530
Sekanina v. Austria, 25 Aug. 1993, Series A no. 266-A, (1988)
10 EHRR 182; (1994) 20 Rev. trim. dr. h. 557; (1993)
5 ÖIM-Newsletter 20 ............................................................. 182, 183, 190
Sener v. Turkey, no. 26680/95, 18 July 2000, (2003)
37 EHRR 34 ............................................................................................. 50
Serves v. France, 20 Oct. 1997, Reports 1997-VI, 2159, (1999)
28 EHRR 265 ....................................... 32, 222, 342, 343, 347, 349, 416
Shamsa v. Poland, nos. 45355/99 and 45357/99,
27 Nov. 2003 .......................................................................................... 413
Shishkov v. Bulgaria, no. 38822/97, ECHR
2003-I, 1........................................................................ 479, 486, 510, 531
Sigurþór Arnarsson v. Iceland, no. 44671/98, 15 July 2003 ....................... 326
Silva Rocha v. Portugal, 15 Nov. 1996, Reports 1996-V, 1913,
(2001) 32 EHRR 16 .............................................................. 157, 471, 490
Silver and others v. United Kingdom, 25 Mar. 1983, Series A
no. 61, (1983) 5 EHRR 347; 1984 EuGRZ 147; (1983) 4/2
HRLJ 227............................................ 281, 410, 538, 539, 540, 543, 544
Singh v. United Kingdom, 21 Feb. 1996, Reports 1996-I, 280,
(1996) 3 ÖIM-Newsletter 81 ............................... 376, 441, 474, 481, 483
Sipavicius v. Lithuania, no. 49093/99,
21 Feb. 2002 ........................................................ 194, 195, 202, 205, 220
Skondrianos v. Greece, nos. 63000/00, 74291/01, and 74292/01,
18 Dec. 2003.......................................................................................90, 94
Tables of Cases lxvii

Skoogström v. Sweden (struck out), 21 Oct. 9184, Series A no. 83,

1985 EuGRZ 670 ................................................................................... 513
Šleževičius v. Lithuania, no. 55479/00, 13 Nov. 2001................................ 146
Slimane-Kaı̈d v. France (No 2), no. 48943/99, 27 Nov. 2003 .... 99, 100, 102
Smith and Fuord v. United Kingdom, nos. 37475/97
and 39036/79, 29 Sep. 1999 ..................................................................... 68
Société Sténuit v. France ............................................................................. 349
Soering v. United Kingdom, 7 July 1989, Series A no. 161, (1989)
11 EHRR 439; 1989 EuGRZ 314; (1990) 1 Rev. trim. dr. h. 62;
(1990) 11/3–4 HRLJ 335............................................................... 431, 439
Solakov v. Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, no. 47023/99,
ECHR 2001-X, 29 ................. 97, 99, 296, 297, 301, 305, 308, 311, 312
Smirnova and Smirnova v. Russia (dec.), nos. 46133/99
and 48183/99, 3 Oct. 2002, unreported ................................................. 388
Soumare v. France, 24 Aug. 1998, Reports 1998-V, 2201 ................ 475, 477
Spentzouris v. Greece, no. 47891/99, 7 May 2002............................ 134, 147
Spinello v. Italy, no. 40231/98, 4 July 2002............................................... 146
Sramek v. Austria, 22 Oct. 1984, Series A no. 84, (1985) 7 EHRR
351; 1985 EuGRZ 336 .................................... 47, 48, 54, 55, 56, 59, 303
Stafford v. United Kingdom, no. 46295/99, ECHR 2002-IV, 115 (2002)
35 EHRR 32; (2003) 55 Rev. trim. dr. h. 931; (2002) 3
ÖIM-Newsletter 102 ..................................................... 441, 442, 473, 481
Stanford v. United Kingdom, 23 Feb. 1994, Series A no. 282-A,
(1994) 15/4-6 HRLJ 188 ................................................ 87, 253, 328, 335
Stamoulakatos v. Greece (dec.), no. 42155/98, 9 Nov.
1999, unreported ..................................................................................... 374
Stasaitis v. Lithuania, no. 47679/99, 21 Mar. 2002.......................... 429, 430,
475, 519, 531
Steel and others v. United Kingdom, 23 Sept. 1998, Reports
1998-VII, 2719, (1999) 28 EHRR 603; (1998) 5 ÖIM-Newsletter
201............................................... 201, 202, 427, 430, 436, 437, 440, 499
Stefanelli v. San Marino, no. 35396/97, ECHR 2000-II, 159, (2001)
33 EHRR 16 .......................................................................... 120, 131, 306
Stephen Jordan v. United Kingdom, no. 49771/99, 10 Dec. 2002,
(2001) 31 EHRR 6 ................................................................................. 508
Stocké v. Germany, 19 Mar. 1991, Series A no. 199, (1991) 13
EHRR 839; (1991) 12/5 HRLJ 194 .............................................. 411, 432
Stögmüller v. Austria, 10 Nov. 1969, Series A no. 9, (1979-80)
1 EHRR 155 ............................... 137, 145, 516, 520, 521, 523, 528, 530
Stran Greek Refineries and Stratis Andreades v. Greece, 9 Dec. 1994,
Series A no. 301-B, (1995) 19 EHRR 293; (1994) 15/11-12
HRLJ 432; (1995) 1 ÖIM-Newsletter 21 ............................................... 114
Stroek v. Belgium, nos. 36449/97 and 36467/97, 20
Mar. 2001................................................................................................ 255
lxviii Tables of Cases

Sunday Times v. United Kingdom, 26 Apr. 1979, Series A no. 30,

(1979-80) 2 EHRR 245; 1979 EuGRZ 386 ................. 115, 410, 538, 539
Sürek and Özdemir v. Turkey, no. 23927/94 and 24277/94,
8 July 1999................................................................................................ 60
Sürek v. Turkey (No 1) [GC], no. 26682/95,
ECHR 1999-IV, 353...........................................................................50, 60
Sürek v. Turkey (No 2), no. 24122/94, 8 July 1999 ..............................50, 60
Sürek v. Turkey (No 3), no. 24735/94, 8 July 1999 ..............................50, 60
Sürek v. Turkey (No 4), no. 24762/94, 8 July 1999 ..............................50, 60
Süssmann v. Germany, 16 Sep. 1966, Reports 1996-IV, 1158..................... 32
Sutter v. Switzerland, 22 Feb. 1984, Series A no. 74, (1984)
6 EHRR 272; 1985 EuGRZ 229; (1984) 5/2-4
HRLJ 285......................................................... 28, 83, 120, 132, 257, 531
Svinarenkov v. Estonia (dec.), no. 42551/98,
15 Feb. 2000, unreported............................................................... 220, 236
Szeloch v. Poland, no. 33079/96, 22 Feb. 2001, (2003)
37 EHRR 46 ........................................................ 137, 140, 146, 519, 533
Szücz v. Austria, 24 Nov. 1997, Reports 1997-VII, 2468, (1997)
6 ÖIM-Newsletter 274 ........................................................... 120, 124, 132

T v. Austria, no. 27783/95, ECHR 2000-XI, 325, (2000)

6 ÖIM-Newsletter 226 ........................................................... 194, 209, 238
T v. Italy, 12 Oct. 1992, Series A no. 245-C, 1992
EuGRZ 541............................................................................ 204, 205, 252
T v. United Kingdom, no. 24724/94, 16 Dec. 1999, (2002) 49
Rev. trim. dr. h. 111; (2001) 1 ÖIM-Newsletter 17 ................ 72, 126, 474
TW v. Malta, no. 25644/94, 29 Apr. 1999, (2000) 29
EHRR 185.............................................................................. 505, 507, 511
Tahsin Acar v. Turkey, no. 26307/95, 8 Apr. 2004, (2004)
38 EHRR 2 ............................................................................................... 84
Taşd v. Turkey, no. 24396/94, 14 Nov. 2000, (2001)
33 EHRR 15 ........................................................ 467, 496, 504, 505, 513
Taylor-Sabori v. United Kingdom, no. 47114/99,
22 Oct. 2002, (2003) 36 EHRR 17; (2002)
5 ÖIM-Newsletter 221 ........................................................... 539, 546, 549
Teixeira de Castro v. Portugal, 9 June 1998, Reports 1998-IV, 1451,
(1999) 28 EHRR 101; 1999 EuGRZ 660 ............................... 87, 112, 284
Telfner v. Austria, no. 33501/96, 20 Mar. 2001, (2002) 34
EHRR 7; (2001) 2 ÖIM-Newsletter 57 ......................................... 348, 359
Terra Woningen BV v. Netherlands, 17 Dec. 1996,
Reports 1996-IV, p. 2105 ......................................................................... 58
Thomann v. Switzerland, 10 June 1996, Reports 1996-III, 806,
(1997) 24 EHRR 553; (1996) 4 ÖIM-Newsletter 110 ............................. 75
Tables of Cases lxix

Thompson v. United Kingdom, no. 36256/97, 15 June 2004 ..................... 67

Thorgeir Thorgeirson v. Iceland, 25 June 1992, Series A
no. 239, (1992) 14 EHRR 843; (1992) 13/11-12 HRLJ 440;
(1991) 4 ÖIM-Newsletter 13 ................................. 62, 63, 64, 79, 98, 229
Thynne, Wilson and Gunnell v. United Kingdom,
25 Oct. 1990, Series A no. 190-A, (1991) 13 EHRR 666............ 420, 441,
473, 475, 476, 480, 481, 496, 497
Tierce and others v. San Marino, nos. 24954/94,
24971/94, and 24972/94, ECHR 2000-IX, 167,
(2002) 34 EHRR 25 ....................................................... 70, 120, 121, 131
Tolstoy Miloslavsky v. United Kingdom, 13 July 1995, Series A
no. 316-B, (1995) 20 EHRR 442; (1995) 16/7-9 HRLJ 295;
(1995) 4 ÖIM-Newsletter 160 .................................................................. 37
Tomasi v. France, 27 Aug. 1992, Series A no. 241-A, (1993) 15
EHRR 1; 1994 EuGRZ 101; (1992) 13/11-12 HRLJ 453;
(1992) 5 ÖIM-Newsletter 19 ................................ 39, 516, 522, 523, 524,
526, 527, 528, 529, 530
Tommaso Palumbo v. Italy, no. 45264/99, 26 Apr. 2001.......................... 148
Toth v. Austria, 12 Dec. 1991, Series A no. 224,
(1992) 14 EHRR 551; (1993) 16 Rev. trim. dr. h. 537;
(1992) 13/3 HRLJ 112........................................ 464, 485, 489, 494, 495,
521, 522, 530
Tre Traktörer Aktiebolag v. Sweden, 7 July 1989, Series A
no. 159, (1991) 13 EHRR 309 ................................................................. 26
Tripodi v. Italy, 22 Feb. 1994, Series A no. 281-B, (1994) 18
EHRR 295; (1994) 2 ÖIM-Newsletter 80 ............................. 259, 273, 363
Trzaska v. Poland, no. 25792/94,
11 July 2000........................................................ 140, 144, 479, 483, 485,
492, 524, 529, 531
Tsirlis and Kouloumpas v. Greece, 29 May 1997, Reports 1997-III,
909, (1998) 25 EHRR 198; (1997)
4 ÖIM-Newsletter 179 ........................................................... 438, 439, 499
Tumbarello and Titone v. Italy, nos. 42291/98
and 42382/98, 4 July 2002 ............................................................ 146, 148
Twalib v. Greece, 9 June 1998, Reports 1998-IV, 1415, (2001)
33 EHRR 24; (1998) 3 ÖIM-Newsletter 109...... 236, 272, 273, 275, 276
Tyrer v. United Kingdom, 25 Apr. 1978, Series A no. 26, (1979-80)
2 EHRR 1; 1979 EuGRZ 162 ................................................................ 348

Umlauft v. Austria, 23 Oct. 1995, Series A no. 328-B, (1996)

22 EHRR 76; (1995) 5 ÖIM-Newsletter 195........................................... 19
Unterpertinger v. Austria, 24 Nov. 1986, Series A no. 110, (1991)
13 EHRR 175; 1987 EuGRZ 147 ............... 295, 297, 298, 300, 308, 314
lxx Tables of Cases

Uygur v. Turkey, no. 2991196, 7 Feb. 2002 .............................................. 146

V v. United Kingdom, 16 Dec. 1999, ECHR 1999-IX, (2000)

30 EHRR 121; (1999) 20/12 HRLJ 459; (2001)
1 ÖIM-Newsletter 17 ............................................................... 72, 126, 474
Vaccaro v. Italy, no. 41852/98, 16 Nov. 2000 ................. 520, 522, 529, 531
Vacher v. France, 17 Dec. 1996, Reports 1996-VI, 2138,
(1997) 24 EHRR 482 .................................................. 101, 102, 209, 211,
214, 215, 273
Vachev v. Bulgaria, no. 42987/98, 8 July 2004 .......................................... 413
Valenzuela Contreras v. Spain, 30 July 1998, Reports 1998-V,
1909, (1999) 28 EHRR 483; (1998)
4 ÖIM-Newsletter 146 .................................................. 538, 546, 549, 550
Van de Hurk v. Netherlands, 19 Apr. 1994, Series A no. 288,
(1994) 18 EHRR 481; (1994) 15/4–6 HRLJ 201; (1994)
3 ÖIM-Newsletter 179 ........................................................... 105, 107, 109
Van der Leer v. Netherlands, 21 Feb. 1990, Series A
no. 170-A, (1990) 12 EHRR 267; (1990) 4 Rev. trim.
dr. h. 403............................................ 420, 421, 422, 447, 456, 457, 458,
467, 471, 491, 494
Van der Mussele v. Belgium, 23 Nov. 1983, Series A
no. 70, (1984) 6 EHRR 163; 1985 EuGRZ 477; (1984)
5/2-4 HRLJ 252 ............................................................................. 271, 435
Van der Sluijs, Zuiderveld and Klappe v. Netherlands, 22 May
1984, Series A no. 78, (1991) 13 EHRR 461; 1985
EuGRZ 708.................................................................. 505, 507, 508, 512,
514, 529
Van der Tang v. Spain, 13 July 1995, Series A no. 321, (1996)
22 EHRR 363; (1995) 4 ÖIM-Newsletter 164............................. 521, 524,
525, 530
Van Droogenbroeck v. Belgium, 24 June 1982, Series A no.
50, (1982) 4 EHRR 443; 1984 EuGRZ 6; (1982)
3/1–4 HRLJ 236 ................................ 418, 420, 436, 440, 441, 472, 476,
477, 480, 482, 489
Van Geyseghem v. Belgium, 26 Mar. 1995, ECHR 1999-I, 157,
(2001) 32 EHRR 24; 1999 EuGRZ 9 ........................................... 255, 256
Van Mechelen and others v. Netherlands, 23 Apr. 1997,
Reports 1997-III, 691, (1998) 25 EHRR 647;
(1998) 33 Rev. trim. dr. h. 145; (1997)
3 ÖIM-Newsletter 91 .................................... 87, 294, 296, 297, 305, 316,
317, 318, 319, 320, 321
Varbanov v. Bulgaria, no. 31365/96, ECHR 2000-X, 225, (2000)
5 ÖIM-Newsletter 192 ............................................................................ 479
Tables of Cases lxxi

Västberga Taxi Aktiebolag and Vulic v. Sweden, no. 36985/97,

23 July 2002...................................... 15, 18, 24, 157, 158, 169, 170, 180
Vendittelli v. Italy, 18 July 1994, Series A no. 293-A, (1994)
19 EHRR 464; (1995) 23 Rev. trim. dr. h. 443; (1994)
15/8–10 HRLJ 328 ................................................................................. 561
Verda v. Netherlands (dec.), no. 35253/97, 13 Aug.
1999, unreported ............................................................................ 314, 321
Verliere v. Switzerland (dec)., no. 41953/97,
28 June 2001, unreported ....................................................................... 548
Vermeulen v. Belgium, 20 Feb. 1996, Reports 1996-I, 224,
(2001) 32 EHRR 15; (1996) 28 Rev. trim. dr. h. 615; (1996)
2 ÖIM-Newsletter 42 ....................................................................... 58, 100
Vidal v. Belgium, 22 Apr. 1992, Series A no. 235-B, 1992
EuGRZ 440; (1992) 13/11-12 HRLJ 425; (1991)
3 ÖIM-Newsletter 15 ..............................................87, 294, 301, 323, 325
Vieziez v. France, no. 52116/99, 15 Oct. 2002 ................................. 137, 146
Vilborg Yrsa Sigurðardóttir v. Iceland (struck out),
no. 32451/96, 30 May 2000 ................................................................... 174
Vilhunen v. Finland (dec.), no. 30509/96,
25 Nov. 1999, unreported....................................................................... 216
Visser v. Netherlands, no. 26668/95, 14 Feb. 2002.................. 294, 297, 313,
317, 318
Vocaturo v. Italy, 24 May 1991, Series A no. 206-C, (1991)
12/6–7 HRLJ 252 ................................................................................... 147
Vodenicarov v. Slovakia, no. 24530/94, 21 Dec. 2000, (2003)
37 EHRR 36 .................................................................................. 470, 492
Voisine v. France, no. 27362/95, 8 Feb. 2000, (2001) 33 EHRR
23; (2001) 47 Rev. trim. dr. h. 825 ................................................. 92, 261
Von Bülow v. United Kingdom, no. 75362/01,
7 Oct. 2003 ............................................................................................. 474
Von Hannover v. Germany, no. 59320/00,
24 June 2004 ............................................................................................. 83
Vostic v. Austria, no. 38549/97, 17 Oct. 2002, (2002)
5 ÖIM-Newsletter 219 ................................................................... 182, 183

W v. Switzerland, 26 Jan. 1993, Series A no. 254-A, (1994)

17 EHRR 60; 1993 EuGRZ 384; (1993) 14/5-6 HRLJ 178;
(1993) 2 ÖIM-Newsletter 17 ....................................... 522, 523, 525, 526,
528, 529, 530
WF v. Austria (dec.), no. 38275/97, 11 Sept. 2001,
unreported ............................................................................................... 494
WF v. Austria, no. 38275/97, 30 May 2002, (2004) 38
EHRR 39; (2002) 3 ÖIM-Newsletter 105 ............................. 383, 394, 397
lxxii Tables of Cases

Waite v. United Kingdom, no. 53236/99, 10 Dec. 2002, (2003)

36 EHRR 54 .................................................................................. 481, 483
Waridel v. Switzerland (dec.), no. 39765/98,
12 Apr. 2001, unreported........................................................................ 367
Wassink v. Netherlands, 27 Sept. 1990,
Series A no. 185-A.......................420, 421, 422, 449, 471, 480, 484, 499
Weber v. Switzerland, 22 May 1990, Series A no. 177, (1990)
12 EHRR 508; 1990 EuGRZ 265 .................................. 18, 20, 23, 26, 28
Weeks v. United Kingdom, 2 Mar. 1987, Series A no. 114,
(1988) 10 EHRR 508; 1988 EuGRZ 316 ............................ 418, 420, 422,
440, 441, 472, 475, 476, 479, 480,
481, 485, 494, 501
Weh and Weh v. Austria (dec.), no. 38544/94,
4 Apr. 2002, unreported.......................................................................... 367
Weil v. France, no. 49843/99, 5 Feb. 2004 ................................................ 102
Weixelbraun v. Austria, no. 33730/96, 20 Dec. 2001, (2003) 36
EHRR 45........................................................................................ 182, 183
Welch v. United Kingdom, 9 Feb. 1995,
Series A no. 307-A, (1995) 20 EHRR 247;
(1995) 2 ÖIM-Newsletter 82 .......................................... 27, 364, 365, 387
Wemhoff v. Germany, 27 June 1968, Series A no. 7,
(1979-80) 1 EHRR 55 .................................... 32, 83, 135, 137, 140, 145,
437, 439, 498, 516, 518, 519, 523, 530
Werlé and Lauber v. Germany (dec.), no. 11360/03,
12 June 2003, unreported ......................................................................... 36
Werner v. Austria, 24 Nov. 1997, Reports 1997-VII,
2496, (1998) 26 EHRR 310; (1997)
6 ÖIM-Newsletter 276 ..................................... 68, 97, 120, 124, 125, 132
Wesołowski v. Poland, no. 29687/96, 22 June 2004.................................. 531
Wettstein v. Switzerland, no. 33958/96, ECHR 2000-XII, 387 ................... 79
Wierzbicki v. Poland, no. 24541/94, 18 June 2002, (2004)
38 EHRR 38 ............................................................................................. 97
Wilkinson and Allen v. United Kingdom ..................................................... 67
Windisch v. Austria, 27 Sept. 1990, Series A no. 186, (1991)
13 EHRR 281 .............................................. 296, 301, 302, 305, 311, 314
Winterwerp v. Netherlands, 24 Oct. 1979, Series A no. 33,
(1979-80) 2 EHRR 387;
1979 EuGRZ 650 .............................. 249, 420, 421, 422, 444, 448, 449,
450, 465, 470, 471, 487, 488, 489
Włoch v. Poland, no. 27785/95, ECHR 2000-XI, 1, (2002)
34 EHRR 9 ........................ 139, 148, 424, 426, 427, 479, 483, 485, 492
Woukam Moudefo v. France, 11 Oct. 1988, Series A
no. 141-B, (1991) 13 EHRR 549; 1988 EuGRZ 487 ........... 249, 487, 495
Tables of Cases lxxiii

Wynne v. United Kingdom, 18 July 1994, Series A no. 294-A,

(1994) 19 EHRR 333 .................................................................... 441, 442
Wynne v. United Kingdom (No. 2), no. 67385/01, 16 Oct. 2003,
(2004) 38 EHRR 42 ...................................................................... 441, 474

X v. France, 31 Mar. 1992, Series A no. 234-C, (1992)

14 EHRR 483; (1992) 13/7-8 HRLJ 269............................................... 144
X v. United Kingdom, 5 Nov. 1981, Series A no. 46, (1982)
4 EHRR 188; 1982 EuGRZ 101; (1981)
2/3-4 HRLJ 380 ................................. 422, 436, 440, 448, 449, 451, 456,
457, 459, 467, 471, 475, 476,
478, 479, 481, 489, 490, 494, 518, 521
X and Y v. Netherlands, 26 Mar. 1985,
Series A no. 91, (1986) 8 EHRR 235 ....................................................... 37

Y v. Norway, no. 56568/00, ECHR 2003-II, 161 ..................... 182, 183, 191
Yağcı and Sargın v. Turkey, 8 June 1995, Series A
no. 319-A, (1995) 20 EHRR 505; (1995) 16/7-9 HRLJ
286; (1995) 4 ÖIM-Newsletter 154 ............. 140, 143, 146, 523, 527, 530
Yagtzilar and others v. Greece, no. 41727/98, ECHR
2001-XII, 19............................................................................................ 106
Yankov v. Bulgaria, no. 39084/97, 11 Dec. 2003...................... 137, 477, 531
Young, James and Webster v. United Kingdom, 13 Aug. 1981,
Series A no. 44, (1982) 4 EHRR 38; 1981 EuGRZ 559 ........................ 125
Yvon v. France, 44962/98, 24 Apr. 2003...................................................... 97

Z. v. Finland, 25 Feb. 1997, Reports 1997-I, 323, (1998) 25

EHRR 371; (1997) 2 ÖIM-Newsletter 54 .............................................. 561
Zana v. Turkey, 25 Nov. 1997, Reports 1997-VII, 2533, (1999)
27 EHRR 667 .............................................. 139, 140, 142, 252, 256, 330
Zannouti v. France, 42211/98, 31 July 2001..................................... 529, 531
Zenhalova and Zenhal v. Czech Republic (dec.),
no. 38621/97, unreported ....................................................................... 335
Zeynep Avcı v. Turkey, 37021/97, 6 Feb. 2003 ................................ 505, 513
Zielinski and others v. France, 24846/94, 34165/96, and
34173/96, ECHR 1999-VII, (2001) 31 EHRR 19; (2000)
44 Rev. trim. dr. h. 787; (1999) 6
ÖIM-Newsletter 192 ............................................................................... 114
Zoon v. Netherlands, 29202/95, ECHR 2000-XII, (2003)
36 EHRR 22 .................................................................................. 214, 215
Zülal v. Turkey, 29703/96, 7 Feb. 2002..................................................... 146
Zumtobel v. Austria, 21 Sept. 1993, Series A no. 268-A, (1994)
17 EHRR 116; (1993) 5 ÖIM-Newsletter 24......................................... 129
lxxiv Tables of Cases



A. v. France, Application 14838/89 (1991) 69 DR 286 ............................. 542

AA v. Sweden, Application 11531/85 (1987) 53 DR 128 .......................... 191
AB v. Germany, Application 11863/85, decision of 4 May 1987,
unreported ................................................................................................. 36
AJ v. France, Application 11794/85, decision of 5 Feb. 1988,
unreported ............................................................................................... 324
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, and I v. Germany, Application 5573/72
and 5670/72 (1976) 7 DR 8 ................................................................... 409
Adler v. Switzerland, Application 9486/81 (1983) 32 DR 228 .................. 124
Agee v. United Kingdom, Application 7729/76 (1976)
7 DR 164 ....................................................................................... 124, 409
Agko v. Greece, Application 31117/96, decision of 20 Oct. 1997,
unreported ................................................................................................. 28
Akdogan v. Germany, Application 11394/85
(1968) 63 DR 69 ...................................................................................... 36
Altieri v. France, Cyprus and Switzerland, Application 28140/95,
decision of 15 May 1996, unreported ..................................................... 366
Altmann (Barbie) v. France, Application 10689/83 (1984)
37 DR 225 .............................................................................................. 432
Arrowsmith v. United Kingdom, Application 7050/75 (1980)
19 DR 5 .................................................................................................. 409
Atkinson, Crook and the Independent v. United Kingdom,
Application 13366/87 (1990) 67 DR 244............................................... 123
Austria v. Italy Application 788/60 ............................................................. 294

B v. France, Application 10179/82 (1987) 52 DR 111 ............. 445, 449, 461

B v. France, Application 10291/83 (1986) 47 DR 59 ................................ 254
B v. France, Application 13706/88, decision of 9 december
1988, unreported ..................................................................................... 453
B v. Germany, Application 10747/84, decision of
7 Oct. 1985, unreported.......................................................................... 556
B v. Germany, Application 14219/88, decision of 18 May 1992,
unreported ............................................................................................... 374
B v. Spain, Application 12476/86, decision of 8 May 1987,
unreported ............................................................................................... 180
B, H and L v. Austria, Application 15776/89 (1989) 64
DR 264................................................................................... 154, 186, 191
Baragiola v. Switzerland, Application 17265/90 (1993) 75
DR 76...................................................................................................... 385
Tables of Cases lxxv

Bates v. United Kingdom, Application 26280/95, decision of

16 Jan. 1996, unreported ........................................................................ 170
Bayer v. Austria Application 13866/88, decision of 2 Apr. 1990,
unreported ............................................................................................... 298
Beaudet-Barat v. France, Application 12418/86, decision of
7 Sept. 1990, unreported......................................................................... 174
Bell v. United Kingdom, Application 12322/86, decision of
13 Oct. 1987, unreported........................................................................ 273
Bideault v. France, Application 11261/84 (1986) 48 DR 232........... 329, 330
Bonnechaux v. Switzerland, Application 8224/78 (1978)
15 DR 211 ............................................................................. 180, 529, 532
Bonzi v. Switzerland, Application 7854/77 (1978)
12 DR 185 ............................................................................... 20, 232, 281
Borrelli v. Switzerland, Application 17571/90 (1993)
75 DR 139 ........................................................... 20, 21, 22, 28, 363, 440
Botten v. Norway, Application 16206/90, decision of
17 Jan. 1994, unreported ........................................................................ 371
Bricmont v. Belgium, Application 10857/84 (1986)
48 DR 106 ............................................................................. 103, 210, 324
Brock v. United Kingdom, Application 26279/95, decision
of 6 Jan. 1996, unreported ...................................................................... 170
Buitrago Montes and Perez Lopez v. United Kingdom, Application
18077/91, decision of 2 Dec. 1992, unreported............................... 37, 338

C v. France, Application 17276/90, decision of 13 May 1992,

unreported ...................................................................................... 330, 335
C v. Netherlands, Application 19139/91, decision of
20 Mar. 1992, unreported ....................................................................... 513
C v. United Kingdom, Application 10427/83 (1986) 47 DR 85 ............... 452
C v. United Kingdom, Application 10854/84 (1985) 43 DR 177 ............. 443
C v. United Kingdom, Application 11882/85 (1987) 54 DR 162 ...... 28, 184
C and EF v. Austria, Application 20517/92, decision of
3 Apr. 1994, unreported............................................................................ 24
CB and AM v. Switzerland, Application 17443/90, decision of
12 Oct., unreported................................................................................. 363
CPH v. Sweden, Application 20959/92, decision of 2 Sept. 1994,
unreported ............................................................................................... 367
Callens v. Belgium, Application 13157/87 (1991) 70 DR 167..................... 74
Caprino v. United Kingdom, Application 6871/75 (1978)
12 DR 14, 21 Y b 284................................................... 452, 459, 475, 476
Choudhary v. United Kingdom, Application 12509/86, decision
of 3 Mar. 1988, unreported....................................................................... 87
lxxvi Tables of Cases

Christie v. United Kingdom, Application 21482/93 (1994)

78-A DR 119.................................................................................. 437, 542
Christinet v. Switzerland, Application 7648/76 (1977)
11 DR 175 .............................................................................................. 441
Claudel v. France, Application 23038/93, decision of
30 Nov. 1994, unreported....................................................................... 262
Crociani and others v. Italy, Applications 8603/79, 8722/79,
8723/79, and 8729/79 (1980) 22 DR 147 .............................. 53, 133, 370

D v. Germany, Application 11703/85 (1987)

54 DR 116 ............................................................................. 413, 418, 521
D v. Netherlands, Application 11013/84 (1985)
42 DR 241 ..................................................................................... 506, 511
D v. Switzerland, Application 11497/85, decision of
29 Feb. 1988, unreported........................................................................ 174
De Varga-Hirsch v. France, Application 9559/81 (1983) 33
DR 158.................................................................................................... 138
Delazarus v. United Kingdom, Application 17525/90,
decision of 16 Feb. 1993, unreported........................................................ 23
Delcourt v. Belgium, Application 2689/65 (1967)
22 CD 48 ................................................................................................ 329
Demel v. Austria, Application 24208/94, decision of 18 Oct. 1995,
unreported ............................................................................................... 367
Demel v. Austria, Application 30993/96, decision of 16 Apr. 1998,
unreported ................................................................................ 15, 363, 366
Demmer v. Austria, Application 19130/91, decision of
28 Feb. 1994, unreported....................................................................28, 29
Deschamps v. Belgium, Application 13370/87 (1991)
70 DR 177 .............................................................................................. 527
Deutsch v. Germany, Application 7033/75, decision of
12 Oct. 1977, unreported........................................................................ 424
Dhoest v. Belgium, Application 10448/83 (1988)
55 DR 5 ........................................................................ 449, 450, 480, 495
Dimitriadis v. Greece, Application 13877/88 (1990)
65 DR 279 ................................................................................................ 28
Drozd and Janousek v. France and Spain, Application 12747/87,
decision of 12 Dec. 1989, unreported ..................................................... 439
Du Bois v. Netherlands, Application 36986/97, decision of
21 Oct. 1998, unreported........................................................................ 235
Duhs v. Sweden, Application 12995/87 (1990) 67 DR 204....................... 170
Dyer v. United Kingdom, Application 10475/83 (1984) 39
DR 246.................................................................................................... 409
Tables of Cases lxxvii

E v. Switzerland, Application 12117/86, decision of 3 May 1988,

unreported ............................................................................................... 172
Eggs v. Switzerland, Application 10313/83 (1984)
39 DR 225 ......................................................... 20, 22, 28, 497, 498, 499
Egue v. France, Application 11256/84 (1988) 57 DR 47........................... 422
EM v. Norway, Application 20087/92 (1995) 83-A DR 5.................. 98, 367
Ensslin, Baader & Raspe v. Germany, Applications 7572/76,
7586/76, and 7587/76 (1978) 14 DR 64 ...............56, 175, 264, 268, 280

Fedele v. Germany, Application 11311/84, decision of

9 Dec. 1987, unreported ................................................................ 330, 337
Firestone Tire and Rubber Co and The International Synthetic
Rubber Co Ltd v. United Kingdom, Application 5460/72
(1973) 43 CD 99, 16 Y b 152................................................ 107, 108, 109
FN v. France, Application 18725/91, decision of 10 Oct. 1994,
unreported ............................................................................................... 374
Foster v. United Kingdom, Application 28846/95, decision of
16 Jan. 1996, unreported ........................................................................ 170
François v. United Kingdom, Application 11058/84 (1983)
47 DR 230 .............................................................................................. 213
Freda v. Italy, Application 8916/80 (1980) 21 DR 250 ............................. 432

G v. Germany, Application 14289/88, decision of 14 March 1989,

unreported ...................................................................................... 281, 437
G v. United Kingdom, Application 9370/81 (1983) 35 DR 75 ................. 281
Gestra v. Italy, Application 21072/92 (1995) 80-B DR 89 ........................ 385
Gharib v. Suisse, Application 24198/94, decision of 29 June 1994,
unreported ............................................................................................... 374

H v. United Kingdom, Application 10000/82 (1983) 33

DR 247...................................................................................................... 36
H v. United Kingdom, Application 15023/89, decision of
4 Apr. 1990, unreported.......................................................................... 168
HB v. Switzerland, Application 28332/95, decision of
14 Jan. 1998, unreported ..................................... 392, 457, 461, 480, 509
HS v. Austria, Application 26510/95, decision of 28 Feb. 1996,
unreported ...................................................................................... 365, 366
Harkin v. United Kingdom, Application 11539/85 (1986)
48 DR 237 .............................................................................................. 445
Harward v. Norway, Application 14170/88, decision of
12 Mar. 1990, unreported ............................................. 205, 220, 230, 338
Hauschildt v. Denmark, Application 10486/83 (1986)
49 DR 86 ................................................................................................ 519
lxxviii Tables of Cases

Hauser v. Austria, Application 26808/95 (1996)

84-A DR 164.................................................................................. 365, 367
Hayward v. Sweden, Application 14106/88, decision
6 Dec. 1991, unreported ......................................................................... 205
Hellegouarch v. France, Application 11994/86, decision of
12 Oct. 1988, unreported........................................................................ 180
Hersin v. France, Application 12528/86, decision of
4 July 1988, unreported ................................................................. 162, 174
Hogben v. United Kingdom, Application 11653/85 (1986)
46 DR 231 .................................................................... 413, 418, 473, 521
Hols v. Netherlands, Application 25206/94, decision of
19 Oct. 1995, unreported........................................................................ 321
Horst v. Austria, Application 25809/94, decision of
28 Feb. 1996, unreported......................................................... 19, 365, 367
Houswitschka v. Germany, Application 12380/86, decision
of 5 Oct. 1988, unreported ............................................................ 162, 173
Huber v. Austria, Application 5523/72 (1974) 17 Y b 314;
(1974) 46 CD 99 .......................................................... 219, 220, 221, 418
Huber v. Austria, Application 6821/74 (1976)
6 DR 65 .................................................................................................. 499

IH, MeH, RH & MuH v. Austria, Application 42780/98,

decision of 23 Oct. 2001, unreported ..................................................... 367
Illich Sanchez Ramirez (‘Carlos’) v. France, Application 28780/95,
decision of 24 June 1996, unreported ..................................................... 432
Imam and others v. Greece, Application 29764/96, decision of
20 Oct. 97, unreported.............................................................................. 28
Isop v. Austria, Application 808/60 (1962) 5 Y b 108 ................................ 329

J and R Kaufman v. Belgium, Application 10938/84 (1986)

50 DR 98 .................................................................................................. 95
JM v. Switzerland, Application 21083/92, decision of
12 Oct. 1994, unreported.......................................................................... 27
JP, KR and GH v. Austria, Application 15135/89, 15136/89,
and 15137/89 (1989) 62 DR 319 ........................................................... 170
J v. France, Application 15932/89, decision of 6 Sept. 1990,
unreported ............................................................................................... 530
Jakobsen v. Denmark, Application 22015/93, decision of
30 Nov. 1994, unreported.............................................................. 366, 368
Jakobsson v. Sweden, Application 10878/84 (1984)
41 DR 247 ................................................................................................ 28
Jentzsch v. Germany, Application 2604/65 (1967) 10 Y b 218 .................. 530
Tables of Cases lxxix

Johansen v. Norway, Application 10600/83 (1985) 44

DR 155.................................................................................................... 445
Johnson v. United Kingdom, Application 42246/98, decision of
29 Nov. 1999, unreported......................................................................... 83

K v. Belgium, Application 10819/84 (1984) 38 DR 230 ........................... 459

K v. Denmark, Application 19524/92, decision of
5 May 1993, unreported.......................................................................... 328
K v. France, Application 10210/82 (1983) 35 DR 203.............................. 330
K v. Germany, Application 12304/86 decision of
21 Jan. 1988, unreported ........................................................................ 263
K v. Germany, Application 13402/87 (1989) 63 DR 147
(friendly settlement)................................................................................. 331
KB v. Austria, Application 11170/84, decision of 14 July 1987,
unreported ............................................................................................... 174
KD v. Netherlands, Application 21207/93 (1994) 79-B
DR 31...................................................................................................... 542
KL v. United Kingdom, Application 32715/96, 22 Oct. 1997,
unreported ............................................................................................... 202
Källender v. Sweden, Application 12693/87, decision of
6 Mar. 1989, unreported ......................................................................... 157
Kayhan v. Germany, Application 11585/85, decision of
10 Mar. 1986, unreported ....................................................................... 178
Kempers v. Austria, Application 21842/93, decision of
17 Feb. 1997, unreported........................................................................ 279
Kiss v. United Kingdom, Application 6224/73 (1976)
7 DR 55 ........................................................................................... 22, 418
Köplinger v. Austria, Application 1850/63 (1966)
9 Y b 240 ........................................................................................ 218, 231
Kozlov v. Finland, Application 16832/90 (1991) 69 DR 321 .................... 204
Krause v. Switzerland, Application 7986/77 (1978)
13 DR 73 ......................................................................................... 56, 189
Kremzow v. Austria, Application 12350/86, decision of
5 Sept. 1990, unreported......................................................................... 127
Kremzow v. Austria, Application 16417/90 (1990)
67 DR 307 ................................................................................... 15, 18, 28
Kröcher and Möller v. Switzerland, Application 8463/78 (1981)
26 DR 24 ....................................................................................... 216, 232
Kropf v. Germany, Application 14733/89, decision of 2 July 1990,
unreported ............................................................................................... 177
Kulpakko v. Finland, Application 25761/94, decision of
15 May 1996, unreported.......................................................................... 16
Kurup v. Denmark, Application 11219/84 (1985) 42 DR 287 .................. 311
lxxx Tables of Cases

L v. Netherlands, Application 12241/86, decision of 13 Oct. 1988,

unreported ............................................................................................... 178
LKD v. Switzerland, Application 20320/92, decision of 5 Apr. 1995,
unreported ............................................................................................... 369
Lantto v. Finland, Application 27665/95, decision of 12 July 1996,
unreported ...................................................................................... 366, 371
Leiningen-Westerburg v. Austria, Application 26601/95 (1997) 88-B
DR 85........................................................................................................ 28
Lingens and Leitgeb v. Austria, Applications 8803/79 and 1112/81
(1981) 26 DR 171; 1982 EuGRZ 551 ................................................... 171
Lupker v. Netherlands, Application 18395/95, decision of
7 Dec. 1992, unreported ......................................................................... 547
Lynas v. Switzerland, Application 7317/75 (1976) 6 DR 141 .................... 453

M v. Germany, Application 10272/82 (1984) 38 DR 104......................... 489

M v. Switzerland, Application 11263/84, decision of 5 May 1986,
unreported ............................................................................................... 159
MK v. Austria, Application 21155/93, decision of 2 Sept. 1994,
unreported ............................................................................................... 320
MS and PS v. Switzerland, Application 10628/83 (1985)
44 DR 175 .............................................................................................. 551
McCourt v. United Kingdom, Application 20433/92, decision of
2 Dec. 1992; (1993) 15 EHRR 110 ......................................................... 42
McFeeley and others v. United Kingdom, Application 8317/78
(1980) 20 DR 44 .................................................................................... 557
McQuiston and others v. United Kingdom, Application 11208/84
(1986) 46 DR 182 .................................................................................. 410
Magharian v. Switzerland, Application 23337/94, decision of
9 Apr. 1997, unreported.......................................................................... 362
Manzoni v. Italy, Application 15521/89, decision of 2 Dec. 1992,
unreported ............................................................................................... 385
Michael Horst v. Austria, Application 25809/94, decision of
28 Feb. 1996, unreported......................................................... 19, 363, 367
Morael v. France, Application 14498/89, decision of
8 Jan. 1993, (unreported).......................................................................... 86
Mortensen v. Denmark, Application 24867/94, decision of
15 May 1996, unreported........................................................................ 205
Moussa v. France, Application 28897/95 (1997) 89-B DR 92 ................... 532
Mulders v. Netherlands, Application 23231/94 (1995) decision of
6 Apr., unreported ..................................................................................... 74
Murphy v. United Kingdom, Application 4681/70 (1972) 43 CD 1......... 211

Näss v. Sweden, Application 18066/91 (1994) 77 DR 37.......................... 367

Tables of Cases lxxxi

Nederlandse Omroepprogramma Stichting v. Netherlands,

Application 15844/90, decision of 13 Oct. 1993, unreported ................ 202
Neumeister v. Austria, Application 1936/63 (1964) 14 CD 38.................. 461
Neumeister v. Austria, Application 4622/70 (1972) 40 CD 15.................. 232
Nielsen v. Denmark, Application 343/57 (1959)
2 Y b 412 ................................................. 56, 86, 163, 206, 368, 415, 458
Nielsen v. Denmark, Application 19028/91 (1992) 73 DR 239 ................ 368
NW v. Luxembourg, Application 19715/92, decision of
8 Dec. 1992, unreported ......................................................................... 367

O v. Switzerland, Application 11495/85, decision of

10 Mar. 1988, unreported ....................................................................... 174
O and T v. Netherlands, Application 17631/91 and 17632/91,
decision of 2 Sept. 1992 .......................................................................... 299
Ofner v. Austria, Application 524/59 (1960)
3 Y b 322 ........................................................................... 91, 95, 223, 230
Osman v. United Kingdom, Application 15933/89, decision of
14 Jan. 1991, unreported ........................................................................ 453
Otelo Saraiva de Carvalho v. Portugal, Application 9208/80 (1981)
26 DR 262 ................................................................................................ 29

PSV v. Finland, Application 23378/94, decision of 18 Jan. 1995,

unreported ............................................................................................... 335
Partouche v. France, Application 25906/94, decision of
17 May 1995, unreported........................................................................ 371
Pechanec v. Slovak Republic, Application 30904/96, decision of
22 Oct. 1997, unreported........................................................................ 374
Perez Mahia v. Spain, Application 11022/84, decision of
5 Dec. 1985; (1985) 9 EHRR CD 145 .................................................. 220
Peter Hauser v. Austria, Application 26808/95, decision of
16 Jan. 1996, unreported ......................................................... 19, 365, 367
Peterson Sarpsborg AS and others v. Norway, Application 25944/94,
decision of 27 Nov. 1996, unreported............................................ 366, 367
Philis v. Greece, Application 16598/90 (1990) 66 DR 260........................ 264
Putz v. Austria, Application 18892/91 (1993) 76-A DR 51 ....................... 370

R v. Belgium, Application 15957/90 (1992) 72 DR 195 .................. 109, 236

R v. Germany, Application 11506/85, decision of 13 May 1986,
unreported ............................................................................................... 440
R v. Germany, Application 12669/87, decision of 11 Oct. 1988,
unreported ............................................................................................... 173
Rabenseifer v. Austria, Application 24154/94, decision of
28 Feb. 1996, unreported........................................................................ 204
lxxxii Tables of Cases

Rebasso v. Austria, Application 12007/86, decision of 5 Oct. 1987,

unreported ............................................................................................... 184
Reinette v. France, Application 14009/88 (1989) 63 DR 189.................... 432
Reinthaler v. Austria, Application 19360/92, decision of
20 Jan. 1994, unreported ........................................................................ 370
Roelofs v. Netherlands, Application 19435/92, decision of
1 July 1992, unreported ............................................................................ 23
Roos v. Sweden, Application 19598/92, decision of
6 Apr. 1994, unreported................................................................. 328, 335
Ross v. United Kingdom, Application 11396/85 (1986)
50 DR 179 ........................................................... 213, 214, 220, 221, 236
Rossi v. France, Application 11879/75 (1989) 63 DR 105 .......................... 75
Roux v. United Kingdom, Application 12039/86 (1986)
48 DR 263 .............................................................................................. 481

S v. Austria, Application 12262/86, decision of 8 Sept. 1988,

unreported ...................................................................................... 299, 321
S v. France, Application 10965/84 (1988) 56 DR 62................................. 453
S v. Germany, Application 8945/80 (1983) 39 DR 43 ..................... 384, 385
S v. Germany, Application 15871/89, decision of 8 Oct. 1992,
unreported ...................................................................................... 162, 173
S v. United Kingdom, Application 8512/79 (1979)
2 Digest 444 ............................................................................................ 128
S v. United Kingdom, Application 11821/85, decision of
12 Dec. 1987, unreported .............................................................. 220, 221
S v. United Kingdom, Application 12370/86, decision of
9 Dec. 1987, unreported ................................................................ 209, 211
SE v. Switzerland, Application 28994/95, decision of
4 Mar. 1998, unreported ......................................................................... 319
SEK v. Switzerland, Application 18595/91, decision of
12 Jan. 1994, unreported ........................................................................ 334
SM v. Austria, Application 11919/86, decision of 8 May 1987,
unreported ...................................................................................... 186, 191
SS, AM and YSM v. Austria, Application 19066/91 (1993)
74 DR 179 .............................................................................................. 416
Sacramati v. Italy, Application 23369/94, decision of
6 Sept. 1995, unreported......................................................................... 200
Sagir v. Austria, Application 32054/96, decision of 2 July 1998,
unreported ...................................................................................... 391, 399
Salinga v. Germany, Application 22534/93, decision of
7 Dec. 1994, unreported ......................................................................... 204
Tables of Cases lxxxiii

Samer v. Germany, Application 4319/69 (1971)

39 CD 11 ................................................................................................ 221
Santa Cruz Ruiz v. United Kingdom, Application 26109/95,
decision of 22 Oct. 1997, unreported ..................................................... 334
Sargın and Yagcı v. Turkey, Application 14116/88 and
14117/88 (1989) 61 DR 250; 1 RUDH 516 (1989) ............................. 466
Schatzmayr v. Austria, Application 32052/96, decision of
21 May 1998, unreported.......................................................................... 28
Scheichelbauer v. Austria, Application 2645/65 (1969)
30 CD 1 (1968) 11 Yb................................................................... 162, 264
Schertenleib v. Switzerland, Application 8339/78 (1979)
17 DR 180 .................................................................... 281, 309, 529, 532
Senn v. Switzerland, Application 17601/91, decision of
7 Apr. 1994, unreported.......................................................................... 105
Shahzad v. United Kingdom, Application 34225/96, decisions
of 22 Oct. 1997, unreported ................................................................... 202
Shanmukanathan v. Germany, Application 14261/88 (1990)
66 DR 228 (friendly settlement) ............................................................. 331
Simonnet v. France, Application 23037/93, decision of
9 Oct. 1995, unreported.......................................................................... 363
Sinowatz v. Austria, Application 18962/91, decision of
30 June 1993, unreported ....................................................................... 367
Sjöstörm v. Sweden, Application 19853/92, decision of
12 Oct. 1994, unreported....................................................................20, 28
Skoogström v. Sweden, Application 8582/79, decision of
11 Oct. 1982, unreported............................................................... 460, 513
Slobodan v. Netherlands, Application 29838/96, decision of
15 Oct. 1997, unreported........................................................................ 321
Soltikow v. Germany, Application 2257/64 (1968) 11 Y b 180 ................. 178
Spillmann v. Switzerland, Application 11811/85 (1988)
55 DR 182 .............................................................................................. 551
Stefano v. United Kingdom, Application 12391/86 (1989)
60 DR 182 .............................................................................................. 529
Stoitchkov and Shindarov v. Bulgaria, Application 24571/94
and 24572/94, decision of 28 June 1995, unreported............................. 204
Struppat v. Germany, Application 2804/66 (1968) 11 Y b 380.................... 95
Szwabowiez v. Sweden, Application 434/58 (1959)
2 Y b 354 ................................................................................................... 95

TS and FS v. Italy, Application 13274/87 (1990)

66 DR 164 ................................................................................................ 52
Trivedi v. United Kingdom, Application 31700/96 (1997)
89-A DR 136........................................................................................... 296
lxxxiv Tables of Cases

Turnbridge v. United Kingdom, Application 16397/90,

decision of 17 May 1990, unreported ..................................................... 489
Tyler v. United Kingdom, Application 21283/93 (1994)
77-A DR 81............................................................................................... 18

U v. Luxembourg, Application 10142/82 (1985) 42 DR 86 ...................... 216

V v. Malta, Application 18280/90, decision of 9 Apr. 1992,

unreported ............................................................................................... 126
V v. United Kingdom, Application 11465/85, decision of
3 Mar. 1986, unreported ......................................................................... 268

W v. Austria, Application 12990/87, decision of 10 Mar. 1988,

unreported ............................................................................................... 159
W v. Germany, Application 11526/85 (1986) 50 DR 219......................... 189
W v. United Kingdom, Application 12118/86, decision of
4 Mar. 1987, unreported ......................................................................... 437
WK v. Switzerland, Application 15668/89, decision of
16 Dec. 1991, unreported ......................................................................... 52
Wickramsinghe v. United Kingdom, Application 31503/96, decision
of 9 Dec. 1997, unreported ....................................................................... 28
Widmaier v. Netherlands, Application 9573/81 (1986) 48 DR 14
(friendly settlement)................................................................................. 252
Williams v. United Kingdom, Application 19404/92, decision of
1 July 1992, unreported .......................................................................... 548
Windsor v. United Kingdom, Application 13081/87,
14 Dec. 1998, unreported ......................................................................... 37
Winer v. United Kingdom, Application 10871/84 (1986) 48
DR 154.................................................................................................... 409
Woukam Moudefo v. France, Application 10868/84 (1987)
51 DR 62 ............................................................................... 249, 487, 495

X v. Austria, Application 864/60 (1962) 9 CD 17 ....................................... 36

X v. Austria, Application 1092/61 (1962) 9 CD 37 ................................... 302
X v. Austria, Application 1237/61 (1962) 5 Y b 96 ............................. 36, 302
X v. Austria, Application 1476/62 (1963) 11 CD 31 ................................... 56
X v. Austria, Application 1519/62 (1963) 6 Y b 346 ......................... 384, 385
X v. Austria, Application 1592/62 (1963) 10 CD 59 ................................. 385
X v. Austria, Application 1816/63 (1964) 7 Y b 204 .................................. 232
X v. Austria, Application 1918/63 (1963) 12 CD 115 ...................... 154, 159
X v. Austria, Application 2291/64 (1967) 24 CD 20 ........................ 175, 211
X v. Austria, Application 2370/64 (1967) 22 CD 96 ................................. 213
X v. Austria, Application 2676/65 (1967) 23 CD 31 ........................ 175, 264
Tables of Cases lxxxv

X v. Austria, Application 2742/66 (1966) 9 Y b 550 ......................... 172, 384

X v. Austria, Application 4212/69 (1970) 35 CD 151 ............................... 385
X v. Austria, Application 4338/69 (1970) 36 CD 79 ................................. 179
X v. Austria, Application 5560/72 (1973) 45 CD 59 ................................. 498
X v. Austria, Application 6185/73 (1975) 2 DR 68 ................................... 338
X v. Austria, Application 7138/75 (1977) 9 DR 50 .................. 222, 232, 264
X v. Austria, Application 7761/77 (1978) 14 DR 171 ................................. 36
X v. Austria, Application 8170/78 (1979) 22 Y b 308 ................................ 548
X v. Austria, Application 8251/78 (1979) 17 DR 166 ............................... 218
X v. Austria, Application 9295/81 (1982) 30 DR 227 ............................... 190
X v. Austria, Application 11255/84, decision of 17 July 1986,
unreported ............................................................................................... 218
X v. Belgium, Application 1103/61 (1962) 8 CD 112 ............................... 458
X v. Belgium, Application 4502/70 (1971) 38 CD 82 ............................... 460
X v. Belgium, Application 5488/72 (1974) 45 CD 20 ............................... 557
X v. Belgium, Application 5973/73 (1973) 45 CD 119 ............................. 437
X v. Belgium, Application 6692/74 (1975) 2 DR 108 ............................... 489
X v. Belgium, Application 6859/74 (1975) 3 DR 139 ...................... 480, 484
X v. Belgium, Application 7628/76 (1977) 9 DR 169 .............. 200, 213, 219
X v. Belgium, Application 8962/80 (1982) 28 DR 112 ............................. 542
X v. Denmark, Application 2518/65 (1965) 18 CD 44 ............................. 175
X v. Denmark, Application 8395/78 (1981) 27 DR 50.............................. 311
X v. Denmark, Application 8828/79 (1982) 30 DR 93.............................. 460
X v. Germany, Application 441/58 (1959) 2 Y b 391........................ 219, 220
X v. Germany, Application 844/60 (1961) 7 CD 81.................................. 498
X v. Germany, Application 1035/61 (1963) 10 CD 12..................... 107, 109
X v. Germany, Application 1035/61 (1963) 6 Y b 181...................... 107, 109
X v. Germany, Application 1151/61 (1961) 7 CD 118.............................. 498
X v. Germany, Application 1322/62 (1963) 6 Y b 495............................... 439
X v. Germany, Application 2136/64 (1964) 13 CD 116............................ 163
X v. Germany, Application 2219/64 (1965) 16 CD 53..................... 517, 521
X v. Germany, Application 2246/64 (1965) 2 Digest 915,
unreported ................................................................................................. 83
X v. Germany, Application 2279/64 (1967) 23 CD 114................... 517, 521
X v. Germany, Application 2375/64 (1967) 22 CD 45.............................. 281
X v. Germany, Application 2428/65 (1967) 25 CD 1.................................. 57
X v. Germany, Application 2516/65 (1966) 9 Y b 436............................... 286
X v. Germany, Application 3347/67 (1968) 27 CD 136............................ 362
X v. Germany, Application 4119/69 ........................................................... 294
X v. Germany, Application 4124/69 (1970) 35 CD 132............................ 174
X v. Germany, Application 4149/69 (1970) 36 CD 66..................... 190, 498
X v. Germany, Application 4483/70 (1971) 38 CD 77.............................. 190
X v. Germany, Application 4984/71 (1972) 43 CD 28................................ 57
lxxxvi Tables of Cases

X v. Germany, Application 5078/71 (1974) 46 CD 35.............................. 520

X v. Germany, Application 5620/72 (1974) 46 CD 110............................ 175
X v. Germany, Application 6033/75, unreported........................................ 499
X v. Germany, Application 6062/73 (1974) 2 DR 54.................................. 56
X v. Germany, Application 6541/74 (1975) 3 DR 86................................ 529
X v. Germany, Application 6566/74 (1974) 1 DR 84................................ 309
X v. Germany, Application 6946/75 (1976) 6 DR 114.............................. 276
X v. Germany, Application 7680/76 (1977) 9 DR 190..................... 384, 385
X v. Germany, Application 8334/78 (1981) 24 DR 103............................ 410
X v. Germany, Application 8414/78 (1979) 17 DR 231............................ 309
X v. Germany, Application 8769/79 (1981) 25 DR 240............................ 107
X v. Germany, Application 8819/79 (1981) 24 DR 158................... 415, 416
X v. Germany, Application 9365/81 (1982) 28 DR 229............................ 278
X v. Germany, Application 9997/82 (1983) 31 DR 245............................ 429
X v. Germany, Application 10221/82 (1983)
6 EHRR 353 ........................................................................................... 339
X v. Ireland, Application 6040/73 (1973) 16 Y b 388 ................................ 410
X v. Netherlands, Application 8239/78 (1978) 16 DR 184 .............. 179, 180
X v. Netherlands, Application 8361/78 (1981) 27 DR 37 ......................... 178
X v. Netherlands, Application 8585/79, decision of 6 Mar.
1980, unreported ..................................................................................... 178
X v. Netherlands, Application 9433/81 (1981) 27
DR 233.................................................................................................... 384
X v. Norway, Application 5923/72 (1975) 3 DR 43 .................................. 264
X v. Norway, Application 7945/77 (1978) 14 DR 228 .............................. 126
X v. Sweden, Application 7170/75, decision of 7 Mar. 1997,
unreported ............................................................................................... 459
X v. Sweden, Application 10230/82 (1983) 32 DR 303 ............................ 466
X v. Switzerland, Application 7736/76 (1977) 9 DR 206 .......................... 545
X v. Switzerland, Application 7754/77 (1977) 11 DR 216 ........................ 417
X v. Switzerland, Application 8485/79 (1981) 22 DR 131 ........................ 485
X v. Switzerland, Application 8500/79 (1979)
18 DR 238 ..................................................................................... 413, 446
X v. Switzerland, Application 9000/80 (1982) 28 DR 127 .......................... 86
X v. Switzerland, Application 9127/80 (1981) 26 DR 238 ........................ 252
X v. Switzerland, Application 13563/88, decision of 4 Sept. 1989,
unreported ............................................................................................... 551
X v. United Kingdom, Application 3860/68 (1969) 30 CD 70 ................. 177
X v. United Kingdom, Application 4042/69 (1970) 13 Y b 690 ................ 211
X v. United Kingdom, Application 4220/69 (1971) 14 Y b 250 ................ 458
X v. United Kingdom, Application 5281/71, unreported ........................... 299
X v. United Kingdom, Application 5282/71 (1972) 42 CD 99 ................. 225
X v. United Kingdom, Application 5302/71 (1973) 44 CD 29 ................. 410
Tables of Cases lxxxvii

X v. United Kingdom, Application 5327/71 (1972) 43 CD 85 ................. 220

X v. United Kingdom, Application 5871/72 (1974) 1 DR 54 ..................... 98
X v. United Kingdom, Application 5877/72 (1973) 16 Y b 328 ................ 548
X v. United Kingdom, Application 6956/75 (1976) 8 DR 103 ................. 286
X v. United Kingdom, Application 7308/75 (1978) 16 DR 32 ................. 542
X v. United Kingdom, Application 7413/76 (1977) 9 DR 100 ................... 98
X v. United Kingdom, Application 8233/78 (1979) 17 DR 122 ............... 518
X v. United Kingdom, Application 8295/78 (1978) 15 DR 242 ............... 264
X v. United Kingdom, Application 8386/78 (1980)
21 DR 126 ............................................................................. 214, 252, 253
X v. United Kingdom, Application 9089/80 (1980) 24 DR 227 ............... 473
X v. United Kingdom, Application 9403/81 (1982) 28 DR 235 ............... 453
X v. X, Application 125/55 (1956) 1 Y b 230............................................. 276
X v. X, Application 172/56 (1957) 1 Y b 211............................................. 287
X v. X, Application 1184/61, decision of 19 Dec. 1962, unreported ......... 237
X v. X, Application 12422/86, decision of 5 Dec. 1988, unreported ......... 514
X v. X, Application 3117/67, decision of 6 Oct. 1967,
2 Digest 915, unreported......................................................................... 338
X v. X, Application 4501/70, decision of 18 Dec. 1970, unreported ......... 324
X v. X, Application 6404/73, decision of 21 May 1975,
2 Digest 895, unpublished....................................................................... 218
X v. X, Application 7368/76, decision of 2 May 1978, unreported............ 267
X v. X, Application 8124/77, decision of 7 Dec. 1978,
2 Digest 916 ............................................................................................ 329
X v. X, Application 8375/78, decision of 10 Mar. 1981,
unreported ............................................................................................... 324
X v. X, Application 8770/79, decision of 10 July 1981,
2 Digest 405 ............................................................................................ 212
X v. X, Application 8880/80, decision of 15 Mar. 1984,
unreported ............................................................................................... 133
X v. X, Application 9457/81, decision of 15 Oct. 1981,
2 Digest 407 ............................................................................................ 324
X v. X, Application 9671/82, decision of 3 May 1982,
unreported ............................................................................................... 311
X and Y v. Austria, Application 7909/74 (1978) 15 DR 160............ 218, 220
X and Y v. Germany, Applications 5217/71 and 5367/72
(1972) 42 CD 139 .................................................................................. 263
X and Y v. Sweden, Application 7376/76 (1976) 7 DR 123 ...................... 417
X, Y and Z v. Austria, Application 5049/71 (1973) 43 CD 38.................. 312
X, Y and Z v. Austria, Application 7950/77 (1980) 19 DR 213 ................ 499

Y v. Germany, Application 11777/85, decision of 13 Oct. 1986,

unreported ...................................................................................... 204, 275
lxxxviii Tables of Cases

YM v. France, Application 24948/94, decision of 28 June 1995,

unreported ............................................................................................... 374

Z. v. Netherlands, Application 10400/83 (1984) 38 DR 145 .................... 453

Zana v. Turkey, Application 18954/91 (1993)
75 DR 192 ............................................................................. 139, 253, 331



125/55, X v. X, (1956) 1 Y b 230............................................................... 276

172/56, X v. X, (1957) 1 Y b 211............................................................... 286
343/57, Nielsen v. Denmark, (1959)
2 Y b 412 ................................................. 56, 86, 163, 206, 368, 415, 458
434/58, Szwabowiez v. Sweden, (1959) 2 Y b 354........................................ 95
441/58, X v. Germany, (1959) 2 Y b 391 .......................................... 219, 220
524/59, Ofner v. Austria, (1960) 3 Y b 322.......................... 91, 95, 223, 230
808/60, Isop v. Austria, (1962) 5 Y b 108 .................................................. 329
844/60, X v. Germany, (1961) 7 CD 81 .................................................... 498
864/60, X v. Austria, (1962) 9 CD 17 ......................................................... 36
1035/61, X v. Germany, (1963) 10 CD 12 ....................................... 107, 108
1035/61, X v. Germany, (1963) 6 Y b 181 ........................................ 107, 109
1092/61, X v. Austria, (1962) 9 CD 37 ..................................................... 302
1103/61, X v. Belgium, (1962) 8 CD 112 ................................................. 458
1151/61, X v. Germany, (1961) 7 CD 118 ................................................ 498
1184/61, X v. X, decision of 19 Dec. 1962, unreported............................. 237
1237/61, X v. Austria, (1962) 5 Y b 96 ............................................... 36, 302
1322/62, X v. Germany, (1963) 6 Y b 495 ................................................. 439
1476/62, X v. Austria, (1963) 11 CD 31 ..................................................... 56
1519/62, X v. Austria, (1963) 6 Y b 346 ........................................... 384, 385
1592/62, X v. Austria, (1963) 10 CD 59 ................................................... 385
1816/63, X v. Austria, (1964) 7 Y b 204 .................................................... 232
1850/63, Köplinger v. Austria, (1966) 9 Y b 240 .............................. 218, 231
1918/63, X v. Austria, (1963) 12 CD 115 ........................................ 154, 155
1936/63, Neumeister v. Austria, (1964) 14 CD 38 .................................... 461
2136/64, X v. Germany, (1964) 13 CD 116 .............................................. 163
2219/64, X v. Germany, (1965) 16 CD 53 ....................................... 517, 521
2246/64, X v. Germany, (1965) 2 Digest 915.............................................. 83
2257/64, Soltikow v. Germany, (1968) 11 Y b 180.................................... 178
2279/64, X v. Germany, (1967) 23 CD 114 ..................................... 517, 521
2291/64, X v. Austria, (1967) 24 CD 20 .......................................... 175, 211
2370/64, X v. Austria, (1967) 22 CD 96 ................................................... 213
Tables of Cases lxxxix

2375/64, X v. Germany, (1967) 22 CD 45 ................................................ 281

2428/65, X v. Germany, (1967) 25 CD 1 .................................................... 57
2516/65, X v. Germany, (1966) 9 Y b 436 ................................................. 286
2518/65, X v. Denmark, (1965) 18 CD 44................................................ 286
2604/65, Jentzsch v. Germany, (1967) 10 Y b 218..................................... 530
2645/65, Scheichelbauer v. Austria, (1969)
30 CD 1 ......................................................................................... 162, 264
2676/65, X v. Austria, (1967) 23 CD 31 .......................................... 175, 264
2689/65, Delcourt v. Belgium, 22 CD 48 (1967) ...................................... 329
2742/66, X v. Austria, (1966) 9 Y b 550 ........................................... 172, 384
2804/66, Struppat v. Germany, (1968) 11 Y b 380 ...................................... 95
3117/67, X v. X, (1967) 2 Digest 915........................................................ 338
3347/67, X v. Germany, (1968) 27 CD 136 .............................................. 362
3860/68, X v. United Kingdom, (1969) 30 CD 70.................................... 177
4042/69, X v. United Kingdom, (1970) 13 Y b 690 .................................. 177
4124/69, X v. Germany, (1970) 35 CD 132 .............................................. 174
4149/69, X v. Germany, (1970) 36 CD 66 ....................................... 180, 498
4212/69, X v. Austria, (1970) 35 CD 151 ................................................. 385
4220/69, X v. United Kingdom, (1971) 14 Y b 250 .................................. 458
4319/69, Samer v. Germany, (1971) 39 CD 11 ......................................... 221
4338/69, X v. Austria, (1970) 36 CD 79 ................................................... 385
4483/70, X v. Germany, (1971) 38 CD 77 ................................................ 190
4501/70, X v. X, decision of 18 Dec. 1970,
unreported ............................................................................................... 324
4502/70, X v. Belgium, (1971) 38 CD 82 ................................................. 460
4622/70, Neumeister v. Austria, (1972) 40 CD 15 .................................... 232
4681/70, Murphy v. United Kingdom, (1972) 43 CD 1 ........................... 211
4984/71, X v. Germany, (1972) 43 CD 28 .................................................. 57
5049/71, X., Y and Z v. Austria, (1973) 43 CD 38 ................................... 312
5078/71, X v. Germany, (1974) 46 CD 35 ................................................ 519
5217/71 and 5367/72, X and Y v. Germany, (1972)
42 CD 139 .............................................................................................. 263
5281/71, X v. United Kingdom, unreported............................................... 299
5282/71, X v. United Kingdom, (1972) 42 CD 99.................................... 225
5302/71, X v. United Kingdom, (1973) 44 CD 29.................................... 410
5327/71, X v. United Kingdom, (1972) 43 CD 85.................................... 220
5460/72, Firestone Tire and Rubber Co, Firestone
Tyre and Rubber Co Ltd, and International
Synthetic Rubber Co Ltd v. United Kingdom,
(1973) 16 Y b 152 .................................................................. 107, 108, 109
5460/72, Firestone Tire and Rubber Co and The International
Synthetic Rubber Co Ltd v. United Kingdom, (1973)
43 CD 99 ....................................................................................... 107, 108
xc Tables of Cases

5488/72, X v. Belgium, (1974) 45 CD 20 ................................................. 557

5523/72, Huber v. Austria, (1974) 17 Y b 314;
(1974) 46 CD 99 .......................................................... 219, 220, 221, 499
5560/72, X v. Austria, (1973) 45 CD 59 ................................................... 478
5573/72 and 5670/72, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, and I v. Germany,
(1976) 7 DR 8 ........................................................................................ 409
5620/72, X v. Germany, (1974) 46 CD 110 .............................................. 175
5871/72, X v. United Kingdom, (1974) 1 DR 54........................................ 98
5877/72, X v. United Kingdom, (1973) 16 Y b 328 .................................. 548
5923/72, X v. Norway, (1975) 3 DR 43 .................................................... 264
5973/73, X v. Belgium, (1973) 45 CD 119 ............................................... 437
6033/75, X v. Germany, unreported ........................................................... 499
6040/73, X v. Ireland, (1973) 16 Y b 388 .................................................. 410
6062/73, X v. Germany, (1974) 2 DR 54 .................................................... 56
6185/73, X v. Austria, (1975) 2 DR 68...................................................... 338
6224/73, Kiss v. United Kingdom, (1976) 7 DR 55 ........................... 22, 418
6404/73, X v. X, (1975) 2 Digest 895........................................................ 218
6541/74, X v. Germany, (1975) 3 DR 86 .................................................. 529
6566/74, X v. Germany, (1974) 1 DR 84 .................................................. 309
6692/74, X v. Belgium, (1975) 2 DR 108.................................................. 489
6821/74, Huber v. Austria, (1976) 6 DR 65 ............................. 218, 220, 221
6859/74, X v. Belgium, (1975) 3 DR 139......................................... 480, 484
6871/75, Caprino v. United Kingdom, (1978)
12 DR 14, 21 Y b 284................................................... 452, 459, 475, 476
6946/75, X v. Germany, (1976) 6 DR 114 ................................................ 276
6956/75, X v. United Kingdom, (1976) 8 DR 103.................................... 286
7033/75, Deutsch v. Germany, decision of 12 Oct. 1977,
unreported ............................................................................................... 424
7050/75, Arrowsmith v. United Kingdom, (1980) 19 DR 5........................ 83
7138/75, X v. Austria, (1977) 9 DR 50............................................. 222, 232
7170/75, X v. Sweden, decision of 7 Mar. 1997, unreported ..................... 459
7308/75, X v. United Kingdom, (1978) 16 DR 32.................................... 542
7317/75, Lynas v. Switzerland, (1976) 6 DR 141 ...................................... 453
7368/76, X v. X., decision of 2 May 1978, unreported .............................. 267
7376/76, X and Y v. Sweden, (1976) 7 DR 123 ........................................ 417
7413/76, X v. United Kingdom, (1977) 9 DR 100...................................... 98
7572/76, 7586/76, and 7587/76, Ensslin, Baader & Raspe v.
Germany, (1978) 14 DR 64....................................56, 175, 264, 268, 280
7628/76, X v. Belgium, (1977) 9 DR 169................................. 200, 213, 219
7648/76, Christinet v. Switzerland, (1977) 11 DR 175.............................. 441
7680/76, X v. Germany, (1977) 9 DR 190 ....................................... 384, 385
7729/76, Agee v. United Kingdom, (1976) 7 DR 164...................... 124, 409
7736/76, X v. Switzerland, (1977) 9 DR 206............................................. 545
Tables of Cases xci

7754/77, X v. Switzerland, (1977) 11 DR 216........................................... 417

7761/77, X v. Austria, (1978) 14 DR 171.................................................... 36
7854/77, Bonzi v. Switzerland, (1978) 12 DR 185 ..................... 20, 232, 281
7909/74, X and Y v. Austria, (1978) 15 DR 160 .............................. 218, 220
7945/77, X v. Norway, (1978) 14 DR 228 ................................................ 126
7950/77, X, Y and Z v. Austria, (1980) 19 DR 213 .................................. 499
7986/77, Krause v. Switzerland, (1978) 13 DR 73.............................. 56, 189
8124/77, X v. X, (1978) 2 Digest 916........................................................ 329
8170/78, X v. Austria, (1979) 22 Y b 308 .................................................. 548
8224/78, Bonnechaux v. Switzerland, (1978)
15 DR 211 ............................................................................. 180, 529, 532
8233/78, X v. United Kingdom, (1979) 17 DR 122.................................. 519
8239/78, X v. Netherlands, (1978) 16 DR 184................................. 179, 180
8251/78, X v. Austria, (1979) 17 DR 166.................................................. 264
8295/78 , X v. United Kingdom, (1978) 15 DR 242................................. 264
8317/78, McFeeley and others v. United Kingdom, (1980)
20 DR 44 ................................................................................................ 557
8334/78, X v. Germany, (1981) 24 DR 103 .............................................. 410
8339/78, Schertenleib v. Switzerland, (1979)
17 DR 180 .................................................................... 281, 309, 529, 532
8361/78, X v. Netherlands, (1981) 27 DR 37............................................ 178
8375/78, X v. X, decision of 10 Mar. 1981, unreported ............................ 324
8386/78, X v. United Kingdom, (1980) 21 DR 126................. 214, 252, 253
8395/78, X v. Denmark, (1981) 27 DR 50 ................................................ 311
8414/78, X v. Germany, (1979) 17 DR 231 .............................................. 309
8463/78, Kröcher and Möller v. Switzerland, (1981) 26 DR 24 ....... 216, 232
8485/79, X v. Switzerland, (1981) 22 DR 131........................................... 485
8500/79, X v. Switzerland, (1979) 18 DR 238.................................. 413, 446
8512/79, S v. United Kingdom, (1979) 2 Digest 444 ................................ 128
8582/79, Skoogström v. Sweden, decision of 11 Oct. 1982,
unreported ...................................................................................... 460, 513
8585/79, X v. Netherlands, decision of 6 Mar. 1980, unreported .............. 178
8603/79, 8722/79, 8723/79, and 8729/79, Crociani and others v.
Italy, (1980) 22 DR 147 .......................................................... 53, 133, 370
8769/79, X v. Germany, (1981) 25 DR 240 .............................................. 107
8770/79, X v. X, (1981) 2 Digest 405........................................................ 212
8803/79 and 1112/81, Lingens and Leitgeb v. Austria, (1981)
26 DR 171; 1982 EuGRZ 551 ............................................................... 171
8819/79, X v. Germany, (1981) 24 DR 158 .............................................. 460
8828/79, X v. Denmark, (1982) 30 DR 93 ................................................ 460
8880/80, X v. X, decision of 15 Mar. 1984, unreported ............................ 133
8916/80, Freda v. Italy, (1980) 21 DR 250................................................ 432
8945/80, S v. Germany, (1983) 39 DR 43........................................ 384, 385
xcii Tables of Cases

8962/80, X v. Belgium, (1982) 28 DR 112................................................ 542

9000/80, X v. Switzerland, (1982) 28 DR 127............................................. 86
9089/80, X v. United Kingdom, (1980) 24 DR 227.................................. 473
9127/80, X v. Switzerland, (1981) 26 DR 238........................................... 252
9208/80, Otelo Saraiva de Carvalho v. Portugal, (1981)
26 DR 262 ................................................................................................ 29
9295/81, X v. Austria, (1982) 30 DR 227.................................................. 184
9365/81, X v. Germany, (1982) 28 DR 229 .............................................. 278
9370/81, G v. United Kingdom, (1983) 35 DR 75 ................................... 281
9403/81, X v. United Kingdom, (1982) 28 DR 235......................... 453, 467
9433/81, X v. Netherlands, (1981) 27 DR 233.......................................... 384
9457/81, X v. X, (1981) 2 Digest 407........................................................ 324
9486/81, Adler v. Switzerland, (1983) 32 DR 228..................................... 124
9559/81, De Varga-Hirsch v. France, (1983) 33 DR 158 .......................... 138
9573/81, Widmaier v. Netherlands, (1986) 48 DR 14
(friendly settlement)................................................................................. 252
9671/82, X v. X, decision of 3 May 1982, unreported ............................... 311
9997/82, X v. Germany, (1983) 31 DR 245 .............................................. 429
10000/82, H v. United Kingdom, (1983) 33 DR 247 ................................. 86
10142/82, U v. Luxembourg, (1985) 42 DR 86 ........................................ 216
10179/82, B v. France, (1987) 52 DR 111................................ 445, 448, 461
10210/82, K v. France, (1983) 35 DR 203 ................................................ 330
10221/82, X v. Germany, (1983) 6 EHRR 353 ......................................... 339
10230/82, X v. Sweden, (1983) 32 DR 303............................................... 466
10272/82, M v. Germany, (1984) 38 DR 104 ........................................... 489
10291/83, B v. France, (1986) 47 DR 59................................................... 254
10313/83, Eggs v. Switzerland, (1984) 39 DR 225 ............................. 20, 497
10400/83, Z v. Netherlands, (1984) 38 DR 145........................................ 453
10427/83, C v. United Kingdom, (1986) 47 DR 85.................................. 160
10448/83, Dhoest v. Belgium, (1988) 55 DR 5 ................................ 449, 480
10475/83, Dyer v. United Kingdom, (1984) 39 DR 246........................... 409
10486/83, Hauschildt v. Denmark, (1986) 49 DR 86 ............................... 519
10600/83, Johansen v. Norway, (1985) 44 DR 155................................... 445
10628/83, M S and P S v. Switzerland, (1985) 44 DR 175....................... 551
10670/83, Schmid v. Austria, (1985) 44 DR 195 ...................................... 532
10689/83, Altmann (Barbie) v. France, (1984) 37 DR 225 ....................... 432
10747/84, B v. Germany, decision of 7 Oct. 1985,
unreported ............................................................................................... 556
10819/84, K v. Belgium, (1984) 38 DR 230.............................................. 459
10854/84, C v. United Kingdom, (1985) 43 DR 177................................ 443
10857/84, Bricmont v. Belgium, (1986) 48 DR 106 ................................. 109
10868/84, Woukam Moudefo v. France, (1987)
51 DR 62 ............................................................................... 249, 487, 495
Tables of Cases xciii

10871/84, Winer v. United Kingdom, (1986) 48 DR 154 ........................ 409

10878/84, Jakobsson v. Sweden, (1984) 41 DR 247 .................................... 28
10938/84, J and R Kaufman v. Belgium, (1986) 50 DR 98 ........................ 95
10965/84, S v. France, (1988) 56 DR 62 ................................................... 453
11013/84, D v. Netherlands, (1985) 42 DR 241 .............................. 506, 511
11022/84, Perez Mahia v. Spain, decision of 5 Dec. 1985;
(1985) 9 EHRR CD 145 ........................................................................ 220
11058/84, François v. United Kingdom, (1983) 47 DR 230 ..................... 213
11170/84, K B v. Austria, decision of 14 July 1987,
unreported ............................................................................................... 174
11208/84, McQuiston and others v. United Kingdom, (1986)
46 DR 182 .............................................................................................. 410
11219/84, Kurup v. Denmark, (1985) 42 DR 287 .................................... 311
11255/84, X v. Austria, decision of 17 July 1986, unreported ................... 218
11256/84, Egue v. France, (1988) 57 DR 47 ............................................. 422
11261/84, Bideault v. France, (1986) 48 DR 232 ............................. 329, 330
11263/84, M v. Switzerland, decision of 5 May 1986,
unreported ............................................................................................... 159
11311/84, Fedele v. Germany, decision of 9 Dec. 1987,
unreported ...................................................................................... 330, 337
11360/03, Wehrlé and Lauber v. Germany, decision of
12 June 2003, unreported ......................................................................... 36
11394/85, Akdogan v. Germany, (1968) 63 DR 69................................... 331
11396/85, Ross v. United Kingdom,
(1986) 50 DR 179 ............................................... 213, 214, 220, 221, 236
11465/85, V v. United Kingdom, decision of 3 Mar. 1986,
unreported ............................................................................................... 268
11495/85, O v. Switzerland, decision of 10 Mar. 1988,
unreported ............................................................................................... 174
11497/85, D v. Switzerland, decision of 29 Feb. 1988,
unreported ............................................................................................... 174
11506/85, R v. Germany, decision of 13 May 1986,
unreported ............................................................................................... 440
11526/85, W v. Germany, (1986) 50 DR 219 ........................................... 189
11531/85, AA v. Sweden, (1987) 53 DR 128 ............................................ 191
11539/85, Harkin v. United Kingdom, (1986) 48 DR 237 ....................... 445
11585/85, Kayhan v. Germany, decision of 10 Mar. 1986,
unreported ............................................................................................... 178
11653/85, Hogben v. United Kingdom, (1986) 46 DR 231...................... 473
11703/85, D v. Germany, (1987) 54 DR 116........................... 241, 413, 521
11777/85, Y v. Germany, decision of 13 Oct. 1986,
unreported ...................................................................................... 204, 275
11794/85, A J v. France, decision of 5 Feb. 1988, unreported ................... 324
xciv Tables of Cases

11811/85, Spillmann v. Switzerland, (1988) 55 DR 182 ........................... 551

11821/85, S v. United Kingdom, decision of 12 Dec. 1987,
unreported ...................................................................................... 220, 221
11863/85, AB v. Germany, decision of 4 May 1987,
unreported ................................................................................................. 36
11879/75, Rossi v. France, (1989) 63 DR 105............................................. 75
11882/85, C v. United Kingdom, (1987) 54 DR 162......................... 28, 184
11919/86, SM v. Austria, decision of 8 May 1987,
unreported ...................................................................................... 186, 191
11994/86, Hellegouarch v. France, decision of 12 Oct. 1988,
unreported ............................................................................................... 180
12007/86, Rebasso v. Austria, decision of 5 Oct. 1987,
unreported ............................................................................................... 184
12039/86, Roux v. United Kingdom, (1986) 48 DR 263 .......................... 481
12117/86, E v. Switzerland, decision of 3 May 1988, unreported.............. 172
12118/86, W v. United Kingdom, decision of 4 Mar. 1987,
unreported ............................................................................................... 437
12241/86, L v. Netherlands, decision of 13 Oct. 1988,
unreported ............................................................................................... 178
12262/86, S v. Austria, decision of 8 Sept. 1988, unreported ........... 299, 321
12304/86, K v. Germany, decision of 21 Jan. 1988, unreported................ 263
12322/86, Bell v. United Kingdom, decision of 13 Oct. 1987,
unreported ............................................................................................... 273
12350/86, Kremzow v. Austria, decision of 5 Sept. 1990,
unreported ............................................................................................... 127
12370/86, S v. United Kingdom, decision of 9 Dec. 1987,
unreported ...................................................................................... 209, 211
12380/86, Houswitschka v. Germany, decision of 5 Oct. 1988,
unreported ...................................................................................... 162, 173
12391/86, Stefano v. United Kingdom, (1989) 60 DR 182....................... 529
12418/86, Beaudet-Barat v. France, decision of 7 Sept. 1990,
unreported ............................................................................................... 174
12422/86, X v. X, decision of 5 Dec. 1988, unreported............................. 514
12476/86, B v. Spain, decision of 8 May 1987, unreported ....................... 180
12509/86, Choudhary v. United Kingdom, decision of
3 Mar. 1988, unreported ........................................................................... 87
12528/86, Hersin v. France, decision of 4 July 1988, unreported ..... 162, 174
12669/87, R v. Germany, decision of 11 Oct. 1988, unreported ............... 173
12693/87, Källender v. Sweden, decision of 6 Mar. 1989,
unreported ............................................................................................... 157
12747/87, Drozd and Janousek v. France and Spain, decision of
12 Dec. 1989, unreported ....................................................................... 439
12748/87, X v. Germany ............................................................................ 173
Tables of Cases xcv

12990/87, W v. Austria, decision of 10 Mar. 1988, unreported................. 159

12995/87, Duhs v. Sweden, (1990) 67 DR 204 ......................................... 170
13081/87, Windsor v. United Kingdom, decision of 14 Dec. 1998,
unreported ................................................................................................. 37
13157/87, Callens v. Belgium, (1991) 70 DR 167....................................... 74
13274/87, TS and FS v. Italy, (1990) 66 DR 164 ....................................... 52
13366/87, Atkinson, Crook and the Independent v. United
Kingdom, (1990) 67 DR 244 ................................................................. 123
13370/87, Deschamps v. Belgium, (1991) 70 DR 177............................... 527
13402/87, K v. Germany, (1989) 63 DR 147 (friendly settlement) ........... 331
13563/88, X v. Switzerland, decision of 4 Sept. 1989, unreported............. 551
13706/88, B v. France, decision of 9 Dec. 1988, unreported ..................... 453
13866/88, Bayer v. Austria, decision of 2 Apr. 1990, unreported............... 298
13877/88, Dimitriadis v. Greece, (1990) 65 DR 279................................... 28
14009/88, Reinette v. France, (1989) 63 DR 189 ...................................... 432
14106/88, Hayward v. Sweden, decision 6 Dec. 1991,
unreported ............................................................................................... 205
14116/88 and 14117/88, Sargın and Yagcı v. Turkey,
(1989) 61 DR 250; (1989) 1 RUDH 516 .............................................. 466
14170/88, Harward v. Norway, decision of 12 Mar. 1990,
unreported ..................................................................... 205, 220, 230, 338
14219/88, B v. Germany, decision of 18 May 1992, unreported ............... 374
14261/88, Shanmukanathan v. Germany, (1990) 66 DR 228
(friendly settlement)................................................................................. 331
14289/88, G v. Germany, decision of 14 March 1989,
unreported ...................................................................................... 281, 437
14489, Moreal v. France, decision of 8 Jan. 1993, unreported..................... 86
14733/89, Kropf v. Germany, decision of 2 July 1990, unreported ........... 177
14838/89, A v. France, (1991) 69 DR 286 ................................................ 542
15023/89, H v. United Kingdom, decision of 4 Apr. 1990,
unreported ............................................................................................... 168
15135/89, 15136/89, and 15137/89, JP, KR and GH v. Austria,
(1989) 62 DR 319 .................................................................................. 170
15521/89, Manzoni v. Italy, decision of 2 Dec. 1992, unreported ............. 385
15668/89, WK v. Switzerland, decision of 16 Dec. 1991, unreported ......... 52
15776/89, B, H and L v. Austria, (1989) 64 DR 264 ............... 154, 186, 191
15844/90, Nederlandse Omroepprogramma Stichting v.
Netherlands, decision of 13 Oct. 1993, unreported ................................ 202
15871/89, S v. Germany, decision of 8 Oct. 1992, unreported......... 162, 173
15932/89, J v. France, decision of 6 Sept. 1990, unreported...................... 530
15933/89, Osman v. United Kingdom, decision of 14 Jan. 1991,
unreported ............................................................................................... 453
15957/90, R v. Belgium, (1992) 72 DR 195..................................... 108, 236
xcvi Tables of Cases

16206/90, Botten v. Norway, decision of 17 Jan. 1994,

unreported ............................................................................................... 371
16397/90, Turnbridge v. United Kingdom, decision of 17 May 1990,
unreported ............................................................................................... 489
16417/90, Kremzow v. Austria, (1990) 67 DR 307 ........................ 15, 18, 28
16598/90, Philis v. Greece, (1990) 66 DR 260 .......................................... 264
16832/90, Kozlov v. Finland, (1991) 69 DR 321 ...................................... 204
17265/90, Baragiola v. Switzerland, (1993) 75 DR 76 ............................... 385
17276/90, C v. France, decision of 13 May 1992, unreported ................... 330
17443/90, CB and AM v. Switzerland, decision of 12 Oct.,
unreported ............................................................................................... 363
17525/90, Delazarus v. United Kingdom, decision of
16 Feb. 1993, unreported.......................................................................... 23
17571/90, Borrelli v. Switzerland, (1993) 75 DR 139................. 20, 363, 440
17601/91, Senn v. Switzerland, decision of 7 Apr. 1994,
unreported ............................................................................................... 105
17631/91 and 17632/91, O and T v. Netherlands, decision of
2 Sept. 1992, unreported......................................................................... 299
18066/91, Näss v. Sweden, (1994) 77 DR 37 ............................................ 367
18077/91, Buitrago Montes and Perez Lopez v. United Kingdom,
decision of 2 Dec. 1992, unreported ................................................ 37, 338
18280/90, V v. Malta, decision of 9 Apr. 1992, unreported ...................... 126
18395/95, Lupker v. Netherlands, decision of 7 Dec. 1992,
unreported ............................................................................................... 547
18595/91, SEK v. Switzerland, decision of 12 Jan. 1994,
unreported ............................................................................................... 334
18725/91 , FN v. France, decision of 10 Oct. 1994,
unreported ............................................................................................... 374
18892/91, Putz v. Austria, (1993) 76-A DR 51.......................................... 370
18954/91, Zana v. Turkey, (1993) 75 DR 192 ........................ 139, 140, 142,
252, 256, 330
18962/91, Sinowatz v. Austria, decision of 30 June 1993,
unreported ............................................................................................... 367
19028/91, Nielsen v. Denmark, (1992) 73 DR 239................................... 368
19066/91, SS, AM and YSM v. Austria, (1993) 74 DR 179...................... 416
19130/91, Demmer v. Austria, decision of 28 Feb. 1994,
unreported ...........................................................................................28, 29
19139/91, C v. Netherlands, decision of 20 Mar. 1992,
unreported ............................................................................................... 513
19360/92, Reinthaler v. Austria, decision of 20 Jan. 1994,
unreported ............................................................................................... 370
19404/92, Williams v. United Kingdom, decision of 1 July 1992,
unreported ............................................................................................... 548
Tables of Cases xcvii

19435/92, Roelofs v. Netherlands, decision of 1 July 1992,

unreported ................................................................................................. 23
19524/92, K v. Denmark, decision of 5 May 1993, unreported................. 328
19598/92, Roos v. Sweden, decision of 6 Apr. 1994,
unreported ...................................................................................... 328, 335
19715/92, NW v. Luxembourg, decision of 8 Dec. 1992,
unreported ............................................................................................... 367
19853/92, Sjöstörm v. Sweden, decision of 12 Oct. 1994,
unreported ...........................................................................................20, 28
20087/92, EM v. Norway, (1995) 83-A DR 5 .................................... 98, 367
20320/92, LKD v. Switzerland, decision of 5 Apr. 1995,
unreported ............................................................................................... 369
20433/92, McCourt v. United Kingdom, decision of
2 Dec. 1992; (1993) 15 EHRR 110 ......................................................... 42
20517/92, C and EF v. Austria, decision of 3 Apr. 1994,
unreported ................................................................................................. 24
20959/92, CPH v. Sweden, decision of 2 Sept. 1994, unreported ............. 367
21072/92, Gestra v. Italy, (1995) 80-B DR 89........................................... 385
21083/92, JM v. Switzerland, decision of 12 Oct. 1994,
unreported ................................................................................................. 27
21155/93, MK v. Austria, decision of 2 Sept. 1994, unreported ................ 320
21207/93, KD v. Netherlands, (1994) 79-B DR 31................................... 542
21283/93, Tyler v. United Kingdom, (1994) 77-A DR 81 .......................... 18
21482/93, Christie v. United Kingdom, (1994)
78-A DR 119.................................................................................. 437, 542
21842/93, Kempers v. Austria, decision of 17 Feb. 1997,
unreported ............................................................................................... 279
22015/93, Jakobsen v. Denmark, decision of 30 Nov. 1994,
unreported ...................................................................................... 366, 368
22534/93, Salinga v. Germany, decision of 7 Dec. 1994,
unreported ............................................................................................... 204
23037/93, Simonnet v. France, decision of 9 Oct. 1995,
unreported ............................................................................................... 363
23038/93, Claudel v. France, decision of 30 Nov. 1994,
unreported ............................................................................................... 262
23231/94, Mulders v. Netherlands, (1995) decision of 6 Apr.,
unreported ................................................................................................. 74
23269/94, Von Arx-Derungs v. Switzerland, decision of 28 June
1995, unreported ............................................................................ 200, 369
23337/94, Magharian v. Switzerland, decision of 9 Apr. 1997,
unreported ............................................................................................... 362
23369/94, Sacramati v. Italy, decision of 6 Sept. 1995, unreported ........... 200
23378/94, PSV v. Finland, decision of 18 Jan. 1995, unreported .............. 335
xcviii Tables of Cases

24154/94, Rabenseifer v. Austria, decision of 28 Feb. 1996,

unreported ............................................................................................... 204
24198/94, Gharib v. Suisse, decision of 29 June 1994, unreported............ 374
24208/94, Demel v. Austria, decision of 18 Oct. 1995,
unreported ............................................................................................... 367
24571/94 and 24572/94, Stoitchkov and Shindarov v. Bulgaria,
decision of 28 June 1995, unreported ..................................................... 204
24867/94, Mortensen v. Denmark, decision of 15 May 1996,
unreported ............................................................................................... 205
24948/94, YM v. France, decision of 28 June 1995, unreported................ 374
25206/94, Hols v. Netherlands, decision of 19 Oct. 1995,
unreported ............................................................................................... 321
25761/94, Kulpakko v. Finland, decision of 15 May 1996,
unreported ................................................................................................. 16
25809/94, Horst v. Austria, decision of 28 Feb. 1996,
unreported ................................................................................ 19, 365, 367
25906/94, Partouche v. France, decision of 17 May 1995,
unreported ............................................................................................... 371
25944/94, Peterson Sarpsborg AS and others v. Norway, decision
of 27 Nov. 1996, unreported ......................................................... 366, 367
26109/95, Santa Cruz Ruiz v. United Kingdom, decision of 22
Oct. 1997, unreported............................................................................. 334
26279/95, Brock v. United Kingdom, decision of 6 Jan. 1996,
unreported ............................................................................................... 170
26280/95, Bates v. United Kingdom, decision of 16 Jan. 1996,
unreported ............................................................................................... 170
26510/95, HS v. Austria, decision of 28 Feb. 1996,
unreported ...................................................................................... 365, 366
26601/95, Leiningen-Westerburg v. Austria, (1997)
88-B DR 85............................................................................................... 28
26808/95, Hauser v. Austria, (1996) 84-A DR 164 .................... 18, 365, 367
26808/95, Peter Hauser v. Austria, decision of 16 Jan. 1996,
unreported ................................................................................................. 19
27665/95, Lantto v. Finland, decision of 12 July 1996,
unreported ...................................................................................... 366, 371
28140/95, Altieri v. France, Cyprus and Switzerland, decision of
15 May 1996, unreported........................................................................ 366
28332/95, HB v. Switzerland, decision of 14 Jan. 1998,
unreported ............................................................ 392, 457, 461, 480, 509
28780/95, Illich Sanchez Ramirez (‘Carlos’) v. France,
decision of 24 June 1996, unreported ..................................................... 432
28846/95, Foster v. United Kingdom, decision of 16 Jan. 1996,
unreported ............................................................................................... 170
Tables of Cases xcix

28897/95, Moussa v. France, (1997) 89-B DR 92 ..................................... 532

28994/95, SE v. Switzerland, decision of 4 Mar. 1998,
unreported ............................................................................................... 319
29764/96, Imam and others v. Greece, decision of 20 Oct. 97,
unreported ................................................................................................ 28
29838/96, Slobodan v. Netherlands, decision of 15 Oct. 1997,
unreported ............................................................................................... 321
30904/96, Pechanec v. Slovak Republic, decision of 22 Oct. 1997,
unreported ............................................................................................... 374
30993/96, Demel v. Austria, decision of 16 Apr. 1998,
unreported ................................................................................ 15, 363, 366
31117/96, Agko v. Greece, decision of 20 Oct. 1997,
unreported ................................................................................................. 28
31503/96, Wickramsinghe v. United Kingdom, decision of
9 Dec. 1997, unreported ........................................................................... 28
31700/96, Trivedi v. United Kingdom, (1997) 89-A DR 136 ................... 296
32052/96, Schatzmayr v. Austria, decision of 21 May 1998,
unreported ................................................................................................. 28
32054/96, Sagir v. Austria, decision of 2 July 1998, unreported ................ 391
32715/96, KL v. United Kingdom, decision of 22 Oct. 1997,
unreported ............................................................................................... 202



AS v. Austria, Application 15220/89 (1993)

75 DR 30 ................................................................................................ 553
AT v. United Kingdom, Application 20448/92, 29 Nov. 1995,
unreported ............................................................................................... 489
Akdogan v. Germany, Application 11394/85 (1988) 63
DR 69...................................................................................................... 331
Alexander Wick v. Austria, Application 15701/89, 10 Mar. 1994,
unreported ............................................................................................... 252
Austria v. Italy, Application 788/60 (1963) 6 Y b 742....................... 163, 174

BH v. United Kingdom, Application 30307/96 (1998) 94-A

DR 82...................................................................................................... 532
Baegen v. Netherlands, Application 16696/90, 20 Oct. 1994,
Series A no. 327-B (annex)...................................................................... 320
Ben Yaacoub v. Belgium, Application 9976/82, 7 May 1985,
Series A no. 127-A (annex)........................................................................ 72
c Tables of Cases

Bonnechaux v. Switzerland, Application 8224/78 (1979)

18 DR 100 .............................................................................................. 137

Can v. Austria, Application 9300/81, 12 July 1984,

Series A no. 96 (annex).............................................................................. 87
Caprino v. United Kingdom, Application 6871/75 (1981)
22 DR 5 ......................................................................................... 452, 459
Chichlian and Ekindjian v. France, Application 10959/84,
16 Mar. 1989, Series A no. 162-B (annex) .................................... 195, 209
Cyprus v. Turkey, Application 6780/74 and 6950/75,
10 July 1976, unreported ........................................................................ 413

Eggs v. Switzerland, Application 7341/76 (1978)

15 DR 35 ................................................................................................ 440
Eggs v. Switzerland, Application 10313/83 (1985) 41 DR 160;
1980 EuGRZ 308 ............................................................................ 21, 497

Ferrari-Bravo v. Italy, Application 9627/81 (1984)

37 DR 15 ................................................................................................ 530
Finkensieper v. Netherlands, Application 19525/92, 17 May 1995,
unreported ............................................................................................... 321
Friedl v. Austria, Application 15225/89, 19 May 1994, Series A
no. 305-B (annex).................................................................................... 548

Govell v. United Kingdom, Application 27237/95, 14 Jan. 1998,

unreported ............................................................................................... 549
Grabemann v. Germany, Application 12748/87 (1989)
63 DR 137 .............................................................................................. 173
Gradinger v. Austria, Application 15963/90, 19 May 1994, Series A
no. 328-C (annex) ............................................................................ 19, 383
Guy Jespers v. Belgium, Application 8404/78 (1981)
27 DR 77 ................................................................................................ 222

Haase v. Germany, Application 7412/76 (1977) 11 DR 78 .............. 137, 239

Hätti v. Germany, Application 6181/73 (1976) 6 DR 22 .......................... 137
Herczegfalvy v. Austria, Application 10533/83, 1 Mar. 1991,
Series A no. 244 (annex).......................................................................... 450
Hewitt and Harman v. United Kingdom, Application 12175/86
(1989) 67 DR 88 .................................................................................... 547

Isgrò v. Italy, Application 11339/85, Series B no. 184-A............................ 296

Tables of Cases ci

John Murray v. United Kingdom, Application 18731/91,

14 Oct. 1991, Reports 1996-I, 30 (annex).............................................. 345
Jón Kristinsson v. Iceland, Application 12170/86, 8 Mar. 1989,
Series A no. 171-B (annex)........................................................................ 69

Kamma v. Netherlands, Application 4771/71 (1974) 1 DR 4.................... 410

Koendjbiharie v. Netherlands, Application 11487/85,
12 Oct. 1989, Series A no. 185-B (annex) ..................................... 422, 465
Kolompar v. Belgium, Application 11613/85, 26 Feb. 1991,
Series A no. 235-C (annex) ............................................................ 453, 454
Köplinger v. Austria, Application 1850/63 (1969) 12 Y b 438 ................... 218
Krzycki v. Germany, Application 7629/78 (1979) 13 DR 57..................... 438

L v. Sweden, Application 10801/84 (1988) 61 DR 62...................... 466, 499

Levy v. Germany, Application 6066/73, July 1975,
unreported ............................................................................................... 529
Lüdi v. Switzerland, Application 12433/86, 6 Dec. 1990,
Series A no. 238 (annex)................................................ 112, 301, 533, 566

Marte and Achberger v. Austria, Application 22541/93,

9 Apr. 1997, Reports 1998-I, 493 (annex).............................................. 392
McVeigh, O’Neill and Evans v. United Kingdom,
Applications 8022/77, 8025/77 and 8027/77 (1981)
25 DR 15 ..................................................... 444, 445, 458, 459, 475, 548

Nielsen v. Denmark, Application 343/57

(1961) 4 Y b 494 ............................................................... 56, 87, 206, 459

Oberschlick v. Austria, Application 11662/85, 14 Dec. 1989,

Series B no. 194................................................................................ 49, 124
Ofner and Hopfinger v. Austria, Application 524/59 (1963)
6 Y b 680 .................................................................................. 91, 223, 268
Oliveira v. Switzerland, Application 25711/94, 1 July 1997,
Reports 1998-V, 1190 (annex) ................................................................ 392

Pannetier v. Switzerland, Application 9299/81 (1985) 46 DR .......... 137, 148

Patacki and Dunshirn v. Austria, Applications 596/59 and
789/60 (1963) 6 Y b 718.....................................................................91, 95
Pfeifer and Plankl v. Austria, Application 10802/84, 11 Oct. 1990,
Series A no. 227 (annex)................................................ 252, 352, 543, 544

Quaranta v. Switzerland, Application 12744/87, 12 Feb. 1990,

Series B no. 195................................................................................ 26, 248
cii Tables of Cases

Salabiaku v. France, Application 10519/83, 8 July 1987, Series A

no. 141-A (annex).................................................................................... 153
Santschi and others v. Switzerland, Applications 7468/76,
7938/77, 8018/77, 8106/77, 8325/78 and
8778/79 (1983) 31 DR 5 ........................................................................ 498
Santschi and others v. Switzerland, Applications 7668/76, 7938/77,
8018/77, 8106/77, 8325/78, and 8778/79 (1983) 31 DR 5 ......... 418, 440
Saunders v. United Kingdom, Application 19187/91, 10 May 1994,
Reports 1996-VI, 2044 (annex)............................................................... 345
Schertenleib v. Switzerland, Application 8339/78 (1980)
23 DR 137 .............................................................................................. 137
Skoogström (No 2 and 3) v. Sweden, Application 12867/87 and
14073/88 (1989) 59 DR 227 .................................................................. 513
Skoogström v. Sweden, Application 8582/79, 15 July 1983,
Series A no. 83 (annex)............................................................................ 460
Sverrisson v. Iceland, Application 13291/87 (1990) 65 DR 192 .................. 69

Temeltasch v. Switzerland, Application 9116/80 (1982) 31 DR 120 ......... 331

The Greek case, Applications 3321/67 (Denmark v. Greece),
3322/67 (Norway v. Greece), 3323/67 (Sweden v. Greece),
3344/67 (Netherlands v. Greece) (1969) 12 Y b 11 ................................ 413

Ventura v. Italy, Application 7438/76 (1981) 23 DR 5; (1982)

EuGRZ 535.......................................................... 143, 180, 519, 528, 530

Weber v. Switzerland, Application 11034/84, 16 Mar. 1989,

Series A no. 177 (annex)................................................................... 18, 131

X v. United Kingdom, Application 6840/74 (1980) 20 DR 5 ................... 457

Zamir v. United Kingdom, Application 9174/80 (1983)

40 DR 42 ...................................................................... 453, 467, 491, 494
Zand v. Austria, Application 7360/76 (1978) 15 DR 70........................50, 51
Zengin v. Germany, Application 10551/83 (1988) 63 DR 5 ............ 331, 332



AP v. Italy, Communication no. 204/1986, UN Doc.

CCPR/C/OP/2 at 67 (1990) ................................................................... 386
Tables of Cases ciii

ARJ v. Australia, Communication no. 692/1996, U.N. Doc

CCPR/C/60/D/692/1996 (1997) ............................................................ 386
Adams v. Jamaica, Communication no. 607/1994, UN Doc.
CCPR/C58/D/607/1994 (1966) ............................................................. 298
Adolfo Drescher Caldas v. Uruguay, Communication
no. 43/1979, UN Doc. Supp. No. 40 (A/38/40) (1983)......................... 458

Berry v. Jamaica, Communication no. 330/1988, UN Doc.

CCPR/C/50/D/330/1988 (1994) ............................................................ 350

Casanovas v. France, Communication no. 441/1990, UN Doc.

CCPR/C/51/D/441/1990 (1994) ............................................................ 134
Compass v. Jamaica, Communication no. 375/1989, UN Doc.
CCPR/C/49/D/375/1989 (1993) ............................................................ 298
Consuelo Salgar de Montejo v. Colombia, Communication no.
R.15/64, UN Doc. Supp. No. 40 (A/37/40) at 168 (1982) .................... 368
Conteris v. Uruguay, Communication no. 139/1983, UN Doc.
CCPR/C/OP/2 at 168 (1990) ........................................................ 282, 461

Daniel Monguya Mbenge v. Zaire, Communication no. 16/1977,

UN Doc. CCPR/C/OP/2 at 76 (1990)................................................... 254
Denroy Gordon v. Jamaica, Communication no. 237/1987, UN
Doc. CCPR/C/46/D/237/1987 (1992) ................................................... 323
Dole Chadee et al v. Trinidad and Tobago, Communication
no. 813/1998, UN Doc. CCPR/C/63/D/813/1998 (1998)........... 136, 177
Domukovsky, Tsiklauri, Gelbakhiani and Dokvadez v. Georgia,
Communication nos. 623/1995, 624/1995, 626/1995, 627/1995,
UN Doc. CCPR/C/62/D/623/1995, CCPR/C/62/D/624/1995,
CCPR/C/62/D/626/1995, CCPR/C/62/D/627/1995 (1998) ................. 330
Drescher Caldas v. Uruguay, Communication no. 43/1979, UN
Doc. A/38/40 at 192 (1983) ................................................................... 140

Earl Pratt and Ivan Morgan v. Jamaica, Communication

no. 210/1986 and 225/1987 (6 April 1989), UN Doc. Supp.
No. 40 (A/44/40) (1989) ........................................................ 146, 252, 371

Frank Robinson v. Jamaica, Communication no. 223/1987,

UN Doc. Supp. No. 40 (A/44/40) (1989) ................................................ 95

González del Rı́o v. Peru, Communication no. 263/1987, UN

Doc. CCPR/C/46/D/263/1987 (1992) ..................................................... 47
civ Tables of Cases

Griffin v. Spain, Communication no. 493/1992, UN Doc.

CCPR/C/53/D/493/1992 (1995) ............................................................ 329
Guesdon v. France, Communication no. 219/1986, UN Doc.
CCPR/C/39/D/219/1986 (1990) ........................................... 329, 330, 333
Harward v. Norway, Communication no. 451/1991, UN Doc.
CCPR/C/51/D/451/1991 (1994) ................................................... 209, 214
Henry v. Jamaica, Communication no. 230/1987, UN Doc.
CCPR/C/43/D/230/l987 (1991) ............................................................. 371
JRT and the WG Party v. Canada, Communication
no. 104/1981, UN Doc. CCPR/C/OP/2 at 25 (1984)........................... 542
Joseph Kavanagh v. Ireland, Communication no. 819/1998,
(27 Aug. 1998), CCPR/C/71/D/819/1998 ............................................. 122
Juan Almirati Nieto v. Uruguay (submitted by Laura Almirati
Garcia), Communication no. 92/1981, UN Doc.
CCPR/C/OP/2 at 126 (1990). ................................................................ 401
Junior Leslie v. Jamaica, Communication no. 564/1993, UN
Doc. CCPR/C/63/D/564/1993 (7 Aug. 1998) ....................................... 214
Karttunen v. Finland, Communication no. 387/1989, UN
Doc. CCPR/C/46/D/387/1989 (1992) ..................................................... 61
Kelly v. Jamaica, Communication no. 253/1987, UN Doc.
CCPR/C/41/D/253/1987 (1991) ................................................... 146, 288
Larry James Pinkney v. Canada, Communication no. 27/1978,
UN Doc. CCPR/C/OP/1 at 12 (1984).......................................... 539, 547
Little v. Jamaica, Communication no. 283/1988, UN Doc.
CCPR/C/43/D/283/1988 (1991) ............................................................ 371
Luis Touron v. Uruguay, Communication no. R.7/32 (16 May 1978),
UN Doc. Supp. No. 40 (A/36/40) at 120 (1981) ................................... 133

MK v. France, Communication no. 222/1987, UN Doc.

CCPR/C/37/D/222/1987 (1987) ............................................................ 329
Mbenge v. Zaire, Communication no. 16/1977, UN Doc.
CCPR/C/OP/2 at 76 (1990) ................................................................... 204
Michael Adams v. Jamaica, Communication no. 607/1994, UN Doc.
CCPR/C/58/D/607/1994 (1996) ............................................................ 288
Michael and Brian Hill v. Spain, Communication no. 526/1993,
UN Doc. CCPR/C/59/D/526/1993 (2 Apr. 1997) ................................ 266
Miguel Angel Estrella v. Uruguay, Communication no. 74/1980,
UN Doc. Supp. No. 40 (A/38/40) at 150 (1983)................................... 543
Morrison and Graham v. Jamaica, Communication no. 461/1991,
UN Doc. CCPR/C/52/D/461/1991 (1994)............................................ 288
Tables of Cases cv

Oló Bahamonde v. Equatorial Guinea, Communication

no. 468/1991, UN Doc. CCPR/C/49/D/468/1991 (1993)...................... 53

Paavo Muhonen v. Finland, Communication no. 89/1981, UN Doc.

CCPR/C/OP/2 at 121 (1990). ....................................................... 375, 377
Peart v. Jamaica, Communication nos. 464/1991 and 482/1991,
UN Doc. CPPR/C/54/464/1991 (1995)................................................. 312
Perera v. Australia, Communication no. 536/1993, UN Doc.
CCPR/C/53/D/536/1993 (1995) ............................................................ 367
Pinkey v. Canada, Communication no. R.7/27, UN Doc. A/37/40,
p101 (1981)............................................................................................. 371
Pratt and Morgan v. Jamaica, Communication no. 210/1986 and
225/1987, UN Doc. A/44/40 at 222 (1982) .......................................... 298
RM v. Finland, Communication no. 301/1988, UN Doc. Supp.
No. 40 (A/44/40) at 300 (1989).............................................................. 131
Reid v. Jamaica, Communication no. 355/1989, UN Doc.
CCPR/C/51/D/355/1989 (1994) ................................................... 288, 367
Safarmo Kurbanova on behalf of her son, Abduali Ismatovich
Kurbanov, v. Tajikistan, Communication no. 1096/2002, UN
Doc. CCPR/C/79/D/1096/2002 (2003) ................................................... 60
Schweizer v. Uruguay, Communication no. 66/1980, UN Doc.
CCPR/C/OP/2 at 90 (1990) ................................................................... 399
Steadman v. Jamaica, Communication no. 528/1993, UN Doc.
CCPR/C/59/D/528/1993 (1997). ........................................................... 214
Van Meurs v. Netherlands, Communication no. 215/1986, UN
Doc. A/45/40, vol. 2 at 55 (1990) .......................................................... 127
Vı́ctor Alfredo Polay Campos v. Peru (Submitted by Rosa Espinoza
de Polay), Communication no. 577/1994, UN Doc.
CCPR/C/61/D/577/1994 (9 Jan. 1998) ................................................. 128
William Eduardo Delgado Páez v. Colombia, Communication
no. 195/1985, UN Doc. CCPR/C/39/D/195/1985 (1990).................... 412
Yves Morael v. France, Communication no. 207/1986, UN
Doc. Supp. No. 40 (A/44/40) at 210 (1989) ............................................ 86



Cantoral-Benavides v. Peru, Series C no. 69 (18 Aug. 2000) ..................... 350

Castillo Petruzzi et al v. Peru, Series C no. 52 (30 May 1999).......... 350, 353
cvi Tables of Cases

Duran and Ugarte v. Peru, Series C no. 68 (16 Aug. 2000)....................... 118
Loayza Tamayo v. Peru, Series C no. 22 (17 Sept. 1997)........................... 393
Suaréz Rosero v. Ecuador, Series C no. 35 (12 Nov. 1997)........................ 285



Reinaldo Figueredo Planchart v. Venezuela, Report no. 50/00,

Case 11.298, (13 Apr. 2000)................................................................... 118


Alejandro Ramirez case (Ohio State, US).................................................... 328

Bluckberger v. United States 284 US 294 (1932) ....................................... 398
Germany v. United States (17 June 2001) (ICJ)......................................... 237
Laura Almisati Garcia on behalf of
her father Juan Almisati Garcia v. Uruguay (ICCPR) ............................. 401
Lyons v. Scottish Ministers (7 Jan, 2002) ................................................... 488
Milosevic v. Prosecutor, 1 Nov. 2004 (ICTY) ............................................ 264
Mexico v. United States (31 Mar 2004) (ICJ) ............................................ 237
Miranda v. Arizona 384 US 436 (1966) ............................................ 284, 352
R v. Iqual Begum (1986) 83 Cr App R 96 ................................................. 336
R v. Mental Health Review Tribunal North and
East London Region, ex parte H (28 Mar. 2001) ................................... 488
R v. Sussex Justices, ex parte McCarthy (1924) 1 KB 256............................ 63
R v. West London Youth Court, ex parte N (2001) 1 WLR 12368........... 336
Richmond Newspaper Inc., v. Virginia 448 US 555 (1980)....................... 123
Starrs v. Ruxton 2000 SLT 42 ...................................................................... 54
United States v. Broce 488 US 563 (1989)................................................. 196
United States v. Dixon 113 S.Ct. 2849, 2856 (1983) ................................ 398
United States v. Duarte-Acero 296 F. 3d 1277........................................... 431
List of Abbreviations
ACHR American Convention on Human Rights
ACtHR American Court of Human Rights
AJIL American Journal of International Law
AJP Aktuelle Juristische Praxis
Am. Bar Found. Res. J. American Bar Foundation Research Journal
APC Austrian Penal Code
AS Austrian Schillings
ASA Archiv für schweizerisches Abgaberecht

BGBL Bundesgesetzblatt (Germany)

BGE Entscheidungen des Schweizerischen Bundesgerichts
BJM Basler Juristische Mitteilungen

Cal. L.R. Californian Law Review

CDE Cahiers de droit européen
CETS Council of Europe Treaty Series
CHF Swiss Francs
CLF Criminal Law Forum
CLJ Cambridge Law Journal
Court European Court of Human Rights
Crim LR Criminal Law Review
CD Collection of Decisions of the European
Commission of Human Rights

dec. decision
DePaul L. Rev. DePaul Law Review
Digest Digest of Strasbourg Case-Law relating to the
European Convention on Human Rights
DR Decisions and Reports of the European
Commission of Human Rights
Duke J. Comp. & Int’l L. Duke Journal of Comparative and International

ECHR Convention for the Protection of Human Rights

and Fundamental Freedoms (European Conven-
tion on Human Rights)
ECtHR European Court of Human Rights
ECommHR European Commission of Human Rights
cviii List of Abbreviations

ECJ European Court of Justice

edn. edition
eds. editors
EHRLR European Human Rights Law Review
EHRR European Human Rights Reports
EJIL European Journal of International Law
ELRev European Law Review
ELRevHR European Law Review—Human Rights Survey
EMRK Europäisches Menschenrechtskonvention
ETS European Treaty Series
EU European Union
EuGRZ Europäische Grundrechte Zeitschrift

FCPC French Code of Criminal Procedure

GA Goltdammer’s Archiv für Strafrecht

GBP Pounds Sterling
GC Grand Chamber of the European Court of
Human Rights
GPC German Penal Code

Harv. Hum. Rts. J. Harvard Human Rights Journal

HRC Human Rights Committee (UN)
HRLJ Human Rights Law Journal
HRR Human Rights Review

IACommHR Inter-American Commission on Human Rights

IACtHR Inter-American Court of Human Rights
ICCPR International Covenant on Civil and Political
ICLQ International and Comparative Law Quarterly
ICTR International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda
ICTY International Criminal Tribunal for the former
IRPL International Review of Penal Law
IsLR Israel Law Review

JCP Jurisclasseur périodique, la Semaine juridique

(édition générale)
JR Juristische Rundschau
JT Journal des Tribunaux (Brussels)
List of Abbreviations cix

KB King’s Bench Law Reports

LSR Law and Society Review

Mich. L.R. Michigan Law Review

MLR Modern Law Review

NJB Nederlands Juristenblad

NJW Neue Juristische Wochenschrift
NJIL Nordic Journal of International Law
NQHR Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights

ÖIM-Newsletter Das Österreichische Institut für Menschenrechte

RDH Revue des Droits de l’homme
RGD Revue générale de droit
Rev. dr. pénal criminol. Revue de droit pénal et de criminologie
Rev. Sc. Crim. Revue de science criminelle et de droit pénal
Rev. trim. dr. h. Revue Trimestrielle dees Droits de l’homme
RGDP Revue générale de droit processuel
RIDP Revue internationale de droit pénal
RIDU Rivista internazionale dei diritti dell’uomo

scil. scilicet, that is to say

SJZ Schweizerische Juristenzeitung
SLT Scots Law Times
SR Systematische Sammlung des Bundesrechts

UK United Kingdom
UN United Nations
US United States of America

Vol. volume

Web JCLI Web Journal of Current Legal Issues

wistra Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Steuerstrafrecht

Yb Yearbook of the European Convention on Human


ZBl Schweizerisches Zentralblatt für Staats- und

cx List of Abbreviations

Zf V Zeitschrift für Verwaltung

ZRP Zeitschrift für Rechtspolitik
ZSR Zeitschrift für Schweizerisches Recht
ZStrR Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Strafrecht
ZStW Zeitschrift für die gesamte Strafrechtswissenschaft
Chapter 1
About this Book

In tutte le parti del mondo, là dove si comincia col negare le libertà fondamentali
dell’Uomo, e l’uguaglianza fra gli uomini, si va verso il sistema concentrazionario,
ed è questa una strada su cui è difficile fermarsi.
Primo Levi1


This book deals with, as its title promises, human rights in criminal proceedings,
that is to say, the various ways in which the regional and universal laws of
fundamental rights and freedoms restrict the power of Contracting States, by
requiring them to establish the prerequisites for the application of retributive
sanctions against persons suspected of having acted against the law.

A. Definitions
The subject obviously comprises and confronts two distinct elements, and it
might be useful to begin by defining what is meant by those terms. The purpose
of these definitions is to serve the pragmatic goal of explaining what I am dealing
with; they are thus not concerned with the abstract scientific ambition of saying,
once and for all, what ‘human rights’ and ‘criminal proceedings’ are (i.e. until the
next author publishes the next ‘once and for all’ definition). Anyhow, it is
difficult in this area to keep ontological and normative aspects clearly separated.

1. ‘Human Rights’
The term ‘human rights’ is used here in a positivistic sense to denote the rights
guaranteed in international treaties, more precisely, the International Covenant
on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) with its aspiration to universal application,
1 Se questo è un uomo, La tregua (1989) 338. (‘[I]n every part of the world, wherever you begin by

denying the fundamentals of liberties of mankind, and equality among people, you move towards
the concentration camp system, and it is a road on which it is difficult to halt’; trans. from the
English edition, Levi (1987) 390–1.)
4 Stefan Trechsel

the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Funda-
mental Freedoms, mostly referred to as the European Convention on Human
Rights (ECHR), and the American Convention on Human Rights (ACHR),
also known as ‘the Pact of San José, Costa Rica’.
This is admittedly a very narrow view. There is a plethora of other interna-
tional texts dealing with human rights.2 They deal with single problems such as
discrimination or with a specific group of individuals who are thought of as
particularly vulnerable, such as children or persons deprived of their liberty. The
law of war as codified, in particular, in the Geneva Conventions protects human
rights, at least in Article 3, which is common to all four treaties.
Apart from the treaties, there are countless declarations, resolutions, and
recommendations, beginning with the Universal Declaration on Human Rights
(UDHR) of 10 December 1948, a date commemorated worldwide as Human
Rights Day. Moreover there are many documents prepared by international and
national non-governmental organizations, many of which, such as Amnesty
International or the International Helsinki Federation, enjoy high prestige. Even
associations dedicated to certain branches of the law, such as the International
Association for Penal Law, also known as Association Internationale de Droit
Pénal (AIDP), deal with human rights. The same is true for professional organ-
izations. A publication entitled Essential Texts on Human Rights for the Police:
A Compilation of International Instruments3 lists no fewer than thirty-nine texts,
ranging from the UDHR to the Guidelines on the Role of Prosecutors, Adopted
by the Eighth United Nations Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the
Treatment of Offenders, Havana, 27 August–7 September 1990.
All of these texts certainly have their merits; however, I want to stress that this
is a book about the law. The title could be more precisely stated as Human-Rights
Law Relevant to Criminal Proceedings, but this would be bulky and inelegant.
I am gladly going to resist the temptation to embark on (another) definition of
‘law’. What I mean is this: I conceive law mainly as a living set of norms which
develops through its application, and more particularly through its application
by the courts. ‘Human rights’ in the context of this book refers primarily to the
rapidly growing body of case-law on a number of crucial Articles of the three
instruments which are examined here. This is also the explanation for the fact
that the African Charter has not been taken into account.
It is common knowledge that the mere existence of a normative text does not
necessarily have a considerable impact on what actually happens. Most com-
munist countries had a wonderful record as far as their ratification of human-
rights instruments were concerned, while the reality bore no resemblance to the
theoretical explanations. This book concerns human rights which are actually
applied under the control of judicial or quasi-judicial bodies. This is also linked

2 Cf. Trechsel (2000) (in English) and (1998) (in German).

3 Crawshaw and Holmström (2001).
About this Book 5

to my perspective as a human-rights lawyer which I shall comment upon in

due course.

2. Criminal Proceedings
The term ‘criminal proceedings’ is understood here as encompassing all the
activities of state agencies, from the police to the constitutional or supreme courts,
which take as a point of departure the suspicion that an offence has been com-
mitted. These activities proceed through various stages, i.e. inquiry, investigation,
charge, indictment, judgment, and appeal. The essence of criminal proceedings is
rather well defined, although there is great variety in the manner and means of its
implementation, involving the organization of the authorities and the distribu-
tion of tasks between different branches, the organization of the trial and the
various cumulative or alternative possibilities of appeal. It is often stated that
there are two models of criminal procedure, an accusatorial one, associated with
the Anglo-Saxon common law, which features two distinct sides and a judge as a
neutral arbiter, and the continental system shaped along an inquisitorial model,
where the judge has a more active, somewhat paternalistic, role to play. The
current development of criminal-procedure law goes rather in the direction of a
certain convergence, in which the principle of adversariality has a dominant
role to play. The newly instituted International Criminal Court (ICC) is the
result of efforts to reach a compromise which is acceptable throughout the whole

3. Limitations, Exclusions
It is not possible to define a subject simply by giving a positive description; it is
also essential to state what is not covered. Of course, the omissions are prac-
tically unlimited. I shall only mention a few points, although I am quite aware
of the fact that there are many others which could be mentioned. It must be
admitted quite frankly that there are aspects and issues which could have been
included but which are missing simply because of practical reasons, mainly
limitations in time, and the need to stop at some point. Perfectionism will never
be satisfied.

(a) The Procedures for the Implementation of Human Rights

The approach to human rights, which concentrates on rights which are actually
interpreted in a judicial way and implemented by domestic jurisdictions, per-
haps even incorporated into the domestic law, must be linked to the mechan-
isms of implementation of the respective instruments. The reader might therefore
expect that they be described and discussed here. However, anything other
than the most rudimentary introductions to this subject would have required
another fifty or hundred pages. It would also have necessitated a discussion of
6 Stefan Trechsel

the exhaustion of domestic remedies which differs from one state to the next,
and for a discussion of the status of human-rights law on the domestic level.
I have therefore decided to exclude this field—the reader is referred to the
abundant literature which already exists.

(b) The International Criminal Court(s)

This book does not deal with international criminal law. It will not comment, in
any way, on the rules of procedure for international criminal law according to
the Rome Statute. This is partly due to the fact that these rules were certainly
drafted with the intention of carefully respecting the body of human-rights law,
but this does not make them a source of that law. The case-law of the Inter-
national Criminal Tribunals for Rwanda and Yugoslavia (ICTR and ICTY) is
scrutinized with great interest by scholars. I also expect the ICC to be equally
scrupulous in respecting international human-rights standards and this book
may be of modest assistance in that endeavour.

(c) Criminal Proceedings against Children and Juveniles

Article 40 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child contains, as it were,
rules parallel to those set out in Article 14 of the ICCPR, and the corresponding
Articles in the Conventions, for proceedings involving children accused of com-
mitting crimes. Many countries also have special rules and even special legis-
lation to deal with this matter. That subject is both important and interesting.
A very difficult question concerns the coordination of the ‘liberal’ human rights
applying to adults and the ‘social’, welfare-oriented attitude directed towards
young persons.
Some aspects which have turned up in the case-law will be addressed here in
their context, for example, the position of the judge.4 However, there is no
special chapter on the subject—I will leave this matter to the specialists.

(d) Domestic Case-law

A full analysis of human rights in criminal proceedings would have to include
domestic case-law.5 The national courts contribute to the development of that
body of law and it is primarily their task to apply the international treaties. Again,
a comprehensive and comparative study extended that far was not possible in
view of the enormous quantity of material that would have had to be studied.

B. The Importance of the Subject

Is it possible to find an author who doubts the importance of his or her subject?
Would anyone undertake the burden of writing a book of several hundred pages
unless he or she were convinced of the importance of the subject? On a personal
Cf. Nortier v. Netherlands.
For a thorough analysis of the effect of the European Convention in domestic law, see
Drzemczewski (1983).
About this Book 7

note, I would not pretend that each one of my publications really deals with a
very important subject. However, I have no hesitation in reaffirming my belief
in the importance of the subject addressed in this book—I do not think that this
importance can be doubted.
There is, first of all, a quantitative argument. A very large part of the inter-
national case-law on human rights is related to the administration of criminal
justice. Leaving aside, as far as the Strasbourg case-law is concerned, the issue of
the length of civil proceedings, it is the most important subject. The criminal-
justice system in every country in the world is under stress, in many cases insti-
tutions are overburdened with work. One could hardly say that this is a remote
or irrelevant subject.
The importance of human rights in criminal proceedings hardly needs any
comment or explanation. Criminal proceedings are an area where vital interests
of society and of the individual suspect collide. An individual’s reputation,
financial position, personal liberty, even life—not only in those countries where
capital punishment still exists, but also where life-long prison sentences are
imposed—is at stake. Society, on the other hand, has a considerable interest in
order, peaceful coexistence, security, physical integrity, and the safety of potential
victims. The situation may be complicated by the victim claiming a right to
participate in the proceedings.
Much depends, when one approaches the problem of balancing these inter-
ests, on the image one has in mind as a point of departure. It could, for example,
be that of hardened criminals, members of a criminal organization, who will
attempt every trick they can think of to avoid conviction, including the killing of
witnesses. Or it could be a man walking home at night from a bar who steps near
a body lying in the street; he touches it and feels blood; he realizes that he has
stepped in a pool of what might be blood; in panic he runs home, but is seen by a
passer-by and identified, which leads to his being suspected of murder. The
balancing must lead to acceptable results for both eventualities.
The two sides to the conflict, the individual and society, are obviously
equipped with unequal power. Not only is the accused opposed by a well-
organized and equipped adversary, he or she is also faced with the representatives
of a strong moral superiority. Every accused person is presumed innocent. This is
what the human-rights law says. Generally, however, the police, the prosecutor,
and—much more importantly and dangerously—the media, and consequently
‘the people’, hold the suspect guilty. The crime calls for vengeance, even though
enlightened and well-intended persons will deny this and justify the operation of
the criminal law with the aim of reforming the criminal.
The state’s efforts to employ efficient crime-control measures, and to limit the
financial (and temporal) costs of criminal proceedings, are perfectly legitimate.
The fear of crime is at least understandable. In the face of these realities, human
rights must work their way against the current, upstream. Although it ought to
be the other way round, in practice, when we speak with law-enforcement
8 Stefan Trechsel

officers and ‘ordinary people’, we have to justify our commitment to the rights of
the accused. We shall fail, if we do so with an excess of enthusiasm, forgetting the
pain of the victim and the apprehension of the public. We will also fail if we are
not consistent.
For this reason it is particularly important that the place of human rights in
criminal proceedings be well defined, and consistently, pragmatically, and
moderately applied. To the extent that this endeavour succeeds, a certain con-
vergence of interests can be said to appear. In a democratic state based on the rule
of law the administration of criminal justice is not just oriented towards
achieving as many convictions as possible and imposing severe sentences. It also
has the responsibility of ensuring that justice be done. I am convinced that
procedural justice is at least of the same importance as outcome-related justice.6
At present there is another argument which enhances the importance of the
subject of human rights in criminal proceedings, the so-called ‘war on terrorism’.
It cannot be denied that the present times are characterized by a recurrence of
violence, a wave which is clearly much bigger than that witnessed in Europe,
particularly in Germany and Italy, in the 1970s (‘anni di piomo’: lead years)
which originated in the actions of the Red Army Faction (‘Rote Armee Fraktion’
(RAF)) and the Red Brigades (brigate rosse). There is a tendency to overreact to
attacks like that on the World Trade Center in New York. The President of the
United States has provided an unfortunate example not only by waging war on
Iraq but also by locking up hundreds of men in Guantanamo and openly
denying them even the most elementary human rights. Torture, inhuman, and
degrading treatment were used by a state which used to boast leadership in the
areas of democracy, the rule of law, and human rights.
In the face of such a devastating experience it is important to assert not only
the moral superiority of human rights, but also their functional aspect. One
cannot expect respect from persons and groups of persons to whom one denies
human rights. In the long run, one cannot dominate nations, let alone religious
groups, by sheer force, even with the assistance of sophisticated technology.
Of course, these considerations go far beyond criminal proceedings. Yet, these
proceedings are an area in which, as I said, the rights of the individual and the
interests of the state are in direct contact. It is here that the state must dem-
onstrate its allegiance to higher values, and its readiness to use power with self-
restraint. This book is about the details of such restrictions.


There are many different ways to approach our subject. It may therefore be
justified and improve the understanding of the book if the author indicates his

6 Trechsel (1997).
About this Book 9

own perspectives which cannot be entirely separated from his background. This
does not mean that the book is written from a strictly personal viewpoint. It
does aspire to present solutions which are objectively correct or at least
defendable. Yet, it would be naive to assume that such an unfettered objectivity
can be fully achieved. In order not to let these considerations appear too per-
sonal, I shall refer to the author in the third person.

A. The Geographical Perspective

The intention was to present the international human-rights law without giving
preference to one of the three ‘jurisdictions’, the universal one of the ICCPR,
the American one, or the European one. Yet, it will be noted that the European
viewpoint clearly prevails. In fact, there are several reasons for this.
For one, the author is European, Swiss to be precise. Furthermore, and this is
of greater practical importance, the author served for almost a quarter of a
century on the European Commission of Human Rights to the memory of
which the book is dedicated. Familiarity with the European case-law has cer-
tainly left its traces. Yet, the main thrust is on the case-law of the Court which, as
far as judgments of the former Court are concerned, has been influenced by the
Commission, but is now moving on its own track. While the Court still refers to
decisions of the Commission on admissibility, the value of that old case-law as
precedent is, by and large, fading.
The preponderant role of the European law in this book cannot, however, be
explained (or excused?) simply by reference to the author’s background. It is an
objective fact that the case-law of the European institutions exceeds that of the
comparable bodies on the United Nations and American level by far. There are
now more than 4,300 judgments of the Court and over 10,000 accessible
decisions on admissibility. Many judgments have gained worldwide attention
and are also referred to as authority by the Human Rights Committee (HRC)
and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights. Furthermore, this case-law is
easily accessible on the Internet.
While, naturally, quite a number of references to international and American
case-law will be found in the book, the author cannot and indeed does not hide
its generally European background.

B. The Legal Perspective

The author believes that it is also important to take his legal background into
account in two particular respects.
First, the author is trained in criminal law and the law of criminal procedure.
These are the matters he has taught throughout his professional life and also
practised as a public prosecutor and, occasionally, as a defence lawyer. This is in
contrast to the fact that human-rights law is primarily regarded as the province of
10 Stefan Trechsel

specialists in international and in constitutional law. It is not for the author to

qualify this fact.
Second, the author is trained in the ‘continental’ legal tradition, in criminal-
procedural law that is close to the inquisitorial model. Hopefully, the book is not
biased because of this. The author was lucky to find an assistant from Scotland,
Sarah Summers, LL B, whose assistance was also of inestimable value in that she
filled the lacunae in the author’s knowledge of the common law.

C. The ‘Political’ Perspective

One may wonder what the justification is for speaking of a ‘political’ perspective
in the context of a legal publication. It is the author’s firm conviction that a
clean and rigid separation of law and politics is not possible. Whether it is
recognized or not, every legal decision has a political element. The science of
jurisprudence has developed methods of interpretation which will apply and
which, at least to some extent, may claim general recognition, although it may
not be easy to transfer them to a system of case-law. Yet, even by strictly
following the rules of methodology, the lawyer will typically reach a point where
a value judgment must be made. Reasons can, up to a certain point, be given for
a decision, but it cannot be explained entirely by logical deduction. The value
judgment is necessarily, at least to some extent, an emanation of the person who
makes it. This person will have made basic choices, be they ‘progressive’,
‘conservative’, ‘liberal’, or ‘socialist’, with an infinite variety of combinations.
This choice will contribute to the judgment that will be made.
In the area of human rights, a number of different basic approaches can
typically be distinguished.
There is the approach of the human-rights activist. This is the attitude often
embraced by NGOs and it exists in many forms. At one extreme, activists display
an attitude which approaches human rights as being intrinsically good, com-
parable to honey or money—the more, the better. It is an attitude characterized
by an enthusiasm which must be credited for securing many important devel-
opments, particularly the promotion of new instruments for the protection of
human rights. It is, however, not necessarily the approach needed for the
interpretation of existing human-rights law, particularly in the area of criminal
proceedings and in a jurisprudential context, because it tends to overstate the
interests of the individual vis-à-vis those of society.
At the other extreme, as it were, is the ‘government lawyer’ whose tendency
will be to defend the status quo, tradition, public order, and safety, and other
similarly conservative values. He or she will display an attitude which seeks to
save particularities of the national legal order, the slow steadiness of the evolution
of the law, the subsidiarity of the international control.
The author has mainly practised human-rights law in a judicial setting, even
though the Commission, with its multiple functions of deciding on admissibility
About this Book 11

(the negative decisions being final), of establishing the facts, sometimes in lengthy
and complicated investigations, particularly in interstate cases such as Ireland v.
United Kingdom or Cyprus v. Turkey, of drafting a report which reads like a
judgment but which will never be the final decision, and of appearing before the
Court in the function of amicus curiae, falls to be regarded as a quasi-judicial
organ. As a consequence, his attitude lies between the two approaches described.
The answers proposed here are intended as practicable solutions which strike
a fair balance between the interests of the individual and those of society. To
the reader who tends towards human-rights activism this attitude will bring
disappointment—the author does not always argue for a maximum of rights for
the defence. But ‘government lawyers’ will, it is hoped, also be disappointed,
because the author believes in reform and places strong emphasis on procedural
justice, whereas the value of safety, to which governments tend to adhere and
which is also cherished by the public at large, tends to favour outcome-related
justice and the effectiveness of crime control.

D. The ‘Scientific’ Perspective

The author, being a professor, is also moved by the ambition of presenting a
work of legal science. This ambition is, however, modest. It would have, from a
scientific perspective, been preferable to produce a book with twice as many
pages and footnotes. It would have been desirable to take into account every
publication ever produced on the subject, discussing every opinion held by other
academics. Alas, this was not possible.
It must be admitted that many, certainly very valuable, books and articles have
not, or have only inadequately, been considered and discussed—the author apo-
logizes in advance to neglected colleagues. In other words, this work is a com-
promise between a thorough legal analysis and a handbook for practitioners. To
give a practical example, the information on the origins of guarantees has mainly
been taken from David Weissbrodt’s valuable book, complemented by examples
found in Manfred Nowak’s equally valuable commentary. The author does not
claim to have presented, in these short paragraphs, the fruit of his own research.
It is, of course, not for the author to say whether there are certain redeeming
values here, although, of course, he hopes that the reader will find some.
Wondering what they might be, what comes to mind is this: here is a continental
European lawyer, addressing readers in English. Maybe there can be a certain
interest in, as it were, building a bridge across the Channel and the ocean.
Looking at the admirable work of English-speaking colleagues, what might be
considered as a distinguishing feature is the effort of the author at increased
systematic order, an approach which is definitely influenced by German legal
science, particularly in the field of criminal law.7
7 For a fascinating effort to introduce the structural thought of the German doctrine to

American readers, see Fletcher (2000).

12 Stefan Trechsel


The structure of this book is simple—I have followed the human-rights

instruments which are structurally very similar. The road goes from the general
to the specific, beginning with a discussion of the scope of application of the
procedural guarantees and the right to an independent and impartial tribunal
established by law, an element which is also of some relevance outwith the
context of the guarantee of a fair trial. This is followed by an analysis of this
guarantee, the general guarantees, and the specific rights of the defence.
A relatively voluminous fourth part addresses fundamental rights relating to
measures of coercion such as detention on remand and wire-tapping.

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