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Los adelantos

Pedro León.- Artista importante ecuatoriano nacido en Ambato en 1894, dominó el

impresionismo y el puntillismo. Después de un viaje a Europa trajo nuevos referentes teóricos.
Daba conferencias en las que hablaba de la pintura moderna. Explicó el cubismo, el fauvismo y
el superrealismo. Ocupó la subdirección la escuela de las bellas artes.

Camilo Egas.-
Camilo Egas (1889-September 18, 1962) was an Ecuadorian master painter and teacher, who
was also active in the United States and Europe.
Camilo Alejandro Egas Silva was born in Quito, Ecuador in 1889 and grew up in the San Blas
neighborhood. He studied at the College of San Gabriel y Mejia before enrolling, Egas studied at
the Escuela de Bellas Artes in Quito in 1905.[2] He stayed at the school until 1911 and studied
under Paul Bar and Víctor Puiz.In 1919, Egas studied at the Real Academia de Bellas Artes de
San Fernando in Madrid on a second government grant. Indigenismo Movement in Ecuador

Egas returned to Ecuador in 1926 and played a pivotal role in forming the Indigenist Movement
together with Oswaldo Guayasamin. The Indian theme seen in his work was related to the rise of
Socialism and the constitution of Marxist parties in Latin America. In 1926, Egas founded
Ecuador’s first art periodical, Helice (Helix).[1]
Egas combined the Costumbrista painting tradition of Ecuador with the influences of
contemporary art movements other countries. He used his knowledge of European art techniques
to create dramatic, large-scale oil paintings of Andean indigenous peoples and themes, bringing
Indigenismo to the European 'high art' world.[3]:115 Egas's ideology and aesthetic of the 1910s and
1920s connect him to Spanish modernism, a movement espoused by the School of Fine Arts at
Quito, which was inspired by its modernity and nationalism.[3]:116
During this time, Egas taught at the Normal de Quito and served as art director of the National
Later life

In 1927, Egas moved to New York, but occasionally lived in Spain and Italy, and made numerous
trips back to Ecuador.[4] He consecutively assimilated various styles: first, Social Realism, then
Surrealism, Neo-Cubism, and finally Abstract Expressionism. In New York, he befriended José
Clemente Orozco.[1] In the 1930s, Egas's work included two murals, Harvesting Food in Ecuador:
No Profit Motif in Any Face or Figure and Harvesting Food in North America. In 1932 Egas began
teaching at the New School for Social Research in New York in and became their first Director of
Art in 1935. He taught and directed the art department until his death in 1962,[4] the same year
that the school gave him an honorary doctorate in fine arts.[2]
In 1939, Camilo Egas was responsible for decorating and painting a mural for the Ecuadorian
Pavilion of the New York World's Fair. The Museo Jijon y Caamano de Arqueologia y Arte
Colonial in Quito commissioned him to paint a series of work in oils exploring Andean Indian life.
During the 1950s, Egas exhibited his work in Caracas, Quito, and New York.[2]
Egas died on September 18, 1962 in New York City, New York.[1]

The Museo Camilo Egas in Quito opened in 1981 with a permanent exhibition of his work but is
now closed. The collection belongs to the Banco Central del Ecuador, and Museo Camilo Egas
has been relocated to Venezuela 1302 and Esmeraldas Corner, close to Banco Central. [5]

Manuel Rendón Seminario (n. París, 1894 - m. Portugal, 1982) (también conocido como
Manuel Rendón) fue un maestro pintor latinoamericano conocido por traer el Constructivismo a
Ecuador y Latinoamérica junto con Joaquín Torres García quien trajo el Constructivismo a su
país natal de Uruguay. El Movimiento Constructivista comenzó en Rusia por Vladímir Tatlin
alrededor de 1913.
Rendón estudió en la Academia de la Grande Chaumière en París, sin embargo, se resistió a los
centros de enseñanza de arte formal, prefiriendo en cambio como destino una labor más
solitaria, asidua y tenaz. A una edad temprana, la obra de Rendón fue regularmente exhibida en
las salas de París. Aunque Rendón nació en París, es hijo de padres ecuatorianos y es
frecuentemente considerado como un artista ecuatoriano que vivió la mayor parte de su vida en
Ecuador. El padre de Rendón fungió como embajador en París.
A principios de su carrera, Rendón vivió la vida bohemia del artista parisino, luchando para ganar
dinero. Rendón vendería pequeños trabajos hechos de cobre para obtener dinero para pintar. En
1937, Rendón exhibió su obra en la ciudad de Guayaquil, Ecuador, y en Quito en 1939. Estas
exhibiciones tuvieron un enorme impacto en los grandes maestros que vivieron en estas
ciudades en esos tiempos. Las obras fueron modernas y abstractas por naturaleza. Rendón
predicó: "el papel del pintor es organizar las posibilidades que le son ofrecidas". El trabajo de
Manuel Rendón es vasto y ha influenciado grandemente generaciones de maestros artistas en
toda América Latina y Europa, tales como Antoni Tàpies, Antonio Saura, Enrique Tábara,
Estuardo Maldonado, Carlos Catasse, Félix Arauz, Aníbal Villacís, Oswaldo Viteri y Theo
Constanté, por nombrar a algunos.

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