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oral presentation: comply to beauty standards.

“Beauty is in the eye of beholDER

“The idea of beauty is based on perfection, and only a few of the people who want that
actually get it. The other part passes the entire life looking for that beauty. Even that, I
believe in something more strong than physical appearance. You can be beautiful and
healthy, but if you have a mental complex, or ideals, you would never be happy with
When I write thi i find myself a bit silly because everyone knows “if you can’t love yourself go
to therapy” . And it’s true, based on the video, beauty is temporal.

Todos sosmos dueños de nuestra apariencia y belleza y de como queremos que sea. Es
realmente algo natural. Pero cuando esta se ve sugestionada a los estereotipos se vuelve
un complejo o ideal que esta al alcance de algunos.
Belleza es control, poder, es un camino facil

Unrealistic Beauty
American TV shows are disgusting.
I’m going to show you who I think it’s definitely one of the worst, because in darkness it is a
huge business and in cameras the participants are girls from 3 to 12 years old. When I saw
this I was in shock.

As you saw in the video, mothers prepare their daughters like little barbies and spend a lot of
money on make -up and dresses.
because if some girl win the competition, not only get easy money or at least get back what
they spent, because only in a dress and a coach, families spend like 6 thousand dollars (
totally insane)
Also the winner has the opportunity to be famous and maybe start a career for that. (for
example,one miss universe winner, after 20 years of the competition, she applied for a
president. )
But That's no excuse for everything else.
For example, to be perfect they use a wig or hair extensions with a lot of hairspray, also a
bunch of makeup, specially face powder, to look like a doll. Another thing is fake eyelashes
and fake teeth, spray tan, and in some cases they use stripper outfits, and absolutely the
most unpleasant is botox.

Despite these atrocities, more than 250,000 kids participate every year in pageant shows,
and that’s the reason why it is a 5 billion dollar year industry.

What is my point?
This is one example of beauty standards.This beauty builds on tradition, and tradition
endures.And everything that lasts in some point has a cost, for consequence, means money
for someone else…
In these times beauty means control, power, business, money, opportunities,jobs,friends,
status and of course, makes you feel better. :)

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