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The Last movie that i saw was " a prince in New York". It’s a comedy.

I don't like typically

stories or characters….for example Adam Sandler is an actor that I don't like, but when he
suddenly appears on my tv in one of his movies I just get trapped!
Well, this movie was amazing, the main character is Eddie Murphy who is really hilarious.

my favorite movie

My favorite movie is “Inception” because my favorite genre is science-fictionThis movie is

from director Chirtopher Nolan. I admire his thought-provoking script. There's many movies
about the future, time travel and weather change, but Nolan tells the story with a lot of
information and exciting things.I like the way that he can transmit an emotion in the middle of
I consider that the best resource for those unusual movies are "timeskip" because it makes
you focused all the time. Some people think these kinds of movies are boring and absolutely
weird but I love them!

Violent movies

After think about it for the third time I realized that I was disagreed with my opinions
For example, Violence causes only violence, or it's harmful, our bad behavior can
increase. Alyes...but I found the word " fear" .
When I see a horror film I get scared.

So this is a Fearful or a violent world?

In a generalization, both children and adults get repulsed by explicit violence, it

makes us want to avoid that, a fear that is reflected in the body.
All the other part of violence is the one that enters the unconscious and lose the
weight of damage that can cause
for example in a joke, bullying, discrimination
All of that started to become a normalized violence.

"Media violence teaches kids that the world is more violent than it really is, and most
react by becoming more fearful, not more violent or aggressive."

"Violence is much rarer than fear and anxiety,we find that most kids who carry a
weapon into school do it for protection."
After that I read another article and again it completely changed my mind.
It said that media violence appears to decrease violent behavior in the immediate aftermath
of exposure, with large aggregate effect
Between 1985 and 2015 violent movies increased but murders decreased.

That makes me think...okay

the fact of making it visible began to generate the rejection, repulse of society, so it
protects itself against these vulnerabilities.
It's not wrong but it was easier than that!
It happens because people with a tendency to violence and crime were in movie
theaters. It works like placebo

In my opinion, the effect of viewing violence never will be the same.People who say that
violent movies are harmful think those are a bad message, because in the case of children,
they are growing and developing the ability to understand the difference between fiction
and reality, and also the critical judgment to know if it is right or wrong. And in the case of
adults, they may be influenced by movies or TV. People can adopt physical or verbal violent
attitudes in their daily life and relate to that behavior.

Violence in movies

The effect of viewing violence in movies never will be the same. People who love this genre
can stand it and also find the movie interesting and exciting. They think that violence is a
normal part of life and they don’t see a consequence, because the movie is fiction, it isn't
But people, like me, think that those messages aren't necessary to communicate in that way.
Violence is natural, but our aggressive behavior could encourage, so if we see scenes with a
lot of fighting and killing, or bloody scenes,we will have a distortion of that information, and in
case of children, they will understand that like reality. Children and adults can adopt
physical or verbal violent attitudes in their daily life and relate to that behavior.
People who think the opposite are based on the idea of "fiction" even if it's violence, they
don't see a consequence, because it isn't real.But Many say that our relationship with people
in real life can encourage aggressive behavior, not movies or TV. Besides believing that it's
necessary to know about violence to prevent it.

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