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Gadjah Mada International Journal of Business

Vol. 23, No. 2 (May-August 2021): 193-214

Firm Level Strategy and Value Creation in

Small Businesses: The Nigerian Experience
Adelekan Adedeji Saidia*, Majekodunmi Samuel Ayodeleb, Worimegbe Powel Maxwellc
Dominican University, Nigeria
Mountain Top University, Nigeria
Olabisi Onabanjo University, Nigeria

Abstract: The issue of firm specific strategies and how they affect organizational performance
has engendered a lot of discussions in the extant literature. This creates a need to investigate the
extent to which firm level strategy influences value creation in small businesses. Premised on the
elements of corporate, business and functional level strategies, this study examines the influence
of firm strategy on value creation in a developing economy ie. Nigeria. Employing a survey
research design, 689 small business owners and managers were surveyed utilizing questionnaire
research instruments. Using PLS-SEM, the study reveals that firm strategy is a driver of value
creation in small businesses. The study also shows that corporate level strategy and business lev-
el strategy are the most significant drivers of value creation. The results of this study highlight
critical concerns and guide small businesses through the value creation process to achieve com-
petitiveness. Small firms should be active in the formulation and implementation of strategies
that are based on value creation. More attention should be given to business level strategy, as this
is the most significant driver of value creation.

Keywords: value creation, small businesses, corporate strategy, business strategy, functional
JEL Classification: L1, L2, G32

*Corresponding author’s e-mail: 193

ISSN: PRINT 1411-1128 | ONLINE 2338-7238
Gadjah Mada International Journal of Business - May-August Vol. 23, No. 2, 2021

Introduction Strakova (2017) points out that corpo-

rate strategy is pivotal to providing the frame-
The issue of strategy and how it leads work with which an organization will achieve
to firm performance has been discussed over its goals, irrespective of its market. Different
time. Alfaro et al., (2020), has argued that studies (e.g. Alfaro et al., 2020; Njagi et al.,
strategy consists of identifying a firm’s long- 2016; Monday et al., 2015, Aremu & Oyin-
term goals and objectives, taking action and loyes, 2014) have investigated how strategy
allocating the resources required for achiev- could be effectively utilized to drive organiza-
ing the objectives. Carter (2013) believes that tional performance. However, various studies
strategy provides the model of the priorities, (e.g. Sowers and Goldminz, 2018; Strakova
objectives, goals, and plans presented to ac- et al., 2020) have revealed that an organiza-
complish them, and describes the market in tion’s focus should not be on performance,
which the organization is or will be operat- but value creation. Narver and Slater (2000)
ing. This is also supported by Pashazadeh explain that value creation is a prerequisite
and Navimipourthe (2018), who assert that for organizational performance, achieving
strategy is choosing the range of activities in and sustaining competitiveness, and creating
which an organization distinguishes itself to customer values to be generated when the
assess a sustainable difference in the market; benefits associated with a product or service
the distinction between the chosen activities to the customer surpass the cost of customer
and the way they are conducted. In compar- supply. The creation of long-term manage-
ison, these studies see strategy as being criti- ment value for businesses anywhere in the
cal to better performance in an organization. world involves pleasing other stakeholders as
Farjoun (2002), however, considered that the well. By ignoring the customers’ needs, a firm
conceptual viewpoint is limited and contrib- cannot build long-term value that will sustain
utes to a complex and holistic perspective. its opportunities and competitiveness (Goed-
The new ideas in the social and management hart & Koller, 2020). Investing in sustain-
sciences argue that strategic processes are not able values can, and often does, contribute
just rationalist models of unitary actors but to stronger economies, higher standards of
also that complex, sensitive variables are es- living and more significant opportunities for
sential and that the fuzzy side of reality is tak- people. It should not be surprising, then, that
en into account. It maintains that while the firms that generate value have helped catalyze
conceptual perspective is discrete, directional change, whether by satisfying the customers
and distinct for the formulation of strate- more, creating better customers, or better
gies, the holistic perspective is complicated, performance in firms.
unpredictable, collaborative and integrative.
This view was also supported by Strakova et Therefore, strategy becomes a vital part
al., (2020), who stated that corporate strate- of how value is generated and maintained
gy practices in the present state of scientific (Worimegbe, 2020). Capital maintenance in-
knowledge, as regards the creation, structure, vestments and the development of strategic
design and execution, together with their de- assets and capabilities such as talent, inno-
composition into partial strategies, including vation, infrastructure, brand and intellectual
the implementation methods, are character- assets allow for the creation of value, beyond
ized as inconsistent and difficult to use. the expected financial returns and in the light
of internal and external stakeholder results

Saidi et al
and a broader range of impacts, the issue of RQ1: To what degree does corporate level
strategy and how it creates sustainable values strategy influence value creation?
in a firm needs to be addressed. The ques- RQ2: How does business level strategy affect
tion of what a strategy is and its dimensions value creation?
has been answered in the existing literature
RQ3: To what extent does functional level
(Olson and Slater, 2002; Maltzet al., 2003;
strategy determine value creation?
Gosselin, 2005). While the existing litera-
ture has investigated the interaction between RQ4: What is the most potent strategic di-
firm strategy and organizational performance mension driving value creation in the service
(Agwu & Onwuegbuzie, 2017; Anugwuo & and manufacturing industries?
Shakanti, 2015; Teeratansirikool et al., 2014;
Aftab et al., 2012; Thompson & Strickland, Literature Review
2007), it is yet to be seen how the dimensions
of corporate strategy, business strategy and Strategy and Measurements
functional strategy, which are measures of
firm level strategy (Nikols, 2016) drive value The concept of strategy is sometimes
creation in small businesses. The choice of mistaken for the process of building rent
small businesses was influenced by the posi- (microeconomics), strategy for generating
tion of Worimegbe (2020), who argues that it shareholder value (finance), strategy seek-
is not enough to look at the effect of strat- ing an ideal market position (marketing), or
egies among more prominent firms, since strategy facilitating emerging processes (or-
large firms which are still in existence were ganizational structure). The ability to main-
first smaller firms, and that the strategy ap- tain value creation is the ultimate objective
plied by these smaller firms could go a long of any plan, whether from the consumers’
way in determining their performance both viewpoint or the shareholders’ (Frery, 2016).
in the long and short run. The fundamental theme common to all
strategy concepts provided by various schol-
On the other hand, Zook and Rogers ars such as Aftab et al., (2012), Mintzberg
(2001) have suggested that it has become (1981), Thompson & Strickland (2007), Teer-
critical for small businesses to identify the atansirikool et al., (2014) is a firm’s ability to
strategies that will create value and sustain achieve its goals by resourcefully directing its
performance in the pursuit of growth. Small efforts to align them with changes in the ex-
businesses are the major employer of labor ternal environment. In the concept of strat-
in the Nigerian economy, and the Nigeri- egy, having defined this theme, it becomes
an economy is seen as the biggest in Africa crucial to decide if each particular field of
(Naidoo, 2020). Hence, this study’s kernel study in the area is a proponent of this phi-
is to establish how strategy could influence losophy professed by eminent researchers.
value creation among small businesses in Ni- To do so, the orientation of the subdomains
geria. This study also seeks to establish the in the field of strategy must be established.
most significant strategy for driving value For massive long-term corporate objectives
creation in a firm, irrespective of its industry. and goals, for more business process unit
Based on the objectives as mentioned above, goals and objectives, or for a functional unit,
the following research questions were raised: including one as limited as a cost centre, a

Gadjah Mada International Journal of Business - May-August Vol. 23, No. 2, 2021
strategy or general plan of action may be for- market stakeholders are happy at all times,
mulated. The essence of the firm, its culture, the corporate level approach involves deci-
the kind of business its leadership wants it sions taken by corporate managers. With this
to be, the markets it will or will not join, the as the target, managers decide to invest in the
basis on which it will compete, or any other business at the company hierarchy’s strategic
feature, quality or characteristic of the or- level, resulting in long-term profit maximiza-
ganization, may or may not be addressed by tion and improved returns for the company’s
such objectives (Nikols, 2016). Strategy refers stockholders. Corporate plans require two
to how to accomplish a given end. In execut- strategies: separate dimensions, which in-
ing a given strategy, resources are allocated or cludes growth (Zook & Rogers, 2001), and
mobilized and then employed to realize the liquidity (Frery, 2016) steps. Corporate exec-
desired end. The setting of the objectives to utives determine which firms to invest in and
be accomplished calls for strategic thinking, how liquid the firm’s assets should be in both
but it is distinct from deciding on the plan the short- and long-term situations to opti-
that will achieve them. The definition involv- mize its value.
ing the study of the organization’s external
Before being effective, the business
and internal climate and the identified vulner-
strategy of an organization should be con-
abilities of the relevant strategy is part of the
sistent with its organizational structure. Oth-
strategy formulation subdomain of strategy
erwise, the executives would not know if
the company is making progress toward its
On the other hand, the subdomain that objectives. A correlation between business
deals with the design of organizational struc- strategy and performance metrics in various
tures and processes to execute the strategy is dimensions is reflected in the current litera-
referred to as implementing the policy. The ture (Alfaro et al., 2020; Strakova et al., 2020;
choice of strategy is a component of strategy Worimegbe, 2020; Agwu & Onwuegbuzie,
formulation that involves identifying strategic 2017). Weir, Kochhar, LeBeau and Edgeley
alternatives in tandem with the organization’s (2000) described a strategy at the functional
strengths and weaknesses. These alternatives level as an action plan to improve organiza-
differ depending on the hierarchical levels of tions’ operational or organizational capital
the organization, this is supported by Hofer and their coordination skills to establish core
& Shendel (1979) who point out that a strat- competencies. Each function’s strategic ob-
egy’s content varies with the level of organi- jective is to demonstrate a core competence
zational hierarchy because a strategy is about that gives a competitive advantage to the or-
determining the appropriate courses of ac- ganization. Wetherbe (1996) emphasized that
tion. Aftab (2012) established that corpo- functional strategy is an active area to achieve
rate level, business level and functional level organizational and business unit goals and
strategies are the hierarchical levels defined strategy, by optimising resource efficiency. To
by various management theorists in the strat- provide a corporation or business unit with a
egy domain. Anugwuo and Shakantu (2015) competitive advantage, it is necessary to es-
posit that business level and corporate level tablish and cultivate a distinctive competence.
strategies are two sides of the same coin, re- The functional level strategy aims to enhance
lating to both intra-industry and interindus- a business’s capacity to achieve superior per-
try firm variation strategies. To ensure that formance, quality, creativity, and responsive-

Saidi et al
ness to customers. Two main elements of the zation and society at large. If a small business
meanings should be noted when looking at operates in a competitive equilibrium field,
the definitions given above; a plan is part of since an undifferentiated competitor is ready
the functional level strategy, and the second to take its position, its strategy and surviv-
part aims to develop the organization’s skills. al will not matter to the market (Sharma &
The functional level tests the reality of the Carney, 2012). Morris et al., (2007) suggest-
strategy at the corporate and business level, ed that small enterprises are more vulnerable
and brings the desired outcome into exis- because they rely on consumer loyalty com-
tence by turning plans and preparations into pared to large and medium-sized corpora-
reality. tions, they suffer from the regional market,
oscillating competition and the ever-evolving
business climate.
Small Enterprises Value Creation
Jorgenson (2015) suggested that they
The classifications of small enterprises
should first be worried about value creation
and their meanings are divergent. The Devel-
before the business becomes lucrative. Geor-
opment Agency for Small and Medium En-
gescu-Roegen (1971) argues that if it satis-
terprises (SMEDAN, 2019) describes small
fies the conditions of irreversibility (creating
businesses as companies with 10 to 49 em-
an irreversible value), health (creating values
ployees, with a total value of between 10,000
that benefit human purpose) and entropy
to 100,000 dollars. Olaolu and Obaji (2020)
(there is an increase in such value created),
claim that small businesses are crucial to job
a company has created an economic value.
growth, economic development, poverty alle-
Small companies, in other words, produce
viation, and improved living standards, while
value through an inevitable mechanism that
facing various challenges in their operations.
provides the resource holder with more sub-
Kozak (2017) described that in the redistribu-
stantial benefits for society as a whole. Shar-
tion of resources and transformation of the
ma and Carney (2012) claim that value cre-
macroclimate, small businesses are crucial
ation’s financial metrics do not capture small
to achieving the sustainable goals of a gov-
companies’ real essence. Merchant and San-
ernment. Growth is a vital driver for small
dino (2009) concluded that value creation’s
businesses, according to Machado (2016),
financial measures disregard shifts in value
and their survival depends on their ability to
and economic principles, are conservatively
engage in strategic partnerships, build value,
biased, transaction oriented and concentrate
and compete with other firms in the sector.
on the past. Jorgenson (2015) established that
This is hinged on the idea that the interven-
value creation should be calculated in terms
tions available are centered on financial mea-
of sales and the competitive cost of deliver-
ing a service. Merchant and Sandino (2009)
In most cases, small companies are not also proposed that a mix of indicators such
concerned with net present values; instead, as profit, customer satisfaction, efficiency,
they are searching for new ways to make their research and development expenditure, and
businesses more profitable and competitive market share should be used when calcu-
in the long term. Thiel (2018) argues that lating the value created. Value development
small companies must generate value and stems from the systematic implementation
that not all values are beneficial to the organi- of costing methods, expended sales capital

Gadjah Mada International Journal of Business - May-August Vol. 23, No. 2, 2021
and the utilization of capacity. The point ments as drivers for the survival of emerging
of view of Lieberman and Balasubramani- contractors in the South African construc-
an (2007) should be considered in deciding tion industry. Findings from the examined lit-
the measurements of value formation in this erature suggest that about 80% of new con-
report. The researchers assert that only the tractors in the South African construction
consumer or the producer (small enterprises) industry are forced to leave the construction
can capture the value produced. Jorgenson industry prematurely during their first five
(2015) argues that small firms struggle when years of operation. This is caused by a poor
they do not generate value for both suppliers and incomplete understanding of strategic
and customers. The non-financial measures management and the business principles
in this study would, therefore, be implement- needed a sustainable organization. It was also
ed. The preference is also affected by the fact revealed that emerging contractors needed
that most SMEs in Nigeria do not have suf- to have the required industry skills and ex-
ficient accounting records (Olaolu and Obaji, perience to become a successful company.
2020). New markets, new services or prod- It can be concluded that emerging suppliers
ucts and value-added services (Markgraf, will strengthen . However, the study did not
2020) are the non-financial steps that expose reveal the strategic elements that influenced
value creation for both customers and pro- firms performance. Aftab et al., (2012), in the
ducers in small enterprises. same vein, looked into the impact of strategy
and value creation on the performance of Pa-
kistan’s banking sector. The study described
Strategy Analysis and Corporate Val- the dimensions and variables used in the pre-
ue Creation: Hypotheses Development vious research for each of the frameworks
examined in the areas of management and
Agwu and Onwuegbuzie (2017) exam-
corporate finance, corporate strategy, capital
ined the strategic importance of functional
structure, and company performance.
level strategies as an effective tool for the at-
tainment of firms goods . The study shows Nonetheless, most studies disregard the
that the current market climate is character- combined impact of corporate strategy and
ized by levels of rivalry, dynamism and tech- capital structure on company performance.
nical sophistication. This makes it extremely Aftab et al., (2012) resolved the problem and
difficult as firms have to devise and execute used samples from Pakistan’s listed compa-
policies that can achieve and maintain their nies that showed the commonalities between
competitive advantages. As a consequence, these market analysis fields. The findings
the issue of functional level strategy plays a support some banking industry researchers’
crucial role as organizations . Findings from claims; they stressed the importance of ana-
the study show that there is a correlation be- lyzing business strategies using financial con-
tween price strategy, consumer intentions and cepts. The study establishes the feasibility of
customer satisfaction. While this study shows corporate strategy and value creation on an
the relationship between the functional level organization’s performance. However, Aft-
and customers behavior, the extent to which ab et al., (2012) did not empirically establish
the functional strategy affects value creation how corporate strategy could influence value
was not revealed. Anugwuo and Shakanti creation in a specific industry. Gudmunds-
(2015) investigated strategic management ele- son and Lechner (2014) discussed how the

Saidi et al
interaction between competitive strategy and cal element of firm strategy that drives value
an organization’s productivity is affected by creation. The need for this is premised on the
individual aspects of entrepreneurial orien- belief that value creation is a prerequisite for
tation. The results show the dimensions of organizational performance, achieving and
entrepreneurial orientation have numerous sustaining competitiveness, and the creation
effects on corporate exposure, which in- of customer value, which is generated when
fluence competitive strategy and the con- the benefits associated with a product or ser-
sequences of a pricing strategy on a firm’s vice to the customer surpass the cost of cus-
output and competitiveness. Innovation is tomer supply (Narver & Slater, 2010)
most closely related to the technique called
differentiation. Both differentiation and cost A priori suggests that corporate level,
leadership strategies are negatively correlated business level, and functional level strategies
with risk-taking and competitive aggressive- could drive value creation in small business-
ness. The study established that firms’ strat- es. This is premised on the belief that firm
egies are positively linked to efficiency. The capabilities are significant drivers of compet-
study expands the frontier of knowledge on itive strategies and small firms value creation
the effect of firm strategy on entrepreneur- (Rashidirad & Salimian, 2020). Babajide and
ship for small businesses’ efficiency. Howev- Eretan (2020) assert that firm strategic po-
er, the methodology did not reveal how these sitions could drive better manufacturing in-
firms were selected and the extent to which dustry performance, in terms of efficiency,
firm strategy could drive business efficiency. by incorporating business level strategy while
Research by Nandakumar et al., (2010) ex- increasing competition. This provides a crit-
plored the mediating impact of the external ical argument: as firms increase their strate-
environment and organizational structure in gies, there is a tendency for them to create val-
the correlation between strategy at the com- ue that will bring about better performance
pany level and success at the corporate level. in the long-run. Anchored on the arguments
Their study focused on manufacturing com- and emphasis of Alfaro et al., (2020), who
panies in the United Kingdom belonging to opined that firms should consider the influ-
the electrical and mechanical engineering sec- ence of various strategies in achieving their
tors, with their chief executive officers partic- corporate performance, determining their
ipating in the study. To evaluate performance, strategic approaches, restructuring their or-
both objective and subjective indicators were ganizations and creating value that will make
used. The findings suggest that environmen- the firms industry benchmarks.
tal dynamism and aggression serve as buffers Based on the discussions mentioned
in the relationship between business level above, it is expected that there is an interac-
strategy and relative competitive success. tion between the dimensions of firm strategy
While these empirical studies reveal the and value creation in small enterprises. Hence,
relationship between firm strategy and orga- the following hypotheses were formulated:
nizational performance in large and multina- H1: Corporate level strategy significantly af-
tional firms, there is a dearth of information fects value creation in small enterprises
about how firm strategy could influence val- H2: Business level strategy significantly af-
ue creation in small enterprises. This creates fects value creation in small enterprises
a need to investigate which is the most criti-

Gadjah Mada International Journal of Business - May-August Vol. 23, No. 2, 2021
H3: Functional level strategy significantly af- over the technical and practical gaps between
fects value creation in small enterprises intentional and emerging strategies’ develop-
ment in the management literature. A strate-
gy is influenced by two forces: the setting of
Chamberlain’s Strategic Theory the company and the strategist’s personality.
Chamberlain’s (2010) strategic theory The strategy aims to optimize the de-
notes that a firm’s strategy is the product of gree to which the organization accomplishes
several elements with the strategist’s cogni- its underlying purpose. Forming a plan con-
tive bias in and around the entity. These ele- sists of finding a general approach to doing
ments are arbitrarily divided into three broad this and choosing ways to deal with the en-
groups: internal, external, and shareholders. vironmental forces so that the company and
Chamberlain (2010) claims that as strategists, the environment can make as much progress
only six of these styles are likely to succeed as possible in several ways. By engaging with
and identifies seven crucial individuals at the the environment, the plan succeeds or fails.
specific functional strategy levels (operators), Through preventing, using, or overcoming
corporate strategy (executives, founders, and the impingements, it succeeds. Suppose the
pioneers), and business level (administrators strategy’s objective is to optimize the achieve-
and supervisors) . Chamberlain (2010) stud- ment of the underlying goal, which depends
ies the strategy construct by considering it as on how the company interacts with its en-
a combination of four variables: functional, vironment. In that case, we need to under-
business, corporate, and overall strategies. stand the fundamental, generic mechanisms
Chamberlain (2010) postulates that strategy by which the strategy can influence this envi-
formation’s different processes are implicitly ronment. Chamberlain (2010) posits that the
specified in factors 1 (mission) and 2 (vision). business environment’s current trends have
The assertions of this theory are critical in revealed that change is the only unavoidable
driving value creation by presenting a simple thing. To achieve maximum output, an orga-
sequential process chart that distinguishes nization that wishes to survive and succeed
between intentional and emerging strate- must strategically manage all the resources
gies at each step. The theory explains these at its disposal. The change in the market cli-
and shows how firm corporate goals can be mate is such that it can be contrasted with the
achieved through a deliberate and pragmat- speed of light, and it is most likely that any
ic drive to implement such strategies. The company that is not constructive in its man-
theory provides a solution to an old dispute

Figure 1: Research Model Showing the Interaction Between Dimensions of Firm Strategy and Value Creation

Saidi et al
agement approach to reacting and adapting sectors). This criterion was used to capture
to this change will underperform and thus the small firms’ industry accurately. The
will not survive. Given this, this study aimed questionnaire research instrument was used
to analyze the influence of firm strategy and to generate data for the study. In contrast
value creation based on the corporate strat- to other survey instruments, Mugenda and
egy, business level strategy and functional Mugenda (2003) postulate that a question-
strategy. naire has a higher degree of objectivity. The
basic proportion approach was employed
to ensure appropriate representation of the
Methods sample size. Six hundred and 690 question-
In this study, the survey research de- naires were distributed equally to the service
sign was adopted. Lagos State, in Nigeria, and manufacturing industries. For the study
was used as the theatre for the survey. The to capture the local dynamics, the question-
selection of Lagos State was motivated by naire developed by Aftab et al., (2012) for
the fact that the state has the largest number firm-level strategies was adapted. During the
of small businesses in Nigeria, according to data collection, a seven-point Likert scale was
SMEDAN (2019). The total population of used. The seven-point Likert scale provides
small firms is 8,042 in this state. In arriving a more precise, more substantial representa-
at a sample size of 690, the Raosoft sam- tion and accurate assessment of the views
ple-size calculator was used at a 3% margin of the respondents, according to Finstad
and a 95% confidence interval. This sample (2010). The seven-point Likert scale had rat-
size was adequate and recommended for this ings from 1 = least agreed, 7 = firmly agreed.
survey, according to Hamburg (1985), as it This was also intended to optimize the pre-
would provide more accurate and correct cision and reliability of the research instru-
answers to the phenomenon at hand, rather ment. The research instrument consisted of
than a larger sample size would, where the two parts marked firm strategies and value
sample responds to only a small percentage creation. The questionnaires were adminis-
of the survey . The error factor is reduced tered to the owners/managers of small busi-
by having a sample size of 400 in such a way nesses with the assistance of our research
that minor variations are considered statisti- assistants. The owners and managers of the
cally meaningful (Hair, Anderson, Tatham & SMEs in focus were considered for the anal-
Black, 2010). ysis because they are involved in all the lev-
els of strategy creation (corporate, business
Given the limitations of the research and functional strategy) in the context of
environment and the theoretical nature of the Nigerian business environment, as ob-
this analysis, the sample size of 690 was served by Worimegbe (2020) and Aremu et
therefore considered appropriate for the al., (2014). The questionnaires were taken to
study. Due to the variety in the characteristics the respondents’ different business premis-
of the small enterprises in focus, the sam- es to effectively administer and retrieve the
ple size was further divided between small research instruments. Six hundred and twen-
enterprises in the service sector and those ty-two questionnaires (90.3%) were retrieved
in the manufacturing sector, to ensure suf- and considered useable for the analysis.
ficient representation of respondents from
each group (the service and manufacturing

Gadjah Mada International Journal of Business - May-August Vol. 23, No. 2, 2021

Model Specification surements are based and adapted from the ex-
isting literature in this study to reflect local dy-
Anchored by Chambalins theory, it is namics. The number of items and the source
expected that firm strategy will be a direct an- of each item is provided in Appendix 1.
tecedent of value creation in small enterpris-
es. Based on the above premise, the following Table 2 shows the demographics and
models were formulated: profile samples of the respondents. The
findings showed that most enterprise owners
Value Creation = b 0 + b1 (CORSTRA) + were women (n = 319, % = 51.3) while most
b2 (BUSTRA) + b3 (FUNSTRA) + n of the respondents are married (n = 324, %
= 33.4). The findings also showed that most
Value Creation = (sales, new markets, a new enterprise owners have formal education at
service or product added and value-added the tertiary level (n = 516, % = 82.9), while
services) the respondents’ mean age was 43.6 years.
Where: The implication of this is that most of the
small enterprise owners are still of a vibrant
CORSTRA = corporate strategy
and robust age. The result also showed that
BUSTRA = business strategy most of the enterprises sampled have been
FUNSTRA = functional strategy operating for over five years. This refutes the
β0 is a constant claim by Olaolu and Obaji (2020), who stated
β1, β2, β3, are the coefficient estimators that most enterprises are liquidated within the
first three years of their operations. A reason
μ is the error term
for their survival could be attributed to the
type of strategy these enterprises employ
A’ Priori Expectation
From the above framework, all firm Reliability and Validity
strategy measures are expected to exhibit a For the assessment of diagnostic accu-
positive relationship with the customers’ ex- racy, the confirmatory factor analysis (CFA)
perience elements. The relationship between was used. The measurements of the explana-
firm strategy and value creation is expected tory variable (firm strategy) and the explained
to be directly proportionate. variable (value creation) were evaluated, and
Table 1. Measurement of Variables
Variables Type Observed Authors
Firm Strategy Explanatory Corporate Strategy Agwu and Onwuegbuzie
Business Strategy (2017), Anugwuo and
Functional Strategy Shakantu (2015) growth
(Zook & Rogers, 2001)
Value Creation Dependent Sales Markgraf (2020)
New Markets
New Services Added Val-
ue-Added Services

Table 1 reveals the latent variables and the model’s items were limited to the crite-
their observed measurements. These mea- ria set by Fornell and Larcker (1981). The la-

Saidi et al
Table 2. Sample Profile and Respondents’ Demographics
Demographics Frequency (n) %
Gender (622)
Male 303 48.7
Female 319 51.3
Marital Status
Single 184 36.9
Married 326 33.4
Others (widowed and separated) 112 29.7
Secondary 106 18.1
Tertiary 516 82.9
Age of Respondents
18-35 223 35.9
36-65 358 57.6
66 and above 41 6.5
Mean age (µ) = 43.6
Standard deviation (SD) = 11.2
Age of Firm (Years)
1-5 196 31.5
6-10 211 33.9
11-15 108 17.4
16-20 85 13.7
21 and above 22 3.5

Table 3. Second-order Confirmatory Factor Analysis

Measurement Construct Reliability Average Variance Extracted
Firm Strategy 0.883 0.721
Corporate Strategy 0.866 0.706
Business Strategy 0.896 0.764
Functional Strategy 0.901 0.828
Value Creation 0.766 0.695
Sales 0.791 0.711
New Markets 0.853 0.729
New Products and Services 0.932 0.819
Value-Added Services 0.892 0.793
Goodness-of-fit indices: CMIN = 2.68; CFI = 0.97; IFI = 0.97; RMSEA = 0.04
Source: Analysis Using SMART PLS 3.3.2
tent variables and internal consistency of the namics. To evaluate what it was supposed to
items, in other words, were > 0.5. The results measure, the surveys were issued twice, with
obtained showed reasonable reliability for the an interval of two weeks between them, to
construct and average variance. For establish- the respondents. This is shown in Table 3.
ing content and creating authenticity, this is
The normality test indicated in Table 4
important. The researchers adapted the pre-
that the model fulfilled Kline’s criteria (1998).
vious scholars’ methods to ensure face validi-
Cook’s distance was used to assess any undue
ty while changing it to represent the local dy-

Gadjah Mada International Journal of Business - May-August Vol. 23, No. 2, 2021
Table 4. Test of Normality
Recommended Firm Strategy Value Creation
Value Dimensions

Multicollinearity Tolerance > 0.10 0.65 to 1.96 2.64 to 2.88

VIF < 10 2.75 to 3.66 2.13 to 4.55
Normality Skewness -3 to 3 0.844 to 1.69 -0.56 to 1.03
Kurtosis -10 to 10 -2.54 to 3.91 -1.88 to 4.74
Collinearity Statistics Correlation between variables < 0.90 -0.108 to 0.259 0.114 to 0.301
Independence of Residual Cook’s distance for residual < 1.0 0.416 0.284
impact on the model’s performance, and the 63% of the variation in service small enter-
value indicated that there was no undue influ- prises’ value creation is caused by corporate
ence on the model. The normality checks are strategy. The standard error *(M.F.* = 0.007,
shown in Table 3. S.F.** = 0.021) shows that the model is a good
fit by indicating the extent corporate strategy
accurately predicts value creation in small en-
Results terprises, since the value falls between the ac-
cepted estimates 2.5. The unstandardized beta
Test of Hypotheses for manufacturing firms (B = 0.638) reveals
Table 5. HA1: The dimension of corporate strategy significantly affects value creation in small businesses.
Value Creation
Variable B SE. β T-Value P-Value
Corporate Strategy (MF*) 0.628 0.007 0.638 91.142 0.000
AdjR2 0.407
F-Stat 48.651
Corporate Strategy 0.766 0.021 0.794 37.809 0.000
(S.F.**) 0.630
AdjR2 51.645
F-stat (p*=0.000)
MF*: Manufacturing Firms
S.F.**: Service Firms

The results in Table 5 show that cor- that value creation in small businesses increas-
porate strategy significantly influences small es by 0.638 units when corporate strategy in-
firms value creation for both the manufac- creases by a unit, while the same estimator
turing and service firms. There is a significant shows that the service firms’ value creation
and positive relationship between corporate increases by 0.766 units as corporate strategy
strategy and value creation in both the man- increases by a unit. The t-values for manufac-
ufacturing (β = 0.638) and service firms (β turing firms (t = 91.142, p = 0.0000) and ser-
= 0.794). The coefficient of variation (R2 = vice firms (t = 37.809, p = 0.0000) indicate
0.407) shows that 40.7% of the variation in that corporate strategy is a significant predic-
manufacturing small enterprises’ value cre- tor of value creation in small businesses. The
ation is caused by corporate strategy, while F-stat for manufacturing firms (F = 48.651,

Saidi et al
p = 0.000) and service firms (F = 51.645, p 59.7% of the variation in service small en-
= 0.000) establishes that corporate strategy terprises’ value creation is caused by business
is reliable and influential for explaining value strategy. The standard error (MF.* = 0.018,
creation. The findings of the result establish SF.** = 0.011) shows that the model is a good
that corporate strategy significantly drives val- fit by indicating the extent business strategy
ue creation. accurately predicts value creation in small
enterprises since the value falls between the
The results in Table 6 show that busi-
accepted estimates 2.5. The unstandardized
ness strategy significantly influences small
beta for manufacturing firms (B = 0.706)
firms value creation for both the manufac-
reveals that value creation in small business-
Table 6. HA2: The dimension of business strategy significantly affects value creation in small businesses.
Value Creation
Variable B SE β T-Value P-Value
Business Strategy (MF*) 0.706 0.018 0.727 40.388 0.000
AdjR2 0.529
F-Stat 33.180
Business Strategy (SF.**) 0.782 0.011 0.773 70.278 0.000
AdjR2 0.597
F-stat 48.326
MF*: Manufacturing Firms
S.F.**: Service Firms

Table 7. HA3: The dimension of functional strategy significantly affects value creation in small businesses.
Value Creation
Variable B S.E. β T-Value P-Value
Functional Strategy 0.596 0.009 0.631 70.111 0.000
AdjR2 0.398
F-Stat 18.781
Business Strategy 0.685 0.016 0.687 42.938 0.000
(S.F.**) 0.472
AdjR2 33.613
F-stat (p*=0.000)
MF*: Manufacturing Firms
S.F.**: Service Firms
turing and service firms. There is a signifi-
es increases by 0.706 units when business
cant and positive relationship between busi-
strategy increases by a unit, while the same
ness strategy and value creation in both the
estimator shows that the service firms’ value
manufacturing (β = 0.727) and service firms
creation increases by 0.782 units as business
(β = 0.773). The coefficient of variation (R2
strategy increases by a unit. The t-values for
= 0.529) shows that 52.9% of the variation
manufacturing firms (t = 40.338, p = 0.0000)
in manufacturing small enterprises’ value
and service firms (t = 70.278, p = 0.0000)
creation is caused by business strategy, while

Gadjah Mada International Journal of Business - May-August Vol. 23, No. 2, 2021
indicate that business strategy is a significant as functional strategy increases by a unit. The
predictor of value creation in small business- t-values for manufacturing firms (t = 70.111,
es. The F-stat for manufacturing firms (F = p = 0.000) and service firms (t = 42.938, p
33.180, p = 0.000) and service firms (F = = 0.0000) indicate that business strategy is
48.326, p = 0.000) establishes that business a significant predictor of value creation in
strategy is reliable and influential in explain- small businesses. The F-stat for manufactur-
ing value creation. The findings of the result ing firms (F = 33.180, p = 0.000) and service
establish that business strategy significantly firms (F = 48.326, p = 0.000) establishes that
drives value creation. functional strategy is reliable and influential
in explaining value creation. The findings of
The results in Table 7 show that func-
the result established that functional strategy
tional strategy significantly influences small
significantly drives value creation.
firms value creation in both the manufactur-
ing and service firms. There is a significant The path assumptions and the error
and positive relationship between function- variance of all the paths estimating the effect
al strategy and value creation in both man- of firm strategy on customers experience are
ufacturing (β = 0.631) and service firms (β shown in Figure 2. The structural equation
= 0.687). The coefficient of variation (R2 = model’s goodness fit indicates CMIN = 2.845
0.398) shows that 39.8% of the variation in = 0.00; GFI = 0.97, RMSEA = 0.05, IFI =
manufacturing small enterprises’ value cre- 0.97, CFI = 0.96). The relationship between
ation is caused by business strategy, while (R2 the latent, observed and explained elements
= 0.472) 47.2% of the variation in service are shown by the path coefficients. The find-
small enterprises’ value creation is caused ings show that business strategy is the most
by functional strategy. The standard error significant (β = 0.808) variable influencing
(MF.* = 0.009, SF.** = 0.016) shows that the customers experiences. The path analysis
model is a good fit by indicating the extent also shows that new products and services
functional strategy accurately predicts value (β = 0.970) is the most significant construct
creation in small enterprises since the value of value creation, explained by firm strate-
falls between the accepted estimates 2.5. The gy. The result also indicates that firm strategy
unstandardized beta for manufacturing firms dimensions have a combined effect of β =
(B = 0.596) reveals that value creation in 0.919 on value creation.
small functional increase by 0.596 units when
functional strategy increases by a unit, while Path Analysis Showing the Interac-
the same estimator shows that the service
firms’ value creation increases by 0.685 units tion between Firm Strategy and Value

Figure 2: Firm Strategy and Value Creation

Value Creation = b 0 ! - 0.749 (CORSTRA) + 0.808 (BUSTRA) + 0.196 (FUNSTRA) + n

Saidi et al
The path analysis shows that in the com- strategy and value creation in small busi-
bined analysis, corporate strategy (β = -0.749) nesses. The findings indicate that corporate
has a significant effect on value creation in strategy is a driver of value creation in small
small firms, although such an effect is inverse. businesses. The more firms are involved in
That is, as corporate strategy increases, value corporate strategy, the more they can create
creation decrease. The findings also show value that will lead to better performance
that business strategy (β = 0.808) is a signif- in the long run. The result also shows that
icant positive driver of value creation, while top management needs to consistently im-
functional strategy (β = 196) shows a positive plement the strategy to drive value creation
but moderate effect on value creation. The in small business. This is because corporate
implication of this is that small firms should strategy is made only by top management.
first consider their business strategy before The quality of the strategy made at the top
any other class of strategy. The combined ef- management level significantly drives the
fect shows applying these three strategies will nature of the value created. The findings of
lead to a better and more robust effect (β = this study are consistent with Anugwuo and
0.919) in value creation. That is no strategy Shakanti (2015) and Aftab et al., (2012), who
that should be implemented by itself, without argued that corporate strategy is critical for
the others, as this will lead to a poor result in a firm to achieve better performance while
small firms also increasing its capacity to compete in the
market place favorably. The results establish
Discussion that for firms, especially new ones, to create
value that will improve customer experience,
The result shows the interaction be- corporate strategy should be implemented.
tween the dimensions of firm level strategy
and value creation in small businesses. The In explaining RQ2, Hypothesis HA2 in-
descriptive analysis disproves the opinion dicates the degree of influence of the busi-
held by Olaolu and Obaji (2020) that most ness strategy on value creation dimensions
small enterprises are liquidated within the in small businesses. The result shows that
first three years of their operations, as the business strategy significantly influences val-
result shows that small enterprises are viable ue creation. This implies that there is a need
and can exist for an extended time. A reason for a middle-level strategy to be made and
for their survival could be attributed to the implemented in small business operations as
type of strategy these enterprises employ. this will lead to better value creation in the
The findings show that most of these small service delivery process. The results indicate
businesses are owned by women who have that more business strategy is needed. This is
a tertiary education level. The implication premised on the analysis, which shows that a
of this is that the educational level of small business strategy offers better value than cor-
businesses owners could play a critical role in porate strategy and functional strategies do
their value creation strategy. when combined. In terms of value creation,
small firms need to exploit business strate-
In answering the first research question, gies more, in order to create new products
to what degree does corporate level strategy and services in terms of the customization
influence value creation, Hypothesis HA1 of services and products. The result adds cre-
reveals the interactions between corporate dence to the opinions of Klein (2010) and

Gadjah Mada International Journal of Business - May-August Vol. 23, No. 2, 2021
Shane (2003), who suggested that business ysis shown by the path analysis reveals that
level strategy which incorporates identifying small businesses should generally purpose
new opportunities is pivotal to creating val- a business level strategy by providing new
ue while supporting the arguments by Shane products and services. This is because the
and Venkataraman (2000) that the strategy path analysis also shows that new products
employed in pursuing opportunities could and services are the most significant measure
create more value for the firm. of value creation impacted by firm strategy.
It can be deduced from this that creating new
The third hypothesis shows the degree
products and services should be the focal
of functional strategy’s effect on small busi-
point and core of the small busineesses’ busi-
nesses value creation by providing an expla-
ness level strategy. A firm’s business strategy
nation for RQ3. The result established that
is dictated by the qualities and deficiencies of
although there is a relationship between func-
its services and how it wants to be viewed
tional strategy and value creation, the func-
by its consumers. Following the identification
tional strategy is not a significant predictor
of whom the small businesses will satisfy and
of value creation. The result contradicts the
the motivating factors for this, businesses
position of Agwu and Onwuegbuzie (2017),
should ascertain how to use their competen-
who emphasized that the strategic impor-
cies and capabilities to create new products
tance of functional level strategies as an ef-
and services that can meet the expectations
fective tool for the attainment of firms goods
of their target market. Enterprises should
should not be ignored and that the issue of
utilize the business level strategy for value
functional level strategy plays a crucial role in
creation, thereby achieving competitiveness.
organizations. The reason for this contradic-
tion could be as a result of the Nigerian en-
vironment in which small businesses thrive.
According to Olaolu and Obaji (2020), small This research examined the impact of
businesses do not give cognizance to func- firm strategy on the creation of value for
tional strategies. small businesses. Extant literature present-
ed the need to analyze the essence of firm
In offering insight into the fourth re-
level strategy and assess the degree to which
search question, the analysis also reveals that
such strategy influences the value creation
corporate-level strategy is the most signifi-
of small businesses and the dimension that
cant strategy influencing manufacturing en-
small businesses can adopt among the firm
terprises’ value creation. In contrast, the busi-
strategy for value creation in a given time
ness level strategy is the most significant and
frame. The descriptive analysis confirms that
potent measure of firm strategy, driving val-
the business owners’ educational level plays
ue creation in small services businesses. This
a critical role in firm value creation strate-
implies that manufacturing small businesses
gies. Using the corporate, business level, and
should first pursue a corporate level strate-
functional strategy dimensions, the study
gy to provide better value creation while the
found that the corporate strategy and busi-
small service businesses should pay more
ness strategy dimensions significantly impact
attention to the formulation and implemen-
small companies’ value creation (value-added
tation of their business level strategy. The
services, new markets, new goods and ser-
most potent strategy in the combined anal-
vices, and sales). In contrast, the functional

Saidi et al
service has no significant influence on the More attention should be given to business
dimensions of value creation. The study at- level strategy, as this is the most significant
tributes this to how small businesses exist in driver of value creation. Although business
Nigeria and the small enterprises’ perception level strategy is not the only strategy for cap-
toward functional level strategy. The study turing new markets, this study offers a more
also shows that business level strategy is robust approach that encourages small busi-
the most critical dimension of the company nesses to formulate more business level strat-
strategy that small companies should follow. egy to gain access to a range of resources and
Value creation should be the cornerstone of knowledge. Small businesses can also offer
any successful business strategy, and the cre- innovative products and services that will al-
ation of new products and services should low them to capture the market and compete
never be overlooked. Strategic alignment will favorably with larger corporations. The busi-
effectively aid small businesses in answering ness level strategy will distinguish the firm’s
questions such as whom, when, and how. position from that of the market’s compet-
When it comes to value creation, small busi- itors through new products and services.
nesses should decide who will benefit from Small businesses must determine whether
creating new products and services and what they want to differentiate themselves from
expectations the new products and services their competitors by performing activities di-
will satisfy. versely or performing a specific business lev-
el strategy in this case.
In contrast, the first form of value cre-
ation to be generated by small businesses
should be the creation of new products and Theoretical Implication
services. The study’s path analysis indicates To achieve maximum output, an orga-
that businesses do not first include value-add- nization that wishes to survive and succeed
ed services in the value creation process be- must strategically manage all the resources
cause they have the least important measure at its disposal. The change in the market cli-
in the value creation process. In order to stay mate is such that it can be contrasted with the
relevant and remain competitive in the long speed of light, and it is likely that any com-
run, the study advises that small businesses pany that is not constructive in its manage-
make the production of innovative products ment approach to reacting and adapting to
and services a key force in their business this change will underperform and thus will
strategy. It is also essential for small business- not survive.
es to tailor their products and services in or-
der to retain their value in the market place.
Practical Implication This study investigated the interaction
between firm level strategies and value cre-
The results of this study highlight crit- ation in small businesses using the corporate
ical concerns and guide small businesses strategy, business strategy, and functional
through the value creation process to achieve strategy as corporate strategy elements. The
competitiveness. Small companies should be study is limited to small businesses in one
active in the formulation and implementation area of Nigeria. The results from this study
of strategies that are based on value creation. could be limited in application due to en-

Gadjah Mada International Journal of Business - May-August Vol. 23, No. 2, 2021
vironmental and frim specific factors. It is factors in determining value creation, espe-
suggested that a future study investigates the cially in larger firms since they enjoy better
mediating role of the environment and firm economies of scale.

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Saidi et al

Appendix: Questionnaire Items

Corporate Strategy Items 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
The enterprise’s vision is to first
create value in the market place
Our services and products are tai-
lored to capture our mission
The goal of our enterprise is to
create value
Decisions made at the top level are
geared toward identifying and meet-
ing stakeholders needs
Business Strategy Organizational resources are geared
toward value creation
Our enterprise is structured in a way
that at all levels value is created
Our business strategies are defined
by our value statement
Our core competences are influ-
enced by the need to create value
We regularly conduct analysis to de-
termine our strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities and threats.
Functional Strategy The functional strategy includes
optimizing resource efficiency to
achieve corporate and business unit
goals and strategies.
Our strategy enhances our core
All departmental actions are geared
toward achieving value creation
All our resources (man, machine,
material and money) are tactical
strategies to create value
Sales We meet our target sales/revenue at
all times
Our revenues have consistently risen
Our sales process represents a com-
petitive advantage for us.
We understand and utilize the best
sales and marketing technologies to
our advantage.
Value Added We understand our customers’ stra-
tegic initiatives and focus on how to
help their businesses improve.

Gadjah Mada International Journal of Business - May-August Vol. 23, No. 2, 2021

What we say about ourselves, our

strategy and our offerings resonates
with prospects.
New Products We look at the market needs before
creating or bringing new products to
the market
Our new products are competitive
Our operational activities allow us to
predict new products’ performance
with relative certainty.
Our products meets the customers
New Market We are more concerned about
creating and entering new markets
in order to achieve our corporate
Our drive is to create a niche for us
by entering a new market
Our products are aligned to the
different market segments
Our customer and prospect relation-
ships are virtually unbreakable.


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