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Ok, status quoist, here is the deal.

Avaritionism isn't ego-darwinism, but rather anarcho-ego-darwinism

(also, ideologies are just labels, so using them as a way to define something isn't very good, because
they are very volatile). Avarationism is a true liberated society, it is anarchy in it's true meaning (no state
and no masters and no bullshit); some would say that avaritionism is very similar to anarcho-primitivism
without the primitive aspect of it (so just anarchy, lole).


State - The state is a group of institutions that rule over a large chunk of land

Spook - Anything that doesn't exist inherently (society, capitalism, socialism and ethics)

The following are common ideas/stuff among avaritionists but they can be different (since ideologies are


> Capitalism is not an ideology, rather is the normal way humans trade; socialism, mutualism and others
are unnatural and prone to fail.

> Freedom for the individual to do whatever it wants to do is the most essential freedom, any state is
detrimental to this idea (including a private state)

> Competition is the base of this society, man up or die

> The NAP is a spook and stops competition. 1 - Related to spook: You should do whatever you want, if
you want to steal something, do it; if you are hungry because you are poor, fuck the NAP, you have no
"moral" obligation to follow it, take it. 2- Wars have brought multiple technological advancements,
some avaritionsist say that the constant violation of "property" would advance society.

COMMON PRAXIS (these are the ones that change the most)

> "Legal": Leadership; first you, then others; climbing the social ladder.

> "Illegal": Stealing (specially); other crimes; revolution.


> Polycentric rules. Humans tend to naturally bond with other humans and stablish their own tribes.
Tribes are small, have their distinct rules and fight for what they commonly want to achieve. Tribes in
avaratia would function much closer to how present day gangs work (stealing, own rules and

> The individual is the judicial, legislative and executive system. Each person has their own ideas of what
is "moral", their own judgements on situations and therefore should have the liberty to execute what
they want on whoever/whatever they want. (Similar to how gangs think cops are the bad guys)

> Capitalism. Similar to ancaps, markets shouldn't be regulated, different than ancaps that believe that
monopolies will eventually end due to competition. Avarationism sees that monopolies are a threat to
liberty similar to states and should, therefore, get stolen and broken.

> Constant state of revolution. No State should exist; if any company or gang starts to get too powerful
and has control over a big pieces of land, this company/gang is a state and should be eliminated.

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