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Name: Karl Gene M.

Estebe Date: August 31, 2021

Yr. & Course: 2nd year college BSED ENG 2


Do this!
Engaging Activity 1: The ACROSTICs of Globalization

(Outcome 1: Define and explain globalization by acrostic activity to express personal understanding
about the concept)

G – lobal interactions within people and

L – eaders of different countries
O – rganizing different
B - usinesses
A - nd
L – ace the lacking
I – n different places
Z – ealously driven with positive change
A – nd
T – o get
I - ndividual
O – bjectives that is to make every
N – ations connected and develop together.
Activity Processing:

1. How do you find the activity?

➔ I find the activity quite challenging for it’s hard to connect and make it perfectly
organized with the given word. You really need a creative mind to make
everything perfect, having also a broad vocabulary will help you create a good
acrostic it is just that you must create a well describe and defined acrostic in align
with the given word.

2. Why do you think the activity was done through acrostic formation? What does the
acrostic activity teach us?
➔ for us to be assessed if we really understand the given word its meaning and
definition, this way of making is one of the bests way to exercise students mind
to be creative and to think abstract concept easily, like we can easily make a
solution to a given problem. The students will somehow exercise to be creative
and a rational thinker at the end of this activity.

Engaging Activity 2: "Brainstorm to Brain-store"

(Outcome 2: Identify and explain the varied Globalizations dimensions and concepts)

How do you define GLOBALIZATION in the aspects of:

1. Politics?
- Politics in terms of globalization is somehow helpful from nation to nation like
we can adopt political systems of other countries, it includes the institutions and
organization that are ready to help countries who are in need, like this given
situation we are in right now the pandemic, this caused a devastated outcome
in every country, but because of this of this aspects we are being helped by them
thru giving free vaccines to every country, this scenario is one example to explain
how globalizations in the aspects of politics works. Other example is the creation
of United nations that people used to call the classic example of this political

2. Culture?
- This concept of globalization connects differences of every nation in terms of
culture. People are more aware about how to sensitively socialize with different
people around the world. This concept let the world more connected and
shared different cultures effectively, thru social media and other platforms will
help culture to culture interact with each other, differences are not a hindrance
at all because if this concept. We are able to adopt and respect every difference
we have in terms of practices, beliefs, norms, and etc. and lastly, racism has no
place in this world.
3. Socio-Economic or Economic aspects?
- This aspect increased the interdependence of the whole world economies that
resulted to an increasing scale of cross-border trade of commodities, and other
aspects such as services. This cover a lot of aspects, like the spread of
information in align of economic issues, the lending of capital to those starting
country who is experiencing struggles to get stable, and even the spread of
advance technology that makes the world high-tech.

4. Technology?
- This aspect refers to the shared creativity of every country to create a good
product especially the technology or our gadgets is one of the best examples of
this aspect. This will connect the knowledge and expertise of every individuals
in different countries that will create a good masterpiece.

Activity Processing:

1. How did you find the activity? What or how did you feel upon contributing to the
success of your group and upon accomplishing the task?

- I find it interesting that I must know the other side or the essence of their
existence in every aspect in terms of globalization and it broaden my knowledge
more about the topic that can be useful for me to use in educating other people
of how this aspect work and even the importance of the globalization itself

Individual Guide Processing Questions:

1. Examine the timeline span and gaps of and between the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th
Industrial Revolutions. What do you observe? Express your idea.

➔ The 1st industrial revolution started in Great Britain around 1760 and
spread to Europe and North America to the early year of 1800 the
inventions were steam engines that creates the creation of factories and
more. The 2nd industrial revolution is in the late 1800s the invention were
mass production, steal oil, and electricity, in the 3rd industrial revolution it
started in 1960s the inventions were personal computer and the internet.
The last is the 4th industrial revolution that started around 2016 according
to the internet up until now in the future. The gaps were decades and
from 2nd to 3rd it takes century. But in 3rd to 4th it takes decades only until
this high technology came in that makes everything more convenient and
accessible even more.
2. What does the multimedia material tell us? In which Generation among the 4
revolutions you are in?

➔ It tells us the evolution happened from the 1st industrial revolution up to

the 4th industrial revolution, how it happened and what are the things
brought by this generation every invention, or what are their
contributions into human lives. I am in the 4th revolution for I am one of
who benefited the inventions 4th revolution has to offer, and years only
when I was born before this revolution came in.

Formative Activity 1: LET US INVESTIGATE and RESPOND (30 minutes)

(Outcome 3: Analyze the observed present local and international society to look on
the existence of GLOBALIZATION)

1. Think or recall the trending or most remembered, phenomenal, and/or

sensational national and international news recently. Do they talk or somehow
pertain to any aspects of Globalization? Cite and explain.

➔ In March 2021 a ship called Ever Green blocked the Suez Canal for 6 days,
that hinders other ships can’t crossed the canal. The blocking of the Suez
Canal affects the whole world, because ships are only relying with that
route to easily arrived to its destination on time. So other ships from
different countries needs to go to the longest route just to arrive in their
destination but it’s kind of hassle for them because unlike in the Suez
Canal they can arrive in their destination ahead of the time given.
According to the report of BBC the true cost is difficult to evaluate until
the ship was fully freed and the trade resumes. This scenario shows
globalization for it shows trading of product country to country.

2. How about in your locality? Can you think of recent events or current affairs
which give you the idea that the trace of Globalization is really existent even in
the smallest units of our economy and society? Justify.

➔ Yes! I lived in Siargao island where tourist from all around the world visit our
island for its majestic view and nice spots to visit with. I worked before in General
Luna where foreigners are rampant. There, I socialized different people from
different countries, I have learned a lot the way they behave and I adopt it for
me to successfully communicate with them. I am able to understand their
behaviors and what are those things I should consider while socializing with
them. I have learned also that despite of our differences we should respect one
another to build rapport, for and the end of the day we are all equal as humans
and our differences must unite us as one.
Engaging Activity 3: GOOD-balization? or Glo-BAD-lization? (30 minutes)

(Outcome 4: Enumerate and explain the positive and the negative aspects of
globalization according to the status quo and by personal observations of the reality)


1. FASTER ECONOMIC GROWTH – Yes because the amount of countries contributing to

the economic is growing ever single minute that will result to the increasing economic
2. QUICKER ACCESS TO NEW TECHNOLOGY- As we are having an online class today
we are one of those who benefits this aspect or the positive outcome of globalization.
we are currently using technology that even we are at our own house we can still
connect to each other because of this advancement globalization has to offer, I can’t
even imagine if this pandemic hit us first before technology came its like we are walking
to the dark of nowhere without anything to light up our way.
3. WILL CREATE HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF JOBS – because a lot of businesses will
open so they will need worker and that’s the time workers are in needs.
4. CHEAPER GOODS FOR CONSUMER- since everyone can now access the world of
goods every one can choose where to buy that fits to their budget.
5. BETTER QUALITY AND VARIETY – yes because of globalization of products you can
now buy with quality products and variety of it as well.


1. GLOBAL WARMING- given that businesses are everywhere and the plants where the
big contributors of carbon emission that resulted to the green house gases that will
somehow affects us so what we called the global warming.
2. PRODUCTION OF HARMFUL CHEMICALS- because of the high demands of such
products and others are unaware that will result to accident or worst loss of life. There
are a lot of harmful chemical in our house that we should put into its right place and
keep it away from children.
3. LOGGING THE TROPICAL FOREST- building infrastructures and buildings will cause
the illegal logging in every place since the globalization continue to hike the amounts
of trees being cut every year is increasing.
4. EXPLOITING LABOR- since not everybody is knowledgeable about things other
people will exploit their workers with a low salary.
5. DEPLETION OF NATURAL RESOURCES- the act of exporting our own resources will
cause depletion of our resources, because the demand will hike that its normal.
Activity Processing:

1. How did you find the activity? What or how did you feel upon contributing to
the success of your group and upon accomplishing the task?
➔ I find the activity more interesting than ever because I am able to know
those things I haven’t know yet that would be very useful for me to adopt
the things especially those acts negative impacts that I should avoid it,
make a change to save our mother earth. Working alone is so hard but I
am able to express my thoughts unhampered.

Let us Reflect

• What have I LEARNED this week that has helped me do all aspect of this

➔ I have learned how important learning the positive and negative impacts
of globalization to us humans and to all living organisms. Especially
knowing it in the aspects of it and looking globalization in the other view
of its influence.

• What have I DONE this week that has made me better at doing all aspects of

➔ To be a responsible individual knowing I am one of those who benefited

the resources this globalization has to offer.

• How can I IMPROVE at doing all aspects of this?

➔ By simply applying everything I have learned today, to my everyday living

and I am able also to educate other people about this topic of
CLOSING GUIDE: (10 minutes)

(Free Form formative assessment)

1. What is GLOBALIZATION? Is it a concept that all kinds of people can easily

comprehend and explain?

➔ Globalization is a broad concept that not all people would easily

comprehend and understand. It takes time to fully understand
globalization itself, it contains complex matter that will talk about the
other aspects of it in terms of economic, political, cultural, and technology

2. Do you think you need to study about the world? Is it abstract to study our
world? or something that is significant to human life?

➔ Yes! for me to be aware about what’s happening to the earth because this
is my home. Abstract is a simple word to explain how complex studying
our world for some things exist that is still questionable and remained
under investigation in terms also to the humans we have different
perspectives in life, but the best thing to do is to respect one another. Our
existence is one of the best gift we received from God and it is our duty
to protect the world both humans and natural brought to us, so then this
globalization brings positive and negative impacts that we should give
full attention and time to solve and to address it as soon as possible
before it is too late for us to stop the irreversible effect of it to us.

3. What forces drive globalization? Are you experiencing or observing all these?

➔ Forces that drives globalizations are the dimension itself it includes of the
economic, political, cultural, and technology globalization. But all of these
factors there is one thing drives it, it is the humans itself.

4. What says your knowledge bank when we talk about the WORLD'S
INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTIONS? In what generation of the industrial revolutions
are we in now? Express your understanding...

➔ It talks about the evolutionary change every generation like the inventions
itself makes the generation evolve. We are currently in the Fourth
industrial revolution because of the things we are using right now.
5. How is globalization existing in your local place? How about in the
International stage?

➔ We in Siargao island most of our visitors here are foreigners, and what we did is
to exchanged like foreign people bring their own products here in the island
then they bring home ours to their place like what happened is we are
exchanging products and even having a conversation and alignment with them
is already an example of globalization.

Complete your Understanding

QUESTIONS. (in 10 minutes)

1. Are societies in the world becoming more similar? (Homogeneous) or more

different? (Heterogeneous)

➔ Places to places, countries to countries are having some similarities

because of globalization we are able to influence other countries. But
never be the same, every society has its own set of uniqueness from other

2. What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of homogenization

of culture? How about heterogenization?

➔ The advantage of homogenization of culture are we can have a better

quality of communication, we can easily understand complex things
because of the shared understandings about some matter, we can easily
predict also of other actions. The disadvantages are less diversity of ideas,
less ability to escape one’s own culture if you don't like it, blandness of
uniformity. The advantages of heterogenization culture is it will destroy local
and traditional culture, the advantage is, it open doors for you to interact with
other set of cultures.

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