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Adjectives or adverbs - revision exercises

Choose the correct form (adjective or adverb)

1. John held the plate _________________. (careful / carefully)
2. Julia is a _________________ person. (careful / carefully)
3. I ran _________________ to the station. (quick / quickly)
4. The journey was _________________. (quick / quickly)
5. You look _________________. Didn’t you sleep well? (tired / tiredly)
6. The baby rubbed her eyes _________________. (tired / tiredly)
7. She sang _________________. (happy / happily)
8. You sound _________________. (happy / happily)
9. I speak English _________________. (well / good)
10. Her English is _________________. (well / good)
11. She cooks _________________. (terrible / terribly)
12. He is a _________________ cook. (terrible / terribly)
13. The music was _________________. (beautiful / beautifully)
14. She plays the piano _________________. (beautiful / beautifully)
15. That was a _________________ answer. (clever / cleverly)
16. She answered _________________. (clever / cleverly)
17. Your flat seems _________________ today. (tidy / tidily)
18. He put the dishes away _________________. (tidy / tidily)
19. He spoke _________________. (warm / warmly)
20. She is a very _________________ person. (warm / warmly)
21. She worked ____________ (hard /hardly) to pass the exam.
22. She ____________ (quick/quickly) crossed the street.
23. He was ____________ (extreme/extremely) ____________ (impolite/impolitely).
24. They haven't seen him ____________ (late/lately).
25. She is very ____________ (good/well) at German.
26. She plays the guitar very ____________ (good/well).
27. They play soccer rather ____________ (bad/badly).
28. Tracy's dress was ____________ (extreme/extremely) ____________ (expensive/expensively).
29. She is a very ____________ (friendly/in a friendly way) person.
30. The cake tastes ____________ (good/well).

Adjective or adverb quiz 

Q1. She's such a ..... dancer.


Q2. He passed his test ......


Q3. She is a very ....... worker.


Q4. My mother speaks ........ German.


Q5. It was raining very ....... .


Q6. We'll have an accident if you don't drive more ...... .


Q7. I've never seen her dance so ....... .

Q8. I am ..... sure that I am right.

Q9. Can you speak more ....., please?


Q10. Please be ...... I'm trying to read.


Q11. That was a ..... thing to say.


Q12. She was smiling ......


Q13. You were very ..... to lose the game.


Q14. This soup tastes ......


Q15. He smiled at me ......

in a friendly way
Q16. She looked at me ......

Q17. She looked ....., but I'm sure she was feeling very nervous.

Q18. You always work very ......


Q19. She often comes ..... to class.


Q20. I did really ..... in the mathematics test.


Q21. I'm ..... sorry I'm late.


Q22. She is a very ..... girl.


Q23. He has a very ..... job.

Q24. You are ..... right.

Q25. She can run ..... than me.

more quickly

Complete the sentences with an adjective or adverb.

1. Lucy is shy, so she cannot make friends (easy)

2. The dog looked ………, so we gave him some food. (hungry)
3. There was long applause because she sang ……….. (beautiful)
4. I asked her why she was…..…… , but she didn't tell me. (sad)
5. They spoke………... because the baby was asleep. (quiet)
6. My aunt is a …………. driver. (slow)
7. Was the exercise ……………….. ? (easy)
8. He could swim …………… across the river. (easy)
9. You don't look very……………… . Are you ill? (good)
10. He drives too ……………… . (dangerous)
11. This is my …………… car. (new)
12. The soup tastes really ……………... (good)
13. Take an umbrella. It's raining……………... (heavy)
14. What a………………. day! (beautiful)
15. She is a …………… tennis player, but her brother plays ………………. . (bad / good)

Choose the correct answer for each sentence below

1. Jack spoke confident/ confidently to the audience urging them to elect him president of the
union. He knew he had a well/ good chance of winning the election.

2. Melanie quickly/ quick ate her lunch. She knew the meeting was important/ importantly
and she didn't want to be late.
3. Sophie lived in Thailand for several years. She speaks Thai fluent/ fluently and she knows the
culture very well/ good .

4. The hot/ hotly humid weather made it difficult to enjoy the tropical beach. Miriam seemed
more uncomfortable/ uncomfortably than relaxed.

5. The entrance examination is extreme/ extremely challenging. Very few people make it into
the prestigiously/ prestigious medical school.

6. This airline's complete / completely lack of organization is astounding. I have been

very patient/ patiently up to this point, but I am going to lose my temper if you don't find my
baggage immediately.

7. The young girl sings amazingly / amazing well for someone her age. Her performance
was spectacularly / spectacular to say the least.

8. The skies became surprisingly darkly / dark as the moon moved between the Earth and the
Sun. As the eclipse progressed, the people in the streets stood silent / silently waiting for the
sun's warmth to return.

9. Although Beth speaks soft / softly and seems quite timidly / timid, she is the leading expert in
her field. Don't underestimate her abilities.

10. After the medieval cathedral was tragic/tragically burnt down last year, the city quickly/
quick rebuilt it stone for stone. It looks exactly the same as it did before the fire.

11. We gradual/ gradually noticed changes in Diane's personality; she became quiet/ quietly
and withdrawn from her friends and family. We finally realized that we had to do something
about her drinking problem before it was too late.

12. Nicole grew tired/ tiredly from the hours of overtime at work. It became quite obviously/
obvious that she needed a long vacation.

13. The tomato plants grew quickly/ quick in the rich soil. Mrs. Ficara intended to use the
homegrown tomatoes to make her deliciously / delicious tempting lasagna.

14. Mr. Tanzer generously/generous donated $1,000,000 to the law school's scholarship fund.
With this money, they will be able to help low-income students cope with the increasingly /
increasing cost of education.

15. Tim is well/ good known for his sense of humor. Last Saturday, when he told the joke about
the fireman and the school teacher, everybody there started laughing.
Comparisons with adjectives and adverbs

1. I am the ___ speaker in the class.


2. Our teacher writes very ___.


3. Of all the people I know, you study the ___.


4. We think John is ___ than Bill.

more nervous
most nervous

5. Who is the ___ person you have ever spoken to?

most intelligent
more intelligent

6. If I had to choose between Greg and Dan, Dan is ___

the funniest

7. This is ___

more harder
most harder

8. Of all three of you, she swims ___


9. Who is the ___ to succeed?

least likely
most like

10. Now I understand English ___

much better
the better
Use the words from the table in comparative or superlative forms.

late young young cheap fast

hard tall exciting long old

1. The movie lasted ___________ it was expected.

2. I find detective stories  ___________ any other ones.
3. Steve was much  ___________ all of his classmates.
4. Although she looks younger, she is   ___________ of the two.
5. We could barely catch   ___________ train to London.
6. Tom put up his hand to solve   ___________ question on the worksheet.
7. The man went to all the shops to find   ___________ shoes he could find.
8. I don't think we could have come any   ___________ . Besides, there was a traffic jam.
9. Of his three daughters, the king loved   ___________ best.
10. Edward is   ___________ his twin Fernando since Fernando was born first.

Complete the sentences using the words from the table

in comparative or superlative forms.

long thin populated good x2 crowded x2 much

1. The Volga is   ___________ river in Europe and the 16th longest one in the world.
2. Istanbul is   ___________ city of Turkey.
3. The theater was   ___________ the stadium.
4. He is living on the world's   ___________ island.
5. Both my parents are working, but my mother makes   ___________ money than my father.
6. Leyla used to be   ___________ until two years ago but she has gained a lot of weight, so she is
overweight now.
7. My classmate Jake's English grade is   ___________ than mine.
8. In fact, Jake's grade is   ___________ of the class.
1. Complete each sentence using the words from the table in the correct adjective or
adverb forms.

careful complete continuous financial fluent

happy nervous perfect quick special

1. Our holiday was too short. The time passed very ___________ .

2. Tom doesn't take risks when he's driving. He's always ___________ .
3. Sally works ___________ . She never seems to stop.
4. Alice and Stan are very ___________ married.
5. Monica's English is very ___________ although she makes a lot of mistakes.
6. I cooked this meal ___________ for you, so I hope you like it.
7. Everything was very quiet. There was ___________ silence.
8. I tried on the shoes and they fitted me ___________ .
9. Do you usually feel ___________ before examinations?
10. I'd like to buy a car but it's ___________ impossible for me at the moment.

Complete the sentences with the correct comparatives/superlative expressions from the

list below

The least developed

Far more expensive
Much worse
Many more people
The safest
A lot more complicated
The most influential
The oldest
Much funnier
Less cold
The most suitable
Much more interesting

1. I heard a little polite laughter when I told my jokes but everyone laughed loudly when Gaby
was telling hers. Her jokes are always   _____________ than mine.
2. The negative effects of watching too much television are ______________ than they appear to be at
first glance.
3. The Japanese islands have a climate modified and moderated by the sea; winters are
______________ than in those areas that are in the same latitude on the Asian continent.
4. Only by multilateral action, can we give people in ______________ countries the chance to escape
the ugly misery of poverty, ignorance and disease.
5. That movie we saw last night was _____________ than the one on television.
6. ______________ known dam, an engineering wonder of the ancient world, lies near Marib, once
the home of the Queen of Sheba.
7. I broke my nose in a football game yesterday. Today it's very painful. For same reason, the pain
is______________ today than it was yesterday.
8.  ______________ die in car accidents than in plane accidents. Statistics show that driving your own
car is more dangerous than flying in an airplane.
9. Marcel Duchamp is considered as one of  ______________ artists of the 20th century by the modern
art world.
10. From my point of view, of the two applicants, the latter one is ______________ for the post.
11. It is  ______________ to live in London than any other city in Britain. Rents are much higher and it
is difficult to find accommodation of any kind.
12. Titanic was said to be ______________ ocean liner in the world. When it set sail, all the cabins
were full, from the most expensive to the cheapest ones on the lower deck.

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