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Guidelines and Procedures for online Exams


Before the Exam:

1) Scan your student ID

2) Copy the honor pledge (must be hand-written), sign it and then scan the document

3) Arrange for a secluded room with a desk and a chair

4) Arrange for A4 size blank papers (at least 12-15 sheets), add margins and page numbers

5) Keep ballpoint pens (ink color must be black), a calculator and a ruler on your desk

6) Keep your student id card and mobile phone with yourself

7) Check your web camera, microphone and be ready for live streaming

During the Exam:

1) Join the class on Google meet, a link for the meet will be sent to you

2) Keep the video on for the entire duration of the exam

3) Download the question paper and the cover page of the exam from the given link

4) Type your name and student id on the cover page

5) Open the question paper (a pdf file) on your laptop, it should be on your screen the entire time

6) You are not allowed to move from your chair during the exam and nobody can enter the room

7) No food and drinks are allowed

8) Write only on one side of the paper using black ballpoint pen

9) Be thorough, add as much details as possible, try to be authentic

10) You will be monitored for the entire duration of the exam

After the exam:

1) When you are done with the exam, do not leave your chair, wait till the end of the exam hour

2) Scan your answer sheets using your mobile phone when it is time

3) Combine the cover page of the exam with your answer sheets and create a PDF file

4) Upload the following files using the link given to you: id#_class_test_1, (for other exams it will be
midterm_exam, final_exam etc.) id#_student_id (only once in the semester), id#_honor_pledge (only once in the

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