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Quynh Nguyen

Ms. Rodenburg
MGMT 1000
September 12, 2020
My Story- Wicked World Problem
It is believed that money can not buy happiness, however, in my point of view, money is one of the most
imperative elements that build a stable society, where happiness exists. My mom has been doing business for half of
her life and I, as a daughter, witnessing how my family changed in terms of financial conditions, relationships
between family members by her business career, decide to choose business as a discipline. I am major in
Management at the University of Guelph. I am 100% an introvert; one of the most noticeable traits of this
personality type is avoiding being the spotlight, hence, I have never tried leading a group while doing teamwork or
participating in activities that require control skills to make sure everything on the right track. Having someone tell
me what I need to do brings me a sense of safety and sometimes, I consider whether that dependent feeling is a sign
of being stuck in my own comfort zone. Consequently, I chose to challenge myself by being major in Management,
the program that I believe will improve my leadership skills and other important soft skills. A friend of mine who is
a second-year student at Guelph said to me that she had amazing experiences after her first year of college: the
university has numerous events for business programs, which bring students opportunities to connect with
enterprises; besides that, the credibility of the Lang School of Business has been proved when the school many times
received a huge amount of money from donors. I also registered for a university tour at Guelph and I totally got
mesmerized by the ancient structure of Guelph. Moreover, the classroom is also equipped with modern facility. The
University of Guelph is renowned to have high rankings among universities in Canada in terms of comprehensive
aspect. All these things are reasonable enough to rank Guelph in the first place. As I said above, business is a crucial
key to the stability of a society. To have a potential business career, through my perspective lens, education is an
integral part. According to United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, the number of children not accessing
education was about 260 million globally. I question myself how many geniuses in those 260 million children that
our world has not discovered yet or we even missed the chance to discover them. There is a sad fact in my home
country, Vietnam, many poor families believe that education is never a key to open a new door, a new world, where
poverty can no longer plunge them into despair. They just say instead of wasting time at schools, they better let their
children help them do the housework, work in the fields, follow their footsteps. Thus, I set a goal that once my
business career is thriving, I will contribute a majority of my enterprise’s revenue to organizations that aim to raise
people’s awareness of how important education is, how it “enables upward socioeconomic mobility” and change our
whole life. (Education – United Nations Sustainable Development)

Education – United Nations Sustainable Development. (n.d.). Retrieved from

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