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Theoretical F oundations L Nursing (Session 2) Name:Viea P. Siva Section: BSN B2-03 CHECK FOR UNDERSTANDING You will answer and rationalize this by yourself. This will be recorded as your quiz. One (1) point will be given to the correct answer and another one (1) point for the correct ratio. Superimpositions or erasures in your answer/ratio is not allowed. 1. Which of the following theorists presents the first nursing theory? a. Florence Nightingale b. Virginia Henderson c. Faye Abdelllah d. Lydia Hall ANSWER: A RATIO: Florence Nightingale, present the first theory which is the Environmental Theory in 1860. 2. The following are the component of a healthy environment, except: a. Light b. Ventilation c. Warmth d. Management and noise ANSWER: D RATIO: Noise shouldn't be included in the component of healthy environment, it should be quiet. 3. Which of the following is true about Florence Nightingale? (Select all that apply) a. The Mother of Modern Nursing b. Called as the Lady with the Lamp c. Named according to her birthplace d. Born August 10, 1820 ANSWER: A, B, and C RATIO: Florence Nightingale born on May 12, 1820. 4. She defined Nursing as: a. Manipulation of the environment for the benefits of the patient. b. Relationship between nurse and the patient c. Nursing is the art of utilizing the patient’s environment for his or her recovery. d. Nursing is the art of caring for the patient to achieve fast recovery. ANSWER: C RATIO: Florence Nightingale stated that in her Environmental Theory. 5. This work of Florence provided guidelines to women who wanted to become nurses and gave advice on how to: a. Notes on Hospital b. Notes on Nursing c. Notes on Patients d. Notes on Nurses ANSWER: B RATIO: Notes on Nursing for those who wants only to be a nurse. 6. The nurse is actually in control of the environment, physically, and administratively and is responsible for controlling the environment so that the patient is protected from physical and psychological harm. This falls on what component of a healthy environment? a. Warmth b. Leadership c. Management Clean) Cie ANSWER: C RATIO: Management because the nurse has the full control of environment and will manage on how the environment will in favor for the patient to recover fast. 7. Health is defined by Nightingale as? a. Being well and using every power or resource to the fullest extent in living life. b. State of complete physical, mental and social well-being. c. Note merely the absence of disease or infirmity. d. socially determined by the ability to function in a reasonably normal manner. ANSWER: A RATIO: Health focuses on how the degree or level of wellness of a person. 8. It was during this war when Nightingale volunteered her services along with 38 other nurses. a. Crimson War b. Crimean War c. Crime War d. None of the above ANSWER: B RATIO: March 1853, the crimean war happened between russia and turkey. 9. In what component of a healthy environment includes taking a bath daily and that nurses should also bathe daily while keeping their duty uniforms clean and their hands washed clean. a. Warmth b. Light c. Management d. Cleanliness ANSWER: D RATIO: Nurses should maintain cleanliness that could help the recovery of the patient. 10. All of the following are her major contributions in nursing in terms of education, except? a. Established the St. Thomas Hospital and King’s College Hospital in London to provide a framework for the establishment of nursing training schools b. Advocated the separation of nursing training from the hospital to a more appropriate learning environment in the school or university setting c. Nursing student’s role is to learn the art and science of nursing before being employed in the nursing service d. None of the above ANSWER: B RATIO: It's not included in the major contributions. 11. Where did Jean Watson become a Dean? a. University of Colorado b. University of Florida c. University of Miami d. None of the above ANSWER: A RATIO: Where she began developing her theory while doing her responsibilities as an assistant dean. 12. Transpersonal caring involves requires an interaction which includes: a. The nurse’s moral commitment in protecting and enhancing human dignity as well as the higher self. b. The nurse’s caring consciousness communicated to preserve and honor the embodied spirit, therefore, not reducing the person to the moral status of an object. c. The nurse’s caring consciousness and connection having the potential to heal since experience, perception, and intentional connection are taking place d. Allofthe above ANSWER: D RATIO: All choices are correct about transpersonal care. 13. The Humanistic-altruistic system of value corresponds to clinical process: a. Developing and sustaining a helping- trusting, authentic caring relationship. b. Being present to, and supportive of, the expression of positive and negative feelings as a connection with a deeper spirit of self and the one-being-cared-for. c. Creative use of self and all ways of knowing as part of the caring process to engage in artistry of caring-healing practices. d. Practice of loving kindness and equanimity (self-control/composure) within context of caring consciousness. ANSWER: D RATIO: It's the practice of how kind and gentle you are towards the certain person. 14. She defined person as, except: a. Personhood b. Mind-body-soul c. Human can be treated as object and can be separated from self, nature d. Unity of mind body spirit nature ANSWER: C RATIO: Person shouldn't be defined as an object. 15. This is called the moment (focal point in space and time) when the nurse and another person come together in such a way that an occasion for human caring is created. a. Caring occasion b. Caring moment ¢c_A8&B d. None of the above ANSWER: A RATIO: It called occasion because of instance of event happened between the nurse and the person. 16. The theory of Jean Watson constitutes the carative factors turned into clinical processes. Which of the following are the carative factors, except? a. Transpersonal teaching and learning b. Helping-trusting, human care relationship c. Insensitivity to self and others d. Faith-hope ANSWER: C RATIO: It should be sensetive to self and others. 17. Included in the carative factor is the Creative problem-solving caring process which evolved into what clinical processes? a. Developing and sustaining a helping- trusting, authentic caring relationship. b. Opening and attending to spiritual- mysterious and existential dimensions of one’s own life-death; soul care for self and the one-being-cared-for c. Creative use of self and all ways of knowing as part of the caring process to engage in artistry of caring-healing practices d. none of the above ANSWER: C RATIO: Nurses need to be creative in terms of giving care for the patient for the caring-healing practices. 18. One concept Watson defined is transpersonal caring which means? a. togo beyond one’s own choices and the others and now b. to go beyond one’s own ego and the here and now c. unity and harmony within the mind, body, and soul d. unity and harmony within the mind, body, and spirit ANSWER: B RATIO: because it allows us to goin deeper connection in promoting patient's comfort and healing. 19. Watson believes that the essence of nursing is: a. Communication b. Caring Came) d. Critical thinking ANSWER: B RATIO: Nursing is all about caring the patient while doctors is for curing the patient. 20. All of the following are true to applications of her theory to the nursing practice, except? a. She emphasizes the advocated the separation of nursing training from the hospital to a more appropriate learning environment in the school or university setting b. The goal of a transpersonal relationship corresponds to protecting, enhancing, and preserving the person’s dignity, humanity, wholeness, and inner harmony. c. Cleanliness, warmth, and quietness are some of the concepts of her theory. d. Itis every nurse’s duty and moral obligation to care for his or her patient not by merely looking into and caring for his or her physical disease ANSWER: A RATIO: It's not included in the applications of the theory. LESSON WRAP-UP You will now mark (encircle) the session you have finished today in the tracker below. This is simply a visual to help you track how much work you have accomplished and how much work there is left to do. PEROD! PEROD? PERO! CHO 4[s) 6] fel g afl a Hi) M) 8] RPM] WPM] Ala B You are done with the session! Let’s track your progress. AL Activity: CAT: MINUTE PAPER This strategy provides feedback on whether or not you understand the lesson. Use the space provided in this activity sheet to answer the following questions. Make sure to not miss a tiny detail! How will you apply the theory of Florence Nightingale & Jean Watson ina healthcare facility? VI will apply the theory of Florence Nightingale and Jean Watson ina healthcare facility through conducting a group of nurses/healthcare facilatator, orient and propose to them the theory or model of Florence Nightingale and Jean Watson, then implement and evaluate the said model/theory.

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