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Luxury Way of Living VS Poor Living

Why can there be rich people and poor people? It doesn’t only depend on
the person’s family or where he is born, it’s about them and what goals do they
have for their future. Anyone can break through barriers and be more successful
in their lives if they work hard for it, not depending on luck or help from others.
This also goes for people who want aren’t rich or poor. They have a chance to
change. But how?
First, we should ask, how do rich and successful people think? Rich people
mainly didn’t get rich by luck or by a golden chance. They worked hard for it and
made themselves who they are, not all poor people think money and luck are
everything they need. Also, being able to buy so many things is not what makes a
rich person. Of course, they have a better and happier life but their wealth is
mainly because of success.
If they are not responsible for their own lives, many people who might not
be born in poverty will be poor if they left themselves mainly depending on
someone like a parent to guarantee being successful without even trying hard. A
big difference between rich people and people who think that they can be
successful by luck is that rich people do not mainly depend on others to be
successful, they do it themselves, and that’s why many poor people became a lot
more successful.
In addition, some people blame others for their poverty. Even if it is true,
you should learn that if you have an optimistic and independent mindset and try
to work hard will make you more successful someday. Even if you were born in a
poor society and poor parents, try to build your future by yourself and don’t
regret, maybe you can achieve more than a person who gave up to it.
Both poor and rich people can suddenly get rich or poor at any unexpected
time. Poor people won’t remain in poverty forever and rich people won’t live in
luxury forever. Also, both of them may be unsuccessful. A rich person may be rich,
but didn’t work for it. A poor person can be poor, because they weren’t
successful. They both can also suffer from failure. Failure is not only meant for
poor people, but also rich people.
In conclusion, although you may be rich without even trying, making
yourself independent and learning to be patient and optimistic and trying to
develop your skills and self are the best ways to make yourself rich and successful,
even if you are poor or an ordinary person. Don’t blame others for your misery
and keep making excuses, learn to overcome barriers and don’t give up easily.

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