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12 – STEM


I used my prior experiences to help me make a choice. Because it's critical to understand and
be aware of the issue, as well as your strategies for dealing with it. Due to the epidemic, for example,
I purchased a huge quantity of things from Shoppee. And I'm fully aware that it's not a worthwhile
investment. There are several factors to consider. I have a lot of things to consider during this crisis,
including my schoolwork, my college application, my family, and so on. Because I had so many
responsibilities to meet, this scenario made it tough for me to make a decision.
Processing Questions:
1. I was able to grasp the issue and use the elements that impact decision-making.
2. My source of inspiration, the environment, and the people in my immediate vicinity
3. No, since I don't think it's improper or because I'm not sure what I'm doing


 I'm leaving because listening to loud individuals who disrupt my peace of mind is a waste of
time. They would quarrel if I was having a calm day. They should maintain a safe distance
from me.
 I made a decision that others don't understand, and I feel it was the wrong one since they are
hesitant. I simply stopped speaking.
 To be honest, I don't always make the best decisions, which is why I end up with unfavorable
results. But, of course, I seek assistance when I think my decisions are not in my best
 I prefer to follow someone's directions, especially if they are educated, but I will participate if I
have any recommendations.
 While I see that remaining at home is safer for us, I also recognize that not working would put
us in a financial jam, and we require money to satisfy our basic necessities. My opinion is that
we must work, but we will be safe if we follow the health requirements. If it's really essential, go
Processing Questions:
1. Deciding which road to pursue was a challenge for me. And there are times when you need to
make the best option possible, but your gut is refusing to cooperate.
2. The circumstances and events
3. Successful members of my family, as well as individuals with experience, because it's easier to
believe them when they say they've done most of the things I haven't.
4. Yes, I must consider a number of factors before making a decision.

 Family
- My mom, she gives me a good suggestion that will surely help me in making a better
 Peers/Classmate
- My best friend, she know a lot about me like my interests in life and she supports me in
whatever I do as long as its good for me
 Institution
- Guidance counselor from our school, they will help me make a better and wise decision
Your Guide in Decision – making The Way You Did it
1. Collect and relevant information I look for reliable and trustworthy
information to help me make better
decisions and get better results.
2. Write down pros and cons I would consider the following questions:
What are the good and negative
consequences of the actions I make? Will
they help me or will they harm me?
3. Imagine yourself sooner or later I've learnt from my past experiences and
dealing on with the consequences of your won't make the same mistakes again.
decisions Making a better decision would help me
or harm me.
4. Weigh in past decisions I've learnt from my past errors and won't
do the same ones again since it will have
a negative impact on my life.
5. Be ready Whatever decision I make, I always
prepare myself for the repercussions,
whether positive or negative.

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