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Climate change and the increasing pace of globalization has been a major global concern. In this
world, where everyone is almost supporting globalization trend and promoting the idea of global
village, many fail to note the ills it brings to us in forms of social injustice and climate
challenges. My main motivation for choosing climate change as the topic for discussing anti-
globalist view point was to unfold how globalization is causing increased greenhouse gas
emissions. Moreover, the recent decision of Brexit by UK and Trump’s decision to un-follow
Paris Agreement shaped up my motivation towards choosing this topic.

I also used to support the idea of global village with open economies and free trade. However, to
my surprise, the idea of alter-globalization and their viewpoint seemed justified in terms of
climate change. Upon research, I was able to cause links between globalization and
environmental degradation. I learnt that globalization causes increase in demand that result in
increased production. This indirectly contributes in environmental exploitation and depletion of
natural resources. I always wondered why such decision of un-following Paris Agreement was
taken by Trump’s government. However, I was able to see the positive view of Trump’s decision
as he followed the nationalism movement by exiting from Paris Agreement.

Amidst arising environmental concerns, an important question that prompted me was that
whether deglobalization will reduce environmental degradation or not? There is an undoubting
uncertainty in the claims made by alter-globalization proponents that support policies made at
nationalistic level for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. I believe that climate protection is a
global agenda, yet it needs manifestation by each country to add it up into their national policies
at priority. No laws or treaties can bind or force the countries in reducing greenhouse gas
emission at national level.

Upon doing this report, I came across many interesting views on globalization, climate change,
Kyoto Protocol and The Paris Agreement. One of the interesting side that I came across was to
read that despite of Kyoto Protocol and The Paris Agreement, the carbon emissions level
increased by 1.6% in 2017 and 2.7% in 2018 globally. This was alarming for me because I
strongly believed in such international treaties and conventions and supported their role in
reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

I wouldn’t take side of sociologists entirely, yet it will not be wrong to support their claim that
capitalist movement hasn’t been able to stop global warming instead highest global temperatures
were documented on record. Additionally, after conducting the whole research, I am of view that
free trade without measures to protect the environment would merely increase the exploitation of
natural resources at higher rates by the industrialized nations. I also support their claim that
despite of the intrinsic globalist approach towards climate change, adaptation of international
system structure like The Paris Agreement is often not considered as the agent of mitigation or
change. Instead, a more nationalistic approach is required where the countries are free to choose
their own targets and achievements related to environmental protection.

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