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Name: Cassandra F. Agustin Prof: Irene Gumiran

Course & Block: BS PSY12-211 Date: 08-26-21


1. What makes us free?

2. How does freedom shape our experience?

3. How do you overcome the struggles in your life especially in these unprecedented pandemic times?


1. Himself; Herself; Themselves

A bird soaring high, not caged in steel. A lion hunting preys, running in the wild; being the jungle’s
king. The wind passing every inch and corner; wherever part of the world it may be. This is what being
free is, at least to me, back then when I was much younger and naïve. And as years passed by, as I
accumulate learning from different people, I learned that in every inch of the world, freedom comes
with responsibility.

So what really makes a person free? Is it when your country is not conquered by other country? Is it
living incongruently by the law? Or is it living by your own free will? To me, our ability to process things
not just instinctively, but us being able to think is what makes us free. Because whatever the situation is,
we can decide whether or not to act on it, even if the situation seems impossible to move an inch. For
example, when we were conquered by the Spanish Empire, as a country, our ancestors were not really
free; as humans, they were free to speak and act at their will. The prime example of which are the
heroes of our country. They were not free as Filipinos, but they were free as men. Their free-will lead
them to revolt against our country’s conquistador. And if not for them expressing their freedom and
acting upon their own free-will, we would not be the nation we are in this century. If our heroes then
have not exercised their free-will, I probably am not writing this, nor studying the life and works of Rizal
whom this coming Monday we will be commemorating.

In order for one to experience life, one must have the ability to see. And we can only see when there
is light, and light only shines when you are free. Hence why it is important for us to know what makes us
free in order for us to live freely.
2. Wings

Down here, we can only see so much. Up there, were the birds are flapping their wings, we can see
so much as the world itself. What the birds feel when they are up there; if they have emotions like
humans do is what I think we would feel when we are free.

The ability to see various opportunities, being able to consider choices from here and there, having
the determination to act upon your will; these variables are what shapes a person’s experience.
Being free allows a person to enjoy moments of victory and face the consequences of choices made
that are unfit to the situation. Being free, helps a person grow mentally and emotionally. Freedom is
like a mould

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