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1. What do you think is the importance of studying pharmacokinetics?

Does it change your initial perception  about this topic after going
through all the discussion.  Explain your answer in 3 sentences. [10

Pharmacokinetics is important as it dictates the most effective dosage,

type of drug, and route of administration that is applicable to a patient; an
example of its application includes the use of nitroglycerin, an anti-angina
drug that should always be administered through the sublingual route
because the drug will not survive the fast pass effect when administered
orally, leaving almost nothing for systemic circulation. In pharmacokinetics,
the different reactions and paths a drug will take inside the body are also
tackled such as drug absorption and the different aspects that affect this (e.g.
ph and PKA of the drug used), drug distribution, metabolism (e.g. hepatic
metabolism that will detoxify drugs and transform it into a more water soluble
inactive state), and excretion (e.g. kidney excretion of drugs outside the
body). In this new found knowledge, I have realize that there are many factors
that influence the drugs inside the body that can either be detrimental or
beneficial for the drug in terms of its absorption, distribution, metabolism, and

     2. Give 2 clinical implications of knowing drugs' biological half-life. Briefly

say something for each in 2 sentences [10 points]

Determine the duration of drug action: Knowing a drugs half-life will

serve as an accurate guide for a person such as a dentist or doctor to
measure the length of time that the effect of a certain drug persist in a person
such as their patient. Through this knowledge, they can also estimate the
length of time or the speed in which drug is eliminated from the body.

Determine the frequency of drug administration: Knowing a drugs’ half-

life is also important in establishing a dosage regimen for a patient especially
over a specific period of time. Moreover, the healthworker will also know the
appropriate doses in amount and in frequency that the patient will need.
Find an example for each type of drug interaction and briefly discuss in 2-3

ADDITION: Aspirin and Acetaminophen: Both of these drugs can be

combined to treat minor arthritic pain, back pain, and muscle aches. They are
considered as the mainstay of oral analgesic combinations and if both drugs
are combined with a narcotic or caffeine, an additive analgesic effect that is
greater than just the two can be produced.

SYNERGISM: Acetylcholine and physostigmine- Physostigmine acts in

inhibiting acetylcholinesterase, an enzyme that breaks down the
neurotransmitter called acetylcholine. As a result, it prolongs acetylcholine
activity and indirectly stimulates nicotinic and muscarinic receptors due to the
increased amounts of acetylcholine in the synapses.

POTENTIATION: Amoxicillin and Probenecid- Probenecid was shown to

benefit/increase the effects of Amoxicillin as Probenecid was shown to
decrease renal excretion of the antibiotics and prolong its serum levels. This
combination is also beneficial in treating infections such as syphilis which is a
type of infection that is diffucult to treat. Moreover, the inhibition effect of
Probenecid to the renal tubule is competitive in nature.

ANTAGONISM: Chelating agents and heavy metals- An example of a

commonly used chelating agents is Dimercaprol, this agent is used as an
antidote to heavy metals such as arsenic, gold, lead, and mercury.
Dimercaprol acts by forming a stable five-membered ring between the
sulfhydryl groups of these heavy metals, thus chelating or canceling its toxicity
and promoting its excretion through urine.


Beaver WT. Aspirin and Acetaminophen as Constituents of Analgesic

Combinations. Arch Intern Med. 1981;141(3):293–300.

Dawn, L. (2020, July 10). Dimercaprol - StatPearls - NCBI Bookshelf. NCBI.



Healio. (n.d.). Amoxicillin/probenecid effectively treats syphilis in HIV patients.

Retrieved May 6, 2021, from



PDR l Prescriber’s Digital Reference. (n.d.). probenecid - Drug Summary.

Retrieved May 6, 2021, from


Physostigmine | DrugBank Online. (n.d.). DrugBank. Retrieved May 6, 2021,


WebMD. (n.d.). Interactions between amoxicillin oral and antipsychotics-

sibutramine. Retrieved May 6, 2021, from



1. Make a doodle/digital illustration in a paper  showing  the 3 processes

implicated in Renal excretion. Briefly describe, Take a photo of it and
submit.[ 20 points]
2. In what way does urine pH affect the excretion pattern of drugs?
Explain your answer in 3 sentences.[ 10 points]

Fluctuations or changes in urinary pH affects tubular reabsorption of drugs

that are partially ionized. In acidic urine, alkaline drugs are more ionized or readily
ionized which means that these drugs are less reabsorbed and more readily excreted
by the body. While in alkaline urine, acidic drugs are the ones’ becoming more
ionized, making these drugs less reabsorbed and more readily excreted from the
body; ionization makes the drugs more polar and more soluble in water that's why it
is more readily excreted out of the body.

1. Make an infograph material comparing the 2 states of drug inside the

body. Get a bond paper and draw showing the difference between the two.
Take a photo and submit as an assignment. [ 20 points]

2. In what way does tissue storage affects the action of drug? ( explain in
5 sentences) [10 points]

Drugs spread throughout the body and accumulates in various organs

or tissues. There, the drugs have an unequal distribution and tends to have a
larger volume of distribution and longer duration of action. Some of the drugs
that has become localized in certain tissues become toxic due to its high
concentrations. Examples of this is tetracycline accumulation on teeth, which
will lead to the condition called tetracycline stains. Another example is the
accumulation of chloroquine on the retina that can result to irreversible retinal
damage and eventually lead to loss of vision.


Tripathi, K. D. (2018). Essentials of Medical Pharmacology (8th ed.). Jaypee

Brothers Medical Pub.

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