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Criteria & Missing or Serious Below Meets Score

Points Problems Expectations Expectations
Assigned 0 1 2
Relevance of The essay did not Answer is Answer is complete; 2
answer to the answer the question. incomplete. sufficient detail
question Excessive provided to support
discussion of assertions; answer
unrelated focuses only on
issues/and or issues related to the
significant errors in question; factually
content. correct.
Thoroughness None of the relevant Most of the basic Deals fully with the 1
of answer details were included. details are included entire question.
but some are
Organization Weak organization; Minor problems of Clear and logical 1
and logic of sentences rambling; organization or presentation; good
answer ideas are repeated. logic; Needs work development of an
on creating argument;
transitions between Transitions are
ideas. Order makes made clearly and
writing less smoothly.
Mechanics of Major problems with Frequent problems Clear, readable, 1
writing mechanics of with mechanics of prose. Good use of
(spelling, language; Awkward language. transitions; no
punctuation, sentence Occasional problems with
grammar, construction; Poor or awkward spelling,
clarity of prose) absent transitions; sentences and punctuation, or
Frequently difficult to poor transitions; grammar.
understand. Six or reduce readability.
more punctuation, Three or Five
capitalization, and punctuation,
spelling errors capitalization, and
spelling errors
Originality Copy-and-paste the Sufficient Distinctive 1
answers/concepts enhancement of enhancement of
from the internet; No concept and concept; applies
adherence to the applies basic higher and creative
theme; does not creative skills to skills to relay
exhibit creativity relay ideas complex ideas;
usage of examples
through experience
or observations

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