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Academic provides us with subjects or course for learning and educating ourselves. Education is
a process through which a student develops physically, nourishes their mind, recognizes their
emotions and tries to develop their spirit and work towards building a holistic personality.
Through education and individual gets to know about their interest and capabilities and that
allows them to work towards being successful in their society or culture. Education functions as
a source through which we develop our society, it helps enhance human resource and help in
making life more advanced and productive. Education provides human with tools to sharpen
their mind such as rational thinking, constructive thoughts, developing their own opinions and
creating values, use of intelligence to develop innovations. It provides us all the necessary power
to leave a significant mark in any field which used. It is one of the pillars of development of a
country, it is vital for economic development, social reconstruct and a stable political state.
For development in a society education is very necessary. Education is not only classroom
teaching and bookish it must be knowledgeable and provide us with the skills to become a useful
member of the society. In our society achievement in academics is seen as a key aspect of one’s
character, thus academic achievement please an important role in our learning process as well as
education as a whole. For proper functioning and achievement in academics, motivation is a
must. Academic motivation usually comprises of behaviors which helps us in in our learning
process such as how well we regulate our work, what we choose to pursue and how we deal with
the obstacles that come in our way. The academic motivation of a student affects his learning as
well as his personality. Students who are highly motivated tend to be better at self confident,
have the capability to handle situations more responsibility, they have a more stable mental state
when it comes to challenging situations and also set realistic goals for the future. Academic
motivation in our times is an important aspect of our personality and forms the basis of a good
quality life.
In this modern times people are constantly striving for knowledge, greater excellence in their
fields and are always in a rat race for success. People are in constant war with each other and
always hunting for grade in as and finding ways to have the upper hand in all areas of life. This
has led to people being dissatisfied in whatever field they choose, they struggle to find meaning
in their life. The journey to find confidence in our inner self leads them on a purposeful pathway
towards finding their goals in life which gives them a sense of empowerment. This change
through which a person tries to face the situation, find meaning and values in it and expand their
consciousness to a higher level can be termed as spiritual intelligence. Spiritual intelligence
significantly affects the academics of students. Student’s high spiritual intelligence can help
them in enhancing your motivation and also in developing confidence. Spirituality also helps the
students in their process of learning and makes the students enthusiastic and energetic towards
their academic.
In the present paper we analyze the relationship between spiritual intelligence and academic
motivation in College students. In previous researches the cognitive aspect of thinking and
learning has been separated from physical, social and emotional aspects of the learner. However
recent researches show that all these aspects are clearly interdependent and connected to each
other. Spirituality on the other hand has really be considered while studying the development of
young people.

Academic motivation
Motivation is one of the most important aspects of human behavior and it plays a vital role in
education and development of young adults. In the past for many years it was believed that only
intrinsic motivation influencers cognitive and performance in academics. However in the recent
years it has been found that the order types of motivation such as extrinsic states or the absence
of motivation also plays a crucial role in the goal attainment of an individual.
The theories on motivation are generally based on assumptions about human nature. Motivation
can be divided into three categories: amotivation, extrinsic motivation and intrinsic motivation.
Amotivation is usually negatively related to academics it is the lack of motivation and the
persons inability to assess the situation and sense the consequences of their actions. Amotivation
usually takes place when an individual is unable to get positive feedback for their have feel even
after giving it their best. Another reason for a motivation is non contingent and violence and a
motivation also results when an individual see themselves as incompetent to reach their intended
Intrinsic motivation is very central to the nature of our being. It gives us a need for competence
and self determination. Intrinsic motivation drives our behavior and psychological processes
towards achieving a goal. One me confused intrinsic motivation with primary drives but unlike
primary drives intrinsic motivation is not based on deficits and do not function cyclically.
Although both of them play a vital role in providing energy source for behavior. Intrinsic
motivation is positively correlated with our drives and can also influence how a person satisfies
these drives.
Extrinsic motivation can be divided into four categories namely introjected regulation, identified
motivation, integrated regulation, and external regulation. When a behaviour is formed
externally, external regulation takes place. Such as when a student relates time and results or
give themselves rewards for accomplishing learned activities. It is the least autonomous form of
extrinsic motivation and is based on being motivated to achieve rewards and avoid punishment.
External regulation has an external process locus of control. Introjected regulation is partially
internalized extrinsic motivation it is very controlling and internalized. Introjected behaviors are
basically performed to avoid guilt or to feel worthy of oneself and engage in behavior for ego
enhancement. It is dependent on contingent self esteem. Regulation identification is a form of
self determined extrinsic motivation, it includes identifying and assessing a behavioral goal or
regulation. In transforming external regulation into self-regulation identification plays a very
important role. Identification has an internal locus of control and through identification we
perceive the specification of an activity by its value.
The most autonomous form of extrinsic motivation is integrated regulation. Integrated regulation
occurs after identification is assessed and draws a parallel with personally validated values, goals
and the needs of the self. Integrated motivated behaviours are also associated with more positive
outcomes as it is a more internalized form of extrinsic motivation. integrated extrinsic motivation
draws a lot of similarities with intrinsic motivation.
Self Determination theory
In self determination theory the concept of intrinsic motivation for inherent rewards of behavior
plays a very important role. Self determination theory proposes that there is a link between
personality human motivation and optimal functioning. This theory and courageous intrinsic
regulation the individual who is self motivated and self determined and is driven by interest and
enjoyment usually gets the satisfaction which is inherent in behavior they are engaging in.
Self determination theory takes reference of the freedom that we experience inside commencing
a behavior. Through our own actions we decide the pressure that will be caused by the conditions
of strengthening aur any other pressure as the consequence of our action. Self determination
usually includes the environmental controls and choices of an individual. It takes into reference
personal growth, the purpose of our living, our longings, energy, our self arrangement, the
psychological needs of the global population, cultural relations to motivation and how social
environment affects motivation. Self determination theory gives us more autonomy in providing
social content and enriching internal motivation.

Attribution theory of motivation

The theory is based on the assumption that people are rational thinkers and use their internal and
external cues to help explain what is going on in their environment and that the goal of all
individuals is mastering their environment and having complete control over their own actions.
The internal cues used by people include how they perceive their environment and the external
cues include observing their environment, they use these cues to attribute causes to outcomes of
different situations and events that occur to them. In a setting of learning, students may attribute
that the reason they failed a test is because they aren’t smart enough (internal), or the test was too
hard and their luck was not with them (external) . It is to be noted that in the attribution theory
the attributions do not need to be always accurate, as they are perceived from individual point of

Goal and orientation of goal theory

Goal theory takes an approach in which motivation is emphasized as the need to establish goals
which are are intrinsic in nature. It establishes that there is a relationship between difficulty of
goal, level of performance and the efforts which are involved in it. The relationship between this
factors will remain positive if the person is committed to the goal and has a pre-existing ability to
attain it without having conflicting goals. This theory states that there are several conditions
involved which are very important in successful achievement of a goal. This conditions include
goal acceptance and commitment, the specificity of the goal, the difficulty level of the goal and
feedback. The variables which influence the motivation towards the goal oriented learning
 Master goals: application based learning, developing an understanding of the concepts
 Performance goals: Relative capabilities, performance, approach towards it and
avoidance, involvement of ego.
 Outcomes: attribution, self efficacy, interests, affect, goals, regulation of self, choice of
behaviors and level of cognitive engagement.

Spiritual intelligence
Meaning of spirit and spirituality

The word spirit is derived from the Latin word “spiritus” which means breath it can hold various
meanings and interpretations which are all related having no material for physical form. This
concept is based on the belief that there is a superior energy, power or force that controls the
universe. It believes that everything and everyone has a purpose to fulfill. It is interconnected
with concepts of love, kindness, hope and optimism. Spirituality can be defined as a source
which provides one with power to withstand overwhelming and hopeless situations. It provides
us with the strength to carry on and survive. Personal integrity while facing distressing situation
is an indication of spirituality. Spirituality is like an anchor of the universe which an individual
can hold on to during hard times, it helps one recognize the connection between the human soul
and the universe. Both the emotional and spiritual aspects of a person should we nurtured
through education. education is not only about academics it is about building a person into a
better individual for which developing emotional intelligence and spiritual intelligence is very
Spiritual intelligence: concept
The word intelligence is also derived from Latin word intelligentsia which means “choosing
between” so spiritual intelligence can be defined as our ability to choose between the ego and
spirit. During the 20th century the big issue and main topic of intelligence used to be IQ or
rational intelligence. It was only when Howard Gardner introduced the concept of multiple
intelligence, in his book ‘Frame of mind’ that several other types of intelligence were considered
for the very first time. In his book Gardener listed 7 different types of intelligence such as
logical, musical, interpersonal, intrapersonal, linguistic, mathematical/logical and bodily
kinesthetic. However in the year 1999 Gardener reframed his book and suggested that there is
another type of intelligence that one might have to add which is existential intelligence, this type
of intelligence basically refers to the capacity of an individual to reflect on philosophical
concepts and ultimate realities. In the year 2000 Danah Zoher and Ian Marshall coined the teem
Spiritual intelligence in their book ‘SQ- ultimate intelligence’. Even though the concept of
spiritual intelligence is not new it is only recently that it has been discussed in academic realms.
it is defined as the ability of an individual to perceive and use multiple dimensions of self. It is
being able to exercise the connection between self, others and the universe. Spiritual intelligence
is not a part of organized religion, although it holds the belief of a divine force which drives
every religion, culture and traditions throughout the world and our history.
In India our cultures and traditions except the reality and appreciate the existence of a spiritual
dimension, the knowledge attained through this dimension is beyond what this material world
holds. Spirituality is the realm of oneness with the universe that is deep within our self. To attain
peace of mind or fulfillment of life discovering the spiritual side of human nature is essential
especially to Indian lives whose culture is deeply rooted in attaining spiritual knowledge. Indian
culture has always been influenced by spiritual psychology in different ways such as
enlightenment, spiritual healing and meditation. it has been one of the most important source of
strength and direction in the lives of our people. It is our very true nature, the all pervading spirit.

Principles and theories of Spiritual intelligence

Robert Emmons gave the theory of spiritual intelligence in the year 2000, it defined SQ as
modifying spiritual information and using them to effectively solve everyday problems and attain
goals. He originally put forward that there are 5 components of Spiritual intelligence:
1. The capability to transcend into another state that is beyond the physical world.
2. The ability to elevate their state of consciousness
3. The ability to find source of strength and holiness in daily life experiences
4. The capability of using spiritual resources for problem solving
5. The ability to be morally right and virtuous
Later on however the 5th component was removed as it put more focus on human behavior rather
than their ability, which does not meet the set criteria for intelligence.
Kathleen Noble, defined spiritual intelligence as an inborn human potential. Although she
agrees with Emmons’s (2000) core idea, she felt the need to add two other concepts:
1. Consciously recognizing that the physical reality is embedded within a much larger and
multidimensional version of reality with which we continuously interact consciously and
2. Consciously taking care of the psychological health for not only ourselves but also for the
global population’s sake.
Yosi Amran in the year 2008, improvised the themes of spiritual intelligence and categorized
them into 7 major themes which he considered are the universal pursuit of spiritual traditions.
1. Consciousness: the growth of self knowledge and awareness that is advanced and brings
out the natural trans logical knowledge, attentiveness and practices which are spiritual.
2. Grace: it means to live in a way that honors the divine energy and meanwhile manifest
love and trust about life which is deeply rooted in the concepts of greatfulness, happiness
and beauty.
3. Meaning: acknowledging the importance of our daily life activities and receiving them
through a sense of purpose and a need for service which embraces the presence of pain
and suffering in our life.
4. Transcendence: this occurs when we move on from our self-worth into more interrelated
wholeness that covers the holistic system’s viewpoint, it also fosters the human
relationships through understanding, sympathy and orientation.
5. Truth: to understand and openly live with the acceptance, forgiveness, interest and love
for creation in honor of the wisdom obtained through various spiritual practices.
6. Peaceful Surrender: Submitting peacefully to our higher self( Almighty, Truth or true
nature) which includes calmness, being humble, self completeness and lessening ego.
7. Inner directedness: an inborn free will which is in line with the logical and accountable
actions that involves judgment, being truthful and being free from attachment,
conditioning and anxiousness.

Spiritual intelligence and Academic motivation

The journey of learning is a lifelong process and it is mainly influenced by our childhood and
how we gradually and emotionally develop our understanding of the world. It is very necessary
for us to understand the importance of emotional and spiritual values which effect the
requirements of the student. Education does not only affect the carrier growth of the the person
but growth of a person overall The Spiritual development the emotional logical social everything
develops with education of the child. it is high time that we recognize the importance spiritual
intelligence is for a mental health and how inculcating it from a very young age is very helpful
for our daily living. When the students develop a knowledge about consciousness and how
spirituality can help them work through their problems it helps them get in touch with their true
self and also learn more about values and truth. Spiritual intelligence give them a mental strength
and also the perception of the morally correct path, and inculcated in our education process. This
will not only help the children but also the teachers in understanding the different types of
intelligence and helping the students likewise. The mind is the most powerful tool of a human
being and truth spiritual practices we can tap the energy that our mind holds and looked into the
potentials that a human being holds. It also makes us aware of our environment and help us
develop other forms of intelligence mainly emotional and social. Spiritual intelligence please a
great role in our life directly and indirectly so conscious practicing and helping developed this
form of intelligence will not only make us more aware of our environment but will also handed
over to us a lot more control of our life and how we overcome problems and perceive the world
that we live in.

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