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Amidst an unpredictable environment, us humans should be wary on the possibility of a worst

case scenario. Our planet is continuously bombarded by extreme and profound calamities every
year. It is of different form but with induced with similar fear and damage. Thunderstorms,
tsunamis, floods, earthquakes, even accidents and now a virus. It is of sheer shock that in a split
second we are amidst a deadly virus and forced us to lock ourselves at home. What will happen
next? We have no idea. Since, safety is prominent against an unexpected calamity. We should
be aware on the different methodology of survival. We should always be ready for the worst in
order to diminish the attached worst outcome.

In a water environment accident can happen. The reason why swimming is a critical lifesaving
skill that should be taught at an early age. According to studies, drowning is the second leading
cause of unintentional injury-related death for children 1-14 yrs. old. Thus, sounds alarming
since swimming is a recreational activity yet exposed to probable accidents. Therefore, life
guarding skill is of importance for drowning prevention of unskilled swimmers. It will ensure the
safety of the people around you. Your family, friends and loved ones. Learning this skill is an
upper hand against accidents and calamities. The joy brought by saving someone is

Panic and anxiety feeds on uncertainty wherein the aquatic environment screams uncertainty.
Swimming exposed every individual to probable hazards and risks,

thus, mastering lifesaving skill can make a crucial difference between life and death.

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