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1, MARCH 2002 3

Conflict Resolution Problems for Air Traffic

Management Systems Solved With Mixed
Integer Programming
Lucia Pallottino, Eric M. Feron, Member, IEEE, and Antonio Bicchi, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—This paper considers the problem of solving conflicts Flight and air traffic flow management constraints remains
arising among several aircraft that are assumed to move in a shared largely unknown. To gain some understanding about Free
airspace. Aircraft can not get closer to each other than a given Flight’s safety and efficiency requires building fast simulation
safety distance in order to avoid possible conflicts between dif-
ferent airplanes. For such system of multiple aircraft, we consider environments incorporating automated and optimal conflict
the path planning problem among given waypoints avoiding all detection and resolution schemes.
possible conflicts. In particular we are interested in optimal paths, Many approaches have been proposed in the last few years to
i.e., we want to minimize the total flight time. We propose two dif- address the conflict resolution problem when many aircraft are
ferent formulations of the multiaircraft conflict avoidance problem involved; a complete overview of these approaches with a com-
as a mixed-integer linear program: in the first case only velocity
changes are admissible maneuvers, in the second one only heading plete bibliography may be found in [5]. For an extensive study
angle changes are allowed. Due to the linear formulation of the two on the impact of Free Flight on safety we refer the reader to the
problems, solutions may be obtained quickly with standard opti- work developed at NASA Ames Research Center by Bilimoria
mization software, allowing our approach to be implemented in [13], in which it is proved that the Free Flight operation is safer
real time. for the current traffic in terms of possible conflict than the cur-
Index Terms—Air traffic management systems, conflict resolu- rent airspace structure (see [4]).
tion, mixed integer programming. The approach proposed in this paper involves centralized, nu-
merical optimization, and is in this regard closely connected
I. INTRODUCTION to recent approaches proposed by [6], [8], and more recently
by [7]. We consider the problem of resolving conflicts arising

T HE CURRENT enroute air traffic control system consists

for the most part of a geographical network in which air-
craft are allowed to fly only along fixed routes. The safety of
among many aircraft following a cooperative approach, i.e., all
aircraft involved in a conflict collaborate to its resolution; other
cooperative approaches have been considered in ATC literature
this architecture is supported by many decades of operations. [3], [4].
Under this architecture, the dynamics of the air transportation The approach presented in this paper is based on three central
system is dominated by its network structure, but the increasing assumptions. Aircraft are assumed to cruise within a fixed alti-
demand for air transportation is expected to progressively bring tude layer (the layer structure is the same as the one described
the entire system to an overloaded and congested state. On the in [4]). Aircraft can, thus, be modeled in a purely kinematic
other hand, the continuing improvement of aircraft instrumen- fashion, as points in a plane with an associated fore axis, that
tation and communication systems carries the potential of re- indicates the direction of motion, and conflict envelope radius.
solving these problems via new air traffic control strategies. The task of each vehicle is to reach a given goal configuration
Relatively recently, airlines and the Federal Aviation Admin- from a given start configuration (start and goal configurations
istration (FAA) have proposed “Free Flight” [1], [2] as a con- may represent waypoints). Moreover, we suppose that all in-
cept of operations relying upon improved communication, navi- teracting aircraft cooperate toward optimization of a common
gation, and surveillance technology to increase pilot and airline goal, as agents in the same team. The common goal is to reach
freedom. For example, each pilot would be able to optimize its the final configuration avoiding all possible conflicts. We define
own trajectory, to minimize the time of flight or to avoid zones as interacting aircraft, all aircraft in the same airspace, defined
of severe weather. as a zone in which they can exchange information on positions,
However, the impact of Free Flight upon system safety, as velocities and goals. Finally, we consider two different cases: in
well as the relation between unstructured aircraft flows in Free the first case we study aircraft maneuvers consisting of instan-
taneous velocity changes and in the second case heading angle
Manuscript received April 2001; revised January 7, 2002. The Guest Editor changes are allowed.
for this paper was P. A. Ioannou. The problem of finding the shortest conflict-free paths, in
L. Pallottino and A. Bicchi are with the Department of Electrical Systems
and Automation, and the “Enrico Piaggio” Interdepartment Research Center, both considered cases, can be modeled as a mixed integer pro-
University of Pisa, 56100 Pisa, Italy (e-mail: gramming (MIP) problem, which may be solved using optimiza-
E. M. Feron is with the Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems, tion tools such as CPLEX [10].
Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Massachusetts Institute of Tech-
nology, Cambdridge, MA 02139 USA. The simplicity of the model with respect to the nonlinear
Publisher Item Identifier S 1524-9050(02)02700-X. model presented in [4], allows us to manage a large number
1524-9050/02$17.00 © 2002 IEEE

of aircraft in the same air space. Furthermore, due to the effi- tween two aircraft is less than , i.e., a conflict between aircraft
cient computations used to solve the problem, we can rerun the and occurs if for some value of
problem at regular sample times to generate a feedback control
law. This leads to a straight trajectory followed with different (1)
velocities for the first case considered and to a piecewise linear
trajectory in the second one. Considering the aircraft as discs of radius , the condition
In the case of heading angle deviation maneuvers, it is of nonconflict between aircraft is equivalent to the condition of
possible to add constraints in order to include forbidden sectors nonintersection of the discs. In the following we refer to those as
of the airspace in the set of nonconflict constraints. Sectors of the safety disc of the aircraft. The following sections will detail
airspace can be forbidden due to severe weather or crowded the construction of linear conflict avoidance constraints that are
space. In fact such constraints are linear in the angle deviation equivalent to (1).
variables. The software developed to solve both problems, To avoid possible conflicts, we consider two different cases:
written in the C language, can be easily interfaced with the 1) we allow aircraft to change the velocity of flight but the
FACET airspace fast-time simulation software developed at direction of motion remains fixed. We will refer to this
NASA [14] (work in this direction is currently being pursued). case as the velocity change problem (VC problem);
In [11] and [12] a similar problem was considered. How- 2) aircraft fly at the same velocity and are only allowed
ever, in these papers the aircraft dynamic system requires fine to change instantaneously the direction of flight. We will
sampling of the trajectories in order to use mixed integer pro- refer to this case as the heading angle change problem
gramming. On the contrary, the approach presented in this paper (HAC problem).
does not require fine trajectory sampling. Conflict avoidance In both cases each aircraft is allowed to make a maneuver, at
constraints for both problems considered are based on simple time , to avoid all possible conflicts with other aircraft. We
geometric constructions. The model based on the heading angle assume that no conflict occurs at time .
deviation maneuvers, in particular, could be very useful as a de- Let us define as the VC and as the heading angle de-
cision support tool for both controllers and pilots after suitable viation of the th aircraft. The problems consist in finding a
implementation studies. minimum VC (VC problem), or a minimum HAC (HAC
This paper is organized as follows: In Section II we describe problem), for each aircraft, to avoid any possible conflict while
the different problems considered and the hypotheses needed deviating as little as possible from the original flight plan. Both
to formulate them as MIP problems. In Sections III and IV problems considered can be formulated as mixed linear opti-
we obtain conflict avoidance constraints and formulate them as mization problems with linear constraints and some Boolean
linear or-constraints. In Section V the mixed integer program- variables. In the following sections we, separately, formulate
ming optimization problems are provided. Numerical examples conflict avoidance constraints that are linear in those velocity
are introduced and solved using CPLEX and performance of variations and angular deviations .
the CPLEX resolution for different numbers of aircraft are pre-
sented in Section VI for both considered problems. This section III. CONFLICT ADVOIDANCE CONSTRAINTS
also considers the case of heading angle deviation maneuvers FOR THE VC PROBLEM
in which the problem of conflict avoidance is rerun every fixed In this section we obtain, by geometrical considerations, the
time interval. After every time interval the new positions of the conflict avoidance constraints for the VC problem. The VC
aircraft are considered and the new directions of flight are given problem consists of aircraft that fly along a given fixed direction
by the directions of the goal configurations that they want to and can maneuver only once with a velocity variation. The th
reach. In this case multisegmented paths are obtained because a aircraft changes its velocity of a quantity that can be positive
maneuver is allowed every fixed time interval. (acceleration), negative (deceleration) or null (no velocity vari-
ation). Each aircraft has upper and lower bounds on the velocity
: . For commercial flights, during en
route flight we usually have .
In this paper, we consider a finite number of aircraft sharing The problem then is to find an admissible value of , for each
the same airspace; each aircraft is an autonomous vehicle that aircraft, such that all conflicts are avoided and such that the new
flies on a horizontal plane. Each aircraft has an initial and a final, velocity satisfies the upper and lower bounds. Hence, given the
desired configuration (position, heading angle) and the same initial velocity , after a velocity variation of amount the
goal which is to reach the final configuration in minimum time following inequalities must be satisfied:
while avoiding conflicts with other aircraft. A conflict between
two aircraft occurs if the aircraft are closer than a given distance (2)
(current enroute air traffic control rules often consider this dis-
tance to be 5 nmi) [9]. In this section we construct the conflict avoidance constraints
Aircraft are identified by points in the plane (position) and an- such that are linear in the unknowns , .
gles (heading angle, direction) and, thus, by a point We restrict to the case of two aircraft to obtain conflict avoid-
. Let be the configuration of ance conditions and then we will consider the general case of
the th aircraft at time ; a conflict occurs when the distance be- aircraft. Consider two aircraft denoted 1 and 2, respectively, and

Fig. 2. The two nonparallel straight lines tangent to the safety discs of radius
Fig. 1. Geometric construction for conflict avoidance constraints in the case d=2 for two aircraft at distance A =2.
of intersecting trajectories for the VC problem. In this case, Aircraft 1 does not
intersect the shadow generated by Aircraft 2, therefore, no conflict will occur
between the two aircraft. 1) ; and 2)
. Let
let , be the aircraft position and direction of , ,
motion and be the initial velocity. , and ,
Referring to Fig. 1, we consider the two velocity vectors we obtain the following groups of constraints:
Case 1:

and the difference vector
Case 2:

The two lines parallel to that are tangent to aircraft

2 localize a segment on the direction on motion of 1 (refer to
Fig. 1): we will refer to this segment as the shadow of aircraft 2 (5)
along the direction of 1. A conflict occurs if the aircraft 1 with
his safe disc intersects the shadow generated by aircraft 2, or These two groups of constraints will be included in the model
vice-versa since and are parallel. as or-constraints.
Consider now the two nonparallel straight lines that are tan- The case can be
gent to the discs of both aircraft (see Fig. 2). Let , be easily handled, considering a rotation of the airspace such that
the angles between these two straight lines and the horizontal the above condition is not satisfied. In fact the VC problem is
axis. We have and with obviously invariant with respect to rotations of the flight plane.
where is the distance between the two air- All constraints obtained are linear in the velocity variation .
craft and is the angle between the line that joins the aircraft To conclude the formulation of the problem we must consider
and the -axis. the upper and lower bounds in (2) that are already linear in .
No conflicts occur if If the goal of each aircraft is to avoid all possible conflicts in
minimum time then we want to maximize the value of such
that if is negative we minimize the admissible deceleration.
or If we want to formulate this as a minimization problem we
can chose as the cost function.
(3) Obviously a solution to the conflict problem does not always
exist, for example, in the case of head-to-head conflict a change
To obtain nonconflict constraints for aircraft we need of velocity is not sufficient to avoid the conflict. Cases like the
to consider nonconflict conditions described in (3) for all head-to-head conflicts can be easily solved with an HAC ma-
pairs of aircraft. Let then consider the general pair of air- neuver. In Section IV we then consider this kind of maneuver to
craft . We have to distinguish two possible cases: avoid conflict.



The HAC problem consists of aircraft that fly at the same

constant velocity and that can maneuver only once with an
instantaneous heading angle deviation [7]. The th aircraft
changes its heading angle of a quantity that can be positive
(left turn), negative (right turn), or null (no deviation).
The problem is then to find an admissible value of for each
aircraft such that all conflicts are avoided with the new heading
angle (direction of flight), . In this section, we formulate
Fig. 3. Case of two aircraft, if the heading angle of Aircraft 2 does not lie in
the nonconflict constraints for the HAC problem as inequalities the outlined sector of amplitude  , then the trajectories do not intersect and no
that are linear in the unknowns , and that are conflict will occur.
function of the aircraft initial configurations ,
. Case 1:
As in Section III, we restrict to the case of two aircraft
to obtain conflict avoidance conditions and then we will and
consider the general case of aircraft. Consider two aircraft
denoted 1 and 2, respectively. Let , or
be the aircraft’s states after the maneuver of amplitude .
In this section, we show that it is possible to predict the
existence of conflicts between the two aircraft based on and
those aircraft’s initial configurations. The constraints will be
obtained by geometrical construction. or
In order to build nonconflict constraints for the HAC
problem we can easily give some conditions of nonconflict. and
In fact, considering the case of a pair of aircraft that have (6)
directions of flight that are not intersecting, we are sure or
that conflicts will never occur. In the following subsection
we consider the case of nonintersecting directions of flight Case 2:
and we obtain conditions of nonintersections by geometrical
constructions. Then the case of intersecting directions of and
flight will be considered.
A. Nonintersecting Directions of Motion
Consider the case when the geometric half-lines representing
the extrapolated trajectories of the two aircraft do not intersect. and
Consider, for example, Fig. 3: aircraft 1 (on the left) has heading
angle . If the heading angle ( ) of the second aircraft or
does not lie in the outlined sector of amplitude then the half
lines obtained by projecting forward the motion of both aircraft
do not intersect. Conditions when such a case occurs can be ex- or
pressed easily via some inequality constraints. Let be the
angle between the line that joins the aircraft and the horizontal
Just one of the two groups of constraints will be included in
axis, two possible cases of relative positions have to be consid-
the model as or-constraints depending on the sign of . In
ered: case 1) from the case 2) .
the general case of aircraft, we have one of those group of
Furthermore, consider the quantity : if or-constraints for each pair of aircraft , for .
or we have to shift the value of a quantity or ,
respectively, so that the values that we consider lie in , B. Intersecting Directions of Motion
while no shift for the case is needed. Due to Referring to Fig. 4, consider two aircraft and
those possible cases we obtain three groups of constraints for with heading angles and , respectively. Mo-
each one of the two cases of . Then the following conflict mentarily consider for simplicity (the general
avoidance conditions, linear in and , are obtained by geo- equation will be expressed in the next section). Consider the
metric construction: angle of amplitude ( ) comprised within the aircraft


where has been replaced by the new heading angle

after the maneuver of amplitude . Values of and are
given by and where
, and
Let us now define and
. In order to avoid conflicts each pair of
aircraft with and such that
must satisfy one of the following inequalities:

Fig. 4. Geometric construction for conflict avoidance constraints in the case of
intersecting trajectories for the HAC problem. In this case the aircraft 1 intersect
the shadow of aircraft 2, then a future conflict between the two aircraft has been

flight directions. The bisector is then a straight line that forms

an angle with the -axis, while the orthogonal to
the bisector forms an angle of with the or if
The family of straight lines of slope , orthogonal to
the bisector, represents also the projection of one aircraft along
the direction of motion of the other. The two lines in this family the quantities and must be shifted of a quantity and
that are tangent to aircraft 2 localize a segment on the direction , respectively, so that we work with angles in . Hence
on motion of 1 (refer to Fig. 4): we will refer to this segment as considering all possible cases for the values of
the shadow of aircraft 2 along the direction of 1. As described we obtain three groups of constraints:
in Section III, a conflict occurs if aircraft 1 with his safe disc 1) Case :
intersects the shadow generated by aircraft 2, or vice-versa since
the angle is symmetric in and .
Consider again Fig. 2, let and
with where is the distance between
the two aircraft and is the angle between the line that joins or
the aircraft and the -axis. The condition of nonintersection of
the shadows is equivalent to the following condition:

2) Case :

where .
Consider now aircraft and their initial configurations
, . We have shown in previous or
sections that with some geometric considerations it is possible
to predict a conflict between pairs of aircraft using only infor- (12)
mation given by initial states of all aircraft and the deviations
. While the constraints given by (6) and (7) are linear in the 3) Case :
heading angle deviation , the constraints obtained above are
not explicitly expressed in . We now reformulate them as
linear constraints in .
Considering the general case of aircraft and deviations , or
from (8) no conflict between the aircraft and aircraft occurs

These three groups of constraints will be included in the model

or as or-constraints.

one of the or-constraint is active and zero otherwise (for ex-

ample if constraints and are active, other-
wise). Let be a large arbitrary number, then the previous set
of constraints is equivalent to

Fig. 5. Example of forbidden sectors in the Los Angeles control sector. For
the aircraft A we need to introduce more constraints on the direction of flight The last constraint indicates that at least one of the three groups
due to forbidden zones of airspace.
of and-constraints must be verified.

The model of the HAC problem is now complete. In the case

of heading angle maneuvers we can consider in the model also B. Variables and Constraints
other kind of constraints. For example, we can consider the
Applying the procedure described in the previous section to
possible existence of forbidden zone of airspace due to sever
our model of the aircraft conflict resolution and writing all the
weather or overloaded space, see Fig. 5. To model those for-
bidden zone, it is sufficient to consider bounds of the heading constraints in the form where for the
angle deviations . VC problem and for the HAC problem, for each pair of
aircraft we obtain:
• VC problem:
V. PROBLEM FORMULATION — 9 linear constraints, 4 from (4), 4 from (5), and 1
Boolean variable constraint;
The set of constraints obtained in Sections III and IV are — 4 Boolean variables due to the presence of 2 groups
linear in the decision variables and for the VC and the of constraints in (4) and 2 in (5).
HAC problems, respectively. We now show how to recast them • HAC problem:
as mixed-integer linear constraints suitable for standard opti-
— 35 linear constraints, 20 from (6) or (7), 14 from
mization software such as CPLEX [10].
(11)–(13), and one constrain on the Boolean variables
[similar to the last one in (15)];
A. Writing or-Constraints as Mixed-Integer Programming — 11 Boolean variables, due to the presence of 5
Constraints groups of constraints in (6) or (7), and 6 in (11)–(13)
that are in or-relation.
Let us now consider, for simplicity, an example of or-groups
of constraints similar to the conflict avoidance constraints de- In Section III, for the VC case, we have chosen the cost func-
scribed in previous sections: tion to be . Given aircraft we have air-
craft pairs, resulting in a total of
variables and constraints, the last are due
to the upper and lower bounds on the velocity.
A useful cost function for the HAC problem is to minimize
and and the infinity norm of vector , , i.e., minimize the
or . A linear cost function is obtained intro-
and (14) ducing one auxiliary variable such that , and .
Given aircraft we have aircraft pairs, resulting in a
where the terms , are linear expressions in total of variables and
the decision variables (heading angle deviations or velocity constraints.
variation). Another possible choice for the cost function is the 1-norm of
The way to transform these or-constraints into more conve- vector , i.e., minimize ; in this case
nient and-constraints is to introduce Boolean variables [15]. Let more variables must be introduced ( such that and
with , be a binary number that takes value 1 when , for ).


Fig. 6. Generic case of eight aircraft in a shared airspace, three pairs of aircraft
are involved in four conflicts.


As shown in previous sections given the initial positions and
the goal configurations of the aircraft we can easily obtain a
mixed integer linear problem. In this section we report the re-
Fig. 7. We consider the case of 5, 11, 13, and 15 aircraft in a symmetric
sults obtained using CPLEX to solve both the VC and the HAC configuration, the aircraft lie in a circle centered in the origin and of radius
problems. Unless specified, the standard value of safety dis- 60 nmi. All the aircraft will cross the origin at the same time.
tance of 5 nmi has been considered. In the first group of case
studies, we have considered aircraft symmetrically distributed
on a circle of radius 60 nmi centered in the origin. Each aircraft
is initially headed toward the origin and the goal position is the
point, on the circle, that is symmetric to the initial position with
respect to the origin. In the second group of case studies a gen-
eral case in which no symmetry is involved and each aircraft has
generic initial and final configurations has been considered. In
the following, results for both problems are presented.

A. Case Studies for VC Problem

Consider VC problem results and the case in which all aircraft
in the current configuration are on a circle centered in the origin
and would have a conflict at the origin at the same time, the
cases of 5 and 11 aircraft have been considered (see Fig. 7 top
left and top right, respectively). Unpair numbers of aircraft have
been chosen in order to avoid the case of head-to-head conflicts
that are unsolvable in the VC case. Fig. 8. Scenario of Fig. 7 is plotted, when the aircraft has done the conflict
All aircraft are flying at velocity 8.7 nmi/min with lower and avoidance maneuver obtained by CPLEX as the solution of the HAC problem.
upper bound of value 8 and 8.7 nmi/min. Given the cost function
presented in Section III we want to maximize the velocity of B. Case Studies for HAC Problem
each aircraft such that no conflict occur.
Consider the HAC problem and the case in which, in absence
Consider also the generic case of eight aircraft considered of maneuvers, all aircraft would have a conflict at the origin at
in Fig. 6 in which four pairs of aircraft are involved in three the same time (same scenario as the one considered for VC case
conflicts. studies). Fig. 7 shows the symmetric scenario of the aircraft (5,
Results of those scenarios are reported in Table 1. In the table 11, 13, and 15 aircraft) if no maneuver is done while in Fig. 8 the
we indicate the computational time (in seconds) of CPLEX to solutions of the HAC problem of the four scenario are plotted.
find the optimal solution to the MIP problem for the VC case. In Fig. 9 (top left) is shown a generic scenario of 11 aircraft
With # var. and # cons. we indicate the number of variables and in an airspace of 180 nmi 140 nmi. Other aircraft have been
of constraints in the VC problem, respectively. Also, let be the adjoin in order to obtain a scenario with 13, 15, and 17 aircraft.
number of aircraft considered in the simulations. In the case of 11 aircraft, 4 conflict are detected, while 9, 12,


Fig. 9. We consider the case of 11, 13, 15, and 17 aircraft in a generic
configuration, different conflict will occur if no conflict avoidance maneuver
is done.

Fig. 11. Multisegmented paths for the problem of five aircraft crossing the
origin solved every 5 min, the obtained path is a multisegmented path and the
aircraft reach their final configurations.

For example consider the case of 5 aircraft in the symmetric

scenario plotted in Fig. 7 (top left). Supposing that the aircraft
are flying with a velocity of 8 nmi/min (480 nmi/h), we solve
Fig. 10. In this figure is plotted the scenario of Fig. 9 when the aircraft have the HAC problem every min and obtain the paths
done the conflict avoidance maneuver obtained by CPLEX as the solution of the illustrated in Fig. 11. The algorithm is rerun twice because all
HAC problem for the different scenario.
paths take around 15 min; in the figure we have plotted also the
configurations relative to the instants in which the algorithm has
and 16 conflicts are detected for the case of 13, 15, and 17 air- been run ( , , min).
craft, respectively. In Fig. 10 the solutions of the HAC problem, Every time the algorithm is rerun current configurations are
obtained using CPLEX, for the four scenario are plotted. considered and in particular the new direction of flight is the
In Table II, we indicate the computational time (in seconds) direction through the original goal configuration. In such a way
of CPLEX to find the optimal solution to the MIP problem for aircraft will be able to reach the final destination also if have
the HAC case and the maximum angular deviation ( ) from the deviated from the original destination in order to solve conflicts.
original path. With # var. and # cons. we indicate the number of The lower computational time for the VC problem respect to
variables and of constraints in the HAC problem, respectively. the HAC problem are due to the smaller number of constraints
Let be the number of aircraft considered in the case study; the and Boolean variables in the VC model as described in Section V.
asterisks indicates the symmetric case while 17b is the same sce- On the contrary, the VC strategy does not solve all possible con-
nario as for the 17 aircraft case (nonsymmetric case) in which we flicts also between a pair of aircraft, as in the head-to-head con-
have considered nmi instead of nmi. Equivalently, flict that is easily solved by the HAC strategy. Furthermore, also
we have scaled the airspace such that aircraft have greater relative in presence of conflict between few aircraft the velocity variation
distances at . It is important to notice that the time is consid- strategy seems to cost more (in terms of time of flight) than the
erably decreased in the 17b case respect to the 17 aircraft case. heading angle deviation strategy. This is clear especially for the
The computation times are quite low, compared with other symmetric case considered in the simulation presented in this sec-
methods used to solve similar problems [7]. Thus, this conflict tion. If, for example, we consider the case in Fig. 12 on the left
solver may be used in a real or fast-time simulation environment. and we solve both HAC and VC problems. In the HAC problem

[6] W. P. Niedringhaus, “Stream Option Manager (SOM): Automated inte-

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[7] E. Frazzoli, Z. H. Mao, J. H. Oh, and E. Feron, “Resolution of conflicts
involving many aircraft via semidefinite programming,” AIAA, J. Guid.,
Control Dyn., 2001, to be published.
[8] N. Durand, J.-M. Alliot, and O. Chansou, “An optimizing conflict solver
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[9] H. Erzberger and W. Nedell, “Design of automated system for manage-
ment of arrival traffic,” NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field,
CA, NASA Tech. Memo 102201, June 1989.
Fig. 12. On the left there is the scenario that we consider for both HAC and VC [10] ILOG CPLEX User’s Guide, ILOG CPLEX Div., Incline Village, NV,
problems, on the right is the scenario for the HAC problem with the maneuver 1999.
that allow aircraft to reach the final configuration. [11] T. Schouwenaars, B. De Moor, E. Feron, and J. How, “Mixed integer
programming for safe multi-vehicle cooperative path planning,” in Proc.
in order to compare the total time of flight between the two strate- European Control Conf., 2001.
[12] A. Richards, J. How, T. Schouwenaars, and E. Feron, “Plume avoidance
gies, we allow aircraft to maneuver with another single heading maneuver planning using mixed integer programming,” AIAA, Guid.,
change in order to reach the original goal configuration. This ma- Navigation Control, 2001, submitted for publication.
neuver is done as soon as possible and does not generate another [13] K. D. Bilimoria and H. Q. Lee, “Properties of air traffic conflicts for free
and structured routing,” in Proc. IAA Guidance, Navigation and Control
conflict between the two aircraft. In Fig. 12, on the right, the total Conf., Aug. 2001, Paper no. 2001-4051.
path for the HAC case is plotted. If we consider a velocity of 8, 7 [14] K. D. Bilimoria, B. Sridhar, G. Chatterji, K. Sheth, and S. Grabbe,
nmi per unit of time alsoin theHACcase, with the data obtained by “FACET: Future ATM concepts evaluation tool,” in Proc. 3rd USA/Eu-
CPLEX we can compute the total time of flight for both airplanes: rope Air Traffic Management R&D Seminar, Napoli, Italy, June 2000.
[15] F. S. Hillier and G. J. Lieberman, Introduction to Operations Research,
13.8 min for both airplanes in the HAC case and 13.7 min and 15 6th ed, New York: McGraw Hill, 1995.
min for the aircraft in the VC case. Then in the HAC case we have
a total flight time of 27.6 min that is less than 28.7 min that is the
total flight time in the VC case. Lucia Pallottino was born in Rome, Italy, in 1974.
She received the Laurea degree in mathematics
VII. CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORK from the University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy, in 1997
with a thesis in numerical analysis. She is currently
Two conflict resolution maneuvers have been considered and pursuing the Ph.D. degree in robotics and industrial
two relative models have been presented. Based on simple geo- automation at the same university.
From October 2000 to April 2001, she was a
metric construction of the conflict avoidance constraints two Visiting Scholar at the Laboratory for Information
different linear minimization problems with linear constraints and Decision Systems, Massachusetts Institute of
and some integer variables have been obtained. The CPLEX Technology, Cambridge. Her main research interests
within robotics are in motion planning and control
software package has been used to solve the problem and due to for nonholonomic systems and air traffic management.
the fast computation of the tool we were able to handle a large
number of aircraft. Optimal solutions have been found quickly
(in few seconds) on difficult cases such as the one of 15 aircraft Eric M. Feron (M’94) was born in France, in 1967.
that want to cross the same point at the same time. Future in- He received the B.S. degree from the Ecole Polytech-
vestigation of the optimal maneuver (speed change or heading nique, Paris, France, in 1989 and the DEA (equivalent
angle), in terms of time of flight, are part of a future work. M.S.) at the Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris, France,
in 1990. He received the Ph.D. degree from Stanford
Due to the nonlinearity that follow from considering both University, Stanford, CT, in 1994.
heading angle and velocity variation, a future work is to consider He is currently an Associate Professor in the
other variables and formulate it as a mixed integer linear problem Department of Aereo and Astro, Massachusetts In-
by extending the approach proposed in [6], for example. stitute of Technology, Cambridge. His main research
interests include dynamical systems, optimization,
Another issue is to consider the MIP problem as an approx- application to aircraft dynamics/control, and air
imation of the nonlinear problem presented in [4]; this can be transportation systems.
done considering the perturbation in the right-hand side vector
of the MIP models.
Antonio Bicchi (S’87–M’89–SM’99) was born in
REFERENCES Toscana, Italia, in 1959. He received the Laurea
degree from the University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy, in
[1] RTCA Task Force 3, “Final Tech. Rep.: Free Flight Implementation,” 1984, and the Ph.D. degree from the University of
Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics, Oct. 1995. Bologna, Bologna, Italy, in 1988.
[2] Ed. Board, “Special report on free flight,” Aviation Week and Space From 1988 to 1990, he was a Postdoctoral
Technology, July 1995. Scholar at the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory,
[3] Y.-J. Chiang, J. T. Klosowski, C. Lee, and J. S. B. Mitchell, “Geometric Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge.
algorithms for conflict detection/resolution in air traffic management,” He is currently a Full Professor of systems theory
in Proc. 36th IEEE Conf. Decision and Control (CDC ’97), 1997, pp. and robotics in the Department of Electrical Systems
1835–1840. and Automation, University of Pisa. Since 1990, he
[4] A. Bicchi and L. Pallottino, “On optimal cooperative conflict resolution has been leading the Robotics Group at the Interdepartmental Research Center
for air traffic management systems,” IEEE Trans. Intell. Transport. Syst., “E. Piaggio,” University of Pisa. His main research interests within robotics are
vol. 1, pp. 221–231, Dec. 2000. in dexterous manipulation, including force/torque and tactile sensing, haptics
[5] J. K. Kuchar and L. C. Yang, “A review of conflict detection and reso- and sensory control; dynamics, kinematics and control of complex mechanical
lution modeling methods,” IEEE Trans. Intell. Transport. Syst., vol. 1, systems; and motion planning and control for nonholonomic and quantized
pp. 179–189, Dec. 2000. systems.

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