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The Survivors of Atlantis project started in 2019 with the sole purpose of recreating and reviving the

original Dragons of Atlantis owned by Kabam™ and later sold to Rockyou (defunct). The original
game has been perfectly dissected and reimagined in a fully function C# rewrite including new UI
and Quality of life features.

This project serves as a legacy recreation of the game we all love and remember, and we hope with
the love and attention we are putting in we can make this the perfect experience for you. We have
meticulously researched and cross-referenced old aspects of the game to ensure they are as close to
the original as possible however of course where changes are necessary to improve the Core
experience, we have made the odd change.

We hope you understand that we are here for the players and are constantly listening to player
suggestions and feedback and any ideas you may have we would love to listen to.
Moving forward I would like to take some time to discuss all the features we are changing, where we
currently sit and what decisions have been made by the players via our community-based polling
system. You will be sure to get some juicy content from this document including plans going forward
and some never-before-seen screenshots of UI aspects and general content.

• In a previous poll it was decided by an overwhelmingly 45 to the next best 7 that the game
will be officially known as Survivors of Atlantis. With this decision we purchased the domain
name for future web endeavours.

• Following that serious decision, we polled a less serious but interesting feature after finding
backend code that suggested the original game had plans to release the feature. The ability
to rename your dragon for people to see! … and as expected. Of course, it won!

• We also decided to use place holder images for UI and game content from the wikia. (This
contain is slowly being recreated via our new talents artists, more to come!)

• Another very important and massive integrity change we polled was the redesign of the map
system. We offered the removal of the Marsh tiles (The tile your city to warp to) and
replacing the function with the ability for you to teleport to any tile! Dark warps would be
still random and advanced warps would be to a location of choice. This allows for a hive style
structure for alliances as seen in a lot of modern mobile games. – This poll won 42 to 5.

• After the decision to repoll an earlier poll we concluded that Troops trained within Outposts
should be garrisoned within the outposts until a user sends them back to the city. The repoll
confirmed this feature with an additional QOL feature to auto send troops back to the city
on training finished. We have not decided if this will be auto on however it will be togglable.

• A non-game changing poll decided our plans for the future of the game after the initial
release and patches (Like outposts ETC). We concluded players would love to see a research
expansion that could possibly focus on March cap increases whilst sending resources, gains
from camps etc. The possibility of a level 12 camp was also voted including elite quests.

• We concluded it would be worth reworking troop upkeep to control the consumption of

food per hr. Including the potential rework and cap of Rationing (rationing rework was not
voted, it was decided internally as an integral change however it will be closely monitored.
We are currently looking at an 80% cap)
• A massive rework of the trade system is planned to allow player to player trades of most
items including speeds, grants etc. Dragon Eggs will not be tradable or anything we deem
are too valuable. The players will decide the cost of trades. The number of resources sent in
a trade will be greatly increased.

• We debated and concluded both Forge and Sanc will be added back to the game however
Forge will be modified and reworked to remove majority of the items and grind mechanics
that people previously did not like. It will still be random however items will be added to
alleviate this.
• We an overwhelming majority of 115 to 34 we concluded we will have a store front in game
to buy very select items that users vote in. These are currently limited to ceasefire treaties,
warps and general items like City name changes etc. (Pricing has not been concluded but we
will ensure pricing is accessible to everyone).
• Treasure hold will be scrapped!

Current Development
Currently we have a fully working backend client and server. Which allows the Client to talk back to
the server to process tasks such as upgrading. We are now in the early stages of drawing the UI of
the client and mapping buttons to functions that are already wrote. We believe this stage could take
a few months at best however with the current development this could be longer as we are patiently
awaiting the replacement assets from the new Artists.

We have started implementation of the Metadata for Quests, Troops, Buildings, Research, Buttons
etc so the Client can read this data and output it to the user. Without the data there would be no
game. This includes quest descriptions, rewards, Troop training costs, troop stats etc etc. Alongside
this we have been working closely with a translation team to implement translations for Spanish,
French and Dutch. We could potentially add other translations in the future however it takes a week
or two with nonstop coding to implements the details (It is also lots of copy and pasting which is

Furthermore, we have made some general Integrity changes to allow for a sustainable game. This
includes recapping buildings to level 16. Yes, I am looking at you HOMES! When this was in game
Farms and field buildings where capped at level 10, however for integrity reasons we have
concluded 15 is a good number alongside the reintroduction of the Advanced Masonry Tools with
drops from Tournaments and Camps.

We have also fixed random resource requirements for buildings, research etc and altered them
where we deemed necessary however majority remain the same. (Why did a level 15 farm require
1million and 3 gold?). Alterations have been made to the number of fields the game could allow for
to round up from an odd number. This is not a major change however we deem it important to
remain transparent to the members of the community. Instead of starting with 9 fields you will start
with 10 and gain 3 per level adding to 40.

We are in the very early stages of testing (alpha). We intend on opening testing for Patreons later to
allow for more funding for assets. This will also allow for improved player feedback however if we
get too many Patreons, we might need to limit this to higher Tiers. Currently our plan is to release
testing to $1 subscriptions and above however this has not been announced yet. We would also love
to make a Christmas release, but we cannot promise this for the limited art reasons. Funding also
accounts to this as we can only continue to hire artists whilst we have funds.
Future Development
We plan to release the game with the original released content. This includes alliances, trade,
Fortuna, Quests, Research, battles etc. Unfortunately, in an interest of releasing ASAP we cannot
release Forge, Sanc or outposts within this release. However, it has been spoke about internally.
Once the first outpost is implemented future releases should be easier if we have the assets. Forge
and Sanc will be released separately to space out content.

During these releases we will slowly flesh out the game with additional content that could be easier
to add. For example, QOL features, additional quests etc. We are fully intending on supporting this
game in the years to come however content releases will vary based on our real-life schedules.

Lastly, we will also add Cosmetics to the game in due time to keep the game financially operational
and ensuring we remain away from P2W.

Confirmed QOL Features

The following content is confirmed for release at some point and is a mixture of Patreon only
features and general features.

• Ability to Queue Building upgrades. These resources will be removed from you when you
queue the building. We have not concluded the number of buildings you can queue. You can
only upgrade 1 building per city / outpost at a time. Queues are independent to each city.
(Patreon Only)
• Ability to Auto send the last march you attacked with. If you send 40k Lava Jaws to a camp.
You can simply click the camp you wish to attack (or City) click Attack. Click Auto queue last
and it will send the attack. We may also allow for attack presets (Patreon Only)
• Forge auto craft. This will allow you to craft as many of the same item as you can until you
run out of resources. This will work as a slider most likely.
• Forge auto destroys. This has not been completely worked out however we might introduce
a filter system to auto destroy anything that does not have 3 stats. Further to this the
potential for an advanced filter system for destroying anything that is not in stat ranges or
does not have speed for example could exist for Patreon only.
• The Ability to come out of your Cease Fire early.
• The Ability to hide certain aspects of the UI (The announcement section being one, more on
this later)
• Power loss on battle reports.

There is potentially for tonnes more improvement as we slowly add additional features to the game
that were once within scripts. This is because we have confirmed no support for scripts, and we
intend on sticking to that for both security reasons and server load. Of course, we hope people can
appreciate that Patreons could have access to better QOL features to ensure we give them reason to
fund our community driven project. However, we understand the concerns of pay to win and we are
attempting to strike a balance. Certain QOL Patreon features could be toned down in the future
nothing is ever final.

UI and Art
Want to see some juicy stuff? We have just started outsourcing art and hiring Talent from Fiverr and
contacts we have, and this has made for some beautiful art. There’s potential to change things
slowly in the future for example colour schemes for the general UI however Backgrounds and Maps
Tiles are going to be used long term. Unless of course we add Cosmetics!?

Either way up we currently have the Bottom UI created and implemented and we have just finished
the city background and the city map tiles. The picture below shows the new UI Layout. You can
click the top red diamond to hide the upper section of the UI as people may not be interested in this.
Please note the Text colour or style is not final and remain placeholders.

Secondly, we have the new Renders of some of the new map tiles. They are considerably more
beautiful than the originals with all of them additional pixels. They span 250px square and are 2.5x
the original resolution. Fullscreen these look amazing. Apologises for the grid view unfortunately we
only have 3 tiles so far. But it gives you an idea of the size.

Saving the best to last, we have the new background! We have worked alongside an environmental
artist who put this together. It is the final render however we can alter the tiles in the future if we
need to. There’s also space for future tiles we may wish to add which is important. This also confirms
the official supported resolution of the game as 1080p. We could potentially support higher in the
future however there is considerably higher art costs.
As seen throughout this document it should be clear that we are serious about recreating the
original game. There has never been a point where we have not been serious however as we come
closer to release, we will hit barriers and must overcome issues that we have not been presented
with. Unfortunately, the main issue we face is funding. This community is amazing and over the
18months this project has been running we have raised $1000 (there abouts!) which is truly
stunning, and it is more then we could have ever imagined. However, artists are not cheap
unfortunately and you pay a premium for quality which we think is worth every penny. We do not
feel like this community should be short changed. You have been robbed from before and we are
not here to do that.

We are currently paying $5 per tile, there is 25 map tiles so that is $125. Then there are close to 60
city tiles. Of course, we do not have to commission them all at once however we want to eventually
recreate the game as we remember it. The background also cost around $100. We also spent $35 on
the bottom UI. It adds up fast for sure.

So given you can see the enormous effort we are putting in we ask for a small contribution to get the
game out. If everyone donated $1 that would be $900 there and then. That could be enough to
finish to UI and buildings etc. We appreciate that a portion of users wanted to get the product first
before they donate or buy skins etc however we just need a tiny bit of extra funding to push this
through the door and to speed up process.

You could donate monthly via Patreon ; as soon as we

release the Patreon testing server you will get access even with a $1 donation monthly. On top of
that you get the amazing weekly update courtesy of Jess and any Patreon only QOL we wish to add.
Ensure you attach your discord account to Patreon so you get the role on the server. This gives you
access to Patreon only areas.
Alternatively, you can one time donate via PayPal. Ensuring you add a note of your Discord
Username so we can thank you personally. (Depending on the donation amount we could discuss in
game benefits on release / temp Patreon access. However, you will not get the weekly update as this
is on the platform only)

Regardless of a donation. We appreciate every word of this. It has been a while in the making and
we hope to remain transparent now and in the future.

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