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Intensive Care Med (2019) 45:1433–1435


Pulmonary complications in liver disease

Michael Bauer1*  , Valentin Fuhrmann2,4 and Julia Wendon3

© 2019 The Author(s)

Chronic liver disease and impaired hepatic function are HPS and PoPH, a form of secondary pulmonary hyper-
important risk factors for increased incidence of, and tension (PAH), might also prompt unplanned admission
mortality from, acute pulmonary complications includ- of the patient with end-stage liver disease with dyspnea
ing manifest acute respiratory distress syndrome in or right heart dysfunction and require immediate and
approximately 8% of cirrhotics admitted to an intensive appropriate care on an ICU to prevent further deteriora-
care unit (ICU) [1, 2]. While micro-aspiration associated tion of an already limited liver function.
with encephalopathy and hydropic decompensation are Hepatopulmonary syndrome is characterized by hypox-
well-known triggers for pulmonary complications [3], the emia with an abnormal alveolar–arterial ­O2-gradient and
more specific consequences of end-stage liver disease on evidence of intrapulmonary shunting in the presence of
the pulmonary microcirculation, such as hepatopulmo- liver disease [6, 9]. Abnormal oxygenation is defined by
nary syndrome (HPS) and portopulmonary hyperten- elevated alveolar–arterial oxygen gradient (> 15  mmHg
sion (PoPH), result from either production of or failure or > 20  mmHg in patients > 64  years, respectively) while
to clear a broad range of inflammatory, vasoactive or breathing room air in a sitting position, and severity of
proliferative/angiogenic mediators [4]. The impact of an HPS is classified according to the degree of hypoxemia
altered bile acid pattern induces a shift in the gut micro- [6]. The underlying intrapulmonary vascular dilatations
biome [5] that sheds new light on the molecular basis can best be diagnosed by contrast-enhanced echocardi-
of the long acknowledged ‘gut–liver–lung axis’ as the ography, and characteristic findings on CT imaging may
“motor of multiple organ failure”. also be seen. In severe cases, clinical characteristics of
hypoxemia such as cyanosis and digital clubbing might
Two discrete entities affecting the pulmonary be present. The severity of HPS might be aggravated
vascular bed—hepatopulmonary syndrome by upright posture (platypnea–orthodeoxia) and is not
and portopulmonary hypertension related to the severity of liver disease. In general, the pul-
In addition to these acute organ–organ interactions, pro- monary circulation is diffusely affected by telangiectatic
longed stimulation by liver-derived vasoactive and prolif- lesions, but anatomically defined shunts might less com-
erative mediators promotes remodeling processes in the monly exist that are potentially amenable to interven-
pulmonary vascular bed in chronic liver disease through tional therapy (Fig. 1) [6].
diffuse or localized telangiectasia (in HPS) or hyperplas- Hepatopulmonary syndrome is present in 10–30% of
tic lesions in terminal pulmonary arterioles (in PoPH) [6]. patients with cirrhosis being evaluated for LT, but has
Respiratory function needs to be assessed in all candi- also been reported in non-cirrhotic portal hypertension
dates listed or considered for liver transplantation (LT), and acute liver injury in the critically ill, e.g., in patients
as primary disorders affecting the pulmonary circulation after shock events presenting signs of “hypoxic hepa-
are associated with functional status, quality of life, and titis” [9]. As such, acute HPS as a consequence of acute
survival on the waiting list and outcome after LT [7, 8]. and chronic heart failure, in particular failure of the right
ventricle with hepatic congestion, can complicate the
ICU course through induction of pulmonary shunting
*Correspondence: Michael.Bauer@med.uni‑ (i.e., HPS). This bi-directional cross talk of lung and liver
Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine, Jena can be viewed as a prominent example of organ–organ
University Hospital, Am Klinikum 1, 07747 Jena, Germany
Full author information is available at the end of the article
interactions that pave the way to multiple organ failure
and death.

Advanced liver disease

Admission to ICU/

Cyanosis & digital clubbing?

(pulse oximetry SaO2 < 96%)

(worsening of dyspnoea moving from supine to upright)
Blood gases Orthodeoxia?
(supine / upright) (decrease of PaO2 > 5% (or 4 mmHg)
moving from supine to upright; in 25% of paents)

Chest imaging Echocardiography

(Chest-X-ray, CT; CT angio, Lung perfusion (contrast-enhanced)
scanning )

Hepac hydrothorax – funconal improvement upon drainage?

Structural lung disease (porto)pulmonary Hepato-pulmonary syndrome
(pneumonia, COPD, pneumonis) hypertension (severe if paO2 < 60mmHg)
(mPAP supine at rest) >20mmHg

(contra-) indicaon for liver transplantaon

Fig. 1  Alterations of the pulmonary vascular bed in chronic liver disease: chronic liver disease promotes remodeling processes in the pulmonary
vascular bed characterized by diffuse or localized telangiectasia (in HPS) or hyperplastic lesions in terminal pulmonary arterioles (PoPH). The diag‑
nostic workup includes blood gases in the supine and upright posture and contrast-enhanced echocardiography. Evidence of secondary pulmo‑
nary hypertension or right-to-left shunting triggers further imaging. HPS and PoPH are associated with functional status, quality of life, and survival
on the waiting list and outcome after LT with strong impact on listing for LT

Supportive therapies with supplemental oxygen and in general remains controversial and should be restricted
liver transplantation remain the only therapies with to short-acting NO in exceptional cases and as compas-
proven benefit in cases of HPS associated with end- sionate use.
stage liver disease, and Model of End-Stage Liver Disease Impaired clearance of vasoactive mediators by the fail-
(MELD) exception can be granted to facilitate liver trans- ing liver plays a significant role in the pathogenesis of
plantation in various programs to reverse two potentially HPS, and the resulting right-to-left shunting, mismatch
fatal organ dysfunctions [7, 10, 11]. Patients with HPS between ventilation and perfusion and impaired arte-
are at increased risk for prolonged mechanical ventila- rial oxygenation are generally reversible with recovery of
tion with a longer ICU length of stay compared to other hepatic function [7, 8, 10]. As a consequence, persistent
liver transplant recipients [12]. Most literature reports severe hypoxemia and features of HPS despite improved
addressing management of these critical events reflect liver function might reflect and should prompt search
case reports or small case series, where inhaled vasodila- for concomitant anatomic shunting. However, in severe
tors, most notably nitric oxide and extracorporeal mem- cases of HPS, remodeling of the pulmonary vasculature
brane oxygenation (ECMO), have been applied as rescue and reversal of shunting due to diffuse telangiectasia may
strategies [13, 14]. Albeit inhaled NO might selectively take weeks or months. Pre-transplant risk assessment
dilate well-aerated alveoli, the use of vasodilators in HPS and classification of severity of HPS is mandatory, as

patients with a ­paO2 < 60  mmHg not reversible to 100% Open Access

This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribu‑
oxygen may develop prolonged respiratory failure in the tion-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (
post-transplant period [10, 11]. licenses/by-nc/4.0/), which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and
In contrast, PoPH is a form of secondary pulmonary reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the
original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons
arterial hypertension occurring in only 2–8% of cir- license, and indicate if changes were made.
rhotic patients [15] and, as in HPS, it can also be seen in
patients with non-cirrhotic portal hypertension. Present-
ing symptoms include dyspnea and fatigue and signs of Publisher’s Note
increased workload of the right heart, such as elevated Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in pub‑
lished maps and institutional affiliations.
jugular venous pulse and tricuspid regurgitation. Other
causes for PAH have to be ruled out and patients with Received: 29 May 2019 Accepted: 28 July 2019
PoPH require meticulous optimization of PAH-specific Published online: 2 August 2019
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