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Speaker 0 00:00 So thank you for being here. I'm not from here.

I'm from
Texas, which will let me be in here for a little while now. Right? So, um,
tonight we're going to be here about 90 minutes, and we've asked you here to get
your input on how consumers view vehicle service contracts also known as
extended warranties. What do they call them here in Atlanta area? Extended
warranties. So if we use extended warranties, Oh, Deborah, I can hardly see you
lady. I'm going to keep picking around. Don't be offended. I just, I have to
hear from all the ladies, especially in that step. Um, so I'll ask you to speak
one at a time, but I want to hear from everybody have courage and conviction of
your convictions. Tell me the truth. If you don't like it, tell me if you do
like it, tell me nothing bad happens and nothing good happens to me as a result
of your honest opinion, because it's where in Atlanta.
Speaker 0 00:53 I know that you are not shy about sharing your opinion.
That's the joy of being in a Southern state and say, are you a Southern state?
Uh, I'm recording the sessions on these hidden microphones, hanging from the
ceiling or confidentially so that I can read your comments later. I'm working
with a couple of people who were in the back room behind me. They're going to
make sure that I asked my questions. I don't mess up. And also they're here to
see what it's like to, to when you evoke failing. I mean, I write a report. It
says they were very responsive to the idea. That's nothing like a train going,
Oh, you know, someone would come up with that. That's a whole lot different than
me saying they liked the idea, right? So that's one of the reasons we do focus
groups. Isn't it set?
Speaker 0 01:41 I would love to have you introduce yourself to the group
and let's start with your name, just your name. I'm not as concerned about what
you drive so much as the normal activities you use your vehicle to do each day.
What, what do you and your vehicle do each day or week? That's really what I
want to hear. And let me start with Tricia. Common trash, please. Don't come.
Yes, yes, yes. Okay. What was the question? The normal activities for which you
use your vehicle on a day to day basis? I was not able to drive to work. I use
it for smoke breaks while I'm at work. Um, and I use it for my personal, um,
side business and then just personal use. What kind of a side business?
Personal, just in general sales or shows or health therapists. So you have to go
from place to place. They don't come to you. You go to them right now. They come
to me. Do they? Yes. Awesome. Okay. And what else? And just like personal,
running around running errands, going out of town. Alright, thank you very much.
Um, um, really work. I'm a teacher, so I'll do a run around, um, running
Speaker 0 03:06 Where would you go on a trip? A Florida, John, Steve
there, and errands would have errands look like a Walmart locally. Really just
wanted to stores. Thank you so much. And I use my car for this because I work
for myself and also use it for pleasure, going to different activities and night
also to go to the channel and occasionally to go on short trips, maybe two or
three hours away. Now, when you say you use it for business, what kind of a
business do you use it for? I'm a consultant. So I travel. What's your specialty
business like planning business plan. Oh, that's a huge domain. Wow. Okay. So
you, you travel in your car and do that. I'll bet. Thank you for being here.
Yes, sir. I am Justin. I use my car to go back and forth to a van pool, so I
don't drive it all the way to work. So that kind of saved me some miles there.
And my car is a designated family. Won't be able to go out of town out of town
trips. Just came back from out of Tampa, Florida, Ohio. Quite a bit.
Speaker 0 04:25 Yes. Um, I also say my kids back and forth to football,
breakfast, football seasons. All right. So how old are kids? 15 twins by one day
one. I can't believe he said that. That's great. That's great. All right. Well,
15. Yes, yes, sir. I'm bill. Uh, I'm a residential realtor, so I use it for my
business. And, uh, sub personally, when you use it personally, what do you use
it for? Well, my wife has a car, so I use it, uh, to run errands, um, go to
shows, go out to dinner. That's basically it errands look like, um, uh, the
typical things going to home, Depot, grocery shopping, uh, things like that.
Thank you very much. Yes, sir. Well, my name is Adrian and um, I use my car to
get fixed with women. <inaudible>
Speaker 0 05:52 no, I use it to go to work. I'm taking daughter to school,
go to the gym in the store. Um, maybe movies or something like that. Um, how old
is your daughter? She's 11. You have a few more years of that? Yeah. Thank you
very much for being here. Yes, sir. Jason, Jason. Um, I use my car mostly. I
live in pretty urban part of town. There's a lot of traffic. So did you work out
away from the inner city? Well, I live in a suburban part of town, but what kind
of work would that be? Landscape. Oh yeah. Well, you have to go everywhere down
here. So do you drive a commercial vehicle or do you use your own personal
vehicle and do the work of the personal vehicle?
Speaker 0 07:00 Okay, but it's yours. It doesn't belong to a landscaping
company. It's your company, your company. It's your car? Not the company's car.
That's where I'm going. Okay. And when you're not landscaping, when you're not
working, it sounds like you do a lot of work. Um, what do you do? I do all kinds
of movies. Where's your favorite place to go hiking? Is it North or is it East?
<inaudible> Montana? Yeah, there's a lot. All right, Jason, thank you. Yes, sir.
Uh, I guess 200 from war shovel alone. The kids around, um, basic everyday
errands. I'm a musician. So every once in a while we'd pile up like gear in and
take the shoes in town, in state, in country, uh, in town and state used to be,
uh, not since that was nice. Since you have kids, that's all, that's all over.
Right? How old are the kids? Uh, that'd be 10 bucks. 10. Six.
Speaker 0 08:27 And what do you play? It's bass keyboards. Oh, all of
them? Yeah. That's impressive. And wherever I can fit in. I love it. Thank you
so much for being here, Chris. I am Debra. I use my vehicle for footwork, for
shopping, uh, not transporting the kids. Um, but, uh, like I said, if the
shopping, they take a road trip to Alabama or something like that someplace
close by. Cause I don't like to drive that far, so I won't be taking the bus
country trips. Anything that you can, I use it. You've managed to do it. All
right. And it's Deborah proper, right? Yes. Thank you Deborah. Yes, sir. Kevin,
I have one of the worst communities you could ever have in the history of the
world because I drive 75 to 85 to 85 every day, which is a 32 miles on a good
Speaker 0 09:39 It takes me an hour and 20 minutes on a bad day. It takes
me two and a half. Uh, during the Saturday I can get it done at 35. So wow,
brutal. Yeah. In my spare time, I coach sports for my kids. My youngest son is
17. We just got through doing a travel baseball season, Myrtle beach for the
seat for four indices and tournament. And I, uh, I tried not to drive when I get
home because of everything I have to drive through in the morning. So it's kind
of crazy. My wife does this stuff. Love it. Thank you. And thanks for being here
considering you probably had to drive here.

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