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// XGD DAT Qualifiers

// The following sections document the XGD DATs supplied as part of Oasis
// montaj. XGD DATs are DLL's that provide interfaces to a variety of
// image and grid formats. Each DAT has a 3-letter identifier and a
// number or parameters that can be used to decorate the file name
// when accessing a file. For example, to access the third band of
// a TM image in an ER Mapper image named "City.ers", you would
// decorate the name as follows:
// City.ers(ERM;band=3)
// The first parameter in the decoration block is always the 3-letter DAT
// identifier, which must be supplied any time decorations are used. If
// decorations are not used, the default DAT type is taken from the
// DEFAULT_XGD parameter in the [MONTAJ] block of GEOSOFT.INI.
// Each DAT also has a default input (BROWSE_IN) and output (BROWSE_OUT)
// decoration which is used by the browse tool in montaj to create
// default decorations. If you always work with specific settings for
// a certain DAT type, you may wish to set the appropriate decoration
// in the INI file. The BROWSE_IN and BROWSE_OUT options are specified
// for each DAT.

// ARC ArcView Binary Raster grid file (default file type .flt)
// DUMMY Dummy value used in the ArcView grid. By default this is
// -9999.
// BYTEORDER =0 Most significant byte first
// =1 Least significant byte first (default)
// ORIGIN Origin specification in the output header (.hdr) file.
// =0 Use "xllcorner" and "yllcorner" : bottom left corner
// of the lower left cell (default)
// =1 Use "xllcenter" and "yllcenter" : center of the lower
// left cell. (This is the normal Geosoft definition)
// (This option ignored on input, as these values are read
// from the header file).
// PIXEL=0 Continuous function data (default), displays smoothly
// PIXEL=1 Pixel data, displays as grid cells.
// GEOSOFT.INI section
// [DAT_ARC]

// ERM Earth Resource Mapper
// BAND= band to read/write, default band 0. If band requested
// is larger than bands contained in the file, the highest
// band will be used.
// If an image CellType is "Unsigned8BitInteger", and image
// has exactly three bands, it is assumed to be an RGB
// colour image. To read individual bands, use the BAND=
// parameter.
// COORDTYPE= RAW - unknown right-handed cartesian.
// EN - eastings and northings.
// LATLONG - latitude, longitude.
// This parameter is only used if the ers file does not contain
// a coordinate block.
// TYPE= PlugIn Uses the ER Mapper plugin to display .alg,
// .ers and .ecw files. Only the brightness
// can be changed in the image colour tool.
// COLOR Colour output, with dummies. This
// This is much slower that the PlugIn, but the
// BRT parameter is supported.
// RGB RGB only, no dummies. Same as COLOR except that
// dummy areas will be white.
// BRT= Brightness, 0.0 -> 2.0 (black -> white), default is BRT=1.0
// Only used for RGB images. This parameter is only supported
// GEOSOFT.INI section
// [DAT_ERM]

// GRD Geosoft grid file
// TYPE= data type for new files: SHORT 2-byte signed integer
// LONG 4-byte signed integer
// FLOAT 4-byte floating point
// COLOR 4-byte RGBd colour
// RGB 4-byte RGB, no dummy
// If not specified, the TYPE parameter in the [GRID_DAT]
// section of GEOSOFT.INI is used. If this is not specified,
// the default will be SHORT.
// For color grids, each grid element is 4-bytes, first byte red, second
// byte green, third byte blue, and the fourth byte is a dummy flag. If
// the dummy flag is 0, the cell is transparent, otherwise the cell
// should be coloured. The following parameters are also meaningful
// for color grids:
// BAND=R Red band only
// BAND=G Green band only
// BAND=B Yellow band only
// BRT= Brightness, 0.0 -> 2.0 (black -> white), default is BRT=1.0
// This only works for colour grids.
// DUMMY=r,g,b Dummy colour. Default is DUMMY=255,255,255 (white).
// To disable dummy colour, enter "DUMMY=".
// PIXEL=0 Continuous function data (default), displays smoothly
// PIXEL=1 Pixel data, displays as grid cells.
// Compression:
// COMP=NONE Default - no compression of data.
// COMP=SPEED Compress grid data. Faster compression than "SIZE", but
// produces a larger grid file.
// COMP=SIZE Compress grid data. Compresses better than "SPEED", but
// takes longer.
// Compression ratios can be improved by stripping insignificant
// bits from the floating-point mantisa. You can control this
// by appending the numver of mantisa bits required to the
// COMP=SIZE string. For example, COMP=SIZE12 will produce
// data to between 3 and 4 significant figures and achieve
// much better compression.
// Mantisa Significant
// Bits Figures
// 4 1
// 7 2
// 10 3
// 14 4
// 17 5
// 20 6
// 23 almost 7 (this is the maximum)
// GEOSOFT.INI section
// [DAT_GRD]
// "GRD;Type=Byte"
// "GRD;Type=Short"
// "GRD;Type=Long"
// "GRD;Type=Float"
// "GRD;Type=Color"

// GPK Geopak grid file
// No other qualifiers.
// GEOSOFT.INI section
// [DAT_GPK]

// GXF Grid exchange file
// COMP= compression level: -1 ASCII floating point (default)
// 0 ASCII integer
// 1 4 -bit data
// 2 8 -bit data
// 3 16 -bit data
// 4 32 -bit data
// 5 all data precision
// DUMMY= dummy value to use to represent dummy points in the grid.
// GEOSOFT.INI section
// [DAT_GXF]
// "GXF;COMP=0"
// "GXF;COMP=3"
// "GXF;COMP=4"
// "GXF;COMP=5"

// IMG Image format files (BMP,PCX,JPG,TIF,EPS,GIF,TGA etc...)
// BAND=R Red band only
// BAND=G Green band only
// BAND=B Yellow band only
// BRT= Brightness, 0 -> 2.0 (black -> white), default is BRT=1.0
// PAGE= Page number from a multi-page image.
// SMOOTH= 0 - not smoothed, 1 - smoothed (default)
// DUMMY=r,g,b Dummy colour. Default is DUMMY=255,255,255 (white).
// To disable dummy colour, enter "DUMMY=".
// T= Image type: T=1 Bitmap
// T=2 GeoTiffBitmap
// T=3 GIFGeoTiff
// T=4 IMG
// T=5 JPEG
// T=6 PCX
// T=7 Targa
// T=8 Tiff
// GEOTIFF files are supported, but you should use the TIF DAT for GeoTIF files.
// If an ArcInfo world file (*.*w or .wld) is found in the same directory as the
// image file, the coordinate registration is read from that file.
// Coordinate registration can also be entered into an INI file with the same name
// as the image, but extension "ini". The INI parameters are:
// Image_Dat.X_Seperation=
// Image_Dat.Y_Seperation=
// Image_Dat.X_Origin=
// Image_Dat.Y_Origin=
// Image_Dat.Rotation
// GEOSOFT.INI section
// [DAT_IMG]
// BROWSE_IN="IMG;T=1" Bitmap
// "IMG;T=2" GeoTiff
// "IMG;T=3" GIF
// "IMG;T=4" IMG
// "IMG;T=5" JPEG
// "IMG;T=6" PCX
// "IMG;T=7" Targa
// "IMG;T=8" Tiff

// SRF Surfer grids.
// no parameters
// GEOSOFT.INI section
// [DAT_SRF]

// TIF GeoTIF images.
// BAND= band to read/write, default band 0. If band requested
// is larger than bands contained in the file, the highest
// band will be used.
// GEO= 0 - Standard TIFF
// 1 - GeoTIFF (default)
// TYPE= DATA - if set, data is stored in the GeoTIF rather
// than colour.
// COMP= NONE - Uncompressed
// PACKBITS - Packbits compression
// LZW - LZW compresssion.
// This DAT can read LZW compressed grids, but it cannot
// write LZW compressed grids due to LZW license
// restrictions.
// BRT= Brightness, 0 -> 2.0 (black -> white), default is BRT=1.0
// DUMMY= r,g,b Dummy colour. Default is DUMMY=255,255,255 (white).
// To disable dummy colour, enter "DUMMY=".
// GEOSOFT.INI section
// [DAT_TIF]

// USG USGS grids.
// DUMMY= dummy value to use to represent dummy points in the grid.
// GEOSOFT.INI section
// [DAT_USG]

// SAT Binary satellite data (BIP, BIL, BSQ)
// Files of this type generally have a data file (with no extension)
// and an accompanying header file. Normally, you will choose the
// header file and the data file is assumed to have the same name
// without the extension. If the data file has a different name,
// you can use DATA= to specify the data file.
// T= Binary file type:
// T=0 BIL with INI header (*.ini) (see below for INI doc)
// T=1 EOSAT Fast Format (*.*)
// T=2 EOSAT MSS (old 4 band BIL) (*.*).
// T=3 Landsat MSS (4 band BSQ) (*.*)
// T=4 BIL with *.hdr header (*.*)
// T=5 ETOPO5 5' DEM (etopo5.*)
// T=6 GTOPO30 30\" DEM (*.dem) and GLOBE 30\"DEM (*10*.)
// DATA= to specify the name of the data file if it is not the same as
// the header file without the extension.
// The following is an example of an INI header file
// [Sat_Dat]
// COLUMNS=100 / Mandatory
// LINES=100 / Mandatory
// DATATYPE=IEEE4ByteReal / Mandatory
// / one of:
// / Unsigned8BitInteger
// / Signed8BitInteger
// / Unsigned16BitInteger
// / Signed16BitInteger
// / Unsigned32BitInteger
// / Signed32BitInteger
// / IEEE4ByteReal
// / IEEE8ByteReal
// /
// BANDS=1 / Number of bands
// BYTEORDER=LSBFirst / LSBFirst (Intel) or MSBFirst (Motorola)
// X_ORIGIN=0.0 /
// Y_ORIGIN=0.0 /
// ROTATION=0.0 /
// DUMMY=-1E+32 / dummy value
// KX=1 / 1 for bottom left origin
// / -2 for upper left origin
// / POSC Coordinate System:
// CS_Name / name as "datum / transform"
// CS_Datum / datum_name[,major_axis,eccentricity,pm]
// CS_Projection / method,parameter1,parameter2,...
// CS_Units / unit_abbr,m/units
// CS_Locdatum" / local_datun,dx,dy,dz,rx,ry,rz,scale

// DEM USGS Digital Elevation Models.
// This DAT id used for reading (not writing) USGS DEM (Digital Elevation
// files.
// The "DATUM" decoration comes into play only in "old" format files, where
// fields 16-29 are left blank. (Fields 16-29 provide the full datum
// in newer format DEM files). If these fields are defined, then this
// is ignored.
// DATUM=0 (default) Use NAD27 datum if elements 16-29 are blank (old
// All USGS DEMs lacking elements 16-29.
// DATUM=1 Use WGS 72 datum. (All NIMA and DTED DEMs where fields
// 16-29 are blank)

// SDT USGS SDTS (Spatial Data Transfer Standard Mapping) DEM grids.
// DUMMY Dummy value used in the SDTS grid. By default this is
// -32767, but we have seen an instance where it was -14593 (!?)
// The SDTS standard also uses a fill value to pad grids to a
// rectangle. This value is -32766, and is also replaced with
// dummies on the import.

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