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Toward Learning Individual Characteristics

in a Hybrid Neuro-Fuzzy
Wheelchair Controller
Dan Corbett*and Pablo Martinez
Advanced Computing Research Centre, School of Computer and Information
Science, University of South Australia, The Levels, SA 5095, Australia

We have designed and built a fuzzy wheelchair controller, which can input the vague and
shakey inputs of severe hand tremor and output a smooth control signal. The system has
a new contribution in that it attempts to model the fuzziness and uncertainty of the
control action of the user. We report the results of the project so far, describe continuing
experiments, and propose future work to learn individual characteristics of wheelchair
users. The significance of this work is that it explores the application of fuzzy logic to
vague or imprecise human input. While this is breaking new ground in the application of
fuzzy logic, our prototype demonstrates that this new type of application is not only
possible, but also efficient. Q 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

The controls of an electronic wheelchair are designed to execute the
directional commands given by the user. Unfortunately, there are many
wheelchair users who have problems guiding a chair smoothly, due to problems
such as severe hand tremor or imprecision of movement. The aim of our project
is to alleviate some of the problems associated with inability to control the
wheelchair by adding fuzzy logic to the control system.
Previous work in this area has been limited to the construction of an
adaptable controller that can detect changes in surface, angle inclination, and
weight of the patient.1 While this controller provides more flexibility in compari-
son with the conventional controller, it does not provide for the needs of
severely disabled persons suffering from tremors.
Conventional wheelchair controllers are composed of a variable poten-
tiometer joystick that increases the voltage proportionally to the displacement
from its default center position. To cater to people with a mild tremor, the

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: d.corbett@unisa.


Q 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. CCC 0884-8173r98r060561-10

controller is installed with a time-delayrdamping mechanism to slow down

the response time and then average or filter the input. This approach has the
disadvantage of slowing the wheelchair down, sometimes unnecessarily, as the
person’s tremor may vary from time to time. In addition, this delay affects
the ability to navigate safely around objects and through doorways.
The primary method used to cater to more severe cases of tremor is to lock
the joystick in one direction, the direction first chosen. This device does not let
its user move the joystick to the left or right while moving in the forward
direction, for example. The obvious disadvantage of this method is difficulty in
guiding the wheelchair smoothly or consistently. There is no current method for
coping with severe tremor or severely limited limb movement. For example,
most people with advanced cases of multiple sclerosis are unable to use an
electric wheelchair at all.
The lack of mobility of people suffering crippling diseases is considered to
be one of the factors that contribute to their slow or insignificant recovery. In
some cases, the lack of mobility can lead to an early death. We hope to improve
the quality of life Žand possibly the life-span. for those who suffer certain
debilitating diseases by giving them back their mobility and, therefore, their
autonomy. While we make no claim to be medical experts in the area of
disabling diseases, we can certainly observe the manifestations of the disease
and devise methods to alleviate the manifestations by computer control. We
intend that our project will allow people with hand tremor or limited limb
movement to more easily operate an electric wheelchair. Furthermore, based on
our simulations and current prototypes, we anticipate designing effective
wheelchair controllers which are economical and easily integrated into the
current technology. This project can therefore help those afflicted by multiple
sclerosis, stroke, Parkinson’s disease, and poliomyelitis.
While conventional techniques are already being used to compensate for
some cases of hand tremor and limited arm movement, fuzzy logic control
systems present a flexibility, accuracy, and cost-effectiveness not available in
other approaches. We intend to further our recent advances in fuzzy logic
control by using artificial neural network architectures and evolutionary comput-
ing techniques. We anticipate that adding these architectures to the fuzzy logic
system will add the learning and self-adjusting capabilities needed to create a
truly flexible and highly functional wheelchair controller.


Fuzzy logic was first described by Lofti Zadeh in the 1970s. Zadeh’s 2 main
contention is that, although probability theory is appropriate for measuring
randomness of information, it is inappropriate for measuring the meaning of
information. He proposed a possibility theory as a measure of vagueness, just as
probability theory measures randomness.
Whereas traditional logics express values as either ‘‘true’’ or ‘‘false,’’
Zadeh’s theory expresses lack of precision in a quantitative fashion by introduc-
ing a set membership function that can take on real values between 0 and 1.

Fuzzy set theory is not concerned with how these possibility distributions are
created, but rather with the rules for computing the combined possibilities over
expressions that each contain fuzzy variables.
Artificial intelligence and expert systems have a history of being successful
in areas which require the use of precise rules. Knowledge of the domain area is
represented explicitly and manipulated through an inference engine. Fuzzy logic,
on the other hand, has seen success in another area. Instead of requiring the
truth of all of a rule’s preconditions, fuzzy logic enables the problem-solving
system to find the rule that most closely matches the input data.
It is this ability to measure imprecision or vagueness that makes fuzzy logic
useful to the design of control systems. Fuzzy logic controllers have been used in
guiding ship rudders, helping to maintain balance of free-moving loads, and in
making motors more efficient Žsee, for example, Ref. 3.. In fact, fuzzy controllers
are currently commercially available for consumer appliances such as washing
machines, air conditioners, and video cameras. In all these types of problems,
very encouraging results have been reported for fuzzy control systems.
So far, however, fuzzy logic has mostly been applied to automatic systems or
systems where human input is very precise. We are now exploring the applica-
tion of fuzzy logic to vague or imprecise human input. While this is breaking
new ground in the application of fuzzy logic, our prototype demonstrates that
this new type of application is not only possible, but efficient and cost-effective.
Uncertain and complex systems are difficult to model, because it can be
difficult to make ‘‘black and white’’ statements about a complex system. These
systems are better catered to by fuzzy logic. Bivalent logic may be used to
control uncertain systems, but often at greater cost. There is no syntactic or
semantic interpretation for partially true of partially false values, so the use
of bivalent logic may not yield the results that the control designer wishes to
accomplish. Fuzzy logic can provide for ‘‘gray’’ values.
Basically, fuzzy set theory is a theory of graded concepts, where everything
is a matter of degrees,4 and so fuzzy logic provides the means to model verbal
performance objectives into a controller and to model uncertain systems.5 The
fuzzy system objective is to apply knowledge or expertise to uncertain inputs to
derive a sensible output or better approximation.6



A. Design and Analysis of the Controller

The purpose of the project is to design, simulate, and then implement a
fuzzy logic controller able to input erratic and uncertain data to arrive at a
meaningful interpretation. The controller has to be robust, so as to allow the
processing of any extremely erratic or uncertain input. It is at this point that the
need for fuzzy logic becomes ‘‘visible.’’ A designer facing the task of designing a
controller using conventional digital logic may have to start looking at ways of

sampling these inputs so as to interpret erratic and uncertain input before the
controller performs any stability or decision-making function.
There are several ailments that render people unable to control an electric
wheelchair. Frequently, no two persons with the same disease have the same
tremor. Further, tremors vary depending on the illness and the kind of activity
being performed. Our direction was to explore how far fuzzy logic could go in
helping these unpredictable variations in erratic input.
It became apparent that the wheelchair control system would need to be a
multiple-input]multiple-output controller ŽMIMO.. Little research has been
done with MIMO controllers Ža notable exception is the wingcraft controller
cited by Ying 7 .. Besides following the direction of Ying, we also note the
techniques proposed in the area of fuzzy inputs 8 and noisy inputs as proposed by
Yager and Filev.9
Current wheelchair controllers have a feature that allows delay of the
response time. Using this strategy on a person with severe tremors or limited
arm movement would slow the wheelchair down. In the worst cases the person
would not be able to command the wheelchair at all. The fuzzy logic wheelchair
controller in theory should allow for more flexibility and would allow some
severely disabled persons to gain control of the wheelchair.
Analysis of the problem led to determining formal verbal objectives. These
verbal objectives influenced the rule implementation and the weights assigned to
them. The objectives of the controller comprise the following:
v Select direction with the most number of signals.
v Favor the direction that the wheelchair had been travelling prior to the signal
sampling that is being considered.
v Favor the direction with the largest support from secondary signals.
v Detect and react accordingly to extreme cases to bring the controller back to its
default stability.
v Allow diagonal movement more easily.

Some of the objectives could not be modelled by one rule; they had to be
modelled by a combination of rules. That is, they could be compared to IF

B. The Fuzzy Sets and Rules

The fuzzy sets were more difficult to determine. Two approaches were used
to shape the fuzzy sets, the first of which is presented in Figure 1. In this case,
the sets have been assigned equal importance Ži.e., all of them have the same
chance of influencing the final output given an appropriate signal.. This ap-
proach was used in combination with the center of mass defuzzifier option as it
provides smooth changes in the direction of the wheelchair. The rules collabo-
rate with the decision-making task, while the defuzzifier performs stability
control. This task is also aided by the tremor adjusting rules.
The max method of defuzzification was used with these fuzzy sets. The
changes in speed and direction were smoother using the center of mass method
of defuzzification.

Figure 1. Fuzzy sets of all the signals.

The method used to select the rules consisted of a combination of expert

knowledge, qualitative method, and the deterministic approach. There are no
expert wheelchair controllers for the problem that is being addressed in this
Figure 2 provides a model of the set designed using the expert knowledge
approach. Figure 2Ža. shows the basic distribution of data for front and back set.
Notice that they have inverse line inclination. Figure 2Žb. includes other

Figure 2. Fuzzy sets including more data.


available data to be fuzzified by the rules. Notice that secondary signals have
been included and increase the possible values that the sets can have Žrepre-
sented by the thin dotted line.. Previously travelled directions are also included
in this graph. In this example, the most recent travel direction is ‘‘back’’ as it
represents higher values in the graph Žthick dotted line.. Combination of all
these sets with their corresponding rules produces a fuzzified output that can be
defuzzified using either the max or center of mass method. The center of mass
again provides for smoother changes in direction and speed.
The rules as used in the final controller version are as follows.

v If tremor is more than sentinel, then increase damping factor accordingly.

v When signal considered is larger than adjacent and opposite signals, then cer-
tainty of this direction ;1.
v When signal is larger or equal to adjacent signal, then certainty is ;0.80.
v When secondary signals supporting the primary signal are larger than other
secondary signals, then certainty is ;0.45.
v When secondary signals are larger than opposite signals, then certainty is 1.
v When secondary signals supporting the primary signal are greater than or equal
to other secondary signals, then certainty is ;0.95.
v When secondary signals are greater than or equal to other secondary signals, then
certainty is 0.90.
v This rule comprises four rules that assign weights to the output based on
previously travelled directions. It assigns weights of 1, 0.75, 0.65, and 0.55 to the
four previously travelled directions.

C. The Inference Engine

The inference engine in this controller consists of the use of algorithms that
adjust the membership values of the fuzzified values based on related signals. In
addition, the inference engine performs some stability processing by applying
knowledge of the previously travelled direction. This feature allows for stability
to be implemented at the fuzzification stage of the controller. This allows the
use of the max operator defuzzification approach. This was outperformed only
by the use of the center of area method.

D. The Defuzzifier
There were three methods that we experimented with. The first was the
max operator method, which produced an expected output that conformed to all
of the verbal objectives established earlier. The output was still too rough,
though, producing abrupt changes in direction. The second method, the center
of area, was found to be more appropriate for this controller. It produced
smooth changes of speed and direction.
Calculation of the center of area for a collection of sets such as those in
Figure 3 represents a computationally expensive task. We devised a method
involving the use of a ‘‘sliding window,’’ which isolates the recently used
functions from the rest of the fuzzy membership functions. As depicted in
Figure 3, only the sets currently in the window are used to calculate the output

Figure 3. The sliding window method.

for each of the signals. This reduces the number of equations considered and
greatly simplifies the problem.
The fuzzy sets and rules were first simulated using a simulator built in
Allegro Common Lisp. A custom-built tool was used for these tests, although
many good fuzzy tools since become available. The fuzzy rules were run in the
simulator and the results were used to adjust the rules and weights.
When the simulations showed that the rules were acceptable, the fuzzy
rules were implemented by silicon chips. We used several Yamakawa TG004MC
rule chips, and a Yamakawa TB005PL defuzzifier chip, which were graciously
provided by Professor Takeshi Yamakawa. When the fuzzy logicrdefuzzifier
system was implemented, the entire board was installed into the wheelchair
controller and initial tests were performed within a laboratory setting.

Examination of the required features listed earlier revealed that the best
approach was to use the fuzzy sets described earlier, as they allow the modelling
of fuzzy knowledge into the sets. The use of previous travelled directions weights
provides stability at the rule level. The max operator defuzzifier works well for
people with less severe tremor or limited arm movement. It is not suitable for
people with a severe tremor. The center of mass or area method would be more
appropriate for these cases. The center of area method performs changes in

direction and speed in a smoother manner. The rules designed for the controller
have been tested and they produce the expected results.
Results of our preliminary tests reveal that the fuzzy controller performs
better than its conventional counterpart. Tests of the controller and the rules
revealed that the results are significantly better than those of the controller that
is actually used on wheelchairs currently. Simple hand tremor signals are
virtually ignored in favor of maintaining a straight path for the wheelchair. We
are generally pleased with the results, although some areas, such as response
time and cases of severe hand tremor, still need to be improved.
We have just obtained ethics clearances to perform wheelchair tests with
human subjects and we hope to commence these trials shortly. We anticipate
publishing the results of the human trials in the very near future.

While the controller still has some areas that can be improved upon, such
as response time, the controller has reached a relatively mature state. We feel
that the tests so far, in both the simulations and the prototype, demonstrate a
wheelchair controller capable of performing the objectives outlined earlier in
this article, and this gives us the confidence to proceed with the human trials
next year.
The results revealed that fuzzy logic is the most appropriate approach to
address the problem occupying this project. Work on this project is likely to
continue next year as the results attained this year are quite encouraging.
We have demonstrated that fuzzy logic is the most appropriate approach to
address the problems faced by severely disabled persons when trying to control
an electric wheelchair. We have applied fuzzy logic in a unique way, as there is
little work in the area of design methodologies for multiple-input]multiple-out-
put controllers, such as the one occupying this project.
We have received strong support from organizations that care for the
disabled. Many of the people working with the disabled expressed the view that
there is a need for a better wheelchair controller that would alleviate the
problems faced by severely disabled persons. In addition there is the possibility
of using this controller in the recovery stage of some of the patients.


Artificial neural networks ŽANNs. have the ability to learn the knowledge
acquired from expert and other sources. It is therefore useful to integrate ANNs
and fuzzy logic into a neuro-fuzzy system. In this way, we can automate the
learning and adjusting of a wheelchair control using a model of human reason-
ing. Neuro-fuzzy systems are not new 10,11 and have been used previously in the
design of air conditioners, video cameras, washing machines, and other con-
sumer products. Our intent, however, is to innovate the manner in which
real-time controllers are adjusted and used.

For the wheelchair project specifically, we anticipate building a wheelchair

controller that will ‘‘learn’’ the specific characteristics of its owner; that is, just
exactly how the person indicates a turn or a stop, including any hand tremor or
limitations in arm movement. The neural network will aid in learning the
characteristics of the individual and then will adjust the fuzzy membership
functions to compensate. While some work has been done in the area of
neuro-fuzzy applications, we expect to further this work by designing the neural
network to learn the operating environment of the wheelchair and then influ-
ence the fuzzy rules to reflect current needs.
It is not only the ANN design, but also its performance that play an
important role in the successful implementation of the given task. The objective
of ANN design is to optimize the quality of the design in order to gain optimal
network performance. The type of structure used may perhaps be based on
some knowledge of the problem domain, but it is usually found by trial and
error. The network structure is then trained using a suitable learning algorithm
to generate an optimal set of weights, while the structure is taken for granted or
chosen from a limited domain.
There is much interest expressed in the literature for developing techniques
to generate the ANN structure automatically. We plan to develop an evolution-
ary approach to overcome these limitations for generating a suitable neural
network structure. In order to optimize the quality of the network, the algorithm
must at least be able to change the structure of the network.
We plan to use these evolutionary techniques and ANN training to create
an optimal fuzzy logic controller. A wheelchair user will take the wheelchair
around a set track, which is known to the controller. The ANN, structured with
the help of evolutionary computing techniques, will train the fuzzy logic control
rules to recognize the specific commands of the user. Thus, the controller will
respond to the specific commands of that user. If the controller needs to be
adjusted or updated, a new ‘‘learning’’ session can be performed.
These designs offer not only simplified hardware, but also products that are
inexpensive to run. Our proposed design technique will prove valuable not only
for wheelchair controllers, but also in solving general engineering problems that
involve human control.

This research was supported in part by a project grant from the National Multiple
Sclerosis Society of Australia, and by ongoing support from Rollerchair, Pty Ltd of
Welland, South Australia. The authors extend their sincere appreciation to Professor
Takeshi Yamakawa for facilitating the use of the Yamakawa chips in our implementa-
tions. The authors also thank their students Ibrahim Shafiu, Hsien-Duk Chen, and
Stanley Hsu for assistance in the design and construction of the wheelchair controller.

1. K. Brown, R. Inigo, and B.W. Johnson, ‘‘Design, implementation and testing of an
adaptable optimal controller for an electric wheelchair,’’ Conf. Record IEEE Industry
Appl. Soc. Annual Meeting, San Diego, 1989.
2. L.A. Zadeh, ‘‘Commonsense knowledge representation based on fuzzy logic,’’ IEEE
Computer, 16, 61]65 Ž1983..

3. G. D’Angelo, M. Lo Presti, and G.G. Rizzotto, ‘‘A robust controller for the rotor
speed of a brushless motor,’’ Proc. Third Int. Conf. on Fuzzy Logic, Neural Nets, and
Soft Computing, Iizuka, Japan, August 1994.
4. H.J. Zimmerman, Fuzzy Theory and Its Applications, Kluwer Academic, Norwell, MA,
5. T.H. Ortmeyer, S. Ahmed-Zaid, R. Mukundan, and D. Boutwell, ‘‘A fuzzy velocity
controller for DC Drives,’’ Conf. Record IEEE Industry Appl. Conf., 1993, pp.
6. B. Kosko, Fuzzy Thinking, The New Science of Fuzzy Logic, Hyperion, New York,
7. H. Ying, ‘‘Analytical structure of a two-input two-output fuzzy controller,’’ Proc.
Third Int. Conf. on Industrial Fuzzy Control and Intelligent Systems, IEEE, New York,
1993, pp. 123]127.
8. R. Palm and D. Driankov, Fuzzy Inputs, Siemens AG Corporate Research and
Development Otto-Hahn-Ring 6, IEEE Press, New York, 1994.
9. R. Yager and D. Filev, ‘‘Modelling fuzzy logic controllers having noisy inputs,’’ Proc.
Third IEEE Conf. on Fuzzy Systems, Orlando, Florida, 1994.
10. K. Hirota, ‘‘Survey of industrial applications of fuzzy control in Japan,’’ Proc,
Workshop on Fuzzy Control, Int. Joint Conf. on Artificial Intelligence, Sydney, Aus-
tralia, August 1991.
11. N. Wakami, ‘‘Fuzzy control and neural networks; Applications to consumer products,’’
Proc. Workshop on Fuzzy Control, Int. Joint Conf. on Artificial Intelligence, Sydney,
Australia, August 1991.

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