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12 Oxidation - Reduction

Date Started @January 25, 2021


Unit/Module Chapter 12

Week 1

12 Oxidation & Reduction

- increase in number of C—Z bonds (usually C—O Bonds) or a decrease in number of C—H bonds
- decreasing electron density of carbon when adding more electronegative atom than carbon [O]
- dehydrogenation or removal of hydrogen
- decrease in number of C—Z bonds (usually C—O Bonds) or an increase in number of C—H bonds

- increasing electron density of carbon when adding less electronegative atom than carbon [H]
where Z = element more electronegative than carbon


CH4 can be oxidized by replacing C—H bond with C—O bonds, and so on. Whilst, it can be reduced by replacing C—O bond with C—H bonds.

12 Oxidation - Reduction 1
📌 OXIDATION = adding [O] more electronegative atom than carbon atom / removing of hydrogen
REDUCTION = adding [H] less electronegative atom than carbon atom

Oxidation and Reduction of Hydrocarbons

📌 special case : two atoms are involve in a oxidation or reduction reaction net change in the number of C—H or C—Z bonds at
both atoms must be taken into account: in redox, one reaction cannot proceed without the other.

12 Oxidation - Reduction 2
conversion of alkyne to alkene, and alkene to alkane = REDUCTION, wherein each process adds two new C—H bonds.

there are three types of reduction, differing in how H2 is added.

simplest reducing agent molecular H₂

- carried out in the presence of a metal catalyst, acting as a surface where reaction occurs.
- addition is in a syn fashion

Pd, Pt, Rh, or Ni are absorbed onto a finely divided inert solid, such as charcoal [C]

second way to deliver H2

- adding two protons [2H+] and two electrons [2e-] to a substrate. [H₂ = 2H + 2e]
- uses liquid ammonia (NH3) as source of protons & alkali metals as source of electrons.

third way to deliver the equivalent of two hydrogen atoms

- adding hydride [H-] and a proton [H+]

common reducing agents: contain hydrogen atom bonded to Boron or Aluminum (metal hydride reagents) — delivers hydride
to substrate & then a proton is added from H₂O or an Alcohol.

12 Oxidation - Reduction 3
[NaBH4] - borohydride
[LiAlH4] - lithium aluminum hydride

Issues to be Addressed:

- ability to distinguish a set of reagents' reactivity
- selective reduction of one group in the presence of another
- slecective reaction to one reduction state

- ability of certain reaction to give a specific a stereoisomeric product
- element can distinguish the reactivity

💡 walden process something - S reactant is converted to its counterpart

its reduction forms an alkane by addition of H₂.

- two bonds broken—weak 𝜋 bond of alkene & H₂ σ bond— and C—H σ bonds are formed.
- only occurs in presence of a metal catalyst—catalytic hydrogenation.

hydrogenation catalyst are insoluble → heterogenous reaction mixture. hence, it can be filtered away from other reactants after completing the reaction.

Reduction of Alkene - Hydrogenation and Alkene Stability

Hydrogenation reaction

- exothermic— bonds in the product are stronger than bonds

in the reactants
- 𝚫Hº = heat of hydrogenation— measures relative stability of
two different alkenes that are hydrogenated to same alkane.

→ cis isomer releases more energy than trans isomer of

alkene being hydrogenated which is more stable.

more stable alkene has smaller heat of hydrogenation ( 𝚫Hº )

Reduction of Alkene - Mechanism of Catalytic Hydrogenation

12 Oxidation - Reduction 4
Addition of H₂ to an Alkene—Hydrogenation:
[1] H₂ adsorbs to catalyst surface with partial or complete
cleavage of H—H bond

[2] 𝜋 bond of alkene complexes with metal

[3]-[4] two (2) H atoms are transferred sequentially to 𝜋
bond, to form alkane.
The alkane (product) has no 𝜋 bond complexing with the
metal, it will now be separated/released from the catalyst

- because of fast sequential addition of H₂. this results in syn addition

- less crowded double bonds complex which are readily available to catalyst
surface. results in fast reaction.

Reduction of Alkene - Hydrogenation Data and Degrees of Unsaturation

Degrees of Unsaturation
- total number of rings and 𝜋 bonds in a molecule.
- H₂ adds to 𝜋 bond only, not to C—C σbonds of rings

Hydrogenation Data
- lets us determine how many degrees of unsaturated are dure to 𝜋 bonds and how many are due to rings
- comparing degrees of unsaturation before and after treatment of H₂.

12 Oxidation - Reduction 5
💡 eg.
how many rings and 𝜋 bonds are contained in a compound of molecular formula C₈H₁₂ that is hydrogenated to a compound
of molecular formula C₈H₁₄?

Before addition of H₂:
→ 2n + 2, max number of H possible
2(8) + 2 = 18
→ 18 H's max versus 12 H's actual
18 - 12 = 6 H's fewer than max number
→ number of fewer H than max ÷ 2 H's removed for each degree of unsaturation, degree of unsaturation
6 ÷ 2 = 3 degrees of unsaturation

After addition of H₂:

→ 2n + 2, max number of H possible
2(8) + 2 = 18
→ 18 H's max versus 14 H's actual
18 - 14 = 4 H's fewer than max number
→ number of fewer H than max ÷ 2 H's removed for each degree of unsaturation, degree of unsaturation
4 ÷ 2 = 2 degrees of unsaturation

degrees of unsaturation AFTER addition of H₂ = number of rings

degrees of unsaturation BEFORE - AFTER addition of H₂ = number of 𝜋 bonds

two rings & one 𝜋 bonds

Reduction of Alkene - Hydrogenation of Other Double Bonds

Compounds with Carbonyl Group
- also react with H₂ and a metal catalyst.


aldehydes and ketones -reduced→ 1º and 2º alcohols respectively.

Application: Hydrogenation of Oils

Reduction of Alkynes
Reduction of an alkyne

- adds H₂ to one or both of the 𝜋 bonds

- three deferent ways by which H₂ can be added to a tripple

adding two equivalents (2 eq) of H₂ → alkane

adding one equivalent (1 eq) of H₂ in syn fashion →

cis alkene

12 Oxidation - Reduction 6
adding one equivalent (2 eq) of H₂ in anti fashion →
trans alkene

Reduction of Alkynes - an Alkyne → an Alkane

when treated to two or more equivalents of H₂ and Pd catalyst, alkyne's two 𝜋 bonds are reduced.

four new C—H bonds are formed; and with Pd catalyst reaction cannot be stopped from proceeding to the addition of second equivalent
of H₂
Syn addition of one equivalent of H₂ → cis alkene → addition of second equivalent of H₂ → alkane,

Reduction of Alkynes - an Alkyne → a Cis Alkene

since, Pd metal is too active to allow hydrogenation of alkyne to stop from proceeding to the addition of second equivalent of H₂.
to have a cis alkene, from alkyne and H₂, a less active Pd catalyst is used— Pd is adsorbed onto a CaCO₃ with added lead (II)
acetate and quinoline or the Lindar Catalyst;


Pt or pd

reduction of alkyne to a cis alkene is a stereoselective reaction— only one stereoisomer is formed.

Reduction of Alkynes - an Alkyne → a Trans Alkene

dissolving Metal Reduction

12 Oxidation - Reduction 7
using a (Na in NH₃), H₂ are added in an anti-fashion to alkyne → trans alkene.

Dissolving Metal Reduction of an Alkyne to Tans Alkene

[1] addition of an electron from Na to alkyne → radiral anion— a species with both negative charge& an unpaired electron
[2] protonation pf anion with solven H-NH₂ → radical; net result of [1] & [2] is addition of H atom to alkyne
[3] addition of second electron from Na → vinyl carbanion
[4] protonation of carbanion → trans alkene; net result of [3] & [4] is addition of secon H atom to alkyne

in step [3], two different arrangement is possible, though trans alkene is formed which is more stable vinyl carbanion—with larger R
groups farther away from each other avoiding steric interactions

dissolving metal reductions always form more stable trans product preferentially; and is a stereoselectrive reaction because its
formation of trans product exclusively.

Reduction of Polar C—X σ Bonds

C—X σ Bonds

- react with strong nucleophiles

- reduced with metal hydride reagents(LiAlH₄)

alkyl halides → alkane

epoxides → alcohol

- reduction of these is an example of nulceophilic substitution

Reduction of RX with LiAlH₄ (Sᴺ2 Mechanism)

[1] nucleophile H⁻ replaces the leaving group X⁻ in a single step

12 Oxidation - Reduction 8
unhindered CH₃ and 1º alkyl halides are more easily reduced & in unsymmetrical epoxides, nucleophilic attach of H⁻ occurs at less substitued atom.

reagents with O—O bond: O₂, O₃, H₂O₂, (CH₃)₃COOH (tert-butylhydro peroxide) and peroxyacids.

Peroxyacids' general structure: RCO₃H.

- have more than one more oxygen atom than carboxylic acids (RCO₂H)
- maybe prepared commercialy or syntehsixed.

peroxyacetic acid

meta-chloroperoxybenzoic acid (mCPBA)

reagents with metal—O bonds: contains either Cr in +6 oxidatation state (six Cr—O bonds) or seven Mg—O bonds.

common Cr⁶⁺
- strong oxidants used with a strong aqueous acid like H₂SO₄


K₂Cr₂O₇ or Na₂Cr₂O₇

Pyridium chlorochromate (PCC): can be used with strong acid present, making it a more selective oxidant

common Mn⁷⁺

KMn₄: strong water-soluble oxidant



Oxidation Reaction of Alkenes, Alkynes & Alcohols

12 Oxidation - Reduction 9
- replacing C—H bonds on the carbon bearing the OH groyp by C—O bonds

- addition of single oxygen atom to an alkene → epoxide
- weak 𝜋 bond of alkene is broken → C—O σ bonds
- carried out by peroxyacid → cleavage of weak O—O bond of reagent
- occurs via concerted addition of one oxygen atom of peroxyacid to 𝜋 bond
- resembles formation of bridged halonium ion → two bonds in three membered ring in one step

Epoxidation of an Alkene with Peroxyacid

[1] all bonds are broken and formed in single step. Two epoxide C—O bonsa are formed from one electron pair of 𝜋 bond and one
lone pair of peroxyacid. Weak O—O bond is broken.

12 Oxidation - Reduction 10
Epoxidation: Sterochemistry
- occurs via syn addition of an oxugen atom from either side of planar double bond → C—O bonds formed in same side.
- relative position of substituents in alkene are retained

cis alkene → epoxide with cis substituents

trans alkene → epoxide with trans substituents

- a stereospecific reaction, because cis and trans alkenes yield different stereoisomers as products

📌 an achiral starting material gives achiral or racemic products (enantiomers)

Epoxidation: Synthesis of Dispalure

- sex pheromone of female gypsy moth
[1] formation of two C—C Bonds using acetylide anion (NaNH₄)

[2] reduction of alkyne B → cis alkene

12 Oxidation - Reduction 11
[3] epoxidation of A → dispalure

- addition of two hydroxy groups to a double bond → diol or glycol,
- depending on the reagent two OH may be added in two ways

anti-addition (opposite sides)

syn-addition (same sides)

Anti Dihydroxylation
- treatment with RCO₃H or mCPBA & H₂O (H⁺ or ⁻OH)
- achieved in two steps:

[1] epoxidation of alkene by treatment of RCO₃H or mCPBA

[2] hydrolysis— H₂O (H⁺ or ⁻OH)

12 Oxidation - Reduction 12
addition O atom of alkene (epoxidation) → epoxide → single achiral epoxide

epoxide above the plane → Nu:⁻ attack below the plane

anti-addition of two OG groups to an alkene

Syn Dihydroxylation
- alkene is treated with KMnO₄ or OsO₄ (with NaHSO₃ in hydrolysis)
- reagent adds two Oxygen atoms to same side of double bonds
- hydration of cyclic intermediate cleaves metal-oxygen bonds → cis-1,2-diol
[1] treatment with KMnO₄ or OsO₄
[2] hydrolysis — NaHSO₃ and/or H₂O


- inexpensive & readily available but has limited uses because of its organic insolbulity
- OH⁻ is added in the reaction mixture to keep it basic

- selective oxidant and organic soluble, but it is toxic and expensive
- use fo catalytic amount of it should be carried out, if oxidant NMO is added.

12 Oxidation - Reduction 13
- breaks both σ and 𝜋 bonds of double bonds to form two carbonyl groups
→ yields ketones or aldehyde, depending on the number of R-Groups

- two-step procedure with O₃ (ozone) as oxidant in first step— Ozonolysis

[1] Ozonolysis: treatment of alkene with ozone → molozonide → ozonide

[2] treatment of Zn (in H₂O) or dimethyl sulfide (CH₃SCH₃) → carbonyl compound


- breaks σ and both 𝜋 bond of triple bonds

internal alkynes oxidized → carboxylic acid (RCOOH)

terminal alkyne → carboxylic acids and CO₂ from sp hybrized C—H bond

12 Oxidation - Reduction 14
[1] treatment of alkyne with ozone

[2] cleavage of ozonide with H₂O → carboxylix acids (or with CO₂)

- oxidized to a variety of carbonyl compounds, depends on the type of alcohol and reagent

1° OH → aldehyde or carboxylic acids

- replacement of either one or two C—H binds by C—O bonds

- aldehydes formed with PCC in dichloromethane (mild reaction)
- carboxylic acids formed with CrO₃, NaCr₂O₇ and K₂Cr₂O₇ in presence H₂O
and H₂SO₄ (harsh reaction)

2° OH → ketones
- replacement of the one C—H bon by C—O bond
- effectively oxidized by Cr⁶⁺


- because it does not have H atom on the carbon with OH group

12 Oxidation - Reduction 15
- occur by involving bonding in leaving group Z to oxygen. Elimination with a base → C=O and a metal in a lower oxidation state than Z.
- typically carried out with the Cr⁶⁺ oxidant reduced → Cr³⁺ product

CrO₃, NaCr₂O₇ and K₂Cr₂O₇

- strong, nonselective oxidants used in aqueous acid (sulfuric acid + water)


- more selective & milder oxidant, soluble in dichloromethane and can be used with out strong acid present

Oxidation of Alcohols: 1°
aldehydes formed with PCC in dichloromethane (mild reaction)

carboxylic acids formed with CrO₃, NaCr₂O₇ and K₂Cr₂O₇ in presence H₂O and H₂SO₄ (harsh reaction)

Oxidation of Primary Alcohol to a Carboxylic Acid

[1] primary alcohol is oxidized → aldehyde by three-step sequence

[2] hydration oof C=O in aldehyde → hydrate— compound with two OH groups bonded to same carbon
[3] oxidation of C—H bond of hydrate → chromate ester and loss of proton

12 Oxidation - Reduction 16
Oxidation of Alcohols: 2°
- effectively oxidized by Cr⁶⁺ → ketone

Oxidation of An Alcohol with CrO₃

[1] - [2] Nu:⁻ attack of alcohol on elctrophilic metal → proton transfer → chromate ester
[3] base (water) protonate the ester group → new 𝜋 bond of C=O. Carbon is oxidized

- use of environmentally benign methods to sysnthesize compounds
- purpose: use safer reagent and less solvent, and develop reactions → fewer by-products and generate less wate

- achiral reactant + achiral reagent → achiral product or a racemic mixture of two enantiomers

if a chiral product is desired → half of the product mixture is the desired enantiomer and the other is not.

- enantioselective reaction affords predominantly of exlusively one enantiomer

- reaction convers an achiral starting material → predominantly onen enantiomer —asymmetric reaction
- an asymmetric epoxidation is an enantioselective reaction oxidizes alkenes → epoxides

Sharpless reagent

tert-butyl hyperperoxide (CH₃)₃COOH

12 Oxidation - Reduction 17
titanium catalyst: titanium (IV) isoperoxide Ti[OCH(OCH₃)₂]₄

diethyl tartrate (+ or - DET)

+ DET adds oxygen from above the plane

- DET adds oxygen from below the plane

- identity if the DET isomer determines which enantiomer is the major product

- degree of enantioselectivity of a reaction is measured by its enantiomeric excess (ee)

🧮 enantiomeric excess (ee) = % of one enantiomer - % of the other enantiomer

12 Oxidation - Reduction 18

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