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Ethics in Business

Business ethics analyzes ethical principles as well as moral or ethical issues that arise

in the workplace. Employee and consumer rights should be protected, and all corporate

activities should be fair and reasonable, according to ethical decision-making processes

(Schwartz, 2005). Businesses must step up in today's complex environment, operate with a

positive ethical culture, and understand how to deal with and resolve ethical concerns when

they emerge.

Codes of ethics and conduct will have to be stated by the human resources department

managers for a company to achieve the best possible results. Business success is dependent

on the harmonious collaboration of employees who share the common goal of achieving the

institute's goals before pursuing their interests. Interfering with this established code of

conduct could be detrimental to the organization, so ethics is so important in interpersonal

relationships within the institute. Pritchett stated in “The Ethics of Excellence People who

choose right over wrong 'iffy' are to be commended.”


Schwartz, M. S. (2005). Universal moral values for corporate codes of ethics. Journal of

Business Ethics, 59(1), 27-44.

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