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January 2021- Edition

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International 11
1 Emerging Sino-Persian strategic engagement 12
2 Cold war 2 (US-China conflict) - Implications for Pakistan 16
3 Biden takes the global political centerstage 20

National 23
1 Challenges to national integration in Pakistan 24
2 The shadow of colonial mentality 31
3 Water crisis in Pakistan 34
Essay Special 38
Democarcy in Pakistan: hopes & hurdles 39

CSS Josh Talks 46

CSS journey of Humza Abbas 46

Monthly Press Review 51

Past Paper MCQs Compilation 68
CSS Magazine edition 6

By Sir Zohaib Anjum

Outline of Joint Statement on

Comprehensive Strategic
Partnership between Iran and
The joint statement consists of 20 articles
underlining cooperation in fields like political,
executive, human, cultural, judicial, security,
defense and regional and international domains.
CSS Magazine Edition 6

Political Domain
•Expansion of bilateral relations
•Mechanism of annual meetings between Foreign Ministers
•Inter-governmental relations to exchange experiences and strengthen interactions in all fields
•Enhancement of exchanges and cooperation between both legislatures
•Support for independence, national sovereignty, and territorial integrity. Iran agreed to One-China policy.
Chinese support Iranian “Development Plan” and its increasing role in regional and international affairs.
•Consultations and discussion to conclude a bilateral 25 year Comprehensive Cooperation Agreement

Executive Cooperation Domain

•Iran welcomes BRI
•Cooperation in areas such as fossil fuels, renewable energies, security of demand and supply
•Cooperation in economy, banking, mutual investment, financing, mining, transportation, communications,
space, manufacturing industries, developing of ports, upgrading and expansion of railway networks, express
railway systems, agriculture, water resources, protection of environment, food security, fighting
desertification, water desalination, use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes etc.
•Join cooperation for development through Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank

Human and Cultural Domain

•Upgrading cultural cooperation
•Cooperation in academic and higher education

Judiciary, Security, and Defense Domain

•Judicial cooperation and exchanges
•Recognition of terrorism, extremism and separatism as threats against all humanity and the global peace
and stability
•Fight against illegal border crossing, smuggling and trafficking, cyber-crimes, transnational and organized
•Enhancement of communications and exchanges between armed forces
CSS Magazine Edition 6

Regional and International Domains

•Support for multi-polarization of international system
•Enhancement of consultations within regional and international organizations
•Support for JCPOA

It started in 2016 during Xi’s visit to Iran. Visit culminated with announcement of “Comprehensive Strategic
Partnership” to broaden bilateral ties in multiple arenas of common diplomatic and strategic interests. US
withdrawal from JCPOA and consequent crushing economic sanctions forced Iran to wander in search of a
reliever. Sinic convictions of Chinese Century, “politics of generosity” and compulsive externalities like
“containment of China” and energy securitization made Iran favorite child for Chinese in search of adoption.
As US squeezed its regional presence, China expanded its footprint resulting in the aforesaid partnership.
However, the larger regional equation can be best deciphered if “Comprehensive Strategic Partnership” is
seen in connection with CPEC and Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership.

The agreement includes nearly 100 projects including high-speed railways and 5G telecommunication
networks, free-trade zones and infrastructure projects. It is obvious that with CPEC, string of ports in the
Indian Ocean and this latest agreement, China is yearning to carve its global dominion.

China and Iran are trying to establish bilateral strategic ties including 25 years Comprehensive Cooperation
Agreement. This development will usher into a new era for China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and
Belt and Road Initiative.

Understandably, this cooperation will not be limited to deepening of economic ties as Iran and China are
already extending cooperation in multiple areas like counterterrorism, trafficking, and transnational crime.
Both states share a common regional view under the auspices of Shanghai Cooperation Organization.

China has similar strategic partnership agreement with other regional countries like KSA, UAE and Pakistan.
China is deepening its ties with the Arab World. However, China Iran cooperation will not be well received in
Arab capitals. To balance the regional diplomatic tide would pose a real test for Chinese diplomacy.

China wants to develop a port at Jask that would give it a huge advantage as much of world’s oil passes
through the region. The port is strategically located close to Bahrain where the US Navy’s Fifth Fleet in
headquartered. Moreover, as India stepped back from developing Chahbahar port, Iran started looking for
other investors resulting in increased China Iran cooperation.

Implications for the Region

Sensing Chinese interest, Tehran dropped New Delhi
from a key rail project after Indian showed reluctance in
investing in Iran fearing American sanctions. Growing
tensions between US and China, US China trade war and
border spat between China and India offer a vivid insight
into new geopolitical realignments in the region.

According to a July 11 report by the New York Times, the

not yet finalized agreement between Beijing and Tehran
will see China invest a total of $400bn in banking,
transport and development sectors in Iran. In exchange,
Beijing expects to receive a regular, and heavily
discounted, supply of Iranian oil over the next 25 years.
The deal is part of Chinese President Xi Jinping’s
ambitious Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) that aims to
extend his country’s economic and strategic influence
across Eurasia.

Increasing China Iran ties and expulsion of India from

rail project were closely interpreted by monitors as
interlinked developments. Though Tehran denied that
CSS Magazine Edition 6

Indian removal from Zahedan Chahbahar railway project

was linked with Chinese involvement but many viewed
this development as a major setback to Indian plans to
create an alternative trade route to Afghanistan and
Central Asia bypassing Pakistan.

Falling from the Sky: A Skeptic’s

400 billion dollars is a huge amount that Chinese
announced to invest in Iranian economy. What needs to
be seen is whether Iranian economy has the potential
and wherewithal to absorb such a bulky investment.
Given US sanctions, no Chinese bank or company would
like to invite US wrath. Chinese would opt for safer
options like energy and infrastructure development in
exchange for oil exports form Iran. Chinese blueprint
would be to maximize the exploitation of Iranian petro
reserves. Xi is a craftsman for whom US blunder
(economic sanctions) provide a strategic opportunity. An
isolated Iran would have no viable alternative but to fall
for Sinic lures dragging Iranian economy into a
never-ending debt trap. Though Iranian hostility of US,
its proximity to Persian Gulf and its somewhat moderate
fighting capability might be an area of interest for
Chinese planners but most striking arena of interest
remains Iranian oil reserves. With Iran on its side and a
wary Russia, China would be tempted to drill into OPEC
umbrella with a singularity of purpose-countering US
hegemony over oil politics in the region. Iran and China
would have to plan carefully so that this ambitious
project does not fall apart.
Cold War 2
(US – China
Conflict) –
for Pakistan
By Shafaq Sajjad
On August 5 2020, Foreign Minister of China,
Wang Yi, while giving interview to a Chinese news
agency said, “China never intends to and will
never interfere in US elections or other US
internal affairs. Likewise, the US must abandon its
fantasy of remodelling China to US needs.” Now
that Chinese economy has grown by leaps and
bounds as compared to 30 years ago, China has
abandoned its policy of ‘non-confrontation’ – it is
now responding vigorously to every step taken by
the United States (US). On the other hand, the US
is struggling to keep the American Dream alive
that has been receiving internal hits in the form
of poor policies by Trump administration as well
as external attacks in the shape of China’s
increasing global influence.
CSS Magazine Edition 6

The Onset of Cold War 2: US-China

Conflict during Trump
Sino-American relations saw a decline during the
presidency of Donald Trump in political and
economic domain. It was Trump’s 2017 National
Security Strategy document that, perhaps for the
first time, clubbed China along with Russia as a
challenge to American power, influence and
interests. The trade war between the two countries
intensified in 2018 when President Trump began
setting trade barriers and tariffs on China.
According to the perspective adapted by the US, the
goal of these tariffs was to force China to make
changes to "unfair trade practices" and intellectual
property theft. Consequently, the trade war
negatively impacted the economies of both
countries. In the US, it has led to higher prices for
consumers and financial difficulties for farmers. As
someone rightly remarked,
“American Dream is made in China”

In China, the trade war contributed to a slowdown

in the rate of economic and industrial output
growth. After two years of participating in full effect
trade war, the US and China signed “Phase One
Deal” in Januray 2020 covering intellectual property,
technology transfer, trade in food and agriculture
products, financial services, macroeconomic
policies and currency, expanding trade, and dispute
resolution. As part of the deal, China has agreed to
increase its purchases of US goods and services by
at least $200 billion over the next two years
compared to 2017 imports. For its part, the United
States will trim some tariffs but maintain them on
$360 billion worth of Chinese imports.
CSS Magazine Edition 6

Response of both countries to the ongoing pandemic is also an indication of the new emerging world order.
In May 2020, the White House released a report titled as “United States Strategic Approach to the People’s
Republic of China,” whereby the Trump administration detailed its future approach to China. The 16 page
long document demonstrates that independent of the nature of the COVID-19 outbreak, the tension between
the US and China will continue to exist in the coming years. While President Trump called Corona virus as
the ‘Wuhan Virus’ and rescinded funding for World Health Organization (WHO), China developed a soft
image in the global community by providing medical aid in terms of doctors and medical equipment. After an
analysis of the response of both countries to the pandemic, House Democrats, a Congressional Committee,
published a report labelling Trump’s response to the pandemic a ‘failure’.

Implications for Pakistan

1. Economic, Geostrategic, and Foreign Policy Considerations
US-China cold war will force Pakistan to negotiate the strategic interests of the two competing superpow-
ers, becoming a front-line state in the persisting conflict. How Pakistan plays its cards in this game will
determine the future of its economy, foreign policy, and democracy. The US is Pakistan’s largest export
destination, but China is Pakistan’s largest foreign investor. Thus, Pakistan is in troubled waters because the
two economic giants will emerge in this cold war, one led by the capitalist USA, and the other by communist
China. It will be hard for Pakistan to pick a side navigating its landscape because there will be no easy

2. US-China Trade War and BRI

After China launched its “Belt and Road Initiative” (BRI), the strategic rivalry between the two states reached
its zenith, as this project directly affected the US primacy in the region. The US strongly opposed Islamabad’s
relations Beijing, especially implementation of CPEC as part of the BRI since this would neutralize American
attempts to contain China. Resultantly, Washington is trying to undermine CPEC through multilateral
financial institutions, supporting Indian claims that CPEC passes through ‘disputed territory’ and encourag-
ing opposition to CPEC within Pakistan. However, the pursuit of hard power competition between the two
will adversely affect Chinese economy along with its partners. Therefore, the stability of Sino-US relation-
ship appears to be critical for BRI’s long term success.

3. India, Pakistan and Kashmir

America has made a strategic calculation to support India’s rise as a regional hegemon as an effort to
counterbalance China. This will create a complex yet interesting dynamic where Pakistan and China stand on
CSS Magazine Edition 6

one side on issues like Kashmir, while the US and India stand on the other side. In this situation, Pakistan
should pursue political, economic and security engagements with China, Bangladesh and Iran. Moreover,
Pakistan should broaden its relations with Russia as well. Conflict prevention seems to be the best strategy
for Pakistan to adapt in the foreseeable future.

Trump’s slogan ‘Make America Great Again’ clearly acknowledged that the US has lost its supreme global
position. As a result, the US started a trade war with the fast emerging economy, China, as an effort to regain
its lost glory. But, now China is not only strongly retaliating but has also started challenging the US and its
allies. The strategic partnership under BRI with Iran is the best manifestation of Chinese new approach in
global geopolitics. Keeping in view the regional effects of increasing tensions between the two superpowers,
Pakistan should identify a middle ground where it can protect economic, strategic, and security interests of
the country.
Biden takes
the Global
By Mariam Khan
The oldest president in the history of the United
States of America will take up the job in the most
important office of the world. Joseph R. Biden Jr.,
will be inaugurated as the 46th President of the
U.S on January 20, 2021.
CSS Magazine Edition 6

The U.S. elections of 2020 were the most important in modern history; however, it will be the annals of
history which will tell if the elections were a turning point in world affairs.

The President-elect is a globalist. He has spent more than four decades in public life, first as as a senator, and
later as the Vice President in the Obama administration. Biden’s formal initiation into politics was in 1972
when he was elected to the U.S. Senate. What he brings to the presidency is his time-tested experience
which gives him an edge over the frail state of affairs of the country he is to govern after the Trumpian era of
chaotic governance.

A Biden presidency will shift gears to multilateralism and diplomacy be it U.S.’ return to the Paris Agreement
of 2015 of the Iran Nuclear Deal, President-elect Biden will aim to fix the pieces of an international puzzle
that muzzled in the era of the 45th President.

Europe ¬– Mending ways with an old ally

The President-elect will work on recuperating lost ties in the
European subcontinent which once was a major U.S. ally, but
due to Donald J. Trump’s divisive policies, a chasm was
created, which Biden has on his agenda; after all he is all for
transatlantic alliance. The North Atlantic Treaty
Organization (NATO) Summit in Brussels, to be held this
year, will be an event to look forward to for Biden to test the
diplomatic waters, mending ways with an old friend.

Reentering the Iran Nuclear Deal

A major feat of the Obama administration, of which Biden
was the steering wheel, was the Joint Comprehensive Plan of
Action or commonly known as the Iran Nuclear Deal, which
was left by the U.S. under Trump in 2018. As per the
framework of the deal, Iran was given relief from sanctions
imposed by the U.S. and its allies prior to 2015, provided Iran
would downgrade its nuclear program as quid pro quo.
However, tying a diplomatic knot with the Shia-majority
bloc, will create a stir in the Middle East, especially in the
House of Saud. Iran would not simply get its way until it
complies with the scale de-escalation of its nuclear program,
until which the sanctions would not be lifted.
CSS Magazine Edition 6

Russia – Foes of Yore

With Russia being the archrival, Biden, being the maker of treaties will extend an olive branch to it after, all
the President-elect will choose to work closely with Putin’s Russia, and work towards extending the New
Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START) of 2010 which expires in mid of February 2021. As per START, both
the countries are to freeze all their respective nuclear warheads, so signatories of the treaty need to comply
with its terms and conditions. With a month of him taking the role of President, Biden should take this as
one of his first mega assignments.

China – Keeping the Asian Giant in check

The trade wars that escalated during the Trump regime led to U.S.-China relations at the lowest ebb. Came
Covid-19 and Trump blamed China for the outbreak of the pandemic, while China blamed the U.S. military
for the pandemic. Biden, when it comes to the U.S. foreign policy with China, will not waver much from
Trump’s doctrine, however his moves will be far more predictable, unlike those of the current President’s.
The allies of the former capitalistic bloc have their eyes on the new order of the world – one where Biden is
driven by the wheels of multilateralism or dictated by competition and thus minimizing cooperation between
the leading economies of the world. How Biden leaves an imprint on U.S.-China relationship will unfold in
the coming months with shades of diplomacy dotted with shades of ‘America First’.

Strengthening International Organizations

Under Trump, the U.S. focus was more on gains made locally rather than those made by a unipolar power.
Once the champion of globalization, the U.S. in the past four years left marks around the world of its
unilateralist approach. Biden, apart from reentering the 2015 deals of mitigating climate change and scaling
down of uranium enrichment by Iran, focus on the World Health Organization (WHO) and its role in
controlling the worst pandemic of our lifetimes, and the role played by WHO.

Middle East – Treading the precarious route

Befriending a Shia-regime or romanticizing with the authoritarian regimes of the Middle East will dictate
Biden’s path in the tenure of his presidency. Breaking ties with Iran will please the autocrats of the Arab
world, however it may lead to Iran managing its own nuclear weapon which will create murky waters for
Israel, an ally of the U.S., and now the UAE too, will further complicate the situation of an already war-torn
region. A balancing act by Biden is the need of the hour, and the world powers have their eyes glued to the
President-elect’s moves in the volatile region.

Biden – Restoring the Unipolar world order or traversing to the old

multipolar world?
A humanitarian at heart and a statesman at par, President-elect Joe Biden has multiple challenges lying bare,
staring point blank in the eye, waiting to be resolved. Come January 20 2021 and the world will see if the next
four years under the Democrat Biden will change the course of history under the leadership of a political
changemaker, leading the world by example with U.S. at the helm of global power and politics, or will it be a
century of a new emerging power, across the seven seas? The countdown has begun. Is it the dawn of a new
world order or will regional powers surface across continents, creating imbalance in the affairs of the world?
Only time will tell.
CSS Magazine edition 6

Challenges to
Integration In
By Urooj Fatima
On August 5 2020, Foreign Minister of China,
Wang Yi, while giving interview to a Chinese news
agency said, “China never intends to and will
never interfere in US elections or other US
internal affairs. Likewise, the US must abandon its
fantasy of remodelling China to US needs.” Now
that Chinese economy has grown by leaps and
bounds as compared to 30 years ago, China has
abandoned its policy of ‘non-confrontation’ – it is
now responding vigorously to every step taken by
the United States (US). On the other hand, the US
is struggling to keep the American Dream alive
that has been receiving internal hits in the form
of poor policies by Trump administration as well
as external attacks in the shape of China’s
increasing global influence.
CSS Magazine Edition 6

On 9th of January, the aggrieved Hazara community finally laid their dead to rest. With broken hearts and
tears in their eyes, they had questions on their lips. Questions that they had been asking for more than two
decades and yet they haven't received any answers. Saeed Muhammad Raza, Leader of a local political party
said," For 22 years, [our demands] are the same: that our killers are arrested, that their facilitators are
arrested and those who lead them be arrested. It is not so difficult to understand this. "The community is
demanding for the resignation of the Chief minister of Balochistan, expressing their complete mistrust in the
provincial government and calling for the Prime Minister to come and listen to their plight himself. The
Hazara community is not the only community who's feeling so estranged and alienated from the rest of the
country; left alone to defend themselves. Other sectarian, religious and ethnic communities are also feeling
as they have been left behind; an outcast. And the echelons of power are working only to protect and serve
privileged few.

This feeling of alienation and deprivation by various sects and groups in the country is quite the opposite to
the dream of a united and strong Pakistan as envisaged by our Quaid. He categorically stated that, "We are
now all Pakistanis, not Balochis, Pathans, Sandhis, Bengalis, Punjabis and so on and as Pakistanis we must
feel, behave and act, and we should be proud to be known as Pakistanis and nothing else. "By declaring all
the people of Pakistan as the citizens of the state of Pakistan he integrated, the whole nation into one larger
whole. People with common traditions, values, customs and objectives of shared national development form
a nation. Integration is the process, under which all state institutions provide uniform and equal attention to
the residents of the state, irrespective of their race, creed, religion and origin. In view of S.N. Panda,
“National integration is a psychological phenomenon, a feeling of oneness that raises above all narrow
and divisive tendencies and makes for genuine patriotism and progress". And this mindset enables nations
to achieve those marvels that a single individual cannot even imagine. The creation of Pakistan was itself
such a marvel, achieved with sheer sacrifice and united effort.
CSS Magazine Edition 6

But soon after its creation it fell prey to rapacious vultures. The religion, language and a separate identity,
which were the main factors that stirred the creation of Pakistan, became the seeds of discord within
Pakistan later. The military-bureaucratic monopoly of the West disgruntled the educated middle-class
Bengali youth. The average pay gap in West to East was 100:60 rupees. Bengalis were proud of their
language, which was looked down upon by the West. Finally, the financial and cultural exploitation of the
East Pakistan led to the secession of the East wing. But perhaps the successive holders of the public offices
didn't learn the lesson, since the right grievances of other aggrieved factions are dealt in the same fashion.
The sense of deprivation and exploitations must end or, God forbid, the old wound might start to fester.

The matter that deserves government's utmost attention is the unrest in Balochistan. Balochistan is the key
to a prosperous Pakistan in future due to its potential to become an international energy corridor and transit
route for trade and commerce. Over the years, the deprivation amongst Balochis has caused a number of
uprisings against the federal government. According to Voice for Baloch Missing Persons (VBMP), a human
rights organisation, more than 6,000 people are still missing from Balochistan. Since 2009, 1,400 people who
were abducted, have been found dead; their bodies riddled with bullets and drill holes, or bearing signs of
torture and mutilation. The growing resentment among the local population calls for greater control over its
own resources, more autonomy, role in mega projects, issues of outside settlers, missing persons and

Although the role of foreign hands in exacerbating the situation is incontrovertible, the successive
governments have also failed to tackle the matter rationally. Recently, Pakistan exposed the India's role
behind terrorist attacks in Pakistan and RAW's involvement in Baloch insurgency. But innocent people of
Balochistan are die hard patriotic Pakistanis and had suffered greatly at the hands of foreign proxies and the
indifference of political elite. The killing of ethnic Hazara community is another worrisome trouble. The
National Commission on Human Rights estimates that more than 2,000 Hazaras have been killed in targeted
attacks since 2004. Many believe that the persecution of Hazara community is not a religious/sectarian
issue, there is something else behind the killing of this community. According to Hazara community
members, one of the reasons for their persecution could be associated with the socio-economic prosperity
which they enjoy. Moreover, the recent rise in militant attacks is considered to be another futile effort by
India to destabilize Pakistan but also indicates that the monster of terrorism is not fully defanged.
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Very similar grievances are shared by other groups who claim to be economically and politically exploited
and being deliberately left out of the mainstream. The underprivileged parts of Sindh and Southern Punjab
also want to be given fairer share. The facts also support their claim that this is indeed a fair demand. UN
claims that 75% of the population in rural areas of Sindh is now living in abject poverty. The ubiquitous
shortage of food in Thar speaks itself the neglect it has suffered at the hands of ruling elite.

Karachi, the economic hub of Pakistan, the city of lights, now often presents the view of a muddy pond with
every rainy season. Moreover, Southern Punjab is another sample of continuous neglect. A comparison of the
two parts of Punjab gives a starker picture, clearly elucidating the problem and, possibly, the solution too.
The economic, health and education facilities provided to the Southern Punjab are abysmal.

A comparison of economic development:
A comparison of number of primary schools:

A comparison of number of primary schools:

Another willful wastage of national potential is deliberate suppression of women from joining the
mainstream. They are pushed aside and are forbidden to share their talent and skills with their fellow
countrymen. the current female population in Pakistan is 49.20% of the total. And among these, only around
25% of women with a university degree in Pakistan are working. According to a 2018 survey, Thirty-two
percent of primary school age girls are out of school in Pakistan, compared to 21 percent of boys. By grade
six, 59 percent of girls are out of school, versus 49 percent of boys. The Global Gender Gap Index report of
2020 ranked Pakistan 151 out of the total 153 countries. So, we are wasting a huge national potential that
would be otherwise contributing, who knows what marvels to this country's progress.

After looking at these facts and figures, one might wonder what went wrong? Where the nation tripped, and
some parts were left behind in the race? For women exploitation, patriarchal mindset is to be blamed. But for
the rest, calling the ruling elites as 'the traitors' or 'Indian agents' is not the reasonable rationale. Several
errors of omission and commission led to this. Undeniably, bad governance should be the first one to blame.
The brinkmanship policy adopted by the power elites while dealing with frustrated masses further fanned the
outrage. The ambitious efforts by the power elite to bring national unity boomerangs at times. And ironically
as Ankita Sahoo said, ''We try hard for national integration but what actually happens is national
CSS Magazine Edition 6

How state's high handedness in addressing the just grievances of its people can worsen the feeling of
alienation and exploitation felt by the people, is summarized below:
CSS Magazine Edition 6

Another threat to national integration of Pakistan is the blood game played by hostile foreign hands. Recently,
Pakistan's intelligence agencies, spectacularly, provided irrefutable evidence to the world, of India's despica-
ble attempts to sabotage peace in Pakistan. Pakistan fully exposed Indian financing in separatist militant and
terrorist attacks in this country.

Moreover, the sectarian rifts present in multi-cultural, multi-ethnic, multi-linguistic and multi-religious
Pakistani society provides the hotspots for tempering peace to the hostile agents. To a larger extent, the
clergy deserves the blame. Some clerics, for their own interests or perhaps to get attention, exploit the
fault-lines in various sects in the country. Several times in the past, religious zealots have brought the
successive governments to the knees. The minorities in Pakistan have suffered a lot at the hands of these
bigoted clerics.

Therefore, the first step towards securing national integration is the addressal of aforementioned issues.
Above all, the state must act impartially towards all of its citizens and everyone should be given a fair share in
national development, irrespective of caste, color, gender, religion or ethnicity. The people of Balochistan,
rural Sindh, Southern Punjab and other underprivileged areas of the country must be brought into main-
stream, given more incentives and special packages should be allotted to them. Several bills and laws have
been approved but not applied in true letter and spirit. The matter of enforced disappearances must be
solved immediately. The providence of speedy justice to all, would create a sense of trust and cohesion
between the state and the masses. Strict laws must be implemented to stop religiously stirred violence. No
one should be spared if they become the agent of sabotage in the country. Respectable religious leaders and
clerics must come forward and play their part. This country was built in the name of Islam, the same should
not be made the reason for its fall. If our inner ranks would be fortified, no enemy would be able to break
through us. But the secret of success and survival lies in the unity. This nation can achieve its glory and
hallmark in the nations of the world, if it stands together, with complete imperviousness to all bigoted rifts.
And then in the words of Hellen Keller, ''Alone we can do so little; together we do so much."
The Shadow
of Colonial
By Abdul Rehman
Our country’s social fabric is being frayed by a
myriad of socioeconomic ills. A key reason that
accounts for the sorry state of affairs is the
country’s deplorable failure to break the shackles
of the colonial mindset, inherited at the time of
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Colonial mentality represents the attitude of ethnic and cultural inferiority with the belief that the cultural
values of the coloniser are inherently superior to one’s own. It is a matter of fact that Pakistan has been
under the influence of the colonial mindset since its independence. It is unfathomable to assess the extent of
social, cultural, political and economic damage that this mindset has inflicted over the years upon the land of
artisans and poets.

The detrimental effects of colonial mentality are manifest on social, political and administrative sectors of
our society, for example, the divide and rule policy, forcefully enforced by the British, undoubtedly,
continues to haunt the cause of our national integration. We, as a nation, are still fighting on the fault lines of
sectarianism, language, regionalism and caste system.

Similarly, one of the principal reasons for the backwardness of our country represents the culture of
corruption that continues to plague the foundations of our society.

The country ranks 120th out of 180 countries in the Corruption Perception Index (CPI) report 2020 released
by Transparency International, which quite aptly paints the dismal picture of the current status quo.

The genesis of these deeply entrenched and pervasive corrupt practices can rightly be ascribed to the
colonial bequest, which has stemmed into the politicisation of institutions, a dilapidated civil services
structure, which is eroded by administrative red-tapism and compliance to colonial rules and procedures.

Likewise, the begging bowl syndrome that plagues Pakistan at large is, indeed, a colonial legacy. Through the
lens of history, for strengthening their rule, the imperialists used to dole out loans to those who were ready
to staunchly support their cause in their established colonies. Unfortunately, in the present day, the
proclivity of our governing elite and policymakers to rely on foreign aid, as a means to deal with the
country’s economic troubles represents yet another facet of colonial mentality. The leaders resort to the
reactionary measure of requesting economic assistance rather than implementing structural reforms to
meaningfully improve the general economy. Earlier, the money was contributed with certain preconditions,
but cards seem to have reversed since the dawn of the twenty-first century as foreign aid is now disbursed
in the form of interest-bearing loans that are to be repaid by aid recipient country within stipulated
timelines. According to several credible estimates, Pakistan received foreign financial support amounting to
$78.3 billion (from 1948-2016) from the US and £665 million (from 2009-2013) from the UK. This is
problematic since it has trapped Pakistan in the vicious cycle of outstanding debt. The significant
expenditure of the federal government currently accounts for debt servicing payments it has to make for
loans amassed from various sources.

The fragmented state of human development reflects how the country is still suffering in the grips of the
colonial legacy. The imperialists allocated a substantial chunk of the budget on maintaining law and order.
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This involved massive spending on military affairs while a very meagre amount on the social development of
the masses. There is no denying the fact that Pakistan remains a security state and needs to invest
frequently in defending its borders. However, extremely little spending on health and education are manifest
in Pakistan’s poor rank on human development indicators. Pakistan ranks 152nd out of 189 countries with a
score of 0.560, which is significantly lower than other South Asian counterparts. It is ranked in the lowest
percentile among the five countries as per Governance Indicators published by the World Bank. Pakistan
spends barely around two per cent of its GDP on education and almost one per cent on health. This is
invariably in stark contrast to a staggering 20 per cent of GDP spending on the defence budget. At an
individual level, the obsession with foreign goods, culture and western capitalistic model is another fallout of
the colonial mentality. Feudalism, another key factor for backwardness lays its origins during the British rule
when vast swathes of land were gifted to a few people who showcased their passionate loyalty with the
colonialists. These landlords consider political rule their birthright, consequently, a sheer number of local
inhabitants in rural areas still spend their lives in the serfdom of these feudalists who continue to contravene
upon their due economic, social and political rights. The military-bureaucracy dominance, outdated and
non-inclusive taxation system, extractive institutions, linguistic rifts and provincial discord coupled with
judiciary and police service based on outdated laws prove to impede our national progress. The culture of
elite corps amongst civil administrators, the supremacy of the English language, rampant corruption,
feudalism, growing poverty, and human rights abuses collectively contribute towards the backwardness of
our nation.

There are other decolonised nations, scores of them who overcame the colonial mindset and progressed by
leaps and bounds. Therefore, we require some critical reforms in academic, administrative, civil services,
judicial, political and social sectors to get rid of the colonial mindset and start treading towards sustainable
development. Although we have come a long way since our independence, we are confronting the direct
consequences of colonial mentality that continue to hamper the sociopolitical and economic progress of the
country. Assuming office, the current government was optimistic about its plans for reforming the judiciary,
institutional independence and the civil services for the dispensation of justice and accountability direly
needed to rid the country from the ramifications of colonialism. It is undoubtedly high time that the
democratic leadership of Pakistan should come out of “tall claims” and “hollow promises” and progressively
introduce the much-needed reforms in the greater national interest.

The writer is a qualified chartered accountant and a specialist in global democratic affairs, education, economy,
taxation, and governance based in Lahore, Pakistan. He has extensive research and hands-on experience in the public
sector and can be reached out at arsyed09 He tweets @SyedAbd90588948.
Water Crisis
in Pakistan
By Dawood Khan Tareen
Traditionally nomads settle in a place for a short
period on the river shores. So the dwellers have
easy access to water. That’s why it is appropriate
to consider water as blue gold. No water means
no life and vice versa. It is an indispensable
necessity of life as air is. Pakistan has been
declared a water-stressed country in 1990 and a
water-scarce country in 2005. The need of the
hour is to handle the sensitive and alarming
situation. Although, the competent authorities
have been highlighting the importance. However,
much more is needed and expected before the
hazard is converted into a disaster.
CSS Magazine Edition 6

Pakistan is declared as the 3rd most-affected country

with inadequate resources of water and storage and
poor arrangement of the already available sources.
Almost 60% of water is collected from the monsoon
rains. Similarly, the rainwater is also stored in the
winter season in some regions of the country. Notably,
three quarter’s area of the country receives less than
250mm of rainfall per year. Likewise, Pakistan has the
capacity of storing water for 30 days only. This is 900
days in the USA and 300 days in India. Although, the
country receives 145MAF (Million Acre Feet) water, yet
only 13.7MAF is being safely stored. All the remaining
quantity goes wasted.

According to a report in 2016, the surface water

availability per capita is 1000 cubic meters.
Comparatively, this availability was 5260 cubic meters
in 1951. Over time the water demand did increase due
to population growth but the supply remains constant
and has decreased in several regions too. For a long
Pakistan has been relying on Tarbela and Mangla
Dams only. Unfortunately, the two mentioned sources
of storing water have reached their dead levels.
Likewise, the winters have shrunk from four to
months resulting in a decrease of rainfall.

Moving ahead, Pakistan has glaciers more than any

country in the world. However, due to the smaller
number of storage points, freshwater usually enters
the sea being unused. It is a world known-fact that
freshwater quantity is almost 3% only despite the
reason that water covers 70% of the earth in the form
of oceans. The temperature increase due to air
pollution and excessive use of industrial chemicals
have exacerbated the alarming crisis. The
extraordinary glaciers melting further intensifies the
issue. Recently, the contributions of snowmelt and
glaciers have been 35 to 40% and 30% respectively in
CSS Magazine Edition 6

the freshwater. The abrupt increase not only alarms floods but also decreases the availability of freshwater
resources in the years to come.

Furthermore, the Indus water basin is the biggest water body flowing across different parts of the provinces
in the country. The basin is not only filled by the snow melting and glaciers but the contribution of other
small tributaries is equally significant. Few water channels add water to these bodies. However, it is highly
unfortunate to lose 40% of this water due to seepage loss. Such losses will prove to be catastrophic soon. On
the other hand, due to reduced storage capacity figures of dams and increasing quantity of dumping garbage
into the river bodies further escalates the numbers. Impurity of water bodies has been high in the industrial
cities e.g. Faisalabad and Lahore.

Now, this impurity of water lessens the availability of fresh water that is fit to drink. As a result, the effects of
impure water on health are even more dangerous. This contribution can be well understood by knowing the
facts and figures. In this regard, 30% of diseases are water-borne because of the impure constituents.
Moreover, according to the news report, 40% of deaths occur due to the aforementioned reason. The
rural-urban divide is another vivid instance i.e. 70% of people dwelling in the rural areas are deprived of clean

To know more, a hydrographic survey in 2015 states that the storage capacity of Tarbela dam has declined by
30% and it will continue going down in the upcoming years. Since Pakistan is an agrarian country, so 70% of
the population is involved in agriculture directly or indirectly. However, the contribution of this population
accounts for 26% of GDP. One another considerable aspect is the lack of biological waste treatment facilities.
Apart from Karachi and Islamabad, no city has this facility.

Besides the cited aspects of water scarcity in the country, one of the main obstacles in ameliorating water
needs has been the country’s political environment. An example shall elucidate the point. In 2003 the
president urged on the constitution of Kalabagh dam, yet again the political resistance from the provinces
stopped the progress and has been in static condition since then. Along with that, solar tube wells are
provided to the citizens in some parts of the Baluchistan Province. This may fulfill the needs for the time
being. But the results will be disastrous shortly. Not only the water table has lowered in those parts due to
the excessive installation of the tube wells but the research reports depict the lowering down of the earth
level in meters in such regions. This will affect the already constructed structure and will compel the locals
upon migration if mitigated improperly. (The graph below shows groundwater extraction in Pakistan)
CSS Magazine Edition 6

Notwithstanding, what has happened has happened. Now the only way to show wisdom is the application and
practice of the best available options. The scarcity has to be encountered at any cost. Below are some
remedial measures.

First of all, the freshwater wasted needs to be curbed. To clarify the statements, awareness programs shall be
conducted by the governments. The citizens in general and the public in specific shall stick to and practice all
the measures taught to them.

Secondly, the farmers shall be educated about the new irrigation techniques and the latest technologies that
counter the loss of water. E.g. dripping system of water ought to be introduced. New ways of watering
agricultural land shall be practiced by the farmers to produce a greater amount of product.

Another option to retard water loss is the construction of large dams. Fortunately, the incumbent
government has already initiated the step. In the same way, more dams need to be constructed well before
time. Another good step taken i.e. according to NWP (National Water Policy) 2018, is 10% of the national
public sector developing program will be reserved for water infrastructure. Indeed, it will prove to be a
positive indicator in the year to come.

The sum and substance of the above analysis is that being aware of all the aspects causing water crisis in
Pakistan, every single citizen shall play a part by avoiding useless waste of water e.g. Turn off the water tap,
while brushing teeth, when not in use. The government shall take all necessary steps and measures to
minimize the scarcity and provide the people at least reasonable access to water i.e. production of 20-liter
water per person per day within 1km. Should the people and departments fail in the initial phase, the
situation will be more perplexed and terrifying in the years to come
CSS Magazine edition 6

Essay Special
Democracy in
Hopes and
By Malik Bedar Bakht
“Democracy is the worst form of government
except for all the others that have been tried.”
Winston Churchill
CSS Magazine Edition 6


Although democracy in Pakistan faces certain hurdles; however, some bright rays of hope are also
discernable on the national horizon.

2.What is democracy?
a.Principles of democracy.
b.Status of democracy in Pakistan.

3.What are the hurdles for democracy in Pakistan?

a.Power asymmetry between political and military institutions.
b.Feudalistic, elite dominated, clientelist political order.
c.Low literacy rate of 57%.
d.Disrespect of parliamentary norms by parliamentarians.
e.Polarized politics; political and social polarization.
f.Judicial activism undermining publicly elected institutions.
g.Lack of institutional reforms; little checks and balances on executive, NAB reforms.
h.Poor internal democracy of political parties.

4.What are the hopes for democracy in Pakistan?

a.Constitutional protection for democratic system; passage of 18th amendment
b.Devolution of power to provinces; NFC award.
c.Improving democratic ethos; longest uninterrupted period of democracy.
d.Public sentiment against military coups in the world; Turkey.
e.Emergence of new political parties and politicization of youth.
f.Emerging middle class, 40% of Pakistan’s population is middle-class.
g.Emergence of media as 4th pillar of state.
h.Provisional status of a province being considered for Gilgit Baltistan.

5.Way forward: What practical steps should be taken to strengthen democracy in Pakistan?
a.Local governments should be empowered; logical conclusion of power devolution.
b.Provinces should have their own constitutions for their empowerment; like in USA.
c.Bicameral legislature in provinces for their empowerment; like in USA.
d.New provinces should be created to promote inclusivity.

Despite numerous challenges, democracy in Pakistan is showing promise; the practical measures mentioned
above will go a long way to help democracy succeed in Pakistan.
CSS Magazine Edition 6

Democracy has proven to be the most successful

model of political organization in the history of
mankind according to the political scientist, Francis
Fukuyama. In Pakistan, however, democracy has not
been allowed to take root for several reasons including
prolonged periods of military rule. To this day,
Pakistan continues to face a plethora of hurdles to its
democratic system including civil-military relations
and elite dominated political order. On the other hand,
some bright rays of hope for democracy are visible in
the shape of passage of 18th amendment, the currently
ongoing longest uninterrupted period of democracy,
and emergence of media as the 4th pillar of state.
Moreover, in order to strengthen democracy in
Pakistan, some pragmatic measures, like
empowerment of local government bodies and
creation of new provinces, need to be taken. Although
democracy in Pakistan faces certain hurdles; however,
some bright rays of hope are also discernable on the
national horizon.

In order to understand the hopes and hurdles of

democracy in Pakistan, it is important to understand
the principles that characterize democracy.
Democracy is characterized by principles such as
written constitution, presence of multiple political
parties, constitutional protection of fundamental
rights, free media, rule of law, independence of
judiciary, vigilance, educated citizenry, spirit of
toleration, removal of gross inequalities, and
protection of minority rights. These are the principles
which are generally present in a successful democratic
nation. Therefore, if a nation has it, then it can be said
to be democratic.

Now analyzing the status of democracy in Pakistan

based on these principles, we can safely say that
democracy is in a poor health in Pakistan on at least
on some indicators. This is because the electronic
media is often censored in Pakistan in the form of
blackouts, newspapers are prevented from publishing
content against the ruling parties. Also, gross
inequalities are present in our society with a large
portion of population living below the poverty line.
Moreover, rule of law is completely absent. It takes
generations for people to get justice. The police force
is characterized by corruption and nepotism as well.
Furthermore, the accountability system is
dysfunctional with political victimization all too
prevalent in the name of accountability. Also, the level
of education in the populace is abysmally low. Hence,
the status of democracy in Pakistan is in poor health.

Having shed light on the poor status of democracy in

Pakistan, it is imperative to have a look at the hurdles
to a successful democratic system in Pakistan. Firstly,
there is power imbalance between political and
non-political institutions. This is because since its
inception Pakistan has been a security conscious
CSS Magazine Edition 6

state, not least because of a hostile neighbor in the shape of India. This has led to overdependence on
military which is an organized and disciplined institution. Throughout Pakistan’s history, a vacuum has been
created either because of absence of able leadership in the initial years after the death of Quaid or constant
infighting between the political parties. This vacuum created the pre-requisites for the all-powerful military
in Pakistan to intervene in politics throughout its history. On the other hand, the political institutions and
political parties are ill-disciplined and there is constant infighting between them to this day. Hence, the
power asymmetry between political and military institutions is one of the hurdles to democracy in Pakistan.

Secondly, the feudalistic, elite dominated and clientelist political order is another hurdle for democracy in
Pakistan. Most of the parliamentarians in parliament belong either to elite industrialist or feudal families. On
the other hand, majority of the population in Pakistan is middle-class. This non-representation of population
in the parliament is erosive of democracy. Also, these parliamentarians have their beneficiary networks of
political contacts who get benefited in the shape of government jobs and welfare programs. As a result, the
poor population is largely excluded from the political setup. Therefore, feudalistic, elite dominated political
order is a hurdle for democracy in Pakistan.

Thirdly, low literacy rate of 57% in Pakistan is another major hurdle for democracy. This is because the
uneducated population is unaware of their fundamental rights which democracy is supposed to protect. Also,
uneducated population is unable to be vigilant and is unable to hold the government accountable. They are
often misled by false promises of local feudal lords and are unaware how their power of vote should be rightly
used. Moreover, they are unaware of the parameters on which they should hold their leaders accountable.
Consequently, Pakistan’s low literacy rate as compared to its neighbors is a hurdle for democracy.

Fourthly, disrespect of parliamentary norms by parliamentarians is yet another hurdle for democracy in
Pakistan. The attendance of parliamentarians in parliament frequently falls below 25%. This is significantly
low when we compared with developed democratic countries. When parliamentarians disrespect the
parliament, a message is sent to the general populace as well as other powerful institutions that
democratically elected institutions should be held in low regard. As a result, this creates greater space for
military and judicial spheres to interfere in the democratic setup. Hence, the disrespect of parliamentary
norms by parliamentarians is a significant hurdle for democracy in Pakistan.

Fifthly, polarized politics is another important hurdle for democracy in Pakistan. Currently, Pakistan’s society
is highly polarized both politically and socially. This is largely because of the divisive rhetoric of the major
political parties. War of words between the members of government and that of opposition is a common
occurrence in Pakistan. Also, there is no consensus on major issues between the parties as was evident in the
case of covid-19 pandemic. The divisive rhetoric of the leaders on both sides of the fence, in turn divides their
voter base as well, leading to social polarization. As a result, the spirit of tolerance is eroding in the society.
As was witnessed in the case of Chile in the 1970s, this polarization creates space for non-democratic actors
and becomes the breeding ground for military coups. Therefore, polarized politics is a hurdle for democracy
in Pakistan.

Sixthly, judicial activism in Pakistan is another significant hurdle for democracy in Pakistan. In Pakistan,
unlike USA, there is no check on the powers of judiciary. The members of superior judiciary are appointed by
Judicial Commission which is largely comprised of judges as well. Also, the removal of judges of supreme
court is done by Supreme Judicial Council which is also comprised of judges. As a result, the judiciary in
Pakistan can do whatever it pleases in the form of Suo moto actions and can interfere with the domain of
democratically elected institutions like the parliament and prime minister, which undermines democracy.
Hence, judicial activism is a major hurdle for democracy in Pakistan.

Seventhly, lack of much needed institutional reforms is yet another hurdle for democracy in Pakistan. In the
true spirit of representative democracy, the parliament should be supreme in Pakistan. However, we see that
it has limited powers. For example, the budget approved by parliament can be significantly changed by the
executive (Prime Minister), which is not the case in western democracies like the USA. Also, there is no check
on the international treaties signed by the executive, unlike in USA where senate ratifies every international
treaty done by the President. Moreover, NAB – the accountability watchdog – is in need of reforms as well. As
accountability is one of the major pillars of democracy, NAB should be reformed in a way that it should be
seen as doing across the board accountability. Also, it should have a sufficient cause for arrest rather than
doing the arrests arbitrarily. Thus, lack of institutional reforms, particularly of parliament and NAB, are a
hurdle for democracy in Pakistan.
CSS Magazine Edition 6

Eighthly, poor internal democracy of political parties is another hurdle to democracy in Pakistan. Before the
2018 elections, the major political parties did conduct internal elections. However, these elections were
merely a formality and the same party stalwarts got important positions as they were before the intra-party
elections. This is detrimental to democracy because it sends the message that democracy is merely a formali-
ty and you have to get to power by whatever means possible. This further removes public trust in democratic
process and democratic institutions which is a hurdle for democracy in Pakistan.

Having expounded on the hurdles faced by democracy in Pakistan, it is imperative to look at the hopes for
democracy in Pakistan. Thankfully, all is not doom and gloom and there are some bright signs discernable on
the horizon which are positive for democracy.

Firstly, constitutional protection of the democratic system is the most important hope for democracy in
Pakistan. Previously, the notorious article 58 2 (b) allowed the president to dissolve assemblies arbitrarily.
This undermined the democratically elected institutions. However, the passage of 18th amendment in 2010,
took this power away from the president. As a result, there is greater stability in the democratic process and
the confidence of public in the democratic institutions is getting restored as well. Consequently, the passage
of 18th amendment provides protection to democratic system and is a hope for democracy.

Secondly, devolution of power to provinces is another hope for democracy in Pakistan. Democracy thrives on
inclusivity and devolution of power, where no one feels left out or marginalized. The 18th amendment includ-
ed NFC award which increased the share of provinces in the federal divisible pool from 47.5% to 57.5%. This
empowers provinces which is beneficial for democracy. Also, more legislative powers were given to provinces
in the 18th amendment, and the subjects of health and education came under their domain. Hence, the
devolution of power to provinces is second most important hope for democracy.

Thirdly, improving democratic ethos in Pakistan are another hope for democracy. Pakistan entered its longest
period of continuous democracy in 2017, in its entire history. This shows that all the stakeholders, including
the politicians, military and the general public are embracing the democratic ethos. This provides strength to
democracy because democratic culture is vital for democracy to thrive. And merely the democratic process,
characterized by holding elections is not sufficient. Therefore, improving democratic ethos is another hope
for democracy in Pakistan.

Fourthly, public sentiment against military coups in the world is yet another hope for democracy. This was
evidenced in the failed military coup in Turkey in 2016. Previously, for example, in the 1980s, Turkish military
had been successfully able to subvert the democratic process and implement military rule. However, the
CSS Magazine Edition 6

present global climate in the support of democracy has changed the perception of military coups. World has
seen the fate of military leaders like Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin bringing destruction for their countries. On
the other hand, the success of democracies like USA and UK is there for all to see as well. As a result, this
global sentiment against military coups is a hinderance to military coups in Pakistan as well because the
military feels that the public will come out in support of its democratic leaders in Pakistan as it did in Turkey.
Thus, global sentiment against military coups is a hope for democracy in Pakistan.

Fifthly, emergence of new political parties and politicization of youth is another hope for democracy. As
discussed in the principles of democracy above, the presence of multiple political parties is a characteristic
of successful democracy. The rise of a third political party in Pakistan also reduces the chances of Pakistan
becoming a one-party communist state like in China. Also, the youth, which comprises 60% of Pakistani
population has become politicized. This means that the elected representatives will be representatives of a
larger section of population, which is supportive of democratic ethos. Hence, emergence of new political
parties and politicization of youth is a hope for democracy.

Sixthly, another hope for democracy is the emergence of middle class. Due to rural-urban migration, a large
proportion of Pakistani population is becoming part of the middle-class. Currently, it comprises 40% of the
Pakistani population. This urban middle class is usually educated, and becomes part of the civil society and
media. Also, they are more vigilant in terms of how the country is being governed. Therefore, the emergence
of middleclass is a hope for democracy in Pakistan.

Seventhly, another important hope for democracy in Pakistan is the emergence of media as the 4th pillar of
state. Usually, there are three pillars of state, the executive (Prime Minister in Pakistan), the legislative
(National Assembly and Senate) and Judiciary. But the emergence of media since the 2000s has led to greater
accountability for politicians, civil servants and the military. The 24-hour running tv channels of Pakistan are
able to report every misgiving of the government. As a result, an informed citizenry is created which is in line
with democracy. As the saying goes, “Democracy dies in darkness”. Thus, the emergence of media as the 4th
pillar of state is a hope for democracy.

Eighthly, likelihood of giving provisional provincial status to Gilgit Baltistan is another hope for democracy in
Pakistan. This is because, geopolitics aside, it is a sign that new provinces can be created in Pakistan through
constitutional means. And the neglected communities of Pakistan can be empowered through the democrat-
ic process. Gilgit Baltistan has long remain neglected in Pakistan so consideration of giving it a provisional
provincial status is a hope for democracy.

Having expounded on the hopes and hurdles for democracy in Pakistan, it is imperative to see what are the
practical steps which can be taken by Pakistan so that its democracy can be strengthened.

Firstly, the most important step to strengthen democracy is that local governments should be empowered in
Pakistan. After the 18th amendment, the subject of local government falls under the domain of provincial
governments. However, provincial governments are not keen to strengthen these local bodies because they
can be used as patronage networks of central government, therefore undermining provincial governments, as
has been done in the past in the Musharraf and Zia era. Nevertheless, local government bodies are a logical
conclusion of devolution of power in a democracy and should be empowered. They bring tremendous bene-
fits like greater accountability, political participation of neglected areas, and so on. Thus, local government
bodies should be empowered to strengthen democracy in Pakistan.

Secondly, another practical step to strengthen democracy in Pakistan is that provinces should have their own
constitutions. In Pakistan, no provincial constitutions are present, in contrast with USA where all the 50
states have their own constitutions. The benefit of a provincial constitution is that it empowers the province
to have its own code of conduct in dealing with matters. It prevents the power from being concentrated in
the central government which is against democratic norms. Thus, provincial constitutions should be enacted
to strengthen democracy in Pakistan.

Thirdly, yet another step to strengthen democracy in Pakistan is the creation of bicameral legislature in
provinces. In Pakistan, the provinces are unicameral, in contrast with USA, where all the states are bicameral.
The benefit of a bicameral legislature is that just like the upper house of the national legislature gives the
provinces greater say in the running of the country, similarly, an upper house in the province gives greater
say to different districts and divisions in the running of the province. This ensures that marginalized areas
CSS Magazine Edition 6

are given representation in a democracy. Hence, bicameral legislature should be created in provinces to
strengthen democracy in Pakistan.

Fourthly, new provinces should be created to further strengthen democracy in Pakistan. This is because
creation of new provinces allows the underdeveloped areas to get developed. In Pakistan, the areas like South
Punjab, Interior Sindh and Hazara have historically been underdeveloped. Giving them provincial status and
increasing their development would promote a feeling of inclusivity and a greater number of people will get
their fundamental rights in Pakistan. Therefore, creation of new provinces should be done to strengthen
democracy in Pakistan.

Summing it all up, there are countless challenges to democracy in Pakistan. But despite these challenges,
democracy in Pakistan is showing some ominous signs. It is high time, that practical steps specified above
should be taken so that democracy is strengthened in Pakistan.



Hamza Abbas

CSS 2019
Keys to

Hello CSS Aspirants,

Today, I'll be talking to you
about a few things one should
have in mind while going for the
Civil Services Examination. I'll
only be emphasizing upon two
things which, in my humble
point of view, are probably the
most important things with
regards to civil service
I. Clear Mindset:
One should be very clear as to why he
or she is going for this examination
because considering its nature and
taking into account how strenuous it is,
it becomes very difficult to cope up
with the pressure that this particular
examination entails. In order to
overcome this particular pressure, it is
important that you have the right
approach and that right approach will
never be possible unless you're not
clear headed. If you are not clear about
your goals and what do you want to
achieve through civil services, acing this
examination is going to be a very big
task for you. I'll give you my example.
I was working at WWF Pakistan as a
research officer in a very reputable
department. After having worked there
for some TIME, I realized that wherever
this organization takes me in the near
future, I will probably never be satisfied
and I had my reasons. Understanding
that this is not exactly what I want and
there is something else that attracts me,
that is still vacant and that has to be
filled, this realization in itself propelled
me to prepare for civil services
examination during the course of my
job. So, I hope I have made myself clear
when it comes to why it is important to
have a clear mind.
II. Know your strengths and
Now moving forward to the second point that I really wanted to emphasize upon is
related to the strategy one should be having for this examination. It basically relates to
your strengths and weaknesses. It is more of a principle of knowing yourself. Once you
know why you want to go for CSS, it is important that you evaluate your own self and
determine what your strengths and weaknesses are. Once you are aware of your
strengths, trust me you'll be able to maneuver them in the right manner; once you are
aware of your weaknesses, only then you'll be able to work upon them. If you are
ignorant about your strengths or weaknesses, you're not giving it your best and you're
not at your best. This evaluation will definitely help you secure good marks in the
examination. I've seen a lot of people who have a sea of knowledge but they, for some
reason, are unable to excel in this examination and in the same manner, I've seen
people who have considerably less knowledge but they still succeed in this
examination. Thus, knowledge is not the only criterion; there are other criteria as well
and those criteria are very subjective in nature. They have to fit with your strengths and
weaknesses. I'll give you my example again. I knew that one of my weaknesses was that
I probably did not have the right amount of knowledge set since I was also doing a full
time job. I knew this was my weakness; I worked upon it. At the same time, I knew my
strength and my strength was that I was able to jot down my thoughts in a very logical
and chronological manner. My arguments were really strong and it was something that
was going to distinguish me and it did. In the same manner, I knew my weakness. I knew
that my handwriting was very poor and if I don't work upon improving my handwriting
then no matter how good I am at devising arguments, they're not going to mean
anything. I literally had to put in consecutive two to three months to improve my
handwriting and that I did. I made it legible enough for the examiner to understand and
until I was successful. So, these are my two cents when it comes to Civil Service
Examination. First, you should be very clear headed as to why you want to go for CSS
and secondly, you should be well aware about your strengths and weaknesses. I hope
that this particular talk helps all of you and gives you a perspective as to what you
should be expecting from the examination and how you should be preparing for it. Best
of luck!
"You are THE GREATEST PROJECT, you will ever work on"
CSS Magazine edition 6

Press Review
CSS Magazine Edition 5

Monthly been largely absent in the

deliberations that led to the
the reality. The Gulf states did not
press India or China to pick a side

Press Review
settlement at Al-Ula, but both and nor did the Asian powers offer
sides adopted positions that in to do so – which demonstrated
practice accommodated Saudi their importance to each other.

China and Arabia and the UAE during the

past three and a half years. This practical consideration was
India’s Stakes evident even as the circumstances

in the Qatar If there is an achievement, it lies

in India’s and China’s ability to
changed within the region. As
established trade routes and ties
Conflict ride the waves generated by the were closed to Qatar, it searched
crisis. Initially, the dispute looked out alternative partners, including
Both India and China welcomed as if it could not have come at a Turkey and Iran, while also
the outcome of last week’s Gulf worse time for both the Indian investing in domestic production.
Cooperation Council (GCC) and Chinese governments. For Meanwhile, Indian and Chinese
summit, where Saudi Arabia, the one, the region was – and remains firms continued to operate on
UAE, and Bahrain promised to end – a key source of oil and gas for both sides and remittances from
their diplomatic and economic the two countries. For another, Indian workers continued to flow
blockade of Qatar and Qatar the nature of economic exchange back home.
agreed to drop pending lawsuits and interaction between them and
against them. the Gulf had been progressively Yet even as Indian and Chinese
growing. political and business leaders
The reopening of borders in the adjusted to the changes taking
Gulf may result in a resurgence in During the year before the place within the Gulf, there was
intra-regional trade, investment, rupture, the Chinese government another implicit shift between the
and connectivity. Indian and had set out a more active strategy region and the Asian powers: one
Chinese business may similarly in the region. In 2016 it published in which the China and India
benefit from that development an Arab policy paper. It had also prioritized Saudi Arabia and the
and prompt political leaders to restarted negotiations on a free UAE over Qatar.
congratulate themselves for not trade agreement with the GCC,
having taken sides in public when which Beijing believed it was close The reasons for doing so made
the conflict first erupted back in to achieving only a month before practical sense. Politically and
June 2017. the dispute began. economically, Saudi Arabia and
the UAE were – and are – far more
China’s government may also see Like China, India was also important in the region than
the dispute’s resolution as pursuing a more active regional Qatar. Economically, the two Gulf
vindication for its approach role. After becoming prime states figure among both India’s
toward conflict management, in minister in 2014, Narendra Modi and China’s largest trading
particular that of “peace through had begun to recalibrate India’s partners. At the same time, the
development.” For the Chinese foreign policy and pursue greater changes imposed on Qatar meant
this entails political mediation political and economic ties with that it could not afford to lose
that is linked to economic the Gulf. The dispute not only partners like India and China.
development and connectivity presented a challenge to that
through infrastructure projects effort, but also raised fears in the Despite this, Qatar fared relatively
associated with its Belt and Road government for the 6.5 million less well than its rivals. While
Initiative. strong Indian diaspora in Saudi China’s total trade with Qatar
Arabia, the UAE, and Qatar. doubled between 2016 and 2019,
However, Indian and Chinese its investments in the country
leaders would be advised to Although both the Indian and were more modest in 2017-19.
contain the self-congratulation. Chinese governments expressed They totaled $900 million
Not only has Chinese involvement concern, those fears outweighed compared to $12.55 billion in Saudi
CSS Magazine Edition 5

Arabia and $20.35 billion in the policymakers will remain. But development according to
UAE. Meanwhile, India’s total whereas the conflict exposed predictable lines. A statement by
trade with Qatar fell by 39 percent them, its resolution should Secretary of State Mike Pompeo
during the 2014-19, which was obscure them again. That should on January 9 noted: “Iran’s threat
more than the 27 percent fall in therefore enable the growing goes much further than violating
total trade with Saudi Arabia. connectivity between the Gulf
Trade with the UAE, meanwhile, states and the Asian powers to the JCPOA. Iran has a legal treaty
increased 12 percent in the same continue on its present trajectory. obligation to allow IAEA inspector
period. Yet even as this happens, they will access pursuant to Iran’s
likely continue to keep a wary eye NPT-required safeguards
The disparity between the Saudis on the Gulf, especially the agreement. Violating those
and the UAE on one side and differences between the Saudis obligations would thus go beyond
Qatar on the other was also and the UAE over how fast to Iran’s past actions inconsistent
evident in the nature of the Gulf reconcile, with the latter being with its JCPOA nuclear
states’ political cooperation with less enthusiastic. commitments.”
India and China as well. By 2018
China had established Published in The Diplomat On January 4, Iran had resumed
comprehensive strategic enrichment of uranium to 20
partnerships with Saudi Arabia percent in its Fordow nuclear
and the UAE – the highest form of Iran Toughens facility, a significant intermediate
engagement it can offer another
country. In contrast, China’s Rhetoric as step toward obtaining
weapons-grade uranium.
relationship with Qatar was only a Biden Looks to Commenting on this development,

strategic partnership, which it Pompeo’s January 9 statement
had agreed in 2014 and showed no exclaimed: “The world’s top
interest in upgrading when Sheikh
Tamim Al Thani visited Beijing in
Nuclear Talks sponsor of terrorism should not
be allowed to enrich uranium at
2019. any level.”
In the run up to what will
certainly be renegotiation around
India has similarly expansive Iran seized a South Korean tanker
its nuclear ambitions and
arrangements with Saudi Arabia on January 4 on, ostensibly,
sanctions with a new U.S.
and the UAE. It established a environmental grounds. South
administration come January 20,
Strategic Partnership Council Korea’s Vice Foreign Minister Choi
Iran continues to play hardball.
with Riyadh and has also sought Jong-kun arrived in Iran on
Reuters reported on January 9
to cultivate closer security ties January 10 to secure its release.
that according to Ahmad
with the two. In recent years that According to Iranian state
Amirabadi Farahani, an Iranian
has been expressed in its efforts television as quoted by the South
member of parliament, the
to bring Riyadh and Abu Dhabi China Morning Post, Iran’s Deputy
country will expel International
onboard in India’s rivalry with Foreign Minister Abbas Araqchi
Atomic Energy Agency inspectors
Pakistan. That has included told Choi that South Korea
if sanctions against it are not
gaining their acquiescence in 2019 “should refrain from politicising
lifted by February 21, in
to the constitutional changes the issue and fruitless propaganda
accordance with a law passed by
made regarding the status of the and allow the legal proceedings to
Iran’s parliament in December.
disputed Jammu and Kashmir proceed.”
region and in last month’s visit by
The Trump administration, whose
the Indian army chief to both The acting U.S. Secretary of
decision to walk out of the Joint
countries. Defense Chris Miller announced
Comprehensive Plan of Action
on January 4 that the aircraft
(JCPOA) in 2018 has led to a
Looking ahead, the imbalance carrier USS Nimitz will continue
reignition of Iran’s nuclear
between the Gulf states in the to be deployed in the western
ambitions and rise in Iran-U.S.
eyes of Indian and Chinese Indian Ocean “due to the recent
tensions, reacted to this
CSS Magazine Edition 5

threats issued by Iranian leaders concerns people have had with consulted.
against President Trump and the agreement,” Burns said.
other U.S. government officials.” Why did the farm laws trigger a
The Nimitz was scheduled to Published in The Diplomat major protest movement?
return state side after a 10-month Modi pushed three major farm
deployment in the area. reform bills through Parliament in

The incoming Biden Why did the what the government said was an
effort to regularize the country’s
administration is looking to Supreme Court farming industry by removing

stay the laws

reenter the JCPOA. According to taxes and other financial burdens
Jake Sullivan, Biden’s choice for on farmers. But like many of
the position of national security
advisor, “if Iran is prepared to
now? Modi’s major projects, the farm
bills were passed without input
return to compliance with the from key farming groups or
Iran nuclear deal…then the United In a setback to Prime Minister agricultural unions.
States is prepared to return to Narendra Modi’s agenda on
compliance with its obligations Tuesday, India’s Supreme Court According to farmers, the laws
under the Iran nuclear deal…and suspended the implementation of represent a unilateral attempt to
then would work intensively on the controversial agricultural laws open up the agricultural
follow on agreements to address a passed last year that pushed industry—which employs about
range of different issues related to hundreds of millions of farmers to half of the entire Indian
Iran’s nuclear program, including go on strike—in some senses, the workforce—to private interests,
timelines, and including other largest protest in India’s history, while removing the few legal
questions.” and perhaps the world’s. “The protections keeping many farmers
[government of] India has to take afloat. The legislation makes no
Sullivan and then-Deputy the responsibility,” the court said mention of the minimum support
Secretary of State William Burns – on Tuesday. “The laws have price, a financial safety net for
who earlier today was nominated resulted in a strike and now you farmers that guarantees a set
by Biden to serve as the director have to solve the strike.” payment for key crops even if the
of Central Intelligence Agency – market takes a hit.
had served as a back channel in For India’s farmers, the Supreme
negotiations with Iran in the lead Court move doesn’t go far Protesters began gathering in
up to the JCPOA. In a March 2019 enough—they had been calling for New Delhi last August, even
interview to Foreign Policy, Burns a full repeal of the new farm before the farm bills became law
suggested that a new laws—making it likely that tens of the following month. Tens of
administration coming in this year thousands will continue their thousands of farmers joined from
will have to find a way to re-enter protests, choking traffic and around the country, and the
the JCPOA, albeit in a way that business around the capital New protests reached a peak on Nov.
assuages criticism of the deal. Delhi. 26, when an estimated 250 million
people participated in a 24-hour
“If you had a circumstance where Economists have long agreed that strike against the reforms—likely
you had a new administration and India’s agriculture sector needed the biggest protest in world
you don’t have any big escalation reform: Farmlands are mostly history.
in the meantime, the controlled by small families and
comprehensive agreement is still lack efficiencies of scale, and Farmers have continued to gather
hanging out there—supported to middlemen often bloat supply in New Delhi and other cities,
the extent they can by the chains and suck up profits. But sometimes cutting off major
Europeans and others—then the Modi’s market-friendly laws hit an transport routes with their
challenge would be to renew our obstacle when farmers—the very caravans and temporary camps to
participation in the agreement people who should benefit from disrupt normal business and spur
and then address some of the the new rules—said they weren’t governmental action.
CSS Magazine Edition 5

There are a couple of reasons that Is it all for show? Dubai’s Burj Khalifa. In the Middle
India’s Supreme Court may have East, banal tourism of this sort has
chosen to act to suspend the farm As part of its ruling, the Supreme geopolitical weight. It is just one
laws now. Court ordered the creation of a expression of the deep diplomatic
four-person committee to take impact of the normalization deal
Fears are growing that the largely into account farmers’ grievances between the United Arab Emirates
peaceful protests could turn and make recommendations. But and Israel signed this past
violent or lead to illness amid the protest leaders were quick to September.
Indian winter and the coronavirus condemn the picks as
pandemic. “We don’t want any pro-government, saying that they The Abraham Accords were a
injuries or blood on our hands,” wouldn’t accept the committee’s high-level diplomatic
Chief Justice Sharad Arvind Bobde recommendations. agreement—but they were far
said during the hearings this more than that. They marked a
week. Dozens of deaths have been After suffering from declining shift in national allegiances.
reported during the protests, profits and worsening working Israelis and Emiratis are not just
including at least five farmers who conditions for years, some wary partners; they are
died by suicide and others who protesters say they worry that increasingly close allies. Israel has
succumbed to health issues. neither Modi nor the Supreme previously found ways to coexist
Court will fulfill their promises if with Arab regimes. This time, it
Moreover, public health experts the demonstration disbands may have found a genuine friend.
worry that the massive gatherings before any legislative actions are
make social distancing and good final. Per the court’s decision, the The Abraham Accords mark the
sanitation nearly impossible, committee has up to two months most holistic agreement Israel has
increasing the chance that the to submit its recommendations ever inked with an Islamic
protests become superspreader after their first meeting date— a country. The long-standing deals
events. India is besieged by the much longer wait than many with Jordan and Egypt, signed in
coronavirus, with 10 million farmers wanted. the 1970s and 1990s, were
Indians infected and 150,000 motivated by the need to keep
dead—most experts believe the For now, protest leaders say they peace on two of the world’s most
real number of people infected to are in it for the long haul. contentious borders—and to
be orders of magnitude greater. secure a pecuniary relationship
with the United States. “That was
Published in The Foreign Policy
Another reason the court may a very cold peace,” said Sami
have taken action now is out of Nader, a Middle East analyst. “This
concern that other groups with
political motives could co-opt the
Israel and the deal, however, is transformative.”
It includes agreements to
demonstrations. Attorney General Emirates Are cooperate on tourism and
K. K. Venugopal petitioned the
court to put a stop to the protests the Middle research and development to
combat the pandemic—and it
on the grounds that the Khalistan East’s New implies deeper cooperation still

Best Friends
movement, a Sikh separatist group on other issues.
that Modi’s government has
previously branded as “terrorists,” The transformation has come at a
had infiltrated the movement. The scenes since September 2020 cost to the Palestinians.
have been scarcely believable. Previously, most Arab nations
Officials are particularly Tens of thousands of Israelis have subscribed to the principles of the
concerned about demonstrations been thronging the malls and Arab peace initiative first agreed
planned on Jan. 26 for Republic beaches of Abu Dhabi and Dubai; upon in 2002 and last reendorsed
Day—a national holiday that Emiratis have posed for selfies in in 2017, which stipulated that
protest leaders have been Jerusalem; Israeli DJs are mixing normalization with Israel would
preparing for since last year. music for crowds of revelers at only occur if and when it
CSS Magazine Edition 5

retreated from the occupied cause had long set in across the Former rebels and aid workers in
territories and an independent region. But the UAE was also Quneitra in southern Syria, on the
Palestinian state with East pursuing its own regional border with Israel, attest that the
Jerusalem as its capital was ambitions. Both Israel and the UAE may have acted in support of
established. UAE feel strongly that they face a Israeli interests during one stage
military threat from Iran. Over the of the Syrian civil war. Abu Marya,
The UAE reneged on this last decade, Iran expanded its a rebel fighter from Quneitra,
commitment. By signing the influence from Tehran through received military training in
accords, it opened up to Israel Iraq and Syria all the way to Jordan at a Military Operations
merely on the assurance that Lebanon. Iran’s proxy Hezbollah Center run by the United States,
Israel would stop encroaching any already control south Lebanon the United Kingdom, the UAE, and
further into Palestinian lands. and during the Syrian war has also Saudi Arabia. “We had two tasks:
Israel has subsequently clarified dug its heels in southern Syria. push out the jihadists and spread
that annexation has just been Emirati Crown Prince Mohammed a good word about Israel,” he
suspended, not stopped entirely. bin Zayed, widely perceived as the Foreign Policy. “The UAE used to
architect of the deal, may have instruct the leaders of the factions
The significance of the UAE’s also been motivated by a belief in the south to always praise Israel
agreement to these terms reached that a closer relationship with in front of the civilians.”
beyond the text itself. It gave an Israel would serve to deepen his
excuse for three other country’s future ties with the Ahmad, an activist with the White
countries—Bahrain, Sudan, and United States—especially if Helmets, the volunteer civil
Morocco—to mend fences with domestic Islamists ever stage an defense force in Syria, who spoke
Israel in the following weeks. Arab Spring-style uprising against on the condition of anonymity,
Speculation is now rife that the his monarchy. was also trained in Jordan by the
UAE might also be working to Mayday Rescue Foundation as a
convince Syria’s Bashar al-Assad By taking the initiative on first-aid worker. His job included
to sign a peace treaty with Israel. diplomatic outreach to Israel, the transporting the severely injured
UAE has also improved its to the gates at the Israeli border,
The Syrian regime, which claims international reputation relative where he often witnessed injured
to oppose Israel along with Iran, to the more hesitant Saudi rebel fighters from groups such as
has conspicuously shied from government, which has still not the non-jihadi, Islamist Alwiya
strongly condemning the deal. signed any such peace agreement. al-Furqan cross over to Israel for
Instead, a video clip has circulated “The UAE is now a regional health treatment. “The members
online of a member of the Baath peacemaker. It is standing taller in of this group, and of other groups
Party, Mahdi Dakhlallah, the world than it did before the in Quneitra, were supported by
advocating for Syria to also sign a deal,” said Abdulkhaleq Abdulla, an Israel and also by the UAE,” he
peace agreement with its enemy. Emirati political analyst. said. “The UAE provided
Bassam Barabandi, a former “Everyone in the West, humanitarian aid to the same
Syrian diplomat stationed at Washington, Paris, Berlin, all are groups that were supported by
Syria’s embassy in the United happy with the UAE, and we are in Israel from across the border.
States in 2011 and currently living the driver’s seat.” Nothing happens by coincidence
there in exile, said Dakhlallah’s in that region.”
video clip was a few years old but The deal merely formalized an
it was deliberately recirculated by already extensive relationship “There were others too who sent
regime supporters in the between UAE and Israel. The two aid, but in the villages near the
aftermath of the Abraham countries had already been border the aid was
Accords. cooperating for a decade on overwhelmingly from the UAE,”
foreign-policy initiatives. That Ahmad said.
There are many reasons fueling cooperation seems to have also
the UAE’s rapprochement with included an Emirati effort in Syria. Mesnaya, an aid worker with a
Israel. Fatigue with the Palestinian local nongovernmental
CSS Magazine Edition 5

organizations called South Relief

and Development, showed videos America’s one knows for sure whether
Sputnik V or the vaccines that
of aid packages arriving in trucks Vaccine Sinopharm and Sinovac have

Diplomacy Is
branded with the Emirati flags developed are effective, or their
and said that field workers were adverse effects, but for China and
ordered to prioritize the provision
AWOL in the Russia those issues may be beside

Middle East
of aid to groups such as Alwiya the point.
al-Furqan. “We were asked to
prioritize distribution of medical It is possible to read too much
and food aid to families of fighters into these shifts. The novel
In the last few years, Egypt has
of Alwiya al-Furqan and others coronavirus has brought countries
spent more money on Russian
who were openly supported by to their knees, though the Middle
defense equipment than it has
Israel,” she said. “All the aid in our East has fared better than most
since the early 1970s. Cairo has
villages was from the UAE.” people initially believed. And some
also forged a substantial economic
Elizabeth Tsurkov, a fellow at the leaders in the region may be
relationship with Beijing. In 2017,
Center for Global Policy in calculating that less expensive
Turkey purchased Russia’s S-400
Washington, D.C., said that Alwiya vaccines produced in both Russia
air defense system and has
al-Furqan was indeed one of the and China are better than
expanded its commercial and
groups supported by Israel, nothing, even if the scientific data
diplomatic relations with China.
though she cautioned that it was is far from complete. Still, it is
Saudi Arabia and the United Arab
possible that aid from Israel and hardly a stretch to see how
Emirates rolled out their red
the UAE ended up with the same receptivity to the Sputnik V and
carpets in 2019 for Vladimir Putin,
communities because of local Chinese-made vaccines among
while in 2018 Chinese President Xi
factors, rather than government U.S. friends in the region connects
Jinping spent three days in the
coordination. to the broader changes underway
in the regional order.
Turning Syria into an Israeli ally, if
Everyone in Washington who is
that is indeed UAE’s current A short tour through the Middle
paying attention knows that
undertaking, will be a Sisyphean East will bring the extent of
America’s partners in the Middle
task. But the UAE’s deal with Israel vaccine diplomacy into sharp
East have been dallying with its
has already clarified the direction relief. In late December, Egypt
rivals. Beijing and Moscow have
in which the region’s most active began vaccinating health care
been investing, selling weaponry,
foreign-policy actors are workers with a Sinopharm
and, in the case of Russia,
heading—and how they are vaccine. Seeing as no one really
intervening directly in conflicts to
increasingly operating in tandem. knows how far and wide the virus
advance their interests in the
has affected Egyptian society, it
region. More recently, however,
In the meantime, the signs of makes sense for President Abdel
they have added a new instrument
unprecedented friendship and Fattah al-Sisi to take help where
of influence: the coronavirus
cultural exchange are everywhere. he can get it, but given the size of
Fabian Fayoli, a Frenchman from Beijing’s investment in the
Lyon, the head chef at a high-end country, the Egyptian leadership
Last spring, the term “mask
Dubai restaurant called Kaf, said has every reason to maintain
diplomacy” gained popularity to
he is preparing to host a growing strong ties with China—including
describe the way in which China
number of Israeli weddings. “The deploying one of its marquee
sought to advance its global
kosher operation will increase products. Egypt’s swift
influence through the provision of
dramatically,” he said, “and we acceptance of the Sinopharm
personal protective equipment to
must be ready for it.” vaccine is also part of Cairo’s push
countries in need. Now we have
to become a regional hub for
“vaccine diplomacy,” with a fair
Published in The Foreign Policy vaccine production and
number of America’s Middle
distribution, including Russia’s
Eastern partners signing up for
Sputnik V.
Russian or Chinese products. No
CSS Magazine Edition 5

In the true style of Gamal Abdel Sputnik V before it may be used. that makes Washington a less
Nasser-era “positive neutralism,” effective diplomatic, military, and
in which the Egyptians sought to It is true that Turkey and Russia economic partner, leaving China
play off the great powers to are on opposite ends of a variety and Russia as plausible
extract maximum resources from of regional conflicts, but they have alternatives.
each, Cairo is also set to receive managed to contain and
50 million doses of the Pfizer and compartmentalize those Maybe in the grand scheme of
AstraZeneca vaccines. This differences in the service of their things vaccine diplomacy does not
reflects the way in which the larger goals; notably, Ankara’s mean much. Countries have to get
Egyptians see their overall desire to be independent of the control over the virus, and the
relationships with China, Russia, West and Moscow’s interest in Russians and Chinese are offering
the United States, and Europe. weakening the Western alliance cost-effective solutions. Yet even
They don’t want to be asked to and sowing division in the when the United States pursued
pick a team because they no European Union. That the Turks controversial policies in the
longer see a need to choose a and Russians are working together Middle East, it was still regarded
side. on the vaccine will likely save as the gold standard in terms of
lives, but it also advances education, health care, research
Like its antagonist across the strategic goals. When it comes to and development, and technology
Mediterranean, Turkey has also China, like virtually everyone else that made people’s lives better.
begun inoculating its citizens with in the world, Turkish officials Never before has anyone really
a Chinese-made vaccine. The want to benefit from commercial wanted Russian or Chinese
Phase 3 trials of the Sinovac ties and a potential counterweight products, but that no longer
product won’t end until February, to the United States, even if it seems to be the case, at least with
but the Turkish government means compromising on its these vaccines. If Americans are
changed its regulations on principles regarding the Uighurs. worried about the Chinese and
vaccines in order to hasten the Russian challenge, the absence of
process. It suggests that things in It is a mixed bag among U.S. the United States in battling the
Turkey are worse than the partners in the Gulf. The Saudis coronavirus in a variety of
government is willing to let on have sourced the Pfizer vaccine, important places, including the
and comes at a time when Ankara and the Qataris are using both the Middle East, is glaring. It seems as
is alienated from its traditional Pfizer and Moderna shots. Oman if controlling and then working to
partners in Europe and the United and Kuwait are using the Pfizer wipe out infectious disease would
States. Though Turkey is getting a vaccine, but Bahrain has also be low-hanging fruit with which
modest batch of the Pfizer moved forward with a Sinopharm to win hearts and minds in the
vaccine, the government in product, as have the Emiratis. The region—and to outmaneuver
Ankara seems more eager to work ruler of Dubai, Sheikh Mohammed Moscow and Beijing in the
with Russia and China. A few bin Rashid Al Maktoum, was process.
weeks after the Sinovac photographed receiving the
announcement, Turkey Sinopharm vaccine. There is little Published in The Foreign Policy
announced that it would produce doubt that the Bahrainis and
Sputnik V domestically. Turkish Emiratis can afford the more
officials have not yet committed expensive Pfizer and Moderna
to using the vaccine on their products, and they will likely use
citizens, but that is clearly the them as well, yet the fact that
direction in which they are both countries have moved
moving. Appearing with his forward fairly quickly with the
Russian counterpart after a Sinopharm vaccine seems to
meeting in Sochi, Turkish Foreign reflect what is happening broadly
Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu in the Gulf. Countries are hedging
indicated that it was only a matter against a U.S. withdrawal and the
of receiving the technical data on polarization of American politics
CSS Magazine Edition 5

Qatar-GCC full relations have been restored

between Qatar and the four
relations with its neighbours.

agreement: A blockading nations, namely Saudi Rather than getting into a

victory for
Arabia, United Arab Emirates tit-for-tat battle with its
(UAE), Bahrain and Egypt. So, neighbours, Qatar chose to seek
measured what paved the way for the justice in international courts.

amicable resolution of this This level-headed strategy paid
dispute? And, perhaps even more off, with Qatar securing legal
importantly, what will be the victories against blockading
long-term consequences of this nations in international courts on
Qatar’s reliance on international
painful period of separation and issues ranging from human rights
law and measured diplomacy
animosity for Qatar and the and airspace violations to
paved the way for the amicable
region? intellectual property rights.
resolution of the Gulf crisis.

Qatar’s measured handling of Qatar also assumed a rational and

On January 5, during a Gulf
the crisis led to its resolution moderate stance on the
Cooperation Council (GCC)
One of the main factors that international arena, investing in
summit in Saudi Arabia, Gulf
allowed for the amicable multilateral cooperation with a
leaders signed a “solidarity and
resolution of this crisis was the wide range of partners. Despite
stability” agreement to end a
rational and measured diplomatic the Trump administration initially
strategy Qatar pursued against supporting the blockade, for
blockade against Qatar.
the blockading states in the last example, Doha continued to
three-and-a-half years. cooperate with the United States
The news generated great
on key issues, including
excitement among people in
From day one, acknowledging the supporting the US withdrawal
Qatar, who have long been eager
fact that the crisis can only be from Afghanistan by mediating
to reunite with their extended
resolved with the approval of the the Afghan peace process.
families living in other Gulf states
Saudi leadership, Qatar’s Emir
and resume business relations
Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani This not only allowed Qatar to
with their neighbours. It was also
refrained from criticising King remain in close contact with the
applauded by the international
Salman or his son, Crown Prince Trump administration throughout
community, which is hungry for
Mohammed bin Salman. Similarly, the crisis, but also ensured that it
good news amid never-ending
he called on all his representatives will remain an important partner
conflicts, unprecedented social
and the Qatari people at large not to the US under the incoming
and political divisions, and a
to trade back the low rhetoric Biden administration
raging pandemic.
generating from some corners
within the blockading countries. Qatar’s reasoned response to the
Tuesday’s agreement marks the
Thanks to this pragmatic crisis, and commitment to
end of a highly destructive
approach, when the right international law and cooperation,
diplomatic rift which lasted longer
conditions for ending the led several countries that initially
than many in the region expected.
blockade emerged, Riyadh did not backed the blockade, such as
During this period, Qatar had to
see any shame in swiftly Jordan and Senegal, to change
withstand not only the crippling
re-establishing full diplomatic course and restore relations with
economic pressures instigated by
relations with Doha. the Gulf emirate.
the blockade, but also the
repeated attempts by the
Qatar also continued to supply gas Qatar’s capacity for critical
blockading nations to undermine
to the UAE through the Dolphin self-examination and eagerness to
its sovereignty and destabilise its
Gas Project throughout the crisis, correct its mistakes also
clearly demonstrating that it is contributed to the amicable
not willing to make any moves resolution of the crisis.
Now, however, Doha is once again
that would irreparably harm its Since the beginning of the
embraced by its neighbours and
CSS Magazine Edition 5

blockade, Qatar has been working supported the growth of existing the reconciliation process to
to determine, and address, the channels, such as Al Araby TV, and adopt an appeasing stance in the
factors that led to it being other emerging channels with eyes of the incoming president.
perceived as a negative force in different editorial viewpoints to Al
the international arena by some of Jazeera. The long-term impact of the
its closest allies. blockade
This approach appears to have The blockade undoubtedly
Most significantly, it realised how proved acceptable to all involved harmed Qatar’s economy. It was
negatively its support for the parties, as Qatar’s Foreign forced to inject $43bn from its
masses who took to the streets Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin sovereign funds into banks in
during the Arab Spring has been Abdulrahman bin Jassim Al Thani order to stabilise its currency
perceived by the other Gulf recently told Al Jazeera that the during the financial crisis
monarchies. As it realised that its issue of shutting down the triggered in the first few months
actions have led to it being seen network was not raised during the of the blockade.
as a small state unduly talks with the blockading quartet.
undermining its strategic The blockade’s negative impact on
partners, it took some necessary Qatar’s reliance on international Qatar’s economy, which was
steps to correct this perception. law and measured diplomacy was already under pressure due to the
undoubtedly the primary factor immense development project it
While remaining firm on issues of that led to the resolution of this embarked on in preparation for
sovereignty, the authorities in crisis. By refusing to engage in a the 2022 FIFA World Cup, was
Doha also made some necessary tit-for-tat battle with the exacerbated by other global crises
alterations to its other policies blockading nations and that have hit the region during
that were being questioned by the demonstrating its willingness for this period, such as the COVID-19
blockading states. cooperation in the international recession and the oil crisis it
arena, Qatar forced Saudi Arabia triggered in 2020. Leading Qatari
To address the allegation that it is and its allies’ hand to end the companies also suffered due to
“funding international terrorism”, blockade. these crises, with Qatar Airways
for example, Qatar brought all aid alone admitting to a $5bn loss.
organisations privately established However, the timing of the
by Qatari families under the long-awaited “solidarity and Despite these considerable losses,
Regulatory Authority for stability” agreement was also however, Qatar also managed to
Charitable Activities and gave this likely tied to the developments in use the blockade as an
body greater institutional powers. the US. The Saudis knew that they opportunity to develop greater
had much to gain from resolving self-sufficiency, which was long
Qatar also withdrew permission the issue before the end of overdue given the intrinsic
to raise funds from any charitable President Donald Trump’s term. vulnerabilities of its
organisation that failed to resource-based economy. During
conform with standards of Unlike Trump, incoming President the blockade, the country has
accountability. Joe Biden issued strong criticism made strides towards becoming
of many features of Saudi Arabia’s more resilient in many areas from
Meanwhile, Qatar did not give in foreign policy during his election food security to international
to the blockading nations’ demand campaign, demanding policy.
for the closure of Al Jazeera Media accountability for the atrocities
Network. Rather than shuttering a committed during the Yemen war The blockade has also reinforced
media organisation that has and the assassination of dissident social cohesion and resilience in
become globally recognised and journalist Jamal Khashoggi. Biden Qatar. In response to the
respected for its high-quality was also expected to force the blockade, Qataris rallied around
reporting, it focussed on involved parties to resolve the the Emir and repeatedly
promoting the diversification of Gulf crisis once he assumed demonstrated their support for
the Qatari media sector. It power, so Riyadh likely sped up the ruling monarchy.
CSS Magazine Edition 5

Meanwhile, the authorities used

the blockade as an opportunity to
All this will require a greater
degree of organisation and Has a ‘fifth
resolve societal problems that coordination within the GCC. generation
war’ started
have long been attracting
criticism from both Qataris and Many analysts have interpreted
the international community. the reconciliation in the Gulf as a
between India
and Pakistan?
They partnered with the threat to Iran. In reality, the
International Labour Organization reconciliation between Qatar and
to reform the Kafala system and the rest of the GCC reduces the
pursue alternative methods of possibility of a direct What do recent revelations
regulating foreign residency in the confrontation between Iran and about an Indian
country. Discussions are even the Gulf states. In recent years, disinformation campaign
being held on introducing an the UAE cultivated a strong against Pakistan tell us about
elected shura to the government relationship with Israel and regional dynamics?
system. started to pursue an increasingly
aggressive policy towards Iran. Earlier this month, the
Future cooperation within the Brussels-based organisation EU
GCC Qatar’s involvement is likely to DisinfoLab published an
After the reduce the UAE’s influence over investigative report titled Indian
three-and-a-half-year-long the GCC, and lead to the council Chronicles, which revealed a
blockade, the relations between assuming a more moderate stance staggering network of
the Gulf states are unlikely to go towards Iran. misinformation and propaganda
back to how they were before. against Pakistan.
As the UAE is still less than
As it stands, the GCC is a loose enthusiastic to reach a The report exposed an operation
organisation with no legal compromise with Qatar on that took place over 15 years in 116
bindings, meaning the council’s numerous foreign policy issues, countries, featuring more than
expectations from its members including Iran, Saudi Arabia will 500 fake media outlets and a
are largely implicit. This loose need to take the lead in bringing dozen fake NGOs. This network
structure, and its related GCC states together. It will need endeavoured to push a pro-India
uncertainties, such as the lack of to convince all member states, and anti-Pakistan narrative in the
clarity on the sort of relationship including the UAE, to accept the European Union and the United
member states can have with Iran majority view that direct Nations.
without upsetting the GCC, was confrontation with Iran is not to
one of the reasons that led to the the benefit of the GCC. In addition, the report implicated
blockade on Qatar. Oman and Asian News International (ANI), an
Kuwait, who also have a pragmatic Published in The Al Jazeera
Indian news agency, for covering
approach towards Iran, have also and disseminating fake news
been negatively affected by this. produced by the network. Though
the report was careful not to tie
Going forward, to avoid crises the network to the Indian state,
similar to the blockade from there is little doubt that such a
emerging, the GCC will need to be vast enterprise could and would
more explicit in terms of the exist only with the government’s
reciprocal obligations of its knowledge.
member states. Perhaps more
importantly, all member states will The revelations led Pakistani
need to refrain from unduly nationalists and supporters of its
interfering in the affairs of other security establishment to gleefully
Gulf countries. remind opponents: “we told you
so”. If only critics were not
CSS Magazine Edition 5

steeped in blissful ignorance, if scholarly attention to Propaganda posters would often

only they realised the extent of fifth-generation war is because its juxtapose symbols of American
the security threats facing the validity is limited. The term brings democracy, such as the Statue of
beleaguered Pakistani state, they to mind another oft-repeated Liberty, with emblems of slavery,
would lay off the army and refrain, that of “hybrid war”, one racism, and domestic terrorism,
intelligence services. that became popular amongst the such as the Ku Klux Klan or the
Transatlantic security community police.
These claims repeatedly deployed to describe Russian foreign policy
one rhetorical cudgel – that of and alleged acts of sabotage The point here is not merely to
“fifth-generation war”. The basic perpetrated by its intelligence. dispute the nomenclature of
idea behind this term is that in the “fifth-generation war”. Rather, by
modern era, wars are not fought As with “fifth-generation war”, considering disinformation and
by armies or guerrillas, but in the critics say that “hybrid war” was in perception management as tools
minds of common citizens. many ways is a meaningless term, of war rather than “normal”
conjoining disparate elements of politics and diplomacy, states risk
A ‘fifth-generation war’? war with the practice of exaggerating the severity of the
Perceptions, information, diplomacy. threats they face. Though all war
propaganda, and “fake news” are is politics, as Prussian military
all tools in this ostensibly modern All war is politics, but not all theorist Carl von Clausewitz
form of warfare. In the wake of politics is war famously observed, not all politics
the EU DisinfoLab report, it was In truth, terms such as is war.
argued that Pakistan is facing a “fifth-generation war” and “hybrid
new type of holistic war, one that war” are often used to lend a Hard power vs soft
encompasses everything from veneer of strategic gravitas to propaganda
bombs to bots. ultimately vapid analysis. Contrary Above all else, the key difference
to such breathless arguments, the between the hardware of real war
One problem with this logic is practice of amplifying fissures in and tools of so-called
that, at least as far as international adversaries’ societies was well “fifth-generation”, “hybrid”, or
relations or international security established by the early 20th “grey-zone” wars is that the
scholars are concerned, century. Indeed, since the end of former are weapons but the latter
“fifth-generation war” is not a World War II, such tools have must be weaponised – and that
widely accepted idea. Searching become a standardised element of too with the connivance and
the content of five well-regarded counter-intelligence tactics. cooperation of the target.
international relations or
international security For instance, the Soviet Union and When India acquires jets, missiles,
peer-reviewed journals – the United States sponsored or frigates, Pakistan has no choice
International Security, Journal of propaganda and misinformation but to grimly prepare for their
Conflict Resolution, Journal of against each other during the use. Pakistan is obligated to deter
Peace Research, Journal of Cold War. The US eagerly or neutralise such instruments
Strategic Studies, and Security expanded the scope of its because they can kill human
Studies – the term propaganda and psychological beings regardless of their social or
“fifth-generation war” does not operations under President political context. As such, it is best
appear in the last five years, a Dwight Eisenhower and went on to steel oneself.
period in which these journals to build an impressive
have printed roughly 5 million infrastructure of institutions, such By contrast, India’s employment of
words between them. It would be as Voice of America and Radio tools such as misinformation is, in
curious for such a revolutionary Free Europe, that were devoted to and of itself, not dangerous.
concept to have escaped the eye the task. Rather, it requires Pakistan’s
of experts in the field. participation. Foreign actors the
For its part, the USSR enjoyed world over poke and prod
In all likelihood, this lack of focusing on racism in the US. opponents’ domestic
CSS Magazine Edition 5

vulnerabilities, but they find Given its narrow ambit, the EU But at the very least, Islamabad
fertile ground only in those DisinfoLab report understandably has been afforded ammunition for
situations where the government did not go so far as to discuss a diplomatic argument it has
has created, deliberately or Indian geopolitical behaviour repeatedly voiced since Imran
unwittingly, a vacuum for armed more generally. But in highlighting Khan’s ascension to power: this is
opposition and foreign just how tightly India’s news not your grandfather’s India. It is
interference to step in. media is so aligned to its dangerous and demagogic. Wake
government, especially up before it’s too late.
In Pakistan’s case, it is an concerning foreign relations, the
indisputable fact that innocent report is useful for Pakistan’s The most certain outcome of
Baloch are arbitrarily imprisoned, diplomacy. the report
tortured, and murdered by Irrespective of its effects on
Pakistani security forces. This is The symbiosis between the Indian Indo-Pakistani dynamics, EU
not an Indian invention. government and its media is not DisinfoLab should be commended
new. Just eighteen months ago, for meticulously uncovering a
Pakistani chief justices have India and Pakistan found network of disinformation this
precipitated national crises on themselves in the midst of a extensive. Unfortunately, the most
Baloch missing persons. Pakistani dangerous crisis that risked certain consequence of the
journalists have lost their lives nuclear war. In those nervy and publication of this report will be
while reporting on Baloch missing tense times, the Indian media, harmful.
persons. Pakistani human rights according to a Polis Project study,
groups have invited labels of “largely ascribed to itself the role This is not the authors’ fault; they
treachery in highlighting Baloch of an amplifier of government are quite careful in offering
missing persons. And Pakistani propaganda”, regurgitating caveats that exhort
political parties have raised their baseless claims and pouring decision-makers to hear what
voice in favour of Baloch missing jingoistic fuel on to a raging Baloch and Pashtun organisations
persons. When propaganda is nationalistic fire. have to say, even if such voices are
based on real grievances, as with amplified by New Delhi. The
the Soviet targeting of race Simlarly, the EU DisinfoLab report report explicitly states that “our
relations in the US, it resonates. has proffered evidence that India’s investigation is in no way a
“private” mainstream media is in judgement about the situation of
The real Indian threat many ways an arm of the Indian human rights in Pakistan, nor
When it comes to security state. In so doing, it has should it serve to undermine the
threats, it is important to separate strengthened Pakistan’s position credibility of minority movements
the wheat from the chaff. Just regarding the degradation of in Pakistan.”
because the misinformation threat India’s national political
is not “war” does not mean that institutions. India’s reputation as a Regrettably, that is exactly how
Islamabad does not have a bone to democracy, so crucial to its soft this report will be used in
pick with India. power, has already taken a Pakistani discourse. Pakistan’s
battering under Modi. This report current “hybrid regime” –
India’s aggressive foreign policy does not help. full-blown military rule cloaked in
under Prime Minister Narendra the thinnest of civilian façades –
Modi’s Hindu nationalist Of course, the West maintains has severely constrained space for
government has been good relations with India not journalists, political parties,
destabilising. Aside from its because of its democratic status, dissidents, Baloch nationalists,
assertive nationalism on display in but rather because of its potential Pashtun rights leaders, and
Kashmir, New Delhi’s support for to balance China and fuel others. Invoking national security
Baloch separatism and terrorism economic growth. It would be and nefarious designs from
has only served to escalate unreasonable to expect this abroad is the oldest trick in the
tensions in South Asia, already the report to fundamentally alter this establishment’s book when it
world’s most geopolitically trajectory. comes to crushing dissent and
dysfunctional region. sidelining opposition.
CSS Magazine Edition 5

The EU DisinfoLab has given

Pakistan’s national security
Ever since the 1979 Soviet invasion
of Afghanistan — and even before Is the economy
establishment an ace in the hole.
It is a card it will relish playing
that — the country has been in a
constant state of conflict. The
against both India and domestic communist, Mujahideen and GOING by what we are hearing
challengers. Taliban eras were all marked by these days, it seems the country’s
conflict and upheaval, retarding economy is in the middle of a
Published in The Al Jazeera Afghanistan’s growth and forcing rebound, or at least according to
millions of Afghans to flee their the words of government

Afghan homeland. Now, at a time when

foreign forces are poised to leave,
ministers. Planning Minister Asad
Umar has been talking about a
dialogue Afghan stakeholders have two
choices before them: they can
‘V-shaped recovery’ since at least
August, when the Covid-19
AS the Afghan Taliban and the take advantage of the situation lockdowns were largely gone.
government in Kabul try and and work out a plan to share Prime Minister Imran Khan has
reach a modus vivendi in Doha, it power and help establish a been talking about a ‘recovery’ in
is essential that the level of democratic system in which the the economy since at least
violence is brought down to allow interests of all ethnicities and November. And the commerce
the peace process to succeed. sects, as well as women and adviser, Razzak Dawood, makes it
This point was stressed by minorities, are protected, or they a point to share export data and
Pakistan’s civil and military can continue to battle it out and congratulate the country on their
leadership on Tuesday when prolong the endless nightmare of rising trend every month.
prominent Afghan Hazara leader the Afghan people. As for the
Ustad Karim Khalili called on both Kabul elite, they need to put on a So is it true that the economy is
the prime minister and army chief united front and discard internal indeed recovering? Consider first
during his visit to Islamabad. The factional divisions for the sake of that all projections for where the
comments are particularly harmony. For their part, the economy will stand by the end of
important considering the history Taliban must join the political this fiscal year range between 0.5
of bad blood between process. If their violent actions per cent GDP growth and 2.5pc.
Afghanistan’s Hazara community continue, it is highly unlikely that The IMF said 1.1pc most recently
and the Taliban. The latter were an intra-Afghan peace process and the World Bank said 0.5pc
responsible for the 1998 massacre can succeed. And with virulent only a week ago. The State Bank
of hundreds, possibly thousands, militant actors such as the estimated GDP growth to fall
of mostly Hazara victims in self-styled Islamic State group between 1.5pc and 2.5pc, citing
Mazar-i-Sharif; it is unlikely that waiting in the wings to pounce, all the second wave of Covid-19 as a
memories of that atrocity have Afghan forces must realise the key risk. The International
faded. However, if Afghanistan is importance of a negotiated Institute of Finance projected
to prosper, it must look forward settlement as soon as possible. 1.8pc back in August and only
while acknowledging its painful today Moody’s forecast GDP
Published in Dawn
past. That is why the talks in Doha growth to come in at 1.5pc by the
are so crucial. Afghan factions can end of this fiscal year.
talk to foreign forces all they
want, but the fact remains that You can spin these numbers if you
peace in that country is unlikely like. A determined soul could
unless the Afghans talk to each argue that since growth was
other in a spirit of reconciliation negative last year, even positive
and accommodation — all the 2pc growth this year is an
more reason why violence from all impressive recovery. Or the same
sides, particularly the Taliban, determined soul might argue that
needs to stop if the talks are to this trend is likely to accelerate
succeed. given what is happening in the
CSS Magazine Edition 5

large-scale manufacturing January and February, we will be So what’s going on? I’ve said
indicator, which shows in a position to ask whether yet before that there is rampant
accelerating output growth one more unsustainable growth under-invoicing of exports going
among large manufactures every spurt has been engineered in the on, and I repeat that once again.
month. country. These guys are basically taking
the prime minister for a ride. It is
What you cannot do, however, is Even more importantly, though, also possible that many among
refer to 2pc GDP growth as some whenever we look at the rise in them are then routing some of
sort of ‘recovery’, unless by exports we have to ask at what this money accumulated abroad
recovery you mean only that the cost these have been brought via under-invoicing back into the
economy has recovered from the about. For example, add up all the country in the form of
jolt of the Covid-19 lockdowns, freebies and handouts the remittances, which might help
which didn’t last very long in government has given to explain why the latter remain
Pakistan. Even if we double this exporters all through 2020, at an elevated above the $2bn level for
projection, and argue that by the accelerating clip, and then add up many months now.
end of the fiscal year the growing all the incremental export
activity we see in industry today proceeds that these chaps have Why would they do this? Because
will accelerate to the point where brought back into the country. there are enormous benefits for
it will blow past all projections Between subsidies on fuel, power them to bring that money back
made by everybody and come in and credit, the bonanza from a and pour it into real estate
at 4pc (double what the more sharp fall in interest rates — that investments instead, since that
optimistic projections are fell to just over half their level in a sector is on the cusp of a boom
showing), even then you don’t matter of weeks once the brought about by nearly Rs186bn
have a very sharp ‘recovery’, only a lockdowns began and have of black money entering via an
slow grinding return of economic remained there ever since — the amnesty scheme, coupled with an
activity after at least two years of massive rescheduling of their equally massive set of government
moribund performance. loans that the State Bank arranged handouts.
for them, and sharp breaks on
There is rampant under-invoicing taxes and custom duties, you have So no, the economy is not turning
of exports going on. The PM is a figure of almost Rs2 trillion that around or recovering. It is in the
being taken for a ride. have been poured into industry as early stages of what might
Whenever you hear the a whole. It is hard to determine become a growth spasm driven by
government proclaim triumph how much of this went to massive state inducements of the
about rising exports, keep in mind exporters specifically, but they are sort we have seen before and
that the trade deficit has grown the beneficiaries of a very large which inevitably lead to a crash.
even faster than exports in the share of government largesse. And the drivers of that growth are
same July to December period. narrowly huddled in property
The month of December saw a In return, exports have increased development and allied industries,
sharp rise in the trade deficit, up by $574 million in the first six and textile exports, with some
by almost a third from the same months of the fiscal year knock-on effects rippling through
month last year, and if the past is compared to the same period last the system. Investment without
any guide, then whenever we have year, equal to around Rs92 billion savings or expenditures without
rising periods of growth we also at an exchange rate of 160. It is revenues are like a drug for any
see a rising trade deficit which difficult to calculate how much economy. Let’s see what happens
eventually swamps growth largesse the exporters have to this gravy train once the IMF
because the foreign exchange actually absorbed through all the programme resumes.
reserves deplete. It is too early to various ways the government has
say that the December trade showered it upon them, but it is a Published in Dawn
figures show a return of this trend safe bet that it is far larger than
though, but if the trade deficit Rs92bn.
continues rising in the months of
CSS Magazine Edition 5

Growth have a positive impact on a few

macroeconomic indicators. For
It is hard to understand why the
authorities refrain from investing
projections instance, the pandemic-related
travel restrictions have led to
in research, despite the country
having already started witnessing
The central bank expects real increased inflows through the horrific effects of global
growth, one that takes banking channels, causing the warming. Not only does this
inflation into account, to fall foreign remittances to stand in isolated incident require serious
somewhere between 1.5 and excess of two billion dollars for probe for determining the root
2.5% seventh months in a row, thereby cause of such repeated
allowing the current account to occurrence, the issue of
The government’s GDP growth post a surplus during these deforestation and wildlife needs
target for the ongoing fiscal year months. to be addressed at a broader level.
is 2.1%. While the World Bank sees K-P alone has lost more than 1.2
a subdued recovery keeping the What, therefore, puts the central million trees during 2018, with
growth rate contained at 0.5% in bank’s optimism over growth in losses amounting to Rs27.2
FY20-21, the growth projection doubt is the uncertainty about the million, while the annual rate of
made by the State Bank of trajectory of the Covid-19 deforestation in Pakistan remains
Pakistan in its report on the first pandemic as well as an impending the highest in the world —
quarters of the current fiscal year resumption of the IMF loan between 0.2% and 0.5% per
is quite generous. The central programme that would bring back annum. Every year the country
bank expects the real growth — the fiscal tightening measures loses almost 27,000 hectares of
one that takes into account meant to achieve economic natural forest area, with
inflation in its estimation — to fall stabilisation. biodiversity and wildlife
somewhere between 1.5 and 2.5%. significantly threatened. Many
Published in Tribune have termed the situation a
As against the World Bank’s ‘Green Emergency’ — a crisis that
forecast that takes into account has adversely impacted the rural
continued fiscal consolidation population that relies on forests
pressures and service sector Green for livelihood. Furthermore, with
the boom in population, raw
weakness, the SBP’s estimate is
based on the current trends of materials from forest ecosystems
economic activity which have become all the more scant,
mainly resulted from two factors: making it harder to balance
The first step is devise a
one, the ease in Covid-induced supply with demand. Apart from
policy that is conducive to
restrictions in the wake of the being an essential resource,
forest investment and
containment of the first wave of forests also need to be thought of
sustainable forest
the pandemic; and two, the as the lungs of the country as they
management practices
suspension of the IMF loan play a vital role in sequestering
programme allowing for a carbon from the atmosphere,
While the New Year was
substantial cut in the central protecting upstream watersheds,
celebrated with much zeal and
bank’s policy rates, stimulus and conserving biodiversity.
fervour across Pakistan, K-P was
packages for businesses making
witnessing a tragedy. On January
available cheap working capital, While afforestation may seem to
1, a heavy wildfire engulfed the
and the launch of an amnesty be the obvious solution, the truth
forests of Mushkpuri, Birote
scheme related to the is that this alone will not help. The
Khurd and nearby Dunga Gali,
construction industry. And where first step is to devise a policy that
reducing trees worth millions of
the reigning pandemic has is conducive to forest investment
rupees to ashes. Even though
wreaked havoc with home and sustainable forest
wildfires are rather common in
budgets by contributing to the management practices. Then, the
the region, the forest department
rise in poverty and root causes need to be identified
has consistently failed to prevent
unemployment, it continues to and systematically targeted. At the
such losses from occurring.
CSS Magazine Edition 5

national level, sustainable and UK parliament is due to meet on

eco-friendly measures need to be December 30 to vote on the deal,
sought. the EU parliament is not likely to
meet before early January. Experts
are saying that the deal will still
Published in Tribune
come into effect on January 1,
even if both sides haven't
approved it by then. But less has
Brexit Deal been said of what would happen if
the House of Commons rejects the
The European Union and the deal.
United Kingdom have reached an
eleventh-hour agreement on a There is also concern over how
Brexit deal. The deal came just a little time people and businesses
week before Brexit becomes will have to adjust to the new
official on January 1. The deal put rules.
to an end some of the stress that
people, especially in the UK, had Regardless, Prime Minister Boris
regarding the implications of a Johnson and Britain's 'leave' voters
no-deal Brexit on trade and travel. have their wish. Now Johnson
While the finer details of the must make his promises of
agreement had not been made post-Brexit prosperity come true.
public immediately, we know that That may be a problem, since his
they will include exemptions on own Office for Budget
tariffs and from any trade quotas. Responsibility said the UK would
The UK and EU will continue suffer further job losses, economic
cooperating on environmental and decline, and reduced export
climate change issues, along with prospects after Brexit, even with a
energy, transport, and security. deal.

Competition rules were not Published in Tribune

initially elaborated on, but
European Commission President
Ursula Von der Leyen did say that
they "will be fair and remain so”.
The British government says that
the deal will cover over £600
billion worth of trade with the EU,
which is also the country's biggest
trading partner. Potential border
delays caused by increased
checking of goods trucks have
also been averted. This could have
cost the economy billions and led
to problems in the delivery of
perishable products.

However, even though an

agreement has been reached, it
still requires ratification from the
EU and UK parliaments. While the
CSS Magazine edition 6

Mcqs Compilation
CSS Magazine Edition 6

1. Who recalled Muhammad Bin Qasim from 7. Which of the following was/were the
Sindh? drawback(s) of the Government of India Act of
A. Caliph Walid
B. Caliph Suleman A. Control of the Secretary of State for India and
C. Caliph Abdul Aziz his Council was bureaucratic in nature
D. None of these B. Expense of the Secretary of State for India
and his Council became a burden on Indian
2. When did Muhammad Bin Qasim conquered C. Both of these
Sindh? D. None of these

A. 612 AD
B. 712 AD 8. When was the Government of India Act 1858
C. 812 AD passed?
D. 912 AD
A. August 2
B. June 2
3. When did Muhammad Bin Qasim died? C. February 2
D. None of these
A. July 18, 715 AD
B. July 18, 815 AD
C. July 18, 915 AD
9. Who introduced the bill which was originally
D. None of these
titled as “An Act for the Better Government of
India” and it was passed on August 2, 1858?
4. First Session of the All-India Muslim League
was held on 29-30 December 1907. Where was
A. Queen Victoria
it held?
B. Cord Palmerson
A. Lahore C. Edward Henry Stanley
B. Aligarh D. None of these
C. Karachi
D. None of these
10. Faraizi Movement was primarily a religious
movement. What change Dudhu Mian brought in
5. The First Session of the All-India Muslim the movement?
League was presided over by
A. Transferred it into a guerrilla movement
A. Allama Iqbal B. Transferred it into a political movement
B. Quaid-e-Azam C. Transferred it into a cultural movement
C. Mohsin-ul-Mulk D. None of these
D. Sir Adamjee Pir Bhai

11. What was the real name of Dudhu Mian?

6. Who was appointed the first president of the
All-India Muslim League? A. Qutubuddin Ahmad
B. Muhsinuddin Ahmad
A. Allama Iqbal C. Aleemunddin Ahmad
B. Sir Agha Khan D. None of these
C. Mohsin-ul-Mulk
D. Muhammad Ali Johar
CSS Magazine Edition 6

12. Who founded the Faraizi movement in 1819? 18. Mention the important announcement(s) that
was/were made by the Governor General Lord
A. Haji Shariatullah Hardinge in his Darbar at Delhi in 1911?
B. Dudhu Mian
C. Qutubuddin Ahmad A. Annulment of the partition of Bengal
D. None of these B. Central National Mohammadan Association
C. Both of these
13. Who for the first time translated the Holy D. None of these
Quran in Urdu language?
19. Who announced the decision to effect first
A. Shah Waliullah and Shah Abdul Aziz partition of Bengal in July 1905?
B. Shah Abdul Qadir and Shah Rafiuddin
C. Syed Ahmad Baralvi and Shah Ismail Dehlavi
A. Lord Curzon
D. None of these
B. Lord Hardinge
C. Lord Carmichael
D. None of these
14. Who was the father of Shah Abdul Qadir?

A. Shah Waliullah
20. In which year after a successful war of
B. Syed Ahmad Baralvi
independence with west Pakistan, East Bengal
C. Shah Rafiuddin became Bangladesh?
D. Shah Abdul Aziz
A. 1957
B. 1960
15. What was the title of the translation of Holy
C. 1965
Quran in Urdu by Shah Abdul Qadir?
D. 1971

A. Mutalaeh Quran
B. Tafseerul Quran 21. Which organisation is considered the first
C. Mozah Al-Quran Muslim political body constituted to represent the
D. None of these Muslims of the subcontinent as a whole?

A. Anjuman-e-Mussalmanan-e-Hind
16. Who was formal teacher of Syed Ahmad
B. Central National Mohammadan Association
C. Urdu Defence Association
D. None of these
A. Sheikh Ahmad Sirhindi
B. Shah Waliullah
C. Shah Abdul Aziz
22. Who founded the political organization,
D. None of these
Central National Muhammadan Association ?

17. What was the age of Shah Abdul Aziz when his A. Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
father Shah Waliullah died? B. Quaid-e-Azam
C. Syed Ameer Ali
A. 13 years D. None of these
B. 15 years
C. 17 years
D. 19 years
CSS Magazine Edition 6

23. When and where the political organization,

Central National Muhammadan Association was 28. When did Sir Syed Ahmad Khan established the
founded? booklet Asbab-e-Baghawat-e-Hind, In which he
studied the causes of the Indian revolt?
A. 1877, Calcutta
B. 1877, Aligarh A. 1855
C. 1857, Calcutta B. 1857
D. 1857, Aligarh C. 1859
D. 1860
24. What was the designation of Sir Syed Ahmad
Khan in M.A.O. School at Aligarh?
29. Where did Sir Syed Ahmad Khan founded a
A. Secretary, Managing Committee modern madrassa in 1859, which was one of the
B. President, Managing Committee first religious school to impart scientific education
C. Patron, Managing Committee
D. None of these
A. Aligarh
B. Muradabad
25. When was the Muhammadan Anglo-Oriental C. Ghazipur
(M.A.O) college was founded by Sir Syed Ahmad D. Bijnaur
Khan ?

A. 1870 30. Where, during the War of Independence, was

Sir Syed Ahmad Khan working/posted?
B. 1872
C. 1875
A. Delhi
D. 1877
B. Bijnaur
C. Aligarh
26. What was the old given Urdu name of the D. None of these
M.A.O (Muhammadan Anglo-Oriental) college?

A. Madrasatul Uloom Musalmanan-e-Hind 31. When did Sir Ahmad Khan entered the service
B. Madrasah Nizamiyah of East India Company?
C. Madrasah Babul Uloom
D. None of these A. 1832
B. 1835
C. 1838
27. Sir Syed Ahmad Khan established a D. 1840
Translation Society (later, renamed as ‘Scientific
Society’) in 1864. In which town was it founded?
32. Which university awarded Sir Syed Ahmad
A. Bijnaur Khan an honorary LLD in 1889?
B. Aligarh
C. Ghazipur A. University of Edinburgh
D. None of these B. University of Aligarh
C. University of New York
D. None of these
CSS Magazine Edition 6

1. B 2. B 3. A

4. C 5. D 6. B

7. B 8. A 9. C

10. A 11. B 12. A

13. B 14. A 15. C

16. C 17. A 18. C

19. A 20. D 21. B

22. C 23. A 24. D

25. C 26. A 27. C

28. C 29. B 30. B

31. C 32. A

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