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MARCH 16, 2017

React + GraphQL Tutorial

— The Server
Jonas Helfer
So ware Engineer


This is the second part of our full-stack tutorial series that will walk you

step by step through building an instant messaging app with React and

Note: Even if you haven’t seen Part 1, you can

continue reading here. This tutorial is
completely independent from the first part, and
you don’t need any code or knowledge from Part
1 to complete Part 2!

Last week, in the first part of this series, I walked you through building a
simple frontend with React and GraphQL, and showed you some of the
reasons why GraphQL is becoming a pretty popular choice among
frontend developers.
This week’s section is all about the server, and it will explain everything

you need to know to set up a simple Node GraphQL server with easy-to-
use open source libraries.

If you don’t want to take the time to set up

your own server, make sure to check out
the alternative Part 2 from our friends
at Graphcool, which shows you how to quickly
set up a GraphQL backend on their service.

Without further ado, let’s get started!

Part of the server we’ll write in this tutorial

1. Setting up
We’re going to use Express in this tutorial, because that’s what most
people are currently using, but you should be able to follow along even if
you’re using hapi or Koa, because the GraphQL part of this tutorial is
largely identical.

For starters, let’s clone the tutorial GitHub repo, which has a few
resources we’ll need later. If you’ve already done that in Part 1, you can
skip this step.

git clone

cd graphql-tutorial

Since this tutorial has lots of sections, we have to check out the right
branch to make sure the repo is in the state we want it to be for the start
of this one:

git fetch
git checkout t2-start

You should now see a server folder

with  package.json ,  .babelrc  and  server.js  in
it.  package.json  contains the most basic dependencies we need to
get a server running, namely Express and Babel.  server.js  contains
the minimal “Hello World” example of an Express server, which we’re
going to build into a GraphQL server in the rest of this tutorial.

To get up and running, install the dependencies and start the server:
cd server
npm install
npm start

If you point your browser at localhost:4000 you should now see the


If you see this, your Express server is now up and running…

With the server up and running, we’re ready to dive into the GraphQL
part of this tutorial!

2. Writing your GraphQL schema

When building an app from scratch, I always like to start by thinking
about the underlying data model. Maybe it’s an old habit from my Rails
days, where step one was always to define a relational database schema,
but I’ve found it to be a really great way to begin. In GraphQL, we actually
have a name for this approach: schema-first development.

Note: If you’ve already written a schema in the
first tutorial, you can just copy over that
file from the client and skip ahead to the next

To write our schema, let’s create a directory called  src  and add a file
called  schema.js  in it:

mkdir src
cd src
touch schema.js

The schema file, written in the GraphQL schema language, specifies what

object types exist in our app, and what fields they have. In addition, it
defines the allowed entry points into our API.

// src/schema.js
import {
addMockFunctionsToSchema, # we'll use this later
} from 'graphql-tools';const typeDefs = `type Channel {
id: ID! # "!" denotes a required fiel
name: String
}# This type specifies the entry points into our API. I
# there is only one - "channels" - which returns a list
type Query {
channels: [Channel] # "[]" means this is a list o
`;const schema = makeExecutableSchema({ typeDefs });
export { schema };
We’ll add more types to our messaging app in future tutorials, but for
now the  Channel  type and one entry point is all we need.

The last line takes our type definition string and turns it into an
executable schema for our server to use.  makeExecutableSchema  is a
function from  graphql-tools , which we now need to install

npm install --save graphql-tools

3. Wiring up the schema to the server

Now that we have our schema, we need to wire it up to our Express
server. In this tutorial, we’ll use  graphql-server-
express  and  graphql-tools  for that.  graphql-server-
express  also needs  body-parser , so let’s go ahead and install all of

npm install --save graphql-server-express body-parser

Next, we’ll import the functions we’re going to use at the top of
our server.js  file:

import {
} from 'graphql-server-express';
import bodyParser from 'body-parser';

We’ll also need to import the schema we just wrote in

the  schema.js  file:

import { schema } from './src/schema';

We have to do this because the type definitions only describe what types
exist in our schema, and they don’t tell the server how to execute queries
against it.  makeExecutableSchema  turns our type definitions into an
executable schema, to which we can add custom resolve functions later.
Resolve functions are the core piece of GraphQL that tell the server how
to resolve each part of a query. But more on that later, let’s finish wiring
up our server first!

In order to make our server respond to GraphQL requests, we need to tell

Express to pass requests to our  graphqlExpress  middleware, which
executes the queries against the schema. We do this by replacing the
current  server.get  lines with the following:

server.use('/graphql', bodyParser.json(), graphqlExpres

To test whether your server is working, open the following URL in your
browser: http://localhost:4000/graphql?query={__schema{types{name}}}

This is what it should look like if it’s working

The query we just executed makes use of GraphQL’s built-in

introspection capability. Introspection allows to query the server for
information about itself: what types exist, what fields they have, how
they are related to each other, what interfaces they implement etc. This
lets you build some pretty powerful tools, like the amazing interactive
query editor called GraphiQL (pronounced “graphical”), which we’re
going to set up right now.

4. Setting up GraphiQL
Setting up GraphiQL is super easy. All you have to do is add
the  graphiqlExpress  middleware from  graphql-server  and point
it to the GraphQL endpoint we just set up:

server.use('/graphiql', graphiqlExpress({
endpointURL: '/graphql'
If you now go to http://localhost:4000/graphiql?query=
{__schema{types{name}}} , you should see the following a er pressing
the play button and expanding the docs:

This is GraphiQL. It’s pretty amazing.

GraphiQL is going to be an incredibly useful tool to you as a GraphQL

developer, so go ahead and play around to familiarize yourself with it. It
o ers a documentation explorer, syntax highlighting, autocompletion
and many more things.

As you’ve probably noticed, running a query like:

channels {

Doesn’t actually do anything yet. That’s because we haven’t hooked our

GraphQL schema up to any data. So let’s go ahead and do that.
5. Connecting your GraphQL schema
to real data
As with the client, the fastest way to get some data into your app is to use
mocking. Thanks to GraphQL’s type system, this is incredibly easy. All you
have to do is to add this one line to your  schema.js  file just a er the
line with  makeExecutableSchema  and before the export :

addMockFunctionsToSchema({ schema });

If you run the same query again, you should now get some data with
random IDs and “Hello World”. Curious about how it works or how to
customize it? You can read about it in one of my posts from last year.

Mocking can be very useful if you want start building your frontend
before the backend is done, but since we want to learn how to build a
real server, let’s delete the  addMockFunctionsToSchema  line and
write some actual resolve functions!

Let’s go ahead and create another file called  resolvers.js  in

the  src  folder. In that file we’ll define how the schema should handle
a  channels  query. Rather than connecting to a real persistent backend,
which we’ll cover in Part 5 of this tutorial series, we’re just going to define
some channels right in our resolvers file:

// src/resolvers.jsconst channels = [{
id: 1,
name: 'soccer',
}, {
id: 2,
name: 'baseball',
}];export const resolvers = {
Query: {
channels: () => {
return channels;

As you probably noticed,  resolvers  has roughly the same shape as

our schema. That’s no accident:  Query  is the type and  channels  is
one of its fields.

For now, our  channels  resolve function takes no arguments and

simply returns the channels we defined above, but we’ll see some more
complex resolve functions that return promises in the next part of this

To make our server use the resolve function we just defined, all we have
to do is import it in  schema.js  and pass it
to  makeExecutableSchema  like so:

// schema.js
// ...
import { resolvers } from './resolvers';// ...
const schema = makeExecutableSchema({ typeDefs, resolve
export { schema };
Make sure to remove the call to  addMockFunctionsToSchema ,
otherwise your resolve function won’t get applied.

If everything is working, here’s what you should see when you run the
query again:


If something isn’t quite working, you can always browse the solution and

compare it against what you ended up with.

Congratulations, you’ve just finished the second part of the tutorial!

Here’s what you’ve accomplished: You’ve set up a server, written a
GraphQL schema, generated mock data from it, gotten familiar with
GraphiQL and even written your first resolver function! You know have
the foundation of the server on which we’re going to build a real
messaging app throughout the remainder of this tutorial series. In the
next part, we’ll connect the server to our existing frontend from Part
1 and write our first mutation:
Part 3: Mutations

Part 4: Speeding up mutations with Optimistic UI

Part 5: Input types and custom resolvers

Part 6: Subscriptions on the server

Part 7: GraphQL Subscriptions on the client

Part 8: Pagination

If you liked this tutorial and want to keep learning about Apollo and
GraphQL, make sure to click the “Follow” button below, and follow us on
Twitter at @apollographql and @helferjs.

Jonas Helfer
Read more by Jonas Helfer

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