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B 1 am 2 is 3 are 4 Am 5 Is 6 Are VOCABULARY 2

Unit 1 C 1 am 2 is 3 are 4 am/’m not 5 is Page 9
6 are not/aren’t 1 1 b 2 c 3 a 4 b 5 c 6 a 7 b 8 c
2 1 simple 2 continuous 3 simple 2 1 e 2 b 3 g 4 a 5 d 6 c 7 h 8 f
Page 4
4 continuous 5 more
1a 1 tennis 2 hockey 3 water polo
4 skiing 5 basketball 6 swimming
3 -s feels, plays, trains, works Words & Beyond
-es does, goes 3a 1 wave 2 fight 3 globe 4 shoulder
7 boxing 8 wrestling
-ies studies, tries 5 routine 6 bench 7 skyscraper
1b Two (4 and 6)
Page 7 8 kayaking
2 1 e, skydiving 2 h, free running 3 d,
ice climbing 4 a/g, snowboarding 5 a/g, 4 1 plays 2 trains 3 studies 4 works 3b (any order) base jumping, skydiving
skateboarding 6 f/b, bodysurfing 7 c, 5 goes 6 feels 7 tries 8 does
hang-gliding 8 f/b windsurfing 5 1 understand 2 hate 3 look 4 own
Page 10
3 1 climbing 2 jumping 3 diving 5 hear
1 1 d 2 b 3 c 4 a
4 jumping 5 running 6 biking 6 1 a 2 c 3 a 4 c 5 a 6 b 7 b 8 c
2 1 beat; beat/beaten 2 became;
4a Suggested answers: there isn’t 7 1 Do you often go snowboarding?
become 3 began; begun 4 blew; blown
always a single right answer (eg a 2 Is your team doing well these days?
5 broke; broken 6 bought; bought
bungee goes down, then back up and 3 When are the players told who’s in the
7 cost; cost 8 cut; cut 9 fell; fallen
sometimes swings from side to side) team? 4 Does every sports wheelchair
10 felt; felt 11 found; found 12 flew;
1  2  , 3  , 4  5  , 6  look the same? 5 Are you currently
7  , , training for any particular competition?
6 Is that the racket used by Andy 3 1 attempted 2 had 3 broken 4 begin
5 1 ice, snow 2 slide, dive, jump, fall 5 was forced 6 were 7 needed 8 landed
3 cliff, hill Murray?
9 had taken 10 was
8 1 Do young people always want to
E P B F F A F E G Y push the limits? 2 I’m not sure what you 4a 1 Did; flying 2 flew; were 3 crossing;
H C Z J F O U D A V mean. 3 They need to know the rules, were 4 told; started
but enjoy the freedom to take risks. 5 had; gave 6 made; do
M F I H I U Y I L E 4b 3 a 1 b 4 c 5 d 6 e 2 f
4 So do you think that life is a bit like
playing sport then? 5 It seems to me
L L A F C F H S P A that in both you require the confidence
Page 11
C O S S H K T G M Y to have a go. 6 You don’t succeed all
the time, but you prepare for the next 1 a party and a skateboarding
S N O W E I N H U B competition
P T H G N V L Q J W 9a 1 Does anyone know the rules of 2 1 A 2 B 3 B 4 C 5 A 6 C
G V Z K E M I L U R cricket? 2 Do/Can you remember your 3 1 look 2 go 3 talking 4 later
first win? 3 Is Dennis swimming at the 5 reminds 6 of 7 know 8 way 9 in
moment? 4 What is the most extreme 4a 1 Oh, look! That’s my bus. (3
6 1 extreme 2 surfing 3 equipment syllables) 2 I’m sorry, but I have to go
sport? 5 How often do you crash your
4 protective 5 speeds 6 climb now. (2 syllables) 3 Nice talking to you.
bike? 6 Are the players told (by the
coach) to train every day? (2 syllables) 4 See you later at the club.
READING (2 syllables) 5 That reminds me, I need
Page 5 9b 6 a 1 b 4 c 3 d 2 e 5 f
to go to the bank. (4 syllables) 6 Talking
1 1 meaning 2 obvious 3 clues of extreme sports, would you like to
4 understand 5 image 6 text try abseiling? (4 syllables) 7 Did you
Page 8
2 1 Don’t bite off more than you can know that mountain biking is an Olympic
1 1 a 2 d 3 c 4 b
chew. 2 It’s not my cup of tea. 3 It’s sport? (3 syllables) 8 By the way, do the
2 1 abseiling 2 mountain biking 3 hang-
right up my street. 4 It’s a lost cause. shops close early today? (4 syllables)
gliding 4 kayaking
3 1 neck 2 have 3 tea 4 mile 5 street 9 Are you interested in kayaking? (2
3 Photo 1: cliff, descend, fall, hillside,
6 cause syllables)
ropes, summit Photo 2: climb, cross,
4a 1 T 2 F 3 NS 4 NS 5 T 6 F
descend, fall, hillside, race, tracks Photo
5a Skateboarding
3: cliff, cross, descend, fly, hillside, land,
5b 1 out of the question 2 in two minds wind Photo 4: cross, race, river, water
Page 12
3 not have a head for heights 4 cost an
4 Conversation 1: hang-gliding 1 Point 1: Check the length and
arm and a leg 5 caught my eye 6 get structure of your work. Cut everything
Conversation 2: kayaking
the hang of 7 my head in the clouds that isn’t necessary. Point 2: Check
Conversation 3: mountain biking
your spelling, punctuation and use
GRAMMAR 1 5b Conversation 1: fly, summit
of grammar especially. Point 3: Then
Conversation 2: race, river
Page 6 carefully read your work a final time
Conversation 3: tracks, hillside,
1 to check that it makes sense. Or ask
descend, fall
A 1 They 2 She 3 trains 4 do not/don’t someone else to read it.
6a 1 bird 2 rush 3 god 4 equipment
5 She 6 does not/doesn’t train 7 do 2 Suggested answer: to be a writer
5 feel 6 world 7 honest 8 tracks
8 train 9 does 10 train 3 Suggested cuts:
11 do not/don’t 12 Does 13 does not/ In school I was the unpopular kid who
doesn’t sat at the back of the class trying not to
be noticed – not easy due to my size.

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I’d signed up for a free course on 3 A 4 B 2 C 3 D 1 VOCABULARY 2
the internet without even telling my 4 1 a 2 b 3 a, d 4 a 5 b Page 21
parents and through that I learnt how 5 1 explanation 2 example 3 statistic 1 1 illegal 2 unlikely 3 irrelevant
to put words together to better express 4 impatient 5 unaware 6 immoral
thoughts and feelings. GRAMMAR 1 7 unfair 8 illogical 9 incapable
4 1 That was a brilliant show. 2 You tell Page 18 10 irresponsible
it like it is, brother! 3 That’s the most 1 1 past participle 2 the exact time 2a 1 in 2 im 3 il 4 ir 5 ir 6 un 7 il
amazing thing I’ve ever seen. 4 Do you 3 experiences 4 never 5 ever 6 ever 8 un 9 un 10 im 11 un 12 un
have any more like this? 5 I had been 7 ever 8 recent 9 periods of time 2b 1 unwell 2 illogical 3 illegal
told about this – now, after seeing it, I 10 dates 4 irrelevant 5 unfair 6 unlikely
believe it ... ! 6 You sound so good. 2 1 B 2 B 3 A 4 C 5 B 6 C 7 D 8 A 7 impatient 8 unaware 9 unusual
3 1 won 2 broken 3 caught 4 forgotten 10 irresponsible 11 immoral
VOCABULARY REVIEW 1 5 sent, written 6 learnt/learned 7 rung 12 incapable
Page 14 8 sold
1 1 racket 2 stick 3 bat 4 snowboard Words & Beyond
5 skateboard 6 parachute 7 rope 8 sail Page 19
4 1 Don’t tell me you’ve finished that 3 1 anonymous 2 track 3 make out
2 Down 1 slide 2 jump 3 tap 4 spin 4 develop 5 privacy 6 give away 7 CCTV
5 land 7 climb already! 2 Yes, this program is the
8 brand
Across 6 circumnavigate easiest one I’ve ever used. 3 and
4 Really? I’ve made lots of mistakes 4 1 issue 2 tagging somebody in a
3 1 d 2 e 3 a 4 b 5 c photo 3 On the contrary 4 getting into
with it. I’ve never used one like it before.
5 Have you ever edited photos before? the wrong hands 5 out of sight
6 Yes, I have. But … I haven’t done it for
Page 15 GRAMMAR 2
a long time. 7 I’ve used photo editing
1 1 c 2 a 3 c 4 b 5 a 6 c 7 b 8 a 9 c Page 22
programs for five years now. You can
10 b 1 1 since 2 been 3 -ing 4 continuous
soon forget how to use them though.
2 1 can’t understand 2 was rescued form 5 simple form
8 Well, I’ve forgotten. I really need more
3 is possible to read 4 the North Pole 2 1 a 2 b 3 b
been 5 the real story known 6 you 3 1 ’ve/have been watching 2 ’ve/
5 1 haven’t seen 2 has it been 3 Since
informed 7 not my cup of tea have been working 3 ’ve/have been
4 I’ve got 5 it was 6 have you done
3 1 didn’t you 2 didn’t hear 3 don’t you waiting 4 ’ve/have been sitting 5 have
7 I went 8 did you go
remember 4 Do you think 5 be 6 Are you been doing? 6 ’ve/have been tidying
6 1 just 2 yet 3 already 4 just 5 yet
7 ’ve 7 haven’t/have not been standing 8 ’ve/
6 already 7 just 8 yet, already
7 1 haven’t shared 2 have finished have been trying
Unit 2 3 have set 4 has, tagged 5 have added 4 1 b 2 a 3 a 4 b 5 b 6 a 7 a 8 b
6 have admitted 5 1 ’ve/have made 2 ’ve/have been
VOCABULARY 1 working 3 have you been waiting 4 ’ve/
Page 16 8 1 Have you turned on your computer?
2 Have you logged on to your computer? have read 5 ’ve/have sent 6 hasn’t/
1 1 upload 2 connect 3 swipe has not finished 7 ’ve/have been trying
3 Have you downloaded any files?
4 search 5 identity 6 browse 7 track 8 ’s/has been studying
4 Have you backed up your files? 5 Have
2 1 touch screen 2 camera 3 app
you clicked the icon to update your
4 mobile 5 map 6 web browser SPEAKING
security software? 6 Have you run a
3 Suggested answers: Page 23
security scan?
Machines – set up, turn up/down, turn 1 1 a 2 c
on/off, back up, update, log on/out, LISTENING 2 1 take 2 forbidden 3 ban 4 out
Program – back up, download, upload, 5 careful 6 steps 7 trust 8 careful
Page 20
log on, log out, click, enter, set up, 4 Suggested answers:
1 1 audio 2 verbs 3 stressed
update Giving warnings 1, 5
4 intonation
Documents/Files – back up, download, Giving prohibitions 2, 3, 4
2 1 a restaurant 2 c phone shop
upload, click, enter, scan, set up,
3 b home
update WRITING
3 1 b slow service 2 f a battery problem
4 1 turn up 2 log out 3 turn off Page 24
3 d using a phone in class
4 back up 5 download 6 swipe 1 1 How are you? (begin) 2 It was good
4 1 F 2 F 3 T 4 F 5 F 6 T
5 1 didn’t update 2 didn’t enter to hear from you. (finish) 3 by the way
3 didn’t click 4 didn’t set up 5 didn’t 5 1 I ordered our food thirty minutes
4 Do you remember … ? 5 Best wishes,
scan ago. 2 I can’t do that! 3 I only bought
this two months ago and the battery
6 1 phone 2 camera 3 upload 4 set up 2 1 c 2 Clare’s contact details
needs replacing already. 4 You’re always
5 scan 6 download 7 app 8 track 3 interview, Saturday job
getting caught! 5 Yesterday in maths,
the day before in chemistry and in 3 1 a 2 b 3 c 4 b 5 e 6 d
READING 4 1 hear 2 written 3 know 4 remember
Page 17 5 hear 6 touch
1 1 introduction 2 main idea 5 1 f 2 d 3 e 4 b 5 a 6 c
3 supporting points
2 b

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Page 26 Page 30 Page 34
1 Across 3 free running 4 skydiving 1 1 finished 2 past participle 3 in 1 1 smell 2 in progress 3 object
9 tower running 10 skateboarding progress 4 verb 5 yet 6 state 7 realise 4 completed 5 infinitive
11 free diving 12 rock climbing 8 since 2 1 go off 2 coming 3 ringing
Down 1 base jumping 2 snowboarding 2 1 a 2 b 3 a 4 b 5 b 6 b 4 increasing 5 running 6 screaming
5 ice climbing 6 bungee jumping 3 1 b 2 a 3 f 4 h 5 c 6 e 7 g 8 d 7 jump
7 bodysurfing 8 windsurfing 3 1 singing 2 flying 3 touch 4 climbing
Page 31
2 1 set … up 2 download 3 upload 5 crying 6 cooking 7 put
4 1 met 2 known 3 seen 4 got 5 been
4 log on 5 log out 6 swipe 7 turn … up 4a a I smelled something strange
waiting 6 arrived
8 Turn … off 9 turn … on 10 Turn … coming from the other side of the door.
5 1 John hadn’t understood the dangers
down b I suddenly heard something like a
before he started out. 2 He’d never
3 1 unlikely 2 irresponsible 3 illogical window smash downstairs. c I felt cold
attempted to climb alone but he felt
4 unfair 5 illegal 6 incapable 7 unusual sweat running down my back as I stood
confident. 3 Nobody had told him that a
8 impatient 9 unaware 10 unwell in the blackness. d I was alone at night
violent storm was expected. 4 He hadn’t
up in my bedroom when I saw the lights
been holding the rope when his partner
GRAMMAR REVIEW 1 & 2 go out. e I heard somebody walking
fell. 5 He thought he’d twisted his ankle
Page 27 slowly up the stairs towards my room.
in the fall. 6 He’d almost given up hope
1 1 didn’t answer (weren’t answering) f I heard somebody knocking loudly and
when the rescue team arrived.
2 was travelling 3 ’ve/have been repeatedly on my door.
6 1 had already been planning 2 ’d/had
travelling 4 visited 5 was coming 4b Suggested answers: 1 d 2 b 3 c
never been 3 ’d/had always lived 4 ’d/
6 broke 7 took 8 ’ve/have been using 4 e 5 a 6 f
had always dreamt/dreamed 5 had said
9 did you pay 10 didn’t you tell
6 ’d/had asked 7 ’d/had had 8 ’d/had
2 1 d 2 c 3 b 4 a 5 b 6 c 7 d 8 c SPEAKING
been driving 9 had left 10 had been
3 1 She was holding her phone. 2 I Page 35
chewing 11 had been eating 12 had
was sleeping when there was a knock 1a 1 matter 2 point 3 wrong 4 sure
had 13 ’d/had asked
on the door. 3 I’ve/have had this/my 5 true 6 think 7 actually 8 all 9 unlikely
phone for two years. 4 He hasn’t/has LISTENING 10 quite
not got his phone. 5 I’ve just been Page 32 1b 1 wrong 2 quite 3 point 4 matter
playing tennis and I’m tired. 6 I’ve/ 5 sure 6 actually 7 all 8 true 9 unlikely
1a 1 c 2 d 3 b 4 a 5 e
have waited on the phone for 30 10 think
1b 1 Identify the main topic. 2 Focus
minutes. 2a You’re wrong there; I’m not sure how
only on information that relates to the
4 1 is used; isn’t used 2 need true that is, actually; That’s true, but … ;
main topic. 3 Listen for information
3 don’t think 4 is 5 are strapped It’s very unlikely; as a matter of fact …
which is repeated or emphasised.
6 travel 3 1 c 2 e 3 d 4 f 5 b 6 a
4 Ignore small details and examples.
5 Write people’s exact words when you
Unit 3 quote them.
Page 36
2a four
VOCABULARY 1 1 1 while, before, meanwhile, when,
2b economic
Page 28 afterwards, finally (in any order)
3 (in any order) 1 can’t pay their bills
1 1 hill 2 mountain 3 beach 4 field 2 suddenly 3 luckily, unfortunately (in
2 can’t provide for their children 3 are
5 forest 6 volcano 7 cliff 8 lake any order)
9 river 10 wave/waves 11 waterfall 2 1 f 2 a 3 d 4 c 5 b 6 g 7 e
4 people are dying
12 island 3 1 b 2 a 3 c 4 c 5 a 6 c
5 1 homelessness 2 it’s up 20% this
2a 1 lava 2 flood 3 wildfire 4 drought 4 1 When 2 While 3 Finally 4 To my
5 tornado 6 tsunami 7 death 8 storm disappointment 5 to my surprise
9 rain 6a c
5 b
2b war 6b Share What You’ve Got
3 1 drought 2 lava 3 wildfire 4 death
5 tornado 6 tsunami 7 storm 8 flood Page 37
Page 33
4 1 f 2 d 3 a 4 b 5 e 6 c 2b 1 c 2 e 3 d 4 b 5 a 6 f
1 1 c 2 a 3 f 4 e 5 b 6 d
READING 2 1 banging 2 sighed 3 burst 4 roar
Page 29 5 slamming 6 whispered
Page 38
1 1 compare 2 comparisons 1 1 erase 2 unique 3 reveal 4 back up
Words & Beyond
3 qualities; picture 5 scan 6 log on
3 1 community 2 global 3 utopia
2 two 2 1 b 2 d 3 a 4 d 5 a 6 b
4 ignore 5 disease 6 grab
3 (in any order) 1 It was like a giant 3 1 gap 2 out 3 point 4 fact 5 contrary
4 1 creep 2 snapped 3 twisted
smashing its way across the land … 6 afraid 7 forbidden 8 prohibited
4 knocked 5 stepped 6 swinging
2 … as easily as an angry kid throws a
toy against a wall. 3 … it sounded like
you’d got the vacuum cleaner on …
4 1 b 2 b 3 a 4 b 5 a 6 a

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GRAMMAR REVIEW 1–3 b are allowed 3 a are allowed b allow the job everyone wants. 6 The cakes
Page 39 4 a aren’t allowed b doesn’t allow 5 a Sally baked were delicious
1 1 written 2 play 3 think 4 twisted doesn’t allow b aren’t allowed 6 a are 5 1 The accountant who stole millions of
5 was skateboarding 5 fell 7 was told allowed b allow pounds from clients has gone to prison.
8 had infected 4 1 allowed 2 let 3 made 4 allowed 2 The carpenter who fitted new doors in
2 1 Did John finish writing his report 5 make 6 allowed our house was very cheap. 3 My friend
on time? 2 Have the students heard 5 1 You’re not allowed to smoke on whose bike was stolen walked to work.
about the fire drill?/Have the students the plane. 2 I can’t let you keep this 4 The clothes store which I loved has
been told about the fire drill? 3 Do cream on your skin for too long. 3 You closed down. 5 The runner who cheated
we all know what to do in case of an are not allowed to get out of bed. 4 I has been banned from the Olympics.
earthquake? 4 After he’d phoned her can’t let you install that product. 5 You 6 The estate agent who sold my house
three times, he gave up. 5 She suddenly are not allowed to eat in the computer has lost his job. 7 The florist who did
saw the huge wave coming towards room. 6 The director made them do it the flowers at my wedding is really good.
her. 6 Where have you been? I’ve been again. 7 The accountant made me save 8 The lawyer who dealt with my legal
waiting for ages. money. 8 My parents made me work in problem is expensive.
3a 1 a 2 b 3 b 4 c 5 a 6 c agriculture.
3b a 4 b 6 c 1 d 5 e 3 f 2 6 1 My boss allows me to work from SPEAKING
home. 2 They don’t allow any visitors. Page 47
Unit 4 3 They make me do the same thing all 1a 1 caterer 2 veterinary nurse
day. 4 He lets me cook the starters. 3 electrician
VOCABULARY 1 5 They make me wash all the dishes. 2 caterer
Page 40 6 We are allowed to eat for free. 3a 1 other 2 saying 3 saying 4 with
1a 1 agriculture 2 arts 3 business 5 meant 6 correct
4 construction 5 health 6 travel and LISTENING
tourism 7 retail Page 44 WRITING
1b apprenticeship 1 1 Listen to how people talk 2 Identify Page 48
2 1 Retail 2 Arts 3 Agriculture the relationship between 3 People are 1b full forms
4 Health 5 Construction 6 Travel and more careful with their words 4 Friends 2 1 in his local college 2 shortly
Tourism 7 Business are likely to use humour 3 his CV
3 1 accountant 2 web 3 beauty 2 1 horror 2 western 3 musical 3 1 top right 2 your address 3 left
therapist 4 carpenter 5 electrician 4 thriller 4 Dear Mr/Mrs/Ms; Dear Sir or Madam
6 firefighter 7 flight attendant 3 1 western 2 musical 3 horror 5 I look forward to hearing from you
8 gardener 9 healthcare assistant 4 thriller 6 Yours faithfully; Yours sincerely
10 sound 11 plumber 12 veterinary 4 1 positive 2 negative 3 positive 4 1 a, b 2 b
nurse 4 negative
4 1 florist 2 architect 3 estate agent 5 1 Yes 2 No 3 Yes 4 No LIFE SKILLS
4 lawyer 5 park ranger Page 49
VOCABULARY 2 1 a 4 b 2 c 3 d 1 e 5 f 7 g 6
Page 41 1 1 c 2 d 3 f 4 e 5 g 6 b 7 i 8 h 9 a VOCABULARY REVIEW 1–4
1 1 greetings 2 complex 3 punctuation 2 1 a 2 c 3 c 4 c 5 a Page 50
4 simpler 5 emoticons 1 1 tsunami; earthquake; flood
2 c Words & Beyond 2 tornado; hurricane 3 Landslides;
3 Informal – Lenny and John 3 1 a, d 2 b, f 3 c 4 e avalanches 4 drought; wildfire
Formal – Ruby and Hannah 4 1 mates 2 shoot 3 zombie 4 outfits 5 volcanic eruptions
4 You have to be positive. You are 5 crowd scene 6 film credits 7 locations 2 1 b 2 c 3 a 4 a 5 b 6 c
selling yourself. It is you against the 8 set 3 1 the top 2 your potential 3 an
world. 5 1 in a hurry 2 crossroads 3 blank ambition 4 an invitation 5 your goal
5 1 the job description and the company 4 scheme 5 salary 6 harmful 6 problems 7 fame 8 your life
website 2 15 minutes 3 b 4 b 5 a 4 1 face your fears 2 achieve fame
6 Ruby – Do your research and ask GRAMMAR 2 3 fulfil your potential 4 take a risk 5 risk
questions Page 46 everything 6 take up a challenge
John – Emphasise all your strengths 1 1 people 2 people 3 things 4 places
Hannah – Emphasise your strengths 5 possessions 6 extra 7 that 8 full stop GRAMMAR REVIEW 1–4
9 the relative pronoun Page 51
GRAMMAR 1 2 1 who/that 2 who/that 3 which/that 1 1 which/that lets 2 who/that makes
Page 42 4 whose 5 whose 6 which/that 3 who/that makes 4 where; are allowed
1 1 obligation 2 infinitive without to 3 1 where 2 which 3 who 4 who 5 which/that makes 6 which/that lets
3 permission 4 Allow 5 let 6 infinitive 5 where 6 which 7 who/that make 8 who/that makes
with to 4 1 The meeting I had to attend went 2 1 When the students had done a
2 1 c 2 a 3 b 4 a 5 c 6 c 7 a on for three hours. 2 That’s the house questionnaire, they wrote a report.
my parents live in. 3 The policeman lost 2 When Monty had saved enough money,
Page 43 sight of the man he was chasing 4 The he got a new games console. 3 When
3 1 a allows b are allowed 2 a allow numbers I chose didn’t win a prize. 5 It’s I had read my/the book, I took it back

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to the library. 4 When Mark had been 7 Watching the news WRITING
mountain biking, his parents went to the 6 1 made 2 using 3 found 4 love Page 60
shops. 5 When I had looked both ways, 5 looking 6 making 7 sitting 8 holding 1 1 b 2 c 3 d 4 a
I crossed the road. 6 When Gemma 2 a 3 b 4 c 1 d 2
hadn’t returned my call, I texted her. LISTENING 3 a spectators b sunshine c tradition
3 1 a 2 a 3 a 4 b 5 a 6 a Page 56 d communities e costumes f bands
1 1 exception 2 general 3 Most 4 rule g police
Unit 5 5 Apart 6 large 7 Except 8 whole 4 1 and 2 also 3 Although 4 as
2 1 E 2 G 3 G 4 G 5 E 6 G 7 E 8 G 5 However 6 not only 7 but also
VOCABULARY 1 3 1 b 2 a 3 d 4 c 8 Despite 9 but 10 so
Page 52 4 1 graffiti 2 trash art 3 performance
1 1 stage; theatre 2 orchestra; art 4 installation art
Page 61
instrument 3 skyscraper; bridge 5 1 Speaker 2 2 Speaker 4 3 Speaker 5a Paragraph 1 When did you go?
4 poem; novel 5 stone; wood 6 brush; Where did you go?
1 4 Speaker 3
canvas Paragraph 2 Who did you meet there?
6 Speaker 3
2 1 h 2 j 3 i 4 b 5 g 6 d 7 f 8 e 9 a What happened?
7 1 b 2 d 3 c 4 a
10 c Paragraph 3 Was it a good or bad
adventure? Why?
3 1 portrait 2 installation 3 still life VOCABULARY 2
4 sketch 5 Pavement art 6 landscape Paragraph 4 How do you feel about it
Page 57
7 performance now?
1 1 h 2 i 3 a 4 b 5 g 6 j 7 c 8 e 9 d
4 1 plaster 2 paper 3 chalk 4 spray 10 f 11 l 12 k LIFE SKILLS
2 1 stunning 2 powerful 3 controversial 3 1 C 2 C 3 O
READING 4 impressive 5 unique 6 subtle
Page 53 4 2 a 1 b 3 c
3 1 dull 2 moving 3 elaborate
1 1 purpose 2 information 3 sentences 4 dramatic 5 average 6 quirky
4 formal 5 sources 6 quote
Page 62
2 b Words & Beyond 1 1 impatient 2 irrelevant 3 unwell
3 c 4 1 whole 2 chalk 3 fresco 4 life
4 incapable 5 immoral 6 illegal
4 1 b 2 b 3 a 4 a 5 a 5 angle 6 zone 7 large 8 mud
7 unaware 8 illogical
5 1 It’s raining here at the moment. 9 charcoal
2 a 6 b 2 c 4 d 3 e 7 f 5 g 1 h 8
2 But the street performers are cheering 5 1 imagination 2 concerned
3 1 b 2 g 3 d 4 c 5 e 6 h 7 f 8 a
us up. 3 Wow! The size of that statue 3 unfamiliar 4 angle 5 generally
4 1 digital 2 access 3 issue 4 privacy
is unbelievable! 4 The guide said it was 6 images
5 track 6 reveal 7 hands 8 identity
some sort of political statement, but I
don’t understand how. 5 It’s been here GRAMMAR 2
for over 500 years, she said. Page 58
Page 63
6 1 and 2 1 1 confirm 2 end 3 questions
1 1 is never really finished; let
7 1 b 2 a 3 c 4 negative 5 positive 6 auxiliary 7 do
2 studied; didn’t understand 3 isn’t
2 1 b 2 a 3 a 4 b 5 b 6 a
known; wrote 4 feel; listen 5 took
GRAMMAR 1 3 1 haven’t you? 2 can it? 3 do you?
place; was enjoyed 6 was cancelled;
Page 54 4 didn’t they? 5 aren’t we? 6 won’t you?
broke 7 were told; did 8 don’t believe;
1 1 noun 2 object/subject 3 object/ 7 shall we?
subject 4 verb 5 clauses 6 time 7 main 4 1 do you 2 couldn’t we 3 isn’t there
2 1 a 2 b 3 c 4 b 5 a 6 c
8 subject 4 shall I 5 could you 6 didn’t you
3 1 b 2 a 3 b 4 b 5 a 6 a
2 1 N 2 V 3 V 4 V 5 V 6 N 5a 1 c 2 f 3 d 4 b 5 e 6 a
3 1 painting; are 2 thinking; go 5b a isn’t it b haven’t you c is it
3 taking; look 4 finishing; put 5 listen; d mightn’t it e wasn’t there f can you
Unit 6
painting 6 was; studying
Page 55 SPEAKING Page 64
4 1 The only time I feel alive is when Page 59
1 Across 2 burglary 5 piracy 7 murder
painting. 2 Art is the only way to run 1 1 B 2 A 3 D 4 C 9 mugging
away without leaving home. 3 I dream 2a 1 believe 2 concerned 3 awful Down 1 shoplifting 2 blackmail
of painting and then I paint my dream. 4 totally 5 do 6 did 7 so 8 honest 3 kidnapping 4 vandalism 6 robbery
4 Painting is easy when you don’t know 9 afraid 10 actually 8 pickpocketing
how, but very difficult when you do. 3 1 Conversations 2 and 3 2 1 burglary 2 piracy 3 murder
5 Don’t think about making art, just get 2 Conversation 4 3 Conversation 1 4 mugging 5 shoplifting 6 blackmail
it done. 6 Painting is poetry that is seen 4a 1 I thought 2 I totally agree 3 Well, 7 kidnapping 8 vandalism 9 robbery
rather than felt. 7 Making your unknown actually 4 As far as I’m concerned 10 pickpocketing
known is the important thing. 5 think 6 So do I 7 Neither did I 3 1 was stolen 2 robbery 3 ’ve been
5 1 Making this movie 2 Having a 8 I totally agree 9 I’m afraid I don’t burgled 4 murderer 5 Cybercrime
helpful older sister 3 Doing homework agree with 10 To be honest 6 vandalism
4 Creating a work of art 5 Getting 4 1 punishment 2 vandalism 3 fine
to concerts 6 Speaking in public 4 cybercrime 5 prison sentence
6 burglary 7 community service
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Page 65 Page 69 Page 73
1 1 directly 2 sentences 3 context 1 1 witness 2 alibi 3 fingerprints 1 1 A 2 B 3 A 4 B 5 A 6 B
4 indirectly 4 clues 5 DNA 6 remains 7 footprints
2 c 8 proof 9 marks 10 trail VOCABULARY REVIEW 1–6
3 1 Anne Boleyn / Henry VIII 2 Sherlock 2 1 proofs 2 DNA 3 clues 4 witness Page 74
Holmes 3 Jack the Ripper 5 alibi 6 footprint 7 remains 8 mark 1 1 moving 2 dull 3 average 4 Unique
4 1 b 2 c 3 a 5 subtle 6 controversial 7 elaborate
5 1 approximately 2 surprisingly Words & Beyond 8 quirky 9 Stunning 10 powerful
3 carefully 4 make all the difference 3 1 solve 2 mafia boss 3 corruption 2 talking about the general situation:
5 certainly 6 arguably 4 at all costs 5 prohibition 6 In real life as a rule, by and large, generally, on the
7 crime scene 8 punishment whole
GRAMMAR 1 4 1 crime; The big screen; recreate talking about differences: apart from,
Page 66 2 Keep an eye on; wander; nine-to-five except for, the exception
1 1 ought (not) to 2 a good (or bad) job; turn back 3 1 rescues; survivors 2 ash; lava
idea 3 must 4 don’t/doesn’t have to 5 1 making headlines 2 bad press 3 Homelessness; spreads 4 strikes;
5 mustn’t 6 have to 7 must 3 neighbourhood 4 trouble spot 5 take destroys 5 Disaster; buries 6 War;
2 1 E 2 C 3 D 4 F 5 B 6 A precautions 6 valuables 7 out of deaths
3 1 should 2 must 3 had better 4 have sight 8 common sense 9 in any given
to 5 have to 6 shouldn’t 7 mustn’t situation 10 there’s safety in numbers GRAMMAR REVIEW 1–6
Page 75
Page 67 GRAMMAR 2 1 1 can’t have; can he 2 must have;
4 1 ought 2 shouldn’t 3 ought 4 should Page 70 mustn’t she 3 could have; couldn’t you
5 Shouldn’t 6 should 7 shouldn’t 1 1 explanations 2 evidence 3 could/ 4 must have; mustn’t they / could have;
8 should might 4 might/could 5 must couldn’t they 5 can’t have; can we /
5 1 It’s raining. You had better wear a 6 impossible could have; couldn’t we 6 could have;
coat. 2 It’s late. We had better take a 2 1 b 2 b 3 a 4 a 5 b 6 b couldn’t he
taxi. 3 It’s cold. I had better take my 2 1 breaking/break 2 holding 3 shaking
3 1 can’t have 2 must have 3 might
gloves. 4 We’re late. We had better run. 4 arrive 5 standing 6 trying 7 beating
have 4 can’t have 5 might have 6 must
5 I think we had better leave now. 6 We 8 moving
have 7 can’t have 8 must have
had better hurry or we’ll miss the bus.
4 1 must have been based 2 can’t have 3 1 a ii b i 2 a i b ii 3 a i b ii 4 a ii b i
7 You had better join that queue before
been/couldn’t have been 3 could have 5 a i b ii 6 a i b ii 7 a ii b i 8 a i b ii
it gets any longer. 8 You had better
been 4 couldn’t have written 5 must 4 1 e 2 a 3 b 4 c 5 d 6 f
phone your mum. She’ll want to know
have done 6 can’t/couldn’t have done 1 My phone is broken, which is really
you arrived OK.
7 could have jumped 8 could have annoying. 2 My parents paid for the
6 1 I have to work long hours, but my driven meal, which was nice of them. 3 The
wife doesn’t have to. 2 My grandad had
5 1 You can’t have done a good job. police closed the road, which caused
to work when he was 14 years old, but I
2 You must have driven too fast. 3 You a traffic jam. 4 You left your phone on
didn’t/don’t have to. 3 You didn’t have
can’t have cooked it long enough./It my desk, which was careless of you.
to buy me a present for my birthday last
can’t have been cooked long enough. 5 Karen didn’t get the job, which upset
week. 4 I don’t have to work tomorrow,
4 Someone must have stolen my bank her. 6 You left the door open, which
do I? 5 The babysitter had to mind the
card. 5 He could have got lost. 6 He made it cold in here.
children last night, but I didn’t have to.
must have posted them using his phone.
6 You didn’t have to ask for help, did
you? 7 I had to work very hard in my old
7 He could have been ill. Unit 7
job, but now I don’t have to. SPEAKING VOCABULARY 1
7 1 don’t have to d 2 mustn’t a Page 71 Page 76
3 must h 4 must b 5 must f
1 1 c 2 a 3 b 4 d 1a 1 make 2 waste 3 spend 4 earn
6 don’t have to c 7 don’t have to e
2 Conversation 1 a 5 borrow 6 pay 7 inherit 8 raise
8 must g
Conversation 2 c 9 donate 10 owe 11 withdraw
LISTENING Conversation 3 b 1b 1  2  3  4  5  6  7 
3a 1 aggressive 2 careful 3 tired 8  9  10  11 
Page 68
4 fault 5 happen 6 angry 2a 1 borrow 2 inherited 3 withdraw
1 1 That reminds me 2 Actually 3 Just
4 raise 5 wasting 6 earned/been
a minute! 4 pauses
WRITING earning/made/been making 7 spend
2 a
Page 72 8 pay 9 donate
3 Just a minute!
1 1 opinion 2 arguments 3 summarises 2b lend
4 computer, DVD player, laptop, money 4 support 5 opinion 3 1 savings 2 account 3 income
(£s), TV
2 b 4 allowance 5 debt 6 cash
5 1 Gemma 2 Martin 3 Martin
3 1 c 2 a 3 b 4 1 profitable 2 earnings 3 inheritance
4 Martin 5 Gemma
4a 1 c 2 a 3 b 4 fees 5 withdrawal 6 donation
4b second 5a/5b 1 round 2 love 3 world 4 hard
5 money

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READING Words & Beyond 5 people 6 food

Page 77 5 1 parcel 2 saying 3 convertible 3 1 Yes 2 Yes 3 No 4 No 5 No 6 Yes
1 1 whole 2 information 3 details 4 cardboard 5 radical 6 junction 4 1 imagine, contact, see 2 eight
4 quote 6 1 dude 2 fair 3 sleepover 4 block 3 a paragraph 2 b paragraph 1 c
2 b 5 goods paragraph 2 4 wild stunning natural
4 3 cool light traditional friendly delicious
5 1 D 2 D 3 I GRAMMAR 2 local 5 two
6 4 Page 82
1 1 past 2 perfect 3 participle LIFE SKILLS
GRAMMAR 1 4 have 5 if 6 would 7 wouldn’t Page 85
Page 78 8 might 1 Suggested answers: 1 People
1 1 always true 2 present simple 2 1 a No b No 2 a No b Yes 3 a Yes b cannot change their basic nature
3 possible situations 4 future 5 present Yes 4 a Yes b Yes 5 a No b Yes 6 a Yes 2 Changing something about your life
simple 6 imaginary situations 7 future b No can be as good as having a rest
8 past simple 3 1 hadn’t; would have 2 had known; 2 Suggested answer: You can never
2 1 a No b Yes 2 a No b No 3 a Yes b could have 3 have; hadn’t repeat an action – every time you
No 4 1 If you had told me, I would have do something, even the same thing,
3 1 c 2 e 3 g 4 a 5 h 6 j 7 f 8 b 9 d understood. 2 Would you have forgiven your experience is different because
10 i me if I had said sorry? 3 Would you everything is always changing.
have still done it if you had thought 3 1 ✗ 2 ✓ 3 ✗ 4 ✓
Page 79 4 1 Change what you can change.
about the consequences? 4 I might not
4 1 wouldn’t 2 can 3 would 4 did 5 go have done it if Tom hadn’t encouraged 2 Accept what you can’t change.
6 won’t be me. 5 If you hadn’t arrived, it would have 3 Know the difference.
5a 1 What would you do if a stranger been a disaster. 6 Wouldn’t you have
asked you for some money in the been able to go on without me? VOCABULARY REVIEW 1–7
street? 2 What would you do if you 5 1 If George hadn’t been unemployed, Page 86
(unexpectedly) won 1,000 euros he would have had an income. 2 If he 1 1 sense 2 situation 3 eye
(unexpectedly)? 3 Would you lend money hadn’t had free time, he wouldn’t have 4 junctions 5 crossroads 6 local
to friends if they asked you? 4 Which been able to volunteer for a charity. 3 If 7 spots 8 traffic
charity would you donate to if you had Anne hadn’t worked for the same charity, 2 1 zombie 2 terrifying 3 scared
money to spare? 5 If you don’t have he wouldn’t have met her. 4 He wouldn’t 4 creepy 5 life 6 groan 7 scream
enough money in your account, could have married Anne if she hadn’t been 8 bury
you buy it using your credit card? 6 Can rich. 5 She wouldn’t have divorced him 3 1 f 2 g 3 h 4 b 5 e 6 a 7 d 8 c
people live more cheaply if they live in if she hadn’t realised he didn’t love her.
a village not a town? 7 If you were very 6 George wouldn’t have been alone if he GRAMMAR REVIEW 1–7
rich, how might your life change? hadn’t married for the wrong reason. Page 87
5b 4 a 7 b 3 c 1 d 2 e 5 f 6 g 1a 1 think 2 be 3 be 4 do 5 like
6 1 If I had my card, I could get some SPEAKING 6 miss 7 is 8 forgive
cash out. 2 If I were rich, I would/’d Page 83 1b 1 e 2 h 3 a 4 b 5 d 6 c 7 f 8 g
travel abroad. 3 If you need money, I 1 1 money; Croatia 2 parcel; China 2 1 A 2 A 3 I 4 A 5 I 6 A 7 I 8 I
can/will lend you some any time. 4 If 3 letter; France 3 1 found; been 2 found; transformed
you asked your mum, would she give you 2 1 stamp 2 need 3 send 4 much 3 was; were striking 4 was; was
more pocket money? 5 If I were you, I 5 cost 6 cheaper 7 long 8 options 5 lowered; pick
would/’d change banks. 6 If the tickets 9 pay
were cheaper, I would/’d get some. 7 If
I don’t finish quickly, I won’t be able to
3 1 conversations 1&2 Unit 8
2 conversations 1&2
watch Rich and Famous on TV. VOCABULARY 1
3 conversations 2&3
4 1 I’d like to send 1,000 euros to Page 88
Croatia 2 do I have to pay anything extra 1 1 d 2 g 3 h 4 a 5 i 6 e 7 j 8 k 9 l
Page 80
3 are there any other options 10 f 11 c 12 b
1 1 visual clues 2 typical information
4 I need to send this parcel to China. 2 1 going out; boyfriend (and) girlfriend
3 scene 4 events 5 consequences
5 Is there a cheaper way to send it 2 close friends; fell out 3 got on; enemy
3 1 B 2 C 3 A 4 E 5 D 6 How long will it take to get there 4 acquaintance; put up with 5 let down;
4 1 F 2 F 3 F 4 T 5 T 6 T 7 Can you tell me how much that teammates 6 relatives; got together
would cost 8 Can I have a first class 7 online friend; asked (her) out
VOCABULARY 2 stamp to send this letter, please 3 1 have an object 2 between 3 after
Page 81 9 when do you think it will arrive 4 1 put up with 2 going out with 3 get
1a 1  2  3  4  5  6  7 
on (well) with 4 fell out with 5 broken
8  9  10  WRITING up with 6 let me down 7 made up with
1b helpful, careful, hopeful (any order) Page 84 8 got over
2 1 helpless 2 careful 3 hopeless 1 1 imperatives 2 donate 3 second
4 grateful 5 stressful 4 identify 5 address 6 directly 7 third
3 1 pointless 2 grateful 3 hopeless 8 action
4 peaceful 5 stressful 6 careless 2 1 forests 2 lakes 3 wind 4 village
7 forgetful 8 motionless
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READING 5 face to face 6 depression 7 go 2

Page 89 without 8 caring 9 praise 10 role P A Y B A C K W R L
1 1 text type 2 checked 3 statistics models
4 feelings
2 a 4 b 3 c 5 d 1 e GRAMMAR 2 D Q M U T T I N A S
3 a F b F c F d F/O – for better or Page 94 C G Y X H S X O E S
worse = opinion e F/O – amazing 1 1 subject 2 what/who, etc 3 if/
journey = opinion whether 4 requests 5 commands
2 1 e 2 d 3 b 4 c 5 c 6 e 7 d 8 b 9 a W B R T I R E H N I
4 1 O 2 O 3 F 4 F 5 F
10 a R A I N C O M E U C
GRAMMAR 1 3 1 I told her to keep it a secret. 2 I W I K G B L E T O L
Page 90 asked her to leave. 3 I asked what
would happen to bullies. 4 I asked if
1 1 unhappiness 2 present 3 past
4 past she was right. 5 I asked if she had/’d N K J K L Z Q J E W
2 1 Pr 2 Pr 3 Pa 4 Pa 5 Pr 6 Pr 7 Pa told the truth. 6 He told me to tell her to 3 1 b 2 e 3 h 4 g 5 f 6 a 7 c 8 d
8 Pr 9 Pa 10 Pa be quiet. 7 She asked them not to say 4a 1 ✓ 2 ✗ 3 ✗ 4 ✗ 5 ✗ 6 ✗ 7 ✓ 8 ✗
3 1 ’d never started 2 ’d listened 3 ’d anything. 8 I asked him what she had/’d 9 ✓ 10 ✗
had 4 ’d studied 5 hadn’t eaten 6 ’d said. 9 She said (that)/told me Lisa 4b 1 pointless 2 forgetful 3 grateful
eaten 7 ’d done 8 ’d gone out wanted to meet me. 10 He said (that) 4 peaceful 5 stressful 6 helpless
4 a 8 b 3 c 5 d 6 e 7 f 1 g 4 h 2 John had answered the phone. 7 careful 8 motionless 9 endless
4 1 The doctor told him to take more 10 hopeless
Page 91 exercise. 2 He wanted to know if the
5 1 I wish I could concentrate. 2 I wish special price that night included the GRAMMAR REVIEW 1–8
I didn’t get so angry. 3 I wish I wasn’t/ internet. 3 She asked us whether we Page 99
weren’t so tired. 4 I wish my friend had eaten lunch. 4 Colin told me he 1 1 If you fail the speaking test, you can
was/were speaking to me. 5 I wish my wanted to come with us. / Colin said to take it again. 2 If we hurry, we will/’ll/
friends were honest. 6 I wish my essay me … 5 Rachel said she liked her new can catch the bus. 3 If you need a
was/were going better. 7 I wish I was/ phone. / Rachel said she didn’t like … ticket, I can get you one. 4 If you don’t
were feeling better. 8 I wish I had/’d 6 Helen asked us not to gossip. 7 They apologise, I won’t speak to you again.
studied for my French exam. said they were from the police. / They 5 If you gossip, you will/’ll/can be kicked
6 1 hadn’t broken up 2 hadn’t got told us … 8 He asked me if he was out of school. 6 If he enters the race,
together 3 had/’d got on 4 hadn’t fallen right. he will/’ll probably win. 7 If I need
out 5 had/’d made up 6 had/’d got over time off work, my boss will give it to
7 1 hadn’t shouted 2 weren’t 3 hadn’t SPEAKING me.
met 4 hadn’t met 5 put 6 hadn’t been Page 95 2 1 c 2 b 3 a 4 b 5 d 6 a 7 b 8 d
7 had/’d stayed / could have stayed 1 1 R 2 F 3 R 4 R 5 F 6 R 7 F 8 F 3 1 had known 2 wouldn’t have been
8 could phone 3 1 c 2 a 3 b 3 go 4 waited 5 will go 6 ate
4 1 told 2 upset 3 awful 4 shouted 4 1 1 c If I hadn’t left too late, I
LISTENING 5 upsetting 6 matter wouldn’t have missed the bus. (3rd
Page 92
conditional) 2 2 a If you don’t take
1 1 hold on/I mean 2 I mean/hold on WRITING an umbrella, you might get wet. (1st
3 thinking 4 What’s the word? 5 words Page 96 conditional) 3 3 f If you give me
2 b 1 1 wonderful 2 strict 3 creep 4 walk directions, I’ll try to follow them. (1st
3 1 actually 2 well 3 I mean 4 you 5 isn’t your cup of tea 6 run a mile from conditional) 4 4 e If I drank coffee
know 5 you know 6 um 7 eh 7 as fast as lightning 8 it looked as if a late, I wouldn’t be able to sleep.
4c 1 um 2 well 3 I mean 4 like 5 you toddler had built it (2nd conditional) 5 5 b If I didn’t
know 6 like 2 b like the food, I wouldn’t eat it. (2nd
3 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 S 5 S 6 S conditional) 6 6 d If I had dropped
VOCABULARY 2 4 1 easier said than done 2 a breath of the computer, it would have been a
Page 93 fresh air 3 a class act 4 as brave as a disaster. (3rd conditional)
1 1 d 2 g 3 a 4 i 5 j 6 b 7 h 8 c 9 e lion 5 as fit as a fiddle 6 as bright as a
10 f button Unit 9
2 1 accused; of 2 blamed; for 5 1 positive 2 fought back 3 grabbed
3 forgave; for 4 offered; to 5 refused; to 4 cheerful 5 rubbish 6 bounced around VOCABULARY 1
6 threatened; to 7 warned; not to Page 100
8 persuaded; to 9 advised; to LIFE SKILLS 1 1 crepe/crêpe 2 pasta 3 potato
10 reminded; to Page 97 4 pizza 5 pie 6 chips 7 beans 8 tuna
1 1 A 2 G 3 A 4 A 5 G 6 G 9 sushi 10 egg
Words & Beyond 2 1 B 2 E 3 D 4 F 5 A 6 C 7 H 8 G
3 1 date 2 desperately 3 contact VOCABULARY REVIEW 1–8 3 1 steam 2 boil 3 fry 4 bake 5 grill
4 overheard 5 upset 6 control 7 give Page 98 4 1 crunchy 2 topping 3 spicy 4 sour
(him) some space 8 get down in the 1 1 donate 2 raise 3 withdraw 4 pay … 5 filling 6 bitter
dumps back 5 inherit 6 owe 7 income 8 profit;
4 1 policy 2 care 3 feedback 4 bully loss

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READING Words & Beyond 3b a Paragraph 4 b Paragraph 1 c

Page 101 3 1 c 2 e 3 b 4 f 5 d 6 a Paragraph 5 d Paragraph 2 e Paragraph
1 1 so, therefore, as a result, as a 4 1 weight 2 herb 3 trust 4 voucher 3
consequence (any order) 2 because (of), 5 stall 6 wrap 4 1 appreciate 2 improvements
as, since, due to (any order) 5 2 3 5 6 7 9 10 3 benches 4 wild 5 provided 6 exercise
2 1 because 2 so 3 Therefore 4 As a 7 shade 8 picnic
consequence 5 Since GRAMMAR 2 5 1 We were asked by our teacher
3 c Page 106 to write a report. 2 we believe that,
4 c 1 1 pay 2 for 3 participle 4 informal Everybody agrees that, We feel it’s,
5 1 caused; result in 2 As a 2 1 d 2 f 3 a 4 c 5 e 6 b What we think is that, could be made
consequence of 3 Since; change 3 1 b 2 f 3 c 4 a 5 d 6 e better (any three in any order) 3 could
6a 1 so 2 due to 3 as a result 4 as 4 1 We’re having the garden planted. be provided, should be cleaned, suggest
5 because 6 as 7 produce 8 Therefore 2 We had our computer repaired. making cycle paths, there should be a
6b 1 result 2 reason 3 result 4 reason 3 We’re going to get the dog trained. rule (any three in any order)
5 reason 6 reason 7 result 8 result 4 John and Alice are getting a new Page 109
7 1 countless 2 alarming 3 major kitchen fitted. 5 I have my suit cleaned 6a Paragraph 1: 1; Paragraph 2: 5;
4 canteen every Friday. 6 He got the parcel Paragraph 3: 3; Paragraph 4: 2;
delivered by courier. Paragraph 5: 4
GRAMMAR 1 5 1 I had the toilet fixed yesterday. 2 I’m
Page 102 getting/having my kitchen wall knocked LIFE SKILLS
1 1 modal verb 2 more important down (by the builder) tomorrow. 3 I’m 1 1 others 2 list 3 add 4 information
3 past participle 4 have been getting/having our special anniversary 5 cons 6 trust 7 you 8 favour
2 1 ✗ 2 ✗ 3 ✓ 4 ✗ 5 ✓ cake made (by the baker) today. 4 I’m
3 1 b 2 f 3 a 4 c 5 d 6 e getting/having/going to get/going to VOCABULARY REVIEW 1–9
4 1 caused 2 be allowed 3 could 4 be have the new fridge collected (by John) Page 110
5 could 6 can’t 7 should 8 have this Friday. 5 I’m going to get/going to 1 1 asked (her) out 2 went out
have my nails done by the beautician. 3 getting on 4 let (me) down 5 fell out
Page 103 6 1 Are you really going to have all 6 broke up 7 made up 8 put up
5 1 won’t have been heard of 2 won’t your hair cut off 2 I had my hair dyed 2 1 accused 2 reminded 3 refused
be spoken to 3 could have been made 3 Have you ever had them whitened? 4 blamed 5 advised 6 forgave 7 offered
up 4 couldn’t have been created 5 can 4 I have/’ve never had them whitened 8 threatened
be found 6 should be cooked 7 must be 5 Have you ever had a tattoo done? 3 1 e 2 f 3 h 4 c 5 g 6 a 7 b 8 d
sent 8 must be added 6 I am/’m having one done / I am/’m 4 1 gold 2 bird 3 button 4 bat 5 lion
6 1 Dogs must be carried. 2 Food going to have one done 7 my 6 mouse 7 fiddle 8 hills 9 feather
consumed here must be bought here. boyfriend is getting a special ring
3 Vegetables should not be boiled for made 8 we are/’re having a big party
more than ten minutes. 4 Successful organised / we are/’re going to have a B E O L G O L D O I
applicants will be notified by email. big party organised 9 We had the house H I A T W H B D U D
5 Trains may be delayed due to snow on decorated 10 we are/’re having a huge
the track. 6 Food can be eaten here or V H R T T I I N S D
table delivered / we are/’re going to
taken away. have a huge table delivered D Q B D H U A L E L
7 1 could have been 2 shouldn’t B A G F V E B Q L E
have been 3 could/should have been SPEAKING
4 wouldn’t have been 5 shouldn’t have
Page 107
been 6 would have been 7 wouldn’t be 1 1 D 2 C 3 F 4 G
8 could/should/can be 2 1 Customer 2 2 Customer 1 L I O N N I L D E G
3 Customer 4 4 Customer 3
LISTENING 3 1 dried 2 trim 3 highlights 4 fringe GRAMMAR REVIEW 1–9
Page 104 5 top 6 gel 7 suit 8 recommend 9 good Page 111
1 1 listener 2 polite 3 express 10 longer 1 1 wouldn’t 2 had told 3 could
4 respect 5 topic 6 interesting 4a 1 suit 2 good 3 Would 4 didn’t 5 would 6 had been 7 had
7 questions 8 opposite 4 recommend 5 leave 6 wax 7 much 8 didn’t have 9 were 10 felt
2 1 N 2 a & d 8 suggest 9 trimmed 10 Would 2 a 1 b 8 c 3 d 6 e 9 f 2 g 7 h 4 i 5
3 1 N 2 David 3 No j 10
4 1 P 2 two 3 Yes WRITING 3 1 a 2 d 3 b 4 c 5 b 6 a 7 d 8 c 9 b
5 1 N 2 No Page 108 10 a
1 1 top 2 subject 3 headings 4 1 could 2 would 3 could 4 can’t
VOCABULARY 2 4 introduction 5 why 6 opinions 5 should 6 must 7 can 8 may/might
Page 105 7 conclusion 8 suggestions
1 1 f 2 e 3 b 4 a 5 c 6 d 2 1 P5 2 P4 3 P1 4 P3 5 P2
2 1 a ✓ b ✓ c x 2 a ✓ b x c ✓ 3 a x b 3a a Negative aspects b Subject c
✓ c x 4 a ✓ b ✓ c x 5 a x b x c ✓ Conclusion d Introduction e Positive

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in the future. 6 Real Madrid is/are not option would be … , Would you prefer
Unit 10 likely to win the match. to …
3 1 Whatever 2 Either 3 rather
VOCABULARY 1 LISTENING 4 Alternatively 5 Another option
Page 112 Page 116 4 1 You could travel either by car or by
1 1 d 2 a 3 b 4 e 5 c 6 f 1 1 who/which/that 2 So 3 means train. 2 Another option would be to leave
2 1 discovered 2 was launched 4 difficult earlier. 3 Would you prefer Mexican or
3 designed 4 was created 5 produce 2 A 3 B 1 C 2 Indian? 4 Either way, we can/could stay
6 developing
3 1 Where we live and work will change. with my cousin. 5 Would you rather stay
3a 1 planets 2 satellite 3 telescope 2 How we grow things will change. 3 Our with me?
4 moon 5 space 6 universe energy supply will change.
3b 2 a 1 b 4 c 6 d 5 e 3 f 4 Our jobs will change. LIFE SKILLS
4 1 galaxy 2 colonies 3 atmosphere 4 1 1 2 1 3 3 4 4 5 2 6 3 7 2 8 4 Page 121
4 oxygen 5 space stations 6 orbit 5 1 which 2 words 3 is 4 difficult 1 1 c 2 b 3 e 4 d 5 a
7 dome 8 surface 9 base 10 spacecraft 2 1 F 2 T
Page 113 Page 122
1 1 e 2 c 3 a 4 d 5 f 6 b
1 1 time 2 contrasting 3 results 4 as 1 Across 3 acquaintance 7 guest
2 1 underpaid 2 megastars
long as 5 unfortunately 8 boyfriend
3 superhero 4 oversleep 5 minibus
2 A 3 B 1 C 4 D 2 6 ultra-thin Down 1 neighbour 2 enemy
3 1 a 2 d 3 b 4 c 3 1 megacities 2 miniseries 4 classmate 5 teammate 6 relative
4 Time: first, second 3 overcrowded 4 underestimate 2 A a 2 b 3 c 4 d 1
Addition: furthermore, and 5 supercomputers 6 ultra-modern B a 3 b 1 c 2 d 4
Contrast: despite, though, however 3 1 nails 2 florist’s 3 hair 4 eyesight
Reason: because Words & Beyond 5 teeth 6 pizza 7 chemist
Result: means that, resulted in, as a 4 1 carbon dioxide 2 pioneers
result, consequently 3 satellite 4 vision 5 exploration GRAMMAR REVIEW 1–10
Condition: if 6 founder 7 signal 8 launch Page 123
5 1 is profitable 2 sustain; rate 1 1 If you break up with someone, it can
GRAMMAR 1 3 consists of 4 transmit 5 progress take a long time to get over them. 2 If
Page 114 6 alternatively 7 transparent I had his number, I would call him. 3 I
1 1 present continuous 2 timetables wouldn’t miss him if he didn’t go away
and schedules 3 be going to GRAMMAR 2 on business. 4 If I was/were rich, I
4 probably/definitely 5 be likely to 6 will Page 118 wouldn’t work. 5 If I had started this
be able to 1 1 progress 2 -ing 3 completed 4 past job sooner, I would have earned more
2 1 promise 2 arrangement 3 future participle money. 6 If anything is not/isn’t clear,
ability 4 intention 5 timetable and 2 1 FC 2 FP 3 FP 4 FC 5 FC 6 FP 7 FP call me. / If anything’s not clear, call me.
schedule 6 instant decision 7 prediction 8 FC 7 If I was/were famous, I wouldn’t like it.
8 things that will probably happen 2 1 If we had some bread, I could make
3 1 be speaking 2 have learned
3 1 are you doing 2 starts 3 I’m 3 be living 4 have replaced 5 be using a sandwich. 2 He wouldn’t have been/
meeting 4 I’ll try 5 are you going to 6 have risen 7 have fallen 8 have used wouldn’t be angry if you hadn’t dropped
be 6 I’m likely to be 7 I’ll text 8 I’ll his phone. 3 If the sea level rises,
4 1 will you be doing 2 won’t be doing
definitely be there will be floods. 4 I wish someone
3 will/’ll have finished 4 will/’ll be
Page 115 watching 5 will have worked 6 will/’ll be would turn it off. 5 If it snows, I’ll stay
4 1 ✓ 2 to 3 be 4 will 5 ✓ 6 be 7 ✓ sitting 7 will/’ll be staying 8 will/’ll have here. 6 If they don’t reply today, I’ll be
8 ✓ been angry. 7 If we don’t act quickly, it’ll be
5a 1 d 2 a 3 e 4 b 5 c too late. 8 I wish you had listened to me
a ’re going to make b going to c ’s going SPEAKING yesterday and taken my advice.
to hit d are going to win e ’re going to Page 119 3 1 Fizzy drinks should have been
5b predictions 1 1 d 2 a 3 c 4 b banned years ago. 2 Animals shouldn’t
6 1 Best answer: will/’ll … launch / 2a 1 forget 2 soon 3 pass on 4 all be tested on. 3 The amount of fat in
are/’re … going to launch Also possible: 5 promise 6 do my best 7 time 8 Look foods should be limited. 4 Less meat
are/’re … launching 2 are/’re … to 3 1 Have a great time 2 asked me/us could have been eaten (by the people) at
discover 3 Best answer: are going to to pass on her best wishes 3 I promise the party. 5 Less food could have been
develop Also possible: will develop I’ll call. 4 my best to keep (him) out of imported. 6 Pollution might have been
4 will/’ll be able to produce 5 are/’re trouble reduced if they had travelled less.
going (to) design 6 am/’m going to 4 1 Have you had your ears pierced?
create / will/’ll create WRITING 2 Have you had your hair cut? 3 We
7 1 My sister’s going to meet us after Page 120 need to get lots of photos taken. 4 I
the movie. 2 He has his exam on the 1 1 either 2 Alternatively 3 prefer have had the car washed. 5 She has
23rd. 3 The train stops at Milan. 4 I’m 4 Whatever had the house cleaned. 6 Have you had
going (to go) on holiday – I need a break. 2a C 1 A 2 B 3 D 4 your blood pressure taken?
5 People will be able to travel to Mars 2b Alternatively, Either way, Another

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4 1 g 2 f 3 b 4 h 5 d 6 a 7 e 8 c
King Arthur 5a 1 a very normal place 2 because
Page 124 he’s an ordinary person 3 Amy 4 the
1a 1 Merlin 2 Merlin; the Archbishop sister 5 the narrator/teacher 6 34
3 Sir Ector 4 Kay 5 Arthur 6 Kay; Arthur
1b 1 The Archbishop 2 Arthur 3 Kay
4 Sir Ector
Merlin is missing.
2 Suggested answer:
They thought someone had given Arthur
the sword and they told him it didn’t
belong to him.
Page 125
3a They heard a sound like music
outside the cathedral.
The stone was half as big as a man.
3b 1 So Arthur rode his horse as fast
as the wind back across the field.
2 ‘I have forgotten my sword,’ he said
to Arthur, sounding like an embarrassed
child. 3 So Kay, who was as strong as
a bear, put his hand around the handle
of the sword and pulled. 4 The metal
flashed brightly like lightning in the sky.
4a b c e
4b (from the back cover of the
Macmillan reader)
‘Arthur,’ said Sir Ector, ‘draw the sword
from the stone.’ Arthur put his hand on
the sword and pulled it out of the stone.
Sir Ector got off his horse. He lowered
his head and held the handle of a sword
towards Arthur.
‘Arthur,’ said Ector. ‘You are the true king
of all the land.’ (55 words)
5a 1 I – she thinks it’s a book for boys
2 C 3 I – he likes the cover although he
doesn’t say this at first 4 C 5 I – she
says she’ll read King Arthur if Marc
reads Rebecca 6 C – they joke with each
other and she comments on the type of
films he likes

An Adventure at Brownville
Page 126
1 1 town 2 health 3 teacher 4 forest
5 sister 6 afraid
2 He was a singer and wore expensive
Page 127
3 1 F – the house was full 2 O – the
narrator asks himself if she’s begging
or praying 3 O – he guessed that they
were about this age 4 F – the narrator
confirmed what he had guessed when
he heard the man singing 5 O – the
narrator said they looked expensive
6 O – the man looked as if he knew

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