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Lesson 1: Course orientation

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the session, students can:
1. have a clear understanding of the course learning outcomes, content, class
management and requirements;
2. have clear guidelines on how to study RE 113 using flexible learning approach.

“There is no elevator to success, you have to take the stairs.”
Zig ZiSglar
Acquisition of New Knowledge
RE 113 presents the life of the Church, its origin, and foundation and its growth through
the different periods of history Furthermore, it presents the Church as the foundational
sacrament of Christ and the seven (7) ritual sacraments.It allows the students to further
understand the nature and reality of the Church as a community who by their faith,
witness and worship makes Christ’s love and presence visible in the world. This course
will also engage the students into active participation in the Church’s mission of
evangelization and its sacramental life in the context of their GKK..
Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) for the subject
At the end of the course, the students:
1. can acquire an in depth knowledge and understanding of the origin of the Church, its
growth through history, nature and reality as a community of faith in the present context.
2.can understand the theology of liturgy and sacraments
3.can have a genuine attitude of involvement in the Church’s mission of evangelization
and active participation in the liturgical and sacramental life of the Church in the context
of their GKK
Course Content
Lesso Topic Time
n# Allotment
1 Course Orientation Week 1
2 The Church’s Origin and Foundation Week 2
3 The Church in History Week 3-4
4 The Church in the light of Vatican II Week 5
5 The Church in the light of PCP II Week 6
6 The role of Mary in the life of the Church Week 7
Week 8
Midterm Exam Week 9
7 Prayer/Worship Week 10
8 Liturgy Week 11
9 Introduction to the Sacraments Week 12
10 Sacraments of Initiation Week 13
11 Sacraments of Healing Week 14
12 Sacraments of Commitment Week 15
13 Founderology Week 16
14 Peace Integration Week 17
Final Exam Week 18

Class Management:
1. Synchronous session will be one (1) hour per week and asynchronous activities will
equivalent to two (2) hours per week
2. Classes will start on time, so everyone must be ready to log in at least five minutes
the start of our class session.
3. Students should inform the teacher by SMS (Short Message Service/text) if one is
problems with internet connections. Class sessions are recorded to allow everyone
to catch up with the rest of the class.
4. The class session starts and ends with a prayer. Each one will get to lead the prayer.
5. Module for each lesson will be uploaded 3 days before the class session to allow
to read and prepare before the class.
6. Students are expected to study the module and actively participate during the class
session. Everyone’s attention is expected to be focused on the class and external
disturbances should be avoided.
7. The teacher will provide inputs and pose essential questions during the synchronous
sessions which students need to answer immediately. This is also part of the
8. Assignments will be given and need to be accomplished during the student’s free
time (asynchronous).
9. Assessments will be both announced and unannounced.
10. Students are free to ask questions and further clarifications during the class session.
11. Students can consult the teacher by sending an email or by SMS/text. Students can
pose their question/s in the Discussion Board.
Note: The teacher is not available online 24/7 and during weekends, so, students
take note of the teacher’s consultation time.

12. Further readings are provided in the course pack but not limited to them. Students
can still access a wide range of learning resources online.

Class Attendance:
We have 16 synchronous sessions per semester so you are all expected to be present
during the real-time class sessions. You are only allowed ______ absences during the
synchronous sessions. Inform me if you are absent for some reasons.
You have to plan your schedule for the asynchronous sessions (about 32 hours per
semester) doing research, worksheets or assignments.
Tardiness and early leaving from the class sessions are also recorded.
Submission of Requirements:
* Submit requirements on time. Deductions will be made for late submissions
* Special quizzes, midterm or final exam are given only for very valid reasons.

Academic Integrity

The attempt by any student to present as his/her own work which he/she has not
produced is regarded as a serious offense. Students are considered to have cheated if
they turn in an assignment written in whole or in part by someone else. Students are
guilty of plagiarism, intentional or not, if they copy from books, magazines, Internet, or
other sources without identifying and acknowledging those sources or if they
paraphrase ideas from such sources without acknowledging them.

Students enrolled in this course who cheat on exams or quizzes or commit plagiarism,
or copy another students work in any way, violate the Academic Integrity policy of the
University and will receive an F (0 points) on the test or assignment in question. In
addition, they will be reported to the College Dean for appropriate sanction.
AQR (Assignments, Quizzes, Recitation) 40%
Total 100%

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