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In the French language, tomato is

called “pomme d’amour”, or “love
apple,” because the heart-shaped
fruit was originally thought of as an
Tomatoes were once thought to be poisonous, and it was
only in the 16th century when the popularity of tomatoes
rose. In 1820, the state of New York even passed a law
banning their consumption!

The truth was finally revealed on September 26, 1830,

when Colonel Robert Gibbon Johnson consumed an
entire bag of tomatoes before a shocked crowd on the
steps of the courthouse in Salem, New York. And … he
never died!
Space Tomatoes
In 1984 12.5 million tomato seeds (Rutgers California Supreme),
were sent into space where they circled the earth for 6 years
aboard a satellite, until the crew of the Columbia retrieved
them. Back on earth they were distributed to more than 3
million school children, 64,000 teachers and others around the
world. When planted, no significant differences were found
between them and their terrestrial counterparts.

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