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Single source data collection

Ethical considerations
- Ethical marketing decisions and efforts should meet and suit the needs
of customers, suppliers, and business partners. Unethical behavior such
as price wars, selective advertising, and deceptive marketing can
negatively impact a company's relationships. Recent trends show that
consumers prefer ethical companies
The marketing Research Process
- The diagram shows the processes to meet in able to obtain a good
marketing Research. So first is…
Secondary data has its internal and external parts.
In internal we have the accountants receivables and payables while on the
external the P and L statements are found.
- So what is P and L statements or Profit and Loss Statements is also known
as the income statement, it is a financial statement that summarizes the
revenues, costs, and expenses incurred during a specific period of time.

- Primary data, there are 4 types of primary data, these are the survey,
observation, experiment and simulation. The survey could be done
through telephone, mail, Internet and in person. On the other hand
observation includes human observations and even mechanical

Identifying problems/issues could be one of the single greatest challenge (just

read the follow up informations)

Basic definition steps include

So what is R. O. I?
R. O. I. Stands for return on marketing investment
It is the practice of attributing profit and revenue growth to the impact of
marketing initiatives.
Increase in Marketing Share
When there is an increase in market shares, it allows businesses to scale high
in its operations and profits. Enterprises increase their market share through
the following means: Advertising their products or services. Introducing a new
product in the market. Lowering the price of either their product or service.

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