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to giggle to laugh in a silly way because you are amused, hihotati; cerekati se

embarrassed or nervous
(to do sth) for hours on sate i sate (nešto raditi), satima
furious very angry bijesan, gnjevan
nearly almost; not quite; not completely gotovo, skoro, zamalo
to blow sth up to destroy something by an explosion dići u zrak; eksplodirati (učiniti da
nešto eksplodira)
lab (laboratory) a room or building used for scientific research, laboratorij
experiments, testing, etc
sticky-out (ears) kojemu uši nisu dovoljno
priljubljene uz glavu, klempave
as mad as ever
to chat to talk in a friendly informal way to somebody čavrljati; ugodno neobvezno
razgovarati, provoditi vrijeme u
ležernu razgovoru
reunion a social occasion or party attended by a group of ponovno spajanje; sastanak
people who have not seen each other for a long time (nekadašnjih) đaka (prijatelja itd.)
to drop sb a line to send a short letter to somebody poslati kratku poruku, javiti se
schoolmate = school friend; a friend who attends or attended the školski prijatelj
same school as you
easy-going relaxed and happy to accept things without worrying bezbrižan; ležeran
or getting angry
clumsy moving or doing things in a very awkward way nespretan
mean not willing to give or share things, especially money škrt; podao
absent-minded tending to forget things, perhaps because you are not duhom odsutan, rastresen;
thinking about what is around you, but about nesvjestan
something else
argumentative a person who is argumentative likes arguing or often sklon prepirci, svadljiv
starts arguing
sensitive aware of and able to understand other people and osjetljiv, lako uvredljiv, nježan
their feelings
sensible able to make good judgements based on reason and razborit, pametan
experience rather than emotion; practical
stubborn determined not to change your opinion or attitude tvrdoglav, svojeglav, nepopustljiv
brand new completely new nov novcat
to bore stiff extremely bored strašno zagnjaviti, biti strašno
freezing extremely cold koji se smrzava, koji se sleđuje;
tiny very small in size or amount sitan
(to be) wide awake (= fully awake) (biti) sasvim budan, razbuđen
great (house) very large; much bigger than average in size or gospodska (ugledna) kuća, dvorac
boiling very hot vreo, uzavreo, koji vri
fast (asleep) firmly; completely, (= sleeping deeply) čvrsto spavati
to scald yourself to burn yourself or part of your body with very hot opariti, ofuriti
liquid or steam
brilliant extremely clever or impressive or very successful sjajan, odličan
drinking habits
sitcom regular programme on television that shows the same komedija situacije, žanr komedije
characters in different amusing situations koji se razvio u najčešći oblik
zabavnog TV programa, likovi su
okupljeni oko jedne ili više
humorističnih priča koje se
događaju u zajedničkom
okruženju, npr. kod kuće ili na
radnom mjestu
to define definirati, odrediti
generation all the people who were born at about the same time naraštaj
to introduce to make something available for use, discussion, etc. uvesti, predstaviti
for the first time
haircut the style in which somebody's hair is cut frizura
star a person who has the main part, or one of the main slavan (glavni) filmski glumac
parts, in a film/movie, play, etc (glumica)
among being included or happening in groups of things or (iz)među, posred
long(est)-running that has been continuing for a long time dugoročan
successful having become popular and/or made a lot of money uspješan
series a set of radio or television programmes that deal with serija
the same subject or that have the same characters
to hit to be very successful uspjeti (?)
small screen television (when contrasted with cinema) televizija
go your separate ways to go in a different direction from somebody you have razići se
been travelling with
episode one part of a story that is broadcast on television or epizoda
radio in several parts
decade a period of ten years desetljeće
flatmate a person who shares a flat/apartment with one or netko tko dijeli sobu s drugim(a)
more others
trial an experience or a person that causes difficulties for iskušavanje
career the period of time that you spend in your life working karijera, zanimanje, profesija,
or doing a particular thing zvanje, djelatnost
trendy very fashionable moderan, suvremen; monden,
apartment a set of rooms for living in, usually on one floor of a stan
to estimate to form an idea of the cost, size, value etc. of ocijeniti, procijeniti
something, but without calculating it exactly
audience a number of people or a particular group of people publika
who watch, read or listen to the same thing
viewer a person watching television gledatelj
huge extremely large in size or amount; great in degree golem, silan
influence the effect that somebody/something has on the way a utjecaj, učinak
person thinks or behaves or on the way that
something works or develops
communication arts komunikologija
group a number of people or things that are together in the skupina, grupa
same place or that are connected in some way
to reflect to show the image of somebody/something on the odražavati
surface of something such as a mirror, water or glass
microcosm a thing, a place or a group that has all the features svijet u malom
and qualities of something much larger
to encounter to experience something, especially something susresti
unpleasant or difficult, while you are trying to do
something else
daily happening, done or produced every day dnevni; svakodnevni
to relate to feel connected to sb/sth poistovjećivati se
table football an indoor game for two people or teams stolni nogomet
easy (chair) a large comfortable chair udobna stolica/sjedalo
social circle društveno okruženje
supportive that gives help, encouragement or sympathy to koji pruža podršku, podržavajući
endless very large in size or amount and seeming to have no beskrajan
interestingly attracting your attention because it is special, exciting zadivljujuće, koje bude zanimanje
or unusual
store a large shop that sells many different types of goods prodavaonica, trgovina
dual having two parts or aspects dvostruk, dvojan
rise an increase in an amount, a number or a level uspon
to capture to succeed in getting control of something that other uhvatiti, zarobiti
people are also trying to control
zeitgeist the general mood or quality of a particular period of duh vremena
history, as shown by the ideas, beliefs, etc. common
at the time
credited given credit, admiration for sth kojemu je nešto pripisano,
researcher explorer znanstveni radnik, istraživač
to analyse to examine the nature or structure of something, analizirati, raščlaniti, razglabati
especially by separating it into its parts, in order to
understand or explain it
to explore to examine something completely or carefully in order istraživati, proučavati
to find out more about it
whether used to express a doubt or choice between two da li (?)
popular modern, liked or enjoyed by a large number of people poznat, suvremen, moderan
prior to before something raniji, prijašnji, prethodni/prije
nego li
common happening often; existing in large numbers or in many zajednički
to intensify to increase in degree or strength; to make something pojačati, pooštriti, itenzivirati
increase in degree or strength
intensifier a word, especially an adjective or an adverb, for Pojačivač, komparativ?
example so or very, that makes the meaning of
another word stronger
to enjoy to get pleasure from something uživati
surge a sudden increase in the amount or number of porast
something; a large amount of something
ratings a set of figures that show how many people watch or ocjena
listen to a particular television or radio programme,
used to show how popular a programme is
terrorist a person who takes part in terrorism terorist, onaj koji vrši teror, koji
obavlja akcije fizičkog nasilja u
političke svrhe
attack an act of using violence to try to hurt or kill somebody napad
to grieve to feel very sad, especially because somebody has žalostiti se, biti ojađen, tugovati
to struggle to try very hard to do something when it is difficult or nastojanje, naprezanje
when there are a lot of problems
to make sense pronaći smisao
horror a feeling of great shock, fear or disgust groza, užas, strava
to unfold to spread open or flat something that has previously odvijati se, proširiti se, rasprostrti,
been folded; to become open and flat razviti
familiar well known to you naviknut na; poznat
comfort the state of being physically relaxed and free from ugodnost, udobnost
pain; the state of having a pleasant life, with
everything that you need
sought past tense, past participle of seek tražiti, nastojati oko, ići za
the feel-good factor the feeling of confidence in the future that is shared koji naglašava ugodno i pozitivno
by many people
factor one of several things that cause or influence čimbenik, okolnost; posrednik
according to as stated or reported by somebody/something u skladu s, prema, po navodu
utopia an imaginary place or state in which everything is utopija, idealno stanje koje se ne
perfect može ostvariti
fantasy a pleasant situation that you imagine but that is tlapnja, sanjarija
unlikely to happen
character (actor) an actor who always takes the parts of interesting or glumac
unusual people
childhood the period of somebody's life when they are a child djetinjstvo
throughout during the whole period of time of something skroz-naskroz; cijelo vrijeme,
uzduž i poprijeko
on-off interrupted by periods when the relationship is not na mahove, isprekidano, gdjekad
romance an exciting, usually short, relationship between two ljubav, romantika
people who are in love with each other
final (episode) being or happening at the end of a series of events, konačan, završni
actions, statements, etc
bore a person who is very boring, usually because they talk gnjavator
too much
geek a person who is boring, wears clothes that are not superštreber
fashionable, does not know how to behave in social
situations, etc.
to whine to complain in an annoying, crying voice cmizdrenje, plačljivo govoriti
computer programmer a person whose job is writing programs for computers računalni programer
constantly all the time; repeatedly neprestano
to make sb laugh nasmijati
disastrous very bad, harmful or unsuccessful koban, grozan, užasan
to find flaws to discover a mistake in something that means that it pronalaziti mane
is not correct or does not work correctly
to date (somebody) to have a romantic relationship with somebody izlaziti (hodati) s nekim
to manage to succeed in doing something, especially something poći za rukom, uspjeti
unemployed without a job although able to work nezaposlen
belief a strong feeling that something/somebody exists or is uvjerenje
true; confidence that something/somebody is good or
talent a natural ability to do something well darovitost, nadarenost,
dense stupid, difficult to understand glup, tupoglav, ograničen duhom
lovable having qualities that people find attractive and easy to drag, mio, simpatičan, umiljat,
love, often despite any faults koji osvaja
charming very pleasant or attractive divan, šarmantan
to cheer sb up to become more cheerful; to make razveseliti, ohrabriti (nekoga)
somebody/something more cheerful
spoilt rude and badly behaved because they are given razmažen
everything they ask for and not enough discipline
coffee house a restaurant serving coffee kafić
consultant a person who knows a lot about a particular subject savjetnik
and is employed to give advice about it to other
crisis a time when a problem, a bad situation or an illness is kriza
at its worst point
to throw arms up to give up, to let go „dići ruke u zrak“, odustati,
predati se
despair the feeling of having lost all hope očaj, beznadnost
permanent lasting for a long time or for all time in the future; trajan
existing all the time
hippy = hippie, a person who rejects the way that most hipijevac
people live in Western society, often having long hair,
wearing brightly coloured clothes and taking illegal
eccentric considered by other people to be strange or unusual ekscentričan, čudački
spiritual connected with the human spirit, rather than the body duhovni
or physical things
masseuse a woman whose job is giving people massage maserka
to chant to sing or shout the same words or phrases many jednolično pjevati, opjevati
aura a feeling or particular quality that is very noticeable aureola, atmosfera
and seems to surround a person or place
unique very special or unusual jedinstven, bez premca
deeply very; very much duboko, jako
insecure not confident about yourself or your relationships with nesiguran
other people
to tidy up to make something look neat by putting things in the pospremiti
place where they belong
bossy always telling people what to do sklon zapovijedanju (nametanju
svoje volje)
have it your own way! used to say in an angry way that although you are not raditi posve kako je nekoga volja
happy about something that somebody has said, you
are not going to argue
desire a strong wish to have or do something želja, čežnja
dream man muškarac snova
eventually at the end of a period of time or a series of events konačno, na koncu
to settle down to start to have a quieter way of life, living in one skrasiti se, osnovati kućanstvo
place (obitelj), oženiti se
attitude the way that you think and feel about shvaćanje, stav
somebody/something; the way that you behave
towards somebody/something that shows how you
think and feel
mixture a combination of different things mješavina, smjesa
envy the feeling of wanting to be in the same situation as zavist, jal
somebody else; the feeling of wanting something that
somebody else has
to sip to drink something, taking a very small amount each gucnuti, polako otpijati, pijuckati
to be witty able to say or write clever, amusing things biti duhovit
disdain the feeling that somebody/something is not good prezir, omalovažavanje
enough to deserve your respect or attention
untroubled not being worried and anxious nezabrinut, spokojan, miran,
responsibility a duty to deal with or take care of odgovornost
somebody/something, so that you may be blamed if
something goes wrong
to approach to come near to somebody/something in distance or približiti (se), primaći (se)
big-headed overly conceited or arrogant umišljen, arogantan, naporan

to come out to be available or obtainable izaći (biti izbačen na tržište)

to end up to become eventually; turn out to be završiti

insanely Immoderate; wild iznimno, ludo

self-obsessed egoistic egocentričan, opsjednut samim

sobom, koji gleda samo na sebe

nosy offensively curious or inquisitive znatiželjan

palm top a small computer that literally fits into your palm Džepno računalo

techno-geek a person that is crazy about technology (?) (rekoh… da prevedem

„tehnološki frik“? XD )

wasteful causing waste, destruction, or devastation razmetan, rasipan

fondness devotion, love, affection, liking Naklonost?

cleanliness čistoća

godliness piety by virtue of being a godly person

to scald To burn with or as if with hot liquid or steam ofuriti, opeći, opariti

to be fed up annoyed, discontented, or bored zasititi se, biti zasićen

soap opera A drama, typically performed as a serial on daytime sapunica

television or radio, characterized by stock characters
and situations, sentimentality, and melodrama

current affairs a genre of broadcast journalism suvremena zbivanja (?)

enviable causing envy zavidan

estimated to be calculated approximately procijenjen

huge extremely big, enormous izniman, ogroman, jako velik

utopian of or relating to a perfect or ideal existence utopijski, iz mašte, nestvaran

fine good, nice dobar

fine money you gave to pay if you did sth wron, committed kazna
and offence or sth

to match to put together spariti

match event in sports/the thing you light the fire with utakmica/šibica

Social studies a course of instruction in an elementary or secondary Društvene znanosti(priroda i

school comprising such subjects as history, društvo)
geography, civics, etc.
To incorporate to form or combine into one body or uniform Uključuje, sadrži, sjedinjuje?
substance, as ingredients.
to embody: His book incorporates all his thinking on
the subject.

Slicked back smooth and glossy; sleek. Zalizano,sjajno

To send shivers down Tjerati nekog da se naježi, širiti

the spine jezu

To be scared stiff Skameniti se od straha

interrogator a person who interrogates. Ispitivač?

Smack on the back Šamarčina, udarac po leđima

To teeter to move unsteadily. Nabadati (u štiklama? XD)

To pull smb's leg Zafrkavati?

To scare the pants of Khm, da se usreš u gače? XD

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