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My ÌTANIJÍ( MESSAGE) at our Temple, Indigene Faith of Africa( Ijo Orunmila Atò) Inc 1953,

today Saturday 6th February 2021, was taken from the Odù, Òkànràn Àjàňgbilè( Òkànràn


Ifá rínú, ilè ríkà, eni tó ńse rere Olòrun móò


Ifa knows your heart, the Earth knows the

wicked, those who do good Olódùmarè knows.

The story

The three friends, Èké (The liar), the son of Alara), Ìkà (The wicked), the son of Ajero and
Ifárínú (Ifa knows your heart), the son of Orunmila visited three elders (Esu, Ogun and Obatala)
of a town for protection on their work and stay after they have been advised by Ifa to be
truthful in all their endeavors. The three elders repeated the same warning to them and told
them that they can always rely on them in times of trouble.

One day Esu visited Eke omo Alara. He said, "please help me burn these 10,000 cowries with
'ewe segunsete( leaf of Ifa) and atare ( alligator pepper)." Esu left. Eke( the liar) said aloud,"
this short man must be stupid. Why would I burn valuable money ( cowries) with herbs. Since
he would not know, I would just burn various leaves and present to him since whatever you
burn shall turn to black". He kept the 10,000 cowries to himself. When Esu returned, he
presented the black powder but Esu instructed him to keep it until when the use of it is

Esu visited Ika( the wicked), the son of Ajero. The same thing happened. The money was not
included with other leaves.

Esu visited Ifarinu, the son of Orunmila and gave out the same assignment. The two friends
named above tried to convince Ifarinu to do the same saying, "you must be an idiot to burn
precious money". But Ifarinu refused to listen to them and did as Esu instructed. Esu told him
to keep the medicine until its time to be used.
To cut long story short, the town was invaded by enemies. Eke ran to Esu for protection. Esu
told him, "you have sacred medicine at home. What I asked you to burn is your Savior". He ran
back home to use what he knew would not work. The invaders caught him and cut off his
head. The same thing happened to Ika. Only Ifarinu was saved after using the medicine.

Truthfulness is the key to longevity and prosperity.

Those who have ears should listen.

From Araba of Oworonsoki land, Lagos Nigeria

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